< ?? > . t> V : ' ' .i X ; v; , v; mmM US v- . . '-."P , 2.00 THE YEAR. IN ADVANCE OUT SIDE THE COUNTY \UNTY: SYL\'A?N. ^-SAXP, 1924 : $2.00 MtrPlON FIBER COMPANY ; 7BNLARGES ITS * PLANT ^ood Journal, July 2? Some ' ir0 it was announced that the # # " ,SV nt of the Champion Fibre com . at Canton would in the neai ' h.' ?>reatlv enlarged. That en. |jj]l f* \ ?enie?t is now undcr way and cx* pXt additions are bejiig made. | t'eilowim; clipping: from the Can i tl'e past week is nesting . hpid progress is being made on , new $00,000 addition to tlu jmpio" Fibre company's plan! ? which it is expected will b< npieted by October first. ibcrtliaw Construction company Boston, Massachusetts, has beei: .jjdeJ the contract for this new iitioo. The large building which Doff under wav is a concrete and j?t structure built on an L-shaped jjjn, with one section 220 by 12( j the other Mo by 40 feet. The wture, modern in every way, will i fully tH|uip}>ctl with machinery jjtl, is included in the total esti ,Ifd cost. > ; it a recent meeting of the stock lifts i? Cincinnati, Ohio, the cap il stock was increased fron IjjOO.OOO to ?.',000,000. This is t< i used in u stock dividend, the pre gtfd stock being increased to $500, I iteorJins to Mr. H. B.- Robert l'i statement, the paper output ol It local plant will be doubled, mak I I total of 100 tons per day, am % approximately 150' employee* i the pay roll. It will be recalled that the Cham ioa Fibre company was recent} \ ombined with the Champion Coatqt! orporation, of Hamilton, Ohio, an< his combination will be of grea wefit to the local plant. It wil jve it a continual outlet for it: IKtcard and other 'finished pape; indncts. The Champion Coated 1\ p interests for a number of yeaj: H wide renown as the producer itke postal cards used by tin W States government, the pos X eards being made - Norfi jinliua fibre. ? ?? ?" SALSAM Mr. John Parsifal Knight -ann We ol' Orlando, Ha., arrived u. ?otof Sunday afternoon and wi|; ijw} t.lifir |M>i)i'.vnioon with hi. wtier, Mrs, D. T. Knight. Btv, 0, J, Jones held a very inter Patriotic Service about th? ttwty Bull uim! the Flag Sunda, iftwwou in the Methodist church, fc ibnreh was appropriately de **WL Thu Sunday School also ha. * Patriotic Service. Mr. A. L I?fc of Balaam Springs Hotel pre each one present with n ?all alk flag, *? Elsie MehafFey, Mr. Coy Hed ?*k and Mr. Hubert Ensley went '?Sunburst Sunday. ?*. 0, E. llorton and family Oi "wte, Ga., have arrived and :ii> J^Wing their sui.u r hafl.e, "vim-. Wares". Springs Hotel was beau ifceorated lor the Fourth, es N; /(jibing room. X.o?. 2J an^ -22 are no\ , J jMlS from A?>b(jvill<r tw Baku.. fyst trip Hurt day. Guest ?t a!,?ost every day, an*, fo/k- W'^ our y00^ train ser ^bis will be a great season fo; ^ and Mrs. R. W. Lowey of York ?i visiting relatives in Bal? j^8 ^at'e Kenney, Mr. J. K and Mr. George . T.' Knight to Asheville the Fourth and with Mrs. Julia White, (U/Utaft l^sjey and Mr.Eugenc kj, Wept lish^g jui phgttbcehet an/i flight one fish. ? iJJ ?' f> WfSr, Mre. W. E< *^4 Mr. Horace ^Tejhafre;.; Br) son City Monday. H. Hannah and famil. .yttesville spent Sunday of las'. Mr. John T.. Jones and? ^0D?.??9 now) TWO JJNlQflB gERVICEf services were held at ?4ist ehureh, Sunday, the hty( 'noming service being' in th< ?i& J! Independence Day ser: ^ an^ liberty Sunday eveping a St ??*? ^ pniyer Wittit a ?*on was lkeW ^^^d- tlic s.ir the banner oi' $hjris %?ie e 'Httcr s<*vice was especi enjoyable, and imjprasive, BOB $ tSUCKER BADLY SLASHED WITH KNIFE c) ? ? " . Cherokee Scout, ? Bob Hunsucker was brought to the Murphy Hospital 4 Tuesday mid-afternoon in a serious condition from wounds indicted by a knife, said to have been in thci hands of a man by the, name ol Johnson. Mr.' Huns'ueker suffered an ugly gash the left forearm, which went into the elbow joint, a flesh wound aiul stab in the back and an abdominal gash, which penetrated to the abdominal cavity, allowing a part of the intestines to protrude. The intestinal walls were wounded but not broken through. While the condition of Mr. Hun sucker is regarded as very5 serious, it is not thought that it will prove fatal, said physicians who attended him. The. patient had lost consider ible blood and was in a very weak 'onditrbn as a result. The details of the affair could not be learned. It was said that no al tercation immediately preceded the cutting, but that it was thought to he a result of a long standing dif erence between the parties. , Th.1 affair occured about 12 o 'cli ck Tues day. It was said that about the time Mr. HunsUcker came in from the ield his assailant attacked him al nost without warning. Only meagre details of the affair could be ob tained and these were without verf ?icatioh. 'v ? SHOAL CREEK Prof. J. X. Wilson spent the week v-inl at* Mr. C. A. Bird's. Mi's. J. C. Johnson, Mrs. "Home}' furpin ami children spent tiie -lib. with relatives in Bryson City, re iuniing Sat unlaw' Rev H. C. Freeman returned tV>' Mills Springs alter a visit among relatives, lie was accompanied by his .lother Miv-:. A. J. Freeman. ? Mr. J. H. Hughes returned to Kuoxville, Tuesday, alter spending t few" days with homcfolks. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dill^nl vrteindn July .'Jul, a daughter,; Fan iy Elizabeth. c\ Mrs." S.'M. Cri^p willed on Mrs.' A. v., tloyle Monday afternoon. Mr., jl. (i. Bird of Marshall i* il.>endiii^ a few days with home L'qlk*. ? : Mrs. !. J. R. Messer spent Monday .vith Mi's. J. 11. Hughes. Mr. Clifford and Miss Telia Mon leith of Forney's were week end quests of Miss (irace iiovle. A new girl, Ruth Opal, in the iioine of Mr. and Mrs, Weaver Free-/ nan. Mr. C. I). Hughes and Mr. Wayne Battle were guests of Mr. Bureu ferppll Sunday, ;> 'A Miss Lethe HiWi.se was a guest 01 Mrs. B. S. West of Whit tie}; Fridays Mr. J. O. Terrell made a t?'ip l<> '.t ' ? ) Sylva Saturday, q ? Mrs. A. M. (iib.s;>n called at Mr. vV. F. Houses S n 'day. > Mr. L. S. Boy kin uf Georgia spent Friday night at Mr. J. K. Terrell's. Mr. Terry Jo! nson and little son, loc, were Satrday night gests at Mr. John Cat hey 's. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoyle spent Sunday at Mr. Allen Ward's. Mrs. Jess Nations spent Satrday .vith Mrs. I). L. Oxjier." Mi's.. S. J. Bcek is visiting .rela ives in Sylva, Mr. Lome Crisp and family of Forney's visited his father, Mr. l'hil Crisp last week. x) ,Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson were quests at Mr. Will Howell's Sunday: Mr. P. C. Shelton who is employed with the Highway forces at Cullo .vhee, spent the 4th with home folks. ' Mrs. James Wilson returned to ilenville' after spending a low d;;\v .vith Mrs. S. J. Beck. tylisaes Pearl and Maud Cjoper md Annie Lizzie Terrell visited Mrs. }. C. Coojx't. at fiylvu -yiiufcifjay. Mrs. J. G. Hooper and M i-s. I t, 'loyle called at Mr. S. M, Crisp's Saturday. 7 ' ']') r ? An .ice cream reception was given it Mr. J. H. Hughes' Saturday night. CALLED T0? WISCONSIN % \ ' ' t >. ' AJl-Saints' Parish, bne.of the larg est Episuofjaj fhurches in Wisconsin, has called the Rev. ?la?epcp ft ' Mc Clejlan, Jr., The Rev. Mr. MctHellan has declined the call and, stages he has decided to remain in nature's wonderland,. Western -North Caro ling. This is among the many calls ' extended'-to the (Canton Rector since his coining to North Carolina three years ago. They have all been cail ? to very large phur^hesv. CANEY FORK SUNDAY SCHOOLS HOLD PICNIC t' ) ' . y ? V 5* ? ' \4 ? -V-; . * ?, Tlio Sunday Schools of Caney Fork Township * will lielil n pjcnfe en the lawn at the homo of Mr. W. A. Brown, Sunday, .July 13. President -11. T. Hunter,, of Cullowhce Kormal and Industrial School, will deliver an address, in the morning, follow ing which dinner will be served pic nic style, and in the afternoon Hon. James II. Catljey will speak. Choirs from the several Sunday Schools will :;Ing a number <>i" sections cf sacrod music. (y \ The exorcises are n\pnrt of an at tendance and financial contest that Hie Sunday Schools of Caney Fork have been engaged in during the past 3 mouths, and the Avinners of the i contest will be announced at this' time, and will wear the blue ribbon o? victory. ? ? ?* ? The people of Caney Fork extend r,n invitation to the public to be present and he'p enjoy the occasion. ? o CALVIN CCOLIDGE, JR., DIES C:;!\in Coalidge,; Jr., son cf 'pres ident and Mrs. Coolidge, died, Men day night', at Walter Iieod hospital, in Washington, following an attack of septic p.)i.st niirg. f The infection developed frbm a broken blister on the right foot, in curred ihi'lng'i! tennis matolr jwith his br.fcher, John cn the White House courts JaM Monday. At ftivt paying no attention to it, the youth 'developed an alarming coiulittfgi by Wednesday night and psvsioians were summoned. v.-v. The poison, however, once stated, had spv;:id so rapidly that racqfcsl skill was without avail. A number of !-peci:s!ists were called to act with White I f.nise physicians on the caise and a desperate light for life yras made by the boy, who struggled in' givit paid nnd with !>?g'i fever. Kvcry resource of medical science was brought into pla\Y in the v&in elfort to save young Calvin '? lifev An operation was performed jpn the Felt lag Saturday night to. eif the poi on, .and blood tv.in?nu>io:i and oxygen were Inter resnrtrd t\ ? The untu'rtd strength of a boy o* 1 (!,' liowevei(*,x wl/iclt was counted en as the lnost powerful resisting lore. to the creep:i!u ' pjison, was slowly' beat: n down aixj alter having i'nugi.t a brave but aiwavs losing light h" *. * i' succumbed. , ? GREEN'S CREEK )lr. and M if ! 4 ?!" i"y AloA!::!!!1.:) mid family of S.mtli C.iroliiiii, a*.v visiting their pniviits, .Mr. and Mrs. Warrou AloAI nluin. Mi*, ami Mrs, Gailier Mfr;a!! ?spout Hi,- w end villi Miv. i\i *? nan's patents, Mr. -ami Ajrs. h\- \Y. Croon, \ f" Air. and Mv. llai:iv Cajole, of Well li'i' spoilt Saturday (ui'ilit will: liirt | n: rents, '.I r. and Airj. .1. W < 'is >vH-. j . ) Mr. ai:dc Af!'--.. Austen Croon spoilt Sundav vi it I: lur |?:; Mr. asid Mr*. Gafrle. AKsses Nellie and Nannie Euli briff'it,) of Web-tor, spout the week end with ??Iiss Cortio Buchanan. ( Air. l^rank Sutton, ot' Barker's Crook, was hero" Sunday. Airs. C. \V. Wild and dnivrhtor ?-. Dorothy and Annie spoilt tho week ond with her ?i tor Mrs. Chas. Asho M and AfVv I U'.V'.! Keener, oi Dillshor ?, spout Sunday evening with her pa rem Is,. Mr. and Airs. Croon.. Airs. II-. Cribble, cf (illy spent tin* 4th, with her daughter, Airs. Clins. H. Asho. Alls:: Dorothy Wild .spent Satur day evening with Alissos Essio and Inn Croon. A!i 's Blanche Ashe spoilt Thuiv. day ? won: in; with Air.;. Can ;. II;' Asho.. : , . Mos:::\3. John aad Vandorl Croon -motored to Oullowhee Sunday. * Air. Burton Asho, whq is woikiiu in (}o- (|,<i,i. sponi it:,- wook end wit home folks, ,N; v Arrs. EsfeV Croon spoilt i Sunday ?niornimr with her motltor, Airs. A. 13. Asho. Air: Garland Rood spent the woo!: end with home folks. Air. <an/TMrs. Loo Estes, of Sy'.va, spoilt Sunday with his brother, Air. Ifani Esto^. ,4. There will" be preaching at Old ????Sitvaiinah, Satul'(Kvi and Sunday July 12th -and 13, by Rev. Bon Cook*". i . DISTRICT CONFERENCE The ..-District- Conference of tho Wavnesvillo District will convene ?t Murphy Tuesday July 15 with ' preaching at 8:00 o'clock. ' program FOR WESTERN N. ' , c. MINISTERS' CONFERENCE ! . ? ' ? - i To be held with Dillsboro baptist Church Dilbboro, Tuesday and Wed nesday, July 15 and 16, 1921. (jkmeral Subject: Evangelism. TUESDAY MORNING 10:45 Devotional. 11 :00 The \\ ork of the Kingdom in W e.-.tern North Carolina (Round tabic (liscussicfc.) : ? ? TUESDAY AFTERNOON 2:00 Devotional ? A. S. Solesby. 2:15 Xeiv Testament Evangelism 1. Its Message, J. M. Woodard, Needmore. ^ 2. The Messenger, L. P. Smith, Andrews. 3. The Method/ W. F. West, '-?CiillmvLee. TUESDAY EVENING 7:45 Devotional ? R. B. Cook, Addirv 8:00 Sermon ? ltev. Tew, Wayncs ville. W E I ) X ESDAY MORNING 9:45 Devotional? II. II. Hyde, 1 iayesville. 10:00 I 'i i's J it Day Evangelism y Compared with New Testament Eva'ngelitiin ? iiev. T. F. Deity., Beta. W EDX ESDAY AFTERNOON West Mills. 2:15 Business Session. ' ' " * 2:.>0 The Adaptation of Present D;?\. Evangelism and Spirit ?>I ei hod and Message of New. Te .lament Evangelism, II. C. CampbcJl, Ciintou. j WEDNESDAY EVENING ? 7 :?;?? Devotional? W. I Bradley, Et m. . 8:00 Sermon ? R*v. T. L. Sasscr, Murphy. t ? ? BETA If EMS C3 \ " ? / Sunday has passed again with lovely showers. Mr. ami Mrs. |'Sebe" Plott and children of Canton, spent Sundav in Beta. Our Church and Sunday School arc progressing splendidly.Those wl o do net attend are losing something worth while."" Everybody is cordially invited to .??fiend the Wednesday evening pray ?'or meeting at the church, als'o Vho <--?t t;i-i?' prayer meeting each Fridayl tuning.- ' I rii\\ '(ie;). C. Snyder (:;s pa.->tor)t WiJI begin a revival meeting j;i Barl; Cre1; {he 2nd .Sunday with Rev. I ?A i:f. I'ruitt, ,ol' Waynesville to do! the pYeachiug, we are locking for a' ?.;reai f: pini ;:?! out putting on these The W. M. S/ carried a lunch to the. gr?ve above A|r. Jim Harris', Saturday and spent the day carry :ng out tlie program in the usual way, with Mrs. Evcrette Harris as i.'a de i*. .vi O. F. Wallace, of M'.ami, Fla. is spending some. time with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Snyder. >? The beautil'ul new heme of Mr. end .drs. W..G, Diilard is nearliig completion. ill's. IIayw,oed York, of Etowah. Teun., is visiting her father, Mr. Tljos. Dills lor a while., ( ?ood wishes for the Journal and its' readers. > WILMOT I:?'v. M. Tucker preached two Interesting sermons at the BaptisJ Vi'iiivli here, Saturday night and Sunday morning. J ode - TJoleomb got mashed up irettv bad last week by a Jog roll jug over him, but is getting a long vci'y well at present. Mr. and Mrs.- W. T. Lewjs, of Wiiittier, called 011 his son at this nlaco. Mr. and Mrs. John ? Fow!er, of Union, S. C., are yisitiiyr Mis, Few .w's sister, AIis. Jessie iParker, this week, Mi", and Mrs. Glark Whicker, of' WinsUin-SuIem, are visiting Mrs. W bicker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raby. Mrs. .lolui Jones and two daughter.-: Lillian and.Awdcen, visited relative* on Camp, Creek, July 4. ? Singing at this -place every Sun day evening at 2:30. Everybody in vited to come., GRI3T DEFEATS SHIPMAN t According to returns received fror.f various parte cf the state, Frank 1). (hist, of Lenoir, a former strvicc r.ian and pract:cal printer lies de feated, M. L. Shi]>man for. the Dem ocratic nomination for Commissioner of Labor and Printing, in the second primary, held last Saturday. NOTED MOVING PICTURE MAN HERI V ?> De Sales Ilarriscn, head of th. Moving Picture Industry of th. South, is to meet the l!ov; Clarenc S. McClellan, Jr., his intimat friend, here next week and togethe i they will visit the Cherokee Indiai Reservation and be guests at Fryt mont Inn, Bryson City. Mr. Har rison will later go to Canton wit! the Rector and speak there at tht Civitan Club and at Saint Andrew'. Episcopal church at a service in tli** interest of Moving Pictures. In Au gust the Rev.. Mr. McClellan is t have as his gi|est Will H. Hays President of the Moving Picture In dustry of America. o BARKERS CREEK Mr. A. D. Jones went to Sylv. Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Carnes, o Dillsboro, spent Sunday with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnsoi Thomas. Mr. Curlee Kinsland was here las.. week from Franklin. Misses Selnia and Bertha .Tone spent Sunday with their sister a Wilmot, Mrs. Lon Segle. Mr. J. T. Jones spent the week ein with home folks and returned to hi work at Asheville Sunday .afternoon Mr. Ebb Hall was a visitor a Mr. Joe Brooks' Sunday afternoon ' Mta?s t , James Da I ? arid Fer<; 1 . it * Gates wore here fi*m Di.\ Creek Sunday; ' Miss Pella Jones went to Wilnvo Thursday shaping. Mr. and Mrs1. James Sutton an< little son, Robert left Sunday fo* Ravensford, where they will ;;ta, for awhile. ' ? Mr. and "Mrs. Kelley Bradley wen to Svlva Wednesdav. Mr. Lyie 'Jcn'es .went to Wilmo Saturday. Misses Bertha Jones and Bessi Brooks *went* to *, fYatfklin ? ^ "*? *?? !<!#*' ' Me-srs. Grady Ward* and Riobar< Russeii were visitors at this p!ae 'Sunday afternoon. : Mr. Oscar Nation went to Wii nut Saturdav. v Mrsy John BrooKS '.vent to " ilai \Vud!!:?sd:?y. There will be preaching liere Sat urday ? nd, Sunday, Everybody cor disdly invited. Mr. Genera! Jciies went to Dills boro, Sunday. Mre. Joe Brooks went to Wilmot shopping Saturday. RELIGIOUS WELL-WISHERS By O. J. JONES ' There are lots of them. They wis: the church well. They think a chine is worth while even as a police foic They wili even make a donation t its work. This measure of interest they show is a tribute to their in telligcnce and to the value of th. church. But so iOthi ng more is needed. I' is not en .ugh to wish religion we! We inu t work at it. Nothing wi! go in these day3 through good wishes A church will not d3 it any mcr than a business enterprise will. Jesus in s:ich agony in Gethseman. that his swe.it wa:j like drops o blood show.; how impprtant It thought rcligicn is The lazy chure i member w!io cannot get to chure at 9 :45 shows how little impoHan .that same church i:ie:iiber consider it. Here , is another contrast i valuation. .Jesus saying, The zen of Thine house hath eaten me uj on tho one hand; an.': the churci ! 11 em her who must use his automo bile for a '.picnic on Sumi y, on th other ..hand. There is very much neyd.'d church membership that, take: it ' religion : -in earnest and give.; f ? attention to its church . activities. ? u H SPECIAL MEETING CALLED ? . ? ___ \ ? The Rov. C. 3- MeCIellan, Jr. wishes to meet all the members < Saint John's Episcopal church, Sylva and the contributors to it: support at a special and short meet ing in the church immediately after the serviee Sunday night. It is ver. important thaUeach one be present ? . ? u? ' ? j Each day the mar' brings leter. from people who wish to settle or farms in North Carolina. Agricul ; taral workers of the State Colleg( staff try to locate those people pleas antly. .? YOU HAVE A EEADY MARKET FOR YOUR POULTRY ?? ? . J The Tuekaseigee Poultry Asso ciation in cooperating., witli the di vision of niakets, at Raleigh ha;i iccured a market for the poultry of lackson county. The Asheville Farmers Federation will run a poultv ear once a week tr as often as tlie business will justify, md; will pay you cash for your poultry* at the ear door. The first j Jar will run next Saturday and will .?each Sylva about 1 :30/ P. M? This *-ar will stop at Whitticr, Wiliuot, Dill:?bcro and Sylva and other points. You will be paid the highest tmi'.: cct pr;ce for your hens, springers. -osters, ducks, geese, turkeys and guineas. 1 If you wish this car to be a suc ess meet it at tlie nearest } station vitli your , pou'try and receive t h" ?ash fcr it. If ii is a success it will ontinue to run one a week and tf ict it will bs taken ofT.( So if you visli a ready market for your poultry >atronize it. \ ; ' 1 \ s? . ? MEW DIRECTOR OP EX TENSION ASSUMES CHARGE \ OF DIVISION \ t Kaleigh, July 1U. ? On July fust, I ). Schaub newly elected director of' igricultural extension for the State College of Agriculture assumed l is, duties \yith headquarters in.* Hicks* ilali on the c:?iup:is of the. Srliool i !' Agriculture. Air. Schaub is a n;,.ti\i.'f Tarheel, born and reared in Stokes, Comity and graduate of the Stat<* College. Since bis graduation lie !u?.-i tad years of experience in work in,' ?vi tli and for farmers. For a period ie was assistant profes.:cr in soils at some of the western coPeges. He was also placed in charge of boys ?id f^irls club work1 when that acti vity was first begun in Xoith Caro ina. Leaving North Carolina, lie wn ; ilaiacd injshjirge of' the agricultural "work of a lafge western ?%il?ay f?h#re he was -Mir-ecssi'ullv ??a?ed until tlie Government called him to Washington during the early ay or' the (ir-.at War. Since that time he has bfcn in the ;Ut!sion w? rk o?* ?he Federal Dc . ?.??rtaient of Agriculture with his ?>ri;icipal activities being in the cot ton states of the South. Recently he was placed in charge of all the Government's extension activities in he cotton states, leaving that pos. " ion on July first to return to North Carolina. <? ; ( Mr. Schaub, has been a frcqtunf. isitor to North Carolina during his ioimection with the Federal I)? rartment of Agriculture. He has kept ?ace with the agricultural develop ucnt of this State and is the roughly n sympathy with the farming pro ram being developed here by the o>: ierirnent station and extension \ vcrker.'. ilis appointment is in li>i'\; .vit'i the policy of the Col {ego to take the activities of the School of* / Agriculture' ot growing imj>crtj:uce o the State. ITi-der Deiin B. W. Kil? \ ? ore, of this school, there has now >een appointed a director of teach ing, a director of extension, and the jxperimenta! work is still being loV kv * d after by the Dean. HeHs assisted ?owever by an assistant director in diarge of tht? branch station farms. 3HTEF UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE URGES SOUTH 70 GROW TIjSGBEK ? / i IlaIo&h..,;Tniy 10.? "No region ?t\ the Un'trd'Si^s'* says Col. ft", i i? fJreely, ,;is r^ra fayorahlv S'luiif ?d for the growing ? of ifaibcr for . *>rofit than the So::thM; . - Great strid&s :,i? ahrca.lv tj^ir ? made reports li Sif. Curran, T'vros?. ? for the State College extonyra d- i-' -.ion. Lumbermen., nian?:i3 toi?TN. I :irpinc operators, r?u\ far.rtrs ft | 'I abandoning thf> pruetuc of d. s i *<?five lo^in#, and nr'j ^rowitr-. tii:.b;r as jt ercp. Mr. V-hirmn sUt u - ' that one company In L.->uist"i?:? olante<l 'WO p^uml-j of pint' ser<5 this year. e nittfrn soc<fKngs o ? | :>ii>e w<'" ';,o r.'ad-- fcr'planting- tl.is ; fall. An Ajks,\>*? (iri with half j j million nti'cs, ' \vn?.d Its f' os* ^rea rndcr contr ?" t:f <* frr.':ic' rr^s- , ter, t:> eontltf' tire* and fir iw.rr * I *ta forest* as to secure new gr vi U ! uid ftuIlsiufHs production f<r tfii* | v * "t million dalle J" plant* ' ' The (aovernment is raring: with it-i ^Experiment Stations ' to solve all or^h'e?r?s that cv^'ont those wb"r : waivt g*ow timber for profit*"* says Mr. Cnrrwu ? ^

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