YEAR IN ADVANCE 1 ft THE COUNTY f 1.50 1 1 1 ' ' _ i " __ - ? ? ? I ?! ? ? 3 .!?? . n r=.-r=-^r^- ? ? ? SYLVA, N/C., JUNE ?, 1924 ' T " ? $2.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE O UT SIDE THE COUNTY N flfflERAI HELD FOR DR. A.-E. BROWN | pr. A. !- '''own, head .of tht Baptist Schools, of tin' Soutl?'ni know Baptist Conveuticn; and VI1 juit) loved throughout a num ber v. ? in West Aslieville last Fri 01' tin- southern states, died al his home jjv nioriii"-. at 7 o'clock. Xhe d<;Ui: of Dr. Brown was j: great si" 10 11,0 I**>pfe of Sylvi jjiJ Jack .?i! coifnty, where, as tin leading sf.m in the Sylva Collegia ti Institute. in- had been known aiu. luved "W.v I' years. fie was t brother ft' Air. -f . A. Brown, oj Sylva The l'olli H ing account of his death mil iuwiv is taken from variou. i^ues oi ilii" Aslieville Times. "lU'V.l'i.ANii'rt K Brown, for thi 1 ? -if x?. ~yt i) years superintendent of tin mountain .-dioul department of th?' Sjuthern i.aptist lioard of Horn* j|jjjioii;;t mut one of the most prom j meat l>?i?ti>t cducaurs of the soutl. I jjfti sudiley 1 y at tots home 39 Treiuon. a; -vs-evihe, this morn Kiutn oi-? urnil .diottly after seve. (, trout an attack ofjieurt dk in-, iaov.n had been jjji?ariii'a a iev. nunutej pre?iouslv lid Decauic illy ill. lie wei. i, #ed anil ;> doctor \yas calicd, bu at.. u it tun a tew minute: ue lnut been bi liously ill 1'ur sou: Kris ]iivv:uu>iy w it'll a complication ot ailments, but recently had bee* BKii nnprovitl. Ik,, ur. A. K. Brown was bor. ?Dear .le.iei'joa ut.., lenu., August*'. IMkl, and was (u \eurs ol age at tL timi' ot Ins doalti. lie was educate ii t'araua-Ncft.iiau tvlie^e, wucru i. graduated wiih degree of A. L na ijtL-r Had tile degree of utehvd it. in. ue entered ti. jiibtrv, aim i^r a time was at iiei. tauiiuic^ later Incoming pastor e :?iit LnJ baptist eiturcn in tit. Bi.nn'iv tie served a year or moi. *mc ue was paoior ox ?* c. Ktiureit la* ivce.vecl app^iinm. Aptl'illU'titJl^u ol tile lUOUuUi.i io tin-> wort; lie de.uicd l^s uU Mris anu cuiiiuntiy succobot lUriiiijj Vvilii no tcn^o.o, b> i'CUi> ? iili^UU'ecl >.o?u liitris iiiv 11 ? ? I luc e at .D'jli Hi li-tU bout-. - tetes : Nirth Carolina, boutii Cur--,: jl, Ucoi^u, i iver.vuc... labauia, \irj;i...a, ArXausaS, a a mr:. lne-,1' selioui.; li.w c-u'o i> P pupils, uud i ii ;a;;C Zl>) tcuCUCl ^he prqK-rty \auint: ii is #i.;)OU.Uo ? i liag his crreer as suiK-nuteudoi; v. br. brown esL^btisKld 40 Mcui. n schotls, but several of the ft disc.ntinued or ccnsoudjU. ith other schools. ^ On October 1, J.)2J ltev. "J. Vv Hara bccaiae assistant auperinte.. 101 sud lias been , ui<f.n? new is i k?'u s.tiee t!mt time. to Brown w,\- . : carried to M?. v?'inda A. iVIyaaher j8 years ag k *'iduw ;.iul .... Children survive p*J' are: W. A. flrswu U.:.c;..rtat ? A. Ai. 1. r wi? ?. . ;.c . .lit , ji j- .. . ???eu banei . . i ie, i\. < Mi T- Gossett, A.stievijle; mis. liov West A -!..:vilic. llthei' iu. 'tajc relative-,, t.;> 6.otl,V. ^ t. L t/, ( t Ujf X. V. '? A. Ur.-v.t:_ ? t Syiva, and1 . ilii. Sail".- Walker o' r^eral services were held Sunday tcmoo? at tiie' Calvary BaptV.J *rth. ' following services was given ?e church: Hymn, "Abide vViti. ^riptuic reading, ltev. J. R. t(Mi niaii quartet, ?'The Beauti tiiwl" ; muoial orations, Re/, f "eitzand l.r. F. F. Brown; a<K wv. Ur. Livingston Johnston Si How i mil a foundation;'' 'tral oration, 1/,-. ,|. W. O'llara, ? br. L?. I,). Air av ; song while *|ng rein. i. : ' "Sweet by anu Valley of Eden,' ? sleep i)t .Usus," aad son-.'.. H With Me.".-! ^'ilowed at Greenjiili CARD OF THANKS ? desire to express, as best v. e 1 ?nr deep and sincere app\t<iia #\ the many acts of kindness .^iborliness shown us during .. ^ "flws ami |jlt\ death of *>ur U'otl'er. ( ' ,4 I i BUY SON & CHILDREN trees for the coastal plain ? ^ ^ Walnut trees for the pied is ^hc recommendation oi > H- M. 4trran of the State tension division. WILSON RETIRES FROM LONG SERVICE WITH 0. K. & I. S. t . j \ Mr. J. N. Wilson, after twenty -four years of faithful service in Cul lowhee Normal and Industrial School u several different capacities endedered his resignation, to take ef fect at the end of the school year, but at the earnest solicitation of the board of trustees, has consented to serve until the first of September. x Mr. Wilson's letter to Hon. Walter ?3. Moore, Chairman of the Board of trustees, follows: y . ,? oion. Walter E. Moore, chairman of the Board ef Trustees oi^lowhee Normal & Industrial . School. 0 ' 1 ' ? ? My dear Sir: ? Since your Board is meet withinlO days for the pur wse of electing officers and teachers, wish to say that after 24 years oi ,orviee to this institution, rendering 1 at all times the best and utmost 4. which 1 have?beei^ capable, i do that you will not consider nu i rutitection. My service, running ..vougn me best pari oi my munliuou .ot? been largely a labor tof luvc,ioi ?y >icai ami untiagi^hg interest i.? j to prjmoto.t?>e welfare of tin.-, .fiooi nave been inspired by ni\ .<*(' for mv Anna *i.^ier< As you and ;ievon?.i other mounter.' l me board ure a ware, i haw e.;?*i. ?ar lor several years past 8%.,e:>iet. i reicudu i ruin uy duo us d'ltK-*. ut 1 have repeated i >y yielded to tU ..Udiy lUJistei^ec OI member*. of tlu ,_>..ard and other friends of the schoc. ?nf cin^cnuu to serve yet atuli* ?ar because me appeal ,i?.r my coi, ..nuance was p.aeea upon tne grouiu it was my, duty to meet t?;e m aiution s need at those particun; *..ues. but now that cjimit.ons n. .nger warrant my mating ?iurtlu.. yoi-oouai sacratce, l am matting till, o.juest. x am deeply grateful for you. ?miy' evidences of friendship. a lie. tu molten tliet sadue^o and a ,a wii.i vvinen i ai.i asking ma o-.Ciai relation with the scliv-t ...c. (' ' if \ ;?a vw i..eeept my sincere*., yi. lu.r appreciation for l??*; p. ration1 ~nu e~ aitcsies accorae. > C u/ uie i>oard. My best wishc *?< u^w and ever for the dear ^-i. my iove and loyalty sha. \>iiu ner while me shall' last.'" o-i^cnuiiy and iaithLuliy your.. j. i\. Wi^&uiS. * : U ? EKASTUS 1 " U ? ? O t Several of our people attended tli . uneral of Mr. John Owen at Glen . niC yesterday. Among those were, .nr. anil Airs. W. 1). Childers, Mr .u(h ivLrj. J. Mi Moss, i^r. and Mr. / ? - - \ ,? ' ^ ? j. i5. bumgarner, Mr. and Mrs. Hec, i-ienderoon, Mr. VV. K. Moss and Mio Jnarlotte Stewart. *' ' vVe are glnd for;' Miss MyrtlcJ xiendcrson to ? home again aite. .pending a few wvoks at Cuilowhee. Miss iiertie Sitwartvan(J Mr. Ear. vV'atSon were li re trora Sylva Sun J*y-, > ' j V' .. ! Miss Olive Stewart was the guesi ji Miss Florence Henderson {Sunday Messrs. Carl Childers ana Oovai. Moss returned home from Pisgii. Forest, Saturday, where they have been at work for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 'Moody, Oi Webster Ire visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bumgarncr and Mr. and Mrs. VV. R. Moody- this week. We have b<en having some rain lor the past few days, which Mi; made the roads muddy, still thpv ar< not so muddy hut what the catidi dates can drive dver them. * Mr. Claud Wike wa.j in this sectiO.. of the count} last; Weok. j - Wd are glad to see Mrs. Aldie Evittout again after several days o: illness. ~\ . ? Miss Stella Stewart has relurrcu to Highlands af'tpr spending a few uays with home folks here. Mr. W. R. Stewart went, to S\lva last week on business. Mr. C: J. Manous was here from Sy'va, Smiday. " x t The <yirb market at Greenville in Pitt County opened during the mid tile of May with .the farmers selling $260 worth of produce on the first day. ' County' Agent Reeves reports that this market will have three sales days each week during the summer. Fanners of Halifax Gqttkly paol ( ed their wool with the -fcid-of county agent, C. R. Littlejohn, and sold 1800 pounds for 46 cents pef pound for the best grades. k ' ' * ' ' " ? , iT '? ? ' \> JACKSON COUNTY OB SERVES MEMORIAL DAT 7 V ? Under 4he auspices of the William E. Dillard Poit, American Legion, and auxiliary, the former service people and citizens of .Jackson county cele brated memorial day; in Sylva with fitting' ceremonies. * I , The exercises in the school audi torium were opened by the congre gation singing Amerifea, after which the invocation w^s pronounced by Rev W. Ross Yokley, Chaplain of the Post Miss Dorothy Moore sang ** Keep The Home Fires Burning", sand the com mander, Mr. Clarence A. Bales intro duced Mr. Dan Tompkins, who de livered the address. \ Congregational singing was held .vhile the ladies prepared the pinner, which was served, picnie style, on the school grounds. ' In the afternoon the^rowd witness ed a base ball game between Sylva and Jry-jjn City. c- v . ? ?* <* ? 1 M00R5 BUILDING DEDICATED EDUCATORS AND EDITORS MEET AT CtoOWyEE . newspaper -men and women, iid number of educators and proin .lenl people of Western North Caro iia iftet last Thursday and Friday C..:I.wii?e for the cosaions of .the i v s.ofn North Carolina Weekly .' Association and vhe Interment .Vacation Council, and fto witness uui take part in the exercifec-a per taining to the dedication of the new ? ,_n 's dormitory, liie Walter E. uoore Building. The exercises were opened, Tlmrs luy evening, with a banquet, given the :chool to the members of the o associations and the visiiora: E. L. McKee acted as toast .a4er, a;id charmingly brought wit :id humor from tho^e assembled -.round (he banquet table. Mr. Charles^A. Webb, of the Ashe Illa Citizen and president of the .rrth Carolina Press Association, Slivered an able address on ' f Tho . utpaper as an Educational Insti u ', following the banquet, (/ii Friday mcrning President Cal jc, of t!:C Ashcvtllc Normal, Hon. .i.tcr jI. Moore, for whom tho ...:dii:g was n^med, President Moore ; JvL.ij liill College, and others de vV. ured addresses at the dedication j.orcuies. . i'riday afternoon the members of iie press party visited Cashier s iigh Hampton, Glenville, l^ke Fair oid, and ether points in southern jLue!:: ou County, , * : .. v; \ w-4 ? . - / CULLOWHEE ITEMS ? ? ' . - ? The Summer School is opening vith bright' prospects. Teachers are joining -daily from all over the state lid from other states. It is interest ng to note that we are having ar rivals from the state of Mississippi. Miss Laura Miller, who was a teacher .11 the Graded school the past term, jml whose home is in Mississippi, ar iived Monday, bringing some young .adics with her. v ' /Mrs. Ella Mai Fitzpatric^ and Mrs. Hankla from Fontana, visited ;irs. F. H. Iir_wn last week. Mr. John Norton, who has been t ' ? 4 juite ill for several months is re wired to be improving slpwjy. His on, Eugene, who has been residing _}i the state of Washington, "for the jKist few years, has bqen here some unic, having been called home oil' account of his father's illness. Mrs." R. W. Styles, formerly ) Miss i.vannic Wallace, visited relatives and friends here last .week. Mrs. otylcj now resides near Knoxville, .can. * ! .Mr. Harry Keller, who has been ? caching for tfcc past few nmnths in oiiuston county is spending a few lays with his mother, Mrs. R. M. Keller. Mr. Keller expects to leave in a short while for Chapel Hill to .niter Summer School there. Mrs. W. X. Coward, who is in Wayncsville in the hospital for treat :ent,and who has been ill for 'everal months, is reported improv ing. . Mrs. Coward's many friends hope she will soon be able to return .omc. 1 . _| v Mrs. Grady Owen, of Asheville, is visiting' her sister, Mrs. JL. J. Smith. Tlie curb market/ idiea is growing, fhe home and farm agents of Ala nance -County haye established one it Burlington. Others are being organized in the tsmall towns of Vorth Carolina and the town people ?iiul these markets a good place to .-cure fresh produce right from the urn without paying a profit to the * middleman. CHEROKBESWILL PLAT tKPIAK BALL rOE HIGHWAY VISITOXS v ? -** _? ~ ? T i V" r A game of Indian ball between the Birdtown and Cherokee teams iron* the Cherokee Indian reservation will be the main feature of 'the entertain ment given the visiting highway officials, South American road men, governors of>a number pf states, and members of the president's cabinet, when they visit 8ylva, next Tuesday. One of the fcuvfst crowds eVer gathered in Jack?i<n county it ex pect' d to be present to .reeeive the vis;tois,and a pvt.'i dinner will be served at the Fair Grounds, by the ueoplri 6f Jackson county, % ' A special train wilt bring the vir<W party to Haleigh Woonta day moyning. V cy will be uonvr trues' s ?{ a b*d\f*ft at the new :-jr Waller Hotel $t fc 15 o 'clock, siven by me Raleigh 'Jtuiraber ot' Com ment.'. That wilt be followed by a reception at the eapitol by Governor Morrison, inspection of the state highway offices and the highway eqnpiment dqpot on the Cary road. The party will leafe in automobiles for Durham at 12:30 o'clock, hav ing lunch in that city. From there they will drive to Greensboro, where, Wednesday night a banquet will be tendered at the O4 Henry -heteL On Tuesday the party will procced from Ashcville to Sylva, by auto, and will have dinner in Sylva. Fol lowing the Indian Ball game they will visit Cullowhec, Dillsboro, and. other points before returning to Asheville. ? i ? ? v SHOAIi GREEK On Saturday, May 31st, the people of our community met aud cleaned oft the Thomas Cemetery. On Sun day morning a !;nge crowd met at the Mcthodiv. church where botii Sunday School united in a memorial Service. Immediately after the ser vice the crow?i went to the cemojterv and laid them oh the 'graves * of and laid them en the greve* ot Jiriends and Ived opt*. Awaag tlm vis'tcrs preser t were, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Varner, Afrs. Thos. Vainer and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Groin, Miss Maud Green, Mr. aud Mrs. B. B. Henson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore, Mr. and Mrs. THad Varner, of Whit tier, Miss Caro Parker, of I uttv, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Nelsr of of Mr. John Freeman, of Smokemont, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman Freeman, of East La Porte, Rey. Mr. Sesy, of Clayton, Ga., Mw. Lizzie Nicholson of Cullowhec, Prof. R. W. Hen ry, of Delwood. / Mrs. James Beard, of Kantahala, is visiting her daughter, Airs. J. L. Wiggins. j Miss Mary Childers, of Ccnley's Creek was the guest of Miss Onrn Gass, Sunday, . Mrs. D. K. Battle is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. S. W. Cooper. Mrs. J. L. Ferguron has returned "home after a visit with rclpKves in Haywood. Misses Kate Battle and Olive Hall returned from Asheville Normal School last week. Both Miss Battle and J?ss Hall were members of the graduating class this year. Mrs. J. H. Hughes was the gue3t df Mr3. J. C. Johnson, Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Cooper is spending awhile with her daughter, ? Mrs. B. B. Henson. / Mr. and Mrs. Jess Parker, of Sylva were guests at Mr. J. E. Hoyle's Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Will Howell left Tuesday for a visit with relatives at Lenoir. Mrs. Suel Hipps, of Candler is spending awhile with relatives. Mrs. Jamer? Raby of Canton v is visiting at her father's, Mr. John Bradbum's. ' ' t Misses Hester and Dell* Owen, who have been away teaching school for several months, have returned home. Mr. Andrew Beck^ ,rng among relatives. Mis3v Let lie House is 8j^ few days at Mr. K. Howell 's. Mrs. John Cathey called on. Mrs. Clarence Martin Monday afternoon. Mr. Gordon Shuler, of the United States Navy is visiting his parents, lMr. and Mrs. Manuel Shuler. ^ I o ? ' ? Club girls of North Carolina arc [ new receiving instruction in nutri tion, sewing, mijlinery, kitchen im provement, interior decoration, ' gar dening and eaiming. Scon thye will attend the dub short course at State College and later club enfcampments will be held, states Mrs. Jane 6. Mc Kiramon, ?>tate Home Demonstration Agent. / : r ?" '?:** '?'* ?/ \ , \ ' I SUMMER S0ri00L OPENS > . AT^ CULLOWHEl The ftiat session of the Cullowhe* Summer School, at' Cullowhcc Noma' n4 Industrial School opened, Tue* morning with a large enrojlmem from various sections of Nortel Caro lina, and other states. All day Monday and Tuesday studegt teachers were Arriving b; train and auto, and the prospects an that the enrollment will be the lar? efct in the history of the summe: school of that popular institution ?% i which, with the completion of th. new dormitory, one of the best' ir North Carolina, is better preparer than ever to accommodate' the teacher! seeking summer training. ? ? ? o SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT On the Third Sunday in June, a' the 11 o'clo&k hour at the Fin;: Baptist Church in Sylva, there wil 4)e a memorial service for the lat Dr A. :E. Brown, who for the pas twenty five years has been supcrin tendent of *?he Mountain Schools o the Home Board of the Souther Baptist Convention. We want ever church in this entire section to sen representatives to ti?> ; meet 'my. *"'1): Brown gave his cntii'o life to tht work among the pcq>'e of the nioun tains, the people whom lie loved. L< us uvako this day, Brethren, tlia will ever carry with its mehicry th spirit of love and appreciation o the great work whieh this great ant good man of Clod has done 1'jj* hi ? own people. ^Signed) W. Kons'YOKLE^ Pastor. ? Deacons of the Church. >> 1 Trustee* of Sylva Collegiate Institute. BALSAM Mre. Este.s Biyaon,* sister' to Mi ! John B. Queen, and mother of M; -fttrlit Brjwwtr, of* this dic< Satutday inorin^ at her - home i Addie. A large number of fr'end ."nd relatives hero attended tiie fun eral service, which was held in thr Buff Creek Baptist chuuch, Sundn afternoon and interment in the 0!; Field Cemetery. Rev. John Staliberr i and Rev. Geo. Sn'.dcv eondrctfid t!-< services. We extend our" to the bereaved ones. , Miss Emma McKay and Mis;: Ma< Smathcrc went to Wayn.c-iville Sat urday. Miss Favc Bryson is at lionrc on ; shoft va edition from the Norma School inAshcville.* Mr. On'ille Terrell, of Qualla rpsr.l the week end in' Balsam. Mr. Jesse T.- McKay of McMinh ville, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard. Holder, of Chcrlcttc spent tlx week end with their pajents, Mr. am Mrs. J. It. McKay. Mr. D. E. Byrson has a new ,Foiv coupe. The pr cecds ofthe ice cremn sup. per givei Saturday for the benePi4 of the Met hodist and Baptist churchc; amo^ntrd to $61.15. Miss Emma Mo Kay' Wen t'lie^cake that Was voted t? the prettiest young lady and Mr Horace MehalToy won the pipe that was voted tx the "ugliest" man. * Mrs. Jennie Lathrop and grund son, Master T. M. Rickards III liavi arrived to spend <tl;e summer in their cottage here. Mr. J. T. fairs' n of Willets stop ped off in Balsam fir awhile Mon day on his return fivin a hospital in Winston-Salem. ' Mrs. W. B. Farvll, Mr,. D. T. Knight, Miss Nannie a;ui Mr. Oecr?re Knight attended the Wayne -.villi; R,\gh Schoo! .GraiMxtiir; exeiv'.icj.1 Mondy night. Miss Loui e Rotha, a niece of Mrs. Knight's, w.Ti vale dictorian, of the class of t;vc.:ly two members. _ , o ? A firff prize of $50, and" a sec.:; i ??f $25 have been offered by County ? JjMit Tom Broom of Union County for the school district showing the largest percentage of formers growing legumes during the year. The school committeemen will determine tic facts and the county board of ed ucation will determine the winners. The money will' be uced in buying books for the school library. C. C. May of Grifton set 200 eggs, in .January and batched 170 chicks. He raised 165 to nine weeks 'Tf atro and sold the entire lot for $118.25. j His total expense was $54 Leaving a net profit of $64.25 wlvich is a urofit of 39 cents per bird, reports Comity Agent R. B. Reeves of Pitt County. EGG STORAGE IN TltANSIM AUTHORIZED BY SOUTHERN ? ' ? \ % > ? Atlanta, fja., .June 6. ? To* en courage the jilov oloi-iucnt of tlio. j>onl ,ry industry in* the Sjuth, the iSoiiih erns .Railway Kysteyi lias autherizrd the storage in transit of carload :hip ?ncntsiof eggs at Atlanta, lliiuiin*; ham, ChAttanooga, I.onisville and Jacksonville, through its "Egg T;a:i ait Tariff No. 1 " which lnifl boon Tiled with the Interstate Commerce Commission and is now tn effect. ? * Under this tariff, eggs can be phiC sd^on storage in the cities named, at which there an- ample re I liberation facilities, and later nx-onsigued to a wide range of destinations at tli.! through rate from point of origin, plus transit charges ol' five cents per hundred pounds. Eggs placed on st? r ,igc under this arrangement can ahso je exported through South Atlantic ind Gulf ports to Cuba and Sout i American countries in whlcu there "3 a faii{c mnrhej 1>>r efcgf from the, Jhited ^tates. In explaining the advantage of shia arrangement lo, poiiltryihen of ihe South, (iemral Agricultural Vgent I?, land Turin. r, of the S ?rn, isaid: "This si rra er.t has 'bevn i>:;t n effect t>' d>'"d;ri :::?>! 4 ? , > )rgai|batio:ki <!', I?rr.::ers a I bed paints ti> buy <"jg.i ?mi.iii', t!:e he:: y aj'?;< n, a .emble il.e: i in ???? j:w! lots, r.mi : !?!")? I ' ,liu: >t r ?><.< pjlnt. w:a id tiny can' he Ik'M titil m;;i\.<i '? -j'-I i'di.-; jt:r;i'iy n !ii;:,)ing f ;r j !r. (w, ;/? armer.; will !?.? | . . i ?' ii?!id ?i:{.r :? t r liie'r e :vi ?'.? i'avi:! bh' i K( v; i; 'fit cad < I having to l.i!;c .'hiuever i '.ay i;c x ;.1 if ivd for eg.'S , hiring t!ie ;.iK'ir iii<>*ilh ; \.Ve:i t! c* leal nu:r!:et ?' aiv gluUfd.V 7X3. "O -J L.W 1/iJ .1 - ^ T4 An u . / * ^4.1; *Mri. V-4 K. !'?rv ? 'i t ', at S q Vlock, Saturday uorJ.v, ? ^ 'V' borne,, near Addir, in < bur Oi'il yen", Poll:, wing: a prolonged ililis!. , Mrs. Biy.KHi wn.j.r. <!*.;:?! ?: ;? o" t!i? i!?? II II. (A:ei?u, is anvived by ner lihstrw!. 'I ??? ii*; ? .or, .John Tv: siniJ !:;:?/:? '.c'mla of relatives :>!?;. ,-r* i:d . She had b"c$ii a e lK.^toil : jnnb r of the Ilnpt '.St church for ?8 .yca'j ?, jihI was ii. devoted (^hiUtifiii*, wife, ' inoM-er ?nd npisii.bor; Wvo 1 I *?? n:l a li'.t t.i.'PW l;cr. ; tin ! 1'uifcr u"v v." ?i i <* ! i , \v Ys !? *i '.rc'.cr i> ? .1. II. J^ ;?* ? >'. I*"". Hqo :? v Ir ?]?, n , |? |,i the Iiuif Crock IJr.ptist ehuridf, :?> '.I o'clock, Sunday jitiern,;<;a, and in Icr.iiPiilr wa.s in tnc Old Fie'd cei;:e i? ; ? ? ii 1 EAJIKE.'S Cr.SHK Mr. and Mr;, K. I.. Sutton wor * lac t?nost ; of Mr. T. M. Nation, Suit- '* day. Mr. A, i>. .Torse* :v:;d srn I yle, went to Sylva M< inlay on husinr. Ivj r ?. .lot? and children, of S-'I'T. Si.nidii.vj wjth M:s..i. I' m-1 c. rie-s .rs .is", e.i I Javi ; and Fred ' !at;>s, ?;f IXx ( reck v. tit vits.'torv iicr * Sunday. , . v> M:sr. '' hcliiM n'.u'l Bertha .Ion's spent Sunday with the" i* i.istcr, Mrs. L.'ii Sa'*!e rt Vv'ih:r)t. Born, in Mr. ' and Him. '> Ored/ Nations. a <l,i!JK';tcr. , Mr. J. T. .1 trtJei,. v]i.> is working , at As'iir-vlc iijjcnl 1 he week :yd with hoi ic tl'olk*;. . , ,Mr, Osca* whs liasi !jpc?i , v/..-ri;!n*? ?.-L C' r::?v':i ('reek for o ;jc ti:ha, i :;i( h\y.. !'? r a lew day . Ml:;." nd Mallet went to ? Mnidnv. ? Mcs doe.i.rr.d L'lr ,k fiiitMn ijiot'jr ? 1 I j (Jraen.i free!:, Hnnday. Mr. and Mr.;. . C!:ariie ri-lirr v. ! 4iltlc son, liay, went ,to )Wil;..- ; Sunday. Mr. CIirrKa. Nations wo; a vis: or :t Mr. .Jack St*.ttou fjun.k'.y afu-iv ; 'i. ; ci ^ra- It 'l (Jprtie I'u,v p.riau" ; . hti'ii from C5r ; j Cre:!.:. r ?? . r%# . . ?iri "t>;: u'^v. wh*> Irs Ikh- i ? *' ' ' sic.i for o <j ' ; ij:ipr.>vii?(f. | Mis'ir.. i c'v'i':i and !va:?r' j ? ! May N.;ticns, -we*' !! ? -nie.^t i of Jani"5 Bryson, tv r- ten' n. j Mrs. Jamc.j. Sattin and 'tn Robertas visit i:i^ ndativij f : Cm- . t"n. t!:'? w'dsk. . Miss Dcx-i'c v*)- .t Siuulay wit'diCr r.n<!c, I>? Jo?:rs. Mr. JewcJ Ucvi.; to Wi.'iin t T Sunday; , ? Mc-j v.i. ifeKinJey Davis and Fra;;': Brocks motored ij Brysm City fluu day.

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