Jackson County Journal DAN TOMPKINS, Editor. Published weekly by the I JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL COMPANY Bnt?red m second class matter at the Postoflice at S ff9%, U.C. ? ? t ? FRIDAY APKIL 27; 192.1 It seen ls tliat nothing is foreign to America's domestic politics. / This marathon dance comix-tit ion is certainly not au intelligence test. With Ireland a member how can the League hoi*? for peace and herniony? . i As in other dominions, these air accidents ar6 usually plane cases of carelessness. The way some" people try <<??? cross I'.ie gulf to social recognition is by the auiiii.a .?..^ge. It should be made plain ... l!:is ti.ne that license tc fish doesn't include pivvarie.it ;r's . A. s-.-. Judging from their fiction ii wo.;... i"' take a Danvii to decide that people aie do. el y ivL.ii-.t to mules. The American volcano in ('ai!.'orni.i !.?. again in eruption but this time it is Lassen I1;-.::. .. .1 Hi. Johnson, The reding public w.i.i ...iic.J.i ii'< 'earn that tlier were no real casualities :.t the recent 1). A. it. meeting. After all it may be that it is only pi ppy' love that is blind, and even puppies get their eyes oi.en in nine days. Maybe it is called suffrage because o;w' must suiter it the hands of politicians before he can, exercise the right. If Mexico has shaped herself so that t :e I'uited States is about recognize her, we fear that she cani't recognize herself. ? Domestic politics should rightly stop at the wf.ter's edge, but there is no denying thai poli ileal leadt: are at present at sea. .i-j. The record of 34 hours ni.k-teci' min:'t-.\s -Mid sec onds of sustained 1-ight does not t ' e is e? -sii' it i* the length of time national politicians l;a\e been up in the air. Prohibition officers and automobile drivers have, seem ingly, overlooked the luet that people killed by mistake or accident are just as dead as if it had beeii'idcltyei^tit! murder. , Our idea of 'the super-headliner, yet to bo developed, is . one who call make the words lit and balance without smash ing the old language into an unrecognizable conglomera tion. , . \ ^ ([ , What with the navy, the prohibition navy and the ens-" j tows navy, America may not have the biggest or most i efficient navy in the tl'orld, but she certainly has more ! of th:?m. ' It is said of the ancient race of "grisly folk" who lived thousands 01 ^ears ago in Patagonia that" with his jaw he masticated the meat of monstrous, long-forgotten animals". Huh, we can see him in most any restaurant any da v. ^ \ . ? ' ) . f? - President Harding's recent order, placing former ser vice men on the same footing as others, in civil service ex animations, will doubtless, still further increase the popu larity he gained among the soldiers by vetoing the bonus hill and by retaining General Sawyer, the hero of Marion Your success in mounting the ladder of success de pendh largely upon the way you construct the ladder and every man must build his own, acccording ^o speci fications of the Carpenter of Nazareth. "For, Lo; the wintqf is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds-is conle, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land". ? The Song Of Solomon. * The way the late J. Barleycorn and the League of Nations keep cutting up antics is almost enough to con vince us that there inav be something in Oliver Lodge's and Conan Doyle's theories after all. , From the way Governor Morrison tells the world about North Carolina it looks as if he is grooming himself for the j: si) i 1 publicity agent for the state, when lie retires from his present office. ? ; We hold that the action of commissioner Ilavnes in su[>endiug federal officers for sixty days withou^ pay for having shot into a car occupied by two Y. W. C. A. Workers might weil be declared unconstitutional as being cruel ami uuusu:.! punishment". j CLEAN STREETS. Keeping the streets clean is an investment in goe'd ad vertising and in good education that casts very little. The town with clean and beautiful streets is the admiration and the topic of favorable comment of the public, and I hi* fame thereof goes abroad in the land. C!ii:<!:vn who .ire reared in towns with streets littered | with rubbish can never acquire the appreciation of the beautiful tilings of life, physical, mental and moral, that is developed, naturally, in those who grow to manhood and womanhood where streets and premises are clean, | sanitary, and well-kept. Squalid surroundings stunt the ! sense of * the esthetic, and thus carelessness cheats the young child out f it's birthright of a proj>er education. i Let's mend our ways, for the sake of .Sylva, s airs i v I of Good ArnYy Shops at the Low Price of $2.75, $2.95, $3.95 and $1.75 a pair Now is tlie time to uet vour S j n*i 1 1 work shook. ARMY BARGAIN .>!':)RH Vv. t ?(< ? *. - d in k .irfiUi 1'iif ^i" ' - ? >? ?f . GET INSURANCE Protect your property. It is far wiser. to use fi little precaution now than to bemoan los.;e> later. You deal with an absolutely reliabk compayii when yon deal with us. \ , . B R 0 W X & BJfOWN J V TTST W13 N VJb g yoi.fr hrnw a saf^ om ? YOUR own homd is an ideal investment, always under your personal protec tion, adding to your enjoyment while it adds to your wealth. But have you protected that in vestment against deterioration? Permanence costsbut little more than temporary construction. Ask the hc!p of your building materia! dealer. He knows the bcrV: types cf construction and t!:e be^t materials to use. 7 he Standard by which all other makes are, measured NOTICE Aortb Carolina, Jack-Vm County. Jn The Superior Couit A vie Frady vs. Notice. Alvin II. Fradv. The defendant abovo^ named will take notice that an action entitled as aftove lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintill and the defendant; and the said de fendant will further take notice thai he is required to ap)?ear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County at the Court House in Sylva, X. on the 19th day of May, 1923, to an. wer or demur to the complaint, or the plaintiff wiil applytto the Court for the relief de manded in the complaiTit. ) This (April 9, 1923 II. C. MOSS, Assistant, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE, OF SALE UNDER EX ECUTION By virtue of an execution to me issued from the Su|>erior Court of Jackson County, in favor of Vincent A Hughes against Natural Products Corporation, for the sum of $5000.00 interest and costs, I will, on Monday, the 2lst day of May, 1923r at the court house door, atSyh'h, in said county, sell to the highest bidder, foi cash, the entire mineral interest and all rights said Natural Products Ccr poration, has in the lands described in a deed from John E.- Eitfsley and wife to Natural Products Curp:) ra tion, dated Nov. 4, 1918, recorded in the ofliee of the Register of Deeds, Hook No. 70, page $59. Beginning at a black.gum, the beginning corner ol Sec. 48 and runs S. 70 degrees E. 32 poles to a chestnut, corner of 47 then N. 55 dcgv E. 250 poles to a j che itnut, in the line of a seventy-five ? acre tract, the N. 53 degrees W. 100 [ to a stake, the Southeast corner of j his 100 acre tract, known as the Mill ? tract, then S. 55 degrees \\\ 100 I poles to a small chestnut its corner, j then X. 53 degrees W. 10 poles to a beech in the line of 48, then S. 20 degrees W. 70 p.ole3 to a black oak | (old comer) then X. 70 degrees AY". ! 32 poles to a lccust stump in the field, then S. 20 W. 20 poles to the : beginning.Contai'ning fifty acres more' or lesp. Said sale is made to satisfy said execution and costs. < This April 10, 1923. N. L. SUTTON, Sheriff. o NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I Iii accordance with the new School ^ 'TV' \ ^ V\ /* y' ffi Sprjng Time Sale Now On ?' ? r A With a full line of merchandise we are now able to furnish our customers with real values in all lines. Our line of Dry Goods is complete, Silks, Suitings, Ginghams, in fact anything hat you need in the dress goods line we have it and are selling at a low price. Our line of All Leather Shoes both in Ox fords and high shoes is one of the best as sortments to select from you can find. W^ are here for business and will ap preciate a call from you. H. C. Bryson & Co. ' - CULLOWHEE, N. C. IRWVllUv'd 0 J. ' JSRiAV iSw'4* - ' ? - ? "? 4' .1 If 1/ '? .! /? yJ 1/ / & .? j 4 ^!By. am - ' i -.? --J-- - J. b i_ $ V .- r* ? . ? ? 7 >. ,r;:: - ??? rL ??? : '?? - 25 per cent discount is being* given on ali Spring and Early Sum er Hats. A largo at tractive stock to - iJ - r . , ? ?? choose from: ! GEO. M. ? r~ y Big Reduction in Women's Apparel G. M. COLE & COMPANY are offer 'ing women's Coats, Suits, Waists, and dresses, all the latest styles at greatly reduced prices. $18.00 Coat Suits ?. $12.98 $25.00 Coat Suits . $18.50 $35.00 Coat Suits ...V : $28.50 $5.00 Waists $3.98 $4.00 Waists $2.98 25 per cent discount on all silk Waists. Women's Oxfords $2.98 to $7.50 Hose to match all oxfords 98c. to $4.50. These are all this season's purchase, this season's styles and are seasonable ?> in every respect, except the price, which is far below the season's stand ard. .7 Mid -Summer Mil linery is arriving and Missllicfcs will be glad !j to show you the Sum j mer's latest styles. s^O. ~r i / I ,3 - .? nrt ? 5 ?. ? Cdde enacted by the < ieneral As seitilily of 192-3, rtoiiee . is hereby given that the County Hoard of Edu eattf/n will elect a County Superin tendent of. Public Instruction at its next meeting, the same being tiio First Monday in May, for the bien nial term beginning July 1st, 1923. By Order of the Cuu'uty Board cf Education. (){>K! L k l)l!.T ART), bee. Ex-?l5ci<> to Board of Education. This April 17, 1923. THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN To get something good to eat just when you \vant it. We have moved to the Theater Building. Come to see us and bring your friends. V CITY CAFE i ? t ' C. S. WOLF, Prop. /

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