Ij DIES v G PROM SCALDS rttle A""'0 ,Tunc Ashe' tw?-year" whtor ?>f Mr. an(i Mrs* J' ?* * f Ashcville, who was seri burned by hot water about eeks uiiP, thed, Monday morn J iu,r home in 'Asheville. The \ entered the bathroom and ac tai|y hit her head against the (iiusiuir her to .lose her bal ^ foil into a tub of hot water which injuries she died about weeks later. . jle funeral was held Tuesday flemoon at the residence by Dr. 0. [ Chandler, assistant pastor of the ^trtl Methodist church, and in pjent was in Riverside cemetery. He little girl was a grand-daughter I jlr. and M ts. John V. Ashe, of S*'a- V ... - O' BALSAM . C < jjm, to Mr. and Mrs. George R. jpjonl Wednesday the 9th, a twelve pud daughter. Dorothy Marguerite. ^.Elizabeth McLean, of Way jjjjlle visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom k Jr., hist, week. jlr. J. \\. Cuthbertson and family i Almond are visiting friends iff. )b. II. II- Bryson and children it visiting her parents, Mr. and fn Ed Turner in Marion. Hiss Annie Mae Lyler, who is a cue iu an Atlanta Hospital is ijjiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyler. Jh, C. C. Arlington, of Old Fort, ?} a visiting relatives in Balsam, kuudav. his mother, Mrs. Artie Ar rij^tflo, Jfconipanied him home. Mr. ida liryson ;uid Mr. and Mrs. Hiiyrcvt, of O'.iri., visited Mrs Itivbelle Perry hm %.iy. Mr. it : Mi* > uj-'--ne Enslpy r.t.-i Kile Dorothy, Mrn ?JcElrov ni)d L MeElroy, oi' llazelwood were is Sunday. -4 fcs Helen Seay, who nurses in a Qriotte Hospital, is' visiting rela te. \ Hiss Kate Rickurds was here for lihort while Suuray. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Knight, Miss home Knight, Mrs. D. T. Knight, fc. ft. B. Farwell, Miss Katie Eemiey and Mr. (ieorge T. Knight spent Saturday afternoon at Lake faialuska, and enjoyed swimming, imtiijj,1 etc, They went to Sylva ud Cullowhec. ' ."> ? 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE As has bi en advertised throughout Hit county, tin- clinic i'or Adenoids ?ad Tonsils will he held at the new kigh school building in Svlva, be Nng July 22ml. We are very aux ins to have all children needing at tain to take advantage of this op portunity. A great many cards have ^ mailed out from the State fonl of Health to all children need this work but very few, to date, "Vc been returned. .We sincercly ?Pe that you will forward these to myself or Miss Ray, at ?lvai N. C., so that all arrange ments can be made. % parents who are not able to jjy the nominal fee of $12.50 will tor by the state. 0. S. D1LLARD, Supj, pubiic Instruction. A CORRECTION C to our issue of Alay 30, ju the ?Wwuent of the expenditures o? the j ( highway commission, in( fotfg Creek, township, there ap j^d au item "Berry Blanton, "for $31.00". This was an error and have read Berry Blanton, S 12.00, Paul Fisher labor, PL0?. . x I, wmmmrn ?*' A CORRECTION ^ i t *" J" personal mention colttEQii t week, two items, one relates to ^it of Dr. Jessie Zachary to Jvai and another telling of a trip > by Mrs, c. Z, Candler, and her ?5^ter, got mixed up. One line of *ss inserted in a line of another ; J .**? hasten to make the cor l0n? as well as apologies. ,SIHGINQ CONVENTION -Wkson County Bi?gipg Con will meet at Cullowhee, Bun Mh 27th, 1924, as a request from everybody invited, (L^ne' Co>ne leaders and bring your S and enjoy the day.' -'-A' FLORIDA T $ >TS IN . o fURED IN AUTO . ' . ?- i \Mr. Dade-, X Florida, was se verely injured, having three ribs broken and other injuries, and Dr. Champion, of Jacksonville was cut and bruised about the head, when a Hudson car, driven by Mr. Dade, went over the high embankment be tween Sylva and Dillsboro, late Sat urday afternoon. Mrs'. Champion and son, who were also of the party, escaped practically uninjured, except from the severe shock. j Mr. Dade was driving a4 a mod erate ihto of speed, when the drag link, of the steering gear came loose, and as he^was at a shap curve, in stead of following the road, the car failed 10 take the curve and plung ed over the 40 foot ??mbankmen;. A'l members of the party were brought to the Travellers' Itm in Sy'lva, and given medical attention* Mr. Dade, who wa.< Ihe most severe ly mjuied, is' still a rider the care of physii ians/ and nurses, but is recover ing lapidly. ^ ^ v J y ' J AX RESTURANT OPENS < ? v' v > ; \ Jack Wilson, of Atlanta, Cullo whee, Franklin, and other points, but now of Sylva, has opened anoth er delightful eating-place in Sylva, known as Jax Restaurant, in the Cole Building, on Mill street, just around the corner from Main. The room has been entirely reno vated, and new furniture, fixtures and the like have been installed, Sylva is blessed with cafes. First came .Wolfes' then Turpin's, just that would do credit to any city, can^e Wolfes' then Turpin's, just opened in the new legal building, a few weeks ago, and now Jax, mak ing three real eity cafes iu our little town. \ ? GAY > - {r> j,> '?>' fv Rev. Mr. Queen filled an appoint ment a the Methodist church Sun day evening, and quite a crowd gahered to hear him preach, as they always do. His sermons arc surely helpful and uplifting. May his ser vices continue. ) Mrs. Cora lleede, of Etna is spend ing a few days here the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jones, and her relatives and friends. Mr. Silas Quilliams went to town Saturday on business. Quite a crowd .;' of friends and neighbors called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Woodard Saturday night. They were delightfully entertained by Vietrola music. THbsc present were, Mesdames Tom Johes and Kosco Higdon, Misses Nina and Bonnie Jones and Myy Bell, Lizzie I)., Liz zie B. Buchanan/ Messrs: Harley Edwards, Lindon Buchanan and Richard Jones, ip) Sorry to rejiort that Mr. Lottie Jones has been very ill. But glad to know he is muejf improved at this writing. Mrs. Carl Allnum, of Webster is visiting *her mother, Mrs. G. C. Turpin. ^ Mrs. Clinton Sutton has been con fined to her room with typhoid fever but glad to report she is much in proved. , Mrs. Jim Johnson, Of Zion Hill i$ very seriously ill. Bui we hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Jess Cochran, of Kentne, Ky. visited his sister, Mrs. George Col lins, recently. Mr. John Buchanan and son, Guy, of Webster, spent Sunday with Mr. Buchanan 's perents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Buchanan. Mrs. Dewey Buchanan is on the sick list. Hope gheVill soon be able to be out again. ( . , p. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Buchanan visited on East Fork, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. George Collins, of Zion kill, attended services here Sunday* evening. Mrs. A. C. Barron is on an ex tended visit to her son Lin in Graham. ' ? JUJJXPODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. JONES, Pastor.. Sunday School 9:45. ^ C. L. Allison, superintendent. -) Epworth League 7:15 P. M. There will be no preaching, the pastor being away on his vacation. NORTONS TO HOLD REUNION The Norton, family Reunion will 1)0 held in Cashiers Valley, SatuF<lfty? July 20. All members of' this prom .inent family, who can do so are ex pected to be present. ( i ? . ? :? n WALKER McGUIEE ' ' KILLED BY BLAST Walker McGuire, of Cullowhee,and YVilborn Crisp, of Graham County, were instantly killed by a blast, in the Copper mine, on the property of the Rittcr Lumber Company, on Eagle Creek, Swain county, at noon, Monday. t ( , Mr. McGuire was in charge of the work at the mine, and a number of holes had been put down, during the morning, for. shooting at noon. The holes had been loaded and all the men left the mine, leaving Mr. Ai> Guire and Mr. Crisp, both experienc ed powder men, to light thorn, from a torch. A few oc the fuses had been lighted, when ths torch went out, and the time taken to relight the tarch and start lighting the remaining fuses gave those already lighted too much headway, and the explosion came before the two men could re tire to safety. /> Mr. McGuire 's body was brought to his lioiue at Cullowheo, Tuesday and the funeral and interment were at the Cullowhee Methodist church, Tuesday afternoon, the funeral be ing conducted by Rev. A. W. Lynch, the pastor. ^ The general esteem and love in which Mr. McGuire was held through out the Western counties was attest ed bv the large crowd of people coming to pay their respects to him, fiom almost every town, hamlet and community in the counties from Henderson and Buncombe west. Besides his mother, brothers and other relatives, Mr. McGuire is sur vived by his widow, who was Miss Nannie Smith, and three (little daughters. He was a good neighbor, a good citizen, and an amiable gentlemen, a member of the masonic order, and of the Waynesville Commandery Knights Templar. Following the fu neral at the church, the remains were taken in charge by the Maso4?V?tl interred with the / beautiful Masonip burial ceremony. At the close of the service, four whitc-rohed Kinsmen api>eared and planted a firAy cross of immortclfes at ttye grave. NOTICE TO PUBLIC BY ORDER OF COUNTY BOARD EDUCATION By* order of the County Board of Education, the public schools of Jackson County will open August the 4th, the same being1 the first Monday. \ ) m All parents will, please take notice audi committeemen will see that buildings and equipment are in shape. ,v O. S. DILLARD, \ -) Supt. of Jackson County Schools SPEEDWELL ' , ' V _____ J Everything is looking fine around this place at this time. Plenty of rain. Farmers a#re somo what be hind with their work. Corn sure does look good at this time and most everybody is getting all most done their corn. Mr. Tucker has been preaching some interesting sermons at this place. Hope he will remain in this community for a long time. Sunday School at Oscar is getting along just all the time this summer and all fine. We have had a good attendance seem to be taking an interest in their part of the work. We are hav ing having a fine singing claps here, under the management of Mr. J. W. Buchanan. Let .the people of the county get interested in Sunday School work and singing and lets make our coun ty better each year. Lot nil who can take part in the Singing Convention of this county I be present and make each one better. Come to the convention ) on the fourth Sunday in this month at Cul lowhee. r- ' Don't forget to be at your place each and every Sunday. " o WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION MEETING TOD&Y The Woman's Missionary Union of the Tuckaseigee Association is meetng in the annual session, at Lovedale Baptist church, today. The program includes topics of in terest to the women of this assoc iation. Miss Mary Warren, of Ral eigh, Corresponding Secretary of the State1 W. M. U, Mis. C. A. Klutt/., of Asheville, Superintendent of the Asheville Division, Mre, fi N. Barber, Waynesville, , Viee-pres t ident ot the IJaywood Association will each appear on the program* j DAVID ROBINSON / GETS TWO YEARS ' t , ? David Robinson, former Chief of Police of Sylva, and present chief of ]>olicc of Hazelwood, was convicted, by a Haywood County jj^ry, last week, for slaying a negro, at Hazel wood, a few weeks ago, and sentenc-* ed to serve a term of two years, by Judge J. Bis Ray. Robinson claimed that he shot the negro in self defense, while attempt ing to arrest him for a misdemeanor. It is not known whether an appeal will be taken. CTJLLOWHEE The party visiting Chimney Rock last week end reported a splendid time, not withstanding the rain. Bad weather did not keep all the folks at home Sunday. There was a very good congregation at the Bap tist church. The B. Y. P. U. Rally was a success. A, splendid sermon wa^ enjoyed at eleven o'clock. Brother West always presents the truth in a forceful and interesting waywell-pleasing to the people. Other speeches were njuch enjoyed. At noon the good women served a boun tiful dinner' for all. Miss Ida Smith, her Sunday School class, and a number of others, had a nice outing the fourth. They went on the bus to the head of the rail road. The scenery up Caney Fork is worth seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Enicst Brown and little daughter, of Wilkesboro are visiting Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wike. Mr. Clifford Lindsey of the U. S. Navy is visiting friends here and at Webster. " *' f Mr. and Mrs. Conway Ledbetter, of Waynesville are visiting home folks this week, The second Ikerm of Summer School opens next week. While several will be leaving, others arc beginning to com^ in already. It is hoped the next term will be as good as the ofte now ending. r Not only the counties fill over the state been represented this sumrttcr, but they are here from several other states. Mr. Sam Henscn is able to bo out again, having been confined to his room for several days on account of an accident. , ? ? Mr. Jams Crawford and family , arc; moving here this week fromi Hmokcmont. The program given here last? Thursday night by children from llu* Ox l ord Orphanage was exceptionally good. These children reflect credit on their teachers and the instil u tion. We ho jig to have them with us again, SHOT BY PROHIBITION AGENT i r> J' i *, i Bryson City Times, July ll. ? Isaac Hyatt, an eighteen year ohl youth of near Epps Springs, was shot in the right thigh and seriously wounded last Saturday about noon by prohibition agent C. E. Branton while Mr. Branton and three other officers were raiding a blockade still about a quarter of a mile from the railway station at Epps Springs. Young Hyatt and two other men were in the still at the time of the raid. According to statements of the officers, the men had just finished "A run" and seemed to be measur ing up and dividing the liquor when the officers arrived. One man, whose name has not been learned} escaped. The Hyatt boy and a man named Levi Bowers were taken in custody alter young Hyatt had been shot. No details of the shooting eould be learned as the officers conducting the raid would make no statement. Bow ers, a man of about sixty years of age, was placed in jail in Bryscn City in default of $500.00 bond. Young Hyatt was given preliminary treatment at Dr. Bennett's office in Bryson City ancl was removed to Asheville tp a hospital on the after noon tr^in wheye an operation was performed for the removal of the just above the knee and ranged up buliet which had entered the thigh ward and lodged against a bone about six inches above the woun$, SAM ALLEN DROPS DEAD . Sam Allen dropped dead, at his home, near Hazelwood, Wednesday morning, while he was sitting i$ hia chair, after breakfast, enjoying a morning smoke, according to infor mation by friends here. Mr. Allen was native of Haywood county, but made his hoy?e near Sylva, for a number of years, and was well-known here. / " f ? ' / . ' o. I - " ' . .. , 'f ' V * ? >< , -\j jiikeLi CHILD KILLED IN* AUTO SMASH? SHOAL CREEK * - - Mr. and Mrs. Virg Loftis, of Whit tier, and their two children wcr passing down the Highway Satur day, their car struck a culvert neai the Camp Creek bridge and turned -over, throwing them from the car The baby, about six months of ag<" was killed instantly, Mrs. Loftis sus taincd slight injuries, Mr. Loftis an< the older child escaped uninjured. Owing to the rain Sunday morn ing only a small crowd attended Sunday School and church services. Mrs. Dav^id Franks aceompanie< by her son ? and daughter, of Hi wassa, Ga., visited at Mr. G. A Knisland's, Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Battle visited relative? in Waynesyille, Saturday. Mr. R. F. Hall, Mr. James If all Misses Lois, Olive, Clem and Harriet Hall motored to Sylva, Monday. Mr. Sevier 1 Keener and son Wayne, visited at Mr. A. J. Frank | lin's, of Bryson City last week, i Miss Lethe House is spending r I few days in Auheville. r s . j Mr. Glenn Ferguson and family motored to Crab Tree, Saturday t< visit Mr. .Thomas Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoyle and daughter. Miss Sadie and Mr. A. Beck made a trip to Sylva Tuesday. Rev. H. A. Bryan called at Mr J. C. Johnson's Sunday. ?. Mx. D. A. Martin, of Cherokee, visited Mr. W. C. Martin Friday. Mrs. G. T. Cooper and children spent Thursday with Mi's.; York Howell. Miss Francis Battle went with a party from Whittier for an outing on Cataloochce^ last week. ?> Rev. Mr. Mamraet and Mr. Hum phry Snider, who are engaged in revival services at Wilmot, called at Mr. Nute Snider 's Thursday. Rcv.-.W. A. Anthony spent Satur day and Sunday in a inoetin" a< Kirklands Creek*. Mr. IT. G. Ferguson and* family, Mrs. .] 11. Battle, Mrs. J. K. Terreli. and Mr. Troy Martin were caller." at Mr. J. L. Hyatt 's Sunday. Mr. T?. C. Hughes and Mrs. J. H. Hughes were guests at Mr. .J. K. Terrell's Tuesday night. Mrs. James Sitton was a guest oi Mrs. A. C. Moyle Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Bridges, of Olivet, spent Wednesday at Mr. W. >W. Hooper's. \ Air.;. Wilbum Messer visited Mrs. W. II. Hoyle, Tuesday. Mis. S^ J. Becle'callfcd on Mrs. S. 11. Uoyle Monday. Mr. Arnold Beck of Lufty, called at Mr. .1. E. Hoyle 's Monday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hyatt, who has been very sick is improving. Recent rains have "changed the countenance" of our fields and gardens. Our crops are now in a flourishing condition. II ? W. RASTUS LOUDERMILK DROWWED IN LAKE CARROL Andrews Xews, July 11. ? Stepping unexpectedly into water over his head, W. Rastus Loudermilk, of Cul berson, in the lower end of this coun ty, was drowned at ?ake Carroll, about 18 miles from Andrews, Tues day of last week, Mr. Lowdermilk, accompanied by M W. Queen, Frank Lord and Hen derson Moody, all employes of Tuck er and Lexton, contractors on the hydro-electric power plant, on the Hiawasace River, went to the lake fpr a swim. While the others were swimming' in deep water, *> young Lowdermilk waded c r.t where he sup posed the water to ho shallow saw him go under, but w'icn tliey reaeh ed the spot it was toa late. It was afterward ascertained that the water was about 20 feet deep at the place where he vent undw. v ? The body was not rccovc: d until the next morning, and was taken to the Tucker and Lexton camp to a wait the arrival of relatives w' later took the body to Culberson 1? i burial. * , ' ? MRS. FOWLER DISS AT DILLSBORO Mrs. Mary Fowler died at 'her home near Dillsboro, Wednesday, fol lowing a prolonged illness, at the age of 88. ) The' funeral was conducted at the Baptist church, in Dillstwo,, Wed nesday afternoon, by Rev. Thad F. Deitz and Rev. R, L. ?tM)fcA Mrs. Fowler wan one of the oldest resi dents of Jaokson wttttty and was well j known, ^speoiaJly in the Dillsborc seetioft, where she had lived for ' many years. COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CON VENTION TO MEET AT BETA Programs are out and plan's are be ing rapidly completed for holding the Jackson County Sunday School Convention on Saturday and Sunday July 20 and 27. The convention wijl be held with Baptist Church) ,Bct^, N. C., the opening session being at 8:00 o'clock, Saturday night. It ia expected that there will be a~. gpod attendance from various parts of the county at this first meeting. . Other sessions will be held Sunday mortoing Sunday at'teraoon, and Sunday night, the convention closing Sunday night. Officers in charge of - plans ''and program for the convention have an nounced that the program has b?*u prepared with the idea of having "a convention for the discussion of practical problems". The plan is to make it possible for workers from :11 deportments of the Sunday School, .0 receive practical suggestions con cerning their specific work. During the convention there wHI ie questions and discussion pel-to'ds when those present will be given bb1 .pportunity to present their Sun day School problems for discussion, ind ask any question on Sunday School work. The convention is inter-denoinimi tional, and workers from all Sunday Schools of all evangelical denomina tions are invited to participate in the wrok. The Jackson County Sun lay School Association, under whose direction the convention is being held in one of the seventy-six Coun ty Sunday School Associations now organized in the State in connection with the work of the North Carolina Sunday School Association. o ? ? ? ? PHYSICIANS OF COUNTY ORGANIZE SOCIETY The Physicians of Jackson CMHity met in Sylva recently and org*ni?*J- ' their medical society to be known as the Jackson County Medieal Soritty. The following physicians w?r? present; Drs. D. D. Hooper, C?. Z. '^Mid'^r. (Inver Wilkes. A. S. Nich ols,- A. A. Nichols, E. J. Bryson, D. i'j. Peek. I>r. 10. \T. Brvson was elected pres ident. Dr. A. S. Nichols, Vice-prea inder.t, Dr. C rover Wilkes, secretary and. Treasurer. Drs. Candler, Hooper, A A. Nichols aud Peek were appointed as executive and entertainment com mittee. The society will meet the Rnt Wednesday night after the first Mon day night in each month. NEWTON PHILLIPS ... ELECTROCUTED * " A ! Newton Phillips wag electrocuted* last Friday, while fishing near Bry son City. He was using a metal rod, whi^h coming in contact with an electric wire, carried the current to his body, killing him instantly. The body was brought to Beta* Saturday for funeral and interment. At the time of his death Mr. Phil- ' lips was a resident and citizen of Tiwain county, having moved there a (few years ago from the Fisher Creek community, where he made his home for many years and Wins well-known in Jackson eouaty. < / \ ? ? ? ? . ?' ? <" . \ ) 64-INCH RATTLER DLL- . ' , : ED NEAR BRASS TOWN* Chefokoe Scout, July 11, ? A fifty four inch rattier was killed tin the Brasstown section a few days W* by J. B. Stanbridge, a cor Ming tn word brought to Murpt^r Ike first of the week by Rev. Gay Bryant. Tl?* poisonous repti^ waft discovered* ? the children of Mr. N.,B. Hayrr, who \jopprted it to Mr. ftfrsatridm'.. The latter killed the spake with a trick pole that w?t nearby. Ml*. (J.iy Prvant mQ^wred the enake aa/l found it to be ftftyfoor incfaeH fang, . and thi?e and a~half/ta<thee in diam eter. It had 'hirtw* mttler& and a button, and is ou-> of tlie large** kdf ed in this. it* some time, so far kapwc n ; COL. OLDS TO UJCTURE . AT CUIJX)*7in:E Cbl. Fred A. Olds, of Xertk Cdr* Hna, accampanii-d Kttfe Miss Frances Thorn Raleigh, is spend ing some time in JaekaM county* and wiU deliver a series of leetttfe* (U the Cullowhee Normal and Indua trial Scboolt next week.

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