?? -?g\ ?; ? /? - : i H - ,?-??. - <&:'%, J:W$ h 50THK YEAR IN \DVANf ? \ : SYLVA* NjO. MAY 11, 1923 $2.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE WEEKLY FARM NOTES With the weather so pleasant and favorable for farm work, the plant ing of crops is now progrc sing me; lv although the season is late. tirade., clovers and grains are growing mce ^ The stir over the report of c noctcd cn.p acreages has resulted in investigation concerning ^ottoii, h:ch seems to show that Nortii C?;.,lina my ??? ore t' m ?? I ill" ' | w e,t .nc Pci coin ? 4 ".[ . , . : v> . s ,:,'M i . i i,n a; ""b,c . ? < naiiv accountable ror th;s. At.;, i.-: ? ' u-tpj ... of conditions has dctov Rll -???? . , I mi t'.e late* increases w c tton a??, t bactv shov?ii in ti.er st..:?K. ' iU- annual farm census will be listed this month through the tax listcrs, and judging from the pres ent interest it will be well developed Mi'u farm owner should prepare a li'.u |lt' his own and tenant's acreage before visiting the lister. This is not tu -'.hie information, but for the iiii new' benefits. ? ?Vatauga County reports that they have 150 acres of certified Irish Cob blers this year for seed potatoes. The whole mountain area is peculiar .".ited for thi.i purpose, as t^sts .,i Itii'st seed io be equal to ' Mttinv iv.iiVt es.The prospects for : uv.c.. potato crop ill .. .;,;i i- unties are good. iiu- iriiit situation shows that the Hi-p:. crop has a good prospect w ;;t. jH'itci.t'S v\ .11 have about onc i ",.r: i: cr p iu the Sandhills area : ;1; IV r ioss ill other sections. ,,a ik i.a good pr.spects as has jj.iiv :;uU C iumbus, and parts of o a;;e. , t-.i . -age seems to be sorne v. .. .i uduml from a year ago al though less than one-fifth of flast voar s en p is now remaining oil the tar us. ii'C spring plowing is about lonr-lifths dune and two-thirds of the work of spring planting is done. All livestock Is in good condition, having experienced no epidemics or shortage of feed during the winter. The rate of deaths is from two to five per cent annually from disease. The new building for the Depart ment of Agriculture at Raleigh is very imposing and even before com pletion the 3rd and 4th, floors are being occupied, by the divisions who have been cramped in the museum halls. Plans for the State Farmers' Con vention at the State College in July arc getting big results. The Crop Reporting Association holds its an nual meeting then. The state .fair census work will by that time show up remarkably well. o AERENDALE PROVES HIS CASE Franklin, N. C. May 1Q. ? When J. M. Gray, assistant director of exten sion for the State College and State Department of Agriculture, came to Macon County sometime ago to take up the matter of having a county agent employed in the County, he found some opposition. The farmers wanted the work but the CountyCom missioners couldn't see how it would pay. So badly did the farmers want an agent, however,- that nine lead ing men volunteered to sign notes of $100 each to help defray the expenses of the work and if at the end of the year, the agent did not show at least $900 profit by his work, they would pay this amount to the county as a reimbursement for the county's part of the agent's salary. John V. Arrcndale was secured as farm ageut and he went to work on Junuary first of this year. The other day, he held a cooper ative sale of poultry .The results show that 2.377 chickons were sold from 193 farms. The fowls weighed 91, 963 pounds and were sold for $2,? 085.67. Most of these fowls were simply culls from the general flccks found over tho county. The average pricc offered for them locally was live cents a pound for the old rooe ers and 15 cents a pound for the host hens. John Arrendale secured an average of about 21 eents a pound ?n the whole lot, and at one sale showed iu actual dollars and cents thct he was worth at least $900 to his folks. " ! he is. planning another sale for May 23* ihen he hopes to do bet ter because ha will probably have more birds to sell. More people arc now (interested in culling out their N?ld stuff and saving the best birds tor use at home. Along with his other work, County Agent Arrendale has started three i^tb* eoo? ty, BELONGING TO THE CHURCH By Rev. 0. J. Jones The following, spoken about Sarah, i church member, was overheard: ''No, I would not say that Sarah be longs to the church. I know that is the way it is usually said, but if words mean anything' it is not right to violate their meaning. Sarah does not belong to the church, and when she joined it she had no idea of reai belonging to it. Her time does not u<r t- it; her friendships do not bull ng to it ; her money does not be un t" it; ! er ambitions do not be ig to it. Sarali belongs first, last and all the time to hereself. How many Sarah's are there? H<?w many l>ejung to the church? Paul, had a right to say he belonged to the church for he said '.'Behold, \ go bound in the Spirit to Jerusa lem", and "Necessity is laid upon! me". But how many of those who) make np the membership of the | church to-day really hold themselves at the service of the' church f An editorial in TheSaturday Even ing Post for May 5 uncovers a w6ak spot in the church. 'Here is the sen tence, ' ' Men wonder what is the mat ter with the church, the real trouble ship of God. There is not the sl}ght of religion or church attendance that ~t doesn't count". There is nothing that will take the. place of the wor ship of God. There is n^jt the light est chance to work out the high [ schemes of social betterment being devised all the time unless we can feed that- spirit of betterment on the united worship of God. A very pit able spectacle is the' church member ?vho stands off and makes his Phar isaical fling at the church. He is the church's woiHt enemy. A smart phrase that you will often hear is. 1 believe in Christianity but not in churchianity. I am sure Jesus would not have said that for he said, "1 build my ohurch and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". What we need to hear is the mem bership of the churches saying, "I believe in Christ and the church". That is ,our church members ought to belong to the chuvck \ 1 ? o ? ; *> A MODEL ADVERTISER ? ? Our advertisers will be interested in a clipping which The JOURNAL recently received from* the Division of Publications of the Agricultural Extension Service at Raleigh. It in believed that the method of attract ing attention to goods for sal? as exemplified by Defoe in his tale about Robinson Crusoe 'could be well followed by some of our advertisers: "Robinson Crusoe was both a pioneer and successful advertiser. True,, there were no newspapers at that time, but he 'knew the value and necessity of attracting attention to his important business, and that without the support of others his venture would prove a failure. He also believed in changing his "copy" often, so when his first flag (a shirt) was whipped to pieces by the wind and weather Crusoe put another gar ment on the pole, and he kept at it until he got what he wanted, a ship. ' ' Suppose he had stopped with the failure of his first flag,, as some mer chants do with one advertisement, on the plea that 'advertising doesn't pay'. Crusoe would have returned to dust and it would have been scatter ed upoi the waters and lost. The moral is : Put out your signal and keep changing its style. In other words, use your local newspaper re gularly and systematically and you will get what you want and deserve." ? Clinton Democrat. % INVITED TO ATLANTA St. Luke's Church on Peaehtree Street, Atlanta, Ga., has just extend ed to the Reverand Clarence S. Mc Clellan, Jr., Rector of St. Andrew's, Canton, St. John's, Sylva and St. David '8, Cullowhee, an invitation to consider a call to Atlanta. St. Luke's Church has ' a membership of nearly 900 persons, and is one of the larg est and best known of the Efiiscop&l Churches in the South. During his nearly two years residence, in Canton, druing which time he has also bo*n serving the Episcopal churches , in Jackson County, fhe Rector has. re ceived many attractive calls to larger Episcopal churches, but he has de clined thfm all. ? o? . ? - porkers of the State College and State Department of Agriculture find that good purebred brood sows have Urge litters; which grow rapid ly into pork, use less feed per pound pin pros to drifry ia> . BALSAM Mrs. A. H. Haight, who recently sold her home and farm here, left Monday for her former home in New York. She will stop over for a few days in Lynchburg, Va., to visit the Misses Portner, who 4for many j years had charge of the Episcopal ? Mission school here. From there she j will go to Washington, and spend . some time with her daughter, Mrs. ' C. H. Swiek, and son, Frank J. Haight.Mrs.Haight has many friends in and near Balsam who regretted to See here leave. She loved her friend* here, the mountains and sur , rounding, county, and was loath to leave, but since her husband's death about n year ago, her children have been opposed to her living alone. Mrs. John Coward went to Way nesville, Saturday. Mrs. H. 'P. Ensley and Mr. and Mrs. EugeneEnsley motored to Brack Mountain Sunday. Some of Our people attend ''the , Jenkins revival in Hazelwood every evening. Again our population has increased a son having "arrived to stay in the following homes: Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. Napolen Bry son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hance, Mri and Mrs. Lloyd Lyle. Quite a number of Balsamites have been to see the "mountain slide" between Willets and Addie, which has caused the passenger trains to trans fer for several days. Mr. J. S. Higdon, of Sylva, unload ed a car of Ford trucks here Tuesday of last week. On account of the slide on the Railroad, he had them put off here and had his men to drive them to Sylva. Mr.-fkv?rpe, T. Knight went to AsfiwiilK' Filday and returned Sun ?hy driving a "RiibyLiu rolnr" Mrs. Anrii<\^3icssler and Mrs. A. F. Dock, who spent the winter in Bi loxi, Miss., and New Orleans return ed to Balsam, Saturday. Miss Hannah Warren, 'who has been in school at Cullowhee, return ed homa Saturday. Mr, Howard Warren and Misses Kate Kenney and Marie Cowan), at tended the commencement exercises in Cullowhee last week. Mrs. H. P. Ensley, Misses Grace Mehaffey and Kate Kenney and Messrs Odel and Hubert Ensley motored to Asheville Sunday. Mr. Walter Hyatt and Messrs Hubert and Ode Ensley motored to Brevard, Monday. Mr. M. C. Green motored "fo Way-' nesville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Christy went to Sylva, Thursday, of last week. o WTLMOT Mrs. Dee Denton and children | spent Sunday night with Mr. and; Mrs. Lee Nat ions. Mrs. G. W. Revis of Barker's Creek visited 'her son, Mr. Lon Revis, . hero Sunday. Miss >jcll Nation spent Saturday night wilh the Misses Brown. Mr. Charles Middleton, of Tucka seegee dined at Mr. Kim Nations , Sunday. - ' ! % ? ^ i i Mr. Jim Chastain, of Sylva re- } turned to his work here Sunday night. Mr. Julius Watson, 'of Ela dined at Mr. J. S. Seller's Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. Wilburn Messer and daughters, Gladdis and Glena spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. ? i Little Omie Ward spent the week end with her grandmother, Mn. Nomi Monteith at Beta. Mrs. Monteith aeeompained her home j Sunday. Miss Florence Brown is spending * few days with her sister^ Mrs. J. T. Revis. *? v! Misses Bonnie and Florence Bum garner spent ' SGiiaay with their sis ter, Mre. Lon Ile^is: *.V Mrs. AlmA Nations duied at Mis. J. R. Bunjg^rtiers; Sunday. v - Miss Bessie Farley $al|ed at Mrs. Walter Baby's, Sunrday. ? Miss Nora Bradley ' visited Miss Lila Dills Siandfey.-'V Mrs. Laura 'Lewis and daughter, Rnhv nnd "Mr. George Mills called at John Lewis' Sunday., Mr. John Bumgarer wears a smile; it a boy. Mr. John Reagan, of Olivet was here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferguson and children and Mrs. Sam Monteith called at Mr. John Bumgarner's, Sunday. Mrs. Henry Raby was the guest of Mrs. Lizzie Ashe, Sunday after noon. \Jt* Bwni ton fltlkd it Mib s7^, J. ( - i < \ ' Loo Re via', Friday. ' Messrs Jewell Revfs (and Frank 8nftton were here ' Sunday from barker's Creefc \ . ? Mr. Fred Hughes, of BryBcn City, was here Sunday. Dewey Beck visited at Mr. W. M. Brown's, SuAday. ^ Mr. John Jones and* sons, Ira and Felix, were here from Barker's Creek Friday on business. . Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett called at Mrs. May Bum garner's, Friday afternoon. - ? ? ? o ?? SHOAL OBEEK , A good sermon was delivered at the Baptist church, Sunday after noon, by Rev. B. S. West. Rev. J. R. Church and family at tended revival services at Iotla last week. . ;t Mr. J. M. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes motored to Cherokee, Sunday after noon. . ' ? y Mr. Gohnan .Kinsland -went to Asheville, Saturday. Prof, and Mrs. W. E. Bird are at home for a few days. *. ! Mrs. D. H. Keener, of Asheville, spent Wednesday night at Mr. J. K. Terrell's. , : ?? ?' * Mr. and Mrs. James, Freeman are stopping at Mr. A. J. Freeman's. Mr. and Mrs. J: ?. Hoyle spent Monday in Sylva. Misses Fannie Anthony and Ad die Freeman left Satuftlay for Win ston-Salem. Mr. G. T. Cooper motored to Sylva Monday, accompanied by his daughters, Misses Pearl and Maud, who were guests, at Mr. ;Grover Cooper's and Miss Annie Lizzie Ter rell, who was guest of Miss Ajidery Bird. . Mr. H. G. Ferguson mado a bus iness trip to Sylva, Mouday. Mr. C. B. Terrell visited Mr. Wayne Battle, Sunday. Mr. A. J. Beck, ' of Diftsbofw, spent the week end with relatives. Mrs. W. H. Hoyle catted on, Mrs. J. K. Terrell, Thursday afternoon. ; ? Our school closed Friday, night. An interesting programme was rendered by the school both, Thursday and iSiday nights. A fine address was delivered Fri day looming by Rev. P. L Elliott. Supt. O. S. Dillard, made an instruc tive talk Friday night. We are justly proud ofthe ten young folks who constitute the first graduating elassr of the Qualla High school. Our school has had a successful year. * Some . speak of a "happy vacation", but what I say is true, since our school "ended its probation Qualla students sure are "blue". : ? Mr. Wayne Wells, of Cullowhee and Mr. Dewey Ensley, of Beta, were visitor's at Shoal Creek during com mencement. Prof, and Mrs. C. R. Bird called at Mr. G. A. Kinsland's Sunday. Misses Zetta, Roberta and Hannah Lee Fanner visited at Mr. P. H. Ferguson's, Friday afternoon. Mr. Rufus* Mathews and sister, Mrs. Mary Shuler, left for Winston Salem, Saturday morning. Mrs. G. C. Wiggins and Miss Lucy Parrish visited at Mrs. A. C. Hoyles' Friday evening. , Mrs. D. A. Martin and daughter, Miss Jessie and Misses Mary wid Ida Battle visited at Mr. J. H. Hughes Friday. ' . Mr. antl Mrs. C. A. Bird and Miss Nellie McLaughlin left Monday for Charcston, S. C., where they will, be I guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Fliri-' j torn. j Miss Annie Crisp, of WaynesvUlu, ; is spending a few days at Mr. Phil j Crisp's. . Mrs. Wm. Moore and Mrs. Dixon - Hyatt visited at Mr. Jno. B*adburn,'.s ! Friday. y j Mrs. J. A, Moore spent the week aid witfci relatives in Canton. ' Mr. Thad Varner, of Whittier spent Friday night with Mr. J. M. Hughes ' \ j \ Miss .Famae* t Anthony and Mr* Luther Hoyle spent the week end with friends, at Beta. Miss Grace Hoyle eatlled tin ? Mrs. I'M. A. Hughes, Sunday. . x Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Crisp, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes called at Mr. j W. H. Hoyles', Sunday afternoon. Mrs. G. C. Wiggins left Saturday j for her home at Lenoir. Miss Fannie Ward, of Wilmot was ; the guests of Mrs. D. L, Oxiner last week. f Mr, W. T. MoLanghlin. is making a business trip to South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ma reus were guests at Mr. W. J. Turpin's, Friday. Messrs Golman Kinitaadi J. 0. and C. B. Terrell are making a ? mnnntntw fam i ... . ? . ... .? ? *; if. - 1 ' '' ' GIRL'S SHORT COURSE IN RALEIGH NEXT MONTH | Oil June fourth the Girl's Shori Course begins in Raleigh. This eouraer will beheld at Peace Institute, and > s . f . tfill'be attended by two hundred club girls from all sections of North Caro lina. The week the girls atteud this meeting, they will be given some special phase of club. work, which they in turn will give to their re spective elubs when they go back to their counties. ' In addition to the work given, Colonel Olds, who is State Historian, will give the girls a sight seeing trip over Raleigh,showiiig them the places of interest. Since Jackson County is farther West than any of the Uther organized counties in the state, it will be more expensive for the four girls who rep resent us,' than for the girls m other t?oa?ioni- Because oi' this the girl's clubs are raising money to Send their .representatives. The girls n't Beta 'ViM gj^*a box ^supper for this purpose -at the school building, ThUi-s tfay cveping, I^ay the 17th, at eight 1 o'efqet The girls at ^ylvawill give j?ic at the same' houf", Friday, Mnv the 18th. The Dillsboro , club will give an ice cream supper at thel school building,, Saturday evening of this week. We will "appreciate the cooperation of the public in the com munities where these events are to be held. MAMIE SUE JONES. ? (V ? i ANNOUNCEMENT . *? ' ' ' The .Jackson County Slimmer fechoql will open at Cullowhee on Tuesday, May 22nd, with the follow ing instructors: Miss Mary Kilgore, Director. Miss Mary X. - White, Grammar Grade. Miss Irma Ellis, Primary. These are able and capable in structors, being leaders in their re- 1 spectivo fields. All teachers who hold the Pro I visional B Certificate, the Provisional A Certificate and the One Year Tem porary will be required" to afSttid I this school, if they desire to teach. All prospective teachers who havel completed at least the ninth f^rade "? high school may enroll. All gradu ates of non standard high schools will be required to take work in the county summer school, and upon com- 1 pletion of the required work, will re ceive the Provisional A Certificate. I * The following non-standard high sphools of Jackson County will fail ft this group: Webster High School, Qftalla High School, and the Sylval Collegiate Institute. * \ Graduates of standard high schools may enroll in either the County or I Approved Summer School. , I All prospective teachers who wish rooms reserved in the dormitories a>.l Cullowhee will please make reserva tions with Prof. W. E. Bird, Cullo wlicc* 0. S. DILLAlfcD, Co. Supt. School?. -n ? TO ADO^T SCHOOL BUDGET A meeting of the school commit teemen of tlie county, has been called to meet with the County Board of Education on May 28, to work out the ,'schcol "budget, for {he ensuing year. . ? . . * -;A .'joint, mooting of the board- oj education .and the board of comity, commisoiowcus .y.ilL- bl" ?'held' ' the IbM . lowing, day tpapi^'OYC^and. adopt th; budget. V ... . JZ - ? ibiiiAjfcfc r'slecte?. ' 4 - . t; vvVv. ? .?/ . Odell S. Dillard v:??., .rejected as County Su^6r?ritendent ,tf Public In struction for' the .next, two years, by the County, J3pard .of -'&di'.o .tion," at 'tj\e ineeHng jieJd M^ndaV. ?? V- ? ^-o; v .? : ' " , . tfWOSCHOOLELEOk- ?; . *V f-: '? ? ???' TIONS CALLL. ? r * ? A it:*'' ' ? . - i .ji-s r ' Elections to vote Lo*i ?' special . tax haVe been called in District No. ?' (Big .Ridge) an<J District No.. (Glenville)in Hamburg TownsbipNo.3 be held on the Second Tuesday in June: 1. .? . EPISCOPAL SERVICES AT OULLOWHEE There* will be services in St.David 's Episcopal Church in Cullowhee next Sunday, May 13, at 9:30, 10 and 11 A, M. At the 11 A. M. service the Rev. Clarence S. McClellan will / preaeh. All are most eordialty ui 1 vitei to attend. ^ CITIZEN'S TICKET CARRIES The entire Citizen's ticket, com posed of three republicans and three democrats, was elected in the town election, Tuesday, defeating tlie dem ocratic ticket by good-sized majori ties. '? The vote was as follows: Citizen's For Mayor Geo. W. Sutton 20S For Aldermen C. W. Denning ...t. !. 20 t Dr. A. A. Nichols- 1 211 R. F. Hough 21:5 J. D. Cowan 21 u Alvin Ensley 212 Democratic For Mayor Dan Tompkins 130 For Aldermen D. M. Hall .v^.w... 1U0 Theo. Buchanan 152 E. E. Brown 148 A. W. Co]* .'.I..., 137 John H. Morris :.... 15<) o GAY NEWS We have been having lots of rainv weather for the last few days. We have been having lots of sick ness in our community. Miss Effie Barron has been staying with her aunt, Mi's. James Cabe, for the last week. Mr.-Wilburn McCall is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jasper McCall. Miss Julia Tatliam '?went visitinx Saturday afternoon. Miss Bertie Higdon is learning to run a Ford car. Our prayer meeting is progressing nicely. Mr. Vclt McMahan returned honn> from his work at East La Pdrte Saturday. Mrs. Lula Allen is visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. R. G. Buch anan. Miss Rosa Barron is staying with Mrs. G. C. Turpin. Miss Bonnie Jones and Miss Mary Etta Deitz had dinner with Miss Belle Tatham. Mrs. N. Higdon has been very ill. Hope ghe will soon recover. Mrs. *. has ^ ill for ; .hope for speedy recovery. Mrs. A. C. Barron has returned to her home at Gay, from Webster where she has been sending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Bas ton Buchanan. ? Mr. W. H. Jones and little son. Charlie returned to their home in Graham Co., after spending the wee?c end with friends and relatives at this place. Misses Vera and Emma Tathni-; visited Mrs. Clinton Sutton Sunday afternoon. &frs. John Tatham spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. N. Higdon." Mrs. Rosa Jones visited her sister, Mrs. Leona McCall, Sunday. Mr. Luther Campbell has pur chased a new Ford car. Mi'j. N. P. Jones went to Ashcville Monday, Visiting. Mr. G. C. Turpin and two little so'n.s, have gone to Graham County, visiting. ? Mr. W. A. Buchanan made a bus iness trip to Sylva, Monday. Mr. Carl Almond was in our sec tion Sunday. Misers Vanarie and Annie Tatham and Lola Higdon have returned t ? their homes at Gay, fromHigdonvilh', where .they "hr. vc been spending a fev weeks .with friends and relatives. s . ? n THANKS tj-0 t. * ^ ? To t$e citizens of Svlvn : ; -;On behalf of the members tti*l friends of- St. John's Episcopal ChurcH in Sylva and personally t wish to express to you our deep ap preciation and hearty thanks lor tu3 splendid efforts by which yoA suvod pur chapel from -destruction tho night of the fire. \ ' Very sincerely youre. ' ? CLARENCE Si McCLELI A S. .?! O *" ^re's one crop too many Tar ln'il i'.irmers neglcet ? the crop that ?!;(> lam pond might produce. Fish tK;l tlip' issilve-. "Birds of a f'e?thcrM vt only flock together b..l they - re more profitable than mixed b eedi . Get rid of the mongrelvfowls -ind use only pure brcds, suggest* the farm ex tension workers ot" another i tAle. The same is true :n North Carolina o Feeding the pifr is simplified it' you have one of the new circulars issued by tho Agricultural Extension Service of Agriculture at Raleigh for your cop? of F, 12, ^

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