Opportunity Still Beckons In Journal's Big Salesmanship Club-Lots of Room . I For Entrants NOW WitH Certain Awards The Jackson County Journal Sales waii>liil> Club prize campaign in tthicli one handsome motor car and nianV other gifts and cash commis ?ion cluvks will be given free to tjl0se nominated to participate will soon be-in in earnest. you who are reading this are one cf those who can enter ? one of those who can win a big prize in exchange for yonr spare time in collecting credits. There is no possible way to lose for every active club member ia the Salesmanship Club Campaign will receive a cash award, if not a prize. These prizes and cash awards run into thosands of dollars and are going to be exchanged for a little of the spare time of your friends and readers. Then* is nothing difficult for yon to do. A nomination blank will be found i" t his issue for you to use in oiueriiiir the campaign. If you h?ve iv::?l over the prize list you tan readily sec what a chancc it is for you. Kvcrv prize in the list means In i^iness to the winner. TODAY IS THE DAY Today cr: be the one big day in the yeaj? prelmps it will be one of ihe most remarkable of your enrire life. For toilav is the vory dav you thoultl become it Club Member in rl.e hckson County Journal Sales manship v0ulb Campaign that is the (irsh thing :ieeessary to gel the motor (?;; r whit-!* you have thought about owning ever so long. It is YOl'R chance- YOUR real oppor tunity to make it a reality. , Cut -ut the nomination blank in this issue of the Journal Fill in your name and mail or Bring it to the office of the Jour nal. Do it NOW? TODAY? and yon are then in line to be tho motor car winner. 0 ( The nomination blank is worth 10,000 Club Credits. Then clip out the coupon good for 100 credits frcm the paper for yon, and start your winning cam paign in that way ? in such a way as ? ill spell ultimate suc cess ai:d steering wheel :f the motor c?r. THS BIG PRIZES Surely a better opportunity has (lever knocked at your door. The 8ivcst yii/.n iu the balesmansliip is a real automobile. It is a ar of known worth and value, uiut'uctuml .by the largest manu ^cturcr in the world. ? not a cheap rizc iu the entire list. What a real jiportunitv exists in the field cover I by the joUUXAL for people who wide awake enough to send in ir nomination blank and sccuiv Ie ot the prizes during their spare (incuts during the next lew weeks. rVnd what a companion a motor 'is lor the entire family. It laughs a, distance, gives pleasure and jihli and makes the wonders of ? cojmtry and city equally accessi This car will mean years of asure to the recipient. It will put r,ng colors into mother's cheeks, the kink out of father's nerves, make the eyes of the kiddies lf0 with delight. It will take you F you want to go quickly and Ifortably. On warm summer nights tome when folks are on their |t porches, fanning themselves to ' fool, the motor car will take the f('r m't into the cool of the night. THIS IS THE WEEK igbt now -this very day ? is time to start your campaign | earnest. his far a sunrisingly small Doer have been nominated Jeering the number of gifts value to be given away. P* is plenty of room for" real wires." If j:u haven't done ^en.^n" your nomina olank right away for you *>8 rare to regret it if you 10 get into the JOTJXNAL nship Club gift distri | on. following is n ];st of Cjub r* a'id their relative standing. \ ^ published every . the Club manager up to Itiv *riday ^ePtember 7th. J participants will receive 0r a cash commission check. sylva ?ne Scott 12,300 Miss Bonnie Henson 10,000 Miss Lucy Wells 14,400 Miss Mabel Morgan 11,200 Miss Llewellyn Rhodes 10,000 Miss Ruby Dillard 10,800 Miss Inez Cathey 1 78,100 Miss Mary Allison 13,600 Miss Nellie Cowan 10,000 Miss Margaret Candler 10,000 Miss Janic Coward 10,400 Miss Kathleen Kitchen 10,000 Miss Docia Garrett 11,100 Miss Ruth Oliver 11,600 Miss Mary Geislcr 14,300 Mrs. C. C. Buchanan ........ 54,800 Mrs. P. E. Moody 71,800 Mrs. Hugh Monteith 10,000 Mrs. Gilbert Bess 42,000 Mrs. J. L Dillard ...: 10,000 Mrs. J. R. Cochran 42,000 Richard Potts 62,000 Blaine Nicholson 10,000 SYLVA R.F.D. NO. 1 ? ADDIE Mrs. Carrie Belle Sprinkle 54,800 ARGURA I Miss Cordele Fortncr 42,000 GREEN'S CREEK Miss Blanche Ashe ...-. 10,900 Miss Lula Deitz 10,000 Miss Ester Green .... 16,000 Miss Esther Tatham 10,000 Mrs. G. C. Turpin....i! 10,000 . Mrs. Hubert Potts 60,800 GAY Miss Pearl Jones 47,600 Miss Vera Tatham ...?: 10,000 Mrs. R. O. Higdon 10,800 Mrs. Harry Morton 11,600 HIGHLANDS Miss Edith Picklesimer ...J... 52, 400 GLENVILLE Miss Emma Lou IJ^oss :. 47,600 v " CASHIER'S , Miss Alice Bumgarner ? 10,000 Miss Dans Bird Pell .... 42, 200 1 Mrs. Kim S. Bryson 54,800 ERASTUS I Miss Olive Stewart (J 10,000: SPEEDWELL j ) Mrs. David Hugh Rogers 10,000 J TUCKASEIGEE Miss Essie Price : 42,500 Mrs. A. P> Craft ...f 10,000 EAST LA PORTE ' Miss Helen Moseman y 71,800 Mrs. C. B. Robinson 10,000 Mrs. W. M. Brown 42,000 CULLOWHEE Miss Cassia Wallace ? 81,900 Miss Louise Ilenson ^ 10,000 Mi's. Grovcr Moss 80,000 WEBSTER x Miss Alva Queen 10,000 Miss Ruth Allison 54,100 Miss Dollie Hoyle 59,700 Miss Ruth Bryson. ... 10,200 Rev. A. W. Davis 10,000 WHITTIER Miss Mary Gibbs 1.0,000 Miss Josephine Patton 66,100 Mrs. A. D. Parker 10,000 Mrs. J. K. Terrell 10,000 ( WILMOT Miss Maggie Worley 1.10,000 Miss Cleo Brown .....'....v 60,500 DILLSBORO ( j Mrs. P. W. Kincaid 5 ', 100 BETA Miss Jerdie Fishei 10,000 Miss Carrie Jcy Bryson 42,600 Miss Ruth Deitz 10,000 Miss Annie Laurie 1 ills .... 42,000 Eloise Hooper 10,000 .WILLETS Miss Dixie Henson ..._ 66,200 Mrs. Robert Clayton 10,000 BALSAM Miss Grace Mehaffey 54,800 Miss Wilma Parris 10,000 Mrs. D, T. Knight 10,000 CANTON Miss Louise Hill 42,000 SINGING MEET AT WHITTIER The Western North Carolina Sing ing Convention, including all the counties in this region, will hold its meeting, at Whittier Sunday, and a largt attendance is expected. One of the features, of the meet ing will be two classes of Cherokee Indians, that expect to attend. o WOOD REUNION The annual Wood reunion will be held August 8, in commemoration of the birtji of the deceased Mrs. A. J. Wood. The decoration services will be| held at the Wood Cemetary, near the homes of Messrs. J. C. and H. B. Wood. All relatives and friends of the Wood family are cordially invited to attend. Come and bring lunch. ORGANIZE DE^ELOP > MENT COMPANY The Sylva Development Company lias been granted a cliarter with $50. 000 authorized capital stock, and it I Hois set forth in the charter that the new company can constmct and maintain telephone exchanges, deal in automobiles, real estate and other v,i 1 1 rule it: The iliomr owner, is the most con st nictive ami at the same time the most iiiiftortaiit force in our civiliza tion. He. is a pioneer in progress, he is a lover of peace, but he is a very (lemon in battle when danger threat ens the land he loves. The small farm owned by the man who tills it is the best plant-bed in the world in which to grow a patri ot. Such a consideration brings wealth to the soil and health to the souls of men. On such a soil it is possible to produce anything, from two pecks of potatoes to the hill to a President of the United States. The wizard of the Northwest, James J. Hill, once said: Land with out population is a wilderness, pop ulation without land is a mob. Every consideration of progress and safety urges us to employ all wise and just measures to get our lands into the hands of the many and forstall that most destructive of all monopolies ? the monopoly of the soil. ? Thomas W. Bickett. o CLINIC FOR CRIPPLES On Thursday, August 9th, there will be a Cripple Clinic held in Wavnesvillc under the direction of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare and theOrthopaedic Hospital. All crippled children un der sixteen and of sound mind will be examined free of charge by Dr. O. L. Miller, of the State Orthopae dic Hospital and Dr. Hugh Tomp son of italcigh. T. B. COWAN, County Superindendent of Pub lic Welfare. o . TO CLEAN CEMETERY ' \ . People. having relatives and friends buried at the East La Port ?rravevard will meet there tomorrow, Saturday, for the purpose of clean ing off tlie graves and putting the cemetery in <;ood condition. A large attendance is requested. _o ON CENTENNIAL PROGRAM * Mr. and Mis. James n. Cathey are cm. the program Mr the clebra t i?;i) cJ* Ihe coo hmxlretli nnniversaiy of the i'>ui!oii)tment of committees. Adjournment. 8:00 Sermon. FRIDAY MORNING 10^.00 Devotional. 10:15 Orphanage, report on. 10:45 State Missions, report on. 11:15 Christian Education, rejiort OD. ' I ; Jj 12:00 Dinner. ? FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1 :1?0 Devotional. 1 KT) Sunday School, report on. 2:15 Home Missions, report on. 2:45 Best interests of the Associa tional work. 3:15 Adjournment. 1 8:00 Sermon. c*ATUItf)AY MORNING 10:00 Devotional . 10:15 Report of finance committee. 10:30 Obituaries and changes. < 10:45 Foreign Missions, report on. 11:30 StMinon. (preferably on Foreign Missions.) ) ? 12:15 Dinner. SATURDAY AFTERNOON 1 :45 Devotional. 2:00 Pastoral support. 2:30 Report of committees. Adjournment. 8:00 Sermon. SUNDAY MORNING 10:00 Regular Sunday School. v; 10:45 Making the Sunday School an evangelistic agency of the church. 1 1 :00 Sermon. ERASTUS ' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Manous from Sylva arc visiting friends and rel atives here this week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Cliilders, a girl. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moody, Misses Leonora and Crete Stewart and Miss Clar Moody attended the quartelry meeting at Glcnville Saturday. Mrs. W. It. Stewart and daughter, Miss Bonnie were tlio guests of Mrs. Chas. X orris Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bumgamcr, of Glenvillc were here Sunday. Misses Olive Stewart and Florence Henderson took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. ,T. M. Moss Sunday. Messrs. Berl and Grover 1 Moss were visitors at Buck Creek Sun day. Misses RetaW.itson and Ola Moody were the ts of Miss Gertrude Childers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Evitt and Mr. Fred Mince front Salem, S. C., were: visitors here last week. Mrs. Khoda Stewart has pone to Salem, S. C., to sj>end a while with her daughter, Mi's. W. G. Evitt. Messrs. Charlie! Xorris and Gen" Henderson attended church at Buck Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moody and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Childers were' the irvsts of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bumgar;:er Sunday. Rev. Fraii k Bumgamer from White side Cove- lined at Mr. W. F. Moody's S:it>-:dav. Miss Boj tie '-trwart from Sylva is hrre fcr a few d tys. Messrs. Roy ai d \V. If. Stew.- t went to Sylva last week on bitsir ;ss. Mr. Graver Moss frura Oil' ,vbcc was here last week. Messrs. Ed and Oha*. Batngarmi* went to Sylva Monday. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and children were the guests of Mrs. Ransom Stewart Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Chapman fronr Six Milll, S. C., will visit hero for a few days.