J? . enuuie fRIN Say "Bayer Aspirin" INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy v 4 sicians for 24 years. Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 ? Druggists Aiplrln it the trade mart; of Bayer Mann factor* of UonoaoetlcacldMter of SaUcyUcacld Placing the Date ? A party of tourists wus about to be steered through the ruins of Pompeii. The guide began his lecture by saying: "Pompeii was destroyed by eruption In 79?" . s "Oh!" exclaimed the jkvoman from the Middle West, "Just eight years after the Chicago fire!" Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Swamp- Root a Fine Medicine V ' Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritable and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such condi tions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer dt Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive ?ample size bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores.? Advertisement. Old Tablet Recorda Birth A tablet recording the birth of a girl, Herrennia Gemella, March 11, 128 A.N D., Is preserved In the vaults of the University of Michigan. It was found In Egypt In 1922 and was translated at the British museum. The wooden leaves open like a folding slate. Though the seals have disappeared the names of the witnesses are read with ease. A torpid liver prevents proper food aaslralla tlon. Tone up your liver with Wright's India? Vegetable Pills. 372 Pearl St.. N. T. Adv. " Liquor Now PoisonouM " "I never get drunk," he hastened to add. "I never got drunk in my life. But the trouble is the liquor now Is not good. It Is poisonous." CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! \ " ? , Doesn't hurt one bit Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, Instant ly that corn stops hurting, then short ly you lift It right off with fingers. Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Cuticura Talcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented Plant Sweet Potatoes In All Vacant Land and back yards. Oenutne Improved Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Potato Plants; gov't Inspected, chemically treated, $2.50 per 1,000, f>rep'd. Orders shipped day ree'd during grow ng season. Victor Plant Co., Rockingham, Qa. Graduation Gift ? Box, 24-lnch Marie An toinette Pearl Necklace ? value >16 ? special at 97. SO. Money refunded It dissatisfied. Anderson Sales Service, Ltncotnton, N. C. Send SO Cents for Large Tube Velora Tonle thumpoo cream, the wonderful rew treatment for scalp and hair. Money-back guarantee. "Velora Products Co., Bo* 360, Atlanta Qa. H a TP1ITO B01* mod?l or arawia PATENTS bsw&me" L!?,' r."1"14 Watson K. MalUnw.MtSL.Wi OUR COMIC ?f ' .ftp ?*???. y ' \ \ - THE FIRS STfc P* (Copyritht, W. N. U.) t r HOW WOULD t)U LI WE MS TO Then , You're Sure of it BE A COUNT, FANNY f g fOU SUIT me: ALL C??SHT Jusr AS YOU ARE HQVYOU Uke Nt TO fce. hE\RESS "To #40,000,000 ? You Suit me all right just as you a ; S-T-I-L-L 40,000,000 ?S ' 40,000, 000 HOMM HAtN MAWS/ CAM ONE (SET FOR 4-40,000, ask The HG KNOWS Ti AND AN HElRES^ To 40,000,000 ISN'T TO 6E sneezed at $T?u- i'd rather you'd HAVE Th* 40.000,000 TrtAtl BE -JUST HEIRESS To it '_J -III, e.V! Jfe. VAH?ei?v? I Q C? ? " You Can't Chew About the Answer WELL, \*/HY DON'T >rou SAY ^OMEfrttMG ? ( ) # * N *is that ?0 : -oft something like that IV GOSH /- IT makes ME So DARNED, MAD TO TelL A PEBSON SOMETHING AND HAVE "faEM $AY NOTHING ? ? ITS like putting A penn^- in the slot and Getting no Gum / w ? ITS / <. v " Mrs. Crossan Gives Credit to I * E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comp0^ Mrs. Dakan Also Tells What TV Does - St Joseph. Missouri.? '1 beard so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound that I decided to try it as I had had each a hard time with my first child. I took nine bot tles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Com t * ? J T ? hflttar in my lj wu boru. x nui ? _ _ will do, to any woman who will let me know her address."? Mrs. Rosa. Dakan, 2227 S. 11th St, St Joseph, Missouri. Back To Normal Health New Orleans, Louisiana.? "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound while I was carrying my child and 1 must praise it highly because I never suffered one day during that time and could do all my housework and had a very easy confinement. I am still taking the Vegetable Com pound because I have a weakness due to working around the house too soon after my baby was born. But thanks again to the Vegetable Compound I am getting back to normal health once more. I advise any woman to take it" ? Mrs. A. Meyn, Jr., 2019 Topro St, New Orleans, Louisiana. Not A Bit of Trouble Wilmington, Delaware. ? "I was nervous and weak and not at all reg ular. I worked in a factory at the time and could not work very much. Magnetism Merely A jury at Howell failed to convict a hoy on a charge of stealing a dog. A boy never steals a dog, of course. They just grin and go away together. ? E. C. A., in Detroit News. I wes sick over a ve&r ?i. told me about Lvd ?'zS\Sl Vegetable Compound and pick up as soon as I took tt .gain baby WMborn and I ?f trouble. IrecommenditA1* -Mrs. Jane Crossan 612 pW Wilmington, Delaware' s Lydia E. Pink bam''; \ Compound has helped manv"^* women just as it has h?]n l\ i,* Dakan, Mrs. Meyn and Mrs Cro?^ Consider the statements of tw women. They give you the b3 of their actual experience witK T Vegetable Compound. lthti? A nation-wide canvas3 0f purchasers of the Vegetable &T Kond reports that 98 out cf even^ ve been benefited by its use. This is a remarkable record proves the dependability^ the cine for the relief cf the troubjl women often have. For weak and run-dom conditio* BO common after child-birth it i3W^j adapted. It strengthens and up the system and restores nonmi health. The Vegetable Compour.d contii, no harmful drugs or narcotics can be taken in safety by the 0Drii ing mother. For sale by druggy everywhere. Now the Clock's 0. K. Ag^l Clocks do not run filter ifurins^ night than the daytiun-. >-!aims tronomer, who has a six-inch tr^ circle with which he tells tii* acour.g of time. c. . j IXWWWWWWWWWWWWWN \\\\\\\ , y MOTHER:? Flctchcr's Castoria is >5 / a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Tee ing Drops and Soothing L Syrups, prepared for Infants { ? ; i \ \ \ ^ ]%. \ and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend (? Bee Brand Insect Powder won't stain or harm Mnythihg except Insects. Kills Flies, Fleks, Mo squitoes, Ants, Roaches, Water Bogs, Bed Boca, Moth*. Lice on Fowl, and many other boaee and garden Inaecta. Honaahold alzea, 15c and 3fe ? other aUea, 70c and SUS at yonr drqgglat or grocer. .It kills them/ tnc houaa and g?r?" Inaecta. McCotmick & Cou, Baltimore*, McL Comes Natural MI see that in all the warring coun tries women are said to learn to op erate munition machinery in a few days." , ?" "Well?" "I can hardly believe It." "I see nothing Incredible about It. Women are natural mechanics.- My wife can fix anything around the house with a hairpin."? Louisville Courier-Journal. > _ The Man Who Succeeds ? Give me the man who can ho'd * when others let go ; who pushes when others turn back; who stiffen*1? when others weaken; who advanW when others retreat ; who knows ij such word as "can't" or up' ! I will show you a man who w'" ** In the end, no matter who oppose* no matter what obstacles confront W* Truth sleeps when money speak^ WLDOUGLAS * 7 W. L. Douglas Shoes are sold In 117 ?( ?ur own stores in the principal cities and by over 5,000 shoe dealers. WHEREVER you live, demand W. L. Douglas shoes.! hey are high-class and u, to-date, made in all the popular styles that appeal to men and women who want stylish and serviceable shoes at reasonable prices. SELDOM have you had the opportu nity to buy such wonderful shoe values as you will find in W. L. Douglas 57.00 and $8.00 shoes in our retail stores arid in good shoe stores everywhere. Only by examining them can you appreciate their superior qualities. FOR ECONOMY and dependable j/alue, wear shoes that have W. L. Douglas name and the retail Corfl^l j err* I Corset efftc and Supt",LS A a Winton for Max One of our bat Bluchers in Gun Metal Calf. Combines comfort and service. 37JOO pnee stamped on the soles. Buy them at our stores or of your dealer. Refuse substitutes. writ* for lUxutrafd Catalog, postal* frtt. W.Lnis||Mt|?Cs,ma.?Ht-fcnilw.?li MICE *1