TO HARD StiBFAj waynesville ' <> ii ? jr gf i . 'the section oi ?hs:sfc&i$, y0. 10, from Waylesvilio wili ho hard-surfafced tlifc year, ac t.onliug to Highway- Commissioner ytikclcather, who wasin Sylva, Mon day afternoon. ./'.The commissioner stated that the money is available tc apj>Iy the asphalt top to^the present ' gravel surface that fal*, alfd that th< work will be done this y^H* Hej further stated tfc?i the*s6jAalt road? will be contihued jto Sylva [a3 Nsoon as money is available for the par pose, and hopes that it can be con tinued to Sylva as soon as it is com pleted to Willets. '[his will give a hard surfaced road | dear across Jackson county froqi Balsam to Whittier, and an asphalt, or concrete road practically the whole J distance from Whittier to Asheville. ' It is the plan of the commission to hard-surface tHe Xo. 10 highway all the way from Asheville to Murphy as rapidly as possible. WORK STARTS ON CULLO WHEE-TU CKASEIGEE ROAD Tuesday morning the work of grad- J ing the state highway from Dick'; Gap to Tuckaseigee , via East La Porte, was started by county road J construction forces, acting under the direction of the state engineers. About the last of January the! state highway commission advertised this section of the state highway, and the bids were rejected by the count} highway commission, the county be inir interested in that it is paying one hull the construction cost. At that time the county highway commission assured the people that the work would he done this spring and sum mer, and in compliance with that promise, the grading was started at | Dick's Gap, Tuesday morning. The county commission is of the opinion that the grading will be com pleted before bad weather begins. sat fall, and that it can save aever i/ thousand dollars on the coat of the fork, doing it at much less expense than the lowest bid made on the work. CULLOWHEE WINS TRI ANGULAR DEBATLi Cul low lice High School was th< winner in the triangular debate witl Sylva Central and Webster High Schools, last Friday nis?ht, in tl> elimination contest for the state | championship in debating. The question was: Resolved: Tknt the inter-allied war debt should b cancelled. The affirmative ' was do fended at Sylva bv )W. M. Fowler, | Jr., and .Truman Moodv, Opposed b Kobcrt Sherrill and' ' Can* H/viper Frank Crawford and Annie Pnrri had the negative r.t Webster .again1 . Ida Belle MeConne!! and iJan C-waj At Cullowhee Ernest PhjlMps and V. N. Hall espoused the against Stella Cowan and lltury A!.,] lison. ? <' Cullowhee was awarded tehjd'eisK i at Cullowhee and Sylva, while Sylv. *on the decision at Webster. ** v Q, DAVE ROBINSON KILLS NEGRC Shooting around a partition cornci* in the dingy interior of a railrpat [ work ?;hanty car, Chief of Polic David Robinson, of Hazelwood, Sun day morning brought death to Willi'. Fletcher 25, colored, after the latte: had tired a shot from ambush thai barely missed tliC' officer's head, ac cordin<r to the latter's testimony be betorc CoronerJ.F.Abcl following thi killing 'which took place at about IMO o'clock Sunday mr.rning. Robinson called up Sheriff John Cabe and surrendered. At the inquest he testified that he sought to arrcs the negro when lie caught him ricfin-* the Murphy-bound passenger trai' this morning. The colored man, b testified, asked permission to get hi ??at in the nearby shanty and whet the officer followed, he found himself | confronted by the muzzle of a 32 automatic ]>ointed at him fro" around a partition. Ducking as the -'was iired, the officer in turn started firing around the partition J?til he heard the negro cryout. eath followed quickly, several shot> r?om the otlicer's guiv having taken ??ect. AH day Sunday the body lay in e dingy shanty car awaiting dis loyal. ^ave Robinson is well known, here , ^ng been reared at Dillsboro, and been chief of Police of Sylva w time. \ whittier road will be FINISHED THIS YEAR "0" ^ "'U, ' K . l '' ' * Thit the road from Dillsb ro t ?*" ? V * \* y* ? ^ Whittier will be finished t^iis year with the hard surface, ,was the as surance given the peogle by James (VStikeloather, highway commission ? er-^ r this district, when lie was in pylva, Monday. , r ,? Ttie fiardway , Construction Com-: < pariy nowNhas the contract, according to Mr. S'^keleather, and that con >0i?uccrn has the resources to do the ~vork and df) it quickly. Three crush ers will ooon be at work, and bair 'ring accidents the road will be finish ed by November I, according to Mr. Stikeleather. The commissioner, stated that the road from Whittier to Bryson City was advertised, for to be contracted, and* that there were no bidders. The highway commission will advertise it ne more time, and if no bids ai^e iade, the state will begin enstrpe- 1 tion with it's own forces, Mr. Stike eather stated. In regard to completing the T^ck vseigee-Glenville road, via the High I Falls of the Tuckaseigee, which con tract ha sbeen forfeited by the Brooks Calloway Construction Company, Mr. Stikeleather" assured the people that the state will resume the work as <oon as Judge Webb, of the Federal district Court, hands down an .epin on regarding the injunction granted *jy the state courts, in which the ?rooks-Callcway CWnpany was order d to leave its constrnction machiu tv on the job - for the use of the I '^hway c:mmission. The con- 1 .ruction company moved the case to ,e federal court, and it will be heard Judge Webb, this month. Mr. I -'?Ikeleather declared that the high .ay commission has every reason t believe that the state will win the lit, and that when it does all the' tachinery necessary to do the wor1 Is on the ground, and that the em ission will employ local labor and I -?jsume the work, charging the dif jrence in the actual cost of con- 1 traction and the contract pfriee to I the bonding company. < | r. ? TNER INFANT DIES? SF.OAL CR7 EK , ' > ' , I . The infant daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Rrtfus Oxner died Monday 24th. . id was buried at Shoal Creek Tues lav afternoon. Rev. B. S. West held I .'.e services. * , . . I Mr . Tcrrv Johnson, of Whittier. I spending a few days at Mr. AV. C. I iartin'^. ^ ^ I Pr -f. and Mrs. W. -,E. Bird, of CuHowhe.e, spent th6 week <nd at ,Ir. C. Jf. gird's. ' I , Mi*? Janpiq t Anthony, Vho lin n ,)oen in Winstoii-Salem, Cor several I lontlto came ?i\ Sunday tor n visit .long relatives. ? ? Mr. and far?.. G. T. Cooper failed [, Mr. York Howell's, Sunday alter v.' . , < %0 ' noo\\. v ' ' ? . I Air. !>. C/Tfu dined wiflj C. B. ferrell Sunday. > ' 4 Mr. end Mrs. V,'m. Howell, Mr. and .Irs. Charles H. att, and Mr. and Mrs. NickelsOn, of Cullowhee dined at dr. J. ii. Wiggins', Suiiday. 'Mr!, Luther Hoyle^was a guest of Mr. Wayne Battle Sunday. ]|Ir. Golman Ki/island and Buron I ferrell made music at Mr. C. A. I Bird's, Thursday Evening. Misses Zetta and Roberta Farmer, >f Olivet, visited school Wednesday. I MrS. G. A. Kinsland left Monday ljt a visit with her father, Mr. B. C. Fisher, of Ashevillc. Mr. and Mrs. Nute Snider spent Sunday at Mr. Charts Snider 's on Soco. 1 "r Miss Nettie Brogdon is spending l i few days with our school. 'i Miss Maud Cooper spent Monday light with Miss Eunice Turpin. Mr. Clark Snider, of Wiimot, call jd at Mr. W. F. House's, Sunday. Music at Mr. K. Howell's Satur day evening by Messrs. Jess Nelson nd G. A. Kinsland. j A party of young folks went t tjie Peak Sunday afternoon. Several of the Shoal Creek folks attended closing exercises of Whit tier school, Friday night. The residence of 'Mr. J. h. ierTe>' lias been repainted. WALKER OFFERED i KENTUCKY JOB District Highway Engineer Walkei; of this. constrnction district has been offered the position of State high way Engineer, by the Comnionwe&lth of Kentucky, but ha? not yet de cided wfcether he will accept the offer or remain in oblige of the engineer iag in ttu? M (kntoa disttfet. South mm Road Men Tip Sylva Governors OpSeven States And Herbert Hoover To Ac company Party -'r.\ w Representatives of most of Jfche South American govemfiic|Fts, governor of the Msvea^'-'^jjd joining states, Secretary of Com merce Herbert Hoover and ft party totaling about one thousand people, will visit Sylva on June 10 aceariling t> advice from -Highway Comaais cioner J. G. Stikeleather/ who, with District Engineer Walker, was in Sylva, Monday afternoon. Arrangements are being made for the entertainment of the visitor when they arrive in Sylva. They will ar rive in Asheville on June 9 and on tte following day, will make the trip by motor from Asheville to Sylva and Dillsb^ro. The people of Sylva vv ill be advised by the state highway department of the pmns for the trip in tiine for th<t local arrangements to be made. \ Says the Asheville Citii-eh, regard ng the visit of the South Americans: * * Representatives of the South Aiiieimin countries a})out 4:) in num ber, with governors, members of their" staff, highway officers, envoys from for eign countries and otl^-rs interested in highways will worship at the shrine j of North Carolina's highway system early in June. ''Herbert, Hoover, -Secretary.- of Commerce, James -J. Tigge sioner of Education, and other Wash-1 ington officials are alsp expected to j join the party. "James G. Stikeleather, highway commissioner for the ninth Di.tnctl yesterday returned Iron ilia 1 e iu 1 1 ,\w! t ere | he held a conference with Frank Page, chairman of the State High way Commission, in regard to th" visit of the officials. "Mr. Stikeleather alsadiscnssci! with Mr. Pago plans for speeding ir, t highway projects In' the West and llso for preventing any trouble with bad liial-ifi in the future. "Mr*l Stikeleather states 'that ehi borate preparations have been inr.<! throng': uUXorth Carolina ior tin cnt(\rti;iii.i;ent '> x' the visitors and the i gathering will he signijicialit in th ?? lii'iljv. ay history of the UnitedState \ "Several of the countries will be reprelenxed W engineers. "The party form the South Amer ican countries will arrive in \Vasli-( ington cn June 1. Accompanied by "nlerpc iters for those who , dp- not ;peak English, the party will arrive in Raleigh on June 4. "Governors from the seven adjoin-! ing states, with representatives of the county highway departments aie expected to become^ members of the highway gathering at the State capital. % "June 4, f>, 0, and 7 will be sp?nf in tho vicinity of 'Raleigh, Greens boro, High Point and other surround ing citieu and towns. A barbecue has beph 'arranged at High Point and at Wmst n-Salein a special chorus of 500 negro voices, under a trained 3ader, will greet the visitors. Oil Tune 8, Chnrlottd will be host to the isitors and Chardttc business men vill bring the delegates on to Ashe ville. "They. will arrive hero on June 9 /.nd leave cn the afteru^on of the ' nth on a special jtrr. in for* Louisville Ky.A stop en route to this city will *e r.mde at Chimney Rock* "The ofiiciflft" visit of the represen tatives from the South American c untries will end in Charlotte, it is * ( ' \ stated, and the trip to Asheville will No semewjiat'ih the1 nature1 M a pleasure jaunt. if . I B RTH OP A NATION HERE NEXT WEEK .. (' The Birth of A Nation will be shown at the Halcon Theater cn Fri? day and Saturday of next Weetf, April 11 and 12. * On Friday afternoon at 3j00-there will be a spccial matinee for school children, and will show again Friday evening at 7 :30. The film will be shown three times on Saturday, in * * ft the morning at 9:00, afternoon at 3:00 ajid in the- everting nt 7:30. MRS. THAD G. BRYSON DISS ?BALSAM NliWS Mrs. Thad G. Bryson died Satur day morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Loranzo - Crawford. She had been an invalid for several years. Rev. - Bob Cook, of Beta, con ducted the funeral at the home, Sun? day afternoon after which interment was made in the Crawford emnetery. She is survived by her husband, who is also an invalid, several sons and daughters, many grand-children and a host ofrelatives and friends. We extend sympathy to the bereaved onetf. Mrs. E. W. Queen, of Black Moun tain, who attended the funeral of hCr sister, Mrs. Thad Bryson, spent Mon day night with her brother, D. VV. Ensley^ Mr. Dock Mehaffcy and Miss Lois Smathers were married in Wayncs Christy returned flcn -titty Emory, Va., where she has been visiting h?r daughters. ~ }lit Henry Christy had the mi-; fdftune to cut his foot Monday after noon, severing a leader, and was tak immediately to Waynesville for medical treatment. ? lion. \V. Lee, of Raleigh, was here, Moilday. Hon.. Henry Robertson, of Franklin "wa.i in Balsam Friday. Mr. and Mm. Manly Parris, of ? ? i Addio were visiting relatives in Bal sam, Monday , and Tuesday. ? Q MAY ORGANIZE -FOUR TOWN LEAGUE n V Pbvis :u'e on foot to organize a f.Vvr lean( league, for the coming buseb.'.il reason, composed of Sylva. Canton, Waynesville, and Bryson City, or Whittier. - ? A meeting of base ballplayers, fans and business^ people of Sylva has boon called to held at the Mayor's olfice, Saturday night, ct which the matter will be taken up and discuss ed, and plans made<for the national sport, in this region, this season. Sylva has always had as good base ball material as any small stown in the country, and still hns a number of excellent players. All persons interested in base ball are invited td attend the meeting, Saturday.. / \ \ ? BUILDING AND LOAN STOCKHOLDERS TO MEET / . ?. The annual meeting of the stoek ! hclderc of the Sylva Building and jean Association will be helA at 10 ^o'clock in the morning of Friday of next week. L At this meeting a board of directow ? will be elected and plans made ' td [ h'jtlj i n ere a -U} Jhe subscriptions to the Association, ir. the new series of ;i ck, which opens Viext month. i . < ?? ^ j. C. HOUGH TO HEAD S. O. t i ? ?? ' . -* ? : <9 . v. Mr. J. C. Hough has been elected as president of Sylva Collegiate In ? stitute to finish the enexpired term of his brother, R. F. Hough, and for the next term beginning next fall. Mr. fiough has been at Sylva Col-J legiate Institute for the past two yea:\>, and has. ma<fe an enviable rce> rd an an. instructor and as direc tor of athletics, and his election to ? : 7 ? i the presidency of the school follows the^ resignation of his brother R. F. Hough, ? who recently accepted- a position -as superintendent of Ken nedy Homej a branch -of the Thomas ville Baptist Orphanage. ;> ' \ ' I ? " / V?i *" * UNION MEETING HELD AT NSW SAVANNAH-GAY ITEMS The Union Meeting vrtjs held with the New Savannah Baptist churth here, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Quite a crow attended from the various lurches of the eouqty. The program was carried out very sue* cegafully ajn^ evary one reported b good time. ' j Messrs. Tom Bryso?i and Clinton Sutton motored from Tugalo, Ga , Saturday in a new Ford car. Mr. iColeman Buchanan, who is working on Cowee, is visiting his home folks here? Y Mr. Colby Jones, of Graham is spending a few days with relatives here. ? . Mr. T. B. Cabe moved to his new home on Betty's Creek last Friday. Miss Cclla Quilliams returned frc Miss Cilia Quilliams returned fron a visit to her sister, Miss Martha Quilliams, of Waynes villie, last week. The children of Mr. and Mrs: San1 -Buchanan are confined to their home with measles. Mr. Oscar Higdon went to town Saturday on business. Mr. Lyn Barron, of Graham if visiting his mother,* Mrs, Aloni Bar ron. 1 Mrs. N, P. Jones spent a few days with her son, "??EllisSj ones, of Ashe viilie, last weck^ Miss Lcra Lee Cabe, of Webster spent the week end with her parent* here, Mr.-, and Mrs. Horace Cabe. Mr. and Mrs. John Reed, of Greens Creek spin t the week end with theii daughter, Mrs. T. B. Cabe. Mies Maggie Morgan, of Webster visited her grand-mother, Mrs. Loir Barron, here Sunday. Misses Julie and Rillev Tathan visited their aunt, Mrsi Morgan, or. 'Watauga, last week. Little Cameron Lee Buchanan ha: been very sick with nieasles. Mrs. Walter Wilson has asked the correspondent to express through the paper her thanks to her mapy friends: f&r their kindnes* shoW to her ir. her illness. Mrs. Wilson is able tc be up again and we hope to see hei well again and able to return the visit her neighbors gave her through her sickness. . 1 Misses Nellie Cabe and Amey Tompson, of Green's Creek spent ?Sunday with their' aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrsv Mitchell Cabe. Master, Flctteher Sutton has 'been confined to his liqme with measles. Mr. It. O. Higdon i* very sick at presont, hop? to see him out again. Miss Theima Daws, of Webster, was here Sunday. Rev. John Sittbn is here vision-: his many friends. . Mr. Harrison Cowan and Garland Bychanan :.vo working en East Fork Messrs. Paul Cowan and Carl A1 mond of Webster wore here Sunday Quite a crowd attended a singine at Mr. J. I>. Green's Sunday alter, noon. Mr. X. Higdon made if business trip to Svlva one day last week. Messrs. L. C. Jones and V. C Buchanan are hauling poles to Dills boro, whi.% Mr. Tom Jones finds ii more profitable to haul pins to the railroad. Uncle flerbme Sutton is on the sic' list. . V . ? . v The farmers have been taking afl Vantage of t 1 -e Jno weather. ? "" KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO HOLD EASTER SERVICE IN SYLV.A ? V t *\<\ ?' ' J v\The Wayncsvifle Commandery Knights Templar, wiH hold tin? Ea.s ter-Day service in Syiva,:it the Meth odist church, on the afternoon oJ Easter Sunday. All Knights Templar frill. attend the service in uniform, and in V body, and a large" number of Millions from tTiis and the adjqinitg <? ntiet is expected- to be present. ' 1 Rev. J. T. Mangum, pastor of t Waynesville Methodist church, wl| was for eight years, Grand Prelate ot theGurandComma'ndery o|Alab?am; 'and is Past Excellent Commander o! the Selma, Ala., Commandery wii! preach. Plans for the. e4act hour of tl/c service have not yet been made, but it will probably be. at 3 o'clock. B MARRIAGE LICENSES / ->**" v ' Willie Howell to Alice Hunt Wig gins, of Lenoir. Frank Allen^ of Salem, S. C., to Marjorie Bumgaraer. Filmorc Maples, of Swain to Ellpii Hoyle. Charley Bennett to Otelia Lacky, tolrtafc)' v N \ I . ^ f m -tA / . i, n rr* ' us. lbftAM mm** ? AFTkB MIM BJEmu ' f J * ' J\ _ ' ? ,fT 4/ i >? en*: iiir. ao^d^r, ^ McDadfi, who has fate* an invalid *>r w 12 VMM, died yesterday afternoon at 5:36 a'cloek if the hm? ?f Us daughter, Mr*. W. B. Bishop Hevfi 65 yeara old. ^ -/ The fimecBfl service will be hold at / the daughter's home on Pennsylvania Avenue this afternoon at 4 o'clock and interment will follow at Went Asheville Cemetefy. / Besides this daughter, he is nur /ived by another daught^^i*. W. R. Bishop of West Asheville, and three sons, W: W. MeDade of Weet Asheville, R. E. McDade of Tamjm, i Fla, and M. McBad^pf Morganton. O .'i. HRS. WEAVER NATIQKS ? DIES? BARKER'S GREEK ? ' I l|rs. Weaver Nations died with | lu-pneumoriia, at her home in For iey, Tennessee, Marelr'2flth. I / Before jier marriage she wps Miss iizzie Buchanan,1, the dai\hter of Mr. Judson Buchanan, of this place. Her body was brought here March 28 and was taken to Old Savannah, \ md laid torest in the Old Savannah cemetery. She 23 years old, and ?leaves a husband, father, three sisters me brother and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gates made" . i business trip to Sylva Wednesday. Misscj Sclwa and Delia Jones """ vent to Wilmot Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Welter Fisher arc /isiting relatives at Delriea,' Tennv this week. Mr. John Davis went to Sylva Fridav. N ) Mr. Dewej* Beck went to I)iv Creek Simday. A large crowd of the place at tended the revival meeting at Wil- , aot Thursday night. - Mr. A us ton Sutton wws here from jreen 's Creek Saturday. A large crowd of this place at tended the funeral of Mrs. Weaver Nation at Savannah Saturday.. Messrs. Levi Gibson and Fred * Gates were here from Dix Creek. Miss Delia .Tones spent the week 1 end with relatives at Green 'sCreek Messrs. Joe Wilkey and Oscar Nation called at Mr. A. D. Jones' Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Dewey Beck and Burton Sutton went to Wilmot Sunday. Mr. J. L. Jones spent the week >nd with home folks. Mr. Henry Rich was at Mr. A. D. Tones' Thursday, from Olivet. t REALTY TRANSFERS ? ? C. S. Ensley to DcWitt Hector, 3 lots in Sylva, $10.00. r I R. V . Potts to John Amnions, 1 0 acres in Webster, $500.Q0. W. M. Jamison to Asbury Anmious 27 acres in Sylva, *700.00. E. E. Buchanan to N. 0. McDon ald, lot in Sylva, $700.00. J. S. Hooper to Jas. ftrywn, l |-2 acres in Cullewhce, $10.00. L. L. Shelton to Jas. S. -Hooper, 1 1-2 acres in Cullowhfe, $10.00. Milliard Howell to J. T. Sherrill, 18 acres in Qunlla, $400.00. D. M. Hall and C. W. Huiucy to Richard Hooper, 10 acres in Sylva, 110.00. ? T. M. Brown to G. T. Nicholson, 2 acres in Cr.ney Fork, $10.00. E. M. Henry fo Noah Henry, 15 icres in Se tt's Creek, $300.00. 'W. C. Queen and B. E. Queen to , James Osborne and M. B. Cannon, ' 'ot in Dillsbcro, $.^00.00. P. W. Fdgatje to Douglass Bradley, Vand in Cashiers Valley, $250.00. D. M. Hall trustee to John Barney 88 acres in Cqney Fork, $7711.00. Than Deitz to Thomas Deit* V icres in Savannah, $350.00. T. H. Frank's and M. J. Franks to 1^1'. Franks, 50 acres in Hambunr, $500.0). Hattio Hayes and J. C; Hayes to Zadock K:\idley, Jr., land in Qua 11a, $1402.00. ' ? v Geo. W. Sliular to JJA. Hoyle, 22.'? acres in Sylva, >$5.00 and other con siderations. C. J. Harris and M. Buchanui to Huston Ashe, 4 lots in Sylva, $70iK N Houston Ashe to James R. liottis, 4 lots in Sylva, *10.00. MRS. BRGWV TO OPSff I i W8AVTT PARLOR Mrs. Lloyd If Brawn will opea a . beauty pwJor, in Up MeGubwBmld VJfc abocrt tffe 10ft dffha

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