^OWHEE NORMAL NOTES i niii'f August 16- ? 1 I c Slocumb of Wilmington, Ml tin- a few days at the Normal 'i >!"hi< \viiV. Mrs. Slocumb. who is wl,li ?(?. summer school. S"T Clarence S. McClellnn, Jr., , Miint Andrews' Episcopal i*a?ioiu conducted chapel on Monday, 1 the 11th. He lV" iHi t|?? subject, ' ' The Liberal 'f'V,,,!." which was thoroughly ;lUv hv tla?* present. f!'(|j v'n i'.ilic1 Fieldinsr and Alice u.tc join i hostesses ?o a ? in:tr!ivc picnic luncheon Tues Vw-ji'i- at Waryc Huttev. Those !b: i' I w, r<- : Mi^es Carmen Rogers |1|U I (aiiicls and Messrs. Wade I.. L. Lohr and C. H. '! v> i'1 i'iu' Sniimicr School feeulty >i i (' llouyh and Dr. A. A. ami ? ? v >>luu 'jli Mrs. .1. 0. Slocumb, Mrs. I |*i!?u-k. and Misses Helen liar ; ii,l ,\ Hii'i Edgerton had a de 'TiiuMi'l' 10 tll(' Cherokee ileser ^'irti ?" Ihmsday afternoon of , -l V> I'l l* \l , i.ii.-v iv.se> entertained the uiiots at a picnic supper evening: Mrs. Josie Brock, \ir 'anil Mrs. '? C. Slocumb, Misses Kwi I'ai^Hjnter, Edythe Ter n, Hi-It*!! Connelly, and Mrs. Muriel Mi,s Clcanor Gladstone, Librarian, K;", ^.,-aker at chapel Tuesday, si, iv;:,| in her pleasing manner, tij.iical Dilemma", by Ruth Smart. Her interpertations ? [>JU| Li w mice's poems; When )L:iiml:! Sums. The Conquered Co lUiU', ::iul The Little Brown Baby, Utv carnally striking and enter U"" Ilu- Si-hool and friends of the Kuiuiuiify were glad to welcome Prudent Hunter and family back to Cttllowlift* la>t Monday after a ten vacation to Mars Hill and Wi-jverville. Dcuu W. E. Bird, who is now traveling in \V estern North Carolina in the interest of the Normal, spent list Monday at Cullowhee. He is de listed with the prospects as to at u'uilaui-c lor the coming year. . ? Air. G. \V., Epps and A. K. Orr, Ji.; representatives of the Wilson Audit Company, Asheville, are spend inic jew nil days at the Normal aud kil: tin- hooks for the tiscal year tiiiiing . I nne iiOth. They are also as rtstiii- in installing a revised ac cuiiiitatiiiiii; system for the school. Mr. Carl Millwoll, former student aud graduate, was a welcome vis or a: tin- Norma! last week. fcupt. A. ('. Reynolds of Wood 'in llcli Si-iiool, termer President oi I'dliiiv. iiir, conducted chapel last WuIiicmIuv morning. He used as the ta>i> ni his splendid talk the Bib lical ((notation, "I will lift up mine ?}'cs ifnto the , lii.lls from whence tometii my h<-l|i". X" '? I'ollov. inu ibers of the Nor i".>i Si-IhmiI were entertained at a '?'^littnf dinner in the home of in', ami Mrs. W\ 1). Wike last Tluir?day (evening: President and ilr?. 11.T. Hunter, Prof. A.C.Reynolds iii'-ors. L. Ii. Lohr and C. H. Allen. I'risideiit Hunter delighted an an nually lame chapel audience Tliurs day with an able discussion on the ?nb.i<et oi I utros] icction. He supple mented Biblical readings with fitting 'iWalioiis from Carlyle, Socrates, ieiii:\>oii , Burns, Franklin and uljuts. ( former Captain George Cox, now Professor of English at "'Mil i'i^oliiia State College, de lured sin interesting and timciy "?intv before the Summer Schooi ^Wstlny evening on the subject, Kadjo, Its Fundamental Prin 'ifc am) Future Possibilities. "The ^I>0(>1 I eels, vVry much indebted to Cox tor {Jjis instructive ad iflKs. I'Misitlerable repair work is be u('ih- in Davies Ilall, the young ?!l * dormitory, preparatory to th~ ''K'liin^ of 'school, September 16th. ?u u li'tejit meeting of the Board J.1 Trustees, Air. VV. N. Coward of Jitlowlu-c was elected Bursar of the ??"rjuii School to fill the vacancy of . N. Wilson, whose resignation as lileil sometime ago to become ef ,l^ivt September 1st. i frs" '? Wilson and I* L. Lohr f Friday morning for "Canada" "'a three day fishing trip, j ttie Biogdon and Mrs. pl< J I'osc-j- motorvd to Asheville r""'.v morning for a week end PN'lei,t II. T. Hunter dcliver ^ "iu.t rated lecture in the . * School auditorium. Monday '?irV". the 18t^> on, the subject ? Morieal Facts About Boston". PROGRAM FOR JACKSON OOtJNTY UNION MEETING The next session of the Jackson County Union Meeting will be held with the Balsam Baptist church, be ginning, Friday before the 5th Sun day in August. Program is as follows: FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:00 P. M. Devotional service. 1:30 P. M. Would it not be a wise plan for all of the preachers and pastors in the bounds of this Union to organize, and hold Evangelistic Meetings in all the churches? T. C. Bryson. 2:30 P. M. Round Table discussion of our needs, such as prayer, fellowship, communion and co operation. By John Hoglen. FRIDAY MORNING 11:00 A. M. Introductoiy efeitmon bv A. C. Queen. ' SATURDAY MORNING 10:00 A. M. Devotional service. 10:30 A. M. A discussion of New Testament plans for the sup . -port of pastors, and all the Kingdom Work. By W. F. West. '->? 11 :00 A. M. Sermon, by W. Ross Yokley. SATURDAY AFTERNOON . 1:00 P. M. Devotional service. 1:30 P. M. Report of County En listment Worker., 2:00 P. M. Should the churches of the Jackson County Union Meeting accept the apportion ment of the Executive Com mittee of the Tuckaseigce As sociation? By R. L. Cook. 3:00 P. M. Pastor's Attidude to ward the Denominational Pro gram. By R. N. Deitz. 8 SUNDAY MORNING 9:30 Devotional service. 1:00 Sunday Schools. Round Table discussion. 11 :00 Sermon, by T. F. Deitz. A. W. DAVIS, for Committee. EAST LA PORTE Everything hi ooing just fine up here. i'he new highway is coming along oh so nicely. We need tiuv 'liuh-" nay just about as bad as Svlv:: needs a new hotel. ? Our s.?';oo! is ' piogressing nic jiy under the excellent management of :l:'s teachers, .Mi W ke, M>ss Painter end Mis.- Zj. chary. Mr. V. 11. Hi lev has returned ?mm u visit to 'Virginia. Louis Buingarner was in East La Porte Friday. (Andy Edwards and family and Mrs. Flossie Short went to Clayton, Ga., Sunday. They report a very pleasant trip. < c Miss Lillie Everett was the guest of Mrs. C. B. Robinson last week...., Miss Isabel Allison passed through East La Prrte Friday on her way home to spend the week end. Miss Allison is teaching at Tuckaseigee. Miss Dorothy Riley is visiting her father, Mr. V. R. Riley of this place Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hoyle visited their daughter, Mrs. Tom Buchanan last week. 7, ... Fred Hock has returned after spending his vacation in Virginia. Mrs. MoIIie Smith bf Lockhcart. S. C., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jeff Franklin. \ ... Mrs. Hattie Barnes went to Cullo whee Monday. 1 ' ? ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shaver and son have returned from a visit to their home state. o . i SPEEDWELL Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. E. U Wilson and little son, Wallace, spent Sunday at Higl'HamjH ton. / ? . f ) Miss Pauline Bryson and Miss Cope and Mr. Hayes Bryson motored to High Hampton and Fair t Field, Sunday, ,/v>: ' "?) r ? ? Mrs. Taylor Holden and two small children spent the week end with Mrs. Holden 's uncle, Mr. Cling Tay lor. *? j ? 1 ? \ Miss Bertie Rogers, of Ashevillo, Prof, and Mrs. J. N. Wilson and two sons, spent Sunday at High Hamp ton and Chimney Rock. Messrs. Taylor Holden, Wilburn Taylor and wife spent the week end with Mr. Taylor's brother, Mr. Howell Taylor, of Caney Fork. A party consisting of Misses Cora Conner, Lillie Davis, (Anges Hender son and Mrs, Jim Wilson, Messrs. Lyle Wilson, Hayes E<lon and Lawrence Wilson spent i Saturday night on Whiteside. Mr. B. C. Wilson or Gleaville was a Cashiers visitor Sunday. . ^ > >r> ' \ ?< 1 ? ? i ? i i DR. TRUETT TO PREACH AT FRANEUN AUG. 24 ?c ? _____ ' .* Dr. Goo. W. Truett, pastor of the First Baptist church of Dallas Texas will prcach in Franklin Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. 1 (? " Dr. Truett is recognized as one of the , world's greatest preachers and is in demand not only throughout the American continent but also in Europe. While pastor of a church of six thousand members, Dr. Truett gives some of his time to evangelis tic campaigns. Dr. Truett has been holding a series of meetings in Mur phy, and thousands have been hear ing him. Closing the mcething there Wednesday, he will give Thursday to his old home, Havesvillc, where he will preach and visit among his many kinsmen and boyhood friends. Friday Dr. Truett will preach in Hi awassee, Ga., It was here that he founded a school and left the imprint of his character by the work of his early years. Dr. Truett will preach at Franklin Sunday morning, August 24, giving opportunity to hundreds to hear liiny without making the long trip. to his other speaking points. Th<? liiembers of the Baptist church at Franklin, realizing that many more will want to hear liim than coiikl get into the church, arc ar ranging for an outdoor service.'. A beautiful grove has been secured and a natural ampitheater will afford room Cor all who come. No one need fear that they wjll not hear. This is an unusual opi>ortunity to hear this great preacher of the Gospel. To hear him will be worth many miles of travel. GROCE TO CONDUCT MEETING HERE Rev. T. A. Groce, wcll-kiiown evan gelist, in this region, former pastor at Andrews Methodist church, pres ent chaplain at Oteeh hospital, and splendid, forceful preacher of '-.the Gospel, has been secured u> conduct" a series of evangelistic meetings, at the Methodist church, in Svlva, be ginning on September 7. Mr. Groce 1ms many friends hi "Sylva and the surrounding com munities, having labored with them before now in meetings of this kind, and there is much interest being manifested since it has , been an nounced that he is to conduct a meeting here. The pastor and members of the Methodist church are particularly anxious that all the Christian people, of all denominations, jn Sylva, Dills boro, Beta, Cullowhee, Webster, and the surrounding communities take an active part in the coming meet ing 'end lend their assistance in do ing the Lord's work; and invitations will" be received by all the churches asking theijf cooperation. Cottage prayer meetings are being held in various homes in> different parts of the town and will continue to be held until the close of the meeting. o ? DILLSBORO LOCALS Miss Eva Price of Wayncsville, visited Miss Flditli Jarrett thisj w<?> f>< Mr. Scott M. Thomas is here for a few days. Mrs. M. Y. Jarrett and daughters, Misses Edith and Evelyn spent the week end in Waynesville. Mr. J. W. Fisher, of High Point, is Here for a few days. Miss Elba Keener returned to Charlotte last Tuesday after spend ing last Tuesday after spending' her vacation here with friends. Dr. Ralph Jarrett, of Charlotte, is visiting his parents, -Mr. (and MrsSOTl. F. Jarrett. Mr. aud Mi's. Clms. Snyder and Miss Eli/.abeth Shcrrill, of Old Fort, are here- for a couple of weeks. Mr. L. B. Cooke, of Charlotte, was here for a few days. Miss Louise Mason is visiting rel atives in Bryson City, this week. I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Trotter have returned to ther home in Miami, Fla., after spending the summer here. Messrs. C. E. Stillwell and William Madison were in our town one day last week. x Mrs. Dorothy Dills and Miss Elba : Smith, of Marion, were guests of Mr. find Mrs. C. W. Dills last week. o : MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED v N i ; Fred Henson to Ola Ransom S. Philips to Leah Henry. Jiardy Mills to Ila Jones. | liansoin Middleton to Edna Jane 1 Leopard Jonah Wood to Georgia Biddix. WHOLESALE THEFT OF AUTO MOBILES IN WEST CAROLINA i (' Raleigh, Aug. 18. ? Confession of a long series of automobile thefts in Jackson county, and several other points in Western North Carolina, . ' has been made by Fred Mull, Jack son county garage man, to R. B. Har ris, chief of the Theft Bureau of the automobile department, it has been announced here. More than 50 thefts were admitted. Six other members of the alleged gang have been arrest ed. Working between Atlanta and the little mountain towns of Western Nor-" th Carolina the gang has made a good living for the jmst three years, stealing perhajw hundreds of cars and selling them in some distant county. Mull could not begin to re member all the' cars they had stolen, or what had become of them. Geor gia officers are still working on the dues the North Carol inn inspectors took to Atlanta with Mull. The cliancp remark a stranger overheard on the street of Sylva, the county scat of Jackson, provided the clue that led to the arrest and con ? ? ? & rcssion of Mull. This stranger re marked to somebody that the body of an automobile hud been, hidden for two years in the weeds- along a creek several miles out from town, Mr. Harris and Inspector Pendcr grii ft and' Scott set out on a search, and finally found it. Mull confessed to a ' scries of operations that have ex- < tended over a period of several years. He involved Bill Hand, Ray mond Smith; Frank Terrell, W. G. Terrell, Winton Lund nun and Will Smith in a series of thefts. ?. Ac companied by . Mull Mr. Hams and Inspectors Scott and Pendcrgraft set out to Atlanta, where the gang was rounded up and jailed. Mull is held under $2,000 bond. BARKERS CREEK Wo foci liigldy honored with tliroo weddings to our credit within tlio past week. S One oi' tlio host revivals over held at tlii.s place has just olosOd. It was conducted by Kev. William Prwll, oi' Waynosville, and our pastor Kev. (5eo. C. Snyder, of Beta. There are something around thirty to thirty' five now converts in our community, as a result. They range from the age j of twelve to men (seventy years of! ag(* and liavc all joined the church. ' If this is not a blessing to any com munity in which it might occui' we would hesitate ti imagine what is, un less it would be another revival. Our regular weekly prayer meet ing which is hold on Thursday night is progressing nicely. The attendance at the last meeting \yas sixty-six. We hope it will continue to grow in the future as it has in the past five weeks. Rev. Mr. Syndor who has boon our pastor for the past yea re, ^ was re elected 011 last Saturday to serve us for the coining year. He will bo with us two Sundays in each month instead of one, as he has been here tofore. Our prayers arc for the best success for him and the church. , The school which opened August 4th, with an enrollment of eighty two is progressing nicely, and we hope it will continue in this way. Al though we were forced to give up two of our teachers, who have been with us in the past we feel that our new comers will be successful. The members of the faculty which con sists of three arc as follows: Prin cipal, Mr. Claude Jones, of Barkers Creek, Intermediate Department; Miss Nellie Wild, of Webster, Pri mary Department; Miss Ollive Hall, of Whitticr. We assure them the ,best of cooperation and wish them ? much success. It looks very much now like we will have a road some dpy. o ; ? ti it a ? BIG RATTLESNAKE FOUND DRUNK NEAR RAIDED STILL Bristol, Tonn., Aug, 15. ? A large rattlesankc dead drunk 011 mash was found by officers near a still in the mountains of Washington county. The still was one of the largest ever seized in this^ection. The raid was Jed by Sheriff John Litton. Officers believe that moonshiners plaeed the snake near the still upon hearing Jhat raiders were .in the vicinity, j The officers killed the reptile. In additiou to the still 1,000 gallons oi I mash and considerable equipment ' were seized. f SERIES OF MEETINGS AT SPEEDWELL AND JOHN S CK. mhe pa&tor of the Speedwell Meth odist church; Rev. C. S. Plyler, closed a series of services at that church, on August 8. Quite a number of professions of faith were made and the church greatly revived. Rev. Mr. Plyler, Rev. John Hoglen, pastor ot the Baptist church and Rev. Mr. Tucker, pastor t>f the M. E. church, are now engaged in a union meeting at the John's Creek Metho dist church.. BARKERS CREEK Rev. Mr. Snyder filled his appoint ments here Saturday and Sunday. Both services were enjoyed by largo crowds. The people are well pleased with the revival meeting conducted by Revs. Geo. C. Snyder of Beta ami W. M. Pri^itt .of' Wayncsville. 2?) new members were taken in Un church. ; . Quite a number of folks attended the baptising Sunday. We have community prayer meet ing on Thursday andSaturduy nights. Most everybody seems interested and we hope to have greater interest. Our Sunday School is still doing nicely. The public school stalled last Mon day with a huge attendance. .. We like our teachers fine. Messrs. Vance and Alvin Revis, ot' Wilmot were . visitors here Sun day morning. Miss Bessie Davis, of Gastonia, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Elders of this place. . Miss Amy Jones, of Bryson City, is visiting relatives here. Misses Alva Seagle and Dora Nation from Wilmot visited here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton, of Dillsboro, haVe been visiting relatives here. ;> ; Miss Rosy Panglc of Dillsboro, at tended church services here Styiday. Miss; s Bessie Brooks and Victoria Nattion and Mr. Charlie Nation motored to Bryson City . Sunday evening. Mr. Grady Ward and Miss ,Selni:i Jones were married at Bryson City, Saturday. Their many friends wish them a long and happy -future. Mrs. Earl llcnson of Paint Rock, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nation. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henslcjj spent Sunday with her brother, Mi\ Jack Sutton. Messrs. Burton Sutton, Elsie and Ciiarltb .Nation, attended church ser vice at Wilniot, Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. 'Tom Lewinf of Long *> . Branch were liere Sunday. Mr. Geiieral Jones went to Dills boro Sunday. . Miss Ma/.ie Davis visited her cusion, ?.ti.ss Lillie Jones of Nations' Creek, Sunday. Mr. Fred Gates of Dix Creek visit ed at Mr. A. D. Jones', Sunday. A new girl in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Seglc. Mr. Claud Jones spent the week end with friends at Sylva. Mr. Curlie Kinslaiul of Franklin was here Sunday. Mr. Jess Jones was here frorti Sylva last week. Mr. .Frank Suttiin motored to t ' I Greens Creek Sunday. Miss Birdcll Suttcn was here Sun day after spending some timo with her brother, Mr. Waller Sutton, ol Dillsboro. Miss Nannie Mae Nation spent the week end with relatives at Savan nah. v Mr. Ernest Jones visited at John Davis' Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Br;, ? son a daughter. FORMER PASTOR AT WEBSTER Rev. Elzie Myers, former pastor of the Methodist church, at Webster. Mrs. Myers and Miss Calla, are spending some time with friends at Webster. Rev. Mr. Myers, who -s now pastor of a church near Char lotte, preached for ,the Webtser pastor Rev. C. S. Plyler, on Sunday night. o METHODIST CHURCH Otho J. Jones, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. C. L. Allison, Superintendent. Epworth League 7:15 P. M.j C. C. Hanson, President. ? Preaching 8:00 P. M. ? * . ? . . yl ' , BALSAM Mr. Jerry Belt and family of Car inerton, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Belt and baby of Gastonia, were visiting relatives and friends in Balsam and Sannook last week. Mr. dim Qiwen and family of Gas Ionia arc ViSitii'g relatives here. Mr. and Airs. Newman Derrick and .ills. W. T. Derrick went to Way nes ville Saturday. Mrs. Addie Mehaffey sj>eiit the week-end in Canton. ' Mrs. Lily Bry.son visited Dillsborti Saturday. Mrs. Nelson Rock was a Sylva visitor last week. Mi's. R. R, Fisher, of Addie spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. John K. J dries. Mrs. Mabel Perry, Messrs. Cliarles Pefry, Charlie Jones, and Miss Stella Jones, of Wayncsville motored to Canton Sunday. Misses Hannah Warren, Katie Ivenney, Marie Coward and Mrs. Ethel Ensley went to Wayncsville Saturday. Mrs. Sam Nave, J. C. and little Gladys, of Bristol, Tenn., and Miss Mabel Williams, of Wayncsville visited their sister, Mrs. W. T. Lee, Jr., last week. Miss Louise (J rove, of Evanston, 111., and Mi's. D. T. Knight went to the Indian Reservation via Bryson City la?st week. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt and son, Hen ry and Cliton Morehead, of Asbe ville, were gupsts of Miss Faye Bry son, Sunday. Mr. George T. Knight, who is teaching the Moses Ccreek school spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rickards, Mrs. Rork and Miss Yeizer of Paduah/ Ky., attended the Flower Show in Wavnesville Friday. Mrs. T. M. Rickards attended the Presbyterian Bazar in Wayncsville Thursday. The Right Reverend Junuis Moore Horner, D. 1)., Bishop of the Western North Carolina Diocese held service in the Episcopal church hero Sun day night. Balsam Lodge is the rendezvous this season of 110 end of cultivated folk who cooperate in an atmosphere of charm. Among the pleasant Hap penings this week was a "chalk talk" given in the drawing room of the Lodge by Mr. W. L. Maclean of Chariot te, recently of Knoxville, Tenn.,' where 1m is President of Fine Arts Society of East Tenn. Mr. Mac lean is famous for his water color sketches. His marine and mountain views are exceptionally fine. The beauties of the Balsam mountains, lie illustrated during a running lecture with swift strokes of eolored chalk. The impromptu pictures, as far as they went, were presented to the company. Mr. Maclean is also a sculptor. Mrs. Maclean is one of the leading literary women of her homo state, Kentucky. Her poems and stories Iiavc appeared in Harpers, Century and othcrl leading publi cations over her signature of Anno \ Fitzhugh Maclean. Mr. and Mrs. Maclean are parents of Mr. Fitzhugh Maclean, who is civil engineer for the Southern R. R. Co. and was do ing work 011 the Murphy Division last summer, making his headquar ters in Balsam. Mrs. Rutherfordton, of Florida is a pianist of distinction. Mi-s. Dobbin, of Florida, entertained ta Balsam Lodge i?t a birthday party lor her little seven year old daugh ter, Martha Dean Dobbin. Mrs. Fitz li'ugh Shatter and little daughter Ag nes, of Washington, Mrs. Irwin and ' , daughter Loutotte, of Ohio, Mr. and Mi's. Mace, of Florida, Miss Louis Grover, of HI., are among the at tractive guests, of Mrs. Doek, who have contributed to Balsam hos pitalities. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. W. H. Morrill entertained at Balsam Springs Hotel in honor of her little 1' lighter, Bertha Moore Merrill, i iii'j her eighth birthday. The bea;U: fully appointed table with tho prove , birthday eake in the cen ter wa.. plreed under the trees. Twen* ty for.r iitUc children gathered around it and enjoyed delicious re freshments. Ai't. r playing many old fashioned game:, tue little boys and girls jounieyed to a iiiauir port 1 and cast their lines for attractive little gifts. Those present were, Bertlm Men-ill, Harriett Merrill, Tade Mer rill, Joe Bernard, Ixjrniiue Bernard, Marie Xorman, Peggy Xorman, Bob bie Xorman, Margie Hart, Bobbie* Hart, Pamela Burney, Frank Walter, Frank Campbell, Carter Campbell, Lionel Hun, Ix'onard Frank, Bobbin ~?iiiiman, Beatrice Kothchild, Mar garet Mcliae, Mary Hutchinson,. Junior Roth, Craig Roth, 3R[ilber

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