Rogers passes o n ,d kouok died at his home, at p8U( ;al,v Sunday morning, in 'u;h year. Mr. Rogers, who ^ ninC ' ol n?rC Oil the 21st da) e 94 vca?? 01 "? . ' i ",is ? ear' wns "C1M'S " .? J?cks?" co,mtv one of the county's best ,? most l?osi>crous, ami ?"> , Cltl/,M. He was bora Jo.. ** m ?n' throughout the wai ^ the states, having been pro to the nuik of Lieutenant and i"01 i. to Captain. a'?V ,s u man of wide knowledge Jtcttwrkahl.v good sense, and was. * t ,lu- a? th"* reju rl ijuireiiients tor accredited ralinu I m been in r-t . :i!?=l I take pleasure informing von ih it the school has ?- placed i.ukvi th.- nwreilitiMi lisl [roup 1, Class B. I eonirratuliie yen |]?n this achievement. With ev.erv ?ood wish, 1 aui, Cordiallv voix;, .1. HKXKV 1IIOHSM1TIT. Supervisor of Hi?;h School* SHOAL CHEEK ^ 1 ^ ! On Sunday morning the -7t!?, tin fiuains of Udell Bridges, tin* eiii'lii 1011 1 lis old son of Mr. and Mrs. < tiilijos, of Ravensford, wove brought > the Thomas Cemetery tor inter lent. The funeral was eGiidrctcd ''r l?e Baptist Church by Kev. b. S. iest and Kev. W. A. Raby. Quite a number of folks from livot attended the funeral. Messrs. C. A. Bird, G. T- Cooper '? U. Ferguson and Mi's. J. 1j. For ison, Miss Nellie McLaughlin, and fa. J. K. Terrell attended Quarter F meeting at Olivet Saturday. Mr. liraj; Hooper, of Cancy Fork [ftit the week at Mr. W. W. Hoop f's. Mrs. L. W. Cooper spent F ridtA "lth Mrs. S. W. Cooper. Mr. T. \V. McLaughlin ami family ttended services at Olivet Sunday. Miss Essie Anthony was the guest 1 Miss Grace Hoyle, Sunday. Mr. and Mis. K. Howell and Mr. fl(l Mrs. J. E. Iloyle called at Mr. "Us Howell's, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Win. Anthoney visited Mrs. ? H. Hughes, Monday. Mr. J. o. Terrell was a guest a M-. A, Bird's, Sunday. Some of our people arc attending tent meeting at Whittier. Mrs. \ork Howell came home Fri y atter spending awhile in WhitL ler Hospital.- She is reported imf proving Miss Beulah Brown, of Raven.; - visited Miss Florence Turpiu, Sunday. . v' Our people arc going with a rush , tine weather. The farmers plnnt "*g corn and the housewives busy their house cleaning. Net much he for '? n ? ? ,, gossip, ^ INSTALL Y.W.A. OFFICERS i; . , , ? t ijhere win be the public instal'.at;! :i I? \\< A. officers on Sunday ni^'ut P**y 4th, at the Baptist fihurch. S. C. I. COMMENCEMENTS SxAR'jtfS TONIGHT The commencement exorcises of the Sylva Collegiate Institute will be i^in at the school, tonight at 8 o'clock ?vith the annual concert. On Sunday l)r. It. C. Cambell, pastor of v the First Baptist church, of Canton, will deliver the baccalau reate sermon. On Monday evening the graduat ' ivj exercises will occur aiul the ati .;ai ddiiv.s will bo delivered b\ i *v. . ;C. Daves, pastor of the First baptist church, of Albennarle. On Tues.l y at 1".M the rccitation contest and annual debate will be !ie!d, and on Tuesday evening. \ the Commencement Play: "'.The Path Avi-oos the* Hill 1 \ nil! be presented. tjalla;s baskkt BALL TEAM The fii'.-t 01 November llic Qualla -rti-h School culled ;i -meeting to or ganize lor athletics. The officers \ ? verd elected ami several games were irranged for tin1 sen son Tlie olliciersj ?!c.rted v\ ere: Hr. Carl Hoyle Presi dent, Frank Hall { manager, Missj v'tlma Mathews treasurer, and Theo :t ?\l\ins! md ea|.:?:in l!v?s said :1ft I t ? l;i It. most o! lie peo*?le (iit' Quaila li;iu lis* li >asket ball team >f a ly high 8cho ! in Jackson or Swain counties. C' iliins* the Qualla hovs have trot cmii. tor in every gailfc they played du; !ng the season was they 'always | >' . ? he smoothest and the cleanest ;?t" any team that) plays ball. v always played just as clean ; smooth a;, they knew how to ;> I'hev never even had a row v * f "N ' team, or l^npire. When the < ieani played a game with som< school the oilier team would to the captain . or manager and !! iiim they had been played a ivenr the name t name. f 1 Ijoro is j|:e way the team- g. i %it*s' in: nv .Mr. Carl lloyle and Mr. J, I). W iti reri' "'were lli'o^ guarus for the ?;ea-M. The; were iu)t(^,! lor their fast !>'k The /t vvo'Oizuards and--. ! ? / ' /* i i s ? r N cciiier phyed' envve the Miv.'jter 4 ?:! ri im' riii'i 1 -me. M. rshtill (las- a...; >i i I lull \v?*rt? the toward.} I r tin t When ^liall !?'>t the. IjV.j ' ' ? "t [s . ? his b'iundary- of flic 'plftyin. ^riuuds, he generally 0j;ade a d iir \v that c^unt'ed.viass v. ;:ld *? . ia k;..; "throw /where it looked imp ssihie i\. colore Kinsland played the cen-j er vrjuhds for his team during the :ju aiul lie never met his c(jual ;?h. >pv court,' Now 1 will giv^e a record of the raiaes its the)v were played, and you can judge lor your : ell' and see it n* km w, when, whereyand who ha I i tye!ter record than this one in a school team. Up until December they had not lost a single game t. .Thy team. They were knocked out life first of l)e"-*;.ij|vr by^' measles, therefore* they did not play any more for six weeks. Without having seen ;i basket ball for six weeks they met S.C.I on their court and there the Q.ll.S.T lost 'their first game to S. C. I by only one point. Also remember | this was not a high school team ?ither. Qiudla lost three panics in three .weeks to. tennis on the opposite and"*!' was an ind >or court every timo-/ r hey never lost a game on their court. , ' N . Here is a list of games the "Fast ?uia.Ha Team" played -luring the :i ,-S>ii . t.\ ' Qualla s Other Teams At Qualhi 46 / W'ebster 0 At Qualla 2-1 'K~) Olivet 5 Qua 1 1 4^, 28 At Webster 2 At Qualla 22 Cullowliec Qualla 27 At S. C. I. 2.S ' / Qualla 13' At Cherokee' v Qualiji.25 At Sylva H. V > Qualla 30 At Whittier '.J At Qualla 28 ' > Whittier i' At Qualla 22 ^ \ Sylva ? At Qualla 42 ' ; Olive' '? Qualla 30 / At 01iv-%tv , .Qualla 22 At Cullowh":-e .V. Total 359 * Total J. 1). Warrick made 36 poii; the fast team, Carl Hovle 21 p n!. Marsiiall Cass 72, Frank Hal' and Theodore Kinsland 105 p in^. Hall and Kinsland did the { f- r part o ft he shooting goals fc; fust tean\ There was ?/sub- ?:.?= who ;?!ayed in a gamr or two who got the ainaiiujig few p')ii;.s. CARRIAGE LICENSEE RII SuMleinyiv to Bessie Me:~ser. Jim Mathis to Wataiie Math is. ?? '? -.C t . . s. WORK STARTS ON FISH HATCHERY AT BALSAM ' Supt. F. JJfceiger is here and work , lias be^un on the fish hatehery in ' Ea .t Balsam. , Mr. John Kenney has very much improved the "Moriow" cabin which in the oldest house in Balsam. Sev eral new rooms and porches have been added, as well as inside im provements. A house belonging to Mr. H. J. -I t w* ad occupied by Mr. and Mrs. < . <--ar Smathers caught fire Friday of last week, but the flames were ex tinguished before any serious dam age was done. Mr. John T. Jones went to Way nesvillc Saturday. Mrs. Maybelle Perry, Miss Graee Meha.fey, Messrs. C. R. Jonos, Jr., and Hubert Ensley went to Lake Junaluska, Sunday Mrs.- Ed Sma there went to Way nesvlilc, Monday. Mrs. Geo. T. Knight went to Sylva, Monday. Klilit many Balsamites attended i the closing exercises of the Central lli^h School in Sylva last week. Messrs. D. W. and Corbett Eusley and ii. ii. Bryson left Tuesday on a fishing. i rip in Deep Creek. REALTY TRANSFERS A. S. Stewart to M. L. Coggins. I- 10 interest in land in Mountain, Iw. 7 ? fie II. Watson to M. L. Coggina, >5 w >x in Mountain, $330.00. & D. A. Watson to J. W. Watson, ???yes in Hamburg, $1000.00. K Bone. steel to Cardyn A. : ! in Qualla, $10.00 .. it?:r to E. L.'>;!inrd, 30 St* lt;> Creek, {Uo'fO.OO. . ? I- I.' Ilougli, ? 'v . tI" '?t.i'JjiW mi! (<>nt lot . A! 00.00. p. ?' ii- J*- 1 I rady, 2 UVliV Dillsboro, $1000.00. If f . W. Sutton to"L. C. Mooh>,lot ii S V... $10.00. . ('. jlforc to J. W. Fleeman, lot !?? Sv!vri, ? 10.00. ?' jjV'l'' Coward to R. V. Potts, lot In Svlv-i.- *10.00. COURT ADJODP-NS FOR ?- / ROGERS* FUlfERAL Recorder 's court adjourned at 12 o*il >ek, Mond :y out of r?-spe?t to the into David U igci'3, prominent oi' 'via of the county, whose funeral was held at 2 o'clock on tltiu day.. . t'oe Saunders entered a plea of guilty to operating an .uUoiitohile > h-le in toxica :-?l and prayer for i * ' . ? judgement was continued until ^'2. * V ' * Tommy Clark was acquitted on a ?? ' . ? charge of retaii'n":. -Annie Cag'e. Will Styles and Wiii Nicholson were found not guilty of 1 picstitution. : " , The domestic affairs of Will Green and his wife were aired in the .court. J when Green was fried on a charge of J abandoment. Judgement was suspend - ! ed for one month. Cole Cowan entered n pica of guilty to destroying personal proper ty and judgement was suspended up-* I on the payment of the costs. W. G. Mashburn entered a plea of guilty to passing a check without sufficient funds in bank to cover it, and judgement was suspended until June 9, Mashburn agreeing to pay the costs of the action, and the amount of the check. The court stat ed that the case was really the trial of a eivil action on the criminal side of the docket. ? i ? o CITY TO INCREASE WATER SHED The city government is contemplat ing buying additional water shed, giving the town double the amount, of water now supplied by the. shed, and laying additional urn ins to out-laying residential 'd. Strict 3. where there are no mains at. present. For the purpose a bond, issue of $20,000.00 has been ordered by the city commissioned, bnd it, ip. ps; pefcted to get the work-uiwlo* ? early in the' "umnier. . . .. j%e present water shed is on t ?:?" right Viand prong of Fisher Creek.] nnd it is now eoutemp!atcd buying, shep, and will care for the needs cV much or more water than the presen Bour in charge, irfi'nnent' will i'ol ?lie low**. f ?r nrui' ? i ? .jxLVA COLIjEGIATL iisSTITl. TE - COMMENCEMENT PLAY "THE PATH ACROSS THE HILL" | ( . v BY. , , n LILLIAN MORTIMER V ) A Comedy-Drama In Three Acts SYLVA HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM '?< . ' Sylva, N. C. i /'?' May 6, 8:00 P. M. , CAST OF CHARACTERS Samuel, , Crawford - Grandpa \j Stanley Lovingood . . -belt Po3t The Visitor Lawrence Montcith ^Walter (Conrad ../J., - ? ?... ? Ruth's Brother \ \ Herman Oliver \ ;??? * . . ? Dr. Jimmic Roed - ? ?> With Ambition Jack Zimmerman Salamander Alexander John Henry Jones Zuzu's Choice Lawson Allen ' ill's. Davis ? Grandma Vey Adams / ? , *. f - ?? Conrad I - L? ' ??. Nicknamed "Bobbie" \ . Dixie Henson i lo Gray ? Ruth's Cousin Evangeline Hope I.utic ............. A Neighbor \ Sara Taylor . 1 n M. : Jfi-y, , The 690^ i ' Louise Parker . ' . 'he Present . Time of Playing? About Two Hours,, / ? , SYNOPSIS ,, ; ACT 1., The living room of Ruth Conrad's home in an Eastern % village. ????'; r., ACT il. The same scene; two weeks later tKa'rf Act & ' The sa'-e ? " eek later than Act II: Tableau. . . ... *' . * ' ' - MARSHALS \ '' '? i '<1 [.? ite Hope /" u .'< Hoffman W;" r) ' > ? ' Sien-iftayis ^ ' V?;.fdgc Beatty , ? '! ,, . Gilme^Mopdy * Admission 35 and 50c. ' ' ' ? - ' ' ' ? ^ T :'-i- ^ ? to .< . * ? . ? ; . . v ; ' i t / . " ' -l\ ? ! - ^ ' ' ' ? ? . ' ' ' ' ' /T*> HRGE CROWfrflEARe^ J T U A R*T ? ? ? ?.,? > ? * i A largo crowd "Wits delighted with. Dr C-eorgc Stuart's latest lecture,. "When The American Woman Be comes X Man at the auditorium, : M^jiday evening. v Dr. Stuart spoke under the ims 'pUH53,qf the Pilgrim Class, of tin Methodist Sunday School, driving he;re from Lake Junnluskn with Mr. J. Dale Stentz. On Tuesday ; evening Dr. Stuart delivered the same lecture in Abbeville. MBS. ZEBULON B. VANCE .>. DIES AT MOUNTAIN HOME Mre. Zebulon Baird Vance, widow of North Carolina 's most distinguish ed man and hero, died Friday at 'J o'clock at her home near Black Mountain. She was in her eighty fourth year. Funeral services were held at the St. Lawrence Catholic* church, Asheville, Thursday morn ing at 11 o'clock, with the Rev. J. L. Bour in chorge. Interment will fol low at Riverside eemeterv. r Mrs. Vance was married to the late Scijator Vance in 1880. At that time she was the widow of John H. Mai tin, of Ixjuisvillo, Ky. She was horn September 24th, 188J., in Oldham county, Ky., the daughter of Samuel Bledsoe Steel and Brojvn Steel. DEATH OF MRS. HANNAH BRYSON At the age of 73 \, at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. Jul la Craw t'oijjl, the illicit v liifnd of (loath laid 'ftoljfl ^ her and she .wascalled to meet 4ier~#iaster. . v * lAiiyjiiJi'*' Was boity ?Ta'ek'aii Comity. , Sin tUjt- ago. To tlii ; in i, 011 were horn sij ' ftrfldren, I r.r Sows and two daujuhtoiv . .10. i'ry. 11, oi' Addie, C'Jmaii wdf.^> I) i .tyS. a, <:i the stale oi and Kolam; firyson, whi p:r?6d?u ! ? liiollu'r in death, and (-Me*. 3'. \v. i'.i-.e'!, oi' Columbus, S. C.,:aud *1 uliif Crawford, 01 Wiljets.. Sister Bfy ;on pr il'essod fiiith in ' Ii ri-rl - andf.i hied uic Mi, l"i"ina??! 1 I\ipti>t 4*1 Hindi '!?!jt\^Hev; u yours HgO 4fii(l dtyed >1 consistc'ii! ui-TI de voied- <"'4iHs1i}in life Jiy_ti^ death. She Jhi^Kf.! Mai eli ."J, 'i :) J-l. Sho 'wn? a, lyya' wila and mother and as long as she was able she ' was loyal to. her church, and was kind ty everybody. The last live j ears of her life she was an in- ' valid. Sister 1 5 ry si hi boiv her ufilie ? ""h with ? ice 1111 til the.ihd k.'ik There was i> v. n ? 1 11 tuiij n from the .suspicion of wren <4 doing than ahc was., Thora are others as go;:d, but none better. The high osteon in which she waa held was attested by the trememhus ci\,v, d of friends who gathered s:t her funeral .sorv.'ce to lienor this beloved woman. The song service was very ssweet and impres sive. The funeral x>;ervicc was eon ducted by Rev. R. L. Cook, assisted by George C. Snyder nn?l_ 0. C. Crawford. Sister Bry.:on leaves a broken hearted husband, to endure the re inaining lonely horira of life, and five children to share the loss of a wife and mother. ' | "Beyond this life of care and bor row , , Is a city, we a iv old, And the angels' ci;:,ius is singing Songs that neVer ahull grow old. There the tree of life blooming And its leaves shall never fade: If on earth we live for Je: '.n. We shall. fest beneath its aL; do." R. L. COOK. , _ LAKE JUNALUSKA DRAINED , Havwocd 'Journal, April 23. ? Last ? * * ? Monday. I.ake Tuualuska was drain ed -and hundreds of carp and other 'flah^wf^fe caught. The object. of the ? mjTrififcmeiit in tuning' out tin; 9 ? , ?' 2 - v , ?Wateiy'it is ler.^ied. ."'as to get rid of the carp., . waich prey' upon the. other fish to.. pitch an ^extent that the lake becali'e a lushing ground only for the carp, some /if which being exhibited &?, :thi> wdl freigh seven or eivf.t poural.r fetti; Tt'is said that -mure tlubi .tlirt-.? hundred of tliens have been e.v.ijfhu It is lenr.'ied that, the lake will soon be staked with ba.s.; aud that a sjplendid (idling sea: on may 30011 be expected. PASS HERE FLYING FROM CHATTANOOGA TO ASHEVILLE ' a Liberty D-II plane of ?00 horse power, Lieutenants G. W. Gooddard and JI. K. Ramey, of the United States Army made the trip from Chattanooga to Asheville, Fri day, in one hour and forty-five min utes, passing over Sylva and up the Tuckasfcigee River valley early in the afternoon. The army aviators arc to make aerial maps of certain waterpowers in Western North Carolina^ o * ^ A CORRECTION In the story of the proceedings of the Recorder's Court, in onr issue of April 18, there appeared on item stating that Stanley Moss had enter ed a plea of guiltv to retailing. We are informed that Mr. Moss' plea was guilty of having a small quunti- i ty , of liquor in his possession, and that he was not charged with re tailing, nor even suspected of it. We gladly make this correction. o? ? ? . DIX CREEK f Mrs. Margaret Ga tea, who has been ill for some time is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. .Tim Turpiii. < Mr;. Nora Sutton and Annie lh*own motored to Dillshoro, M011-- ? day. Mr. 'Glenn Gibson went (isliin^ Monday. Mr. Henry Biuuirarncr and Mr. ? irilVou Kohinson motored to John *4 Creek, where they will stay for a while. Mrs. Elzie Webster has returned home from Ttiekaseigee, where she has been visiting her son, Mr. C. B. Webster. 5 ' ,l?ey. Loin Gibson and sen, Floyd, vjiiiti'd Dix Creek, Saturday. Mr. Dock Gibson called at Mr. Fuller Elders', Sunday; CANADA The farmers arc indeed glad to have ji tew days of diy weather, for ?>ne:r planting. A crowd attended church at Syl':v (,'raik, Sunday, and heard it very interesting' sermon, by He v. Mr. :rs. Gea. Cole and Will Smith, ' 01 Sylva were viHitor.s here last reek. Me.^rs. Iiarl and .Touch Wood, Jr., mild:.' a recent t i*ip to Brevard, Jones purchasing a new Ford truck while H'onti. !, Mr. and Miu W. O. Parker recently $;iadc a trip to Sylva, and purchased :i Chevrolet. >. ? ( * Messrs. Eugene Parker and W. K. Itccd, of Sylva delivered ft new Over iand to the Mathews girls of this place, last week. Messrs. John and Lester Mathewi motored to Sylva Tuesday on busi ness. Mr. Sherman Phillips is a very frequent visitor to Rocky Hollow. Horn, to Mr. nnd ? Mrs. W. If. Mathews, a (laughter, Zelle. o GENERAL JULIAN 8. CARE IS DEAD General Julian S. Carr, former commander of the United Confeder ate Veterans, financier, promoter, and one of North Carolina '? most he-, loved and most distinguished citizen* ?lied suddenly, Tuesday night, nt the v ' home of his daughter, Mi*. H. C. Flowers, in Chicago. ' l General Carr was born in Cliapcf*> Ilill October 12, 1945, and served i'u ' the Confedenite army throughout the / war. After the war he engaged in the manufacturing business, in Dur ham, and became (lie of North Car?> linn's wealthiest men. 't o DOCK LEE KILLED BY FATHER-IN-LAW Carolina Mountaineer, April 2H.+ Sunday morning, near Lake J nun luska, at his home, Sam Bun-ess shot, ?iid instantly killed his son-in-law, I ]^?e, who approachcd the ho'ue a: (I vm warned away. It is said that i' few days before I^e had whipped and mistreated his wife and - that she went to the homo of her parents. It is also said that Burns* threatened to k!il him if he camn there. When he approach,! the hone Sunday Burress warned him n to come and it is also said Lee ailed a pistol and fired at Burress v ho r.> turned the lire with a shot gun, in* I stantly killing Lee. Other reports say that Lee had only one hand, the other being in splints, and that it was next to inijwssible for him to shoot. Burress was released on bond of $5000.00. ?