7rjtL0W ?Z PKESIDENT f STATS SUPERINTENDENT R'lleu'ii. May .'JOrii. ? President A. j- ,UI('? 1 !,!t' t 'ullowlipc Normal 4?d In?!i:-t j i.i! School lias b<a>n np ;l< >i iff Superintendent of public ''.v Governor Alor-; n'ion, f'- ( ? Bfooks, ff|l0 rp.->i-iicil to accept (lie presidency ot- ?||p Slate Collier oi" Agriculture pr. linutkN Micceeds Dr. W. C. JJidilii'k :t-< r:. '-nieiii oi :tate ei>lle??o, pt< Kithliik Inning resigned (hit position '"t 1 1 d?:ys The p!v~i< ?iu ft ('ullowhce Sor Du! iiiul I r;:i I School, who lias just 1 iipj'i'rtiictl state sitfierin tt'WTMi. ? <?!*?< fad h? I lie head of jtc ( a.y Si liool a lew weeks iiikt iKi : < j that lime had been the fiiu't' ii.vi" ft i'r. i! rooks in tlie stati- it'!H'.i:!oa.;i depart mcnt. So iiiijiii- ?,:>?! !';io been t'ortli foiniiiC ! i'" ' o.'; vj.il sources jus t-i irlio !?> iik? s ; : ? succeed Prut*. VA|le>r 0, i!;c i..: ! -?i Lie I'lilhuvlieen "V'or Si*;.*" -. ; * i j ? i i ?? 1 1 a selection must bt'iH.iili' ?:>?!:. y, ;!tid meeting; ot' the biiaiil hi ;ri lei-; will, probably be kid ;il \> fii i- or Sylva within a short i : - r i ? ; c ? (uirpose of elect ing ;l SHri t ' ?,.v !,> Prof. AHeli. GEO. COX AWARDED D. S. C. Sfashi.:.--t;n. Ayiil 12.? Another Xortli i receive* |?ub! i?* ae kiH>vv!i?L< eouraue and kav?rv in i!.?- Wni.l War because 01 hU con.ii.- ..i.iie rntk-r lire from Gcnuau rliit - and mat hiiif yuns. The IK.stiiii.ai i:.?i Scrvirt* Cross litis been avvar.l.'i C-pS. Ceo. 1'. Cox, i* Cullowhce. This '-:1s issued b\ the War l)epaisi::< .!??. lel'int? of the eSc ploits aim < n: > iiiui::ry lieilaism which won it'i if him tliis liitrli honor. The Distinuin.-i.i'il Service Cross citation from tin- War .Department read*: v.. "Geo. ('. C >x. Signal nweers' Ki serve Corp.-. ti . n (. aptain . Signal Corps 2u<jl 1 ii'iil Smnal I ??i ttjilifii. First pivi-itKi, lor i'xtraordiiiar.% heroism in action near liili -40 north of Excrmoiu. Fram e. October 4 ;>:id 5, 1U! S. L':']i!;!:ii l n\ made a ia^si hazardous ! i ? 1 1 reconnaissance in front 1 1 .wac.-iciMi lines to de termine t!ie j-. : i: i. n of the eue.nv. then lu'lilijij liiis hill. I)urin<? this entire exploit he was under close rani,T ritle ami machine '-.in lire. Sub sequently Its- accompanied the as sault wave in the attack,' anil with two lion commissioned ollicers estab lulled ami imiinlained liclephonic coiimuiniciui tu on Hill L'40 under in tense artiilen concentration, ami in spite of ?li"cct machine lire, from October i!MS. This action war vital to lii,' coinbal eiliciencv of tin command am! the success of the First liriuaili'", The Distinguished Service (Yo.-s for Captain Cox lias Been funvaruii to the comaiandini; officer of the IVhiiiIi Corps Area, at Fort .McPhcrsi;nt Ca? for present:! - tion. He will arrange by correspon dence iviih Captain ("ox the time for ?!iis to take plac? and will have prop.! cr ccrini.'iiics in coiinecti. i; with the imwHlatioii. Cap:. :n Coy is now a me:n!>er of llio lacu't y ii,' tiic State ( *:>ll?*i?e of Aiprieidiiij-:- am! Hnirineerin'.;, beiiH; an inst riicjs.r in clectruil en^ineer *"!? ami Ii:; vii-ic established the third laf-e-l broadcasting station ii. die I n,!ci| States. He has many friend* here ;?;:<! in the state who will ham n] ilic hifch honor bestowed up- j on hiui with ^-eat interest. Captain Cox has .hM-dl \\Mt the command ii'? iM'.ivr i .Tiiiy '24 as the day for ?/ '' l>!'i (??.:' !! at Fort McPherson, Ca. o - : ? CH2R0i:r,E TO HOLD FAIR CL-r Sr. ,,. .\isiv 25.? C::;mty li. j>. KIT, has the buck'nisi ?' t!'.e ? ;':.r {?(.i.,inissi?iu,r? and city u\i i ! _i,y in his ellori.? to M-.-'iiiz-.* ? iv I i!" Cherokee Ci'.iaty, l ;;ll ami every citi'/.t ij }vho litis ))?'(?!) ;! j'lif :;.c|u < >11 ('? (? subject t'Xjirc : i ? r I :? desire that the ?? . ;:;rty | lu.'V ;i v i ici'lin1' is, therefore, fulled l' ?r T'li^Ly, June 2n<l, to be '"'lil in J he cm.irt house lit 1 oYkck. At this meeting the extent itii'l Mature (ii tlic tV.r will bo discussed, a date mimed, committees ?\pj)ointcd, ttltii-cin ??Icitcd and any otjier steps 7akt-n thai , may seem necessary. It is desired that as many farmers as possible attend tlii* meoting.1 A i':>ri!ici in lirunville County sav td -$hi? on !ns tile bill by having the *lraii- age engineer of the extension service survey his drama 'and'give & Ml o I material. HANDLING THE r SWEET POTATO CROP Raleigh , N. C. May 31.? The tost soil for sweet potatoes is a light well t \ / * drained .loam with a clay subsoil. Tins light soil will give jilenty ol" room for the pro|>er growth of the potato and produce one that is readi ly marketable. The clay subsoil will , prevent the roots from growing deep info the ground and making a stringy potato. The disease known as scurf is more severe on the dark soils than * A on light and mars the looks>of the crop. These are some of tlie sugges-J lions about the kind of soil to use for sweet potato growing as reeom-| ?mended by. li. F. Payne of tlie l):-i vision of Horticulture, State Col I one and State f)epartment_of Agriculture, i lie advises a fertilizer analyzing! v^to 9 percent phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 (percent nitrogen and 3 to 4 percent I ; Hit ash, applied at tlie .rate of fnmi yiOO to 1,000 per acre. About halt '6f this application tdimiid be applied in the row at planting time. To transplant tlie slips or draws, Mr. Payne suggests that the bed be thoroughly v moistened before tlie plants are puiled. The plai\ts arc then wrapjH'd with a pit'ee of burlap, and for best results .should be pud dled in a' tub containing a quantity] \\i clay and manure before being -ei , in ti e lield. Mr. Pavne suggest* t!:.i V ' ' a cloudy day be ,u <d lor the Iran. ! .planting and at Jen. I one-half pint of water be r ed around' each plant as it i-; being set". i 1 " i'!ie plants should be set |'Jini-!ies aparL'on r. >ws t > 3'u frtjt wide. Hood results are obtain "d i ri- ii h;i;h t lidging, as tlri viv^s the wots plfliiyi, of* room to develop. \ iue cut tin s lire more profitab'.; than drc.v.s ?i:cet they give a large percentage of. marketable potatoes", says Sir.. Payne. , j NEGRO DEOWJTS PT Tim TU C'KA SEIGES | ) V , . ; "?7 . i'ryson City ??. ii:r ? ?.) ;e\ ' flow.'!! d4 ji st-ii (h !\'t r.; ! io.V.cll \V.':> llv VI' 1 ili ii! li 'I 'II A ? J ... ... ? .ree iViiT \\ i it* . ;'i.. !. f .it ? !>oui S oVI? 'in' x'ii.msj. . >. ?. *e t ; i ( ' , * if.ti :nl.i.'4 tin* . .ii. nl lire &? ,.v\. ' peculiar. The venair y> K?rt ?l boy \%v ; about twenty yeaytf ?> I :'._;e v..s cm ployed by lialp'i/, (iii)-on 1(> hard ?Travel out of the river froin-a point below t:wn .just (opposite the c*-u> 1 chute on the Southern Kailway. It is stilted that the boy h;i<l driven the team bfl(.ii^ijiu- to Mr. (iibst)n into the liver to the is IjuhI where (lie load ed the wayon. About t hi-, time .Mr. ' Jihson, ii is stated came to the river bank and noticing thai the river hail itcuun to rise ; very rapidly -ordered the bay io unload the wa^on and brin<; the wujjon and team out. lie unload'.-d the wa::on and stalled to the bjjnk b^tl ju.-t before reaching it. the river ' ! 've.iiue so dftepuml swil't th.! . ,rses wi re s^ept oiV tli^ir feel. )? iled d -v.n by the swil't. under-current and all were ?carried down stream ruder the water. It is stated by some that the boy was at one time very near the bsipk but seemed to became bewildcre! and turned back toward the swil't cur rent and wfys swept und;tr and drowned. Sea i cliiny parties lined the river banks all day Wednesday and' Wednesday ni?ht' br.t up to noon Thursday no trace of the boy's body had been found. The horses,, how ever, and the lore parts of the way on were reeoyeiyded late Wednesday at si poiiit one half mile below where l!ie accident ocurr-d. The bay cjro.vn ed is one of a family of fourteen children. Me leave- ten brothers and three sisters besides his I. !'? ??? in.1 mother, "I'licU*," I?erry ami" Aunt" Sally Howell. FRYMONT PIN OPEN JUNI. 1 I ? ~ I Hrvson (*i( v. Aiiiv !?(?. ? Frv i ? f\ a ? * * ' Inn, one < of the mii'.jijc institu . !? ?. j of this .seeti::iU of the state, f * f .Jund 1. It i.s situated near 1 ho str - i t ion here and i ?* considered one of 1 1 ? points of inleivsl for tourists visa in-? JJryson Oily. 'Hrvson Citv is lookiti" I'm* a I;'!':;.1 ' * , *j . , J influx of tourist;' tins season ,an 1 1 hotels here are -planning to accon - ! niodate tile summer visitors. J ',V 0 Farmers of Il ilil'nx C"t:nty have ; pureljased (i.(K)O baby chicks, a car- j load of -1 To! si (.'in and (.luciusey cm tie, formed a seed breeder; ass(;e:-| ? ? ' I ? f ntion ami sold a cartas d of f;\Veet potatoes in Los Angeles Ca!--| fornia, at 9."> ecnts per bushel, iu: cording to recent reports from the] comtz agent. . ; HIGH HAMPTON OPEN TO TOURISTS Announcement has been made that . the beautiful summer home of the [ j Hamptons, High Hampton, in Cash | ier's \ ..lioy, has been leased to ! Douglass Bradley, by. Mr. Frank Hampton, the present owner,, and will be opened as a tourist resort, tliis summer. , lli-h Hampton has been consider-] ed one of the most beautiful spots ' ill all Western North Carolina, andj has been the. summer home of the llhuipioii family for half a century or iuorA It comprises several hun dred acres of land, and has been the show place of that entire region for many years. During the latter years it has been iwned and occupied by I)r. and Mrs. W. S. Halstead, Mrs. llalstead be a niece of General Wade Ham.,, pU>n, and Dr. Halstead a f&mous sur geon at Johns Hopkins University, iiast fall the death of both Dr." and Mi's. Halstead, coming within a few weeks of each other, the property was inherited by Frank Hampton, 'mid lie it was who, last week threw iiiC beautiful property open to the public by. leasing it to Mr. Bradle/ for tourist purposes. o CAMP CREEK We are >vving so much rainy *v ?a*lie* the farmers arc behind with t work./ ..." i .. '? :ii Ward went to Whitticr Vfo1. ..*> \. 'iiig. ">li m Gir.ce Davis went to Ashe ? il.e Ti:o?-dny, where she will take up > ?rlv avain. W'f are sorry to say that Hubert n I \? i- very ill Sunday. v .'.1r. :ii-{ Mrs. Taylor Bridges were ?the :'i is; ?f Mr. and Mis. lrviu , Sun lay. ??. :iJ;:r!?nd Oxner made a trip to i' ? . I r 'ty. >undav. ? ^ . M is. ]>ob Howell were the i -. of .Mr. and .M rs. Will Oxivfv, Nr.A:a\\ W '? !i.t -and little daugh'.-rl . ? to Wll ! Si.'inl;. v. Hj . ,!.A ? .Jh?!*:ms! Mr/. WHb -fj ! ' :n! dai^lucrs, < I ' i . y. iled M : .lot Mr.,% sfrw, Sunday. ? - ??:. I m"* l>r;:\Vl! and Neli I .!?'.! liiiKil ;;t Air. Keltic Bridges, Sunday.. .Mr. Lloyd Quiett wei|t to Balsam, Sunday. % A large crowd oi' ydinig folks on joyed an ice cream supper, at Mr. Bob Howell's, Saturday night. Miss Lillian Moody dined at Mr. Kcllie Hyatt's, Sunday. Mr.AHenXation visited his mother, Mrs. A"C Nation, at Wilmot, Siui d.i". Mr. Keilie Uridine;; took supjK'^ with Misses Xella Nation and Cleo !?rov. n r,t I lie home of Miss Nations, Sunday night, Mr. and Mi's. Grady Cooper and children, ended sen ices at Slioal Creek, Sunday. Next Sunday will be children's day at Olivet. ?y ? ? A NEAT STATEMENT If has bean discovered that news paper subscribers are almost an in fallible thermometer for registering1 a i man's lit: nosty. If lie beats the printer-; In- is dishonest, hence there is no c-.c:! pe.The editor's subscrip tion books will be 011 hand judgement day ami some people will pray for the mountains to fall on them be cause he didn't keep square with him. ? Lake Wales (Fla.) Leader. 0 WITHERS GOES TO HOSPITAL Mountaineer-Courier, May 25. ? Ernest L. /Withers, our wide-awake secretary ?>i the Hoard of Trade, left y villi Ins father, YV. A. v'hhiiri, 1.;v Baltimore, who goes to .?? >n.? Do: '.-ns tor examination and y.f :-ib; l "?i'tment. ? r ? o 'i '.v i iking agriculture at the hi"! sc!;:; ! nakes 32 bushels of corn .terc w'lere Dad - makes 17.7 bushels ; J.-' makes 512 jxiunds of cot tun wleiv pad makes 278 pounds; ' o l; a!..'.- 814.8 pounds of tobacco w' en- !;is Had makes 610.4, and he i.MkiM 178 bushels of sweet potatoes v.ai't:' his i 'ad makes 10G.fi, aecord to ,firi(l:n?-.s of Dean C. B. Wil i? ';.s ci- lite Xcrth CaroliiA State t':ijlege.? TndieatifiHS i".'e that this is a good . tr to su e out some good seed ? ' in for "!e tliis fall) There *is. al v: vs a shortaj^e of wheat, oats and j ziVbraizi r\e seed from the home grows StOfifc. ,, r ,y^:' ? ) 1 "r i :v. JUDGE ADJOURNS COURT ' TO LIST TAXES ' After trying two cases this week, | Judge Henry P.Lane adjourned Jack | son County Superior Court, Tuesday afternoon at 5:30, in order to return to his home in Iieidsvillc and list his taxes, and certain properties he is?holding in trust. s-4 There were several cases left 011 the docket for trial, and a number of I litigants were disappointed at not getting their cases tried this term of ,tl?e court, as they had every reason to' expect they would be. ,,.The case of J. R. Dillard vs C. W. Denning Lumber Company, the first case tried this week, a verdict of $60.00 odd dollars was awarded to the plaintiff. After the evidence for the plain tiff was in the case of J. K. Kenney vs r the County Commissioners of Jackson County and the Board oi Highway Commissioners of the Coun ty of Jackson, a non-suit was order ed, Judge Lane ruling that the road in question, passing through Mi\ J^enney's property,! at Balsam, and for which he had entered suit for #075.00 for alleged damages, is j. state highway, a part of the state highway system, and that Mr. Ken ney 's~ remedy is against the state highway commission and not the countv or the countvj road authorities. REMARKABLE PICTURE WILL BE SHOWN HERE BY AMERICAN LEGION Arrangements ha\jc just beijn com-' pleted by the William E. Dillard Post of the American Legion lor bringing to Syl\'a I the American Legion's Film Classic*, "The JJa?i Without a Country". This unusual film lecture will l)|e shown :it the lialsOn Tlio:;tei .1 11 13th. "Tljc Alan Without a Country" e' most remark- ! produced. When 1 voHd plfiiiii . at he ni^ht of June said t<> he one ol 1 able photoplays ever the liictun; had ils \ L it W^slii 1 '<? p lu ll . v.!i. "? t . :n' ? 'KM ' cr ir. ire ?.?'U i in N;v?v o>l tril as ;i ** 'ii> ici (1 ol ? i ? i. ?!, I ,-v : ised up, Ml Hr. le'.s inns! < ee. the lei'diiig role : ''Man Wiliiout is banished after ,'\ >i:t Tin* pv Kdward KmitIi il; Arnold I Jul v pL:\s of Philip No!;. ii, ihl a Country", who \v In' had damned his country while" on trial tor complicity with Aaron Burr's treason plot. Patriotism and love are the keynotes of the pro duction which are worked out to a surprising conclusion. Mr. Cordell Kussell, commander <>t' the Post announces that proceeds derived from the showing of the picture will be used by the Legion in carrying on its program of ac tivities, including the care of sick, I disabled and weedy ex-service men. | Please keep in mind the date picture will be shown here ? June 13,] at 8 P. M. We urge you to see this] picture. Watch the Journal for further an-j iiounccmcuts. H E OWED NOT ANY MAN EXCEPT THE EDITOR!! good man was , men on North I The other day a talking to several Front street, and he remarked, " don't owe any nn>Ji a dollar, and I ay promptly every month or in : * J * casL He was sincere, ; too but he hap pened to look up and saw the editor oi ihe Conway News standing look; ? i*.' at him, and thf ?;<H>?i Uian blush ed and ed'iid, "'Fsccpt +.he editor." and then he gave ip. cdiN.r the tw >' years 'subscription that was due, male i'ltr Inin s -unrC' with the iturld. Conway (Ark.; Vc lw.' V WOODMEN TO HOLD UNVEILING The Woodmen of The We/Id wi!l ujiveil monuments to H. P. Ensle; and Rob Ithinehart, at .the Waynes ville Cemetery, in Waynesville, next Sunday afternoon at 2:30, at wliie ? time Robert It. Relyiiolds and K. V. Grant will be the principal speaker?-. Following the c-e|-ei:ionic3 :tt Way ne-iville, lite Wood Balsam and decor liicn will come t > | te the irryve of TIm?l Cornier, and James II. Catlitfy will be the speaker there. KHS. C1A7 F lend, of Mrs. ' l % l>e filad to |ea ru t rcco verily lroni iilness, , . BETTER G. C. Crisn wit *at she is i\ :d!y Her recent sc.IoUo ORDER FIRE ESCAPES at all Schools The Jackson County Board ol Education has made ail order for bidding the use of the upper stories of any school house in the coipity, until adequate fire escaj>es can be provided, and has ordered l}re-escai?es constructed at all the school build ings in the county having an upper story, before the fall session ol school begins. The Board met Monday with the .school committeemen from the var ious parts of the county for the pur pose of making out the budget lor the coming year, to be submitted to the county board of commissioners The budget is not complete at this time, but it is hoped that it will be in time for publication in the Journal ,:iext week. It was at tins meeting that t!it\ progressive order regarding fire >scapes was made. o TO BUILD MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN The pipes have' been laid, t! em: <.e1e forms l-ave l/vn m; <:??, :Uid tin \r>rk of potiv;6'? the . tont ivie lor he bowl and base for the fountain. :hat is to be erfcied as o meitiorl;.] 'o Jnckson County's sejvuufs in 1 lis* World War, will begin 4i few dajs. It is expected to have, the- Wilier (lowing in the fountain b-fore J!iu Fou ih of July, although ihe sAaliwry ?.vill not adorn the founia!n for s?)!.:e ! 5e. The fountain is locate;' nt tlu* end ?>f main street, and at the foot of the i ourt hou.s'e steps, in crescent shape, conforming to the steps and :? p proaehes, and when completed will iie a piece 01 art that the town ami t lie county can well be proud to pos sess. Q BALSAM ? / ;.IY. Janie.s Meiiaffry iwived ni: !(?:? rie shockWednesdiiV while worfc ? ] vii *: soi'io wire during a ihrnjcl' j ? . i ? ? . ' \s. (,'uniilc Painter, <!a'u hlev aii;l 1 it i:-. adson, of S. C., ;..is',t"d i:cr sister, Mi's. ('. K. (V.w'aji ; .1. A. Mehaffey and iamily ci Smokemcnt are spending ti:.1.? iu Balsam. , N, . ? Mr. and Mrs. Lot' Crawford, of Greenville, S. C., who visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Craw ford last week have returned home. Mrs. Odclie Jones and little son, Robert, who have been visiting; her sister in York, S. C., stopped over for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Rufus .Tones and daughter, Miss Ethel Jones, enroute to her home ii> Brvson City. Mr. J. A. Queen and sons, Robert md We lev and daughter. Miss Martha Jane, motored lYc-m Gastnia last week and spent several d-i.vs i:> Balsam. Mrs. Jane Pa iris relume ! with them to Gaston ia. Mr. John Brooks, father of Mr. Phill Brooks, died in Hazelwnod, Saturday and his body was laid 1<* rest in the eemefVry near Saunnoi'. Sunday. Mr. Brooks had been in bad health for some time. MisSe; Ruth Brvson, TIeltie.. and Evelyn Brvson, Hazel Norman and Messrs. I-. L. Cooper itnd J. E. Orr, !?f Asheville went* kodaking Sunday Vftenioon. 1 o WALHALLA KAS DISASTROUS FIRE Walhalla, S. C.May J<S. ? The worst fire that has <. ? urred in Walhalla .since the town was ab .aJ half de stroyed by flame -, a uiusilx r of years ago occurred last W?dhje.sday : !i? rily before iu.cn, when i : i.i; i<: oi li;v was given and it wa.s /vi<i ihat 1l'e large Main Street stria ? of W.??i. 'Jrown was being gut { ? J by fire, which had its origin in i' :? base ment, which was bring u . '? us ;i feed and sales stable, j.; ii . large quantities ot feeds tubs other inflammable materials wer. stored. The exact origin of the (ire is in doribl, tliouirh it is supposed to have had. its origin by the dropping cf -i male]) into tfte quantities of feed stuffs in the basement. a MARRIAGE LICENSE License to wed^has been granted to ?Ogit?ddis Crisji. and if.IcK ?*$cer. Allisor.. o Farm grown feeds are usually o. caper than purchased feeds becau.se ? feeds must be ;?towii on sor.!? /.ma. In buying feeds you pay tho cil.er fellow, and sometimes the mid 1 dleman, a profit ?01 jumdliug them. \ CLARKSON NEW JUSTICE llearit Clarkson, Charlotte, At torney. rnd former campaign mana ger i .u' Cameron Morrison, lias been :q'<]fO>iiii'(! associate justice of the stale supreme court to iill the vac ancy canned 1ft the death, list week ol ..''tehee Walker. o FOR BETTER SCHOOLS Dear Editoy: ? Being well acquaint ed with the School situation at Glen vilic and believing that the conditions a#c better than they have ever been before. 1 ainj greatly surprised to ' tfead the views ol your correspondent who writes i'roni Cedar Creek and siurns her name "Mother." Tl.i! County Hoard of Education lias provided her community with a i :;ck to c;i rn her children and her neighbors' children to school and iiis truck missed only about Your. days. Now, ii she prefers for !>er children to walk three miles to : cliijol* rather than he carried in a 'ruck that c.m be relied u|?on fo run ,iear!y every day, 1 think she ought u? arrange will. the school authorities for he* children to walk and nftt ob-^ jeet to ;i irnety for her neighbors' children, who, so far as 1 have heard are glnd to have the privilege of : r; rt.vtion. The County Board of Education in 1;!i i ? exercise ?;i their duty and their honest judgement have thought it i.eilt .- for all concerned to transport jlic chiliirei! hi :: central school than to spend $1000.00 or more to build a i. nc-room school house where one Richer in : -t teach seven grades. The one-teache.r school has always been a make-shift. It is fast going into disfavor.. <Iust as soon as it can be entirely eliminated from our school system, it inftst certainly will be, for i'.o child ever does get proper at tention in Mich a school. i shall not undertake to answer all of the trivial objections and mis statements of "Mother", but I shall 'pay my Inspects to a few of .the u for feer that false im wi!! be made uj)on yonr r; ;?!ei'i (?(>.. !" re who do not know ? (!;?*? Lds or who <?re unacquainted wi'ii' iiie .? iiiuit 'on at (ilcnville. In my oil' l!ie whole article written it: ?.jtp; :: it i;;ii ty consolidation is in :-!j;iivil by prejudice or due to lack of kYimvlc of the children '? educa tional needs and rights. "Mother" is not satisfied with re cording her opposition to consoli dation and working herself into a iren/.y over tl:c danger of the child ren's being injured or killed in a wreck, she must make veiled charges against tue (ilcnville School, its order and its discipline. The past session has ben ( lie of the best that Glen ville has ever had. There have been t!inv teachers, all holding first grade certificates and all having had nor ; 1 1 : I ti'aininv;. The average attend an-.".1 v. 's f.2 this year, while only about eacii of the two previous years, If there have been any com plaints of lax discipline or bad order, I h.v.e laiied to hear of them nor do ? w r f any rases or occasion for any such. j .V-; to iherc bcinir 30 children in Cidar Creek community, who are out of the (Ilcnville school limit, [. -a " J hat 1 know that commun ity very v..il and after counting up very /-arclY.lly 1 cannot find over 24 children betw.cn the ages of 6 an-l OJ I } I is c"!ie'ii.-i<ai, I wish to take thitf t opportunity to' time every parent and ! -very patriot, public-spirited citizen j * i f ?? ? . Hamburg Township, to work and to vote for the local tav i lit;- e . i < Son to be held June 32. The cost w i ! i he small in comparison with the yre::t benefits to all the ? liidien. 'iVaii/m is the ch ::apext j .uiiii.-n. 'iius ta.v: is levied at home rnd ;.l heme. Js there any; ji" i :'Mt <!'?-( rvin^ bf tlie name who ltis or her child the small [additional tax that will give the ? I (si longer term and a better : : ? I?y voting this tax, Dist. v. ill not only provide for its 1> graded school op |r>i . -at puts within Can vUlf.* : ? ? r cn :> .ststte high 8' .1001. .Witli the con. miction of the State hi?rS way ti.'n: t'i ? -t:<)!ish' .ent of a state high school, Glcnvillc yill ciijiu- into her own. It \riil soon bc c-oi. e one of the most progressiva siiid attractive Jt.;j.HiUu.ities in Jaek srm County. ALSO A MOTHER. ' o Ha!t scrvfcs as a spice or condi . iiient which whets the appetite and ' increases the p&atibility of feed for all livestock.

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