It's* m beetle STRONG AT BETA) Lp [)f,t ?f bean bottle and toina ra{\ ,Kitato bliuiit is playing havoc I s vicinity. . \\'. M. I'ruitt, of Waynesville, lifiv Sunday night and , ||ic nidit at the parsonage. He jj fojidnet a revival at Barker's ' ,t hciimimr on the second Sun \ , |E;V. T. F. J)?'it/, Geo. W. Sutton. (i Hi-vsoit. T. C. Bryson, and Rev V, Lieii/ motored to Glenville Igv, to attend the Jackson County u,,,' .Mei' They returned Sun [reveiiinir and report a splendid iliiiL'! Abundance of pood eats, -and I .jifakiiiL1, and preaching, were features of the gathering. The ujibur-r .lolk sure know how to I flare spread a feast. Rrv. fo.'iu Sit ton called at thr krsoaHiii*. Monday. [flie telephone man eame up Tues Lr and installed a 'phone in the tsonaire. so anyone needing the wcher can eal^him or come and b fiim, as you like. f Jlr. Editor: Please let us know 0 tlw Democratic convention ad urus and what became 'of Al. BALSAM | j[r jmd Mrs. D. F. Pennington, of irlotte,aiv visiting Mrs. Penning p'j parents, Mr. and Mi's. J. K. May. \ . , [ lire. Geonro Riekett and sister, liss 6ejl Potts, of Andrews, are j ijltinj relatives in Balsam. Mis Marie Fisher, of Barker's breek, is visiting relatives here. Ifr. and Mss. (iola Buchanan, ot Javannah, pent the week end with ftr parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Derrick. Jlr. John Kenney has returned nffi Ashcville. I llr. Carl Buchanan, of Sylva visit-'] Llr. Charles Perry Sunday . ? , " Ifr. Geonre T. Knight motored tc if Creek and spent the week end liitji ^r. aud Mrs. A. L. Owen. J Mrs. Odel! Queen and children lnsite^: relatives in Whittier last Iwek. ^ N Mr. and Mrs. A. H. MehafTey.Miss I Han and Master. Ciionn, motored to Sylva Sunday. Mr. Charles Perry and Mr. Joifi I Beeves, ot' Waynesville visited in Ifcfetar Tliursiiay night. .Mr. pr K. l.rvson has returned | from Aslu-ville. Mr. Wiley Darncs 'has purchascc |i Dod^e cai*. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bjryson, M Ewna McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Odel! Mekffey attended the con ?wt in Ha/elwor-d Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smathers, Miss Emma McKay, Mrs. c II. P. Ensley. fees frt el la Jones and Crisp and *r. Horace Mehafley composed ? feliini,' party t > Lake Junaluska Wednesday night; Mrs. 1). T. Kiiigl.t, Miss Xsinnie ! Knight, Aiis, \(. T. Lee, Jr., Mrs. V B. Far well and Mr.- George T. Snight were Wyruiesyillc visitors "cdncsilay of last week. Mi$s (irace Mehalley, cf Sunburst ** in lialsaiu Sunday. Mr. Jlrs. Sam Brysop, of .land, Fla., who have been visit ln? relatives in Emory, Va., for some lu"e' visited, relatives here the past j *e'k. They left Monday for a visit theiv former home in Andrews Wore returning to Florida. he "Los: Cabin Camp" has re toned to its summer quarters be eo" and Waynesville. PATRIOTIC SERVICE . I At the Methodist church Sunday ^rninir thorfc will be Patriotic Scr Vlce about the 1/hcrty Btll. and its 'isnifieanpp. The public is invited to METHODIST CHTJRCH Rw; 0. .T. JONES, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45. At 11:00 there will be a Patriot.c *jrviec with the Liberty Bell and the tla-;. kfwovth Iieague 7 :30 P. M. At 8 :00 P. M. there will be an filiated Cross service. TURPIN's CATE MOVES ^rpin's Cafe has moved from tho ^ '' building, fronting on Mill St., 4 tlie building on Main St., ^ 'loor to the Tuckaseigee Bank, ba? a delightful place and a location. STATE HEALTH BOARD TO CONDUCT CLINIC \ . .. *J v i ? The state board of health will con duct an adenoid and tonsils clinic n the new Central High School Building, from July 22 to July 25. A competent physician will ad minster the anesthetic and a special ist will operate. A corps of twelve ? -a ? v \ trained nurses will assist in the \ \ operating and care of the1 patients. . A nominal fee) of $12.50 will be charged those able to pay, and totally free "to needy cases. Those patients who desire to take advantage of this opportunity should notify Mr. 0. S. Dillard cr Miss Flora Ray, at once, at Sylva, aiid each person will be notified what day, to attend the clinic and where to come. t ? GAY C" v. ^ Tho temperature has been from 90 to 300 up here. We have sun witnessed some hot, sultry . weather. Mrf George Jones, who is working at Cheoah, motored home the other day in a new Ford Sedan. Mr. Germoe Sutton was N visiting in Cabe town Sunday. Mr. Sam Buchansn went to^-Geor gia Sunday^ to work a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Cowan were visiting on East Fork, Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Lee Jones spent a -few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bryson. Messrs. L. B. Cabe and Gay Sut ton, who are 'working in Georgia spent the week with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. London ; Cabe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Buchanan. 1 ^ Mr. Tom 'Jones went to . Sylva last Wednesday 911 business. Mrs. Sue Bryson was calling on her aunt, Mrs. Callie D. Cabe last Thursday evening. ^ Mr. Velt McMahan, of East La Porte is visiting his parents here. Mrr ?tt4-Mr?: Curt McMahan. Messrs. C. W., A. W. and M. O. Higdon, of Georgia, have been visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Higdon. Quite a number of folks; a birthday dinner given in honor o! aunt Sarah Sutton, June the th'.r tet\ her age being seventy two. We wish her many mere happy birth days. Those present were Gefome Sutton, Mr:. Sue Bryson and child rou, Mrs. A. C. Bar 101, Mr. and Mr*. Mitchel Cabe, Lillie Buchanan. Misses Lora Lee Cabe, Julia Buch amn End little B.;b Barron. '?>? , The fanierk of this pkco crria'n ly were dad to see it nisi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Will Morgan and. children, of W^bd'er visited Mi'.;.. Herman Cabe, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Giles dined with Mr. and Mrs. Gcromc Sutton. Sunday. ' Misses Brn:: "?* and Nina Jove* spent Sand .*.y y/ilh Miss Julia Buc:: anan. , ? \ ?> Mrs. E. C. S ttni is very ill. Hope her a speedy recovery. Miss Mar}' Belle Buchanan speni Saturday night with Rosa Barron. Mr. David Sutton called at J. S. Buchanan's Sunday, afternoon. ^ Mrs. C. W. Wild and children, oi' Gastonia,. are spending a few days, with her parents? Mr. and Mrs. It, T. Gribble. - ( Mr. L. B.Cabe, who has been work ing at Tullulah tails, Ga., ca!!ic home Saturday. Mrs. T.G. Buchanan went t-> Sylva , Saturday for medical treatment. Mr. S. C. Buchanan and children motored to Sylva Saturday afternoon. Mr. Roy Beck, who/has been v/ork ! ing in Georgia came hope a K-v.* days ago. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sutton me ter ed to Hamburg last week. Messrs. M. V., C. W. and A. W. Higdon, went to Gcoigia, to work a few months. 0 J Mr. D. C. Jones was here Sunday ? morning. Miss May Buchanan spent Satur day afternoon with Mrs. Sue Bryson. S) Come a' 'a in "Dareington Tar | Heels". ? FROM H. B.< PICKLESIMER To the democrats of Jackson coun ty: c ? , ' v' / I fl wish to thank the voters of Jack- ! son County for their support ren- ! dered toward me in the June election. I will never be a candidate again but shall always uphold my party in every way possible. . , Sincerely, i H. B. PICKLESIMER. - ') y . . 1 ?. DEDICATION OF EAST I LA PORTE AND LOVE'S 1 , CHAPEL CHURCHES Wo are glad to announce that wo dedicated Love's Chapel church, last i S;:ny both sermons, and the din- f nor. The fijjth Sunday was a great! day :.t Move "s Chapel. Wo a re 'going to dedicate the splon- ! d:d new ehureh at East Lc Povjte, J 1 ? i o i'i:itit!i S- hi day in -Tidy. Wo are p'runi^g for dinner on the grand, a:nj i'"- Vi^as both i;i the i':>r.n"on and attorn .oil. We anv.looI:;u money to rn la/.! day a ; we have the church pa A ! J fanner payors, and friends are c rdi'.dly invited to be present. C'lAS. S. P AT;ER., Past r. _. o i CULLOWE^E J?! is ?s M:*"-.l ::id Annie TJit.-bolI of Ci:.v!m), have rt^urncd : Innc a ''tor spending se'eral days, here VM's- relatives a"td friends. IV- V')h- with her Sancli)1 School : cl:>**s a - iV.'irv--: Wayne Bryseu, WiMis:i'? Draji Wilson, Cnrr-on 3ry Von, 5|Ii-;:ro - Ann'e and Frances Hr:>wn, C!.--r:* Mcffuiro, Sarah Belle : e.:; ! FMd'io Wiko visited T ako Jrunb.vkn Friday returning Sunday. Mrs. .1. X. Wilscn was also in the ' party, and all- r/v; :ed .charged with , the ? ri "! T as! wee': Mr. artu Mrs. Wo't gijve (ho ?Tuiiv't R. Y. P. IT. a parly j whici: vas much en.joycd by those j pre'-ortJ . . j Mi:--. * I t ,c':n if i! and Mr. and Mr-, i L. 'J. ?S:iiith and children went to j Wo* '4 Mills) Sunduv. * ? * I A :t umber' of youiig pc plo visit rd WhiJfide, Saturday and Sunday. M* M.ller and finite a number of, hrr i?:*;:il ? visited Canton Saturday, j Mr. and ? Mrs. Sam " Rhon and I d.ui'Jitr.s wore up from Whit tier! Mor.d ? t'. TH 33 COVERED WAGON SHOWiNG- here j "The Covered Wagon", by Emer son M'Murh, one of the greatest mpv- j ing ji'" production of recent, j years, is showing at the liaison ! Theater, beginning last night, and' continuing through today and } to-' morrow, y Large crowds are availing thom i solves of the opportunity, bf seemg1 ?'this great picture, \yhich has been im [ mensly popular throughout the ! countrv. t * * " ' I The management of the Ha!~on is to be coivrruulatod in securing this splendid photoplay for Sylva while it if? yet a new picture. It is rare ; that such pictures arc s:;owji in the ? smaller towns so socn alter produc tion. ' ;r - .... . ^ COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO MEET AT BETA 26TH AND 27TH. ? *; t ? | It is announced by officers of ?Jackson County Sunday School As sociation that the annual Convention will be held on Saturday and Sunday July 26 and 27, in the Baptits church Beta. - ? ' ( . ' Taking a prominent part 011 the program will be the following well known Sunday School wrokcrs: Mis-i "Flora Davis, Raleigh, Associate Sup i . orintendent North Carolina Siindav V Scliool ^Association and Prof J D. W. Donaldson, "Washington, I". C., Di rector of Religious Education Wash ington Collegiate Institute. In addition to these outside speak ers a number of the most pro:iinent pastors and Sunday School worker? in the county will take part i:i ih. yr.rions sessions of the convention. In charge ofthe arrangements for 1 lie convention are Mr. K. C. i>r; vson .-nd Mr. I-. (1. Brysrn Pr?s"de:it rn 1 oocreturv of the County Sunday ocl'3^! Associate 11. These officers are :\v|!:e.vtlng the corporation of all pastors, .superintendents and other Sunday School leaders in the effort 10 make the ^convention a succor t Following a plan started at the ?eruntv convention last year, the of ficer.; have announced that again this year a pennant will be presented to "he Sunday School having present in the convention the largest number ? ( ?>f representatives sixteen years of ;.ge and over, according to th? num ber of miles traveled. The number of representatives from each Sunday School will be multiplied by the num ber of miles from that church to the Convention Church, and the Sunday Sc'iorls in the county. The Sunday School wltii which the convention is 1 eld, and cthe'rs within one mile, will not compete for the pennant. ) . TO TEE VOTERS OF JACKCON COUNTY 1 "Vish to thank all who supported f.o".. v-te during the primary election of June 7. I appreciate the splendid vote I got over the county, ..?! am very glad to know that there ? re/many others as well as myself J.hat believe in women being recog nized in politics. My being defeated did not make ~ :io regret running the race. I will do all I can toward supporting the nominee. JESSIE McCALL, Cashiers, X. C. n MARRIAGE LICENSES Nathan Green to Stella Cunte*-. 1 E. J. 'Cope to Beulah Stewart. William Thomas to Eftic Miller j (colored). o S3ERRILL AND BUCH ANAN move orncES W. II. Sherrili and C. C: Buchifrian j ^avc both moved their ? law o cos I from the Svlva Pharmacy building" ' to the new building, .just erccicd by these two gentlemen, 011 Main St., , next to the Tuckcoeigee Bank. MEETING TO BEGIN AT WEBSTER! Rev. Chas. S. Plylcr announces tlio ' beginning of a revival meeting in the Methodist church, nt Webster, the first Sunday night in July. Thy meeting will run through the second Sunday. Everybody of all denominations is invited to atteud. ? : o TO HOLD W. N.C. EGG SHOW , j _ l Waynesville, July 3. ? Widespread interest in the forthcoming "Wes No-Ca" Egg Show to be held July 24-25 at the U. S. Veterans Bureaii Training School Waynesville, is be ing created by a I?rge number of solicitors who have been visiting many sections in the Laud of the Sky to make known the details of this event, the first of its kind ever attempted in Western North Caro lina. ? With several hundred dozen eggs already entered, the success of this show now deems assured, yet the students of the agricultural depart ment of the ichool, under the aus pices of which the exhibition is to be held, are determined to secure a record entry. "Dedicated to the production of better eggs in the Land of the Sky", is the slogan adopted by the organ ization in charge. It is the hope of | thfe students that a show of this I nature may become in the future a ! part ot all poultry shows staged by . the Western North Carolina Poultry > Association, and simlar organizations dovoted 'to the advancement of the industry. Mr. B. II. Cole, formerly 'a com mercial jKJultryman of New Jersey, has been sccured asliead judge: All entries arc to be made by num ber only until the judging has been completed, so that all will have an equal op|K>rtunity to win. Six hand some loving cups, gold and bronze medals, cash premiums and ribbons are being offered in tour classes, as follows: commercial, fanciers, stu dents, packers, and miscellaneous. Competition is open to everyone in all but the students class; in which only boys and giris attend. ng graded und high schools of the secticn are I eligible. \ ; I Details of the method of en tern'' I * . ' 1 can be sccured fr.m the show sec ? re Lo.c -!(>.!, YW ne:;\ilie, N. C. ' ! * i 1 41 . 4 OLIVET A sp'sndid sermon was enjoyed by attending the morning ser vice at our churcti Sunday, eonduct cd by Rev. A. Bryan. Mrs. Mark Rich and daughters, 01 lie, and Geneva have returned from ( , Canton, where they have been visit ing relatives. Miss Lola Battle, of Qualla, spent Tuesday with her aunt, Mrs. J. G. Hipps. Mr. A bort Allison dined at Prof. A. 1). P..rl:cr'a, Sunday. Miss /.ctta Farmer wa3 one am' ng the party that motored to Franklin. Alrj. Tom Queen of Canton, is vi i tin;; her nicve, Mrs. C. N. Frady. Miss Eula Reagan called on Mr.?. John liimbcrt Friday afternoon. Mis; Ruth Howell was a Waynes ville vi.jit.r last week. Mr. L. II. Hipps is returning to Ashevillc Lo continue his job of bool: keeping. Quite a number, from here are at tending cci rt at Brysui City. Mr. J. T. Shi rrill motored to Rob binsviile la'.t wcr-Ii. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Kelson, Mr.;. Mamie Hipps, and little daughter, Ruth, dined at iii*. J. B. Farmer's Sunday., Miss Essie CunrVr.-i am, of Cullo vviiee spent the wee end with her sister, Mra. Bedford ?S 'rrill. Among those who enj ycd the nicu dinner given by Mr. and W. L. Enloe, Sunday, were, Mr. rnd Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Suel Hipps, of Cnnton, and Mn and Mrs. Gilbert M >ody,, Mrs. Battle, Mr. and Mrs. R*.b : t Hall, of, Qualla, and Rev, A. Bryau, of Whittier. Mrs. W. 0. Sherrill is spending a few days at Whittier. Quite a number attended the after noon service at "Blue Wing", Sun day. Mr. I . H. Hipps made a business trip to Svlva last week. If it were not for the good cool streams that we boast about, in which we go bathing these hot days, j we would all mcst perish with heat when we arrive from the com field. Mrs. W. S. Hyatt and Mrs. J. B. Ra by, spent the afternoon with Mrs. James Hyatt, Monday. : Mr. Geo Ric'i has g-ne to Hazel weed on business. i / Vm . . >* iw' 3. Y. P. U. RALLY AT OULLOWHEE ? at???-. j i - , An Assfcciational B. Y. P. ?, Solly will be held at the Baptist :hurch, at Cullowhee aaxt Sunday, July G, for which a splendid pro gram has been arranged. The princi pal address will be mods by Mr. Edwin S. Preston, B. Y. P. U. Secre tary for Western North Carolina. The meeting will laBt all day, and it is hoped by those having it ia shai^a that there will be a good attendance. o SHOAL CREEK , - ? ? / " A Rev. H. C. Freeman and family of Mills Springs are spending a few day among relatives and friends. Ila preached an interesting sermon a* the Methodist church Sunday morn ing t*j a LJ-ge, ntt. lilive aud'j'iiiu* A number of relatives dined with then* Sunday at the home of Mr. J. 1*. Wiggins. Mr. Oscar Martin and family, Misses Kate Smiley, Mildred Eller and Mrs. Ralph Wiggins, of Dry sop City, and Mr.niidMrs.Will Howell, Hfiv ? Homer Turpin and family and Mrs. C, M. Martin made social culs at Mr. J., C. Johnson's, Jane 22, Mr. and Mrs. R. F, Hell nailed at Mr. Dan Class's Sunday. Mr. Ras Blanton and two sons, of Willcts, visited at Mr. J. ft. Hoc per 'a ' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. IUby called tl Mr. W. F. Baltic's, Sunday. Mn. Zenn Battle and Mr*. Don G:iss spent the week end with Mr*. Marv Hughe*. Misses l.ola Battle and Oli*a Hall were guests at Mn J. <"). Teo%ll % Sunday. Mrs. W. F. House is risit'ny h^r father, Mr. Joe Beck, of Olivet-. Misses Hazel Battle, Mary Batth and Onia Oasa visited st Mr. .f. H. Hughes' hst week, Mo sn. W. C. and n?c-t Martin made a trip t.j Wiliuot Sunday after' I noon. M\ssc>- Pearl nnd Mand Cot j??f went to Sy'va Saturday. Messrs. Marshall Class and Jack T -attic wore quests of Mr. a e. Hivrhe-; Sundiy night-. Mr::. 1). I . Oxnar anfiss Kato Rattle called at Mr. K. Howell's Saturday night. Anions: the visitors at Shoal Creek j Snnd^v were Mr. Wiley Bridges rnd fr?nih\ Mi?s Eula Repgan ?n4 J Miss Moodv, of Olivot, Mr Charles En"lev and Miss Gortrude Ensler, of Bet-'. Mr. ^*rshall Coon-r of Sr!?a and Mr. Willis Hippe, of Cand'ar. REALTY TRANSFERS ?Tm'mi B. Fox Jrna Fex, 60 KM** in 1Tr"ih'irr, ?1200.00. ?r Buch""-^ to C. R English, Ut . in c !va. $000.00. El'on F. Dunn t? L. Safctori, !) lot" ''i Svlvft. $1100.00. . J. l??lr-t Mmre to Horit, 4 af-i-nq in Cu'lowhcp '"00.00. W O. Allen T. F. Deita Had D. r Brvson, 44 1-2 aerra in . flyHra, $3500.00. 1 V 1 C. A.M. Henio*. 6 ..r'p- *!?.?* vt. bhnk m.M. T. Tnrp'" to Twrrr" ^.hin* b' -' ?0 in Weh-fcr, ffiOO.OO .T .nio^ A T on t? CJrafe B. Bwn p^T-r ' 1 "n f ?shiera V^'lo*", $16. Or V r T'trlon?* to W:'"u? T. Lcc, lot at Hala'ani, *10.00. PASTOR GETS V ? CATTOlf At the \f<>t1>?d:st cbiwb -W-t 8 VMr ; dnn dnr?; tbe month* of .T?Ij? 1 rnd A"