t*FTA CHURCH PLAN8 .? b HCME-OOMOTO The board of deacons, and the members ot the Scutt'.i Creek Bap tist Church, et Beta, are arranging for a home coming day, to be held at the church, Sunday, July 22. Judge T. D. Bryson, of Bryson Citv, will deliver the principal ad ) dres*. The program and resolution order ing the services follow: 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. 10:30 A. M. Church History.? Rev. T. F. Deitz, Pastor. 11:00 A. M. Sketch of Pastors ? T. C. Bryson, D. L. Bryson, J. P. Heed. 11 :.'J0 A. M. Sermon and contri bution. , 12:.'10 P. M. Dinner on Ground. 2:00 P. M. Address ? Judge T. D. Bryson. Congregational singing interspers ed?Arranged by 6. C. Snyder. It is ordered and requested by the Church that all the present member ship and all who have been members iw the past be present on that day. The former pastors now living are also notified and invited to be pres ent and take part in this service. We are anxious for all to take ad vantage of this opportunity to visit once mere the old Mother Church that has a wonderful history of nine, ty odd years. Come preacher, brpthers, sisters, and let* us have a good time, and worship and praise God together once more. Ordered by the Board of Deacons, Jul v 8, 1923. " . _ W. C. REED, Sec. o BISHOPS HOLDS SER VICES HERE Bishop Junius M. Horner, of Ashe-, ville and Bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina held ser vices at Cullowhee ? and Sylva last Sunday. At Cullowhee in the morn ing before a congregation that fillad St. David's Episcopal Church the Bishop preached on "Joy" and in the evening before another very large congregation, which taxed St. John's Episcopal Church, Sylva, to its seating capacity the Bishop preached on "Visions". There were three confirmations during the day at Sylva. The Reetor, the Rev. Mr. MeClellan assisted the Bishop in the services. The Bishop was the gttmf of Mr. and Mrs. Dillard L, Love of Sylva. OXFORD ORPHANS TO Sdro. MONDAY TU singing Class from the Ox ford Orphan Asylum will be in Sylva and will give a concert at the High School auditorium^ Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. The annual tour of the Singing Class from the Oxford Orphanage has become an event in many towns of the state, and is looked forward to with a deal of anticipation from year to year, as the concerts are al ways of a high order. o ? ? ? FRYEMONT INN OPENED LAST NIGHT 1 Frymont Inn, Bryson City's new , resort hotel, was formally opened, last night. A number of Sylva people *ho had received invitations attend ^ the opening. The new hotel is the property of Capt. and Mrs. A. M. Frye, and is located on a hill, over-looking Biy s?n City. It will no doubt be a popu lar resort, and will prove * great M addition to the famous hostel ries of Western North Carolina. o REALTY TRANSFERS r '? D. Rogers to Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School, land at Cul lowhee, consideration $30,000. llosea Moses, Geneva Smith, et al> to the county board of education, land in River township, $550. M.J. Morris to A. M. Simons, lot in Sylva, $3210. M. .1. Morris to D. G. Bryson et lots in Sylva, $1120. ?J- M. Rigdon to J. M. Davis, 4 ' ?cres in River, $424. ^ Cowee Mountain School to T. C. McCoy, 2 tracts in Savannah $1500. o marriage license issued Nations to Lela Ashe. Lewis Extine to? Charlotte Yotuag. Barnard N. Price to Nellie Park to. j ijlake Deitz to Sallie Long. .v\ ? V > Services at Scott's Cnek Church were well attended, Sunday morning. Four penons joining the church for baptism. \ Mrs. T. F. Deitz and Thaddie am visiting in Bryson City, this week. Mrs. J W. Banks, of Asheville, come over Sunday to witness the baptism of her little daughter, re turning Monday. , Irene Davis and Lenorie Snyder spent Monday with Ruth Deitz,at the parsonage. I Pastor Deitz preaches at Dills boro next Sunday, morning and night. Prayet services will be held at ? Walter Cope's, Friday night, and at Cole Bumgarner's, Wednesday night, of this week. The* many prayer services in the community are well attended. Good interest is manifested. A revival is expected to start here, Soon. . , < . f . Genuine interest is being taken by those who enlisted in the "Live)at Home" program of the ?tate Col lege and Department reports County Agent Chandler of Currituck Coun ty. He states that each of his vol unteers will merit a Certificate of Honor. o Will we have a wool pool this year ask many farmers. "Yea" re ply the county agents. L. W. An derson has collected 2,000 pounds in Perquimans County, J. E. Chandler ' is busy collecting and others over lthe state are now gathering the I wool into central ' locations ? for a . ?. ? MEDFORD TO BUILD Since beginning the erection of it's new business building, on Main street the Medford Furniture Company has changed the plans from a two story to a three story building, which, including the basement, will make the building three stories high from Main, or four stories from Mill Btreet It is understood that the entire building will be occupied by the furniture business. v BOB MILLS GETS 18 MONTHS t Bob Mills, who ottered a plea of guilty of distilling, in recorder's court, Monday morning, although his attorney presented a petition sign ed by 95 citizens of his neighbor hood, asking that a fine be placed on him, was sentenced, by the court, to serve 18 months on the roads of Haywood epunty. * Mills appealed from tlie judgement of the court, and was placed under an appeal and ap pearance bond of $1000 until the October term of the superior court. Lebo Wood was found guilty of operating an automobile while in toxicated, but the court witheld its judgement in two other counts, that of driving in a reckless manner, and 'malicious injury to personal proper ty. The court took these counts un der advisement until the next term of the recorder's court, July 23, at whieh time judgement Will be ren dered. He was placed under a $1000 bond to appefcr at that time. Elbert Painter, a 17 year old youth was charged with the larceny of an automobile, for temporary purposes, from R. U. Garrett. Prob able cause was found, and the boy was put under $200 bond for his ap-. pearance at the next term of the superior court. Jonah Wood was found guilty of assault and fined .$15 and the costs. Charlie Wilson, colored, was found guilty of simple trespass and whs made to pay the costs. Jim Queen and Hollis Cole Verc found guilty of dktwfciaglKligfcftb services, having admitted that they were talking to each other while ser vices were in progiwu, and wore taxed with the costs. Tom Pffrris was found net guilty of having liquor on hand. Lim Messer, found guilty at a former term of the court, of having liquor in his possession, was ordered to make a bond of $200 for his ap jr-u.ri-nee every three months for 18 months and show ?o>l behavior. ? -i_ o kndred tid Dollar Vant Here ?A\ POLE TREATING I PLANT ASSURER A '4 The Carolina Pole Company hafr located a* $100,000 pole-treating plant , in Sylva. Negotiations have just been] completed for land, with 1500 feel frontage on the Cullowhee Road, andj on fhe Tuckaseigee and Southeastern Railway, just at the corporate limits of the town, for the location of the plant, and the erection of the build?j ings will begin within a very sho time. The Carolina Pole Company, the officers of which are I. H. Powell* president, C. W. Denning, Viee-pres-; ident, J. L. Dillard, Secreteiy-Treas-;! urer, and J. T. Powell, has a long-' time contract with the Western Electric Company for the entire out put of the plant The corporation was organized two *>r three yean ago, and has been dealing in poles; but the plant which is to be installed within the next few weeks, is for the treating of poles, in vats of ereo sote, to prevent decay, and is a long step in developing the ehestnut pole indqstfy in Western North Carolina'] The capacity of the plant will bo 30,000 poles or three car loads daily, and there will be employed in the plant and on the yards, at Sylva not less than 60 men. The annual pav raV, including purchases of poles, throughout Westrn North Carolina, is expected to exceed a quarter of a million dollars annually. Contracts for poles to be treated in the plant, here, ate now being placed! Mr. J L. Dillard, Secretary Treasurer of the corporation, wil assume the office, management of tlio Carolina Pole Company. ivuig m wut ERASTUS Rev. Mr. Baty from Highlands and Rev.Mr. Bumgarnpr from White Bide Cove preached interesting ser mons here Sunday. Mr. Ed Bumgarner from' Smoke mont is visiting home folks here. Mrs. W. J. Henderson and Miss Tish Watson are yisiting relatives here this week. Mr.andMrs.P.E.Mbody andMrs.Guy McClure were here from Sylva Sun day. Mrs. M. M. Stewart is the guest of Mrs. W. R Moss this week. Dr. E. R ? Peck and his wife of Six Mile, S. C., will visit friends and relatives here for a few days. Mr. Harley Peek from Detroit^ Mich., was here Sunday. Mr. Chas. Bumgarner is at home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan from Bes&ie, attended services here Sun day. 1 Misses Olive Stewart and Ola Moody were' the guests of Miss Charlotte Stewart, Monday. Mrs. Grada Moody Gertrude Childers and Mr. Burl Moss went to Cashiers, Saturday. Messrs Hav?* Howard and Henry Stewart were here from Bessie Mon day on business. ? ( Mrs. Mary A. Stewart and Mrs. Delia Morris were the guests of Mrs. W. R. Stewart, Friday. We are glad to have Mr. Laurence McGuire from Norton to join oar Sunday School here. * Miss Leriora Stewart spent Sun day night with Miss Crete Stewart Miss Mae Stewart went to Nor ton Saturday. A crowd of boys motored from Bessie to Erastus, Sunday. Mr. Henry Huston passed through hen? on his way to East La Porte, Monday. 1 , A crowd of young folks went ,o Glenville Sunday flight to church. o REVIVAL AT ADDIE CLOSES A great revival has just closed at the Addie Church, according to re ports from there. The meeting con tinued for two weeks, under the lead ership of Rev J. H. Stanberry, and there were 31 baptisms, 32 conver sions and 9 renewals. Rev., John Stanberry, father of the young evangelist, has been elected gastor of the Addie church* -l_ ^ CULLOWHEE SCHOOL BUYS ? ) ROGERS PROPERTY ? _ The Cullowhee Normal and In dustrial School trustees have just completed negotiations whereby the school has acquired the valuable projMirty of Davia Rogers, known as the "Town House Field", at Cullo whee, to be used for the puroposes of the school. The records as filed in the office ?of the Register of Deeds show a total consideration of $33,500. $30,-. having been the purchase priee of the "Town House Held" and the other property, of Mr. Rogers, with the exception of one residence, on Faculty Ave., which was bought for $3^500. The title to the property, with the ?teeptiftm of the residence just men Honed, and six teres for an athletiii field, is to remain in Mr. Rogers un til his death, at whieh time it wiil pass to the school. The "Town House Field" proper ty and the lota belonging to Mr. Rogers, are very valuable property, and it has been apparent for some time that the expansion of the school required that the institution own this property. BALSAM ? 7 ? The "Glorious Fourth" passed off quietly in Balsam. Quite a large number of our pepole picnidced else where. j v Mrs. A. M. Simony of Sylva ac companied a small party of young jpWio Bwjcp ffuwiiHy of JaajL jreek wjjere they had .a picnic in honor of little Miss Helen Simon's birthday. Before returning to their respct ive homes, Messrs. Qeo. T. Knight, Frank Crawford, Ransom Cole and Claud; Jones, who attended the first term of the Cullowhee Summer School, made a delightful trip tb Whiteside, Highlands, etc Mrs. T. M. Rickards, Jr., of West Palm Beach, Fla., arrived in Balsam Tuesday of last week. Mr. Charles Perry has bought a new Chevrolet car. "Balsam Springs Hotel has a five piece orchestra and the music is fine. < Mr. Winston F. Edwards, of Dan ville, Va., made a short visit with his aunt, Mrs. W. B. Farwell and Mrs. D T .Knight, Thursday of last week. Miss Blanche Philips, who has been visiting relatives in Balsam, re turned last week to her home in Cullowhee. Mr. Geo. T. Knight and his mother motored to Asheville Saturday and visited friends and relatives. Some of our people attended the singing at Saunook Sunday and some attended the baptising at Ad die. . Miss Katie Kenney, who has been visiting relatives in Asheville, re turned home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. T. M. Rickards has returned from a visit in Asheville. Mr. J L. Howell and son, Mr. Dick Howell, of Spartanburg, S. C., arrived by motor, in Balsam Satur day to visit Mr. E. B. Howell The latter returned home Sunday, but the former will remain for some time. There will be a sale of pies, cakes, lea cream, etc. at the public school house Saturday night for the .ben efit of the Methodist and Baptist Churches. I Mr. (diaries Perry and his mother motored lo Sylva Monday. Mrs. McCall, who has been visit ing tier daughter, Mrs Newmui Der rick returned Monday to her hon.e in Chenyfield. COWAN REUNION The Cowan reunion will be held this year at the home of Mrs. Nancy Cowan, at Webster, on Sunday, July 29. All members of the Cowan fami ly and relatives are invited to be present. STELLA COWAN, Secretary. ? ^ ? o \ Wool pools in which the material was graded and sold cooperatively increased the farmers' share of the dpjlar in North Carolina last year. \ ^ ' -me ^ , >? ? ? \ , DR. JOBVSOV TO PREACH HERS Dr. Walter N. Johnson, the noted evanglist of Vital Stewardship, will begin a meeting at BryBon City on the fifth Sunday night in July. Dr. Johnson will preach at the Baptist church here on the ^fifth Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. Thai he will join delegates and visitors here and go to Biyson City for the night ser vice. The Baptist church at Bryson City is making arrangements to en tertain all church leaders and pas tors who will attend the meeting. Those in charge of the program are much gratified at being able to se cure Dr. Jobbson for the three days' meeting and hope that many will avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing Dr. Johnson.' At the close of the meeting a free motor trip will be provided, for the pastors, to Mare Hill, where the Baptist ( Mountain Assembly will be in session, thus giving them an op portunity to hear many of the ablest preachers of the Baptist denomin ation in the South. Rev R. L. Randolph, the enlist ment secretary for the western as sociations states that the expenses at Mars Hill will be only one dollar per day and suggests that it would be a nice thing for each church to defray the expenses of it's pastor. o SPEEDWELL The farmers of this place are very busy with their crops. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moody and chi/dren visited at Sylva Sunday. Mr. Eliott Pressley spent Satur day and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W R. Pressley at Franklin. Mr. Leanord Evitt and Miss Louise Evitt of Salem, S. C., are the guests of relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wike of East La Porte spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bumgamer. A laig% crowd assembled at the Rogers cemetery Sunday afternoon, and Beautifully decorated the" graves. Mrs. N. E.Hall, of Savannah spent last week with her parents, Mr. and G. C. Hooper. Mr. G. C. Hooper and daughters, Misses Essie and Hannah Lou and Mr. N. E Hall, motored to Askeville Sunday. Mrs. John Hooper of Henderoon ville is visiting relatives here and at Cnllowhee, this week. Miss Eva Holden was the guest of Misses Lucy and Maude Bumgamer Sunday. Miss Bessie Wilkes, was the guest of Miss Lillie Daves' Sunday. Rev. Mr Harrison preached an in teresting surmon at the Methodist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peek of Six Mile, S. C., are spending some time here the guests of Mrs. Peek's parents, Mr.and Mrs. John Clapton. Miss Baye Bumgamer called at Miss Lillie Daves '^Friday afternoon. A large crowd enjoyed an ice cream supper giveh at Mr. T. B. Bumgamer '8 Friday night. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Pressley, Mrs. Mary Bumgamer, Misses Bessie and Thelma Biyson, Messrs. William Pressley^John Rogers, Wood Smith, and Bert Rogers. Miss Louise Evitt and Messrs Hayes Bryson and Leanwrd Hvitt were the guests of the Misses Bum gamer Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs . Jim Watson of Smokemont are the guests of Mr. Watson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Watson. Mrs. G. C. Hooper and Mrs. N. E. Hall, were the guests of Mrs. W. A. Hooper Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Watson and Mrs. Jim Watson visited relatives at Glenvilte, Thursday and Friday. Mr. Fred Mincey, of Selma, S. C., dined at T. B. Bumgamer 's Friday. Miss Ella Baye Rogers returned home last week from a visit to rel atives at Waynesville, and was ac companied by Miss Clara Pressley. Mr. Bruce Leak of Madison is the guest of his sister, Mrs. H. M. Pressley. Miss Bonnie Pressley spent last week in Madison the guest of Mrs. Leak. Mr. Clinton Hooper motored to Sylva Monday, on business. o ? This is the month for short course* and club encampments. Your boy or girl will never forget the delightful outing furnished by these encamp ments. Ask some of those who went last year, suggests extension work er^. COUNTY SUNDAY . SCHOOL CONVENTION The Jackson County Sunday School Convention will be held at the Methodist Church, at Cullowhee, begli.ning Saturday July 21 and run ning through Sunday 22, it is an nounced by Mr. D. G. Bryson, presi dent of the convention. General Superintendent D. W. Sims and Assistant Superintendent Miss Flora Davis, of the North Caro lina Sunday School Association, will be present and deliver addresses. All Sunday Schools in the county are expected to send delegates to the convention. o OAY The pastor of the New Savannah church assisted by Rev. Nelson Deit/. of East Fork, preached a memorial sermon for Mrs. Coleman Buchanan, who departed this- life a few months ago. Many of the close relatives and friends of the deceased from various eumminities were present. Among them were Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Rick man, of Canton, Mre. Rickman be ing the only daughter of Mre. Buch anan. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Buch anan, of Canton, sisters of the de ceased, Mrs. Hester Buchanan and Mre. Elmhin Buchanan of Eait Fork. Mr. .1 e Bp? i i an. Mre. Sue Bryson visited Mrs. Sam Buchanan last I ndny. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buchanan took dinner with their daughter, Mre. Clinton Sutton last Sunday. Mrs. G. C. Turpin was called to Wayncsville, last week, to the bed side of her father-in-law^ who is very ill. ; ; 4 M Mrs. R. G. Gribble and Mrs. A. C. Deitz visited Mrs. Harrison Cowan last Saturday. Misses EthelAshe andBertha Buch anan, of Webster were visiting MIkh Vera Tatham, here Sunday. Carl Almond was in our section last Sunday. Misses Rose ^ Bsgron and Ethel Turpin rettflmd&ome Sunday from Sunburst, where tfeajr have- been visiting friends and relatives. N. Higdon attended the Lovo Farm sale last Friday. Miss Louise Buchanan of Webster spent last week end withMiss Venern Tatham. Mr. and Mre. John Buchanan and children, Ethel Lee, Guy and Isabelle visited relatives hen last Sunday. ' J. C. Jones took his son to Hom er for medical treatment. Mrs. Andy Reed returned to her home in Macon last week. Mre. Reed has been spending some tune with her parents, Mr. and Mre. N. P.Jones. Miss Rilley Tatham returned from Asheville last Saturday where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lindon Hall. Mr. Ransom Buchanan is in Can ton working in the jew'elry business. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hall were call ing on Mr. and Mrs. John Tatham Sunday. Miss Effie Barron visited her grand parents, Mr. and Mre. Pink Collins at Zion Hill last Monda.V night. Mrs. Baston Buchanan, of Webster has been spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Alora Barron. We are having good Sunday Schools at both the Baptist an'd Methodist churches here. Misses Birtie Jons and Vera Tath am arrived home Saturday from Cullowhee, where they have been at tending the summer school. Born, to Mr. and Mre. Sam Buch anan, on Wednesday, June 27, a girl, Ilah Mae. Prof. O. S. Dillard sold at auction the Bryson school property last Saturday. The land was bid in by Oscar Higdon for $250 and tfce house was not sold. Prof. Dillard plans to begin our new school house at once. Messrs R. 0. Higdon superinten dent of the Methodist Sunday School and V. C. Buchanan Super indent of the Baptist Sunday School give the public a cordial invitation and especially extend /the invitation to the Ktranger and visitor in our community. The Baptist meet in tho morning qt 10:30 o'clock and toe Methodists in the afternoon at 11:30 o clock. If you don 't believe \ d are having good Sunday School., come out and see. i MASONS TO INSTALL OFFICERS There will be a puhlie installation of the officers af the loeal Masonic Lodge, at the masonic hall, tonight. All masons and EmUtu Stare are in vited.