? x ^ qIjD t'ORT TO GET , BIG BLEAOHERY PLANT Ii,.,: have boon delivered to ro lives of Joseph Bancroft and ' Sons i. iu|?iny, of Wilmington, -Do Irui t l?y property owners of ()|,i| Foil, viu-reby tlio Bancroft company I into ownership of moro than ,'iM ifics of land adjacent to the l,nv:i i'i Old Foj't as a site for a I nivnl iklustrial plant. 'I t nlinj,' to G. \V. 'Simdlin ofl Old ! m t. who wit^ Cof. J). \y J Adam-, and T. II. Masbburn, had! diiinn of the transaction (or. tlw I owiin; more than $78,000. ftr cash I mis (*?* i*l '?r tho propqj ty, whereon I is i. elected a tremendous bleach- 1 t-rv ? fi.tf will represent a total out I I; iy ?'| more than $30,000,000, provide! oni|>It \i:ieiit for 2,000 jH'rsons, and I will f;ike euro of tho output of 40 tol ;")(! xmlliein cotton mills. NORTH CAROLINA w LEADS SOUTH In amounts of federal taxes paid tor i In- li.M-al year ending Juno 30, North Carolina lead all the Southern stitfes, iiiul fiaid moro tobacco tar\ than any state, making a grand total ot federal taxes paid by this state of #1 30,551,050. Tobacco tax paid by North Carolina was $118,370,325. Fodeial income tax paid by North ' Carolina amounted to $18,183,734< . Income tax payments of other stnt4'.-> include: Aliilmma $li,202, 020 ; Florida $0, 3')S,I!H>; Cieortria $12,07r),270; Louisi ana $10,473,771; Maryland $27, S72."> lo ; M ississippi$2,903,454 ; South Carolina $5,337,290; Tonnesseo $11, 570, SS2; Virginia $13,700,232 West Yinjimn $13,314,012. WEEKLY MARKET Kaleiuh, Nov. 30. ? Issued by the North Carolina Division of Market.-; in Cooperation with the leased wire Sonne ot the Federal Bureau ot Agrictilt ural Economics. Chicago, Hog prices-" decline 10 2n c. tor the week closing at $7.15 for the top and $050 at"~7 for the. bulk. Medium and good beef steers 50-7r>c. up at $8.25 to #11.50. Butcher cows hiiiI boilers 10-20 higher at 50 to !?Itt.sgs 11,075; Sheep 79,201. In eastern wholesnle fresh meat markets Iieef 50c. to liighcr ; Veal $1 higher: Pork loI:j;i higher to $1 lower. Nov. 30 prices pood grades beef $14.50 to $18. Veals 13-15; Lambs 22-24 muttou 15-10. drain Market weak and im.settk.l. Both com and wheat future prices lower for week. Fair milling demand for lust ?rades of wheat ?:id price, held steady. Cash corn lower cn larg er ivyeipts and limited demands. * "ats markot continued steady at practically unchanged prices, '{/not ed November 30, No.1 1 dark north ern spring Minneapolis 108,120. No. 1 hard winter Chicago 104-100, Kan sas City 1031-23. No. 2 Red Chicago 10.j St. Louis 114-110. No. 2 yellow '?oris Chicago 07 l-2-79c.. St Louis No. :i yellow St. Louis 73-74c. No. :? white oats St. Iiouis 45c. Kau ris City 45c. REALTY TRANSFERS { . (i ??I. IMott Company to Hugh K. Moiifcith, 92 acres in Kiver, $^0,00. \J?; M. Hall to C. W. Ilaynic, 10 Wru in Sylva, $400.00. C. Cowan to Arthur IX Cou .in, }-4 interest in 38 ifcrcs in $850.00. T. 1 >. (iuntcr to Dillard Brooks 1 i* acres in Barkery Crock $80<>. j ?>, ^ A. Hooper to county board ol j ataaliob, land on Tilly Creek, $1.00. i o AT 05, HE TAKES A WIFE^ OF 35 1 A white couple came to the Reg J ifi of Deeds oftico at Rockingham Tuesiliiy and applied for license to imirry. The man's name is Medloek tlie woman a Miss Long. The lii'ly 4 longed ' to enter ' wedlock Mte Siivt njrc at 95, she at 35. The l^'uistor of Deeds, refused them lii'f'iise and sent them to I)r. Mcln t"sli for n certificate. The doctor ( ''" liiii il to give him uoe on account ( his advanced age. And the couple "'it Uio'olhce snyintr they would to to Bennettsvillc. " ? Rocking Post-Dispatch. ?>-" hEe destroys ? TOPTON STATION Tri-Cdunty News, Nov. 30. ? Tha railway station ^at Topton was com pletely (Joqtroyed by fire early Sat: urflay morning. The origin of the fire has not been determined. A large quantitity of goods in the station is said to have been destroyed. The Andrews fire department re ceived a telephone call about 3 o'clock Saturday morning, and niem 'bers of the' department . hurried by I automobile to the scene 'of the fire, but, by the time they reached Top ton, the station was practically de stroyed. ' 1 ? o NEGRO GIVEN TWENTY YEARS John Henry Hendricks, negro driv er of the car that ran into a crowd of white* women and girls, at llaw Iiiver, on November, 2 killing Miss Until Ripley and injuring a number of others, has been convicted of manslaughter, in Alauianco county superior court, and sentenced to. serve 20 years at hard labor in tin state prison. > ? o SMOTHERS IN COTTON \ ^ ? ? , | ? | A 10-year-old son of John D. oilliman, of Mill Bridge, Rowan comity, smothered to $path, last Saturday in a pile of loose cotton, before his parents learned' of hi? perilous condition. * > o RECTOR'S STORIES - TO APPEAR "Tho Southern Churchman", of Richmond, Va., is bringing out this month ? three stories by the Rev. Clirence S. McClcllau, Jr. One is about a trip to Rethleham in Pales tine. In this article the Rev. Mr. MeClellan describes Betholahem as it Is today and tells its history* and the , ipw>?int of Christ's Rirth. The second 1 article is about the Origin of all ourV Christmas Customs. And the third ' concerns itself with tbo history of the old Christina ? Carols. Later these articles are to bo published in book form along with the Canton Rector's Sermon* and Stories for ch'ldrcn. TheyStoll comprise a book of some 2">l' page-. \ The ''Asheville Citizen" in it:: Sunday editions during December iE to bring out parts of these stories. The Rev. Mr. McClcllau is soon to prepare an illustrated article on Western North" Carolina for the National Orographic.; Magazine and also an article for /the American Magazine on Dixie, lie is also pre paring an "Historical Sketch of Western North Carolina" to appear in book form later. o CHRISTMAS SERVICES Next Sunday nn vr'ti<; at. St. David's Episcopal Chuiv'i in Cullowhee at 11:15 the Iicctor of St. Andrew's. Canton, tlic Rev. Clarence S. Me Clellan, Jr., will conduct Christmas Services and preach a Christmm Sermon. Many of the teachers and students of the Cullowhee Normal School will render old Christmas Carols at this service. In the after noon the Rev. Mr. McClellau with the Rev. A. W. Lynph and the Rev. Charles Plylcr will conduct Christmas {Services at the Jackson County Home.In the evening at7: 30 j the Can ton Roftor will conduct a servico of Holy Communion and at 8 P. M. preach a Christmas Sermon in St. John's Episcopal' Church in Sylva. There will.be Christmas Music at tin evening servico in Sylva. All are invited. n TO BUILD NEW COUNTY HOME The commissioners of Jackson county will build a handsoihe, new county, home within the near future. Plans for the new building, which will be of brick and will be modern /in every respect have tjeen made by architects, and advertisements for bids, on the building will shortly ap pear. The new building will bo erected on the splendid farm at present own ed by the county, on the Webster road, in Webster township. h> ? - NASH TO RACE FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL r. Assistant attorney general, Frank Nash has announced that he will be a candidate for the office of attorney general at the coming democratic primaries. ' ) | TO BUILD -TELEPHONE LINE TO CASHIEES : . \ A movement is on foot, and . a considerable artount ?f stock has been subscribed Gy basin <}ss men in Sylva and Jackson county, to build a telephone line through the county from Sylva to Cashier^ Valley, and intermediate points and . it is ex pected to have the: line up and in operation b>\ early spring. o ? ?IECKLENBURG FAiyHERS. PAINT HOMES s .J Raleigh, Dec. 6. ? Mecklenburg will be a place of 11101$ beautiful homes us a result of the recentHomc Beau tification Campaign upt on in thn\ county by the extension workers of the State College and' Department of Agriculture. Reports made by tho township committees appointed by tho home and farm agents, Miss Bertha Proftitl and Kope Elias, show that 210 bouacswill be painted on the outbid", lV'iKon the inside, i)2 farmers will have the barns or out build". i'r>- and .44 farms will '??aw ? try painted. Pinc .uid Si.irv,! townships turd for i'.i^t lionors iu securing tho most pledges to paint and Charlotte eapic second. The following committer won ti>u gallons of. pamt each for the plrikgcg turned in: Sharon, Pine v> ?? ( < r.tral S'ei* Ov^lc. t.'nrhi ju ci' ii>, Min? Ilil. V;n>ll, Devila, Creek, Mid- Low. r Prm '??? ..00 P-m ? ii!e mo Sharo'i .own-ill will be riven 20 gallons of paint cucli and Charlotte will be awarded 10 gallons. All of this prize paint will be used ill some public building such as a Community house or church. A total of 18 mi etings were held .11 tlx fifteen townships; during the '.'iiiupaign demonstrations wery made *n how to uso paint for all pubises and in addition, the importune-; oi having shrubbery, grass and ,'.rtvy. h'Mit the h:?:>K plaees or schools was .?..ip'ia i/.( d. n e.iunie.i. iitvj ' n this picee oi' ?jrk, Direet:> ? I1*. W. ^vilgoro ?-x- } messed himsf' ;i' cr wotTv dun? hv! 'Iwk'enburg .(Jaunty. It is fe\' "1 ti;^ influence ?? I this campaign, -vli! ? i > > t over flv v.holti pud ' ) V ?*; f , ' ' 1| 'ill ll will ,:t ? ' .n.ti|ui h?.in?is :iiv?l irm-sloi'd 1 MACK ROGERS' PAROiiE REVOKED Hie parole granted to former thiol of polico Mack Rogers, on November G, lias been revoked, by Governor Morrison, according to information received by Sheriff Sutton from the Gaveiiior's office. No leason for 10 ,) ^ V voking the parole -vvs assigned. Mr, Rogers was ooi.victed early in the tall,- in tho recorder's cour.. -ol vuilaUiiH of 'hi prohibit ioii law.', I icc of Sylya, in connection with a raid in which a large quantity of liquor wa stakeu from ? rum-car, in Haywood county, and evidence was 6liown in court that only about one third the amount captured by the party under Mr. Rogers was ever accounted for in a legal manner. He was senteuccd. to serve two years on the roads ol' Henderson count}' and to pay a fine of $500. On November 6 Governor Mor rison granted him a payrole for six months, without bond, because ol evidence furnished the governor ol the precarious condition of Roger's health. The letter to Sheriff Sutton, in forming him of the action revoking the parole follows: November 28, 1923. ? To tiie Sheriff of Jackson Coiurtv, Sylva, N. C. ?f J hereby revoke the conditional pa role of six months granted to W. M. Real's on November 6. CAMERON MORRISON, * 1 1 Gpyeqior. THIRTEEN BfcfJrftSlfl&N AGENTS 5 if? HfiXiiB IN SER\CWS.Hff-'M MONTHS ?. ' . 1 Washington, Dec. v2,? Ii\- the ? 1^? months ending with tli? month .Of September 13 'pWhttttt iVm enforce* inept agents -wore' 'kilrtrd and 58 in jured in the line of-^uty, Pfohihitioi Commissioner Hnynes said today i' j a summary "of the bureaus 's activitr^ I Property destroyed, in the way *?. illicit stills, liquors and compound i-tis worth $1,121,000. There also v. .-' > Seized Wut ' not destroyed property valued at $0,050,000, sonic of which is awaiting court action, while t?"? balance, is represented by auto mobiles, motorhoats and varum- ? other materials.? ; ) Sylva Collegiate Institute SENIOR CLASS PRESENTS / "FARM FOLKS" A RURAL PLAY IN. TOUR ACTS by ^ ARTHUR LEWIS TUBBS \ , ( Saturday, Dec. 8, 8:00 P. M. - Sylva High School Auditorium SYLVA, N. C. . ! CAST OF CHARACTERS ' Philip Burioigli J. : Front NeV York Law roii co Monteitii ' .) ?Dave < , .?...! : A \fuuug- i'tivnier. \ Henhon Oliver i A s ".Via Owner of Silyerbrolc Farm Stan'ry Lovn>w<?:i]tsi n Servant at the Burleigh residence James Black X ? Flora Goodwin "Only a country girl*' Dixie llcnson. Mrs. Burleigh Philip's mother Evangeline Hope * Grace Burleigh A His sister Y Mildred Cowan Sarah Goodwin ...! , Wife of Amos Nola iligdon , Mrs. Peasley Who never has a minute to spare Marguerite Hope Defia Slccum T....'. Hired girl at the farm Louise Parker *' ? ' ' ? SYNOPSIS ACT. J. The yanl at Silverbrook Fahn, on an afternoon in August. ACT. II. Same as Act I. three days later. ACT III. At the Burleigh residence, New York City. One month , has elapsed. ACT. IV. Back at the farm, u lew davs afterward. TIME or PLAYING : ? Two hours and a half. Admissic.ii -.'15 and 50e. ? Reserved seats 75c. -/ ? ' ? ? '? f EVERYBODY COME ! ! I I HENDERSONVILLE WITH DRAWS EL^CTTON The school trusters lwfc*-e:.'ld-J'eei, or something happened to -eh rise them to withdraw the call ior-aii -jplpetiun to ho held on issuing {j\?50,000 i.i bonds to erect a 1 tight* school and other school buildings in- the town o, ?J I ' Hendersonville. The election was authorized by the last general assembly and called re cently by the 'school trustees, but ; there was so great opposition to ihf movement atuoug the taxpayers fp> ilendersomilleJ that the trustees re considered ana fthoiighi it bvst noi to have the election at this time. ? O V BALSAM We had a good quiet, rain\ Thanks giving day, and we, haven't heard ti "turkey gobble *' since. The teachers oi the graded' school spent Thanksgiving in Uvir lv-pee tive home towns. Mr. Jtt.nes 0. Kiikardsi an 1 t'amii;. oi' Canton si'int 'i'hdlik. giving i. Balsam. Miss Pearl Iii.bij. nd iiaviv.i tUiu tor were married Friday, .\neJnbei JOth. Mr. L. \V. Cr.iwu.nl, ?i Willi us was in Balsam last wet-k. Misses lJoBrayih: lisher and Kdna McKay and Karl -lielilratb, oi Ilazci ! wood, spent the week end kvitli Mis;. Sehna McKay. Mr. Dock Sluiler and iautjiy c Willets havu mo\e *?. $>tfy ? I) rtfi er a' li' i per i';;!l of utj'yojl ;utai>!t The young ?jM,opl(f*enl|Ttye(t a"cand_\ breaking"' at the !>?:. > rfi Mr. a 1 Mv.s. 11. 1!. !'?*'} ' ^ ?.MatHyi!:: . ir ? ... ' Mr. Tom l.Y.in :?! i'-:..:ly i ! [ay wood cau.nj' ' ' . i v.. J hi am. Mrs.- Mw;.:-. :h. i;. < . . \V. K i' r.vvll tiiitl ? :*. ? . : ???' - . n' dined with A-.. . ? ?.V'.'d Count . ' a: ? dr. Dave - m * . .. . it-ilsat::; \i , .i, V. , i . I.'! . ? yis!..-.! h ??.- Od.al .?Iv-Itit ? .. in Cniiion ltvfl fin v Mr.-;. 11. 1\ I'.nslty and ?n, lJiihort; I \ecoiiipanienb\f l\r%-. :"ad . ' r*\ i ? ? ' ? ? - Kuiiley,, of W.-.yne.-' :He. i;,i ' I iid.:> in an 01d**im,bile" nt* ?+*? rt My civ., j Ha., where they intend to -p; ud th> winter. 32 ON BARKERS CHEi'-K HONOR ROLI The honor nil of< the: Ba'rlvr Creek School tor the fourth nion%! is as follows, i x First Grrtlj: ' .'aret R:")o!xSi Charlie It ivnor. Alien S'utti i, Kol># Cunter. lioward Nations, 'V .ririe Dill?, Edith Hud; anan, Ral]:!i Bradley, Wr::e p>i<)vn. Clamlo. Hv ,.*J,s.. !!:ii vey Riiivins. ^ec^iul Cr:\d?: Bird HI Kin-,', A'len Bradley. Annie Bell DrvR Eilli'e lie-ins. . ? . Third Grata: -: Marie I Jills.; .?.*i - forest Nation.4 ' Eiftt G:?.cU:; ? l Klavd (:il?>fin,''1 I 'i - i MISTRIAL IN POISON CASE Tlie jury, which vr?- 1 1 y !:i?r .Mr-1 fenriie I 'owe and h-r ijr.ind-daunhleh Ethel. Caldwell, of I i !wwH ?.n ; iirst doL'ree murder charge. i'ollowiau tlie death* lastj Av.'^ti jil' \V. .V Powe, husband of .tannic Powe, fail ed to srjrce and mistrial was rem!, .* ed, in llaywood county superior court last Saturday. Several days of the eiurt's tint v.\ 'iv taken up fu iiie ^rial or' ? t ! , ' case, which lids dtnv.n ;i tie: \{ tcf attealion in iihyv:- 1 . ? , MARRT.AGL LICENSES ? > ! Garrett Guntcr to Pearl Ilabb, \\.,i ? ?iwi'c li. Vi'iv iiirotiu,-. which arc li.i -.ir ; m mi istirtl interest, .bewail I f':u;:,v niuiii, :ihd will continue for . u'n da*.-; ( i- two weeks. Assisting the f * i I pastiH-, liev. Tliad F. Deitz, in the V 1 ? . P meetings are Kev. ,1. L. "Pat" Col :.iul IJev. .J. II. Stairfwrry. Services are being liehl :?t 11 ?> U each n'oining.and at 7 in <" ? I i : v* ivcu miis. ? . rv PCUI.IRY ASSOCIA TION TO MEET Tin iv will be a reorganization .i:.;ti'u of the Twckaseigee Poultry ' As'Mei:^ ion :;l the oiliee of county ?i" sit K. \\ . Gray, 'Tuesday evening, il.'Xl. v > SHOAL CREEK : s I , . ' v T* Si in lv- :y.! t lie "orfler of the ' >y" ior ni.'.it rather.) :>n Saturday .Mr. Frank Owen was ;::it:'d in marriage to Miss Annie Howell, Kev. H. S. West, olliciating. * Mi ?).,y ,-i f. i:d Oxner left i'.i ? blr, u he: 1 lie was learned to ? Mis-, .'"at tie/ TalbM. T!i?*y arrived lifiri'c. , Mi.~ :-s i'loiei' -? Tinpio, Zetta, lio t !. liannyh l.ee Fanner mid Mr. iinrhud <'xner dined at Mr. (I. .V. Kin /land V, 'i'luir.-tiay. Aii ". !!. A. I'.rys: a v. as a true. t . i.. I er I'sonV. Sim-iay. a . I M>. P. V. McLaughlin ii.. t*e.:\-ll ealiffd en Mr. \Vayne Battle ? :?id:iy nllerntw n. Mr. Tho'tfs Patton, of CuIIowbee, -i-Ih I speat^ihe week end with homo \V. Ii; Bird and lit^e Sarah Ann. of Fullowhee are visiting at Mr. A. i'lrd's. Mi.. Fannie Ward, of Wiluiot, is ? he vu -t of her sister, Mi's. I). L. Oxner. BARKERS CREEK l . Miss Fhrenee Brown from Wiltnot -??' :it Saturday niirht with her sister, llrs. .T. T. .Tone/. and M 1 awrenee (JtijU^v i-in'il :.t ':i s ;i: cc Saturday and iv'idav, 'i AIn;J";a. Ie.:. : a-\ ?: .1 N :iVs andMeKiidoy .ivi. iff--* ' 'iccii., Creek Sun \ . I ?r* ?;je I!r ?? '\s >|K iit S-s 5 1! i'Hit v.-itli Miss etoria N;s t ?h. !ov ? ' 4 - day . .m-X "?tl Mabel ?|K n* Sat'Hiia " v t'i her trrand ta'.Lcr, .M(l 1. i, ' ? ?.!?or : i i; is SiUiii.i)4. i loin Itiii i?oiv. ? i. ? . -I 'i.< " >v;r.s here S;aidii\. .M: k !*e -i;Hr.;i; *.- a husiiitss \ ' ? i ! Si ' '? . j? it the \Vpi !f with her iii'.-tiier. Mrs. P y. FerLlia ?'?):! s soent Sunday with hen si ter at this placc. A,,. lirnc-st Jones callcd at L. li Katun's, Sunday.