"* , . was here, from .j,|< week. (&#&???? , , ? tlUH? Mll>! Mi.- A. H. Knslcy have re ;uir home in Charlotte, lew flays here onv Mr. :!!l ,r 10 ? after .ipl'OUllt Mr. - "" ,t ( |;i> sickness and death of >ther, Mrs. John B. Messer spent a short \ Miss In..- - >r. las! week. the guest of Mr. an,l Mr-. IJilh I 'avis, enroutc to her in HM^oii City, from Atlanta, ykrc sin* recently underwent" an oiu-wtii'ii hu-,ai'|?tndieitis. 1 m 0 0 Mis. Sallie Liner, oi WaynesvilloJ lit 'CM s|K'iii'in^ :i lew, days here, wiiii Iter daughter. firs. C. H. Mood>. Mi-mcs Kate .Hayes and Addie [.r.i i I leli .Monday for their in ('i.erokec county, after hav t.iii^Ll iu tiie public schools of Sviva iltinn- ll?' !****??? just ended. i, mi' ' t ? IJcv. .-I- M. Kc-ierson, of- Clayton. Ha.. s-i. ni Sunday night here, with Mr. ami -.Mr*. W. IJ. Sherrill, enroute to Hiiii-n'i'inbe county, to see his latlicr. who is ill. v ?- $, Mr. :: u?l Mis. (iiv.haui .(irindstaif wcri' la-re last week, from Frank lin. !i>i' a short visit Mr. A. M. Simons and daughter.! Mi-s I leieii. s|?vni pait of the week in AskWillo. with relatives. Mr. ami Mr*. M. Lonjr were iiciv, Sunday iron* Waynesville. Mr.' ':ni{t Mrs. Charles Smith, of | Canton. were hero Sunday. v ?* f Or. and Mix M. Suliivnn. of Ilau'-villf, a ?v ?hfc> uuests of their ilni' ? iEjlVr. Mis. Clarence A. Bale:*. ) Miss Elizabeth Camller was in Adiovillc (In* latter part t?l" last wool;. ? ? ? I'oli SAl.K ? Now Singer Sewimi j Machine; > burner oil stove with ovrn. Apply lt) Morris' Store. 'Mi.-s Clriv M< Combs and, Mi^-s j Emily Word, of Murphy, who oiv. fallow hoc Noma! School, wore the iueM-i of Miss Wilnut Alii- 1 ?ion tor t !/?? week end. Is Bom. to Mr. suit] Mrs. (llenn Ward, | "J5, 111 Beta, a * sen, William Glenn.. ?' r. ? ? ? Mr. l-'idey E. Buchanan has been visit in 4 his .iters, Mrs. fdctiu War.' ami Mrri./Hedfcrd Ensley. at thtvv Iioiik ? ui Beta. * * * Missc- .Ijniie l '?.ward, Lucy Wells. Annie i.iuii-,e Madison and Emm;: Lou Mo..s motoivd to Asheville, last I Sat unlay. MUs Dixie Coward' has returned | fraii: a short stay in Ashevillc. ? ? ? Mr. (I. T. Cooper was here, lrom Qn^iIIa, the first of the week. ? * ? Mr. (!. ('. Crisp, of Hominy, spent Sunday here, with relatives. * * % M>s Margaret McCaske!!, who taUsjIu in the lli^h School, during the term j,; I closed, left Saturday li'i* licr home in "cnsacola, Fla. Mi *. John 1 rwin and son, John, are pending some time with Mrs. Irwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Hustings. Mr. Hi. s. (ir:.n, of Cowarts, was | in town this week. * * * Mr. Harry Ketyer, of Cullowhee, | was in .town Wednesday. * & * Mr. Henry ('. "ryson was in tow ^ I rum Cullowiiee. this week. ) * * * ? e are requested to announce thai 'V B. II. Cat hey Chapter II. 1). C will meet on the first Tuesday i:i May with Mrs.-loe Mallonee aCAiidic; instead of with Mrs. E. L. McKee, as was previously annouced. 1 ? ? ? I'r. Charles Candler, of Svlva, was I> ? - I in l>rysoii Monday, between trains. ? v Aliss Leila Hayes spent Saturday f'i'l Sunday with her ^sister, Miss Kate Hayes, in Svlva. .M iss .'Hayes returned home Sunday night. ? Bry son City Tines. \ * * * Vr. .lack Woods, of Catiey- For'*, wai in town Mondav. Mr. -John Tatheni was here, from Audit \Y3j last Saturday, Miys Katie MeKec, of Websffer, spent Saturday night here, with re latives. . % ? / Miss Wilma Allison spent Mon day night with friends at Cullowhee. * * Mis. 0. \*. Parker, of A.shc^ille, spent a few days here, ' this week, having come to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mi's. John B. Ensley. , ( ? ? ? Cling Queen, of Ocona Lufta,was here, Monday, to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mi's. J. B. Ensley. i ? ? * \ M rs. Lloyd Floyd was here, from OconaLufty, to attend the funeral oL' her annt, Mrs. J. Ensley, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean and little son, Frank, of Franklin, 'spent a day or (wo here this week with relatives enronte to Gastonia. Mis. A. F. Clouse aeeom pained them. $ * k MT EE FOR SALE ? One tip year old part nnde for sale. Apply 1o J. T. Carson, Willets, X C. ? f> * * V LOST ? On the 19th, between Web ster and Ihe commissarv, a small, ; ? 1 ' ' round, geld filagree breastpin, en circled willi rliinestones, in clusters j of three. U'eturn t ?? the Journal ottwe, or ju?,st pllice in Webster, and re ceive reward. * * * 1 Miss Mary Jones of the 1 liu'u School faculty, !e;i't Sundry I'rtr Greenville, I S. v. here she w ill visit her bro- | llier, who is ill, for a fe?v days be- ! lore going \p her .home in \\ end^'ll. ; V ?* ? THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH s ' * ' The Church With a Welcome. 1 ? ? i I W. KOSS VUKLKV, Pastor Sunday School 0:15 A.(<M. J. T. GKlBBLti, Supt. . Preaching 11 A. M. B.,i V. P. F. 1'. M. *? ( ' Preaching 7 :Jl) P. .M. "Exalt ye Jehovah our God and worship at Kis Foly Hill." HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK The farmer who doesn't wo'Vry much today is thj' one who has monthly income yheck from- c'uckens^ cow.-, hogs a^d a big check when j his cash crop, is sold. JURY AGAIN MAKES MISTRIAL " , ?> J . ' ' ( ? T~ (> ' (Continued from page 1) Dave McMalian was convicted of disposing of mortgaged property, on which Buchanan and ifciBatherwood j held ; ri:!:;e. He contended that lie knew n- thing of the mortgage and did not 'assume it tit the time he bought the property from Mr. Leatherwoed, and when convicted look an appeal to the superior court, making , bond in the siua of $200. ?loiui iSiiular was found not guilty of the charge of abusing a female, and was discharged. The grand jury, at the Febma ry term of court, made ait invest 'jit jc 11 of the matter, in a hi!! ehn igiiiglrr.po, and returned it not a true liil!. The prosecuting witness then brought charges of the lesser crime, in the recorder's court, and after hearing t lit; evidence, Judge Hooker announced that, of his own motion, he was attending the war rant so a- to charge the capital of fense, and that he did' not iind prob able cause, and ordered Shuler dis charged. Alter the jury had twice made, mist rials of the case against Rufus Robinson and Ala^iK1 I'hisley, Ilobin son came into court and entered a plea of guilty. He agreed lo pay all the cos is in the case, including jury, costs, and made bond in the sum of $500 binding him to, keep away from Mayuie Knslev's home lor two years. ^Whereupon lie' was discharged. Uih.l Karnes plead guilty to hav ing been drunk, and judgement was suspend t'd upon payment of the costs. \Yi;/ * 'cDowel! tendered a plea of ;?" ]?? ;:id was lintd $5.00 jjud the ?*:?? ? - ?. for failure' lo work the r.':'.' M... t 'A* ods was tried on the same cliaV'i?', s.nd the conn continued the case until the second Mt nda y in .May, ordering that a pliysiesN N;x aininaiioii be made of Woods in the mean time. i / x * ; ? * CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is <>f.Vn rn'iJ"sit ! y p.n inllcsTOed condition oi i.'io mii-ons lliuiv (>C l:.? Kuetachian Tub.'. \V !.??:; 1 1 . ;s i ? inl!tiniOd you have a rui<:S;i.:i;; r:..:r.d or- imfsrfect he.it inf. , Unios:; the- fMii titration can be reduced, yj'.ir heani>;; i?:ay L-o de nt rov*?d foiovcr. HAUL'S CATAUI'JT Mt-^IcrXE will do what we /?>!? a ; i y.>ur system of C.'Ma? rh <>:' ! ; ; * .'!? ..?j.?od by Cat.-rrh. H ALl/:* ?'AVAiUC?! MI2UICINE Is.-.; htt'n "?1 in t ' : -i treatment of Cauirrli ?'or cVir c'o.'i.v Years. S;>i.l by all ci? :ts P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. sj% r I \ ? -yfr-i vi**5 A'' ." :Vv * ". .- ? , ?? ' c^^;v> 6*?-?/ - ?? V** . . :;^rllfevga !???-??-* l . ,. ^is*-- '/???'< *Vv?v - ' ? ? 'J ? /? " ; ? | ?t'/*^- ? .- ? ;? '- ; '.. ^ - 3gSfe?if . fcli WNCif?5T?A TIIE SEASON IS OPEN , GO OVER YOUR TACKLE BOX AND GET YOUR EQUIPMENT IN GOOD SHAPE. PARTICJIAR ATTENTION EAS BEEN PAID TO FISHERMEN'S NEJ5DS THIS YEAR AND YOU WILL ITlID OUR STOCK OF WIN CHESTER FISHING TACKLE AND ACCESSORIES UNUSUALLY COMPLETE. COME IN AND TRY THE ACTION AND TEST TilE STRENGTH CF A WINCHESTER ROD. THEY ARE MADE TO "STAND THE GAFF". WE HAt\E WINCHESTER REELS FOR EVERY KIND- OF FISHING,? EVERY ONE BUILT LIKE A WATCH. FISHERMEN WILL DELIGHT IN LOOKING OVER OUR FINE COLLECTION OF FISHING TACKLE. Winchester D.uolo and C z:.C rjple Action Reels ? Accurately cul gea is ill: .lire correct meshing, quiet induing and minimum amount of friction. A Winchester Multi-Wobbler? Tlie plug for 'all kind. of fishing. It can lie adjusted to <live, dart, wobble or float. Ki.;?: durable finish in several different colors. V ^ /v "I ' 1 ? ? \ Winchc.ster Spoon Baits ? Well Made, finished lures. An assort meat of patterns lor diflercnt kinds of. ! ' ' , ( Winchester Split Bamboo Rod ? I'muii-passed for strength, lightness, aft ion and casting utfiver. Made from selected cane by expert rod makers. Winchester Enansbeled Silk Lines- Jfigh grade silk coated with special enamel that will not crack or peel. Every line stfengjh tested. / \ /* ' A " * ' J ^ ( * V ' ? -N V ? Everything for the Fishelir^n JACKSON COUNTY HARDWARE CO. * v '? The WINCHESTER Store rv ? " ? . . ?/ ? . ' ? > \ ? .4 ? '? ? ' . r Dress Better I ? ? i -? t r Pay Less That's what we sav. That's what hundreds are doing-=by buying the Spring and Summer Outfit from The ? Paris. Where they can select just what they want, in good quality, cor rect style, and moderate, priced gar ments, to fit the whole family from head to foot. STATEMENT F THE CJNDITJON ' Of the JACKSON COiMlf SANK SYLVA. N. C. AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS April 3rd. 1923 RESOURCES Uoans and discounts ? ? $24ol'W>.27 Demand loans ft;.0.41 Overdrafts secured unsecured ' 247,.*'2 i". S. Konds and Liberty limiili U1 other Stocks, Bonds ami Mortgages l-'urniture and Fixtures 231!. Allother ivalestat.: 4NI2.25 " ' ' % ? Cash in vault and net amounts due lr>nn Hanks. Hankers a "d Trust Companies 14iW.1T 'ash items held over24 hours 431.5" ? hecks forcleariinj 13.01 Total 40o35S.7'i LIABILITIES Capital paid in/ * 3M>00.01) surplus funds ?500.<H) Undivided profits, less current expenses and t.ytes pai<l 62'?7. lf< N'otes and bills rediscounted Uitls pavable Deposits subject tn check , 2017S8.3. Demand Certificate* of Deposit 143449.01 Due to Hanks and Hankers Cashier's Checks outstanding 1235.47 Certified Checks Accrued interest due depositors 4014.91 T otai 40w<55.77 Stateof North Carolina County of Jackson ss: I, J. D. Cowan Assst. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above sld'ement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. D. Cowan Asst. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn tj before me, thisl2th d'-y of Apr. 1''2* GEO. W. SUTTON, Notary Public. Correct? Attest: K. L. McKee Theo. Hucaqaaan Thomas A. Cox Directors. LIKUID SULPHER | COMPOUND Guaranteed to cure any form of Eczema or Itch if properly used, or I money refunded. Try guarantee Eczema and Itch Lotion,. , . ? <? Prepaired by j Guarantee Remedies Co. Aslieville,' N. (?. ) j Sold by ' ' SYLVA PHARMACY . . .'?> ? i *'? ? ? ' r I NO AGENT EMPLOYED 1 20 years at Sylva in Business. See II. ST KIN for I Monuments or Tombstones and save from 25 to .?>5 per cent agent's commission H. STEIN The Man Who Does the Work REPORT OF TH/i CONDITION OF THE mmim mi Sylva, N. C. AT THF CLOSE OF BUSINESS April 3rd,. 1923 J RESOURCES I Loans i :d discounts rl4s!*').5J Demand Loans Overt! 1 4" is seeured-302.'M uusecu roil llril S2 4'i v 7'i Unite I States Bonds ami Liberty ISo.id' ipar value) H50J.0J 142"1 .?2 War K.ivinjj Stamps , ltank'n.w house Furniture and Fixture^ 0Mi2.4i' Casl. in vault and mt amount du^from B.tnks, Bankers and?Trust Compa nies 26451.7! Cash items helfl over 24 hours ? N25.33 Checks !i,.' clearing 21?>u.5\| ll 'uil IVM.?OS .mi LIABILITIES Capital St" ?-'< I'ftid in lOi'.ti.iX) Surplus ftimi t Tou'MHl Undivided pioii'e. less current ex;<eus:i and taxes put 1Mi<.4'i Notte and bills red !?*i>t;nted \ lmr:i.on Bills Parable J 15t*K?.tNI Deposits subject t<? ci?cj< Si.>.?4''. ? <i Time.certificateii^f uc|?i-it Dw'i'i less than 30 days Cashier's checks outs'.:**, i.lintf 415.12 Certified Checks -. 2,i.3.s Time Certificates of'Depi.sli. Due on or Alter 30 1)a ys j 7';4is.l7 Sav mars Deposits - , 'M.5I Accrued interest due deposit'! s 142s. 57 Total J JV?.<fcs.jij State of North Carolina. County <?? -iuks'ii. ss: I, Billy Davis, Cashier <<( tire .?'???v.* icimed bank, do solemnly swear I hat the :ili - V- -'Mte nieut Is true to the best of my Ituuu ?... belief. Billy Davis, Cashiex , Subscribed and sworn to before me, tins. li>Ui day of April 1923. BLAINE >'ICHOf.SOX, Notary Public. Coi recv-Attest. D. (i. Bryson Ceo. C.Snyder Billy Davis 1 Directors. NOTICE OF SALE rXDEIf EXECUTION". By virtue *ol? an execution to in" directed from the Superior Court of Jackson County in favor of the plain tiff in an action entitled County Savins^ Bank of Abeville, is plain tiff and R. R. TOLBERT, Jr., is de 1 ' ? ' | lVixhi it fcr t '.<? sttin of live thousand I ii\e hundred fifty si>t ajud 91-1'tO I dol'urs, ! will on Monday 1 lie 4 ; It j day in' -hint' 1!>23 it being ihe first I i:i ^;e inontii of June, :it i 1 1st* court hr.se door in the town ; I' ' Sylva in .said county, sell to 1 1 1 e highest bidder for cash the rip'it title and interest of the said R. ;'f. To.lbert, dr.. !;as or had cn the 30' li day, of ' ic! oiier 1022 in t he following Ira ct of lot of land described . :;s follows : In Cashiers Valley Township, ij.fcVk.sen County^ North Carolin ir siliw-te lying and being cn both sides | of the Turnpike lending from Wr - j ha'lii in ^cuiii Carolina to Webster j in North Carolina, bounded by the 1 !:"cls of Alfred Za chary, Same 1 ?? ivon and the heirs at law of Joi.a , S Preston deceased, containing sixiy ! fiv ? acres more or less, being saii;e Mauds c. :iveyed by deed from Eli/ | belli I-'. IVrker and Frijvcis L. Par': er. he?* hu-band. to 1?. K. Tolbcrt, ?) ., \ ? bearing date the 29th day of .luir ! li><i:l as regisli -red in the once of t! o ' register "i deeds for .Tackson Counly j in Hook at Pago 14 et seq. 1 > | which re en-ne;1 i.-> hereby made ae.l j ^ ?i;i*v ?s:ae lends upon which t' o j vl?* . I/.' f .lackson County levied ;i j writ i.i Attachment oil in the a -e j entitled ab.'ivo set forth. Refere:c;i i is h< reb;. !e to said levy of :it j tae'imei't as i .::.ie on the 30th < ty I oi (October IDJ'J as same is docketed | iu the oliice of the Clerk if th<? j Superior Court of .Incksoti County j in Judire'iieDt Drcket i:f said Court. Said sale b;inu made to satisfy ? i >?!<?}?; and execution and costs. ' > ! i ? day of April 1!>2{. N. I.. SI'TTON. S' .lackson County. 1 ! ? ? ? , <! i community Jay at t!ie ' <?' ?>. I i:i \a*\ County recently v, v,< pr!!ed off t !"?'.* ' ;::i<1 plowed. <! mid haul cd .:>!! d.'y while the child:. :i c.'r-aneil up 1' e (?.rroimd'. K? !:??? W nt and l.a:i pe J?:-'ciHist of t ie State Col!' siou State Departim n t of Allien! Jure .made plans for im proving tic grounds S'even ot!er schools were also helped in the samf j ^ 'i

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