Instant relief from CORNS without risk of infection Safely! You can end the pain of corns, in ona minute. Dr. Scholl'i Zino-padi will do it, for they remove the cause? friction-preuure, and heal the irritation. Thui you avoid infection from cutting your corn* or using corrosive ?cidt 1 hin; antiseptic; waterproof. for corns, callouses, bunions'. Get a bos today at your druggist'* or shoe dealer'*. DlScholl's 'Lmo-pads Made in tke laboratories of The Scholl Mfg. Co., viakers of Dr. Sc'nolfs Foot Comfort Appliance s, Arch Supports, etc, Ptitone on? the pain is gone! xPuiHANCOCK vV<5p> Sulphur gVMOMPOUND -:"m3 in ^otir T Bath 1 For Eczema, Rheumatism, Gout or Hives Expensive health resorts, sought by thou sands. have grown around springs contain ing sulphur. Hancock Sulphur Compound, utilizing the secret of the famous healing waters, makes it possible for you to enjoy Sulphur Baths in your own home, and at a nominal cost. Sulphur. Nature's best blood purifier. Is prepared to make its use most efficacious in Hancock Sulphur Compound Use it in the bath, as a lotion applied to affected paits, and take it internally. 60c and $1.20 the bottle. If your druggist can't supply It, send his name and address and the pricc In stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore. M4. Hanatl Sulphur Cemftur.d Oir.r- ( mint? 30c and6oey. Tanlac Is simply grand^ Tnnlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.? Advertisement. Perfect Mother-in-Law. She has a marvelous talent for tim ing her visits. . She always anUesthe day you need her. and never stays a day too long. She always, brings cheer nnd helpfulness and a big bas ket of things from the old farm. She gets along beautifully with her sons in-law and daughters-in-law. She knows how to please her grandchil dren without spoiling them and ruin ing their digestion. ? She knows how and when to write rt check ami when to make beaten biscuit and fry a chicken. She has perfect health and a young mind. She is the perfect mother-in-law. There Is always a chance that you will get her if you marry often enough. | ?Life. Thousands Have Kidney i ? Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing ! influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of suecess. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the Subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of tliose whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on sale at all dmg stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However/ if you wish first to test this ?reat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.? Advertisement. Optical Illusion. Motion pictures are in. reality a com bination of , still pictures. The first picture of the automobile shows the spokes of the wheels in one position. If the next exposure of the Sim were made when spoke number one had Ad vanced far enough to be in the posi t:on of spoke number two, the picture would show no motion, as spokes are identical. If spoke number one had ad vanced less than half way to position of spoke two, the forward motion would be noticed. If, however, spoke one advanced more thaiiNhalf way, to the observer it would have the effect of spoke two moving backward, as that distance would be shorter and the apparent motion would be In that di rection. Our idea of a game man Is one who goes to the dentist before it is abso lutely necessary. IF BILIOUS, SICK! TAKE NO CALOMEL t ' "Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You? Don't Lose a Day's Work? Read Guarantee You're bilious! Your liver Is slug gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated ; breath bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you 9 sick ; you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dy namite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. Your druggist or dealer sells ?. ' ' , . . ( *' '?? ? i ? ' you a bottle of Dodson's Jjlver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoon ful will clean your sluggish liver bet ter than a dose of nasty calomel and that It won't moke you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bow els regular. You will feel like work ing: you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. ? Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Internal Rows Disturb the Invisible Empire I ( I i There is a three-sided light going 011 in the Ku KIux Klan and the founder , and "emperor" of the "invisible em 1 pile" is contending for retention ot ' control. The imperial palace at At j luntn, here shown, lias been in the bands of the sheriff. At the right is the emperor, Col. William J. Simmons, iu Ins regalia. Chicago Sea Scouts Getting Busy 3 BOSSES OUTDOOR SHOWS r^PSl '*1 "To the boats'' is tl??? 'cry of Chicago Sea Scouts as the navigation season opens on the Great. Lakes. There are seven sea scout ships in Chicago, each under the supervision of an ex-navy man, :ind the boys are receiving instruc tions in seamanship", life-saving, swimming and the elements of foreign trade. Hardings Are Welcomed by Laddie President and Mrs. llaiding, returning to the White House from their southern vacation, were met at the front door by Laddie, who plainly was overjoyed to see them again. . Prince of Wales Takes a Tumble The prince of Wales, riding Prince Henry's Ocean IH in the army point-to point near Beading, England, landing squarely in one of the water jumps, from which bis highness rescued his horse from drowning. v I ; ' * / I ' . " 4 '/ i . - V Here is Attorney Thomas J. John son, the "Judge Landis" of the show men's legislative committee, who is in Chicago mapping out plans for the out door shows summer season. Mr. John son insists that carnivals and circuses must be made cleaner and intends to carry 6n a nation-wide drive in order to accomplish this. ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE ! Russian soviet authorities announce that they will soon place on trial Tik hon, patriarch of all Russia, and the world fears he will meet the fate of Vicar General Butehkavieh, who was convicted of counter-revolutionary ac tivities and executed. Besides being charged with general "opposition to the soviet government," Tikhon is ac cused of resisting the sequestration of church property. i ANQTHER CHESS PRODIGY Although it is stated that he never studied the fundamentals of the game, Aristide Grommer 1 thirteen years of age, has astounded the -chess world by playing 20 slmultrffieoutf games with the best players of the Paris Palais Royal club. He lost only one game. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION \Jums roa INDIGENT, 'ON/j 25CCHTS ? Beuans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS ?5$ AND 754 RftCKAGES EVERYWHERE Stops Backaches Sit Once -50 comforting A tiring day on your feet. Stooping, lifting, runnintjup and downstairs ? docs your back feel tied in painful knots? Apply Sloan's tothosesore, tired muscles. That warm, penetrating glow brings im mediate comfort. Almost before you realize it the pain and stiffness are gone. , Wherever congestion causes pain ? use Sloan's. Sloan's is protection against pain. All druggists carry it. Sloan's limment-Jjlb pain! For rheumatism, bruises. strains. dif-t cold* CORNS . Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit ! Drop a little Treer.onc" on an aching corn, instant ly that corn stops hurtinp, then short ly you lift it right o.T with lingrrs. Truly ! Your drujrfiist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sullicient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and t ho cal luses, without soreness or irritation. FRECKLES Now la the Time to Get Rid of These Ugiy Spot* There's no longer the slightest ncd ot feeling ashamed of your freckh-s, us ' ithln* ? double strength ? ia guaranteed to remdM these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othlne from anj drugging and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that <-v?? the worst freckles have begun to disajip'-af while the lighter ones have vanish' >1 en tirely. It la seldom that more than m ounce la needed to completely clear th? akin and gain a beautiful, clear eonip>xkit Be sure to ask for the doubIe-ntr<-ni:tl> Othlne, as this la sold under guarantee <-? money back If It falla to remove frcckJts GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND quickly relieves the , dfctr** ing paroxysms. l'sed ft* ?tfgT 65 years and result o ' l?B< ij?a experience In treatment ot lUNQ throat and lunjr d I -eases V Dr. J. H. Guild. FKKKTKU1 BOX, Treatise on Ast! ? i | mi m-?, causes, treatment, etc.. upon request. 25c. ai <1 At druggists. J. H. GUILD CO., RCPEi'.T.VX For Sale ? Po:-to Rico l'ululo I J;""!-' 8 , tomato plants. $1.50 per 1.000, I , up, $1.25 per 1,000. Bermuda Wakofield and Succession mbt"*' ; *1 00 per 1,000; 1O.C0O anil uji. >1 . ' 1 I" -A XT "O.. VAX.!'' . Mammoth Yellow Soy Beans j choici* seed, 1 1 \v crop, iv n v - ?* $2 for lees than ten bushel- *'? ? ?,m or inure, lioloxi J4. "C.ji ' day." Ask for pamphl" T! ? " 1 * B. A. (RED I.E. .NEW H01.I.AM>. V ' WRITE FOR OIK I.OUK.-T I'RR On genuine Catawba County ' ; : "V I eoy brans, peanut a. etc.. I.-.- tn ^ , 1 CATAWBA SEED STORK. Bl< KOK'. >? H Bookkeeper* and StenographC' ^ are always In demand. \V* t T- :i Tj fori the best r ? "''i1" f.n.? f''r tuition ?r. Bl SI NESS cpun>en by correspondence. s?nd , i'"'J .]LI position*. Write at on.- ' r?.<| rholarship off?*r. 6RED?JI7| ? COI.EEGE. (JRFK.NWI.I K. I Meo and Women, start rriakln? 1 ??' J!'J ?| operating candy kitchen. T.aur:i!v".'i M ?l Kitchens. Wannamassa, Anbury i'jrk. -j I Girls! Girls'! Save Your Hair With Cuticura Stif 25c, Oiatwat 2S and 50c, Takwa 2* wfflsi! mrrcHcu. eye salve heals inflamed ejrea. granulated 1M* i ?tyea, etc. Sure. Safe. Speedy. -* %t ail drucglata.