ORGANIZE DEVELOP MENT CORPORATION Western North Carolina, Inc., an organization to develop all the re sources and possibilities of the 21 mountainous counties of North Caro lina was organized at the Battery park lintel, in Asheville; TuijsUay/, flic charter tor the corporation was rend and the by-laws approved and adopted by the directors. " ; P is expected to have the organisa tion under way and beginning to function within a short time. It. js |,iv.|k?((1 to elect Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt as president of the coqwra tioii. Mr. Cieoige Stevens was elected chairman of the board of directors, ati.l Mr. Stevens' business ability con pi cd with his interest in Western North Carolina assure that the co op Tat imi will be well-managed for tin* sj'ond of this whole region. The program out-lined by West ern North Carolina, Inc., is a big one, and it is projwsed to spend mill a year for at least 5 years to develop the following phases of cuilavor in this region : Kurnl de velopment, Keligious conferences, summer camps, good roads and' t'or cstrv. transportation, education and music, town development, new enter prises. natural resources, legislation, tourist huisness, publicity and infor mal ion, and miscellaneous enterprise. Mr. li. F. Hough, one of the di rector. aceoinpained by Dan Tomp kins, attended the meeting, Tues day. / >/ o ? - HUNTER ELECTED PRESIDENT CULLOWHEE J At a meeting of the- trustees of Cullowlur Normal and Industrial School, la-Id here last week, 11." T. Hunter was elected president of that institution, the place having ' been made vacant by the resignation of A. T. Allen, who resigned to assume th? duties of State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Mr. Hunter has for some time been at the head of the department Of education at Wake Forest College. o 1 BALSAM There was real moonshine from the real moon in Balsam Monday night. This was the first time Madam Luna had shown . her face here in some time. We hoj>e this is an in dication of clear weather and less mud. Mr. .1. T. Moody has placed his saw mill on the Haight farm and is Hawing some fine lumber. Mr. Wess Patton will soon have his saw mill in operation on the Davis .tract of land. With so piaiiy saw mills ojKTating' in fluid near l>alsam, it seems that lumber should he cheaper. ' . ? ' -,/ Mr. Walter Hyatt has purchased .X a Studebaker car. . <???? Mr. T. It. C. I)iincan, Miss Patrs Duncan and Master Jim went to Sylva Friday. Mr. Arthur Bryson, of Brevard is vixitinsf relatives in Balaam. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Berdell, of Columbia, S. ('., are spending some time- in Bal sam. They have rooms in the home of Mrs.D.T.lvnight.Mrs. Berdell is a sis-, ter to Mrs, .1. C. H. Wilson. Miss Cornelia Christy, of Eiuorv, ^ ?>., is visiting relatives in Balsam. . CAMPING PARTY A party, cha]K>roncd by Mrs. Charles Z. Candler, wont to Canada l'riday ot" last week and spent tlio night, ramping out. They returned t<> Sylva Saturday afternoon. Those ?'"joying the outing besides the chap eroiie, were: Misses Mary Enloe, Kint'lyii Daniels, Klsie Potts, Isabel Allison, and Marv Candler, and Carl Kuril anan, (!uv Buchanan, Conrad Nichols, Dick Potts, Walter Allen and Charles Candler, Ji\ o CARD <?}* THANKS Through Tie Journal we wish to ' K|fvss our t,-?nks to the friend* neighbors of Fairlield and the coiaunitv who were so *i'?d and helot" a during the illness ?'?'id death ot "j ? i!nu srul Is'lier vel-- >n Fowler, whom ' #:>?! V sited our i:ii on J ui.o <?nd and rieil liiir t.? j> oo he. h. Mnv God ho with our irnuD nnd v en done wi' h them on t ??r! U give 1 em a h..rrio in heaven MRS. \ >?; i\/\- IlTi and l-i'dren. . ?hen a bird is killed, bugs re joice. DOG MESSER DRAWS 14 MONTHS Judge Hooker, in Recorder's Court Monday, found Doc Mcsscr guilty of % * transporting and of operating an automobile while intoxicated and sentenced, him to serve, 14 months .on tho," roads of Haywood county, 011 the two oharges. Messer appealed to the ' superior court, and bond was fixed in the sum of $1000. Simon Hustoii, negro, who was >n the car5 with Messer at the time he was.*;. arrested, was found guilty of aiding and ubbetting in transporting, and was sentenced to a term of six months on, the Haywood roads. Kellcy W hit, a 17 year old youth was found guilty of the larceny of a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes. He stated that he was from Madison county, and that his mother is dead and his father a cripple. 1 Judge Hooker sentenced him to three months at the county home, with capias td issue within* -48 hours, in order to ^ive him opj>ort unity to go home. A collection w as taken, in which the court participated to make up enough money to pay the kid's transportation to his home. Jim Loft is and Jim Stovey were found guilty of an assault uj>on Hill Hooper, and appealed to the superior court: LeboWoods was charged with reck less driving, with ojH'iating and jiu to mobile while intoxicated, and with malicious destruction of personal property, and the cases were con tinued until July 9* for the defend ed. The cases came up from the Mayor's court of Sylya, and grew out of a collision between the cars which were driven by Lebo Woods and Perry Duncan. Duncan's car was badly smashed, 011 the Old Hickory Highway, near the Sylva Tanning Company's plant, Sunday afternoon. V o \ ( SHOAL CREEK . A reunion of relatives was held at the home of Messrs. J. L and H. (J. Ferguson, Wednesday./] lie party con sisted of Mrs. Stephen Shclton, Mrs. C./k Kav,* Mr. W. T. Shclton ami Mrs/ E. J. Hyatt, of Wayncsville, Mi*, and Mi's. Conley Shelton of Los Angelas, Cal., Mrs. F. A. Anderson, of Johnson City, Tenn;, Mrs. Kd IMiinehardt, of Asheville, Mrs. W. I). Wike, of Cullowhce, Mr. J. L. Hyatt and family, Mr. I'. H. Fer guson and family, Mr. P. C. Shelton and family, Mi's. A. D. Parker and Miss Martha Heritage. A sumptuous dinner was served. . Several of the folks from Kavens furd, attended services at the Church Sunday afternoon. Rev. <T. R. Church and family re turned Wednesday from Winston Salem, where he has been attending summer school. Mrs. Church's moth er, Mi's. Bui-ton and her sister, Miss Edna, .came with them to spend a few days. Messrs. J. M. Hughes, Tliad Vam. er,- Misses I.<1? Battle and Gradie Barrejt motoml to Bryson City, Sundav at te: .10011. Mrs." A. ( . lloyle and son, Curl, left for Georgia, Saturday to. visit Mrs. Hoyle's mother who is yerv ill. Mr. G. T.^Cooper and family din ed at Mr. P. C. Shclton 's, Sunday. Miss Annie Crisp is spending a few' days at' Mr. Pliil! Crisp's. Mr. 11. G. Ferguson and family and Mr. S. W. Cooper dined at Mi. J. K.' Terrell's, Sunday. Mr. Eastman Freeman and family, of" Georgia, are spending a few days at Mr. A. J. Freeman's. Miss Letha House, who has been in ill health for several weeks 'is able to be out again. ? : ? u? < BISHOP TO BF, IN SYLVA The Rt. Rev. Junius M. Horner, I). I)., Bishop of Western North Caro lina, will visit Sylva on Sunday, July 8, and will preach in St. John's Episcopal Church that evening at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Clarence S. Mc Clellan, the Rector, will assist! the Bishop, in the Church servicos. In the morning at 11 o'clock the Basliop will preach at St. David's Church in Cullowhee, N. C. Later notices will appear in the Journal in early July. o Summer heat has the same effect on fertile eggs as the hen or incuba tor. The fertile germ will quickly make a blood ring which spoils the eggs for market or food. ' ? 0 In the absence of skimmilk or but termilk, either fish meal or tankage is as necessary to the growth of the pig as nitrogen is to com or cotton, says W. W. Shay, swine extension worker. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION^ From officers of Jackson Co.Sundayij School Association comes the infor mation that arrangements are being completed for the County Sunday School Convention to be held in^thc Methodist Church, Cullowhee, on Saturday and Sunday, July 21 and j 22, 1923. The 'County President, Mr. F. A. Brown, and the Couuty Secrctarj', Mr. 1). G. Bryson, are sending com munications to Sunday School lead-' ers of all denominations in the coun ty, urging each Sunday School t?j have a large, delegation at the con vention. It is expected that practical ly every Sunday School in the coun ty will be represented. . Announcements concerning speak ers and program for the convention will be sent out later. Several of the best Sunday School workers in the county will take part at different sessions of the convention. In addition to the local talent, M?*. D. W. Sims, of Raleigh, General Superintendent of the North Caro lina Sunday School Association, and Miss Flore Davis, Assistant Super intendent of the same organization^ have been secured to speak at eac session of the convention. TheJackson County Sunday Sell A.i.v'iL'intiou under whose asuspic, the convention is being held is interdenominational organization^* The County Association is one of the integral units of the North Caro-. linn Sunday School, Association^ which is a co-operative effort oi workers from the" different denomfl inations to extend and improve Sup day School work in North Carolina* The association .stands for those ip* terests that are common to S.uula; School workers of all denomination j BETA s I The formers of this coiiimiinitjjR :ire getting; their corn and garden}? pretty well out ot' the weeds. 4 Wheat harvest is on, and those having crops are very busy getting the "golden grain fixed for keeping;, tjj A lawse congregation attended jtira preaching here Sunday lttj??sjO| that the pastor preached a great scr: moii on "The Race Of Life"; Alter thcB.Y.P.U., Suitday night W. C. Ifeed preached a splendid ser mon; Subject /The Old Kugged Cross". t. Pastor Deitz preached on the head of Buff Creek, at Mr. Jasper Pan nell's, Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, a large crowd preseut. The series ot' prayer meetings be ing held at different homes in the community led by members of the B. Y. P. 1'., are being well attended and considerable interest shown. These, prayer meetings are prepara tory to a soul-saving campaign. Many of our .young people arc finding- themselves and are beginning to do Kingdom work. Mrs. J. W. Banks, of Asheville, 'returned home, Sunday, after send ing the week' with her parents, Kqv. and Mrs. T. F'lDcitz. Mrs. Ethel. Fowler and Lillian and Theresa BaailyS> of Ashevilje ,r(re vjsiting in Beta. Rev. Harvey Stanbcrry is conduct ing a .protracted meeting at Willits, this week, and will continue through, next week, W. C. Heed preached at the home of Hamilton Ensley, Sunday after noon. A splendid crowd was present Mr. T. C. Bryson, BessieN and Lenoir Snyder, in company with Mr? Geo. C. Snvder and Master Carey Reed Snyder, motored^ to Canton Tuesday to be at the wedding of Miss Ila Mac Reed. ! Misses Oia Reed and Hernion Plott of Canton are visiting at the home of Mr. Go. C. Snyder. Rev. T. F. Deitz motored to Fisher Creek, Friday and partook of a splendid dinner at the hospitable home of Mrs. Sallie and Billy Jar rett Fisher. ? WILMOT Mrs. Tom Dills and. daughters, Hit ter and Gracie, have been the guests of Mrs. Henry Raby. * Mr. Alvin Dills visited home folks, Saturday night. Rev. Tliad Watson preached a good sermon, at our church, Sun day. Miw Leona Dills and little Miss Editn Buchanan went to Barker's Creeks Sunday. , Mr. Tom Dills killed a big rattle snake, having ten rattles aiid a but ton, Saturday. Miss Lila Dills was in town, Tues l day, skopping. , CULLOWHEE With all the rain and mud we have been having you still can find smiling faces around Cullowhee. The Summer School is fine this year, with many attending. You wiil find teachers here from all parts of the state, and, from the way it looks to one on the outside, they arc doing osmo real good work and seem to be here for business and applying tliem sclvcs to their work. Our Sunday jSchools are doing fine this summer and we arc having good attendance at both churches. We had able serin6ns " lafit Sunday, at both the Methodist and Baptist churches. We feel that we have two of the best j ? preachers in-' the county. ? Rev. Mr. fftlliard, at the Methodist church and liev.- Mr.* West at- the Baptist. '..?Tire work rpn-tlic -large heating plant is unjtyu' fine headway and we Bope by the- time cold weather comes to have tlie best heating plant to be jfthihd in this part of the state. It will be -387- feet long and 85 feet wide, having four large boiler^ to Bake steam for all the buildings. 1. Work on the wfhgs of. the Girl's Pprmitory is also under fine head way and when Completed it Is going tb be the finest thing in Western EJorth Carolina, and will be a treat] tb anyone to look over and see the hiee accommodations our children Will have here. ^ur $40,()'il).(tft public school build ing is almost" completed and it is ipinething i' ir everyone in this county fco .be proud ol;. There is nothing like it in the county, but 1 Iiojm* to see sever:il sVaiiered over the county in^he liexl fes*. years. Our public School will liaVe el.: lit teachers this year, with a'V i l?i* each gra?l?"v ;i II well'- lighted . : .?.?! ventilated and (Soderri in every respect. jTe are ho'pm'to see interest tak ft&.in the grounds of the school prop arty and sec? wh;.t\ :i nice, place can be made of it. We understand that |to?; (b all to be ? ! >ne in the near ire, so here's hoping! ? Mr. W. II. .loi;?'s; of.Cheoaii visit ed mid lliends here !nst week end. Mr. (J. C. Tm|rn, of Sunburst, spent Saturday night and Sunday witli home folks. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Pain wont to Sylvfy Saturday night. Mr. Will Buchanan has purchased a car. - Mrs. Tom Jones visited her sister, Mrs. Tatham, at Zion,HiIl, Satur day night. '/* ' Miss Rived love of Sunburst spent fast week end with Miss Ethel Tur pin. We are very sorry to report the illness of Uncle (Jerome Sutton. Rev/ Van B. Harrison filled his ap pointment Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Andy Reed e spent last week with her1 sister, Mrs. G. C. Turpin. Mr.and Mrs.V. C. Buchanan visited Mrs.B'ichanan's parents, Mr. Jno. Ricgifian', of Go wee, last week. Mi's. .Ilio.'Bnchanan is on the sick list. r' - Misses Wild of Webster* visited Miss* Iris' BiVsoli hist Week. Messrs Heifry and Letuia Tatham who an-jwoMsfiig at Sunburst visited home folks -here last week end.' .. ,.???? ? il! o BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED ? 1 M ? * 0 Last Kunday his children and grandchildren, together with a num ber of alitor relatives and friends, gathered at' lire home of Mr. S. C. Allison, at Barker's Creek, to eel e brate his seventy1 fourth' birthday. delicious dinner, brought by his children, was served "picnic" styio. For a humbcr of- years this has been done eaeht wentv-fifth oJune and the day] is looked forward to as a reunion for iiis family and a happy treat fuV .those., fortunate; ones who are asked to be present. This year only one Qf hi*. children,. Mi's. Fork ner. of j Atlanta, was absent. His children present w^re: Mr. Charjes Allison, ^lr. Claude Allison and Mr. Carey ^Hison. of Sylvar; ;M-r.' Burch ?Allison, of Ashevillo, Mrs.S.E. Tam er, of .Whittioiv-Mrs. Hyatt, of Brv son City, Miss Evelyn Allison, of Atlanta, -Jtild A! r. Fred Allison, of Barker's Creek. Mr.Allison ha< a. uj* at maiiy gRiml children and one liroat-grandson. Permanent prist niies need to be elipped tp ;iiijlu?-?- n- w growth and to prevent wt .-ds *1 'row maturing' seed, say ' extension walkers "of the State College. '"?** ^ r - ' ? V ' l KILLS BABY WITH GUITAR Tri-County News, June 22. ? The six-months ol?l baby of Jim Alton, 'local man, died Sunday, as a re sult of a blow on the head, received when Alton tossed a guitar 611 I'm bed where the baby lay. Alton did not knew the baby was there, states, Mrs. Alton having brotu'-: j ( the child to the room only a few minutes before. The accident oc curred 011 last Thursday 'afternoon.! . Mr. and Mrs. Alton had just had ' their house re-papered, and Mr. Al ton was 'washing the floors oi' thej house with a host*. Mrs. Alton !i:??v- '? ed the baby into a room whe/e \ was 110 water, and left the child ly-; ing on the 'bed. ,, A few moments later Alton v.:::' 1 ed S 1 screw driver, and climbed, up on some shelves to get it. The gi'.ilar hung in lii.i way, and' he caught it ? oil' the nail where it hung, he s, ; and threw it over on the bed, iw>tj knowing that the Mild was there, i ? . The wood part of the in^trun.cnt j sti'uck the baby on (he head, aii'l 1 ' \ death resulted on Sunday aftorwo"!!. REPORT OF JACKSON CO. SINGING CONVENTION: The Jackson County Singing C < n volition met 0:1 April the 4th, Hi;.;- j day, 192*J, with the Old ' Saucinaii*' Baptist church. There was n Ir.rrt* crowd present and a uiMaber c?i j I, classes and some extra -good 1 lets and a good basket diniier <?:, j the ground, The Old . Savanna'i | peoople Milt? nave the u.m enlion a! welcome. The next convention will meet with' | the East Svlva Baptist church on July the 4tli Sunday, l')2,'J. It is\Mh'-| desire of the convention that singiii" J leaders l'roifi all parts Of t!ie con: ;; 1 will be present with their ehl-M- . j There will, be dinner on the groind] and everybody will be welcome. \\V wish to make this tl|e best com : ' tion ever held in ll:e ? .a nty^ ; S. A. 'CAffli&r. %? WIL250T Mis. J'lU-ii ' r ami iJ r. . IlatiieWyatt went to, Alumn i Sm. day to visit Mrs. LSunigarncr's .sis tor. Mr. Scott Aslie mill daugliter'Iiuby went to Sylva Monday, Mrs. .T. T. l\c\ is -made a husit;: ^ trip to Sylva Mom!: :y. . Misses Victoria and Nannie M-te Nation and Sol ma .Tones were lure from Barkers Creek, Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Quiett, of Qual'a was* in town Sunday. Mr. Dewey Heck went to Sylva Sunday. Mer.s. Cassias Buchanan and Me. Kinlev Farley went to 'L'.-rki ... Crei . Sund. v. Me rs .Tilling Vv'at..?:ii, I;.:e ll'iuv ? and X:;rnian Kevis of Smokctnonl'siii1 Misse Bo.-isie Sellers jwd Cora (iib son, ? i this place motored to Canton Slllli: iy. ?We are triad to say, Mr. l>e\v('y Heck is improving iv. p:dly alter ^.'A ting '.i Land badly injured 'with ; hammer. Misses Crt mid Florence ..irow.i and Lilli...; X.iH<;ii.s!mi Carl mi;.,, inac, CliaiK-- Mid'cton and A?!'*i. Matthews \\ '? t Bai-am SiiniL y. Mr. Addis.;ii ; {?.;!! Mo;. dav tor Win ', r Sale/a, \v!k "?;?!? 1 f will stay for a i--. ? Little LriKfit / 1' i?ai;y I; V! returned from Y. ' '-ri-S. Jwn, V ft stay with their ? ' ! ]i:u s'-;* .Mi. and Mrs. Henry Ka , Mr. Banner Lewi. . !'n. >i City was in town Mwnd _o There is a cropping L :>i ? ? races of liieti, as in the In;': fields; and sometimes, if the good, there spring up lor. a time succession of splendid men; an*, then conies a period oi" bnrrvnnc*.-:. ? Aristotle. ? : o Handy informal ion' ab^ti pn. din ing dean cream of good quality i contained in John Ann 's new 1 older which has just been received" fros:. the printer. Ask the Agricultural Extension Service at lialeigh for v copy of F. 13. ? ? o T Name the farin, place a sign over the gate, use printed stationery and' develop a reputation for y<.ur ji re duce, say. exlen.-ioti workers of tin* | State College and Department of Agriculture. THE EMPTY PEW I , By 0. J. JONES A Tragedy in Four Acts. ACT 1. An Empty Pew. Maltster depressed. Friends won dering. Metoring? Week end gaiety? lndi?po.:itipn ? Lack of interest'/ W'.'.y .' I n bel ievers rejoicing, ACT. 11. An Empty Heart. jLueli engrossed. Terribly tempted Jjy the secular. No. time lor Cod, or prayer, or thoughts on higher things, fii-jii-i pared 'tor teniptation-ofteu irtyi.;-;' war.*. ; ' A( "i . ill.' An Empty Life, hiiluenee lor Cod, nothing. In imiinv over children,' helping them l" choose tin- be t, nothing. Xo. ac cin. uyiied faith or power over others for tjooil. ACT. I\. An Empty Heaven. > . iii laid up there by ! .. .t:?! iiiii. .v I'. low. No special apap :;ti' -a lo ?.!? fitness tor life at Cod's right band. No understanding ol" the deep thiihrs. Ci.d stlmie the tragedy t)i iia; E-:a;>i\ Pew, 'lh;'abou' is copied from the cur rent number ol' The Exj>ositor, and il ;> i lie Siopsis of a drama true lo lilV. A Li: . lep toward spiritual dc.-<>ijiiei!i.*V ? and lit rvous dissjitisfae ?? J roil) one's pew at < i i !*??(,. A u? i'?l remedy for ncrvous iii i pitv-eiice iii tiie worship of < iotl. EA^T SVLVA .'dr. Fred a! ? !:<?;? of (jastonia is iii'.v .values here. Air. Ht'bert lv. iiogera is improving 1 1 ;? a ->M /illness. The EiistSyjya hinging class which Wu ' invited to Oscar tossing Suu- ' .v ?? {,.?! .r<l :;.:me hue , .-? ! i :h', by both chases. 1 hy Ilob. ri Rogers litis returned i.jl'io after a .-h-ii stay at Sunburst.. A large cjs,\vd enjoyed a line pray er nu at Mr. John Shcpard's ? day . ,n. .ir. T. L i :i aijd son lioy have Ik1* i; visit in* iV'eiKH heiv. Nannie Crilliii is seripusly ill. v.? ?- "ivi.-ii r a speedy vJ^CQFery. A'-. ;?av.v^ jjv.t-lfr/jLtr d Mr._ Wjd ? d ; ; , ended prayer mctfufig ??'i H : 1 1 1 1 1 " i p I jjrbt. v:,.:i Jiegeiv; visited in this - ???:?.!! S.. ,i'r. : 1'easley was elected snp? i iii i. : ; ;d , of the East Sylva { ? * Simdiy f fiim i last Sunday, and, .Mr. Siiepard, assistant. .Mr. Floyd "dm, Mr. I>ave Dillard, Mr. Ar lie > .Miss \ iimie Rogers, .d I.;. K\a Siiepard, Mrs. BerJJuH Car d ,.li mid Mrs. Lctlie Shook wen; elected teachers. .Miss Louetta Shep !}j'd, ~'cre!ary and treasurer. O? WHITESIDE COVE Tin' fa rmers in this section arc . t . \ v iui their crops., A!/. Mrs. H. H. I'ieklesimer . . : i ? i Sit 1 !c daughter (tladys spent the ' Mr... Charlie Edwards', Sun day. A!.-. Ed Edwards spent the week mi viiii ii. r mother, Mrs. D. C. ' William ? Morris, of Pisgah r? -ht is visit i,ng home folks. . a id .Mrs. Walter Bryson, of , i. . t il Saturday enroute t<? !'i< : -nut < ? ' Vlaihe Alley called on Miss i!:;!:y I'leklr-.Iuter, Saturday after ]ii' ? : . i .\! ' ?= !M wards, of Jim's; * . ? v.i. I lie ;.:inst of Iter aunt, Mrs. ?. I. wifi.:l;.! :*d, Sunday. \ <? . '( \riad to say that Mr. Will . .. i i. recovered from measles. .;i: . '.. ( ?. ! ombard visited her ;)??:?? ii* , .M -. mid Mrs. Thomas Urv 'wards is att:tidiri ?? I at i'revard !nsi ;ut?. A. !'. To.. i i'i< k'< suiier made i: !>us iii( trip to ('a ! lers, Monday.' McCall of I'leasan': ?i\i- < d tlirou';!) Whiteside 1 E. CV !i made a business .'n i/nnt ('rove, Monday. . 1?. 1*1: !:!"S)imer called on ' j'" :^uei*f Sat ir lay alt i ii .-v. i ..... ???.nier f? ' ^d his .?i _:dar app .. . . Klii * *y, Sun day. Ifrv. Mr. Slithers, of IVev'id. will deliver two sermons :t Whi;< ide Cove on Sunday dune 2Jth. o Many bi'_ features hav ebeen added to }?;e p"1 Liam of the Fanners Con \ - the , state College,, July 3)r ,\ . J. Mark these dates on your caitudcr aud prepare to attend.

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