*: ?; % ? >fV'?v^4. y:wr\- ??: ^ - ira ? I <??-? .??.$,? ???. ?;:_???' *. "*; ?? ' ViSR^'Vi ? ?.? .,1- w,,W ?.?, >? <N : , ;\ v :.i ?i / ' ' ;? - f > ? , : / * :-V.' -V ; - ". V. ? ? 4 VV ? -i ? Vfe.V!i~ 1 r r --^TT YEAR IN advance in the county 41.50 l'1 ' ? ? ? . ? SYLVA, N. C., JUNE 13, 1924 , . $2.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE G UT SIDE THE COUNTY pan-amem^n road dele gates VISIT SYLVA fj,c bii^est good rends show that ^ world Itsis ever seen began ' in jjlfiirli, last week, and ended in jvlva l"('-S|!iiy? with an enthns jjilif reception by the people ol" Sylv at county,' at the Centra ami - Uijrli School Unilding, when the pui lliiei'iean lUjii 1 -'"'"""Hon arrived i Sylva. 'in elegant 4,uiTii-a? W'd delegation arrived i. Svlva. 1 1 luncheon was spread ,|l4. scIkk)! building, and served b ,l,c I.:<li's 4,1 S.v'va? fi.t. entire program from Raleig] J4 s.iv;). was a triumphal mare. ,??v. fluT XiA'tii Carolina 'o highways t'101 '?4j'iia,I west, a ccom J tallied by de from practically all tin Ijiin American eoiin tries, a nninbe. tli.- siatc oilieials, and t'edera | officials ol! the Cnited States, am j^ii y.licjals ni' the state of Nortl fsrJiiia, with newspaper reporters ^;./i?f writers, and camera mei ??' - - u?;i * j r > publications, the Patlu \*s. Fax 1 'ii-J arcs, and Southeri. film Rxclian^c. \ lame number of people from, jytAiu county, and delegates from (Vt.rv nullity in Southwestern Nortl Carolina were in Sylva to greet the visiters T|u. Greatest thrills of the whole t0iii were furnished by an Indian y uiute and a terrific clbud-burst ihifli met the pa rty on its homewart. n\. as the motor caravan wendec i?av up the, Halsani. Regrets that ?j week Inn! hecn all too short retf expressotl by the engineers ot the Southern nations, many of whon iiilicati'il their desire to return u this State and the western section jorticularly. 'Thelsineere enthusiasm and wel rbnie etYercd by the citizens of Sylv: jilwisn! tk' visitors exceedingly ami they were to be seen all about talk iiigln animated nlauner to the peoph ot Jackson County, several hundred ot whom were present. Speecluv were cut short to allow for moiv tine witnessing the ball game whie imbed the mirth of the foreign I suitors with its combination ot ikbt all known sjtorts, basketball Mall, lacrosse, ' sprinting, am rostlinn included. The delegates tool, time to look over the teams before tin niteh began, admiring their almost Hiked sleek skins daubed with wai {win, muscular bodies and iiitelli {Wit ! G.itlu(.r,; the? the new School Building (lie i>..;\y began lunch I shortly sitter 1 o'chek. accompanied | ky a very ijood small orchestra which finally ^ot a iiuiuIkt of the delegates | to their tWt, ilaiu-'.ny; with the lailie. of the yoiui;,' eity who had waited at the tables. Mayor George \V. Sutton was in troducwl by Coiuuuis:;iuucr J. C. Stikeloather, ami made a few re tort. of welcome, being followed ^ Walter 11. Mt.yiv, who expressed k pleasure of JaeLion Cjuuty ant". Western North Carolina at having W o]i]iortunity ot entertaining the | iUtin?iushD<l vislt.'is. He paid par jtieular tribute to tm- work of Fran: V and tin. Highway Con. ^aou, wlu, lu:\>. mado the opailn ,f "lis section t;> such a d-'Iegutio.. A short talk in Spanish wa; la'le by Mr. Brooks, ot' Sylva, who *tleonie<l the delegates in their ow. ???uage. A rising overation was given Frank - '*ho was next introduced, the ^plf ot Jack ,011 County demcn ^t'"- u genuine affection for the Net' oOlii^hwayeonstfuction. Mr. 3,6 ^"in told Ms audience that th?' ^ system has heen made possible 01 J by the eooiK-ration of the thous tllflc ?t' - I Ms of men engaged in the construc ts , , " u'6?swi in me ?*? asked all the men con *'tli the State, Highway Com to rise, and these also were p'u a thundering applause. I Thomas thiardia, chief engineer ol I Panama Republic, thanked the HW of Sylva and Jackson Coun ^tor their welcome on behalf ot ^tiu-Aiaerican comrades |V, ||- "'"Til of the Dr .".m-n, ot the Depart 1^ 01 Commerce also made a short ^ the party left Sylva and began I 'iiub tlie mountain to Balsam, i1 1^ lnet by a heavy rain which in a Id 'UlK> l,rovt'd a considerable 1W ?1X>Uri11" 1,01,1 tl,e stecp m0UU' ?r ^ i'i torrents and overflowing l p5 of Scott's Creek, up root W^es and carrying away small r^g ^ *??? n vv ay aiitan TOI.n. su'e r?ads. The state v Was gravelled over ^ O s^a>'ey to the visitors NU1;, .!U1<' Perfection of work "^affected by the J^^Iol ' ^,v ,nemhers ? ^ ?h^(a' snm>y as one of the ln<d in this section in DEMOCRA TS NOMINA TED TICKET 5/1 TURDA Y According to unofficial count compiled by the Jciirnhl, T. C. Bryson l?d Dan Tompkins by 92 votes and Wal _ier E. Moore by 335 in a three cornered race i'or the democratic nomination for state senator ixont the atorial district, in Saturday's primaries in Jackson count?. ? s ' . . Eu1 rone Allev defatted Joseph J. lit: Ucr bv '15 a::d V. A. Dr wn by 1015 for the nomination for judge ol the court, with the Vote of Green s Creek :;nVl Canad? hit fibred, because no rtturns had been made Ix-'.i l -"jC tjwnships in' the races for judge of the ricqid ov's couit, cr lor clerk of the superior cou . John 1). Norton's majority over C. L. Allison is i-r>2. 1 Sheriff N. L. Sutton received a large majority over both his opponent". ? Raymond R. Nicholson was renominated as register of deeds, with Walter Ashe next an<F iss essie c a :h:rd in the race of live contestants. . . . - v John C. Allman, Ben. N. Queen and .1 !>n M. Watson ware nominated for county commissioners. The unofficial tabulated vote follow '<?' !' "? ? o ? *-? -a cfl g rrt 03 o a .a 3 i ?? C S j3 i .? V V js ?s o ^ o ! ~ M i ? CG s o J3 J* o a> 5 jti J-1 o ffi r*> CG o cc co .2 i S T3 . = ?< ; ? 0 e I rt CQ <u * o Ch 93 CO K * ? 0> c 6 iS w 5 es O < Eh C H 1 Governor Baley McLean State Senator Brvson Moore ' / v Tonipkins. rT) J Judge Recorder's Court Alley Brown Hooker ' Clerk Superior Court Allison ^ Moody \ niton Slieritt '? \ Viohauan, Sutton ^ Wike Itegister of Deeds Ashe 0 Monteitli McCall N'erton Nicholson / Commissioners \llman - Jamison ?? , y t \orton, Pieklesuner . y ; Queen ?> < M rtoL'crs A'atson W 93 1 28 14| 69 I. . 22| 56 12| 21 85 1 24| 90| 65 6| 12! 25 ] 21 ' 5| 45 1 17| 13] j 20| 2| 24|211|104]153| 5128; I I I J i 2| 66| Cljlfk21^90l 32ll00| 56| 3G| 12j 11 i 2|108| 12| 191 > 3 45' I I f l-v I 171226| 721 45i 31 1 1| 13| 3 1 5 1 V 2| 17| 31 1 54|123| ( , 110' I I J I 'i i 19| 6! 5jl09j 11 1 53 1 ! 74; 14| l| 16| 10! 81 j( ? I 901 91 j 24| l]>3|l 0?>j 1 20| , j 70, i' I 1 ! % I l\ p 11| 2j 3| 24| 471' 85j 4- 2j. 98| 75 1 30(227! 761 851 32 140; 131 '211 2| 181 8} 1| \l| , 3| hi 1 1 i | 131 1! 66j 621-721 J\ '\ (19| 24| 1| II 21 | < \ fl| ,821 10 37R ?-)? 4 3 j 10! 4j 19) I] 6| 3| j If *| 241 28| 30|157| 54| 901 24jll7| Mini 53 j 23 j 19!143| 8G|156i 12|lllt 91 51 1 9 1 391 14| lj 3| 12| 23( 47| 4|'26| 23)- | 5^.15! 108j 55 j 7[ 50i 25j H\ llf;42| 191 241 10il59j 561 lf)j I> j Vf 20j 8j 24:151! 58' 1^)0 j 19|( (12 82! 83 j 26212; 95[K?| 23f90i ! I I 1| 5 1 36| 50| 26j 2| 241 25'112! SO 210| 15] 64| 50| I' i ! i 16!. (il l 53| 7(i| 35 1 10! 14| 10| lOj io| 35! 1{ 51 35 ."?j ;:g| 7311631 5 1 53) 24, '! I I 1811031 Gjj 99! 9| 44| 65 lj 3) 161 21 1 71 fi| 1| 11 * 161 75 _i j in , -4 / i 10} 121 58il51| 22| 15 \l J L I I 71 26, 109! 183! 37| 31 ii | N 3| |- 2 28 112|122'2!1 j 351 62 \u J ' ! 1 i ! 3| <6| 14| 21 1 2S;il2il22 2U| 35| ' 63 If lj 81.11| 4'| 2 1 In 1 j 3| 9; 25| 81j 71 9 i| A I 9 ?I 251 9':) 21 3| or. 75 2 14! 1 21 91 9| 22J 23 j 3 3|. 1- I ? 1 63; 12; 531 62) "III H 95(200! 33| 45f 34 7125|/ j lj 201 79 ?l 13 21 12{ 13| 3?|\ ? 1 ? 2| 10 il| 27( 23 1 65 1 4j 4| 53| (>! 51! S5178; 10| 48| 49 27j '}^i '551 85! 37 j 36! 50 28| 7'r'IOO, 191' 36| 62! 26 19| 31 1 8 18| 77| 86 I I 20f"39| 70 5( 27j 19 19| 45} 11 11| 436 38|1489 I 111 842 20| 467 201 750 39| 64| 79| |1129 3( 12| 2| , | 114 4| 33| 17| j 714 I I I I 5| 13j 12| | 716' 9 1| 23| j < 92 25|107| 51 1 39(1660 8| 31 25|107 121 i 26| 30 41 101 11 3 $ 54 9\ 8j 9 24| 27 26; 84! 8| 75 7 51 40! 98 2 A 19 2! 41 79 sa 8 I 222 3911660 llj 163 I r 32| 562 J lj 66 1 236 40 15J1143 ??? 22 1195 6 17! 3 204 256 616 2811018 S 969 - 301 60|1001 47|1538 recent years. "> j Only in one place was the caravan 1 held up until brush which had been ; washed onto the road by the fresbeT! could be removed. The remarkable organization of the convoy was here ' well displayed, plaees in the proces- j sion being kept by the c cars and . those who had dropped behind be- , ing reinstated in their positions. U \ TELEGRAM FROM PAN AMERICAN HIGH WAY COMMISSION , Asheville, N. C., 7:46 P. M. June 10. J. H. Wils n, . Chairman of The Road Commis sion of Jackson County, Sylva, North Carolina. Pleasant thoughts of the de lightful reception tendered us to day and warm welcome will al ways be remembered. , Pan American Highway Commis sion. LOCKE CRAIG IS DEAD > Locke Craig, former governor of North Carolina, and famous throgh out the state as 1 ' The Little Giant of the West", died at his home near Asheville, Monday June 9, at 2:38 o'clock. Funeral services were held in Ashe ville, Wednesday. .\'v Governor Craig leaves a widow, who was Miss Annie Buigio, and four sons, Lieut. Cnrlyle Craig, of the United States Navy, Geo. W. Craig, ?jt Asheville, Lieut. Arthur Craig, of the United States 4rmy> and Locke Craig, Jr. 1 * J. ?*N i i ?* ? ? m DR. A. E. BROWN ? MEMORIAL SERVICES \ ; There wilPbe a memorial service (}t the First Baptist church on this coming Sunday, June the 15th, at. 13 , A. M. This service is in honor of the late Dr. A. E. Brown. The pastor of the church takes this means of in viting all the pastors and people in general to attend ^this service. W. ROSS YOKLF.Y, Pastor DEACONS OF THE CHURCH ' TRUSTEES OF S. C. L ' .* : \ TOMPKINS MAKES STATEMENT r> * 71 * ' ^ . ' To the democrats ol .Jackson county: \ v { . ) ' \ Ladies and gentlemen ; 0 I thank you for the splendid vote I received at your hands in tin- pri mary, lastSaturday, lor the office ot' state senator, from the 37th district. J It is a source of great gratification to me to know that I have the con fidence of so large a, number of the . voter.; ^ this county, and I shall j try to merit it. A number of my frientls have re quested that I calf a second primary, as Mr. Brvsen's lead over me was slight, and as lie did not receive a majority of the vote of the cpunty. This I can not do, and would not if I could. I am in honor bound to to-. frain from carrying out the contest j until cither Mr. Bryson or myself shall have received a majority, a.; provided by the state wide primary law; as all the candidates in the con test had agreed to withdraw in favor of the man receiving the highest vote. If I should break iuv ..agreement, *" ^ J6-3 ' ' which I could net conceive myself doing, I would have but sown the seeds ofdiscv.rd throughout Jackson coun- ? ty; would cause much bitter dissen sion among our people, and I should consider myself unworthy of the con fidence that the people have shown themselves to nave in me. ; I made a good, clean fight for the nomination up ;n my record as a man, as a citizen, and as a soldier. A good citizen and a good soldiei knows how to meet defect as well as victory. I shall prob-.bly never again be .? candidate before the, people of my county for any office. I have always been a democrat and have worked for the success of my party, atid the party and the people owe me nothing, as the triumph of the principles In which I believe is sufficient reward ffrr me. You will f;nd me in the harness, this campaign, n:s always, work in .? for the entire democratic ticket, from president to township constable. Again I thank you for the splendid vote you gave me. I know practical ly every man and woman who voted for me, and I shall not forefct them. Sincerely, DAN TOMPKINS. ?M SHOA.L GREEK Mrs. Mag; * ? K'eeher, wife of Mr. Sevier Fr.'?| dejiaried this life June ilh ' J her remains wer? laid jo rest in Thomas Cemeiery, at Shoal vietK, June 8. Haviny been afflicted lor several ; - ars she liv?d a quiet home life but enjoyed the visits of friends and having them make music for her. Altlio'- a great suffrCre, when asked if she were a Christian her faco brightened and she expressed herself as being fully satisfied as to her spiritlal condition. Funeral services were conducted in the Baptist church by Rev. B. S. West. Among the visitor who at tended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Franklin and three daughters, of Bryson City, Mr. and Mrs: James Gibbs and Miss Lillian Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mrs. Thad Patton and daughter Ruth, of Whittier, Mr. and >^Irs. Jones, of Barkers Creek, Misses. Bertha and Louise > . Buchanan, of Webster, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bum garner, of Wilmot. Mr. Jess Nelson was married on June 8th to Miss Roberta Fanner, of Olivet. Mr. G. C. Cooper and family, of Sylva, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Reeves and Mr.and Mrs. Swartz, of Revens ford, called at Mr. G. T. Cooper's Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Mrs. J. E. Battle and Mrs. P. C. Shelton spent Friday with Mrs. J. E. Rogers, of Whittier, Mr. and Mrs. York Howell, Miss Ruth Howell and Mrs. Frank Owen spent the week end with relatives in Haywood. .Miss Kate Battle was the guest' of Miss Winnie Cooper, Saturday night. Miss Lucy Ward of Barkers Creek, w!as the guest of Miss Francis Battle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ferguson and children and Mrs. J.L. Ferguson call ed at Mr. J. K. Terrell's Sunday. Miss Pearl Cooper spent Sunday night at Mr. Will Howell's. J _ ? - '{) ' 4 . * ,i; ' ... .i V ANGUS WILT ^IT MCLEAN NEXT GOVERNOR 0 1' NORTH CAROLINA Mrs. Mary Hughes spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. .T. ,E. Hoyles'. Mr. Gofcnan Kins'and, who lias bcoil spending awhile in Knoxville, is visit ing home folks. Mr. and - Mrs. Lyle Turpin, of Andrews are . at Mr. W. J. ^ufpinW'- yv'-si Miss Bessie Bradley called on 1^. Steve Bia<iburn Sunday. ? Quits- -a crowd of relatives amj. friends assembled at the, heme o! Mr. J. E. Battle's Sunday. Mr. Tlios. Ward, i.f Wahhinj;toii sp?nt Saturday at .Mr. D. 1 . Oxner's. MissGertrudeFergiK'.rn sp:*iitThi;rs ./ . . 4 day night with Miss- Annie Liazie Terrell. Mr. Richard Crisp :-p?nt the weCk end with relatives at Forney's, where he attended the decoration of tin* cemetery Sunday. Mrs. Nettie Hyatt called on Mr.-;. Lcla Cooper Saturday. Mr.?. Ja i?. Mosser spoilt Mondax afternoon with Mrs. S. W. Cooper. METHODIST CHURCH ?? On account of' ' ijc son- .'cos ai' th? Baptist church, u.em.' via' to Br Brown, t'acre wili be no pivacliin. Sunday iacrnimr. Preaching Sunda; evening at 8:00 oV?.ck. BALSAM We arc glad to say that Mrs. diu MehafTcv is now able to be out after having been quite sick for som time. , Mrs. R. J. B 173011 and sons hav< returned from Tox: way. Mr. Tom Ieo. Jr., of WavnesvjIU >? 7 ... ? . has purchased the { Balsam Store stock of goods' froi.i Mrs. W.B. Far well arid will ccaiti uve the busines. in the Balsam Sti r . We arc g'iff 'to have Mr. and Mn. Joe with u and extend to them. a hearty we! come. Mrs. E~ie Ilarkins nn" children o Canton visited her sister :. A. H MehalTey, Sunday and Mom; ' ^ Mr. Charles Perry has returned home from Chapel Hill. Mr. -and Mrs. Setter and son, P; Seay, visited Mrs. Setzer's parent Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKay, Sunday Mrs. H. P. Ensley, Mr. pud Mrs Eugene Ensley, Mr. W. E. Ensle; and Master Robert J cues motored tc Bryson City Sunday. Rev, Frank Airing J n. of Saw nook preached in the Baptist churci here Sunday rtiorning. Miss Faye Brvson reports havin* had a most delightful time on a camp ing trip to Whiteside la~t week. Th? party was chaperoned by Mr. anc Mi's. Graver Cooper, of Sylva. Mis: Bryson left Moiulay to resume he' studies in the Asheville Norma' School. We wish her vacation had been longer as we miss her ver. (Continued on page 8) JOSEPH BRAGG KEENER I ? . niys VT WINSTON Jc.sep'i Rr.iir? Keener, sen oi' Mr. mid Mr". J. W. Keener, died at tha Baptist Hospital, in WlurjtoirSalenl, 'illness- "of several weeks. / t . . Mr. Keener was a yoi:n?r man of sterling' character, a native ofJaexsen c-:;iiiity, who had been living i:i \V:h >f o!i for several years, having a . p!endiyl position with Kli Lilly Oainpany. - The funeral services were held in Winston-Salem, being 'conducted by llev. Dr. .1. II. Barnhal't, and inter* aent', was in Winston-Salem, Fridav ifternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kecncjr ami \h\ Ehiest Keener Dr. D. D. I Iroixv Virfe. | F. L. Wilson, Mrs. 1). IX Ioopcr and other close relatives . I \ * .rere with the young man when the end cane. Messrs. .1. H.t E. Lj, *ir?d r. 0. Wilson, s lid Miss Hicks Wi'son, Wr. Fred L'Hoop;r, Mr. and Mrs. I 1. Powell, aim others from fJyha at end. 'd "the funeral. Mr. Keener was largely an.l ;>rpin aeiitly i''!imf-ted in .Jaeksn cauHiy ;Vl numbered :iis Xric'nds hei.? by the mndrcMs. H*. is . survived bv his widow and ?ne .'irti' son. las futlu-i 'and mother, Mr. aiiu Mrs. .1. W. Ke.*?- ,/ ? ? 1 Syl'vtr iie brother, Ernest Keener, of Sylv:t 'me sister, Mrs. E. E. Bain, ^r., 'of Ireensbmo. ICLEAN NOMINATED F^R GOVERNOR An?rus Wilton M-cLean, ef Lunibor 011 is the donit eratic nominee for governor ' f Kor.'i Carolina, having lefrhted .1. W. Eaiicy, of Raleigii, . >v approximately '31,000 majority u he primaries, last Saturday.' McLean's niaj rity in < acksc ^unty wa;. 1053. He carried eve..*1 ) '? iintv in the tenth congressional d.a j riet except Transylvaniq, by laivt* ! ujorities, and defeated Bailey iu liley'o home /precinet, iu lioleigh. { o *o primary , v - , . TO BE HELD Ther? TV:'! be no p^ond primaries in Jackson cv-.it/ for any count/ office. The indications :\rz that th sn will be sccond prlntfv'.js for r?r-i; ? f he state olfices; b_? nuip 11 -.he ?ounty. ' Dan Tompkins candidate f .cnator ia the m!y entcstv - in t. vjunty primary who rr.'S-.. call :i ec ond primary; but he will not d<? so, there having beeii an agreement fiat the hi'<h nian in the three cornered race should have the ucui inaticn, #

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