SADIE LUCK, Editor...Please phone items to phone No 2 * * * * * * ? * * sjr Miss Sallie Fisher went to Ashe ville. yesterday, where she wil spend t|lt, week-end with friends. ? ? ? Mr. W. I'. Collins was here from Ciiiv, the list ot' the week. ? ? ? Mr. WA^Joncs, of Barkers Crei'k was here Monday on business. ? ?? Mrs. A. S. Nichols and Mrs. John A. Pnrris motored to Ashevillc, Sun Jav, toi' the day. # * * * M:-.. 'Will Cat hey spent several days this week in Knoxville, where lie hounht goods for the store of (ice. M. Cole. r * ? ? ? Mr. J Joy C.Allison visited relatives nml friends in Hayesville, this week. * ? ? Mi. W. Keener lias been in Iv,.\ville, this Week, buying goods lor i- is -lore, here. (i ? ? ? Mrs. A.- *I\ CloUse, motore1\ SALE ? White Leghorn Cock erels? Puritas Springs strain. Bij: husk v fdnngsters. Price $1.50. "r FvA.; BROWN, Sylva,N.C. ? ? ? Mr. W. J. Morris left last week for Portland, Oregon where he will * spend' Mime time. 1 ? . ? Mrs. V. W. Swin, of Hayesville, and Miss Clarice English, of Blairs ville, (ia.. are quests of Mrs. Swan's sister. Mis. Clarence A. Bales. ? % ? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allison :mi>1 younir son, anil Mrs. Allison's Moth er, Mrs. M. 0. Williams have return ed to Winter Haven, Fin.. al'U'r spending two months here, wiiii Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Aiii->rtn. * * > V ^ Mrs. Sara Liner, of Waynesville, is spend in^t some time ho:v, v. .th her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Moody. ? ? ? Miss Annie Henry, of Waynes'. iH<\ j spoilt last week end hero, the gutVt of Misses Lyd* and Elizabeth Mood v. ? ? a FOR vSALE ? White Leghorn Cock' erels? Puritas Springs strain. Big husky youngsters. Price $1.50. F. A. BIIQWN, Sylvn.N.C. ??? '\ \ 4 lots Courtland Heights, F')R j SALE. ? House and lot Courth'.iid Heights FOR SALE. ? Dwelling on Main Street. ? 10 acres ami house, one mile Kylva.? 40 acres 2 mil's ? ,Sylva. ? 5 year old mule FOR SALE. A. J. DILLS. ? ?* Misses Myrtle and Bonnie 1 [en. sun spent the week end in Asheville. On thoir return Miss Bonnie stopped over in Canton, where she wi!l bt^ tin- guest of relatives for some time. ... Mrs. F.llcn Picklesimev, Mrs. T. If. Powell, Mrs. W. E. Grindstaff, Mrs. & 11. Mouteith and Mrs. I lu^ti Monteitli spent one day last .week pit'knicking, at East La Porte. * * * ] j j \ Mrs. M.M.McKce and Mrs. Han Hall, of Webster, were guests, last week, of relatives here: ? . ? ? ? * -Mi >ses Margaret Moore and Dorothy McKee, who are teaching in wev.ird, spent the week end at their hoiiic- here. ? ? ? Mis-; Patty Johnson, a member of M'o faculty ot' the city schools of, Aslii'vill(.f spent the week end here, u"'1 lier sister, Mrs. R. F. Hough., ? ? ? * Misms Louise and Lillic Stein left Monday for Harrigate, Tenn., where ti'oy will he students at Lincoln Mi'inorial College. ? * ?. Robert Me Cy nibs "of Ashe >|'i iit Hie week end here, a KUi-.-u ot her aunt, Mrs. Carrie Mc Kco. . ? ?? M<<. Carrie McK*e ahd Mrs. C -k \\clls spent Friday and Satur tin> ,!1 Asheville. ? ? ? Mrs. Kidman, of Asheville, "Was * 6uest of her sou and daughter, O ?' ? ? ' ( Air. ?nd Mrs. A. M. Simons, last Sunday. ??? 1 The Coleman C. Cowan BibloClass of the Baptist Sunday School, has recently placed nn attractive invitn-j tiou to young men to be present at its sessions, in the form ol' a large white bill-board, with black letter ii?ir, on the coiner ot' the church lot, ?on main street. * ? ? '? Airs. DOwitt Hunniecutt lel't the first of the week lor Alooresville,, where she was called by the. serious illness of her sister. ? ?* ? \ WANTED ? A bright young man or boy as messenger for Western Union Telegraph Co. A good chance for young man to learn telegraphing and railroad work. Call or write Western Union olfice, Sylva. N; C. WANTED? with car to sell complete line high quality tires and tubes. A money making proposition for either full or part time. Ex clusive Territory. Sterling worth Tire & Rubber Co. East Liverpool, Ohio, i ? ? ? Sibbald Smith was here, from Cherokee, yesterday, advertising the Cherokee Indian Fair, wbich is to be held October 9-12. ? ? ? Air. Ralph Kelly has returned to his home, after spending a few days here, with his young son, Tom Kelly, and Air. and All's. T. ii. Hastings. V * <* * Air. .T. AI. Kigdon was here, from Tuekaseigee, Wednesday, on bus iness. J /<$<*? Aliss Elizabeth Daniels has return ed from .Mount Vernon Springs, I where she has been visiting. ? * ? r. 1). C. Cl! A IT Kit TO AIEETi The B. II. Call iey Chapter lT. D. C. will ineti with Airs. T. <>. Wilson, on Thursday afternoon, October 4. SIlOWKli Vnii BHlDiiS < mi Thursday alVcrnoin of Inst wvi k .Mrs. I), i). llooptjr and Mrs. .1, \V. Keener entertained at t !?. Wilson, .T. JI. 1 Wilsi.u and Joe 13. Keener, ot Win-; ston-Salem, \, '/? / ? ? ? ) j> SYLYA TJiACHKlIS AT ASHKYILLE MEETING Th;\ . Syiva- High and Graded) Schools were represented at the meeting in Asheville, last week, by; ^ Aliksts Pendcrgraft,, , Duvall, Fisher, Dunn, Tucker, Jones, i laves, AI esse r, i lodges and Mrs. Freeze. j Prof, and Mrs. Ii. F. Hough, Mrs. ) E. Ford King, Misses ltuth aild I Odessa Black, Long, "> Griggs, Kinney, ; Brown, Pierce and (Mr. J. C. Hough 'went from the SyJ va' Collegiate In j stitutc. Air. 0. S. Dillard County Super-! intendent, also attended the meet ing. ! ? o t ? P. C. TATHAM KILLED '? N./ Harrington, Wash. ? The friends and relatives of P. C. Tathain were shocked to , learn of his death,, which occurred at the resiilt of being crush by a falling, log, at the McNeil Log ging Company camp, y t Concrete, on the Upper Skagit. Mr. Tatham was operating the levers, to load a car with logs, when ! he accidentally stepped in the frnth of* a huge log, which was being' haul ed in, and was struck down. He suf fered a broken back and crushed leg and injuries about the head, from which he died, before medical aid could reach him. Mr. Tatham came to this country at the age of twenty-eight and en o' i . ) f ' / . . c ? ********** gaged in the business of logging, for several years.. Then he returned- to his birthplace, Webster, North Caro lina, in 1906, where he married Miss Burdcll Stillwell.' He returned, shortly, to Oso, his bride following him within a few months. Here they lived for twelve years and one son Claude was born to them. They visited Webster again in 1918 and while there Mrs. Tatham died. Mi-. Tatham returned to Darrington after a year. He made one other trip to Webster and since then has made his home, witfi his little son, at Hamilton, Wash. Besides his son, Mr. Tatham '> is survived by lour brothers, Robert and John, of Darrington, Wash., Daniel, of Everett, ? Wash., and Charles, of Young Harris, Ga., and one sister, Mrs. John Buchanan, of Gay,, North Carolina. Scores of friends from different parts of Western Washington at tended the funeral services, which were held at the Higley Undertak ing chapel, in Sedro Woolley, Sunday August 2(3, at two o'clock. Rev.Mr. Steele, of the Methodist Episcopal tehurch, of Sedro Woolley, preached a short sermon from 1' Samuel 20:3, and read the eighth Psalm. Two ladies .sung "Lead Kindly Lhjht" and ''Face To Face". The floral offerings were surpass ingly lovely and profuse. \ Mr. Tatham was buried in the Sedro Woolley cemetery, beside hfs nephew, Clinton Tatham. . o ADVERTISING RATES A committee of the National Edi torial Association has been investi gating the production costs of week ly newspapers and has made recom mendation o!' the advertising rates count o* newspapers should charge, based uj ??n ; !u\- e production costs. The rates recommended arc printed herewith. They will prove W^interest to advertisers who enjoy a rate of much less per inch than they would pay if lli is newspaper adopted the National Editorial Association scaie. i fere arc the association rates: ^ Circulation' Rate 500 or less _L 25 cents llli'O or joss 30 I V.)!) or "less 35 2000 or less 40 2500 or less 45 .'i000 or less 48 .'{500 or leis. 51 1000 or less 5G 5000 or less (iO The circulation of the Journal is 2000. Our advertising rates, local, are ! 25 cents. In this paper the local peo ple, who patronize the best advertis ing medium in all thisWestern region i of North Carolina, get their advertis- j ing at 15 cents an inch less than the National Editorial Association scale, ' and at a lower price than these men who know say it can be done for. AN APPRECIATION I desire to express my thanks and appreciation of the friends! who help ed ine to win the $100 in gold in the Jackson County Journal's Salesman ship Club Campaign; and to thank cur Journal and the campaign man ager. 1 deeply appreciate the sup port niv friends i^ave me. MRS. P. W. KINCAID. I . rTTTVTT. . * THE METHODIST CHURCH * * MVill welcome you to all it's * ?(services./'. * * Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 8 * * P. M. |V* Sunday School 10:00 A. M. * ! ? Epworth League 7:15 P. M. : * No preaching fourth Sunday * I * morning nor Second Sunday * * evening. I To make that old \vateli keep time take it to | . GLENN'S QtSvlva. ^ All work ! ? ' I guaranteed. 'Look for the big wateh and let me 1 ? v give you an estimate on vour watch. i; GLENN'S t . : i NEW FALL GOODS ? i . ??*-? ,.;x 1 v.A ? % ? " - . - . -c ?? ? \i ( NEW COATS, DRESSES, SUITS, SWEAT ERS AND MILLINERY. Boys' Suits, Sweaters, Pants and Shoes. A New Line of Men's Suits, Hats, Shirts, Ties, and Underwear. j i . ?> 'I Before you order or buy see our goods. It will pay you. Home of Star Brand Shoes for Men. Women A , ' and Children. x , : . > % ( ? , I / ' - i THE PIEDMONT LYCEUM BUREAU ? y presents The Shamrock Trio s * x ' v O ; . ? . ?, ' ' J. . in A delightful program of Irish folk songs and music presented in the form of solos, duets, etc., as well as instrumental selections, whistling and vodeling.Altogethei the program will be just a bit of the ould sod. Mr. Moffett, of the Shamrock Trio, is one of the younger entertainers, but I lias already won for himself an enviable position on the Lyceum plat form.* He is ably assisted by two Irish young ladies, one of whom will introduce the Irish harp, and an evening of very rare entertainment is wait - ing for those who hefcr this splendid and captivat ing company. \ ? ' " - DILLSBORO AUDITORIUM FRIDAY EVENING ,i October 5th AT 8 O'CLOCK V The new concrete road from Sylva to Dillsboro i will be opened on this date ? Come. . r * i * r v. / /