TRIEDMANV; FOUNDTHE BEST Black-Draught Gives Satisfac-! tion, Says an Indiana Man Who Has Used It in His Family for a Good ^ Many Years. 0 > t: Orove, Ind. ? "I can recom nil.p.| i'.i.k-Draught very highly for jj,,. lit it iis?? been to. my own fan.iiy.' Mr- ?Toe Craft, of this t(,?u '1;. all my years of married liiV. many liver medicines, I -r found one that gave the that Black-Draught has. '??I it for indigestion and vhen I j,., V!. I-.1 is. My wife had severe head ache* I'roin torpid liver, or indigestion, co we u-.' it for that. It cleanses the iiv,>r ;:???! N tine to *nrry off cold. I use ;? : im-'i after {rteals except when I heavy cold or bitter taste in ;:[li and a drowsy, tired feel in.-. i take a good, heavy dose 3mi j. feel all right. ?[ i: ,\o used Black-Draught for a pood ?: : ny years and am satisfied fiiou-'* kp?'P Jt up. I have recom nu>p.t!'l it others, and have had ' iliem it'll me that it was very good cri'l tii- y would keep it as a family incdici'.i1'- ' In ilrsi-aid home treatment of com mon ...Ills, Tliedfowl's Black-Draught jms been found very helpful, when * taker. ?s an adjuvant medicine to regu late thf bowels and help stimulate tlu. liver to drive poisons out of the svstein. *i;i;M-k-r>raught is a purely vegetable herb remedy. It contains no calomel or oilier mineral drills. It acts on the liver. Mott.ach and bowels, in a simple, niiural wav and without bad after eiTwts Sokl by all druggists. Try it. 25c. Take SulphurBaths ; G>ut, Eczcma, Hives, Ac. Right in ! your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing siflphur baths. f Hancock Sulphur Compound nature'sown blood parifyingahd skin healing remedy? SULPHUR? prepared In a way to mike its use most efficacious Use it In the bath: use It as a lotion applying to affected parts; and take it internally. 60c and $1.20 th* bottle , at your druggist's. If he can't supply yon. send his name and the price in stamps and we will send you a bottle direct HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore. Md. Hancock Sulphur Compound Oint iturj ;oc and 6oc for u. it with thi Liquid Compound Agents ? \\Y haw a household article every wti; , ; i i.uys. Just show it anil take order. Uvt- ivii 's r an iiialtf $75 to $100 week. t>on S; iii Sty Co., 1 4 S ^ Broadway, New York. re pray ort ?ir to orlg-l r, don't use\ To restore fade*! h*i lnal color, a dye ? lt> danger ous ? Get a bottle of Q Ban Fl.iir Color Restorer ? Safe a? water ? apply i: and watcli result*. At all (rood drujrtilsts, ?Sc, or direct from HESSIG-ELLIS. Cheanb, Meaplu, Ten*. Roman Remains in Britain. Kxeavating for the foundation of a iif\v factory to be erected at Keyn jitiain, near l.ristol, Knghind, workmen -recently unearthed ltoman remains. The Daily Chronicle of London reports the discovery of coflius containing skeletons, a Roman needle about six Itches long, a spoon and a brooch. The brooch is believed to have put the Stiishin',' touch upon the. toga of a Koiaan gallant. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ths great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do work nature intended they Aould do. Swamp Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and u sh' uid help you. No other kidney medi cine Ins k. many friends. Be su: ;? ?o get Swamp-Root and start treatment .it once. How. v. r. if you wish first to test this jreat pr. r.T.rartion send ten ccnts -to Dr. Kilmer L (\>.( IVinghamton, N. Y.f for a sa.mi?l.-? bf,4le. When writing be sure and ?cnt'un this paper.? Advertisement. Save Doctor's Bills. .Y'iiiv.r Wife? I'm goiiig to make the desv.-t i.,;, self tonight, dear. I saw a n the cookbook for economi cal P'.id'ling." Huh >. impose we have no pudding ?that v 'i! be even more economical. ? Boston i"- ? ? ? 1 ? ,'I?ing Transcript. Bulb Does Measuring. Oiieiac d by compressing a rubber hulH. a 1 1" vice which can be atttached to the i.eck of any bottle-shaped con tainer, has been invented to deliver *?oasino(i amounts of liquids. CASTOR* A For Infants and Children tn Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the ?ipittu:e of OUR COMIC SECTION Cloudy, Unsettled and Threatening i *L m I Mickie Gets 38 in Deportment W?H,SVU/C OFF TUBA fJEEPS*. fcDAEWVfcEfc TU? jOWViSYOVUM FtOOO *' VWO^.KAM XeACHEfc IS Mi oieGwocH* NOV) MEAM too OV&MEO e\>ew \ S*e$ xam> AlV XW XlkAE*. e Wmm? Nt?W *J"*? A Safe Prediction O VGS MADAME", I AM A DIRECT DESCENDEIYT op tug great kiNcx Xjt-ankm-amew , one TTmE PHAfcAOU OP ALL EGVPT ? 1 CAN FORESEE "fi4E FUTURE A6 WELL AS Tell vou "We past -that'll cost You MORE. J? I predict That Youg husbAnd shall) HAVE A VIOLENT ARGUMENT WITH Vou 1 TONIGHT 1 1 WENT Id ThE MOST MAr2VELOL& OLD PORTUNQ TELLEP ToDAV -U?'? A DIRECT DESCENDENT OP KiN6r TTJT-ANKH-AMEN - WE said 50 M,MS5fr"DiB5cT ? ' DESCENDEWT ?- SAV \X/HEGE DOES HE GET Tms 3HBECT STUPE !! , TUT-ANKH-AMEN lived 3000VEARS AjO mL ,1 Dor/T CARE WHAT \0U SAY ?I BELIEVE him ? ^hv he even predicted ^btib