ShTfeels LIKE NEW MAN lortland Citizen Declares Tan lac Completely Overcame Stomach Troubles. j p. Strnhl, 6517 88th St., Portland, ire'jron. speaking of Ills experience [ith Tanlac, says: ?Tanlac lias ended my stomach trou l,?. i.uilf me ?P eighteen pounds and I n\v enjoy the best health of my iffe. for two years before I got Tanlac, loniach trouble had me in Its grip, ml nil sorts of ailments kept bobbing [,? cause me misery. Scarcely any fjinir I ate agreed with me, and I kept foUinir off till I was sixteen pohnds mlcjwoieht. Gas on my stomach me till I could hardly breathe, had attacks of biliousness and had l,(> all the time taking laxatives. '??Tanlac put me on my feet, fixed up so I can eat heartily, sleep like Ip.p and work at full speed. There's O two ways about it: Tanlac sure iiilils a solid foundation for health." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug Isis. Over .'15 million bottles sold. ? Advertisement. |Gas Keeps Strides With Electricity. In spife of the tremendous strides kf fiV electrical industry, the gas In Bust ry today employs five times as Liny men and twenty times as much fiipital as in lSUO. Aspirin "Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get ting' tiie genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains ! proper directions. Handy boxes^ of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Asperin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester ot Salicylicacid. ? Advertisement ( ? Wail Heard In All Ages. How great a pity that we should not feel for what end we are born into this world, till just as we are leaving It.? Walsingham. Important to All Women Readers of This Paper j Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never tuspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. / , You may suffer pain in the back, head- j ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irri tabTb and maybe despondent; it makes any one so. Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such condi tions. Miny eend for a sample bottle to see what Swamp Root, the ptreat kidney, liver ?nd bladder medicine, will do for them. By j enoR sini; ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., j BuiRharnton, N. Y., you may receive sam ple size bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at ?11 drug stores. ? Advertisement. Where the Money Went. Doctor ? "Well, I hope you profited by my advice." Patient ? "Yes, doctor, hut not so much as you did." Baby Was Soon Playing With Daddy Again I "My baby cut two teeth at 4V4 months and cried so much I could hardly quiet her. Really I didn't know what to do till a friend said give her Teethina, which I and In a day or two she was laugh ing and playing with Daddy again. She has cut several teeth since and they nevef Rave her a bit of trouble," writes Mrs. Charles H. Partaln. 221 Shell Road, Mo bile, * Ala. Many a distracted mother would find comfort and relief If she would give her baby Teethina all through Its tefthlng time. It soothes the Inflamed gums and relieves every distressing symptom. Teethina Is gold by leading druggists, or send 30c to thj Moffett Laboratories, Columbus. Ga., and receive a full-slse Package and a ftee copy of Moffett's Illustrated Baby Book. ^Advertisement. People who look for trouble never loofc in vain. ;? ' LIVESTOCK T FACTS : >...? ? i . ? ?? i .1 ? ? i ? .yi . ? ? ?? j HORSE SUPPLY IS DECREASED | Number in United States Is 20,559,000, as Compared With 23,145,000 in 1914. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) An 11 per cent decrease in the world's supply of horses since 1913 and a slight decrease In the number ! of mules and asses are estimated by the United States Department of Agrl- ? culture. ? (? The number qf horses In 85 coun tries, which represents about 99 per c!ent of the total number of horses re ported, Is now 103,550,000 head, as com pared with 116,500,000 before the war. Comparative figures for 15 other coun tries, which have 741,000 horses, are nqt available. The decreases occur largely In Rus sia and the United States. According to latest estimates Russia has 18,507, 000 hotaes compared with 34,700,000 in 1913, a decrease of 47 per centi The number of horses in the United States is 20,559,000, as compared with 23,145, 000 In 1914. Decreases are also re ported from the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan. In creases are reported for Argentina, ! Canada, the Union of South Africa, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and Norway. The number of mules and asses in \ 88 countries, which represents about 91 ! per cent of the total number reported, is estimated at 23,432,000, as compared with 23,618,000 In pre-war years. Com parative figures for 19 other countries which have 1,238,000 mules and asses are not available. The United States ranks first in num ber of horses with 20,559,000 head, and Russia second with 18,507,000 head. In numbers of muleii and asses, the United States Is fin* with 5,898,000 head, Bra zil is second with 1,865,000 head, and India third, with 1,782,000 head. Imports of horses into the United States have dropped from 11,142, the 1909-13 average, to 3,593 In 1921. Dur ing the first 11 months of 1922 only 439 horses were brought in. Of Untfed States imports Canada has furnished 80 to 90 per cent in recent years as compared with about 31 per cent in the pre-war period. About 20 per cent of total imports formerly came from Mexico and France. Exports of horses from the United States have decreased since the war, and exports of mules have Increased. Exports . of horses averaged 15,655 head during the period 1919-22, as com pared with 28,333 head during 1909-13. Post-war exports of mules averaged 8,753 and pre-was exports 5,025. Mex ico has been the heaviest purchaser of both horses and mules since 1919, sup planting Canada, which took more than any other country before the war. Since the war France has imported more horses than have been exported, whereas before the war exports were about three times as large as imports. Both the export and import trade in horses of Belgium have fallen off. Im ports In 1921 were 21,000 head as compared with an average of f?2,000 head for the period 1909-13. Exports decreased from an average of 31,000 head in the five-year pre-war period to 9,900 in 1921. Imports Into the United States have decreased to less than a fifth of the pre-war figure. Exports have also fallen oft to some extent. There is a marked tendency to replace tractors with horses In England und Wales, the British ministry of agriculture and fisheries reports. Tractors are being used to a great extent only on the larger arable farms, but even on these farms tractors are being used less than in previous years. Few new machines are apparently being purchased when | tractors wear out. The low price of horses, the reduced cost of their keep, and lower labor costs are given as the principal reasons for the reversion to horse labor. Seven Scrub Chasers. t * 1. Sell that scrub bull for j beef. ? 2. Make an exchange for a ? registered bull calf. 3. Exchange scrub bull In | part payment toward a pure- ? bred bull of serviceable age. | 4. Form a bull club or a bull ? association. i" 5. Hold a registered bull sale T encouraging scrub owners to | buy a bull at his own price. J 0. Ask your county breed sec retary and county agent to as , slst in replacing that scrub with a good purebred bull. 7. Encourage scrub bull own ers to borrow a good purebred bull. from his neighbor for Ijim to keep to be used for two years' service, then return him to original breeder. MARKET FEED THROUGH COWS Corn and Other Feeds Will Bring More Money in Form of Pork Than at Elevator. v I With corn and other feeds relative ly cheap and the number of hogs be low normal, great care should be taken to give the Irogs the best pos sible opportunity to remain healthy, qs feed marketed In the form of pork will bring a lot more money than when sold at the 'elevator. / Our Pet Peeve Guilty Conscience We Guess DARNED \F" 1 KNOW WHAT Tut LAVVNLK wants To set me about ! ? I'll < 1 Take A stroll past mis ofrce an]> SE? UM AT K.IND OP A JOINT HE VkAattOi >N WELL. Me works in a ctooo tOOWciN* 6ua"DING anvvv/a ^ -I L. hello Twere! Oh VA'S A M# Right t Harold Used It Too Strong ?A?,fou<3, uA>?e soo vicmceo ahwa\u6 pu tw ?tW IAS< C0U91A lAOMtHS *?0O* *TUkS HEKE Ooc COUE ?: moo kuow, hU? FREUCHWVAM VIWO SEOVAWU COP? A CA$? Of NEW6S &4 SAMtU1 EVfW VAQRUM^ ~?verm oas via GtwvV serrER "u BcrfER*" VU6LU, HWlOta SOOCH POWiOU TbRKEM ftOGE ONUS *fU* FuvwtEST ??f Of 90UI W&GS mnH% OOOMPtH HAROUO^ V*CtOU> AH* eo? l?<xGEO AMI >AOR? ^ W6JS I km0C&kme&>: ? ; i , ? . ue oeooeo *to oof -tw oocs tot* ou UIS VUARPEO IXlOEftPtUUlUGc %U KfiPY 3AMUJ' "TWtW Grrrw' betters better " *u ?f 90R?. WORKED tfJOMOERFOW i ethMi A new Imported German Scientific discov ery. A food tonic comprising pure beer yeast and other valuable Ingredients com pounded In powder form. No more yeast cskes. No more tablets. Tasteless and odorless. A pure, wholesome food for build - Ins op your vitality and preventing disease. Add NOVAFAEX to your regular diet and obtain a strong, healthy, vigorous body. Compiles with the requirements of the U. 8. Pure Pood and Drug Laws. A proven success In cases of lowered vitality, indi gestion. constipation, malnutrition and va rious skin affections. Enclose One Dollar bill for large 4 -ox. package. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. THE NOVAFAEX COMPANY IMPORTERS Dept. 403. 220 No. State St.. Chicago. i Spohn's DISTEMPER COMPOUND A safe, dependable and effective Temedy for Coughs, Colds, Distemper, Influenza, Heaves and Worms among horses and mules. Absolutely harmless, and as safe for colts as it is for stallions, mares or geldings. Give "Spohn's" occasionally as a preventive. Sold at all drug stores. SPOHN MEDICAL C0.C0SH.EM.1N0, U.S.A. ( Vaseline Jt*gUSPM0tf CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY No skin break too small for notice. Be very wary of cuts, scratches and skin abrasions, no matter how slight. "Vaseline" Carbol ated Petroleum Jelly ? applied at once ? lessens the possibility of infection. It comes in bottles- ? at ail druggists and general stores. CHESEBROUGH MFG. COMPANY (Co!uoli<!a!ed) State St. New York Every " V airline " product is rtcorw m cndctl everywhere because of its abso lute purity and effectiveness. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-KitJneys-Heart- Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles ? LATHROP'S The National Remedy of Holland for centuries. At all druggists in three sizes. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM |R*moTrtiD*nartiffStnpiH?.irK?illntJ Rotor? Color and I Beatify to Cnr end Faded Hail) tOc. and Jl OOat PrucruU. I Iriwqi Chfm. Wln.Patchngne.W.Tj HINDERCORNS Rem ore* Dim, Ckl Iodwi, ete., stops all pels, ensures comfort to lUe trrt, makes walking ea?T. ISo. by mall or at Dnif rista. Hlscox Chemical Werkm Pateborne. K. T Received by School Teachers. "Please excuse Mary for being jumpy. She's Just got better of St. Fido's dance." "Please excuse Willie for going home at recess. He got a pain in the boy's basement and couldn't get up the stairs." ? Boston Transcript. "COLD IN THE HEAD" Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds" are generally in a "run down" condition. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la a Treatment consisting- of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which arts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up the System, and making you less liable to "colds." Bold by druggists for over iO Tears. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Population and Square Miles. There would he about nine people i to the square mile if the entire popula tion of the world were distributed equally over the earth's total surface area of about 197,000,000 square miles. To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughness or Itching, if any, with Cuticura Oint ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Kinse, dry gently and dost on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each. ? Advertisement Getting B2ck. "That musician said that the tune haunted him." "Why shonldn't it? He murdered it." ? Jack-o-Lantern. Possible Reason. "Why does the boss (;et down so early in the morning?" "I think he enjoys seeing us come in late." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the {Signature of WRITK FOK OCB LOWKfT PBJCE8 on (M?iM Catawba Ceoatjr crown cowpeaa. ?oy bean*. ceanota. etc.. baat . In Sovth. CATAWBA 6JCKD ROU lOCXOBY, V. CL

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