-fAj TO DELIVER COM. ^ MENCEMENT ADDRESS Oj. iVilliii"1 Louis Poteat, pre ; Ijnt of Forest College, will f5ver tin- animal address at the fmnienccmcnt exorcises of the Sylva Collegiate Institute at the High c?hool auditorium next Wednesday evening May 9. at 8 o'clock. The Commencement exercises will terin Sunday, when the baccalaureate jfcrmon "ill be preached by R?v. A. W Smith. Pastor of the Franklin Baptist Church. I At 10:30 Jh nday morning the re ntHtion a lid d.e.'amafion coute^: ?n; b; held. At 8:30 in the evening the annual concert will be given. At S:00 P.M., on Tuesday the school vill present the commencement play, and on Wednesday evening the graduating exercises and the address iv Pr. Potent will occur. President Hough states that "This nves promise ot being the best wo have ever given", and that he is anxious that all Wake Forest men be present on the occasion. "Our friends", says Mr. Hough, "will be glad to learn that we are turning out 32 graduates to take their places in body is cordially invited to come all progressiv e movements. Every aud be with us." SYLVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GRADUATING RECITAL WILLIAM LAWSO ALLEN, EXPRESSION WILLIAM McDANIEL FOWLER, EXPRESSION Assisted by MABEL IRENE WHITAKER, SOPRANO HUMPHREY MARSHALL, PIANO FRIDAY, MAY ^ 1923, 8:00 P. M PROGRAM liz-Town Humorist Riley William McDaniel Fowler Life Lessons Geo. W. Bain ) William Lawson Allen Violets Ellen Wright Mabel Irene Whitafcy , Wanted-A Wife Werner | William McDaniel Fowler Hunting Song Mendlelssohn Humphrey Marshall Willie and His Girl Werner | William Lawson Allen Pianologue? Very Dark ... Rosenberg William McDaniel Fowler Springtime Alfred Wooler Mabel Irene Whitaker On the Road to Mandalay.... Kipling Everybody is cordially invited. At the High School Auditorium o A RECIPE FOR PRE SERVING CHILDREN A recent health bulletin says, "Take one large grassy field, one half dozen children, two or three small dogs, a pinch of brook and some pebbles. Mix the childr?Ai and dogs well together and put them in the field stirring instantly. Pour the brook over the pebbles ; sprink'e the field with flowers; spread over all a deep, blue sky and bake in the sun. When brown, remove and set to cool in a bathtub. " This leads home demonstration workers of the State College and State Department of Agriculture tr observe that spring is a good tinio t start preserving children as well as) eggs LISTEN! LISTEN! If you have ever been a student of Sylva Collegiate Institute you are expected to be at the get-together mating Saturday night May 5th. ^our old school mates are going to be there and suppose you come too lets make plans for a bigger and better school on the Hill. Ilemcni kr 8 o'clock Saturday night May 5th at the adminstration building. o WEAVER HERE Congressman Zebulon Weaver and ?Rhway Commissioner J. G. Stike ^ther are spending a few days in typer Jackson County, the bekt fish *? waters in North Carolina, as the tots of John H. Wilson. A farmer in Pitt County built a **tet potato house at the suggestion the eounty agent two years ago. ^his spring he sold 200 bushels of Potatoes in the town of Avden at ^1-25 per bushel and is selling about 2M bushels more for bedding at *1.50 per bushel. His neighbors who hve potatoes to sell from the bank Vetting theirs go at from fifty to ro HOLD SHORT COURSE FOR CLUB GIRLo Raleigh, May 4. ? Young girls, prize winner and leaders in the club work conductcd by the Home Demonstra tion workers of the State College and State Department of Agriculture will gather at Pcace Institute in. Raleigh during the week of June 4th for the annual short course and school given these girls for excellence in their work during the past year. Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, Chief of the home lo n.stratiori division, says that the great event in the life of the littie club girl is the chance to attend this tate short course. The school will be held at Peacc Institute and only 200 girls can attend this year. By next year,' however, Mrs. -McKimmon plans to secure accomodations which will enable her division to care for every girl that should attend. She looks for an enrollment of about 00 next season. According to Mi's. McKimmon the j plan of work outlined for the girls J .'or this year, "includes instruction j in clothing and canning which theycr cxpcctcd to carry home to their'club mates. They will be taught how to cut and fit a simple dress from se lecting the pattern to basting, and fitting the dress on one of their class mates. The gardening, packing and steriliziyg of fruits and vegetables as j well -as jelly making will be popular j projpets lor the well instructed club girl to take back to her club-niatco. As a leader, will be expected to serv< as an assistant to her county age:-* r.nd demonstrate to a home audit/ :e< . what she lias learned, she is tai pose the faculty and Miss Msude Wallace, Ass is tan State Agent, will act as dean of the jsgftool. Thp after-, noons will be given over to re creation and sight-seeing. Many rural girls have never seen their capital city, or tiny city for that matter, and the personally conducted tout* which Col. Fred Olds provides for them is one of their treasured memories. , o SEEKING A MAN '! Sapphire, N. C. 11 Looking for a man" was the ex clamation of the Geek Sage, when afked the cause of his carrying a lighted torch through the streets at noontime. Jesus (Christ) and Gataw ma (Buddha) the one *he Golden Rule, the other the Aryan Way of unselfishness. The scientist record the cold and heartless facts and sees God in 4he nt>?:n and the i)atural laws of the ur.ivavc. The evolutionist faces "'the s'ow development 'of man and matter, the ?rmer from the walking apt;, or srtfbman, or further all animal life from the one ceil mimalcula in the water of the muddy prnd, the sheltered lagoon, or the "?oze of the sea. And that other more perfect record made in picture writ ing scratched upon clay dried in the sun, by the early Sumerians that in clude the first ten chapters of Gen esis and have recently been unearth ed in Wie ancient ruins of Babylon at Susa. I wish to speak with intimate knowledge of one in the vicinity who di^s the graves, sings the requiems, and buries the dead. He visits and cares for the sick and afflicted, he stands for right and justice s:;d has never raised his voice in defense of a falsehood; lie walks in the teach ings of the Great Master and hath not where to lay his head that he can call his own. Probably a few fleeting years and who will take the place of Tom Hawkins in the com munity ? : yA SUBSCRIBER. ' o The farmer with no schooling earns $240 per year; with a common school education, $565.50 per year: high school education, $648.50 per year; with a short course trainm?1 added, $808,95 but when he adds the full four year course in an agricul tural college his average income jumps to $1,254.00 per year, find in vestigators at the State College. o? ' The State Farmer's and Farm Women's "Convention will be held at the State College this year on July 31, August 1 and 2. Mark these dates ' ok ? Iflnrjr o'..0 WHITE COMMENCEMENT , SMARTED YESTERDAY ; The thirty-fourth annual com meheciunl of the Collowhee Normal and industrial School was opened yesterday with the annual sermon, delivered at eleven o'clock by Rev. Ash'o.v Clappell, of Asheville. At 8 last evening the joint cele bration of the Columbian and Ero sophian Literary Socitics was- held. This morning Hon." Angus W. Mc Lean, of Lumberton, will be deliver ed at 11 o'clock. T'ie graduating exercises apd pres ent..'! n ?jf diplomis will be at two \t.. ii.ls afternoon. At 3 P. M. the meeting of the alumni will be held, and at 8 thifs evening the final entortaiihaent will occur. TSsc members of the graduating ? chi-.H uv; Hi E. Hays, Highlands; I?!-' >- :1s, Sandy Mush; C. B. i M.n v < .illowhee; Annie Woods, . B. Madison, Cullowhee; ids ', Hillsboro; Percy oster; C. W. Rice, High v||)d . , Normal l'.. iuini. C. E. Still well, Webste,; ? : i jillian Reeves, Cross iui-ck: Lenna Barker,, Andrews; F. ';<. Bumgarner, Canton; Bertha ;.e .man, Webster; R. R. Cole, . riiev; G, T. Worlev, Odessa. ** (? K ? -o GAY NEWS There has been quite a bit of sick ness in our comunity for the past week or so. The families of Messrs Sam Buch anan and Tom Jones have been eon ljped Lo their, home with the flu. "MrSiHarrisot) Cowan has been very sick for several weeks, but am glad to report she is improving., Mr. Jess Cabc and family left for tic West a few days ago. Mr. J. C. Jones and family have returned to, their home here, after tl'e winter in Buncombe, Jones has had a lumber r, Mr. K. 'i. Buchanan happened to acvi-i-v had accident a few weeks ago while working, in his shop, by drop ping1 a wagon wheel on li is foot and very badly mashing it. Mr. L. B. Cabe^i rrived from Wood row last week. " Mrs. Sufe Bryson spent Thursday visiting' in Cabe T^wn. Mrs. Charles Tatham, of Georgia, returned to her home last Saturday after spending several days with her .sister, Mrs. Harrison Cowan. Mr. N. Higdon has purchased a Ford car. Mrs. Lindon Cabe, of Green's Creek, has been spending a few days with her father, Mr. John, E. Rick-{ man, of Iotla. We had interesting Sunday Schools at the Baptist andMethodist churches Sunday. i ? Mr. Dallas Jones and Mr. Wilbum MeCall, attended services at the Methodist church, Wednesday night, j Mr. Elsie Sutton, of Green 's Creek | was at Sunday School, Sunday even ing. M'^s Ethel Turpin spent Sunday wil - i Misses Rosa and Eflie Barron. Mr. 'K. P. Jones spent Saturday will: 'imt daughter, Mrj. G. C. Tur-j V;" V.i. ih.mcr Jones spent Sunday! I .- 'ausin, Miss Ethel Turpin. M; A*. C. Barron is spending a frv dav> with her daughter, Mrs. Baston Buclianan, of Webster. B<;ro to Mr. and Mrs. Harlev Buclianan, a daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth liigdon spent Fri day with Mrs. G. C. Turpin. Mr. Homer Jones, has returned home, after spending the week end in Asheville. j Mr. John C. Jones, has gone tp I Asheville on business. Mr. and Mrs.Lester Campbell spent ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones _o A conservative estimate of the ' amount of lime used by North Caro lina .farmers last year would be ^abaut Gfi,000 tons says one lime com-; pinv Indications are that the Tar-j heel farmers arc learning the value' of lime in improved agriculture and , will ooutuxue to use wore and mss, I \ i T0W1J ELECTION TUESDAY ATTRACTS INTEREST A great deal of interest has been aroused over the .town election, to be held next Tuesday. Thq^ tickets to be voted for are: DettaCiatic : Mayor, Dan Tonfp kins, Aldermen, Theo. Buchanan, E. E. Brown? D. M. Hall, A. W. Cope, John H. Morris. Citizen's: Mayor, Geo. W. Sutton, Aldermen, A. A. Nichols, R. F. Hough, Alvin Ensley, .J D. Cowan, C. W. Denning. For the first time in the town elec tion the Australian ballot will be used."t / There is. an unusually lage reg istration. v WILMOT Wc have been having some fine weather for the past few days, and the farmers arc getting along fine with their ci*ops. Mrs. Julia Nations went to Whit tier shopping Monday. Mrs. Fred Bradley is seriously ill. Hope her a speedy recovery. ? Miss Lillie Nations went to Wliit ticr, Friday. Mr. Mike Brown, of Tuckaseegee was in town, Monday on business. MissDella Jones, of Barker's CreeTc was in town, Saturday. shopping. Sirs. Garland Wyatt spent Mon day afternoon at Mrs. Mae Bum garner's. . y. Mrs. * Leon Revis and children called at Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis' Sunday. Misses Cleo and Florence Brown, Messrs. McKiulcy Farley and Ad dison Matthews attended the com mencement at Shoal Creek, Thurs day and Friday night. Miss Faniilc Raby spent the week end with friends and relatives on Camp Creek. f x ? . * - , Miss Lillie Nations dined at Mrs. Bedford Bradley's, Sunday. Mr. Roy Settleinyrc, wears a smile, its a boy. / { Mr, Ear! Robisou, of Dillsb.u-o, visit^Aat^his sister's Mrs.f J. H. Lewis\*K*tnrd?v ami Sundaw. - - ?? ? t Messrs. Arthur Ashe nad Quenlin Holcqmbe left Saturday for Winston Salem, where they will work for a while. Mrs. Bedford Bradley and child ren called at Mrs. Walter Raby's, Monday. Mr. McKinley Farley Jpft Mon day for Smokeiuont, where he will continue his work. <, Misses Nellie and Lillie Nations went to .Barker's Creek, Sunday afternoon. ? Miss Florence Brown visited her sister, Mrs. J. T. Revis, Monday. Miss Bessie Sellers and children called at Mrs. Mae Bumgarncr's, Friday. Mrs. Pollie Bumgarner and little grand child, Eula Lee, visited Mrs. Leon Revis, Friday. (... Miss Cora Gibson visited Miss Bessie MaeSellcrs, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Revis took their little son, Millard, to Whittier, Sat urday, and, had his tonsils taken out. o ROAD NEARLY COMPLETED The Addi?-Willits link of the Old Hickory Highway is practically com pleted, both as to grading and surfac ing, and it is expected that the road will be received bv the state and opened for travel within the next I week, completing the highway from ' Asheville to Sylya. ' f KEENER IS BUILDING * J. W. , Keener is erecting a resi dence, of brick, 011 his lot, on main street. ? o ? OLIVER BUILDING W. H. Oliver has begun buildin.rj of a residence 011 his lot, on Walnut j Street, near the residence of M. D. Cowan. Nearly one-third the total number of farm problems being studied by the scientists of the Jinked States relate to field ? crops, soils and fer tilizers. The study of plant nutrition is one of the oldest forms of in vestigation says Dr. B. W. Kilgore. ? o A garden will grow in most any spot ydiere weeds will grow says workers of the Agricultural Exten sion Service. Reduced food costs and better health are the results of-grow ing vegetables at home. ? -o North Carolina has 383 textile mills, more than any other state in the Union. t ' SHIP HOGS COOPERATIVELY j cliona, N. C. April 26. ? Forty the Muckland Branch Station farm at this place* were recently grouped for making a carlot shipment and sold in Kinston for$526.78 after all expenses were deducted, reports Earl Hostler in charge of swine investigations for the State College and State Depart ment of Agriculture. These hogs weighed 7,240 pounds. Most of them were small, lacked finish and sold j only for seven and one-fourth ce'nts toseven and one-half cents per pound because of this, but the large and better ones brought eight cents per pound. I Twenty of the hogs were ownedy come and let's get in .tcrestc.l and carry oij a good Sun day Sc'^ul. Tiie ;vi.i>le of this country are glad to see Dr. Vanepp back again, as lie has been away for a few weeks. nine grown in the vicinity of NORTON By the fireside still the light is shin ing, The children 's arms round 1 the pa rents twin'ng. From love so sweet, 0 who would roam? Be it evxr so homely,. home is home. ? MULOCK. o letting folks know you have fresh eggs, butter or other farm products for sale is a simple matter il ^'rn let the JOURNAL tell them about it. o A HIGH CRIME If I were theCzar of North Car- | olina instead of the go vein or, I . would issue an edict declaring that from and after five years froin elate any man who imported into North Carolina any corn or meal) wheat or flour, beef or I) aeon, should be forth- j with hanged and without benefit of ( clergy. Of course, in the beginning I should be denounced as an in famous tyrant, but after the law had been in effect for ten years the rich-( est state in the union would build a Monument to me as the financial re deemer of my people. ? Ex-Governor T. Bickett. 1 SYLVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE COMMENCEMENT PLAY "THE ONLY GIRL' COMEDY DRAMA IN FOUR ACTS bv .MIN'A GENNELL Time of Playing ? About Two hours SYLVA HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM . SYLVA, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1923 8:00 P. M. Admission 35 and 50 c. J I ? / Cast cf Characters Mr. Henry Robins A wealthy New York merchant Croson Miller Fred Robins His son Boyd Hat ley Samuel .Tones Son of Henry's business partner Marvin Carter Victor Sanford Member of Manhattan Club ? Herman Oliver Jimniie . ..The Meeker Street Terror Lawson Allen The Turkey 1 Lawson Allen The Rev. Mr. Smith : 'Mack Fowler Dorothy.... Sometimes called" Dot" Lucile Patillo, ^ Mrs.Julia Robins, Henry's second wife Lillard Price Miss Marie fcohins, ....'....Her step-daughter Irene Whitaker Aunt Limly A Black Diamond Lavada Price Synopsis of Events ACT I. ? Henry Robins' summer home. The murder. ACT II. ? SCENE I. ? One year later. I Fred in prison. SCENE II. ? AuntLindy's disappoint., ment. SCENE III.? The escajxv ACT III.? SCENE I.? Sanford re turns. SCENE II. ? Slum bar-room. The written confession. ACT IV. ? An interrupted -wedding. ,Fred proven innocent. Marriage of I Sam and Dot. 1 ?? ' , o NORTH CAROLINA The following poem was published in the Tampa' Times and is so truly and originally eulogistic of the Old North State that we give it space : N^'ih Ca'lina. As soon as we get to No'th Ca'lina The roads and towns get newah, fmah ; The people walk with a brisker step, And even your motor has more i>ep. The hookworm's banished, \ the countiy has A lot more energy, pep and jazz. The livest Nortliener couldn't design a Livelier state than No'th Ca'lina. The farais look fatter, the hamlets air. 'i Quite ignorant of tl.o sight of pnii.t; They're building roads, and they're not content. With find and elj.'j but they use ;it. x ii schools ?: ^ftd, ar.tl tho mills arc busy, i And eacli inhabitant owns a Lizzie, Or a big twin-six or something Jinah A ; soon as you get to No'th Ca'lln. This state's not dreaming of da.vS gone by, There's a modern glint in each mer chant's eye; And the village belles and villagci beaux Are as martly dressed as the crowd which fl'ows On Gotham's streets. Yon must give 'em credit ? These folks arc fully awake, you said it. You meet tho "boostah"; you 1 >stj the "whinah." As soon as you get in No'th Oalina. ? BERTON BRA LEY. 'Charlotte, N. C. o UNCLE SAM FELL DOWN "''-Miter Jim Jamtson of Parks was heve last week and registered n. sever:- kick against the Reporter.Not bceanxe of any stand we had taken in polities ir ft her matters, out we somehow ha?f li?e;i failio' to send him his paper. We'll p . you Jim, fr.ia new on if fiirlu Sjm don't fail us. ? Waldron (Ait) Advance Reporter, o If allowed to r^wn at will, ebif-k ens soon leam that a good garden is a regular pie eouater. Feaoe them out and save the pi* for yeurself suggests C.R. Hudson, State Fsnq Deaonstntm