COURT OALANDER FOR MAY TERM 1923 JACKSON COUNTY v Atty'sPlf. Calender No. Da^Si: : MONDAY MAY 21, 1923 Tom Tatham ct al 2- J. K^QtMa] ,? vs . * Robinsott and Sutton 1 Stillwell C. C. Buchanan / / Hooker & Moore Sherrill & Buchanan Sutton&Stillwell & ilu^li Monteith W. R. Sherrill Murry Buchanan & Moore Alley & Alley & W. R. Sherrill Alley & Alley & W. J. Hannah W. R. Sherrill W. R. Sherrill Alden Howell et al 2 Dock Shular vs Jennie Shular 3 R. D. Cowan vs C. D. Carnea ^ / I D. A. Bumgardner et al vs Carr Lbr. Company \ ' } 5 E. J. Smith vs Mftqgie Smith TUESDAY MAY 22, 1923 C Howell Taylor vs Lee Hooper 190 W. R. Sherrill * ) * Satton&Stillwell 198 Sutton and Stillwell 242 Sutton A Stillwell ^ 7 P. R, Griffin 32 vs Fannie Griffin 8 Alexander 33 vs Alexander 9 Chiloska vs Chilloska S ? *)? - 10 J. K. lvenney, V!? Board of Highway > Commissioners jmd Commissioners of Jackson County 27a W. P. Sherrill ? , W. E. Aif orc : ? 12 K:hi-v! ? Minnie i i ' *8 .19:* > Bourne, Par';?'r & .Tone & Hugh MylUCitii W. E. Moore Sutton & Stilhvell l.> w W. E. Moore Sutton & Stillwell S. W. Black M t. 14 R. B. Shnji-V Vj? Mills William^ C'i -t. C* A v : ? V8 Alvin Frady \ THURSDAY MAY 21, 1923 Iti * J. K. Dillard vs C. VV. Denning & Co. 17 Road Trustees of Sylva Township vs Tuck.&S.E.Uy.Co. and Luck Company 2Pa Svrtt< a -Jc -( . ) 194 Alley k Alley 189 AUey&Alley Hooker & Moore Sherrill & Home 19 r> 18 Blue Ridge Lbr. Co. vs Lee Hooper FRIDAY MAY 25, 1923 V D. C. Hooper VS Blackwood Lbr. Co. 100 Alley AAlley 5a Alley ft Alley Moorc& Sutton & Stillwell 9 20 F. A. Brown et al vs J. E. Walker et al 11 Alleyft Alley W. R. Sherrill, C. C.Buehanan and Hugh Monteith SATURDAY MAY 26,1923 Alley & Alley 21 Vv . R. SliCi'A'lil Alley & Alley 22 Alley & Alley & 23 W. E. Moore Lena Dills et al vs C. J. Harris&J. C. Sutton 124 SuttonftStillwell / MooreftHoker Mehoney .fynes & Co. 14 W. R. Sherrill vs M. L. Coggins Robert McKee vs 61 Stevens ftAndeeou Champion Lbr. C. \ MONDAY MAY 28, 1923 Alley & Alley 24 Robert A.McDonald et al 42 Sotl< * ft St:.'J* ?:!l ? vs Sherrill & Buchanan Road Trustee ; of Sylva Tcwnship and Co. (' 'imuir^ivneK W. E. Moore & Hugh 25 L. L. 1< rix . . ,vs Monteith Sylva Tanning Co. 9a and W. E. M?^w ^Afiey & Alley ! TUESDAY MAY 29, 1923 Alley & Alley 26" Theodtire ?!i:e!isnan vs C. C. Buchanan&W. E. Moore A. A. Nichols Sutton&Stillwcll 21o S\?;t ?&Sti':w? lS 30a AUey ft Alley! W. E. Moore anil , 27 A. A. Nichols ft H. L. EVans l o, VS , ' ... 'y ) ; Theodore Buohanjin c. C. C. Buchanan ! ' ( . ' j ' WEDNESDAY MAY 30, 1923 j Sherrill&IIvnie 23 M. L. Long et al 8* AUey ft Alley V3 as Caney Fork logging Ry. Co. , JMkmASttilwdl 29 ? Henry Farley 22 HarkinsA V an winkle vg ,v J.W.Rtrtherf6rd&A. L. Fariey i Sutton 4b Stillwell A 30 Sylva Timber & Lbr. Co. 234 Sherrill&Black - vs ... ' W. F. Moody et al Alley ft Alley C. C. Cowan C. C. Cowan W. E. Moore Alley ft Alley C. C. Buchanan MOTION DOCKET f D. D. Daves et al VS , ' Pressley { Shexrill&Harwood D.J). Davies et al vs W. 8. Adams & Tuck. Mm. Co. Frapk Ray 3 W. E. Moore&Hoker '3 C. C. Cowan vs J. C. Bryson et al 4 v K. T. Davis vs W. M. Quiett 5 J. D. WalLon vs W. F. Dcckcr . 6 18 W. R. Slierrill 67 - Johnson 6 40 Satton -ft Stillwell 9 Sutton&Stillwell 10 Wolf Mt. Lbr. Co. & C.-B. Zachary et al vs D. H. Pressley & I. H. Franks Charlie Cook ? 60 vs John Cook , J. T. Shular vs oDEhcll Pain'-." ot al Cjypdler Buchanan 89 vs J. S. Higdon < David Mathis 118 vs J. L. West et al J. F. Ray W E. Moore SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Special Notice to Shriners ? r> account ,>? the IMPERIAL C 'UNTIL. ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER NOBLES of the M\STIC SHRINE, to be held in Washington, D. C., June f>, 6, and 7, 1923 The Southern Railway System will- sell to members of the Shrine and de pendent members of their families, upon presentation and surrender of identifications certificates of the required form, round-trip tickets, at the rate one 4nd one-half fare for the round-trip. !? Tickets will be on sale June 1st to 6th, inclusive, and have final limit ex piring June 30th, 1923. The fare from SYLVA will be 28.25 The fare from DILLSBORO will be 28.35 The fare from ADDIE will be 28.00 Round-trip Pullman fare from ASHEVILLE: Lower Berth, 15.00 ?Upper Berth 12.00 Drawing Room, 45.00 SPECIAL TRAINS GOING: Leave Asheville, 5:00 P. M. (E. Time) June 4th. Arrive Shrine Park {Alexandria) 9:00 A. M. " June 5th. RETURNING: , Leave Shrine Park (Alexandria) 1 :30 A. M. (E. Time) June 81h. | Arrive Asheville, 5:00 P.M. " June 8th I (NOTE: Speeial car* and speci*' ** jS' ? , ^ .ou a. M. (E. Time) June 81h ??mc, 5:00 P.M. " June 8th. (NOTE: Speeial c&nfrand special trains will not go into the Terminal Station, Washington, but will be taken direct to Shrine Park, j < Alexandria, Va.) ' f ( , A limited number of Pnii? - ? * icrmrna vaiten direct to Shrine Park , . A limited number of Pullman cars have been assigned to Asheville and Applications for space most be accompanied by check or money order, as no reservations will be made. 1 ' \ t. The Pullman rates quoted abo\c cover your trip from time yon loavc Asheville until your return to that point, including ^looping and livin." privileges while at Shrine Park, Alexandra'., Va. ? . At Shrine Park feeding arrangements of liigh class, baths and all the comforts of home will be found. j ? ( Buy your Pullman accommodations promptly. J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent, 42 Haywood Street, Asheville, N. C. i I 11 **" ***** I - NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION. By virtue of an execution to me i directed from the Superior Court of Jackson County in favor of the plain tiff in an action entitled County Savings Bank of Abeville, is plain tiff and B. R. TOLBERT, Jr., is de fendant for the sum of five thousand five hundred fifty six and 91-100 dollars, I will on Monday the 4th day . of June 1923 it being the $ist Monday in the month of June, at the court house door in the town of Sylva and in said connty, sell to the highest bidder for cash the right title and interest of the said R R. Tolbert, Jr., has or had on the 30th day of October 1922 in fhe following tract 6x lot of land described as follows : In Cashiers Valley Township, Jackson County, North Carolina, situate lying and being on both sides of the Turnpike leading from Wal halla in South Carolina to Webster in North Carolina, bounded by the lands of Alfred Zachary, Samuel Allison and the heiis at law of John S. Preston deceased, containing sixty five acres more or less, being same lands conveyed by deed from Eliza beth F. Parker and Francis L. Park er, her husband, to R. R Tolbert, Jr., bearing date the 29th day of July 1909 as registered in tho office of the register of deeds for Jackson County in Book 50 at Page 44 et seq. to which reference is hereby made and being same lands upon whieh the sheriff' of Jackson County levied a writ of Attachment on in the case entitled as above sot forth. Reference I is hereby made to said levy of at- j tachment as made on the 30th day j of October 1922 as same is docketed in the office of the Clerk of the j Superior Court of Jackson County ; in Judgement Docket of said Court, i Said sale being made to satisfy said debt and exeeution and eosts. This the 26th day of April 1923. N. L. SUTTON, Sheriff Jaekson County. o NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EX ECUTION By virtue of an execution to me issued from the Superior Court of Jack8o!n Countv. in favor of Vincent A Hughes against Natural Products Corporation, for the sum of $5000.00 interest and costs, I will, on Monday, the 21st day of May, 1923, at the court house door, at Sylva, 2h said county, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the entire mineral interest and all rights said Natural Products Cor poration, has in the lafods described in a deed from John E. Ensley and wife to Natural Products Corpora tion, dated Nov. 4, 1918, recorded in the office of the Register of Deed*, Book No. 76, page 359. Beginning at a black gum, the beginning corner ot Sec. 48 and runs S. 70 degrees E. 32 poles to a chestnut, comer of 47 then N. 55 degrees E. 250 poles to a chestnut, in the line of a seventy-five acre tract, the N. 53 degrees W. 160 to a stake, the Southeast corner of his 100 acre tract, known as the Mill tract, the^i S. 55 degrees W. 160 poles to a small chestnut its corner, then N. 53 degrees W. 16 poles to a beech in the line of 48, then S. 20 degrees W. 70 poles to a black oak (old corner) then N. 70 degrees W. 32 poles to a locust stump in tho field, then S. 20 W. 26 poles to the beginning. Con taftiing fifty acres more or less. Said sale is made to satisfy said execution and costs. This April 16, 1923. 4 N. L. SUTTON, Sheriff. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC In accordance with the new School Code enacted by the General As sembly of 1923, notice is hereby given that the County Board of Edu catio'ji will elect a County Superin tendent of Public Instruction at its next meeting, the same being the! First Monday in May, for the bien- ; nial term beginning July 1st, 1923. ! By Order of the Cot^nty Board of : Education. j ODELL S. DILLARD, Sec. Ex-officio to Board of . Education. This April 17, 1923. o? , NOTICE OF TAX SALE By virtue of the tax list placed in my hands for collection for the year 1922 by the board of Aldermen of i the Town of Sylva, I will, on the! first Monday in June, 1923 it being' the fourth day thereof, at the court; house door in the town of Sylva, at ' 12 o'clock noon expose for sale to c t bidder for cash, to satisfy the delinquent taxes and cost, the following described real estate: To each of the following add one dollar and twenty eenta for costs. T. T. Angel $8.00 f Amod 6.00 D'.ck Bennett : 3.30 Ross Bennett 3.00: EL A. Bennett I .3.25 j Cole Birch .3.38; J. W. Bumgarner, Jr. 3.46 . I Jim H. Cathey ? . | W. H. Conley ']01 Q. C. Cody , ? ij 0. C.' Cunningham Joe A. Devil 17'1? 0. 8. Dillard ? ? ^ Z. J. Fincannon ? j J. W. Fore 3l ' John Frady .... Fair Association 25.0'j Ira Franklin ...t | (>(j Arthur Bryson 2 Barney Bnreh 3 ;j) J. B. Ga rrett ? j, :w jr J. Gray v . 35fH) E. 0. Mashbhra 45^ W. G. Mashburn ig 0 H. H. Messer 3.^ C. H. Miller ? 35 Ras Miller 31^ Edd Moore ' 2.75 W. B. Morris 7 43 John C. Morris 3^ B. R. Morgan 10.2T, Blain Nicholson ? 3.0U Eugene Parker loo Jim Potts 6.65 J. T. Powell t 3.00 A. C. Queen . 23.00 W. H. Rhodes i 25.00 J. 0. Parker .. ? 13.95 Frank Scott 5.61 J. B.andT . D. Smith 20.00 Geo Sprinkles 3.00 Mrs. Suggs ? 5.00 Sylva Realty Co 3.25 Newell Ward 7.25 I D. W. Zaehary 26 % ' Western Union Tel. Co. 2.04 Ran Tollie 3.00 Arthur and Harley Bryson 20;00 Cloarane Love 18.00 John Auston 3.10 j John Arnold 9.00 ! John Bryson 18.00 Mary Bryson 8.00 Peter Brysop 4.50 ' J. C. Bryson - 2.00 Bill Coward 11.33 Heniy Doreey 3.00 Sol Doreey . ? *? 2.75 Abraham Enloc - >3.90 Harve Howell - 5.00 Lee Howell ,....1... 6.00 Walter McDowell 3.05 .severe McDowcll '!0') Jack. Murr ;'-76 ' thn X r nan ^*?11 )?!i Pickens 5,00 &V ?])' i-rd ; -00 Frank Wilson M*? r'rank Worley -4.50 J. L Jones 4.56 W. M. ROGERS, Town Tax Collector. 11TH CAROLINA/ ACKSON COUNTY.'" NOTICE TO TEACHERS I wish to call attention to Article VII, Section 160, of the Publie School Laws, enacted by the Genml Assembly of 1923, relative to mak ing application for position as teach, er. This law is as follows: "It is the duty of teachers in mak ing application for a position to ? each, tint, to file application with .! ;? Superintendent , stating the kind and the number of the certificate held, when the certificate expires, experience iA teaching, the positioi last held, and a statement that ap plicant has no contagious diseanc. The applicant should also state that the applicant, if elected will not break the contract without the ap proval of the Superintendent who approved the contract without giv ing:, at least, thirty days notice, and that he or she will observe the rules and regulations adopted by the B^ard of Trusees or the County Board of Education, under wh'tse jurisdiction she is employed to teach." All teacher* desiring to teach ia this county this year are requested 1 1 f'!c in the office of the County Board of Education, an application containing the above data. I have ?n hand a fnll supply of blanks anJ ?:rge that all teacher^ and prospec tive teachers get these blanks a? early as possible and file with me. O. S DILLARD, Superintendent of Public In struction. TOMBSTONES We'll provide any type of Memorial you desire, Granite, Marble and other stones. H. STEIN Sylva, N. 0.

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