-T^miTYKlRIN' LDVANCE WTgggfojftrY BYI/fA, y. a, OCTOBEBffi 1924 . $2.00 THE YEAR IN AfcVAfcCE OUT SIDE THE 00UNT7 JACKSON COUNTY DA* \ v " WEDNESDAY 22ND Tlw people of Sylva are arranging to entertain everybody in 'Jackson -vlnty, who can .come, in Sylva, Wednesday, Jackson County Day. Tli, ?iv will be airplane flights, band music* basket-ball game, between the (Yi,m?l lliuh School and Franklin, mill tiilnV amusements. I'rec dinner, to everybody. It is hoped to make this the big gest <|;i\ in the history of theeounty. Col Joseph Hyde Pratt, president 0f West ( in N orth Carolna. Incorpo rated will address the people on i lie p'?sihilities of Wtlifcen North C.iioiiii;i. . ' , C . ( RALLY DAY FOR SYLVA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE <U Xlic Tucknscigee Association at ; its l;f>i session piuwed a resolution ' antlurizing a Rally Day for Sylva iVili'i'a'e Institute im alt the Baptist i-r'.'iM'her, throughout th.j nsWiation. This Rally Day is to be observed , on Suiid :iv. October 19th, nnd every . pastor, church member and friend ? to the school is earnestly requested ' to ca-0]>e?nte. The puv|H)se ot' this is to take a . voluntary cash offering for. onr school Let every one contribute something. ; Each offering to be governed by the zeal of the uiver for Christian edu cation and the Kingdom work that it nwoscnts. Any gift will be greatly j appreciated. , Loral Hoard of Trustees for S. C. I .1. T. 0 KIBBLE, Bursar. 10 'IAVE POULTRY SHOW : The Tuckaseigee Poultry Associ ativa is holding a poultry Show, in ewmwtioM with Jackson County lVay| next Wednesday.. A large number of cutties have already been made, and it is (x|K(*te<l that a representative JiO" ins: of the progress of ?he coun t.", in ]K>nltry raising will be made. The exliibitition will be held n the stow room at Higdon's > TT.e following prizes are offered by tlie Asicciaticn : First Prize Blue Cftboa;Sec iu; Prize Blucllibbon, on ac; breed of pure bred poultry: Best toe:;, bc/i ! ?n, be t pullet, best pen of 3 hens and 1 cock, best pen 3 P 'lets and 1 ccckcrel. For the best pen cf birds exhibit dtl ic association wil give a prise of 6.00 end $2.50 for the secondbes^J !t is suggested that the coops be* c' the standard size, 12 by 30 by 24 TM" is not required, but it would be better if all coops were of . tliisj mm.1 j to S; !vr, Jr.ckson County | ;% a^l br:n? a pen of poultry. K. BROWN,' Seet'jc, Tnck |jw;to Poultrv Association. -tr- * I .RECTOR .:C.3:CNS WORK HERE Ajjimyj 1 1 1 o o ills T.h'rli tha Rev.. jClavetiQe S. McRtlan, Jr., l:ns had ) f? l"-l>i.ceop;, 1 churches lately, he has 1 his own accord, accepted the call |o the ol?l historic Calvary Episcopal hureh at Fletcher, close to Aiheville c hetran his duties at Fletcher on &tobet\. h\ . Mr. .McClellan alon^ with ? clrtuc^ \york ot' buildiilg the new *'? Andrews Church at Canton was pJtftor ot the Episcopal church at gH?wliee ami here at Sylva. He P* wen associated with Jacksbn . 'My in Chis connection for almost ^llr >*?r t smd is well known in this futility. I '("wn ,u,d h*3 family wilt iki"110 tll< ?'^ 8tone Rectory at cJ/'Pl a',ont November 1. ? This is yt> 0) Most beautiful places in l^tcn' N'oith Carolina. It is direct }]? ?' Asheville HendersonviHe just across the Buncombe lice ^ Wils built lonsj before Ifljn !M WHr {l"d is one of tjie oldest 7s ,ll(> statt. 4 4 Bill" Nye Srp?t humorist was a member It . ,l!s '""l.v was interred in /"uivhyard. ; ; i 5 r i TO CONFERENCE ? i ftfr Or, W ' 1 <"?aes, pastor of the a"d the other Metbo Pith '/ ^e county, along ti?." of> l*10 'aymen, are attend ?Wo ?> ?U"'Ultl' ('??lerence in Greens fift s WH'k r"ts t l'" '<>,n'^1 year which Mr. fit', * . * vKf,,'vl'd his eongregatiens \\v ?. n"^ R?d acceptably, and ^spi-v- ''"I^habl, beciuseof his N JV?P* he will be re 1 ?? fold, his congregations 7flfi generally will greatly ? ho is removed. TJpKjgJ WOMEN ARE HURT f4^! AUTOMOB to ACCIDENT S? ? T Bryson CityJJimes, Oct. 10? A col lision of two automobiles last Sun ^day about noon! at a point about five miles east of Bryson Qity re salted in the, injury of three women. The accident occurred at the west end of the bridge across the Ocona Lufty, where the road leading front Whittier intersects with the main highway from Cherokee. Mr. Grace Flemming and wife and a Miss Payne, all pf Almond, weje riding in a -Chevrolet touring car be longing to Mr. Flemming, and just as they reached the intersection of tha Whittier road and Overland car in which G. H. Cope, of Murphy, his wife and twochildren dashed into the side of Mr. Flemming 's car, badly damaging it and causing painful in juries to three of the women. The car driven by Mr. Cope was just turning cut of the Whittier road in to the main highway, as Fleming' drove up. , % \ _ Mr. Cope stated that he thought the Flenuning car was going toi take the Whittier road and would pass on the right side of his i car, therefore Cope, it is said, steered to the right, as would have been proper if Flem miug had taken the Whittier road, and it struck the Chevrolet squarely in the center. ) v Mrs. Flemming suffered a~sprained ankle and Mrs. "Cope sustained severe bruises, while Miss Payne received two painful cuts . on the /head. Th?i injured people were taken to the office of Dr. Bennett in Bryson City, yrherc their wounds were treated. o ? ? i ? SHOAL CBEEE. S ? Rev. A. H. Bryans preached his last sermon for this Conference year Sunday morning to an interested audience. He has many friends in this section who are hoping for hi? return to this work. , There was a baptisimal service in iihoat Cfre|)k) Bumftly SfteWtaon, con ducted by Rev. B. S. West. ? Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell dined at Mr. York Howell's Sunday. Mr^. Stephen Shelton of Waynes ville is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Ferguson. Mr. Samuel Hyatt, of Haywood, is visiting his son, Mr. J. L. Hyatt. 'Mr. bAc. Fisher of Asheville has been spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. G. A. Kinsland. ^ Mr. J. M. Bird and family, of Bry son City, ltfr. Lattie Blackwell and family, of Syhra, and Mr. and Mrs. H: G. Bird, spent Sunday at Mr. C. A. Bird's. I ' ? Mr. Thos. Owen, of Canton, spent the week-end with her sisters, Misses Hester and Delia Owen. Rev. A.H. Bryans and family dined at Mr. H. G. Ferguson 's, Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Reagan, and Mrs. Americus Gibson visited Mrs. 'D. L. Oxner, Sunday. ' ~y v Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Martin din ed with Mr. J. C. Johnson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Howell and Mrs. A. C. Hoyle were guests at Mr. Ham Hoyle 's, Sunday. Mr. Clyde Marcus and family, of Ravcnsford, spent -Sunday with rel atives, here. .<J \ \.) Mr. J. E. Hoyle has returned from a trip to Hazelwood. - i Mr. J. K. Terrell called at Mr. J. H. Hughes', Sunday. v , Misses Vinnie, Nina, and Bessi? Martin were guests of Miss Etta ?Kinsland, Sunday. Miss Winnie Cooper visited at Mr. R. F. Hall's, Sunday. (' . "V " Misses 'Sadie and Birdell Hoyle, Gertrude and' Ruth Ferguson, and i.-uari and Maud Cooper were guests of Miss Annie Terrell, Sunday. Miss E|sie Hoyle visited Miss Bo - ni? Anthony,- Sunday, ? , / . Quite' a number o four people at tended the QuailMX Meeting, at WWttier, October,. 5th, , . ? Mr. J. E. Battle and Mr. W. H. Hoyle ere having their houses re modeled. - a' ? ??? . V 1600 AT N. 0. O. W. Grecnsborq, Oct. 13. ? Sixteen hun dred and twenty-five students hn,vc now enrolled in North Carolina Col lege for Women, according to ft re port just given out by the registrar, Miss Mary Taylor MoflSe. ^ Twelve states, one foreign country, and 90 counties of the state of North Carolina are represented in the en l'.llinent. The nuipbcr 'of students represented by the figures above doe3 net include those doing) ettpnsion work to w the ^tat* HAKE YO%$^*OREGAST Coolidge, Davis, LaFollette ax? aB fanning for president in the big gdst three-cornered fight ever staked in this /country. Who will win? It takes a majority & the electoral vote, or 266 votes in the electoral college, to elect. > \ > . \ If no candidate receives a majority jn the electoral college, the duty then devolves npon the lower house of congress to elect a president, each "tale casting its vote as a unit, nith one viote to each state, and it is necessary for the winning candidate in the honse 'to receive a majority, the houre voting on the three highest candidates for president. In the house it is necessary for a candidate to rectdve 25 votes, or the one vote of the majority of the states, in order to be elected. If -the house fails to elect, by the Fourth of March, inauguration day, the viee president sueceeds to the presidency, and it is, the duty of the senate to elect a vice president from the two highest candidates for that office, each senator having one vote. If the election goes to the congress, no majority having been given in the electoral college, it is the present con gress end not the one to be elected in November, that will elect the presi dent. .? ? , v ?' Make your own forecast V , V (j Here's how they voted in 1916 and in 1920, when there were only two -serious contenders. ' * ? '4. u ! ' v y - ? ?' State ' ' \ . No. Electoraf Voted 1916 Voted 1920 Votes ? ?( Alabama *<i. ?/ Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Conueticut Delaware Florida Georgia 1 daho Illinois v /? Indiana Iowa Kansas , Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts ? Michigan, Min ne?o ta\ ? Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Jieg Hampshire - New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio V G Oklahoma ? Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas ' Utah Vermont Virginia / Washington West Virginia . Wisconsin Wyoming 12 DEM < DEM DEM. DEM. DEM. REP. REP. DEM. DEM. DEM. REP. REP. REP. DEM. DEM. "i DEM. ! REP. DEM. RE?. REP. REP. 'DEM. 3 9 r.i G 7 3 6 14 4 29 . 15 13 10 13 10 0 * 18 15 12, 10 r! y rv - ' ? s \ I } ' ' ' /'... ) 4 DEM. 5 DEM. * - a^lrDEM. Sir. ^ 1 BEP. DEM. HEP. DEM DEM DEM DEM. DEM. REP. REP. DEM REP. DEM DEM DEM REP DEM. DEM. REP. REP. 3 DEM. Sjjfe ' 3 > 46 12 { 5 24 10 5 .38 ?>-. 5 9 3 12 20 4 N -4 12 7 8 13, DEM REP DEM REP - REP REP REP DEM DEM REP * REP. ? REP. REP. REP DEM DEM REP REP REP REP , REP DEM '?> t REP ' ?; REP >. REP ,_JtEIU*: REP REP. REP REP. , DF.M REP REP REP . REP . REP" REP ; DEM REP . -REP * DEM REP REP DEM > REP REP. REP. REP BALSAM ? ?r Thc following Balsamites Kfere among those who aft ended the In dian1 Fair, last week: Mies Aileeu Jones, Mrs. W. ?. Ensley Mrs. H. / P. Ensley Mrs. Cordelia Bryson lira. J. R. Rork Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee Jr. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Christy and Messrs Elbert Reeee Ode Ensley D. E Bryson Herbert Bryson and J. B. Queen. ?'>' : I think everyone here swa the air> plane pass over Balsam on its way to the Indian Fair. Someone said an airplane could not come to Balsam; but you can 't 'always sometimes tell a3 the littte boy said. Mr. Geo T. Knight who is teach ing the MosesCreek school come home Thursday evening and attended the N. C. Education Association which convened in Asheville Friday and Saturday. . / ? 4 " , Mr. G. C. dooper Mrs. Cagle and Mrs. W. 0. Robinson teachers of the Balaam graded school attended the Education Association in Ashevil'e on "Friday ?nd Saturday. Miss Mayme Queea Urn .vetannd i/.jm a very pto*??9|- viiit to hei r Mrs,; J. W. Cuthbertoen at v\!mond. \ Mi aiid Mrs. John Wamn Mw. \\ id ??or Brysoa and Mrs.Nfl?0H lU-ot went to Saturday. Mrs. John E. Jcncs went to Afldie and Sylya Thursday. Mi. Theodore Biyeo* has retained to hi; home u Bamita* Washington. Mr. W? 0. Robinson and little son and Mra. E. B. Howell and little daughter visited their mother Mrs. Mary Robinson at Willits on Son a?y- i '.;' Mrs. BetBrown who has been visit ing Mrs. Leon Hooper at Moses Creek spent Thursday night with Mra D. T. Knight enroute to visit her daughtre Mrs. Pink Rebertson near Wayriesville. \ Mrs. D. T. Knight went to Sylva Wednesday. Miss Sallie Christy left Monday to spend the winter with her sister Mrs. Sam Bryson in Lakeland Fla. Mrs. \fabel Perry, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ensley and baby, and" Mrs. C. R. Jones, Jr. spent Sunday in Bryson Master Robert Jones, Who has been Ensley, returned to his home in Bry City. , j" *\ " " been visiting his piste, Mra. W.E., son City, Sunday. Messrs. i. T* Jones, Roy Potts and H. J. Brown went to Sylva, Wednes day. : ? ' ; ' . If* Mra. W. S. Christy, who has been nursing in Waynesville, returned home, Monday, . Mra. W. JB. Farwell, Mra. D. T. Knight and Miss Nannie Knight went to Ashevile, Friday. Mr. and Mra. T. M. Rickards went to Waynesvile, Saturday. ' Mra. J, R. Rork, after spending the summer here, left, Friday for her home in Padueah, Ky. ? ' Misses Hattie Bryson and Mayme Queen and D. E. Bryson motored to Clyde, Sunday. , Miss Sophia Chastain, teacher of Dark Ridge tsekool, spent the week witk her eewu. Mm. \ - v . . OLAY COUNTY MAN / KILLS HIS FATHER Tri-County News, Oct 10.? J. Wesley Dayton was fatally shot by his father in self-defense, when the home, some four miles south o? HayesvillC; near Georgia Ho* last vVednesday. monriig. . [>;e eidor Dayton died Friday night. ll said that the young man shot shot his father in self-defense, when latter drew a shot gun on the young man. Young Dayton used a revolver, the bullet taking effect just .over the heart, ranging down and penetraing a part of one lung. Pneumonia set in, and death resulted Friday. There are many and conflicting reports of just what brought on the quarrel that resulted in the shooting the only point upon which there seems to be general agreement is that there had been domestic , trouble ranging over quite a long period re sulting finally in the death of the elder Dayton. It is known that the dead man was separated from his wife and it is said here that the quarrel was over the young man's mother; another version of the affair is that the immediate cause of the quarrel was over a wheat drill. At any rate, according to the best in formation obtainable, a heated quar " rel occurred, the father drawing a shot gun on the young man, it is said and he, in turn, shooting his father with the revolver. v Young Dayton came to Hayesville and surrendeded to the officers. Judge J. Bis Ray, who was then pre siding at the regular term of Su perior court, specified the amount of bond, it is stated. Dayton was then released, and returned to his home. Before his death the father and son, it is said, conversed about the trouble, the son remarked that he would not have <jk>ne what he did "for. a million dollars" had he not been forced to, to which the father sanctioned by nodding his head and saying he would foigive him (Dewey.) : k ? >? : mLi r ' r: . - ? < ? . ' Onr Son day~ School and Prayer meeting arc both progressing nicely. Rev. Mr. Snyder of Beta failed his \ ??e^ular appointment Sunday, but :iticr arriving, Rev Mr. l)een of Cullowhce consented to preach and Hr'thor Synder gave away "for Kim. luv. Mr. Drc i preached an inter Citing sermon wh ?*li ?!?;?? ?> and | ?il>pico\ted by '??"emi people. We are hoping that, car drivers will not try to straighten crooks in onr highway and go off of some bluff as a few have in the past. A Hdn drive was undertaken re cently by the faculty of our school and it was a great success. We find it only takes trying to accomplish many things which seem to be failure already at fir& ? Everybody reported a good time at the box supper which was held last Friday night. Everything was /carried on with the best of order. We have kn6wn now that the people of this community are behind the school and are all doing their best to make it a succcss. Onr school has started a new game to all of the students.This is Volley ball Which has not been played very much in any of the schools of Jackson county. We hope to make the best success possible of it The people are getting along fine with their work. We hope they will soon be through with gathering of crops. - Much corn, cane and other crops have been slightly bitten by Jack Frost, this fall in .this community. x ? .. ( GAY NET'S Mrs. Tom Freeman, daughter of Mr. Bilas Quilfcms, visi J cS hojme folks, Sunday. < Miss Scylla Quilliams has return- 1 ed t here home here. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Parris and little grandson, spent , Sunday with Mr. Tom Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones dined | with Mrs. Tom Jones, Sunday. ?'1": Ma an Ethel JoneS entertained a number of friends at her home, here Sunday evening. Thje gujesty wtere Misses Nina and Bonnie Jones, Mrs. Bey 'Beck, Velt McMahan, Mr. and Mis. Tom Jones, and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Woodard a*il family. -v/v y Miss May Buchanan and Mf. David Sutton were happily married, Saturday. - }ii. and Mis, T?m Bryson have] to their home i& Georgia. ?f| BAPTISTS OP TTJOKASBHSEB ASSO. PLEASE BEAD As director .if' the Tuekaaeqgee Baptist Association, I wish to say that November 23-30 has been set apart by the Steering Committee of the Baptist. State Convention as Com pletion Week for the 75 Million Campaign; November 30 to Decern* ber 7 has been set apart by the Southern Baptist Convention ap the time to take pledges for the 1925 Baptist program v ? ? It is absolutely necessary to have some sort of organize deffort in eaeh ? church. Let the pastor awl some' members in each church take the in . itative in the matter at onee and ap point in your church a director, A I W. M. U. director, a B. Y. P. V. oi rector, and a publicity dire etor. Please send names and addresses of these to W. Ross Yokley, Sylva, N. C., the Associational Director. Brethern won't you please do this at once that we may have vic tory for the cause of our Redeemer T W. ROSS YOKLEY, Director of Tuckaseegee Asso. EAST LAPOBTE * ' { . - % \ / Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Welis, and Miss Flossie Parks went to Whiteside, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Woolum at tended church at Moses Creek, Sun lit y. Miss Rnth Gilley and Miss Mabel Horn went to'Sytva Monday. Mrs. Bryson Smith/ of Webster, spent Thursday with Mrs. Tom Bu chanan. . Mr. 'Boy Moseman went to Ashe ville, Sunday. Mr. W. W. Denton went to White side, Sunday. Mr. Andy Edwards and Mr. Jtoy Mikles went to. Sylva, Thursday night. , Mr. and Mrs. G. Williams went to * Canton, Sunday. gk FeatbMr took tea with Mrs. T. J. Parks, Sunday evening. Mr. and MrB. Ed! Hooper went to Sylva, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Moseman went to Waynesville, Sunday. Mr. Andy Edwards and family spent' Sunday on Savannah. Mr. Lewis Bumgarner was here, Friday. ERASTUS NEWS ? ' I ? \ We are having some pretty weath er now after several days of rain. Rev. W. Clark Medford begain a revival meeting at the Double Springs Methodist church, Monday night. We hope for a successful meetingT^ We are glad to see Miss Florence Henderson at home again after spending the summer at Highlands. Miss Ruby Moss was the guest of Masses Sophia and Lenora Stewart Saturday night. Mr. Henry Evitt of Norton was ? visitor here Sunday v ( Several of our people attended m revival meeting at Yellow Sun day. Among thoese were; Misses Florence Henderson, Ruby Moss Lenora, Sophia and Nettie Stewart and Messrs. Burl, Govan and Guss Moss, Roy and Burk Stewart, Carl Childers and Bill Bumgarntr* Mr. A. N. Stewart went to 8yfos last Friday an business. - Miss Myrtle Henderson of Higfi lands was the guest Of her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Deek Henderson Safe day. / Mr. Burl Moss went to Sylva oaf day last week on business. Messrs. Glenn Cody and Riley Shukr of Sylva waa> visitors hens Sunday, September 28th. FIR^T BAPTIST CHTJROtf W. Ross Yokley, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 A. Mr J. T. Gribble, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M. and T?9 P. M. " B. Y. P. U. at .6:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting at 7 :30 each Wed nesday. . Choir practice at 7:30 P. 1L eacli Friday." I , .) * Let ns not forget that Sunday October 19th is Sylva Collegiate In stitute Day In all the churches ef our association. This it to' be a fx** wlil offering and our ehursh sioalt make a very generous offering to this school that means so m?6 to th?? people ia Western NWth Ck*M Una, " - A

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