mS CC tO&Tf 8*LVA,:&C. ^EYEAB IN Lity-eight demoeate.Wt, flople as candidate* ill the IT primary, for various & IJkon county, and ~?Kt?i Ijjg to warm UP, vV aieal observers. ? . . j rthe race for the nomination arv C. Bryson, who has been active lackson county polities for a nanf i 0f years. Mr. Bryson i n travel gglesiuan and farmer. Hon. |(er E. Moore, former Speaker o; house, and active in Jackison Ijtv politics for a generation is a Ljjate for this office, Mr. Moore Li attorney and is well-known in Epn and WestemNorth Carolina, Tompkins, editor of the. Jack;: County Journal, is also a can ,te for state senator. He is {vf of Jackson county, a former jer, and is well-known as a news j man and democrat All three jdates live in Sylva township. ? nee for sheriff is between N. ?Sutton, present sheriff, Claud E. ^ of River township, and John jgehanan, of Webster. v L. Allison, of Sylva,^ John D. ? j)a, of East La Porte, and Leon of Kiver township are in the it for the office of clerk of the or court. , register of deeds there are five ktes, the present roister, Bay-" t. Nicholson, Walter Ashe of township, Lewis Norton, ol Ernest Monteith, of Sap^ ?, and Miss Jessie McCall, off tier's Valley, who is the only candidate in the field for any der's court judge Joseph J. Iker, is opposed in the primary Velix E. Alley, Jr. and F. A *' n. of. Robert L Madison has m jry opposition for representa (1 while J. W. Davis is unopposed, lia the democratic party foi tor, as are Lyman Stewart foi eyorand Geo. C. MoConnell, foi ?t ? B. Pickleaimer^ of Cashier't* 9, B .Norton and Carl Jami aburg, John WattfttT Ben N. Queen, of IC. Allman, of Addie, Sylva A 1, and Jesse Rogers, of Qualla | lie candidates for eoanty corn ers, beforo the democratic rDENT HUNTER MAKES ANNUAL BBPOBT illowhoe, N, C., May 28. ? Presi t Hunter's annual report to tho rd of Trustees of the Cullowhee tail and Industrial School show, following facts as to attendance the pest session, compared with | ittendance for the precding year ?nitration School ? 1922- *23 ,190; >? *24, 258; increase 68. High od Department ? 1922- '23, 110; J-X 115; increase 5. Normal ?cl-1922- >27, 47 1923- '24;, 89 42. Total attendance ? 1922 347; 1923- '24, 462; increase IIP the Sununcr School attend 'of 1923 with the recrtfd for th ' wssion, we have a total attend s for 1923- '24 of 643. The eor ending total attendnnee for th ?ding session was 480, making i * increase the past session o. over the preceding session. Th? I number in the Normal Behool I l*r? that is, the te&ch?r&-ip ^ng? for the past session wat *s compared with 180 the pro ?g session. "These facts", say* ?Vt Hunter, "would seem t? that, with the proper eou effort, the teucher-traininfc *?f the work may be so develop u to give Cullowhee, within * 'Jeare, a normal school with an ^ance of several hundred in the r-training department alone, ^should not be content to atop Tt of that." Q Iuawhee summer 1 SCHOOL OPEH& TJJB8DAY P first session of the Collowhev F?er School, will open bnxTw?.< ? of next week,. at the CuH?W?: f?*l and Industrial Behoelf an(t rations are that the teeehert wfl? 1 m attend it. M r*^ year two sessions of the r^r school are held, and draw,! f( numbers of teachers, as ?t?d r from various section* of thQ IK *&d from other states. I "" o t ? 1 OPEN SHOE SHO* ?"^Mrnra Brothers have openea ^ *)wtrie shoe repair shop in *on F"*1 with W. A. Clark's pressing J?' 111 the Sytoa Pharmaey Build* rep i?*>tedintbo road inspection ml ceates, that willvisit Sylva ott .1wie 10. The governors of a number$ff the American states, members lot the president's cabinet, and other Ugh officials of states and federal govern ments will be in the party, which will make a tour of North Carolina from Raleigh, west, dtfriiigthe early part of Jane, under the American Road Builders1 Abaoeiation esebvt, as guests of the state of Worth Car olina, and the counties that they i'wtil visit. I On June 3, 4, 5, 6,>and 7, a cen tral demonstration of road .building will be held on the Fair Grounds, in Greensboro. > - On June 4 the foreign and inter state visitors will leave Raleigh, for 0reensboro. On Jnne 5 trips will be taken to various projects where road work is in progress. 3 On June 7 the party will inspect the road between Giteensborn and High Point, and will be given a gen eral entertainment at IJigh Point. , On June 6 the American Road Builders' escort will make the trip from Charlotte to Ash^ville, arriv ing in Abbeville late in the afternoon June 10 is the day when the large party will visit Sylva. They will in spect the highway from Asheville tu Sylva,, arriving in Sylva about mid day, where a piqnie dinner will be' served and other entertainment given Plans for entertaining the party of Pan American road men, and dis tinguished visitors are maturing,, and will be definitely announced later. The program is under the general central committee composed of Jno. H. Wilson, Geo. W. Sutton, and C. p. Buchanan, who have appointed a number of subcommittees to handle | various features of the big under taking of entertaining and feeding the large party/ who will be the Quests, for the day, of Jackson couj^ Hfcs , J It, is expected that ther? will be about 500 people in the party, and that one of the largest crowds ever ?kmgi?gst*d in Sylva will be pres ent from ail' jKtrts of Jackson andj the adjoining counties, to greet the] visitor! ' .BALSAM .. Rev. A. C. Bryson, who has been in Detroit, Mich., tor the past six Months Las returned to his home here. <* ^ Mr. Glenn Fisher left last week to join the Navy. Miss Elsie Mehaifey and Mr. Coy Heddrick went to Lake Junaluska, Snnday. ; Mrs. A. H. Mehaffey, Miss Mary and Master Qlenn and fcr. Hubert Ensley motored to Suntafest, Sun day. , ! ' ????? '?: ? ? Mrs. Fanny Morro has just receiv ed notiee of the death of her/daugh ter, Mrs. Rebecca Ezell in Char! isle, S. C. . Mr. J. C. Rickards and family of Canton, spent the weekend with his parenjts, Mr. and Mrs. T. M Rick ards. y < ; Mr. A. E. Wells the very pobular lessee of $alsain Hotel has arrived. . Mr. W. M, Hutchinson, of At lanta is her having .some improve ments made in and: around the Bal sam Hotel. \ < -r r Sunday School Day was observed" in the Methodist church Sunday, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Carraway, of George town, S. . C., have arrited to spend | the summer with their daughter, Mrs. M. C. Green. '? There will be an iee-torea?, cake and lemonade supper in the public aehool house Saturday night the 31st. Jhe proceeds will . fee used for the benefit of the Baptist and Methodist phurche?.Everybodyinvited. ? Presiding Elder, Rev. R. S. Howie, witf preach ill the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at the usual ireaching hov.. ^ j Sarah E. Fowler et al to Vanna #?wa in Caah toVWjtifc &00. ^ ' '?? J. T. Gribble to Walter Dean, 2 lota in Svlva, $10.00. " ? 1 John in Syiva, W. L. 'Walter Biy son, land in Savannah, $100,00. . f-'j ? ?? V ' TOWN AMD COUNTY , & ^||Bre should alw^^Wsj?i|J oooucration arid top? {and not aft veiy there was > great gfeltfbced^ the two, and -it was taken for interest of one was per se to the host interest of the o( though this feeling is not as |t wafr it still prevail* to toijj an extent^. "V' So far as fundaments \i principles art' concerned, alj the people are inter-dapent, apd, 'there fore, wonld affect the people -of towns and cities affects to a or less extent the people f distrietsilf the producers oj?|f bacco, truck and fruit do n?t | no account of certain adt ditions neither will the hi off the towns and cities pvpsiMf that is the^ will riot permanently prosper. If the business methods of the eity and town men work permanently against the men of the ru*?l ^dis tricts, those business method* will in the end redound to < the hurt of the cities, and ttfwns, because the fountain head/ is the all iijqpioiiiuitj port of the stream *ind most bo fed to give a healthy flow. Bi(t the only way in which a fountain head of a stream can get a healthy outlet is through good conditions far its pas sage to the sea. In othef wards, if there is, to be permanent prosperity, in a community, oojunty or state there must be co-operation between and county. , Let there be co-operation between tow* and country^ and tbe best starting point would be in the main tenance of goqd roads and school*, such as we have in thi* county wd otute. Town and coantrv East La I?orte Lodge No. 858 A. ( F and .A. M. will convene in regular { o^mmunication Saturday, June 14, | 1924 at 2 P. M. for the purpofe of i electing its officers for the ensuing | year. All members are urged to be present as this is a matter of vital f importance concerning the craft. ; I g d Heopia, ??> ? y j PRESIDING EL1XEET0 HfflAOH Rev. R. S. Howie of Waynesville will preaehit the 'Hethodist ehui next Sunday* morning on 14 Steins Life Through the Eyes of Christ." At the conclusion of the seraion lie the third Quarterly Con ference for the year. Tft public is .invited. " vtn*the afternoon at 4;Q0 MfcHowie will prea?h at Batata* . mraskqr wfillii: w,,; fee ?i Bryson, of ' Swain county Gertrude Henslej> o? Jack*# W-y. i AID gPUOATOM r ME5T AT OULLOWHEE I? Western North Carolina ly Prdta Association 'and the Educational Council axe p a joint iheeling at Cullowhee, > handsome, new gills' dorm fk$ Walter E. Moors Building edicated, yesterday afternooq^t ?Vloek, and last evening at 7j00 mdid banquet was held, wjth B. L. MeKee as toastmaster. iil elf ... boMi associations ? held, separately today. J I members of the two assoeia iti.' guests of tiurCuUowhge H and Industrial School, at we OAteZBE'8 'weather item sayi having pretty weather.^; High tfampton is coming out ^0* the kinka" now. We are glad to see it >? ' ; * We arc getting good roads aronnd through the country now. You folks J come and see how Cashiers is build ing up. A ear can go one hundred yards without having curvature of > the spine shimmying through j the j spruce and jumping hemlock like a| jkek rabbit.. - ; Chris Passmoro motored to An derson, S. C., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fortune, from 'Ashcville, visited relatives in Caaii iePs last week. 0 Robert* McCall was out horse back riding through Cashiers today. Mi^ and Mrs. Frank Allen, who were n&rried in March motored to, Salem,' S. C., to visit their relatives. Mrs; Allen was the daughter o&Jfr. j and Mrs. E. A. Bumgarner, have been making their home in Cashiers.! Hubert Ring made a business trip I to Sylva Sunday. ; We are glad to know that a girl in our community has sense enough to run for register of deeds. Geneva Jamison, Howard Bryson, Thelma McCall and Homer Pass- 1 more went to ride Sunday. ' HOLD EXAMINATION FOB CULLOWHEE POSTOFPIOE The United States civil service an nounces a competative examination for postmastership at CulLtrwhee, to be held in Waynesville, ota June 14, under the rttee of the civil service.. ' : LEGION WILL HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE I ?* A memorial service will be held by the American Legion, and Woman* * Auxiliary, at the Central High School grounds, today. . ' It if planned' that a fitting memo rial service be held, following #hieh there will be a base bttll game be tween Sylva and Bryson City, and a picnic dinner wiH be served. ' ' " In the morning /he Legion plans to place bronze marktro at the graves of all solders in theeounty, as as nearly all as-ean be located. - a . 't'i * " I funeral to bb preached On the second Sunday Jn June the funerals of Mr. and lift J/ Mi Shuler, parcnls of Mr. J. D. Shnler, will be preached, at the Shuler eem v ' ?<' \ \ ?' - ' ? .I- * "... -_2". ,T" rr,*. rT' ? < iv jnuuBi too un / ? ? ? .. ?. Mr. Bailey asks, the make their approval of causes rep Mnn i- .3 1 ' . .. Jill n umI. ri1?i?ifc iwlrt1 resented bymm overwhelmingly eat* t. vote m the pnm?ry StfnnUy, Jnnp > '? *?- ?? s '? la THE DEMOCRATIC *.>' OF K09TH CAROL 1 This ia a campaign of if ? P**n*iy June 7th W?l fri ^ nil isitwm* I . of tassa. ? Und taxes have been steadily ri&ag* i?. thia State fimj m j **?** The inerease amounts to thirty per cent a year every year fex eleven Vean. And under the mmmb there is certainty that tfcsjr,J tinne to rise. I hold that , louring more than its jipt^ the .burden of taxes, and j[ must so change the sjstfm shift the burden. My oppoqw ly defends- the pieesut systeqi. I am' opposed to any fovea on land,' or property, for State por poses. ' I hold that when the $t|t? ex empted from taxation mote than $116,000,000.00 worth of . stocks |n foreign corporations it dif^'a great ^roeng. On thia subject my opponent says nothing. TJiis one act men tkfcn a and it dollars to taxes on land*. It took that much frtm the taxes' of the wealthy and put ii on property? mainly land. ? The election June Till will de termine whether land taxis will eon-' tinue' to increase. ^ n. The second big question be controL So long as we have machine control we .will .have control by and ? for specially favored interests. The people can manage the Dem ocratic Party, and they can take eare of it. Ail the progress that ever was made was made in spite .of the rul ing powers, y , ' Machines operate in politics by metuiii ot money; an?l they pay tlio money back at the public^ expense. Machines are maintained tot the batoflt of a few. They give the people only what they dare not re fuse/ j. We ma t put an end to this sort of thing or the people will lose con fidence in, the Democratic Party. Ofllet- holders have no right to to votus of, the State by seerotiy nominating candidates for olnc?? fcr two, ;hree and four terms in advened. I am in favor of the Australian Ballot an?T of couit review of election luturns.The Australian Bel lot will give the voters secrecy invot ingand wiU make the purchase of votes difficult and will tend to put an end to the power of money in polities. My opponent is silent on this sub ject, and is. defending our present election and primary laws. This Question also will be settled June 7th. The line has been clearly drawn, /y- ; i. V,v . IH The thira big question bo* for us is the question of fnright rates, / I ' I propose to, resent to the fullest extent the diseriminatlcn#~ against North Carolina in favor of Vininia, j and also to resist the psoposM in- ! crease of freight rates, i. hold that since the Atlantis Coast I4oe is now making more than twenty: per cent on its capital, and the &>uthern Railway is paying dividends at the rate of Ave per cent a year on $120, 000^00.00 of watered eouunon stock, there is no necessity for increasing freight rates;, and I remind all our people that increased freight charges will increase the cost of living. My opponent is silent on the question of lower ?reight.j?tef. : It is the Primary, June 7lh, vote that will decide *11 of theoe issues; Vote eariy and then stand by and set the votes, counted and certified, k Raleigh, May "24th, 1924. J08Ua W. BAHJDY. ^ A LAST WORD TO THfcTOBBS - This ia your fight If yon; want lower taxes on land and nnaU henMi? to gtf thqm. DILL8B0R0 LOCALS MisaJtande Uatfcenrood, who, has g the Korth Cwvlina k. Vm*:Wmfi.aMA Jfrmie Puris ?pent th?jK*fe.end te uton ^th Jheir owsin, vJfe*. Garland #1 Winston-SaJem, for, some time has returned to 10? home, here, for t Hobert b** bm. ? *M the A fo nt a JM?1 W*ol tat wtomwd to hiajwme Juru.w apAid hisya$at>on with his pother, M^Kw.iS iid. Ifise Nina Ensley ha^wwpfcdn position .frith Cannon Brothers, of l6i M. Y. Jarrttt spent Friday in Abbeville. ITiu Geneva Sutton is visiting rel atiyes in, Saluda, : \-f Miss Edith Jarrett has returned to her home after spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. William Altai at Old Port Mrs. Amanda Cannon is'- the guest of relatives in Webster. , Messrs. M. B. Cannon, \V. C. Queen, and tyrs. Flora Watkins at tended the fnnersj^of Mr*. John Watson at Cultbwhee last week. . >,? ? '~V SHOAL CREEK -j.. ? "? ? t - ' Wo art rejoicing tfcit, In ap'.te the coM May weather, we are still have prospects for * good fruit Crop. ? ' ; Dean andvMrs. W, E. Bird, Prof. ' and Mrs. C. K. Bird and Mr?. .Tool M. Bird spent the veek-end at Mr. C. A. Bird's. Mr. J. M. Hughes teft, Monday, to attend ommcboeroent iexercisen oC Asheville Nurmal school. Mr. llul'vi Mathews returnee to KnoxviMc BuHtneaa College, S tin da", alter spending a few days with ,home folks. > ? . '? ? Mr. H. ?. Ferguson and I'ann.r :?pent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Will Howell 'a Mr. FTouier Turpln and family were yucHt* at Mr. W. J. Turpitt ?. - Sunday. ?v Mm. H. 0. Bird called at Mr. CL A. Birtl^, Sunday. . . Mrs. k C. Howell, Mm. Wra. Oxner and Mrs. Ed Oxner spt'nt Hun day afternoon with < Mrs. S. W. Cooper. 1 ' Mr. Wayne Battle was a guest at Mr. Lather tfoyles' Sunday. ' Mr. $. Y). Terrell made a trip to Sylva Sunday afternoon. Mr. Addison Mathews has return ed home from Canton. Mr. Clark Webb ' has moved to Sovok^mont to take chnrge ot the h?t?t 7 ?' ' , f ? i .? i BTG RIDOfi ?> . >{Jnale "Jim Mat'* Parker, as hw was familiarity known, died suddenly a short timo a.? > at the km* of Mr. Ctyqd fisher, And was intered at Glenville cemetery. ?' _ -J? ? Mrs. ?arah Hooper has been ferv ill, but is, some better, but still, ve / weatHopo she ?Oon .W upagi. it. Dr. Peak of CaUawhee, was called There is ?rfjfe.b*p .finite a iittM sickness in our '^ettietaeat, but aont ? improvement now. ,* , The weather is still veiy apol/it night and aome fp^at some morn ings, but eardens or fniit ia wt damaged yotThere yiH beau abend anee o? apples, if not killed later. ' , Mr. A. Wilaaa , has goae ta Hat 8pifaga Alt, to rtay for aome tinij. ' Mr. . Alley, of CuJlou'hec eaH*'l a few days ago to leant come ? f the particulars about IU 87* gs. jfA his father wishes to start lot ih~t pU?e soon. We wieb for bun a ipoedy return to normal Mr. Lyman WUaon want to 8ylr? en bnaineaa the 23*4 retaining the 24th. He alao aarried Mr. L.JL W il aon dawn to Bytrncn his way |? ^V'' v>v- ''?> i- If-. ''-W