,1^5r1n^dvance in THE county ? \ 1 ' ? / SYLVA, M 0, APRIL 11/1924 ' $2.00 THEiYEARIN ADVANCE OUT SIDE THE COUNTY = ? -- ^ISSIONER LEE BRINGS ACTION AGAINST COUNT! ^,u. Corporation Commissioner v T hoc has brought* an. action ^ the commissioners of Jackson before the state .tax com ^ in an effort to have the val '"71 of his land, the old Meade tract, in Scotfa C?.k , reduced, alleging that it is 01. tl?o tax books at more than its 1m i..n, and higher ??> otl,cr lands in the county, and tha! 1, udiwral interest in the land ? ,l?. ,,,-operty of Mr. Lee, hut ot .] ; la v wood Lumber and Mmning C01U|.:i:iy, whose valuation of $7,000. 00 Mr. Lee alleges should be deduct (i |rV!i the valuation of his land. Tl;c ounty commissioners are pre pnVi to make a fight to have, the vroM nt valuation sustained, <and liaVI, ,|10 county attorney, Mr. W. R, Shcnill. working on the case. Tho x)-s contention is that Mr. Lee's valiiatio" of $10.00 per acre is not as fab as the land would sell for, and 4i)t it is in keeping with valuations 0f r-ut over land throughout the county. , Mr. Lee has 3946 acres of land, listed W the tax books at $39,721 w?, while the Haywood Lumber and Mining Company's mineral interest ?m the land is listed at $7,000.00. Tlu' county commissioners take the psitinii that this valuation is not ex tessivc and that it is in keeping with the valuations on mountaip lands ot Vjtli large and small holdings throughout the county, and have m stract-'.l the county attorney to issue summonses for people conversaiu irifli liind valuations . in the count \ md 1o preprae to sustain their ' position. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT > ? On the inor-iing c i July 13, ? \ qui- sister and co-worker, Mr*. Mai i Iky son, wife of Mark W. iiryso-j cU)sid l.=r eyes en the scene.; cf tl. , earth to open the;n in the b.aut.fiu City beyond, where no suffering ciin ever come nigh her again. Mrs. lkyaon was a loving wife an-. nuAhcr. Sue was a faithful mcir.b^. of oar church and a loyal niembei our missionary society. She v..^ greatly interested in the progrtv lier Lord's Kingdom. She was a . .. ly character. Her life wras a beaut fill, expression of( the power a?V sweetness of the gospo!. N .:v< will be missed by friend: and no., b .r , ' '' ' ? Therefore be it resolved by tin WobstiT Missionary Society: I. That our society has lost : l>ithl'uLand beloved member. <?'! e'mrch a loyal member, our c' 1 n&nity a noble woman, her chitdivj 1 a loving mother, her husband a dc \ voumI wi i'o. . V ' \ j II. Tliat while we feel deeply o# "rem loss, we bow in humble sub mission to His divine Will, realix , iii'iJIliat He knoweth best and doet' "11 tilings well. HI. That we extend our heart- 1 \fplt s'vmpathy and love to the' be- ' icavcd husband and family attd JpraV that they may all be reunited in ths; " lieavt'iily^ home, where the famil. circle will never more be broken bj death, V' " , . . - . ? ' 'A. TJiat we dedicate a page on our sc^p'tjv" records on which to per flate her memory as a token of ?ur esteem and love. . / * ? 1 hat a copy of these resolu , |i?ns he .sent to the bereaved family, W hp S(.n| t0 the Biblical Recorder, ^ one to the Jackson Count;. "Wnial tor publication. , Krsjiectfully subnjitted, y MUS. ROXIE 0OWAN 'iHSS LAURA STILLWKL1 1 LILLIAN STILLWE Co::ituitte<j. .7 7 cbslw Baptist Church. ? V ? ' * ) .V , : ?' *r BOARD OP EDUCATION AP- ? POINTS -COMMITTEEMEN *? ^ ; \ i v v j ? "T. ? - ?? ? ? 1 . ?* ? .? The local school committeemen for the various schools of the county, with the appdintments made, Monday, by the county hoard of education are: Qualla 1 ? Gilbert Moody,- Hani Hoyle, Jim Moore. Qualla 2 ? J. C. Hayes, J. D. Al lison, J. W. Fisher. ? * Barkers Creek 1-^J. H. Bradlev, Henry Raby, R. C. Bumgarner. Barkers Creek 2-^Tom Nations, Sam (Jones, J. C. Gibson. Barkers Creek 3? Henry Bumgar er, R. E. Bramlett, Jim Turpin. Dillsboro? M. Y. Jarrett, C. ? C. Mason, S. W. Enloe. Sylva 1? S. C. Cogdill, M.I> Cowan E. L. McKee. Sylva 2 ? G. C. Snyder, T. F. Deitz R. W. Fisher. Scotts Creek 1? W. H. Cogdill, W. H. Snyder, R. R. Fisher. | Scotts Creek 2 ? L. W. Crawford, A. S. Sutton. ? 1 > ? Scotts Creek 3 ? A. B. Bryson, John Kenney* A. H. Meliarffey. Scotts Creek 4? R. . C; Duncan, Martin Hoyle, Ellis Blanton. Scotts Creek 5? Berry Blanton, David Norman, R. B. Shnler. Webster 1? Ben Fisher^ Frank Henson, A- W. Davis. ? I _ Greeii 's J>eek 1? G. M. Green, C. Buchanan, Erastus Buchanan. Green's Creek 2? Charlie Allison, F. M. Ashe, Dick Half Savannah (l ? Vacant until, next meeting. ^ V - )' ? Savannah 2? G. C. Turpin, Fran!: Tathatn. Savannah 3 ? perry Hyatt, W. A. Wilson, H. G. Collins. . Cullowhee 1? F. H.' Brawn, H. h". Bryson, J. Bryson. \ / Cullowhee 2?' * ' Cullowhee 3 ? Alvin AsJiO, Milt Brvson, David Dean'. , ,V 1 ' I Cullowhee 4 ? J* 'h 4 * ' v' Cullowhee 5 ? ,lbhn Buchanan, Henry Taylor, II. D. Pressley. - Canev Fork 1?4.,. E. ; Hoojx r. Vance Hooper, li. II. Stevens. /Caney*Fork 2 ? 0. A. Lovedahl, John C. Brown, G. T. Nicholson. Caney Fork .'.?Coot Wood, J. t. Shuler, Frank Morgan. - River 1 ? Pwry Duncan, Hut Mid dleton, S.) M. Parker. , Rh ei/ 2. ? I). L. Shook, Alouzo Brown, Jim Middleton. River 3? Ed Norton^ R. L. WiW, C. B. Robinson. Canada 1 ? T. S. Fortner, R. II. Brown, ? ? ? '? ? Canada 2? Kormau Nicholson, 11. B. Wood, R. J,.\Shelton. \ Canada 3"-J.?M. Owen, S. H. Har ris, EJstes Hoxit. ' , V% Canada 4 ? S. M. Broome, Mack Fisher, Lee Shook. /Canada 5 ? R. M. Broom, Lambert Melton, W. T, Rikdou. Canada (J ? Carl Wood,/' Jasper Owen. ? ? \ ( Hnmbuig 1? Ben Leopard, J. M. ' St i winter, W. H. Watson. x ./ Hamburg 2? R. E. Norton, Jr., W. A, Hensqn, L. Norton. ^Hamburg 3?0. L. Lanning, E. G. Buingarnei^C. G. Wilson. 'Hamburg 4? Will Moore, F. C. Fisher, T. J. Fisher. Hamburg 5 ? Henry Barnes; J. E. Wilson, "Tj J. Young. V " Mountain 1 ? J. B. Bumgarner, John B^yson, W. R. Stewart. I Mountain 2? C. G. Coggins,. Wal ter, Bryson, M. L. Coggins. ^ 1 Cashier 1? T. A. Dillard, J. ,<C. Wike, H. A. Pell, I). A. Bumgarner, Neal Zachaj'y. ? Cashiers 2? W. H. McCali, W. 3. Bice, Sexton Lnsk. Cashiers 3 ? C. Edwards, Mrs. W. 8. Alexander, Bud Lombard. ? * I 0? . IN MEMORY OF MRS. ' J. V. HOLCOMBE Mrs. J.W. Holcombc was born Jnn. 25, 1846, died July 20, 1923. Mrs. Holcombe was the daughter of Mi", and Mrs. William Holcombe, of Greenville, S. C. She was hern and reared in South Carolina. She was married to J. W. Holcombe, of South Carolina, some 50 years ggo" To this union were born eleven child ren, six deceased amf five liying. Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe came to North Carolina shortly after their marriage where they have lived since that time and have made this coupty ex eollcnt citizens. 1 K:i ' [ . Mrs.Holcombe will be greatly miss ed among her relatives and friends as she was very kind and loving to all. She was known among , her friends as J "Grandma Holcombe. ".Grandma". professed faith in Christ when quite a young ladv, and lived a christian life until the en ' : I ' She was very energetic, worki. g hard all ithe time until "her sickness. ' < ? > . W. : L. BROWN KILLE^) - ' AT SA# BULL / r f?' : . ' W. L. Brown, 48, died, Friday night, fx*oni injuries received when he was drawn against the saw, at R. S. Green's mill, at Caney - Fork, Friday ? afternoon. He was severely cnt about the legs and body, and al though medical aid was su\moned and every effort made to save his life, he never rallied from the shock. ( ? . - , v- , - Mr. Brown leaves a widow and four small children. The funeral services were held at the Brown family cemetery, Sunday, being conducted by Rev. L. W. Craw ford. ' ( ? . . i SEMI-MONTHLY FARM NOTES \ I. . Reports sent to the Crop Report ing Servicc between the 15th and 31st of March show that the weather has been cold and rainy during the most of the month and much too wet for plowing. The last few days of the month have been warm and sunny ami ah* reported as very good fann ing weather. The outstanding fact reported con cerning market conditions is that they r.'re generally ]>oor. Northern Piedmont counties report th6 market as very active; other,. sections of the state report it as poor to normal. There has been a heavy demand for commercial fertilizers every where fhis spring. A great deal of the farm work ,i.rw> been done notwithstanding .the had weather in March. Farmer.' in the Piedmont counties are sowiny. moiv i? !t jilfa ami lespedesia this year. r-i-v ; :> is are reported in good con' iiit'?.'!. As usual, crops are reported ,.s hut general pifcspeets for ail cr.'o- :n ihis state are goc.d. In some pieces tobacco |?iant f.tnmh are rath er ]> <>r and indication > p int to a sinai Icr acreage in tohaect) than last >o:w. v , ' Ai present there are splendid pros pects ft r a bumper fruit crop. If the state fan manage to escape a dawag-* ing freeze after the" first #? apjtf!. I'rr.it of all kinds will be .plentiful ?n N'rith Cnrolina. Peach irees are ;in bloom over the state except in the commercial orchards. A cold wave Is reported as on the way, hut up to I lie present tide we have had little ! tr ? / ihunnge to fruit from this source. > The activities of the cott'ou boh weevils aie attributed as the cause for many farmers to enter more act ively into raising livestock. Several of the mountain ccunties "report that I >Oor prices have caused a decrease in the usual, shipments of livestock, but, in general, niore attention is be ing p$id to it. v Pi^ are reported in good condition and the better breeds are increasing. Dairy cattle arc in good demand and the market for dairy products is good. Many report that there are very few sheep beiiiji raised find that fanners seem to be losing interest in them. More inter est iS being ^shown in poultry, and betteV breeds are increasing. Work stack is reported as in good condition heavier and better. . ALLEN BROTHERS n / BttY GAS STATION ? ? ? ? ? ? Southei-lin, Ore., Sun. ? A deal w.i ? closed: Tuesday whereby Claud, Lewis and Wolf Allen purchased from K. K. Pax ton the gasoline station and lot at tlie corner of Central avenue and Cahip6oia street. The consider ation was not made known. The earner is one of the most de sirable in the city, and the filling sta tion^ ./hii'h was built about a year ai?V is one of the most modern and attractive in the country. The Sun' und '";t.'H!<l.s that, the let, which i* 50 '.x 10() feet, and the filling station; and equipment cost Mr. Paxton about W-jU" Allen, who is well known to I f v , m many S.'therlin people, is an expert maeli'n; t and resides at Wendling, where he is employed in a shop be longing to oncvof the largos sawmillr there. lie was desirous of investing in S nthe rl in proj>erty and went ill 01 the* 'with his brothers. Owing tc therr5jDxtc:isivo garage and machine $hu;> badness, neither Claud nor Lewis will Ik; able to look after the filling station, and consequently have plac ed it in charge of J>rry DGMuth,who has been oft the day shift at the sta tion for several months. ? ; ? O : ? MARRIAGE. LICENSES IT; V. Cox, of Greciy.fe. : C., tc ( I cr Nations. ltoy Curnes to Myrtle Thomas. George Hill to- Rosa Hooper, (col ored.) ? ' township dem ocrats ORGANIZE The democrats of Jackson County . ?* j met at their various voting precincts, Saturday at 2 o'clock, and elected! delegates to the 'county convention, and perfected their preeinct organ izations. '? 4 At Sylva the meeting was called to order by W. R. Sherrill, and the or-, ganization was perfected b/ electing EugeneAlley dhairman andDanTomp kihs secretary. m \ * ?' * The local executive committee was elected as follows: South Ward," Lawrence Watson, Ben Cathey, Mack Ashe, John Shep pard, L. P. Allen, Mrs. Lettie C. Shook, Miss Sadie Luck, Mrs. C. L. Allison, Mrs. F, H. Evans, Miss Fran ces Coward. North Ward, Arthur Alien, W. E. Grindstaff, John R. Jones, W. J. Fisher, C, R. Moody, Mrs. C. C. Buch anan Mrs. J. C. Allisop, Mrs. C. W. Allen, Mrs. L/C. Gribble, Mrs. Laura Dills. ' . ? - " All democrats from the township attending the county convention next Monday were appointed delegates. A resolution unanimously endors ing Walter. E. Moore as a delegate to the national convention was pass ed. % ' ' V ?" ? ? / Short ahd enthusiastic speeches were made by Walter E. MoOre and W. R. Sherrill; ; ^ , o REALTT TRANSFERS Elizabeth Allman et al to Frank Allman, land in Webster, $10.00. W. M. Rogers to Ben N. Queen, two lots in Sylva $400.00. C. L. Wilson and Charlie Wilson to W. C. Wilson, 97 acres in Savan nah, $1650. G. W. Hurst to W.'C. Wilson, land $50.00. Thomas C. McCoy to S. Sternbuni, 3 tracts, including Cowee Mountain School proj>erty, in Savannah, $10.00. ^ Etnel L. Cowan to< J. C. Hoxit, i t ih,i25.7 seres m Svlva, $10.00. J..R. Boyd to G. W. Rich, 1-6 in terest in 6-10 nrres, Plott lain';, $1150.00. 1. B. Barker to Noal Sutton, la. id on Slippery Ehn Branch, $95.00. Ca !!;??' Xftjui''. tf> NerJ Suit ?i, auvs in Civwi' (V.'ci.. v'WK>. j. W. Keener and A. Xf. C.pe ; A. T;. Jones, 2 h ts in Sylva, $10.y?. J M. Buchanan to P. O. Beasley, loLs j in Sylva, $1000.00.- * * * P. 0. Beasley to CJaudc Moom, lo. ill Sylva, $100!00. BALSAM / Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ft. Crawford March 31st, a" 10 1-2 pound be**. Fred Beninmin. V Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown, of Pennsylvania, are visiting relative^ in Balsam and Betji. Quite a number of Balsamites at tended the closing exercises of the Willets graded j^hool IWeciiesday nisrht. Balsam school closed Friday, after a Very successful term taught by Mr. J. O. Terrell, Miss Grace Mehaffey, and Miss Carrie B. Fisher. The school was closed with a picnie din ncr which the children veiy much en i joyed. 1 Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Rufe Phil lips ^nd children, -of Cullowhee visit ed Mr?. Geo. B. Coward Thursday. Mrs. Odell Queen and .children have returned from a two weeks visit to her sister, Mrs. E. B. Nich ' | olson in Brevard. Miss Carrie B. Fisher visited in Crabtrce Monday. Miss Kate Rickards is spending a while at. her home here. Mrs. W. T1 Derrick, who has been sick for some time, is not yet ible t<fbe out. . ? ? , Mrs. Jane Parris is on the sick list. \ ? Mr. C. A. ?ryson has been sick j Cor some time, but is now improving. After" having se< oral days of fine sj ring weatlter, we were very much i- prised. V-- <!??;.' n-orniag to sec another snow storm. However, the snow did not last long and we are again having spring weather, r Mr. H. R. Bryson has just finished painting the Baptist church, which is another improvement in our littlo town. * " y . f ?. ' - O i ' ; Hest baptist church W. RO?S YOKLEY, Pastor . ?? ? ? ? ^ 4 ? Sunday School 0:45 A. M. J: T. Cribble, Supt. . B. Y. P. -U. 6:30 P. M Preaching U A. M. and 7 :30 P, M, Welcome to all v"' *v_ ? r ^ ' v , V MIDDLETON ^ND BARNETT AT BAPTIST CHURCH ' f \ 1 '? ' llev. E. L. ai'd J?cv. J I' Biwictt. of the Sa ul ?v 6 iiool ?-/" . ? ? * Department of the - Baptist" State] Convention, wiH speak at thk Baptist c' urcli here, on', Tuesday and. Wed nesday ?ights, April 22 and 23, on mailers of interest to Sunday School workers, espacially. T^cy will speak at the Baptist church at Beta during these two days. The public is -invited to all ol ehese meetings. ? ? ; ? o ? ' ? SHOAL CREEK Mi-s. Terry Johnson died at the home of her father, Mr. W. C: Martin April 3rdj and her remains were laid . to rpst in the cemetery at Shoal Creek, Saturday afternoon, 5th. She died at the age <-i 28 years, and ln.d been a christian since about 12 yearo" of age. "Josie" wa*j a noble, swoc". spirited, christian character. Shoa' Creek ~liavine; been her home the greater potion of her hte, she w;-. known respect rd. and loved by all our people. To know I or w is t?> loVy hor She was faithful to attned and help in the Sandi>T School work, was secretnry for :o. ; il years. She i? survived by !i-j* Husband a lid oi.( son, Terry Joe, aboi: 2 years .?f asre. also, her father. i?io : ler, bro' 1 ere am! sisters and a nost .>t relatives w hr are sad and 1 ;ne because her chui: is va'cant. Her -death has cast a shadow o (i cur <. ittlre community. Funeral en ;ees wore conducted at the Moth dist church, by Rev. II. A. Bryann < ft Rev. ft. S. West.i Among the visiters who attended the funeral were ; Mr. C.# C. Martin and family. Mr. Oscar Martin an 1 family and Mr. Cornier Martin, o. Bry^r^'CTt^^SH and' "Urs. "D. "A Martin .thd' Miss Jessie Martin, o" Cherolio; Mr'. Jo'.n Jchnscn. a-;-, fax'j ( ? '!*? Mr. V/ed Me ! t-an a. i . . aiiy. 3lr. Jf-ss Hv<rr: ' ..rk 1% :? . . : :??? I Ml H. 'K lit .. . n. jii . : $ ?'.;?? tv;t auu .-.i\ : ivtVOitucr. . ? * Vac c sci.ttcu nr.:! d>. ' , V* V I 1 ,t\2 i .i'utci'i.UU .* .-?u.-i L J. C. Prii. oi Syr.a ,( f Je^i-ie Inotiiiitc. Th. senaca t??3 very iiiterestin> and ?in structive*. i:i save the Young fol;~ , ^ # i ' " . splendid ;uIv.co, v. :1c** , if beedt-d b tjioi.1, Win be ;> t j hv a* their live hS.f-i -Vroc:. * aiu! . ? ? ^ ? .it,.. .. ? il'. c n'Oi iiJlV ? . w.; . .. . ... a! K;iy:i 01' liiiVct .u'.s. killlt-.y I'iiriOV A VViln'.ot v., j re \1. It. r>.*at Shoal Ci\-e! Sunday. Mrs Lois Hall ; at home after finis! iLij; her e . at \vri!icts. Mes-ii -T. ii. : ? ".ghes and J. C. Terrell : re spending a -few days in Asherills. . Mr. G. T. Cooper has gone int. business with th.e Tuckaseigee Moto; Company. . ' Mr. and Mrs. K. Howell calle< at Mr. W. F. Hou:!o^s Sunday. Mr. Wm. Blanto.i, of Scctts Cree' visited his r,."ster. Airs. S. B. Koyle Saturday. Mrs". Wm. Fit Iran Called at Mr. Sevier Keener ^ S . -lay; Miss Lethe He;;, re-tamed honu Saturday after* spc'Ulng a lew, day.1 in Mission Ho6pit;;!, rt Ashcville. COOPER APPOINTS) TAX L ;?ERV!SOR I. Grover C. Cocper, of ^iilsbor, township, has been appbi::; dv :is county tux supervise^ by tin i of comity commissioners. The -to :::\ ship list takers have not been ?[.' pointed, but appointments will b* made, Saturday , v/hen, the ? com missioner.^ meet again to take up the matter of Mr. Le: '3 tax ki^k, and other matters. x . .. % .. i !> w ? 1 ' - SCHOOL BJS.Si.-EBD 15 MILES ' i ? - -1:. -. j*" * ' 5 ? . ? ?? J I - ? * No sci.OcKbtisJ in Jackson county shall run at a speed greater than 13 miles per hour, was the order /made, by the count.,- "beard, of education, 5?enday, at it ; "regtilar njt?#ng. . ^ The beard had yifirmacion wlnc-i lend to hcleivc .ll.at, tJ.o blacs or . f t '? 'S ; 'ivc b^a KH!:'.: * * ->t.i<.'v--,V -"':v>* r,ftf ?>? g?/&, . eani ? ? vp*.'.- .e s 1.4 ends. igu;ng t! lives of Ulie yuiicuca, ? ? MBS. ESTES DIES SAVANNAH NEWS '* Margarete Cope Estes was born September 3rd,, 1844. Was imrried to J. 2. Estes January 14th I866.T0 this union were born 12 children, 9 boys awl 3 girl - > bojs r.id 3 gir.<? living. One sen 'lii'rj whui quite j'uun&She' ?rc.fes^edri:,:tli m Christ an 1 joined the Old Savannah Baptist chureh January 23 1890. Site liv. ??i >1 mosn titer ietated eLnsliin life until the end, which came Sun day morning- April 6th, 1924. Mrs. Estjs had been in ill health for some time but was thought to be better until a few days before the end came. She leaves behind her 11 children 2 brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. J. E. Estes the father and hus band was called away about 12 yeera ago. As a christian, a neighbor and a mother, being a standard bearer in the home and community she will be sorely missed. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. R. W. Greern She was laid to rest in the OldSavan nah cemetery to await the* datfn of the rcssiii'ection mora.. fir. and Mrs. Andy Estes and children, of Whitticr attended the->, ,funeral of Mr. Estes' mother, here Monday.- w Mr. and Mrs. Njjj E. Hyatt, ol; Abbeville, spent the week end with ?Mrs. Hyatt's parents, Mr. anr Mrn. Felix Ashe. The Misses Catfe' wolored ? to Cullowhee Sunday. / x Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Estes and Miss Leona Green, of Sylva attended the funeral ot Mr. Estes' mother Mrs. Margarete Estes, Msndny, Misses Eliza and "Norma Lee Hyatt of Whittier, spent the week with Mi: s Hicks Ashe. ' Miss Isa belle Sutton/ of Georgia, is : .pending somp time with relatives heve. Mossr.v Ivirk, Robert, and Bill Ciln- Estes, of Macon, attended the Nm -ral of their mother hero Mon k " ? > i r? - U, ? *~~(t jLi*;- , ' MriChas. Ashe left Tuesday for U>;:I:ington, vl.ere ne will slay for fc-.n tune. ? n*. and Mrs. , Aldon Buchanan ;.'i ? - S:'nd::y^\vith Mr. and Mrs. G. ' viroen. - iV5. Candler Sutton and lktle son, 1:'V' apvisi' n ,^,/Mcr, Mrs. ? ii .'T j'ay in Georgia. . ^ ^ "Moody and children of 1 \u .>ne v lie spent the week end with i.fr pari nts, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. x\. .si 1 ?' ; v J ' - -tiiv and Mrs. Robt. Moigan and daughters;, Lula and Minnie, of Cul lowhee attended the .funeral of Mre. -istes, iiere Monday. Mr. iSe:b Estes, of Gastonia, was ?.ILd hrmc Monday on account of iiL'-t'i of liis mother. \ ? ?ir- K. Sutton spent the week id i\i V. hit tier. ' 1 i ^ -tlx*, and Mrs. Leamon Morgan, of Oiill'jv.'hee attended the funeral of Mrs. E-tes, here Monday. Mrn. C. H. Ashe is visiting her *>.lr5nts at Gay. (Mrs. Ilufus Buchanan sptr.t Smt ?Jay with her parents, Mr. and Ma ;.l. T. Cribble, at Gav. JURY DRAWN FOR MAY TERM The county commissioners drew thn '!;iry for t!ic May term of the Sup erior court, *s follows: First Week: V. M. Noma, J. C. Buchanan, It. H. Stewart, Dill# ,J. H. Phiyi^;, J. W. Cathejr, Cole .iJcchanan, J. R. Watson, M.%uUonf T. T. Eryscn, J. B. Wild, Newton B; awning. 1. C. Davis, D. W. Snttor, C. C. .M&rion, llaghey Bishop, D. Pteklesimgr, f. L-. Allison. ?*. Second Week: W. H. Oliver, t ft.' ] Dills, Ben N. Queen, 0V M. AJlisc r. J. P. Bumgarncr, L. A. Parker, Be:i Pructt, JLarry L. Evans,. J. P. Bunr ;ti;uer, \Y. F. Brvsnn, W. C. Wood, T. H. QWcn, R. ii Wood, W. S. , Hyatf, J. W. Cope, Jule Denton, W. V. Wootcn, Osear Higdon. SCHOOLS ? CONSOLIDATED I 1 ' ? . ? All ti c *7o :n> ; choola of tbe eooe ty wero co::.:o"M2tcd, at the double trestle, above Syiva, h * action of ? .? rfteM m m r *ci ta a . Jphu H, Davis, i*riirc p.U > .\ tfc.? Iilvcrvicw Graded icuool, is , b* in qjisrge of the consolidated ec.to?', and the conmutte^ is Major Wells-, V/ikon Roger!- and Clarence Love. ? The school i3 t:> be put in sneh con dition that it can pertie'patc in the R-.^rnw^ld and Jecnw funds, for N> ??pic education) fr^m whieh ' nearfj $3000 a year will tie derived for main tenance of the school. J ? ?? 1 " .'KxvimMmm ? * . ?'* " il . i ? ?' j ' >,K%: V;

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