independent tick et IN FIELD \ gvlva is in town politics up to her neck, antl those acquainted with the .?eography of the town will admit that she lifts some neck. j?.ist Monday night the democrats oi' the town met and nominated a ticket tor the town election. The first partizan ticket that Sylva has over lind for town officers. W. R. Sherrill was nominated for Mayor, D. M. Hall, C. L. Allison, A. W. Cope. H. E Buchanan ai^d R. C. Allison were put on the ticket for aldermen. Mayor George W. Sutton coun tered the move of the democrats by calling a mass meeting of citizens of tin' town, to meet at his office, last Friday afternoon, at which a com mittee was appointed ' to make re commendations for the personel of a "citizen's tieket," which > was to be composed of an equal number of democrats and republicans; and the adjourned until Monday nislit, giving the committee until that time to arrive at its conclusion. On Monday night the committee reported that . it/ had decided upon Geo. W. Sutton for Mayor, C. W. Penning, I)r. A. A. Nichols, Prof. R. F. Hough, Alvin Ensle.1 and J. D. Cowan as aldermen. The report oi the committee was adopted an:l the above tickoi was named to oppose the democrat!'; ticket in the election ;o be held ou May 7. Oi' the ticket nominated by tlie ri i/en's nn-s in<?et.n? V.r button Mr. Enslev >1 I #r. N'u-1 i>is are re publicans, ?nd I'mf. !f civ' . Mr. IV11 . and Mr u? nr< .! :uj<r:its MRS. SALLIE A. STEDMAN IS DEAD Mrs. Sallie A. Stedman, widow of Mr. Frank A. Stedman, died at Hayesville on last -Monday. She was about eighty-five years of' age and had been in feeble health for several years. Mrs. Stedman was well known here having moved, with her family, to Sylva, 'row Raleigh, abopt thirty vt-uu igo, and since ihat tune havr in? made her home ill tikis section of the state. She is survived by two children, Rev. C. E. ' Stedman, of Clay county, and Mrs. Frank E. Heam, of Eatonton, Qa., three children, Frank, W.R. and Mrs. S. W. Enloe having preceded her to the {.rave several years ago. The funeral and interment oecured at Hayesville, 011 Tuesday. FROM REV. ELZIE VTStS Dear Mr. Editor: ? Will you please give me space in your paper for n letter to my friends in dear old Jackson? I don't think I have ever lived in a place that got hold of the strings of my heart as Jackson coun ty did. I have often thought of it& lofty mountains and beautiful vallies, but I have thought still more about the noble men and women over there, whom I am glad to call my friends, I never knew the county tad such a hold on my heart strings until 1 had to say good bye and leave. I hope my friends have not forgotten me and my little family. I want to tell something of what I have been doing over here : ^ The first thing, I did was to finish the parsonage which had been built several years ago but had never been completed. We spent $250.0Q on this work. This accomplished my iiext job was to build a church. Several preachers had mndc^yi start at it, and would },'ct so far, and would stop. But when I started, I made up my mind that I was going to put the thin" over. The contract has been let, and as I write* this letter the , carpenters can bo heard tearing down the old building. The new church is to be brick veneer with Sunday School rooms to take care of our Sun day School work. It is to be modern in every respect. 1 would appreciate a letter from ??)? of my friends who may read this - ?ote. Tell me what the church in | doin<,', and arc the people yell u.-l happy. With best wishes for your paper |>?d kindest ^regards to all rny friends in dear old Jackson, I am, Sincerely yours, ' t ? . ELZIE MYERS. BEDFORD BEGINS EXOAVATIOH The Medford Furniture Company^ bas bet,'\in excavating on their lot on Main street, preparatory to > * MRS. JOHN B. ENSLEY PASSES ' Mrs. John B. Ensley died at her home here Sunday morning, after a short illness, of pneumonia and. com plications. While it was known that she was seriously ill, the news of her death came as a shock to many people of the community. The funeral was conducted Monday afternoon, at the Baptist church by Rev. W. Ross Yokley, Rev. Thad F. Deitz and Rev. 0. J. Jones, and interment ^was in the Keener cemetery. Mrs. Ensley, who was, before her marriage to John B. Ensleyfln 1882, Miss Mollie Queen, a daughter of the late James Queen. She was bom on August 23, 186:1, and when about four-teen years of age she was converted and joined the Baptist church. Being a woman of many admirable traits of character, she was much loved among an un usually laige circle of friends, the church, crowded to capacity, and the floral offering attesting the esteem in which she was held in this, her native section. Mrs. Ensley is survived by her husband, John B. Ensley, and seven children, Mrs H. M. Hooper and Lhester, of Akron, Ohio, Cynthia, of Cincinnati, A. B., of Charlotte, Blain, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Alvin rfnd Hattie Florence, of Sylva, all of whom were at their mouther's bed side when tlie end came. o WILL OBSERVE OARDEN WEEK Raleigh, X. C, April 2ft? The week of April 22 to 28 has been designated as National Garden Week in the United States. It will be ob served in North Carolina by tin official proclamation ol' Governor Morrison and by efforts of extension workers of ? the State College and ?tate Department of Agriculture to devote more than usual attention to the planting of gardens ar^l :he beau tifications of the farmstead. O. C. Matthews, chief of the i Division of Horticulture, gives ai%the pur|? o?" GardeiL Week, Jlje encouragement ol the oratrly planting of vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. There is now oi. foot in North Carolina n movement to encourage the Live-at Home idea and this takes in the main ideas of Garden Week. There is also a garden campaign being con ducted at this time by the negro farmers and this National Garden Week comes at the same-time to aid and further encourage the work that the State has already begun. Prof. Matthews says that some of the things which may be easily doTte this week arc: Clean up the waste and barren places and beautify them with" grass, flowers or vines; Start an all-year garden so that some vegetables may be served each day in the year. He gives tJ ? following plait to be used during t;?e. week: "Clean up ? get rid of all rubbish, broken fences and other unsightly objects. Brighten up ? paint the buildings, plant the barren spots and give the farmstead and home an air of neatness and orderliness. Keep it up ? don't stop when garden week is over. Make this just a beginning^ Plant perennial flowers and shrubs as these come every year and get better as they get older. Beautify the place and suc cess will follow." > - o WORDS OF APPRECIATION ' We wish to express our thanks through your columns to our friends for their many acts of kindness, as fsistancfc and sympathy shown our dear wife and mother during her sickness and death. We extend,our thanks to our many friends, Church and Sunday School and different Sunday School classes for tile token of sympathy conveyed to us by their appointed represen tatives. The .heart of our home is gone ai\J nothing can be said or done will fill the vacuum, but the knowledge of knowing we have friends who sympa thize with us in the sad loss which has made our home desolate, brings a gleam of comfort in the midst of our sorrow. Every kind act performed, even attention shown, every word of sympathy expressed has found lodge meat in our hearts and will last as long as li?p endures. We especially feel consoled through tho comforting words and prayers of Rev. Yokfcy, Deitz, Jones and ' Quoeo. Affectionately, 4 W & &K&&Y ?AdRiuil* s CHEOAH NEWS The farmers of this place hav< boon pretty busy gettiry? their grounc ready to plant their crops. Mrs. W. II Jones visited Mrs. Will Garland Monday evening. Mrs. Rose, ^and daughter in law, took dinner with Mrs. Philips Sun day. Mr. Carl Jenkins, of< Stecoah, visited the Sunday School at this place last Sunday. Mr. W. II. Jones made a business trip to Scoln, and other places last Thursday, returning home Sunday. Mr. John Wilson, of Beech Creek is very ill. Hope for him a speedy recovery. Miss Inez Carpenter spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Larah Stewart. A large crowd enjpyed a very nice sinking at the Baptist Church Sun day evening. Miss Edna Jones took dinner with Miss Inez Carpenter, Sunday. Mts. J. II. Hyde is very sick. Miss Vola Buchanan took dinner with Miss Dollic Garland, Sunday. Mr. Dock Stewart and Herbert Carpenter contracted Mr. Jone's lumber hauling. There was preaching at the Bap tist Church here last Saturday and Sunday byKev. Oscar Crisp the pastor. The Sunday School at this place is progressing nicely. They arc going to reorganize the B. Y. P I*, next Sunday. Mr. Dave Garland and Leon Bar -thm. <>i 111-.-; .place, a yd' some others .tin1 t;> Topton fox-hunting Satur alUnmuil Bom to Mr. and Mi's. Arthur Car rin^er, a son Miss Viola Jones spent Sunday I with her friends, Misses Stella and I<ola Hyde. Mr. John Orr, of Buft'alo, visited his parents Monday. ? o WHITESIDE COVE Wo have been having sonic very rainy weather I'oi the past few days. A. Edwards is apflftdin^ a few d-.ys with her molh-H', Mrs. D. C. Picklesinier. % Jlr Harry 1 1 ilK passed through here I-';t:iday Mr. Daniel Edwards motored to | Cashiers Sunday. 'Mrs. E. 0. Lombard spoilt Sun- 1 day with her mother. Mrs. T. If. | Bryson. ' * Miss Canty Bryson spent Satur day with her sister, Mrs. E. 0. Lom bard. , The young folks of Whiteside on- 1 joyed an et*g hunt given at ' the | homo of Mr. and Aire. H. B. Pickle sinier 's. Easter. Mr. C. JCdwarjls and Will Watson I visite'd ,it Mrs. E. B. Norton's, at j Shortnff, Sunday with Miss Cloo | Edwards. Miss Coral Loo Picfdcsimer spent] Sunday with Miss Cleo Edwards. Mr. Luna Watson motored to| Cashiers Sunday. Mr. 4?bb Bumgarnor was in White- 1 side, Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Pidwards spent Sunday afternoon with , Mrs. S. I. Lombard. Our Sunday j\hooI was reorganiz ed oil April first. Hope Jo see a large at ton deuce. Mr.| D. C. Picklesimor made a 1 business trip to Lake Toxawayj Thursday. Mr. Fred Edwards was in White- 1 side, Sunday. Misses Ruth and Dorothy Lombard visited their grand-mother, Mrs. S. I Lombard, Saturday. Mr. Ehric Cash has gone to Wal halla, S. C., on business. Messrs. Troy and Trui Edwards' were in Whiteside, Sunday. The folks had a community day at | tlie Middlesex school in Nash County recently when the men pulled off their coats and plowed, dug and haul ed nil day while the children cleaned np t Ik* grounds. The Home Agent arid Landscape Specialist of the State Collie and State Department of Agriculture made plaus for im-j proving tile grounds Seven . other school^ we^e also helped in the same| war. ,1 4 The farmer who doesn't . worry I much todaj is the one who- has a monthly incpnie check from chickens, I cows, hogs and a big check when his cash crtjp is srfd. ? 7* ' ? "And congressmen take off their hats, V 1 Acknowledging its power. ' ' SM9 JW kwe Jtrwa .. ? SHOAL GREEK ! Our school is preparing for Cora 1 mencement exercises to take place the twenty sixth and twenty^ aeyenth. Mr. and Mrs. Jno.\. Hyatt, j*?r. Luther Hoyle and Mr. Lonnie Crisp , ^ined at Rev. W.-A. Anthony's Sun .day. * -Mr. and Mrs. J. ML Bird of Brysou City, were guests at Mr. C. A. Bird's, Sunday. . ' "N Mrs. R. E. Owen, of Waynesville is visiting her father, Mr. J. M. Worley. Mrs. J. C. Johnsoiy'dined at Mr. G. T. Cooper's, Sunday. ? Prof. W. R. Henry, of Proctor, spent the week end with Mr. J. 0. Terrell. Mr. P. H. Ferguson and family at- 1 tended Epworth League at Wliittier, Sunday night. Mrs. G .C. Wiggins and Miss Lucy Wiggins dined at Mr. J. K. Terrell's, Sunday. ? Mrs. J. A. Moore made a trip to Bryson City, Saturday. Prof, and Mrs. C. R. Bird dined at Mr. J. H. Hughes', Sunday. Mr,* K. Ilowell and Mr. Rans Mathews, were guests at Mr. S. M. Crisp's, Sunday. Mr. D. A. Martin, of Cherokee, called at Mr. W. C. Martin's, Run day. Mrs. A. M. Gibson called at Mr. W. P. House's, Sunday. Messrs. Golman Kinsland and Claude Terrell attended a musical at Wliittier, Wednesday, night. Miss Mary Emma Ferguson visit ed Misses Moselle and Phyllis Moody ! Sunday. Mr. James Freeman has moved to Ducktown. - Sunday was a liue day. The Sun day Schools wfo'e well attended also a goodly number at the afternoon service. o ? ? , WILMOT Rev. TIia?l Wat, on preached an interesting sermon at# tlio Baptist Church Sunday. v Mi1. Dewey McKay of Ha/.elwood, spent the week end with relatives here. . 9 # .Misses Bessie Sellers, Cora Gib son, Messrs. .Tuliiis Watson and John Queen went kodoking Sunday a fter uoon. ; , .Mr. McKihley Farley is spending a tew days with home folks. Misses Xannie M. Nation and Xellie Sutton of Barker's Creek at tended services here Sunday, i- Mr. Jesse Farley made a business trip to Canton Saturday. ,Mrs. Walter Raby was the guest of Mp. Lon Revis, Monday. Miss Bessie Sellers called at the Misses Brown's Monday. Mi's. Cook visited her daughter, Mrs. Iva Lee Nation, Sunday, Mr. Fred Bradley and family hftvc tnoved to the Dee Denton place. Mrs. Alma Watson dined at Mrs. J. T. Revis', Sunday. Little Ferry Lee Revis spent thv> week end with her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Bumgarner. ' Bessie Farlev and little son, Wil lard, spent Saturday night with Mrs. Dee Denton. " ? ? , Lfttlc Klanor Ward, of Barker's Creek, spent a few days with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R Ashe. , Mrs. Roy Blanton visited her brother, Mr. Bedford Bradley, Thurs day. Mr. Dewey 'Beck, of Barker's Creek returned Sunday to his work hen?. Mr. JIarrv Johnson visited at Mr. R. B. Ward's, Sunday. Mr. Talmage Sherrill was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis a;id family have been sj>ending a few days with his father, Mr. Turner Lewis, of Whittier. Rev. Thad Watson spent Saturday night with Mr. Thomas Gibson. Mr. Ellis Patterson has gone back , to Rav^nsford, where he will stay for a while. Mrs.Sophronin Harris spent Satur day with Mrs. Tom Farley. Mrs. Ida Gibson- was in town Fri day. ? ? ; Miss leona Dills and Mrs. Raynor were in town Saturday. ; Misses NeTiie and Bonnie Bum . garner attended services here Sun day. ? (r BRYSON TO BUILD - _( 4 I). G. Bryson is contemplating erecting a brick business building on the lot now occupied, by A. F.C'louse and Company's store, to be used by illAfc firm. v JURY AGAIN MAKES MISTRIAL f I i ? ~ A sccond jury, in the*"ribordcr'n i court, trying Mayme Ensley and Ru fus Robinson, on a charge of F. & A. again failed to rcacli an agreement, and for a second time a mistrial was ordered in the case, in which a mis trial was ordered a month ago. ? it Almost the whole of the time o!' ithe court, on Monday and Tuesday was taken up with the trial of this case in which more than twehty witnesses for the state were examin ed. Robert Cabe was found guilty of obstructing a public road, which ran through his place, and judgement was suspended upon payment of the costs. The question that arose was as to whether the road through Mr. Gabc's property was a private or a public road, and after the decision of the court the parties agreed tliat the road should be used by the public until a public cart way can be laid out and constructed. Ras Extinc was fined $5.00 and ihe costs for failure to work the roads. Don Alexander and Rose Alexan der were charged with F. & A. and a of the costs by the male defendant, judgement suspended upon payment nol pros was taken as to Rose and Floyd .Tones, (leo. Smathers ami Rufus, .Tone.-; nil plead guilty to drunkenness and judgement was sus pended upon payment of the costs. (ieo. ^lathis was found guilty of an.assualt with a ydeudiy weapon np on .Matt Collins, was fined $50.ty0 and costs and took an appeal to the mi perior court. (Continued on j page .">) ' ' ' 0 McGUIRE TO BUILD Drs. McCtiirc, it is announced wiJI immediately begin the erection of a business and office building ai l!i? present site of their dental ofl'ce. BALSAM The entertainment and box 'supper here Saturday evening ^were quite a success. , Tli ere. were .only twelve boSes and all sold at a good Jirice hut Mi-.s. (I M eh alley's was sold at the highest, which was A box oi' <vndy was voted to tile "uu lies!" mail v h;eh saused much !:i ? j*i ! . tor. This w:;s voted to Rev. A. Bryson who sold the boxes. A cake was voted to the prettiest girl wl:ic|i was presented to Miss Grace Mehaf fey. There were quite a number oi' l>eople from Wayne ;vi lie, Ha/.ehvoed. ^aunook and Willets. We wish to thank one and idl lor their liberality.. The total proceeds amounted 'to ^4' which will be used toward paintim* the Baptist and Methodist Churches. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miiis Friday, Aj>ril 20th, a boy. Mr. and All's. T. M. Rickaids have returned from Florida. There dawrli ter, Miss Kate, who has been in Columbia, S. l\, for some time re turn vd with tlirni. M ? If. I'. Fnsley, Mr. and Mix Kuir; :ie Ensley, Mrs. Mary Woody and Messrs Hubert and Odell Eils!e\ | mot- ; ed to Franklin, Sunday. Mr. and Mi's'. E. I). Wright, o. Wil'^ts visited Mrs. W. B. Farwci! and Mrs. I). T. Knight, Sunday after noon. Mr. .1. K. Kenney, of Asheville, i ; visiting in Balsam. Mrs. K. L. Cope went to Asheville, Monday. > Mrs. Mary Robinson of Wille's visited. her d.:i: , liter, Mrs. Ildllowe:!, Sunday. | Miss 'Km ma McKay, of I laze' ' wood, who has been visit ilwr friends in Balsam, returned home Momlay. j Anion,';- thos^,vh') went to Syly.i Monday, were Me. -. Fd Middleiri;, A. C. Bryson and ."'.?"Kenney. Misses Grace and i.' ir Meliaffey, Messrs Odell and Ilubc,; Eyslrv mid1 i * Coy Hedrick motored t.< /elwood. Sunday evening and attc:;'?i. ' the re vival conducted by Rev. >rd Jenkins. j Mrs.Carrie Belle Sprinkle of A<i,! visited in Balsam last week. Mrs. Sara Bryson, who has been teaching near Candler is in Bal.saiu for a short while. o GET-TOGETHER MEETING OF ALL FORMER S. C. I. STUDENTS On Saturday evening. May otli, at eight o'clock there will be a get together meeting of all former stud ents and graduates of SylvaCollegiatc Institute. The meeting will be held in the administration building; ami al! frrmer students and trustees nv uivred to be present. Coijie and me: t < your ^>ld class i nates on the Hill ? again lor tii^ -arc going tlicro. , HERBERT HATCHER SHOT AT FAYETTEVILLE * The following account, taken from the Fayetteville Observer,. April IS, wiil be of interest to readers of the Journal is Sylva,' where Herbert Hatcher, son of Air. and Mrs. R. L. Hatcher, lived until a few years ago, when he joined the United . States Army. Fort Bragg, April 18. ? With the arcest. of two colored men of Fay ettevillc last night, a possible solu tion of the shoting of Private Her bert Hatcher, Q. M. C., may be reach ed. It will be remembered by a few that the soldier was shot in the mouth by an unknown assailant at 9 o'clock Thursday nigjit, Mafeh 15, on the Wilmington road, about a quarter mile from Person street. The matter was not made public ands tiie careful, secret inquiry being pur- . sued by the Fort Bragg provost mar shal's Oi'liee was' materially assisted by the Fayetteville police force. The result is that Finest and Paul Car ver, ncgraes* and brothers, will be brought be ton1 the Recorder Friday morning accused of the shooting. The negroes are lodged in the city / . . . f jail in Fayetteville, after their ar r>'t by the city police. Private Hatcher was on pass in l-ayetteville on the day of the shoot ing and drove a car to a soft-drink sirnd on the Wilmington road, leav ing his companion, a young lady, in the car at the roadside. Coming oat of the soft-drink stand after a few nor.tents, Hatcher was greeted by a iiillet, Iroin a .'52-cal. pistol, the bail striking his jaw in two places. Tho shot came from tin' Shadows and no [race of the soldier':; assailant could be foetid. Mystery akin to the usual Black Hand shooting js|hrou< vd ihe cas?: for a long time. Hatcher liadl no enemies, his visit to the placc was to nii'ke a legitimate purchase, ne ;roe; living in the neighborhood of the shooting could ^ throw no 1 iv lit on the identity of the assail ?rr"s. It became apparent "?"that the word had been passed to keep m .iiths clo. eil in that neighborhood, 'i ii>' |.:':)\o.sf i'ti:::".-:iial 's o ce took up the c o at once and the chase v.'ii.- <?n. Fntiring effort along the lines of persistent in<|iiinJ1 among the Jie gr.ies el the district in which tho shoot in.* occured, finally produced a sli'.ht clue. Two days after Hatcher was mysteriously shot, Paul Carver, a young negro living near the scene, had trouble with his wife and it be came known thai his brother, Earnest fled th'- city, fearing the arrival of the police in the 'marital disturbance c.'.-c. This action on the part of Ernest directed suspicion toward him and a witness was found who saw Paul hand a pistol to his Inother outside the soft-drink stand i ? t b. i'ore the shooting of the so'dier. The Carver home was watched am! Ernest's return waited for. Y4r terday, over a month after the shoot ing, Enie-t came back and was :>r.. mpl!y arrested along with his I;;- iher and brought to jail. Tl.o are jointly accused of the et on Private Hatcher. It was said at die I ' jvost marshal's office that much evidence is in hand against tue two accused negroes. S7LVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GRADUATING RECITAL WILLIAM LAW SO ALLEN", EXPRESSION WILLIAM McDANIEL FOWLER, EXPRESSION Assisted bv ' MABEL IRENE WW TAKER, SOPRANO IIl'Mh'IREV MARSHA Mj, PIANO fit 1 1) A V, MAY 4, 1023, 8:00 P. M. FROGRAM ' >T iwii Humorist....; Riley . iiliiim McDaniel Fowler - .r'ssoijs Oco. W. Bai?? Lsiwson Allen Vioii". ? Ellen Wright ?i! ; !)<(' Irene Wliitaker Wantftl-A *?'.? /Werner Williiuu T :>w!er Snir,' .\ier !Ie!ssolii? Humphrey Marsh::!! Willie ami II is Oirl Worner Williaiti Lav- son Allen Pianolo^uc ? Very Dark .R')senbcr^ William .^IcDaniel Fowler Springtime Alfred Wooler - Mahc i Irene Wliitaker On the Road to ManHulay... Kipling Everybody is cordially invited.

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