. ,;i _ v . ..... .... . ?.< ., ?> ; ? . ,\\ J acKson County Journal. =? ' ? r i?r 11 I1"1 " '' $2.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE ^^mlTiDVANCE ~ SYLVA. N. a. AUG. 31. 1923 Rush For Second Period Crdits On In Earnest ( In Journal's Club O Best remaining Credit Offer in "Sales" Drive in now on and will last until Saturday Sept. 8 ? After that time Third Schedule of Votes will be effective? A decline of 25 per cent in subscrip tion credits went into effect at 6 o'clock Satur day night? There will be another 25 per cent decline in credits at 8 o'clock Saturday night, September 8 ? Watch these dates ? September 8-15. o ? lii-ie is the first published stand |mj at the "live wire" Club Mem bers after the close of the first Period of the Journnl's Salesman ship Club Saturday night, Sept. 25. Did they "no over the top"? We'll sav so. Compare their relative standings of today with the pub lished standings August 24 and you will sa\ so. Excitement and jntensa activity prevails among the Club Members in the Salesmanship campaign as each t'luh Member realizes that she is in reach of a prize worth as much as $1250.1)0 and to be won or lost dur in the next two weeks, depending al most entirely upon the number of subscriptions turned in while the BIG ??Second Period" is on, and which expires at 8 o'clock Saturday uight, September 8. 1 Club members are now gohig af ter every subscription, and extension on subscriptions that they have secured earlier in the campaign, in sight ; they realize that they must fortify their present standing with every available subscription and ex tension as, at the present writing it is "anybody's race". So close are the head-lines running that any one of them ean wiu a motor car in the short time that remains. The First Period of the Salesman ship Club, which closed on Saturday night, was a great success. Tens of thousands ? yes, hundrafs, of thou sands? of credits were issued and every "1JYK" club member prolit ed nightly. ' It is a strange coincidence, too, and something very unusual in af fairs of this kind, but each of the club mcmcbcrs who were striving for the capital prize aiito benefited so equally during the period just closed that not without hair line figuring could today's leader be determined. The campaign, therefore, so far as the relative standing of the club members are concerned, depends al most entirely ui>on the results at tained by the different club members between now and the linish of the . <> campaign as to whom the winner " will be. ? , The above is not "mere talk" for the sake of telling it, but it is a real fart? theories and ridiculous, silly nimors not with standing. Hence, the struggle for supremacy will be fought out during the next few days because the campaign comes to a close two weeks and one day from this date. The final close of the cam PRti will be Saturday night, Sep tember 15th. wiring the. second credit period cmling Saturday night, September wb at 8:1(0 o'clock sharp, subscrip tions will count BIG and there is a lot of them to be obtained if y?u make the effort to secure them, 111 fact, they count almost as many Wedits now as they did in the First \ ? For example, a six year subscription^ turned in during the Second Period counts 370,000 credits * ere l'orniely 4G0,000 credits were | S"' Then too, EXTENSIONS LOIXT RIG. it WILL pay you V* To OVER LOOK THEM. Better Be Safe Than Sorry, i W mora lups and the race will wer: two weeks end one day and ?';'l'ai-n will end. Only a very 0 time remains to choose between lt ?r> and defeat. Don 't overlook sta^r'0 C''illicc ^tter your credit t?an "u<^ "ic''ease your oppor J*** to win. .Avail yourself of tr.V opportunity this BIG second ^ offers you. something to win in a the kind- ? it means to fa* ?M-, r 01 "IC SportModel Durant ?f e " ^ is a demonstration ^ aI>'iut\ and salesmanship which Htqy^.1' ,U)"'i1)ar.v- Sometimes it l ' ul> the < ' yellow ' ' in your u?d rcvcals yo^r truc ^ ^ 't ul ways ^gsts 0 T tie and measures your strength. Don't let any one discount sre you don't listen to or believe the rumors that will be started i'or damaging effect. If some one had secured five or ten times as many subscriptions as you have, they WOULD NOT TELL IT. If they did, that would give you a chance to secure twice as many as they say they have and they do not want you to do that therefore, all rumors are bunk pure and simple. SYLVA Miss Inez Cat hey 2,394,500 Miss Kathleen Kitchen 10,009 Miss Docia Garrett .31,100 Miss Mary Geisler v.. 1,280,700 Mrs. P. E. Moody 2,450,000 Richard Potts j y 337,000 ARGURA ; , Mrs Cardelia Fortuer r.. 400,000 GREEN'S CREEK Miss Blanche Ashe 10.000 Mi's. G. C. Turpin 10,000 Mrs. Hubert Potts 212,000 GAY Miss Pearl Jones $70)0 Mrs. Harry Morton 492,000 HIGHLANDS Miss Edith'' Picklesimer ..100,400 GLENY1LLE Miss Ema Lou Moss 518,600 CASHIER'S Mrs. Kinu S. BrvsOn 177,000 ? ? tfAST LA PORTE Miss Helen Moseinan 844,100 CULLOWHEE Miss Casie Wallace ...... A 2,452,400 Miss Louise Hcnsoii k .">09,800 Mrs. G rover Moss .: ; 2,474 j 100 .WEBSTER Miss Dollie llovlc 878, '200 W11ITTIER Miss Josephine Pat ton .... 1,800,200 WILMOT J Miss Cleo Brown 281,400 Miss Ella Lee Seaglc ........740,900 dillsboro Mrs. P. W. Kineaid J. 2,415,700 BALSAM j'" Mrs. D. T. Knight 800,700 ? 1 f~> GAY ^ i Rev. Van B. Harrison of Webster pastor of the Methodist church here is beginning a u- ivul meeting here. We hope to haVj a great meeting. For we] all need a revival and we earnestly beg for the prayers of all Christian people. Quite, a crowd of people here at tended the singing at East Fork, last' 'Sunday. All reported a line time and a good dinner. Messrs. Carl Higdon, Leman Tatliam and Hurshell Cabc entered the Webster High School last Mon day morning. Mrs. John Buchanan received a telegram from her brother last week in Washington, saying that her brother, Pink Tatham had been kill ed in a logging camp. They are ex acting the corpse in for interment here. Mr. Van Harrison and his family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Higdon. Mr. and Mrs. Baston Buchanan oi Webster attended the singing at the Methodist Church here last Friday night. Mi's. Lindon Cabc visited her sister Mrs. Verlin Buchanan last Wednes day. j Mrs. Mary Ann Cabc returned home last week from an extended visit to her son, Otis Cabe on East Fork. YV Misses Ora Reed and Gertie Buch anan of Greens Creek spent the week end with the fennel's sister, Mi's. Thornton Cabc. Mr. Sam Buchanan returned to his job at Cullowhec last Monday morning. Mrs. Will Bryson was here last Wednesday. o MARRIAGE LICENSE Horace Deitz to. Nellie Brcedlovc., A ?!. m.jp i r ""*> o ( REPORT OF E. L. McKEE, acting Trustee for Purchase of Fair Grounds for School and Athletic I ' - ' ' : Grounds.. STOCKHOLDERS OF JACKSON COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION' DONATING STOCK. Name . Amount A. B.. Allison $50!00 ?J. W. Buchanan 50.00 P. H. Brown v SOTOO W. M. Brown , 25.00 J. W. Cojx? 10.00 B. H. Cat hey & Co 30.00 H. (). Curtis 50.00 O. S. Dillard 10.04) S. w. Fnloe 50.00 1). I). Hooper 50.00 Airs. S. J. Long ...: 50.00 A. S. Nichols 50.00 S. K. Varncr .. 20.00 C. M. Wells L 10.00 A. L. Etislcy ...... 10.00 .1. C. Collins J. .x. 25.00 .Mis. C. Cl Cowan 25.O0 M. Y. .Fnrrett v 25.00 C. L. -Allison 50.00 M. Buchanan ..: 100.0ft Mrs. J. \V. McKce i 40.00 K. L. MeKcc 52 100.00 Wilson Bros 100.00 T .A. Cox * 50.00 B. (!. (iiin;lsf;i.r ? 100,00 C. w. All. .i, hr. : 90.00 M. 1). Cu\oin 50.00 F. JO. AlK-.v, Sr. 5.00 Theo. Buchanan * 35.00 M.> II. Morris 25.00 ?1. M. Lcatlicrwood 12.50 W. J]. Bird 20.00 S:i in Monteith ...., 5.0!! C. J. Harris 200.00 Total $1642.50 CAS11 liAISED BY SUBSCRIP TION FOB PURCHASE OP STOCK OF JACKSON COUNTY FAIIt AS SOCIATION STOCK. Name Amount R. U, Sutton iju. 10.00 Frank Scott 50.00 W. D. Wanon '....25.00 J. C. Allison 25.00 W. R. Zut'all ,io./>') Z. Candler L-50.00 I jester Vinson 5.00 Chester Scott . 10.00 Kd l'eed 10.00 I). M. llall , 50.00 M. Buchanan, ,Ir. ..1 25.00 Fjrot; Hampton 25.00 Sylva Pharnuicv 50.00 Dr. Grover Wilkes *...25.00 L. C. Hall :. 10.00 W. II. Shorrill .: i .25.00 J. \\'. Keener ....'. 25.00 Jackson Hardware Co. 25.00 A. Id. Simons . 1 ... \)0.60 Jackson County Bank 50.00 Fred Hooper , 50.00 1. II. I Well 50.00 C. C.( Buchanan .1..... .,.10.00 Dan Tomiikiiis 10.00 Ji A. I 'arris 25.00 Total \ 700.00 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF AMOUNT PAID OUT FOR STOCK OF JACKSON' COUNTY FA IK ASSOCIATION. Name Amount W. T. Lewis L . 10.00 j T. C- Brvson, Sr I 100.0() R. Wib Fisher 50.00 ' \V. C. Norton 50.00 T. C. Ledbettcr ;....20.00 F. II. Brown t 50.00 \V. W. Brown 25.00 Est. D. D. Oavies .. 1 25.00 G. C. Snyder A-.. 10.00 ,T. P. Reed 25.00 W. II. Sn.Vder 50.00 Mrs. J. A. Hills.., 1 1 20.00 j W. H. Cojdill ...... 50.00: David Rogers A... 25.00 j L. P. Allen , j 1 100.00 Mrs. S. J. lions? y. 50.00 Mrs. .1. W. McKoe ...il 00.00 h\ A. Painter 25.00 Mrs. C. C. Cowan 25.00 A. D. Jones .*. 1:.... 10.00 s. C, Ai%on 50.0(i J. M. L tilio^u-Hjd 12.50 II. J{. Qiicon 12,50 W. O. BnJmnan 50.00 \V. M. Fowler 50.00 H. II. Brvson 25.00 J. W. Cope .J. lO.Ou II. T. Vincgum . 20.00 C. B. Allison 10.00 \V. A. Clayton .25.00 H. R. Snider * 25.0f) J., P. Henry . 50.00 Sam Monteith j.. 15.00 C. W. Bird and W. F. Battle ... 70.00 | Abe Enslev 10.00 J. M. Nicholson :... 20.00 1 S. J. Phillipps 30.00 1 M. H. Morris 25.00 1 M. L. Covins ?.. 25.00 j J. M. Worlcy ... ,50.00 Mrs. C. B. Zachary 20.00 [ J. T. Nicholson m?> 1&-W D. R. Harris ....v-.50.00 1,485.00 H. R. Snider 150.00 A. J. Dills ~ 395.00 H. R. Hastings .. 75.00 2,105.00 SUMMARY RECEIPTS I County Board of Education 4,030.00 Cash Subscriptions & Notes 700.00 - ' 4,730.00 disbursements Paid for stock (See Itemized Statement) 2,105.00 Paid Jackson County Bank Deed in Trust 2,187.50 4,292.50 Balance Cash and Notes on Hand , 437.44 Stock Donated 1,642.50 Cash Donated 700.00 Total Donations 2,342.50 ApproximatcCost of Grounds 0,010.50 We only know of $50.00 outstand ing stock which is held for the pur ]>ose of voting in transferring title, which may be donated, otherwise will reduce our balance $50.00. The balance of funds on hand will be held until completion of new school building and "will then be spent for beautifying. and improving the athletic field. We hope to raise $1,000 more for this purpose and make it the finest field in North Carolina. Jackson County, should be .justly proud of this lield, which will be used more especially for the school children of the county as a whole, as well ns a recreation ground for the public. The committee thank the citizens that have made this possible by their donations. E. L. Mr U* ICE, Trustee for Hoard Education and Citizens. BALSAM i Mr. 0. B. Kistcr. Superintendent, o!' llio Southern Rail ..y has purchas <??] the summer lion: here of Dr. M. B. IlcVjonu, of J. Lsonville, Fin., ami his family will occupy.' same through the remainder i t' the season. We extend a lieaiiy welcome to them. Too much cannot iv raid in praise <>f what Mr. Kir^hr has done tor Balsam, in l i:;ni nsl'in^V electric lights till rinir ices in the Baptist church, giving finders lor our roads, etc. \ Wc. the citizens of Balsam, ex tend to hii'i our sincere thanks. We also have with' us Mr.Simpson and his 'party of the Southern, in their private car. Rev.Mr.Taylor of Waynesville and Florida will hold evengelistic services in the Methodist church here next week, beginning1 Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited. Special prayer and song services arc being held every afternoon of this week. Mr. Ed Middleton's mother, sister and brother, of East La Porte paid him a visit last week. j Mi-s. T. M. Riekards who has been very sick is now convalescing rapid ly. * ' , Born to Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Brvson Monday the 20th, a son, Harold I jester. ZVIiss Bonnie Barnes spent the week end with relatives in Waynesville. Mrs. Ida Bryson,- of Canton was in Balsam Sunday. Mrs. II. J. Brown went to Sylva Friday. Mr. J. A. MehalTev and family have moved near East La Porte. Mr. A. II. Mehafl'cy attended the Masonic meeting in Sylva Friday nisiht. " i The W. O. W's. had an ice cream supper Wednesday night. Rev. O. J. Jones, of Sylva was visiting in Balsam last week. Mr. and Mrs. Safii Knight and little daughter, Margie, of Richmond, Va., visited their aunt, Mrs. D. T. Knight'TIiursday of last week. Mr. Robert Queen, of Gastonia is visiting relatives in Balsam. Mr. Lee Crawford, of Greenville, is visiting relatives in Balsam. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carter and baby, who have been visiting relatives in Balsam have returned to Old Fort. "i ! o SERVICES ANNOUNCED The 'Rev. Clarence S. McCIellan, Jr., who is spend in;.' the summer at "The Martin" in Highlands, N. C.. announces that lie will be in Jack son County for sen ices at Sylva and Cullouhec 011 t!ie second Sunday in September, September 9. The services will be at the usual hours. SYLVA SCHOOLS TO OPEN MONDAY The Sylva Public School will open the 1923-24 session Monday morning at 9 A. M. and we hope that every parent will make a special effort to have all children in school the first day. The elementary school will be taught by one of the strongest faculties in the State. Th? Sylva Central High School . will open its first session in the Sylva Public School building at the same time. Uhe Sylva High School has been doing excellent work for the past two years. The Central High School will do much better work and parents and students alike can feel a just pride in having the op portunity that this school affords. The truck will begin operating to bring the students to school the first day.' It will leave Balsam Monday morning about 7:40 and will reach Sylva about 8:30 after which it will go to Dillsboro and will leove there about 8:45. This truck will be abso lutely warm, sal'c and comfortable. Every effort will be made to secure the satisfaction of parents whose children are transported in the truck. Mr. W. O. Hampton will again be the superintendent, and the following faculty will assist him in tlie work of the public schools: Miss Mary W. Jones, Latin ami French. Miss Mabel Fisher, A. B., Greens boro College for Women, Mathe matics and Science. c. Miss PeaH Pendergraft, A. B., University of North Carolina, English Another teacher will be added to the high school faculty, for history. Mr. W. O. Dillard, Graduate of Cullowhec Normal and Student of George Peabody College, Seventh grade, and assistant principal. Miss Pearl V. Duvall, Third Stud ent Trinity College, Fifth and pari of sixth grade. Miss Kate Hayes, Fourth pud part of sixth. > Mrs. J. F. Freeze, Third Grade. Miss Sal lie M. Hodges, Graduate Georgia State College for Women, second. Miss Dunn, B. S. Primary Edu cation, George Peabody College for Teachers, Beginners First Grade. Miss Nanette Walker, A. B. and B. M., Maryvillc College, Summer Work Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Summer Work Public Scliool Music Department, George Peabody College. -n DILLSBORO INSTALLING WATER SYSTEM The town of Dillsboro is installing a splendid water system for that en terprising municipality, and hopes to have it completed within a short time. The town has purchased 50 acres of land on the Dills farm, across the river from Dillsboro, which com praiscs a watershed that is a very line one, giving a flow of water that is sufticicn! for a town many times the size <?? Dillsboro. From the in take on the watershed the water is conveyed through pipes to a 100,000 gallon rcscvoir on the hill above the town, from whence it i? distributed through mains to the people of the town. The water main from the intake to the storage resevoir is 900 l'cet in length, and the entire system is to be finished at the exceedingly low cost of $15,000. Bonds lor the wo:'.; were issued some months ago. n CHURCH INAUAURAT^S ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN At a meeting of the Sunday f '-r-liool and Church Council, of tht Metli.'dist church, held at the home of Mr. i". L. McKee, Thursday evening -it w;t ; decided to in inaugrate a church and Sunday School advertising campaign, through the usual method of adver tising, persona 1_ advertising, by the members of the church and Sunday School telling people with whom they come in contact of what the church and Sunday School are doing and are goin^ to do, by window card advertising, and through the medium of the public press by means of ap pointing a reporter to keep the news papers informed of the activities of the church and Sunday School, that come under the head of legitimate news, and by paid advertising in the columns of the local press. Other matters of importance to the welfare of the church and Sunday School were taken up and discussed. MASONS HAVE DIS TRICT MEETING I One of the most largely attended and most profitable District meetings of the Masonic order ever held in North Carolina, closed here Friday, Vhen the Masons of the 42iul Ma sonic 'District were in session, as the guests of Sylva Lodge. The prograrti was oi>ened at 1 :00 P. M. by the address of welcome, by Dan Tompkins and gracious response by R. F. Jarrctt. An inspiring address 011 the Bro therhood of Man and jtyasonie Edu cation was delivered to the lodge by Walter II. Wicker, of Klon College, Educational Field Secretary of the Grand Lod^e of North Carolina. Short talks along the- same lines were made by Geo. C. Cox, oL' Raleigh, "Daddy" Randolph, of Asheville, District Deputy Grand Master, Lawrence E. Green of the 41st district and others. _ The visit i/ig brethren were taken bv automobile to the Cullowluv .Normal and Industrial School, the great educational institution .of th<5 state, in Western North Carolina, and a part of the public school sys tem, behind which the masons of America stand 100 per cent strong. The visitors were delighted with the improvements that are being m:;di* at Cullowhec, and the strides of pro gress that an; being made there. At 7:0<) o'clock in the evening a banquet given by the Masrnie sind Eastern Star bodies of Sylva was held at the iib\v Mcdford Furniture Company Building, through the courtesy of that concern. Past Grand Master Walter E. Moore presided as toast master, and the banquet wst.s a pronounced success in every way, through the efforts of the Eastern Star Ladies. The Journal has been requested by the lodge to express publicly, through this paper, tho thanks and appreciation of the Lodge to Mcdford Furniture Compary for the dse of 'their bulld"fng, and to the members ai the Eastern Star for putting it on in such splendid man ner. In the evening the tlliid degree was conferred upon C. C. Buchanan, of Sylva, and .T. T. Hall, of Ravens ford, by Sylva Lodge. Sunday morning ReV. J. T. Gil lespie, pastor of . the Bryson City Presbyterian Church, delivered a; splendid sermon, at the High School auditorium, to members of the Mas onic order and others, the lodge at tending in a body. Sundiiy evening, Dr. Wicker, educational field 'secretary of the I Grand Lodge of North Carolina, filled the pulpit at the Methodist church. The district meeting was attended by a large and enthusiastic body of Masons, every Lodge in the district sending splendid delegations. CANTON REdOR DIRECTS PLAY * ? Last Thursday at the Little Theater in Highlands,' the Rev. Clarence S. McClcllan, Jr., of Can ton, directed Susan Glaspell's Play. "Suppressed Desims". This Play was given for the benefit of the Hudson Library at Highlands and an audience of several hundreds of persons greeted the Players i:nd en joyed the Play. Mrs. Alice I yons of New Orleans ;uid one of ti e New Orleans Litib* Theater Players took the part of Henrietta; Miss Y; b,, ie Dmigall otDetro t, Mich., the p: rt o! Mabel and 1'rofessor Pus "ell Potter of the University of N< rth C: ni l! ? the part of Stephen Ln \v ter. < in? Highland Orchestra Ktudered the music. REV. R. L. DAVIS TO PR2ACL Rev. 1?. L. Davis, superintendent : the North Carolina Atiti-S>?loo:> Lc::.-'.:e will speak three times in Jacks; i r-nmity next Sunday, S?p tember He v.iii : .peak at the Metlir.-di.-f. Church i:i :>il!;,b? vo at 11 o 'ci<;ck in the i!u I'iiin*;, v.'. Palsam rt tfi<* Methodist Church n the aftc ' - noon, and at the .'?! >d . i c'ir ii in Sylva, at 8 in the e..?ti!!i^. ? i o PAVING SIDEWALK ' The city has just completed br - ing a concrete sidewalk from Main Street, up the East side' of Walnut by the Baptist church, and the lion:" of Dr. A. S. Nichols^ to Jackson, and along Jackson by the home of M. D. Cowan to the Methodist church.

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