rttfORlAM OF DR. A. E. /J. ? I ^WN, FOUNDER OF SYLVA I 1 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ?j,t. res|H?*t ior. tlie memory of| jjln.stnons dmlis older than jizatio". 'w tiu* world lust rollbd from iron tor s in' "d and was peopled j jiiuiiiiii lil'-S every dawn has j die minu-h" of birth and every I il?> tfHiwly of death. In the Aim: a day jd'des along- to hey tfi woon, stands for a moment die pinnacle of success, then s downward towards oblivion jy iost i? the , shadows of the ( Sucli i? I'1*'' suc'' is death. Be (U the opening and the closing- of book lies nil there is of the ma il tliini^ willed "Lite". We can ...timtij the Divinity which quick neither vl P) . ii.? ,.4?vinfr IK'l'V U. the W'? ? - |*tk into the eternity into itb 't ^ mHViiI'.v friend and brother, y ?. Hrovvii is gone; he has tl?' bar". He has gone to ? ??iniknown nnd silent" shore L ftiieiu'c mi wanderer ever re kajul In "' 011 tl''8 declining day Left i? sympathetic concord, tc jj j,\ . fiicoiuaui'. carry out and or. wit work ho started in oui lit ami |?i.v a passing tribute to Birtiiory. btgmit nulili' heart that throb' io tender and true in life is now t, that geiitlo voice that so of fered tlie sail and sorrowful u i, that eye that beamed #alwa>> love ami loyalty is closed for r. He had lii-s hope, just, a?\you I, ami i? What is hope ! A smiling rain bow Children follow through the wet. Tis not here, still yonder, yonde^ i'eier urrliiti found it yet." le lou'il tiiv. just as you and 1 What is lit'v ? A thawing iccbur. In a sea with sunny shore iv ve sail, it molts beneath us; tire sunk and seen no more", kcied sa you and are trying, he Hj as you niul I are striving t small grave is all he got' . lit occur to you and me tiiat ; I while from now on perhaps ; jr occasion some - friend will b* ig a infim-rial," and that seme o iuI have answer. -d to that im rail. aiti' ;'!ieape. iney hi iwtmoii inlie:!i-.i!i(v of all. mii be '"Jur brother's keipcr Wtvilic limy tl:iK, (toes It C -Ull. " which count.; liiosi to sc. its least oi It p.tys to sow . J tliat auctlicr may iv:.p, thou ' never gitv.n ?... eivo::. it piys v at a tr;-s Uii?I:*r v.iio^e f i ?lan-r of the iutmv ..ia\ ivst. the mad hey day of cur rut . 1(r"et, wo are careless, we tu * but t.(.> know y.u, it J Love, Kiii;!iH.; , .,;i(j Cuar. < count.:, and on such action a'o: s tlu' wautiml calcium l.glit nu. splendent rays, and th.n ai. J then do v. i' ?(.'t the' t,.ucli ? ,Vt|i- All of us' are rushing mad r'r?l to gain the prizes that dang j''c s highway, forgetting tlu "Muss, soc.nl and moral life v. J well other. ^ ( iwds men who stand abov J0^' Mankind must be friends. c "ted tr tends who with ge. H'arts comfort the unhappy tlll'cr those who are battlii. "' the tearful odds of life. \V i^ciarity, that manifests itsel oil tU tl": t?'ults and weaknessc 'n.>. \\t. lu.0.j sav "Tha ? show to otlu-rs show^th*. ? s ow to me." Wc need to n 0 earth lost Kden's bloom, an over the desei ^ 0 need charity, tha *S ffOril ?? slj ? "Is encouragement, Hf-.i pm'' the .salt tears q f de., [ I;,- 'a Howers on the tomb tk "0t 011 ^ie sepulchre of ^ in * i ('t until we tfj ^ *ace cold in death ere U Niu? ?'lt0 to expression com ? feet lS W01 ^ ; that scatters at lile , So,Ul' hocjuets of kindness H,.ts trt'?ds earth's tangled lot, t, erc :"'e only a few "\ipoi t"e?t tide of life is ^ of a SWeeP'nS on with the wail ?ipspair. It is "for you and me to give love, encouragement and help and that is the message that our departed broth er is hurling back to you and me today.\ There will come a moment when we all are going to step out on the farthest crag of time, out where onlv I ? . i v * l*assing souls go, and, overlooking the bottomless pit, we will send out our anguished cry into the lightless void, and will there come back from the "Master of the Inn," the an-* swer"Let not your heart be troubled, you believed in Me'l Then will your deeds of goodness, kindness and sweetness count. We can not theu Lake matters for granted. VSoft and safe may be his sleep in nis last earthly ; bed, 'bright and glorious may be his rising from it. .day the first rays of each morning .un ever kiss his grave with tho .;ioiy oi Lie davwi did may its last rays fade softly upon his tomb to oless his memory with its gentle oenediction. Though the cold hand of death has out him down and destroyed the jeauty of his existence and the joy jf his companiouship, yet we know Jiat 011 that resurrection mbrn, i?i i he springtime of eternity, lie who 'marks the sparrow's fall" shall uss his being into life and' lovc iiiess again. > Until then, my Friend, sleep un .il then, farwell. v ' J. J. 11. ' ^ Sylva, N. C., June 15th, 1924, GAY NEWS Wc /have been having beautiful .veather for the past weeU. Farmers ire not looking quite so blue ami liscouraged. ? ? Messrs Homer and Robert Jones, ,-,iio have been wording at East Lii .^orte, spent the week end with their parents, JiU'. and Mrs. John C. Jones. Mr. Hcrshell Cabe who is working ui Georgia, spent a few days with relatives. , Mr. G. Turpin, who is working in .jiiiham County, spent* a few days vvith home folks. Miss Pearl Jones, of Chcoah, it, pending a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buchanan am. lamily, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wilson ..id Mr. Wiley Collins, viaitei. ii Tallulah Falls, Ga., Sunday. Miss Ethel Turpin sjieiit Satuida. uglit^ with her coub'hi, Miss Emm; At ham. M'.sses Paul Cowan and ? Lou. iiiuigarner, cf Syi\a, were caHei. .t air. l- rank Tu>l:am's, i'ruu. ;giit. .... 6 . 6 ? r '. Misses Pea rle Jcnes ami Ver; .athamsspent Saturday n.ght wit. ill1, and Mrs. Carl Auman in.. Wen icr. : ' Quite a few people enjoyed a sing ?g given by .Air. loin .)oius Satui ^iy night. i- 0 .. Mrs. C. .Ttncj sprnt Snuda. .fterncon wit.. T. B. Cabe. ^ ; vCULLOWEEE Messrs. Wayne Wells and Har seller lei't Sunday for Sumnn. School wark at Chapel Hill. Mr. Nathan Smith and family ar ived Tuesday from Florida,' wher hey have been residing for sever., icnths. They came through by moUi rom Davenp.rt Florida. Mr. Sniiti .ill be here only a short while bu is family will remain through fh amnier. Mr. R. R. Coward and daughter iiss Ollie, from Ware Shoals, S. C., ccompauied by Miss Rahnia Allen rom Haywood county, visited friend, y.crc last week. They attended th loward Reunion last^tEhursday. Mr. Lynch,- pasty? cf the MetJ.qi ;t church, gpve us a splendid se ion last Sundayl./His subject wa esus, the Ideal Teacher. He had i umber of tescuers in the congrc ation who could appreciate a sei 1011 of this character. V , Mrs. W. N. Coward, who is stil i Waynesville fer treatment, is im , roving and i9 expected home soon. MARRIAGE LICENSES * t y . s Paul D. Phillips to Grace Daves. H. C. Carpooth, of Memphis, Tenn. ;o Grace Candler, of Marshall. Brett Hunt, of Jackson County JJeorgia, to Annie Sue Carthdge, o fackson county, Nerth Carolina. W. M. Ferguson, to C-^herin vluse, both of Haywood. Walter Ashe to Nina Jac b". Claude Stewart to Jessie Mancur Johnson Reed to Dinah Horn buckle (Indians). * } i- * ^ f\ ' . i COWARD * FAMILY C). HAS REUNION | Thrity-three years agj on thc^: twelfth of June Mi*. Nathan Coward with his wife and children met in the town of Wobjte:*. where Mr. Coward , ' . ? ? - ' then lived, Mo celebrate his birthday; Those present were Mr. and Mrs. j Coward with their three sraall chil \ ?> * /'l / . dren, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. (J. B. Zachary, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D.Cpward, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Coward, Mr. and Mrsi W C. Nor ton, Mr. and Mrs. 11. li. Coward, to 7 C*7 7 ' gether with their children. At that j time there, were no great-grand chil dren. I \ On this day a memorable custom was organized for the Coward fami ly, it being agreed to meet each year en the 12th, of June, rotating with tiie children according to age. The The following year they met with Mrs. Smith, site being the oldest. Then on down ' the list and begining again at the home of Mr. Coward, lie was anxious for the children to keep this up alter his death and they have done so. . At lirst the dinners was served by the hostess in the respective homes; but by and by as many new mem bers were added to the list, this be came too burdiiocmc, and * for ser vcal years the custom has changed. Now all bring baskets and serve pic nic style. ' , One by one many of the original number have passed to their reward. Many new ones have been added to the list both by marriage and birth, and now there arc a number of neat-grand children. This, year the meeting was at the .--lil Coward home on Caney Fork. Ihi> day, last Thursday, happened Id bt a lovely one-just the day for a picnic, and mniy happy boking ?Kiople were seen, making their way up the bea-itii'j. mountain stream. Ik-sides the family, there were a n'.miber of guests and all seemrd to ,.;ji;ov the day to t-ie utmost. Dinner was s^r.id to abcut one hundred, just aho\e ti.e old home on \ picturesque spot overlooks ?; old C 'licv Fork. !*. would take too much |:,;i-e t;> go :::*?? <.V{'*Is as to tin- ' 1 1 iter. liuc!" thinus >:! haw to be ?i?i and te .I' d .o !>yed' each others' so ?lety til! itfte in tiie afternoon. i hey i.'d .home is stiil in a good .ate of p;\:.>e:'V::li. n, being made bl' ;ne Kgs many ;> ears ago. It seems eieryone left, that day *eiuctcutiy,a!.d wishing many happy jturm; <;f the J?r!i day i f June. COOPERATION C-icp-tatioii on a self -help b^t.sls . acuoud.i in and the prm - ?Iplc paused entirely beyond de!>ai'e i (juarter ccntury a;;o i.i^ tljjs little puatrv. / And it nunt | he made to succeed ir allowed to succeed in Afrter'ia. iVe 'nced i'.ic ecop.'iative virltilfe : in ?very pi;:: e/"!' oar nation (I life, jivili/jfliien Bannot f rover e-:ist as i tcptVa^d c'aw, !vak-and4alon con est Rr survival and supremacy ?vaciv-; ikea and nation. Europe is d.'\r an qrroatin? illustration or tbV. aiidamea'tal fact. CoIluL-i n ia bet er than collision, cooperation i:; bet ;r Shan coaip tition, and the so n t tbe human raec lea ins ll.is funda aental lcs3in the bottrr. Somehow r ct'ii-r the Wrrhl must find a p'"cr or tlie Ser: '."li on tbe Mcunt r nd_ ' e de'den Rule in burivess, in so ?ial 1'e"ow.rhipf a d in civic insti tutions. The raco has tried the Rule of Gold long enough to have learned that it is not a final way of life. ? j E. C. Branson, Strassburg, Sept. 18, 1923. ? -ii pension fttnds now IN CLERK'S HANI S The semi-annual pension cheeks for .Ire Confederate veterans and widows ?ire now in the bands Of the Clerk o^ the Si^ericrc Court for distribution .1 will ask that all ^ ? :????! v Jem call * ti. . .i ? ? . v . ? ? ? I y s ff.085ib''ft Mi< I : 1 -v. are unable o come for same themselves have ome one come and sign affidavit for them as required by law. WESLEY FEDERATION - TO MEET AT JUNALUSKA v ' ; The sixth annual meeting of the Western North Carolina Conference Federation of Wesley Bible Classes which convenes at Lake Junaluska July 7, 8, 9 and 10 beginning with the introductory session held in the I y- I lai-ge auditorium Monday night, \ July 7, at eight o'clock ai\d conclud ing with the business session Thurs day morning, July 10, bids fair to ?cl?pse in point of attendunee and in scope of program any annual meet ing thus far held. The program not! only covers a wide range of thought l-ui includes a number of talented speakers from a wide range of ter ritory. Among those engaged are Dr. George It. Stewart, Dr. Ashley Chap pell, Dr. F. J. Prcttynmn, Dr. 0. J. Chandler, George L. Hackney, *0. V. ft I 'Ai.psley, Cla ries F.Lambeth. P. vfF. Giles, Maj. Wade H. Phillips, J. R. McCrarv, Iiev. W. L. Hutchins, Rev. C: Pickens, 0. S. Gates, Mrs. C. C. Weaver Mrs. J. F. Spruill,, Mrs. J. M. Mull, Miss Maud McKinnon. There will be threu .sepai ate ses sions of the Federation each morning one for the Adults, another for Young People and the third for those interested in wor^ with child ren. The Adult section will be direct ed by George I.. Hackney, president of the entire Federation. The Young People:;' swion wil? b-? hi eha'?ye of Miss Maud McKinnon, i Director of Religious education at Tryon Street Methodist Chruch, Charlotte. The Elementary section will be led by Miss Virginia Jenkins, Eiementary., ^uperintende.i; of thi? '.VosteriiN*or;h j (:uo)ina Cbiil'?!i?*npe. The after-} nooiis will ho open fcr recreation. At evening the comb'ned sections of the Federation will assemble for in spirational addresses. The music of the Federation will be in charge of Prof. Andrew Hcmpill and his double quartet. \ - BALSAM Bern, to Mr. and Mr :. Jelr.i C iward Tuesday June 17th, a daughter, Hel en Cordelia. ? Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr., visited Mrs. Eifjene Alley in Svlvn, last we?!:. Miss Emma McKay 'has r.?t ;med iVjiii a visit (t> lier sister, Mra. S; ire .? in J'rankUn. ^ ; * Miss M-irnyp \ Oneen. M',}" M?e . C risty, Mr. r.nd Mrs. K. IL Christy, .M >s. r>;. LI. Queen, Lloyd ;.nd Henry Ohrstv attended scr.'ce. in the l:e.v Metli d:st e!u:rc!i in YVay li-.^villc, Sundav niuiit. f Mr. To::i Lee. Jr., mr.de a trip to, .V.heville Monday. . Mrs. A. F. Deck attended the, fa- ; no:-;ii of i^r. V:m Brown in Asl.evilie j Sunday. M:*. and Mr.i. VV. T. Lee,, of W -y- j nesvilie, f:p The following motorsd to Chimney ? {' (?a Sunday; Mr. and Mn. Eugoru Enslev, cf Hazel wood, Mrs. ; Enslcy, of Vvaynesville, Mr. Glcnu Ashe. < :f Svh'ii, Mrs. M'dicMc Peiry, and Mrs. 11. IJ. Enslcy, i i' Balsam. Mr. and Mi-s. Tom I ce Jr., att^d-. ed nervine in t!ie new Mc-thodi5t . church in Wnyne:;vil!e, Sunday morn ing: ' HOME OWNERSHIP r . ' " . 'ft A man who has spent most of hV. life in social service work recently said that he had practically reached the conclusion that the mast' effect ive! w.;v of att ickin-r modern pr b lemS would be to inaugurate a re manent, nationwide campaign ? r home ownership. His idea is that the source of m'ort of 'our present-day trouble is the lack of family stability. The home owner does not dcrert his wife and children. He docs not suffer from wander lust. He t'l*o^ a- 'string interest in his community. / The purchase of his own hrme a rouses his ambition, his thrift, and ? bis industry. Be in*: permcne'ntly located, he is j a belter husband, a better father, j a better citizen, and a better wrrk-j er. . , I The more you think about tl.i.i j m^ttT. the more you will be con vinced that !it is fundamental. ? Statesville landmark. " ? r\ ^ 'j Tor.i Tarheel says that si-;c? t'-e curb market waa started in town his wife hasn't asked him f. r any mm ey; in fact, she has made him cne or two small loan3, y COWAN CLASS LAUNCHES LOAN FUND MOVL The Coleman C. Cowan Bible Class, nbmed for the late Coleman C Cowan, a former teacher of the e'.as: and a trustee of the Sylva Collegiat. Institute, launched a movement t create a loan fund for worthy bay and girls wishing to attend the Sylvi Collegiate Institute, at a banque. held at Travellers' Inn, Tuesday evening. The fuyd is to be known a1 the A. E. Brov/n I?an Fund, and i in the way of a memorial to the lat< Dr. A, E. Brown, founder of Sj^v: Collegiate Institute and for man; years head of the Baptist Mountain School of the Southern Baptist Cor. vention, a man who made the ed ucation of the boys and girls of tin hill country of the .South his ' lilt .work. A number of addresses approvin tlie move were-, made, by citizens ot Sylva and othejvtcwuj of this see tion, and a large amount was pledg ed at the meeting. . > It is the purpose of the elans t carry the move to ail the six west em counties served by Sylvan Cv>.> legiate Institute, and it is expecte-. to make the fuud for this worth; object not less than $5000.00 for t!?< beginning. The pladges are to be p.a< in live yearly installments, . the fir:;> one due on August 1, 1024, si as t make part of the fund available thi. year, and the others uQO. on August 1 for tlie next four year;. FRYEMONT TO HAVE FRIDAY CONCERT! ?? Bryson City, June 2-1. ? Cn Fr'da; night June 27tli, Fryemont inn,"'jh Iun Unique" which is located 011 ; heautyful hill overlooking the Tuck aiice'^e River and has a majest:< view of the mountains, will be open C(1 in a general way to the pubiii There wilj be music and entertain mcnt for tli'Jbc attending. La .t year wna- the first **??????.? ^ this Inn lias been open and ail;who came are coiiine, i?i?^ litis jv'ar ? arc tilling other; about the p!ac. and advising them to .com#. yTh < management have ad'detf many things to their equipment, They jiy t-p. nui the Ir.:i for danc'eV^n Friday li ghts Tilty want all the fiipfid* -and j> tresis of the Inn to e-.iuie <;qt find e jyy an evening of pV.i/un* v. it h the This Inn mean; 1o th sr v."! it.:.1 1 j h:i -:s ?.&>;' \ i; ieib.\:? ??!?a?;'r. It i.; eaj !?!???? oa lti'it!;* ? t:?^.p.-i:s i ?1! ration of th' m\ iei>;, .u r. !ii:K*raf p'e mi.'', make yotfr fdans to \^s:t the Inn i n Friday, nights? this wmkoii. / t . ' I i ,? ?-? ? ???CANADA An exceedingly large cro^d attend cd Sa'crainent ut S I's 'Civ^k Biipust elnuchj aI:o Wolf Cr?? eln.ivh. '11 serviced h/n-v conducted ;ii. Sol'. Crevk nt' llyOf) oVlc.ck A. M. !>;? llcv. llr. Cock, , of C wnvi.i.and t' sti .ice.j at Wolf. Creek at 3:00 o'it.ock> b-lng coiid'u.'i (1 by i.'ev, A. C. Quern, of Web lic'i/ih >$ <.hu;eh being eh :e together ,9 (lord many t': ? oppcrti Xty of attending both ser vie.es. Mr. and Mrs. Kdgar .7. Queen, <. ! KagL> lal e, M?., phut Mr. Quaen'? mother, J.;.. A. ^-.'jceen, of \V>]s ster, spent .** few ?i:?ys h; re cn r> camping and lishing trip. Miss Effie Matiicm v>1io J< at Cull.whee i:i .School, :p..i; the week end <:! !r.;s?e, lIiMcnd iii-s. 1. i 1. iligd n linfl little ''aoii, ef'Ci^ vhoe, sp.nt the week end here w.t ? /dative '. Miss N.)la and. J'-: :i Aivi ,. t .. ii , of Cownrts, w :? tlie v/eek cits1 g?fs-;U cf their hiatit ..Irs., iii.tsjitf* .ieiton. Misses* Bernice and L'. " ? and J.lr. Oliver Matthew* mot-rec .5 Sy ay. Friday. Miss Ada IIo;per arid JI.\ r.Kfl Mrs. Jolm C. Frown, of C v ? i. spent Saturday and Sunday ? jjirs. Br.wu's father and i.Wthti Air. a>nl M r.i. Bfyson Wj'iod. Mr. John F^-hvor, cl Cu'low'i:*'j, rnd Mr. F.ufcne Parker, of Syh a '.vcr.' basines:? visit rn lu re last wee'.. Mr. J. K. Wood, of Il.'c'i ' M iin, tain and son:e of kis grandchildren, visited hn daughter, Mrs. .John G. Parker, of this place. Mr. \V. 0. Parker nqde a businc.vj trip to SyJ\*S labt week. * Miss Dt ra MaHfiown cfMc-Mifir i'lf. Tfiin:, is speiuliii^ the :r.:tmncr' |ut? with relative j. Mr. James P:;v!:ci- went to K; r,l Iju Port, SMnrdnv. I ? J Mr. Jc nies V/ood, Jr., went on a camping ' trip to Whiteside, SUNDAY SCHOOL TO RUN EX CURSION TO RIDGECREST I ' The Firr.t Baptist Sjunday School lore has plans u.nlor Way to run an xcursion to Kidgceiisst sometime in , " t ' I. aly. Committors have boon r.p]K.ini d to perfect t!.e plans and It is ex- 1 iceted that a la lire number of pej , ile will take advantage of the cp / >ortunity to upond a day at the . * jouthero Baptist Assembly Grounds. lie Committee on Arrangements is ? 1 j ndeavering to arrange the time fox he excursion so that the people will ;ave ^ chance to hear Or. Gorge 'ruett or I)r. F. F, Brown, who is a ihtive o1' Jackson county. \ K ' Other communities have expressed .i ' i ? heir intention to join in with the cal people1 in this excursion and it ; expected tliat the crowd going will 1 ? - 1 ' ? 1 t ' * ? xcced that of three year.! ago, v. hen : siiiiiltev excur i n was run by the I U r \ 'apti-t Sunday Scluol -W:e. / ;? ? . . CAY j . 1 ' The far.v.er.; ci' this r.ccticn are iiiay -ouftinj wheat and making hay," ,v hi!e the good Wife i..s busy figflt ng the bean beetle and picking an>l inning Hlr.i\."buri>:ter of Mr. . i. ' Vv i!:i;.*:! Junes tf'id two sons, .?v. , Cli- r< . , rnd Jamot !!.??, ?.':id 'jjfsin! :on, \ Yv'illin.n ' " !:'ev, t !' C.yd1. the w cc': , J vit!? i'" I'l". ( . ?h p'.ew, Ton ;. i ? ?? ?;i d Virlni Buchanan v , i " ? j c.;i t ? rr.rnty,' Saturday to ;>; ::d a i'e>. \ .':r.;. 'J. -Ii. Itogcr.;, of V/hittidr, ?? \ii p*;ri < !' hi::-, we -k v/'t'i her ?hacMur. Mir., i>. C. SlK.it/n. ; . / Mr. rsiij } 1 r ;. ( lyd.'.Mar.'cns nvcra r.V c;;.i t(?." ls at Air. Yv. J. Ti:r Vj- M jrlin and fjwnily of "".v.; t.n <3:t.: (??p'inl JtiJie l.'th at ''Ir. J. 0 didin en'.:. K . M:\ .? ?!?: %:rs. ('. A. Bird visited t'oe'r i!:iii^.':t. ?.-rs. T r.ii'e Blaek ????!! in Hyiva, T!nm: lay. Mr. Mid Mr*.. .'. (>'. .Ii h;i?r??i v/^r* i ( "'lertts nt Mr. J. iv. Tcnvll \s, 1 fstni ;? nisd Mi : . s (leitrud'j, P.:th and M.'it :t ir. tjroJ ti The i'urc/irxe ibturday. 'Mr. d, M. i i ? die:; left 'J? Knc - vil'e, I'rit'ay. Messrs. I). C. I T*i*rl*csj ^sither '".J Carl Movie, C'. B. Tor-vl) a:id .vr': Battle met" red tu Yv'hitcJrh.s ! .t ? nrdav. .d?v^ I ilj. Dills, of B. ikcn Crr -l:# '?'( rs. Dfllard IVor^ian, Fr'd.y. M;\ . If. Jlcwell has moved t'? Alar! j. Xorl:i Cs:*c':fia: is the only fttafd in the So'.i-h c* Virgina M:jiyl:iri(l ?. . ,i? ?? .ea*" . it5 ;? i\;f> or; i v "**'?! * - si-u .? 1011, ' i;d. ; C. B. \. -liir ,.i n?V>f ? the liivi'dra Vr f ih* {'?'orth .'CVrdina Ivrjjc.arnr t Station. , The in !s :ti l'-23. Fiqtire- d at *a Vd-.!.'1 rf ],.j- ?>a I>e! tliin in crrj?::.ft wna w rr'i ovrr ten in'!!*onn <4'