Mm* vkar in advance in the County x SYLVA, N. C., OCT. 31, 1924 Lvesville wins P FROM CULLOWHEE I L|oWhf(\ N. C., (Vt 27? After L,to their opponents by an over ly, s(.?re of 72-3 last week at r^villc tin1 local eleven held tho IJ^ill,. High School ten in to a Kjjfoif here fyturday in the first Li puiu' ever played at Cul For in .fnckson county. As the ?Timlirates the Cullowhee lads rsa(|, n ;n;:r!.ab!e improvement Lfoaefi .'i?l>?!st>u is more than 1^1 af the xhawing n:ade by a I^r team. Though handicapped Lf lack of experience they play |jje veterans ami with a little Ltmiuiiw t*> .jrive them a better L^coi the iraine the Cullowhee Elation threaten.^ to beeomt fol the >t r> invest tj-ams in this ly ^inte was / full of thrills l^botit. I'lirinu tho first quarter CfOMiii was al>lo to make noticc The lirst touchdown came I one minute he fore the end ol Ijffiiinl (|?arier. The third quarter I like the lii>t, and the second L,(own came in the last fcA* Lfs of the final quarter. Nolhn lilio most effective ground gamer |iV;iymsvillc. hut the most spec Ljr |>layuiir ?ns tivniJblicd by Lt, left end. for Cullowhee. t atter time he ripped through lojiiKisiuu lino as it it were paper Kj^ldoin f;i(i|e)l to down his man. Iri< far the fastest man cn the . - fl | ICAVtfK IS HF.Anu iV'.iv ::ur:n Zebulo ? ? WVi*..; ^native troia this district for epsi eiirlil years, was the speak i the Democratic campaign to I the local voters aboiU national ks litis w.'. 'k. Quite ihe largest I iwbi t-n'i .luiastic audiences that net 'leanl any of the speakers i Lave come to Jackson county ltd out, and they ^eavd most en siistic spce.-her, and g**ve a most lis! reception at Cashteis, Cul ito ?a?l Savai>.ia:i. fagnssnum Weaver covered- the ?e of national issues iu a most. way, declaring thai i Mellon tax meant increased ks v.(l higher casts for tilings pnolie consumption, and tnat the ?aer schedule of tax won;ed to tw the burden on the man of ill income, lie showed how pro lion tarilT works an injury -to the wr hv forcing him to sell his on a glutted market, while at t saiue time the protected inter In he charged, fix the price of ?t the farmer sells and the price Lttejjowls which he buys, k speaker went down the line ^fd trusts discussing the power to ^-called protected interests i by on:\ Rev. \V. H. Nicholson t?( rs?jer -water of Whitesid?/ View Baptist' church visited here tliis week and preached four excelleit sermons. . . ? Rev. Mr. Ballinger ot' Walhallu, npent a few days recently at VV. S." Alexahder's and preached one night. Mrs. Alfred Miller of Sapphire spent the week end with her daugh ter. Mrs. p. C. Picklesimer. Mr. Ransom Brown who is build ing an addition, to Air. Charlie Ed wards' house' spent this week in W~rse Ove painting Mr. Alejc and Ed Edward? houses. ^fr. and Mrs. Frank Cole spent Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. Isa belle Lombard. Mrs. 6. M: Cole had spent several days with Mrs. Lflm bard and returned to Cashiers with Mr. and Mrs. Cole. , . Miss Editb Picklcsimer who '( is teaching at Oakland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Pickle simer last week epd. ?* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCall and Mrs. Deal Passinore were the guests of Mrs. Bud Lombard Friday. Miss Canty Bryson of Pisgah is visiting her "parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryson. Miss Mary Edwards passed through here Tuesday enroute to East -Ifu Porte to visit her brother, John Ed wards. Mr. Fred Zachary and I)r. Sum my of Brevard were tJiQ guests !of, Mr. aud Mrs. Charlie Edwards .Moa- ' day and Tuesday. ? Vj Mr. and <Mrs> Barton kerbv wer$ the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Picklesira'er Friday. Misses Edna and Nina Bumgarn or are attending Brevard ? High School anflafe;maki*ng splendid prog re *s with their Studies. Miss Lois Edwards is teaching at Yellow Mountain and getting on fine with her school. ? \ Miss Mabel Edwards is teaphin- at Big Ridge and has the largest at* ' tendance ever enrolled there' , Mr, and Mrs. Ed Edwards '#><1 little son, Frederick of Horse Cove spent Sunday with Mrs. Edwards' parents, Mfr. and Mrs. D. C. Pickle* rimer.*"' Mr.- Will and Lunfe Watscp mad? a inarlicct trip to WalHnlla thift w<*>k. .??* ' ' * 1 ' r . Miss Maud Buragarncr spc'1* .Tues day night with Cora Iieev Picklcsimer. t Mrs. .Margaret PieJ^e^mer has ?|*ot Mi JQV ; -Vgrcssimni Wewer discussed ?M.-o's | mi ?y on t lie1. 'soldiers i?^ t hnt -ic is class lec tion, then road the declaration the so'd'or; themselves, that no ^ vetoed tlioi r laying in the kiwis, their lights- in no man's ^ their beiii?j sulVcrtus t'roia mus "? ica.s, but when legislators want cxprv'^s tin* appreciation of the by jjivinj; tliem hiort* tlian a 'Jr I 'ci' ilay for their services '.Mhjit was vetoed. I *r' Weaver's addresses were! ?ni's tlmt appealed to the i(k "?% I , j^lAGS LICENSES ISSUED - . * N l#?wse to wed has been grante^ 'I* following couples, by the regis* T "Meeds: r?nt Bradley to Bonnie Bnragamer ^?H.IWhanaii toKli/abeth Brook's Wlml W, Ashe to OlHe Cope |^.\\iklcto Dora Wall * r W. Sutton to May Bnchoyan fiine to M { tha Grim.!} aff I -mhur (irittih to Gertrude Watsqn ^>on Moodv to Kdifh Geirter' JjW <ul)l)s to<Ha Hooyetf ?' . ?**? W. Wike to Irene BrveOtt' liny to Snrah Gallo**y? Ulfoid to Kfrie Caldwell, Patm to Paralee "Fisher. ?Jt?l thnulU )o Annie Zacha'ry. K. lieiulrufk to Elsie Mthaffe.V ? ' i' Bl^ ridge hokor noifo 'J^IHlRADE: kT'nu1"'' t |s,1(?l'' ?,K|> t;HAl)K: ? ,lr^nie and K?fe Fi*!er,? f .U.T" t-UAlMi; .. IJPBKTH GRADE: ? - ^ Bryson and Bessie Cecil r 4 ?- 1?. ?h. ? j JSI4ZABETH CITY POE -5 PORTS MEASURE * t . - ? . ? K I ' \ ^ f Raleigh, Oct. 27th.? Elizabeth City is not in accord with Pat. H. Wil liams,, the state senator who is the chief opponent of the port terminals and water transportation measure which is to be adopted or rojected by the voters of North Carolina on November 4. That port already ;has determined to construct municipally owned terminal facilities to care for the water-borne traffic along the sound. / Elizabetfr^ty is the home of Senator Williams. The Independent of that cit)y in its last week's issue says: C. ' , . . ? "Elizabeth City in property front ing on the Pasquotank river for $30. 000 (dernsitin?: ten, per cent with the receiver)' which assures the <^ity of an ideal site for the erection of municipal docks.' The Independent further states: 4 4 The question , of municipal docks has been agitated by this paper for several years. City Manager John Bray has been a strong supporter of the movement and several of the Al dermen have been favorable to it. The city has long been hampered ia taking care o i its waterfront trade for lack of docking facilities for stun) I vessels, and much of the sound trade has gone io other towns, Wash-,. 1 igton, for instance, v.acre there are free' wharves." '?The city having bid in tho prnp vi ty. it is lo be hot ed that no rne would have so little pride in the town us toHvant to thus take the only op port, nitv for'fui lit*, development iu'1 this jlirection.'! e>iifluV'es ti:-? In ilflH'. dcl.t. ) ?? Y' Port ;ermii *1 advocates h\'/:?lii.<h CityrH ul j?nb - y .vr.od term-r. as the very. b->t answer to Senator Williams, aud his opposition. Advocates suggest to the voters of North Carolina that what Elizabeth City announces is nm s.try. for its fut!u> divelupmcni, applies wit.* stronger toveft tin V\. et as a whole. Ti^y are eoftfldent rhnt _ri regoi ivs ' i-'"5' rtiHM tfst'i.t from Elizabeth City- will convince thousands of voters that the referen dum should carry. r" . I ^ f Whiteside cov^T ^ ' 4 TO THE PEOPLE OF SYLVA . , AND JACKSON .COUNTY - . __ 7 *'<' i ' 1 ' > . 1 ' Am writing io thank all for the ? 9 .1 j ^ ? cordial reception given me on Jack son Cdunty Day and for your friend ly assistance in getting the plane f ? i , v * 'j ready to take to the air again. / Am sorry that I could not give you a little more flying before leav ing, but as it was getting rather late ? ') , r ? :,\ and I had hopes of reaching home before dark. I thought it safer to made an early stat. The plane flew out of your Add with a good margiu of safety. - A I was delayed in getting gasoline at Wilmot, so spent the night near there and flew home the next morn ing. I hope that I may have thepleas ure of visitipg Sylva again by air plane at some future time. Sincerely yours, ;v N. E. STORMS. BANES TO CLOSE FOR ELECTION ' <5^ ?: > ? , The banks in Sylva will be closed all day, next Tuesday, election day, it being a legal holiray in Nortli Carolina. H \ . ? ? I ? - RED CROSS HOLDS MEETING The Jackson County Chapter com mittee of the American Red Cross met Satudray, Oct. 25, at the office of Dr. W. P. "McGuire for the pur pose of reorganization and Roll Call .plans. Dr. Grover Wilkes was elect ed as chairman of the chapter for the ensuing year, and Mr. M. D. Co* an was reelected as Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Freeze as Juni or Red Cross Chairman, with Miss Nettie Broaden, County Supervisor of Schools, as assistant. Mr. Dan Tompkins was"Yeelected as chairman of Publicity, and Dr. W. P. Mc Guire as chairman of relief for the county.^.. ' ? ? > # ^uv*ideei4??l<to$uuw> 4Jie roll <iall for membership in the Red Cross from November 24 to November 27, and Mrs.- J. F Freeze was elected as Chairman for the roll call, to work cut her plans later. The retiring eiiajptcr chairman, Mr M. Buchanan, v. ho has served since the war, agreed t< o ? ;'j\v on the publicity work for ??lUeitll. The proceeds of mem bi'.^ii j !?:?,' $1.00, are divided between the national organization and the local chapter. Fifty cents of each dollar gees to support the national work of. the Red Cross for disaster relief, and fifty cents stays at home. -The committee decided to divid^ the chapter portion as follows: one half for the benefit of each local Junior Red Cross organization, and one half for thc-j^lief fund for the county. Dr. W. P. McGuire has continued the iflief work quietly right along, each grant being approved by I he ?com mittee. The relief fund may be used .in any part of the county where there is ^need of Red Cross help. Miss Nell Whalcy, field represen tative of /the American Red Cross,' was present at th? meeting, and told of the work she las been assigned to d.? in ten counties of Western Caro lina, of which Jackson is one. The ft nunittco Voted to sei aside $5.00 inch for the fire schools lhat have organized in the County, namely, Sylva, Cullowhee, GlenviMo, Webster and Qunlla. ? This will tielp the mem bers of the Junior Red Cross to get on tUeir own feet. The Treasurer at each school will be given a check .bo$lRbv the Chapter Treasuver, Mr. M. 1:'. Cowan, who will also write oach Treasurer a letter.1 These of ficers 'at 'the schools will keep their accounts -find report to the chapter Treasui-er. The Committee expressed it$klf4% much pleased with the chil drens organization of the Junior Red Cross and its wis to encourage them. them. , Cj- b ,? 4. JjL L? "* BARKER'S CRE?K ? ? HONOR ROLL ?? t ? ? FIRST GRADE: . Maggie -Dills. * ?v aCOW'GRAD.R: ; Howard Nation. ?nilRD GK M\5: Citric Dills, King, i OURTH GR.VD?' . , ' - Oneva Bro??U-i, DHi?. FIFTH "GR A >T.f 1 .Nellie Join? Bei'tha Ward, ' 'd.ll * .Ottis tfvftt mi. " SIXTH GRADE: , ..Floyd -...Gibson, > Talmage/ Jor^s, Walter "BrookiB, Dennis Bradley, Udell Brooks. \ ?. *-: SBVBNjH OSADE: ^ Janet Natitfn, Felix Jones, ^ BOX SOTPEB PROVES PI- . bio Calto4<*, x. a, tot 20th.? The box sup^w given in the Cullowfcee Training School auditorium Satur day eveiiin g, October 26th, was a de cided success in every inspect. The community spirit manifested in pre paring $uch delightful boxes and the lively bidding' throughout the sale of. ihem was gratifying indeed; Mr. P." W. Alexander and Mr. Harry Keller Served as auctioneers. After the box$s were sold two highly spirited contests followed in "voting for the' prettiest girl and the ugliest boy with votes selling at, one cent each. When the results were announc- 1 ed Mies Pauline Horton had re- J ceived-the highest number of votes! for the most beautiful young lady! and Mir. Joe Hayes for the Ugliest I young man. Each winner was award-! ed a beautiful cake. The net' proceeds | of the evening amounted' to ninety-! two doU*k$ yhich will be spent in j equiping the Training School library. ? (Ti THE ONLY WAT OtJT V-* U * I Public port terminals in North] Carolina provoke a thousand objec-i tions to the plan proposed. The pro- 1 posed plan won 't work, but only one I other plan is offered, namely, still I further appeals to, the Interstate Commerce Commission. A sufficient I comment on this plan is that North Carolina has been down on her mar- j row -bones to courts and commissions ( for nearly forty years praying for! relief. And no relief conltes, or none] that business can count on for long. J What we gain one day we lose the next. Bail nates travel like Pecksniff's I pony, mostly up and ' down. Every body -knows that. WJiy suggest a I plan of relief that everybody knoWs is useless and fruitless? It is folly to blame rail carriers and the Inter- 1 state Commerce Commission. They! arc doing exactly what they ar^ ai- 1 lowedfjko under the law of tbe lahd. I ?The fautt lies sin ourselves. It lies in j a condition that the state alone can remove. Other states are doing it in the name of all the people, because I all the people are benefitted. And the slate can afford to create public port terminals, because Con gress and the Interstate Commerce Commission no longer 'allow rail car-| riers to lower rates in order to des- 1 troy water competition and thereby bankrupt port terminal investments. J It could be done once upon a time, | was done as a matter of fact. But it cannot be done today. | This single fact explains the courage j of six states in establishing public J port terminals, and also the courage J of 61 cities in 25 other waterfront states. _ , Of course there is opposition, be I cause the proposed ?.plan disturb*, ^private businesses privately conduct ed for private profits. A system of I Port Terminals and Water Transpor tation is the way out of our traffic troubles, "it is the way distinctly proposed and promoted by Coi.uress and the Federal authorities.? E. C,j Branson. n ? ' ELECTION NEXT TUESDAY | Great general interest in Jackson sounty is centered around the general election that is to be held next Tues lay. In addition to the state and lational election, the county election s attracting wide attention, and the indications are that there will be a jig vote cast, probably the largtst in the history of the county an practi jally evcr>r qualified vote is registex id, and nearly all of them will vote. The two county tickets follow : For State Senate ? 32nd Senatorial District; T. C. Bryson, Democrat, R. F. Jarrett, Republican. For Judge Recorder's Court; Felix E. Alley, Democrat, E. P. Still well, Republican. For Representative; Robert. L. Madison,- Democrat, Jno. B. Ensley, Republican. 1 ' . / For Clerk Superior Court; John D. Norton, Democraat, 5* Y, Watson, Republican. : v! s J For Sheriff; N, L. Button, Demo crat, S. C. Cogdill, Republican, v For Register qf Deeds; Raymond R. Nieholson, Democrat, Thornton Cabe, Republican. For Auditor; J. V. Davis, Demo crat, G. T. Wike, Republican. For Ccronor; G. W. JfcConnell, Democrat, J, R. DiUard, Republican. For Surveyor; Lyman Stewart, Democrat, Sam Cook, Republican. For Commissioners; J. M. W^atson, John C. Allman and Benj. N. Queen, Democrats, K. Howell, John AJfoop er and J. W. Keener, Republicans. -.v. - GOES TO BOTH ford College, and will go there, next week, to take up his work. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family are now visiting relatives in Greensboro and Raleigh. Rev. W. M. Bobbins, late pasto at Lake Jnnaloska has been assigned to Sylva. ? t r| ? Other appointments in the Waynes tvilte District are: W.P.Tucker presiding elder. ; Andrews, T. W. Houck; Bethel, F. W. Cool; Biyson City, D. V. Howell, Canton;, A. C. Gibbs; Cullowhee, A. W. lynch; Dell wood, H. E. Crist, supply; Franklin, W. ML Smith; Franklin circuit, R. A. Tnritt; Fines Cre^k, J.C. Brown, supply ; Glenville. W. 'C. Medford, supply; Waynesville, F. L. Setzer; Haywood, P.L. Terrell y Highlands, JT. G. W. Holloway; Hiawassee, L. /T. Edens, supply ; Jonathan,^. K. Whidden; Judson, to be supplied; Lake Junaluska, Frank Siler, Macon, Van B. Harrison; Murphy, D. H. Rhinehardt ; Murphy circuit, F. E. Hartsfield; Robbins ville, R. A. Huskey.-suppljv: Sylva, W. M Robbing; Waynesville, J, T. Mangunt ; Websier circuit ; * J.4 W. Bennett ; Whittio; circuit,' iL ' A. Bryan, supply. / . V" ?' IWT. V. u. wuuw, nuv uuo vuvu VUV popular pastor ? of the Methodist' ehnrA here for the past f our years, has Wn assigned to work at Ruthwv BA?.3AM Miss Elsie Mvlni vy and Mr. Coy Hedrick weip marrud at the Baptist parsonage in Beta Sunday t'?e 2Ctli at about one o'clock in th eaf'emocn. Rev. T. F. Deitz performing- the ceremony. , They were accompanied by Miss Grace Mehaffey, sister of the bride, Mrs. Maybelle Perry, Messrs, Ode Enslcv, Charles R." Jones, Jrl, and Hubert Ensley. The brida is the charming daughter of Mr.' and Mfc. A: H. Mel^ffey, one of _ BaJ&ajSJ^ niost^pbpnlar ; yo ung ^adiesTTBc groom is a young man of sterling qualifies and an employe of the Southern '6. it. Company. Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick left Balsam. Monday afternoon .? %y motor for Statesville, where they will make their future home. They have the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends in Balsam. Prof. II. Rickards and Wife left their home in Tampa, Fla., in May on a pleasure trip, visiting all the places of interest along the South ern route to San .Francisco. They toured through the beautiful valleys, falls, large trees, etc.,' in California, on to other Western States. They visited relatives in California, Colo rado Oklahoma, Missouri and 111. They toured through twenty states, taking in all the places of interest and reaclted Balsam October 17th, for a visit to his brother, Mr.?T. M. Rickards, leaving here the 21st, for their home. Prof, and Mrs. Rickards arc /5 years old, stood the trip ..with out fatigue and gained many pounds in flesh. ? Mr. W. T. Lee, Jr., attended-the York Rite . Masonic- Reunion in Asheville Oct. 21st and' 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. N. R Christy are visiting Mr and Mre. J. W. Cuthbert son at Almond. : Nearly <^yery body in Balsam went to Sylva, Jackson County Day, saw the airrijuie and had a good time. Ms. iim Mehaffey visited her daughter, Mr3. Ida Head, in Way nesville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Coward have returned from a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gunter'snat Moses Creek. Two saw mills were burned Wed nesday night. One belonging to Mr. R. J. Bryson and the Other to Mr. Kuykendall. They were about two miles apaj-t and the origin of the fire is unknown. . ^ / . An interesting program was ren dered by the children of the Balsam graded school,- Friday afternoon The teachers request the parents to meet with them November 7th for the purpose of organizing a Parent Teacher Association. ' ' * ? Miss Emma McKay spent the week end in Haselwoodi Recently Mr. Homer Brown was called upon to kill a snake in his yard, which he immediately did. Then he saw another and killed U, then another and so on until he had killed five, all headed for hfe hopse. They were not toll, alike, but f all were large snakes. ' Mrx Odelie Jones pfJirysonCity visited ' her . daughter, . Mrs. . Wi E. Ensley last week end. ' * . . Miss Kate Rickards .was at home from T^aynesvilla, . for. 4 few days FOLKflG ATHBI& ;-1 yUKK"1* (WW . / ? *- ? ? 'M ?< 30.-TK* ant lag ; meting. in WkiA {km Sd^.^n;lc:^eth" Livestock Associations at Asheville on November JL1. to 14. , ... i . According to R. S. Curtis, of the Animal Industry Division, State Col- ' lege Experiment' Stktton, this Meet ing will be held in conjunction with the Western' ? North Carolina Live stock and Agricultural- Exhibition, and will be featured by ,ptd4ee?ee from prominent, livestock- leaders, ^exhibits- of .livestock and sales of pure brad breeding stock. i"* 1 V On swine day, November !!, there will be an address by Dan. T. Gray, formerly !n charge of ' livestock work in North Carolina. The afternoon will be. devoted to a sale of poro bred swtne. Earl Hostetler and W. W. Shay- of the State, Gollege of 'Agriculture will'make talks and several leading" swine men will take part in the discussions. ' ..Beef cattle and Sheep day,.. No vember 12, will ' hie featured by., mi / . address by David Fy. ffe of the Ohio State University. Mr. Fyffe is aa in ternational character in; the live- .. stock world and his address promises to -be one of the interesting Invents- ? - of the meeting. There will be a sale bf'pore' bred beef- ariimals in thev _ afternoon. v" * 1 Dairy * battle - and poultry: day, November IS, wiU li? featured by ah address by S. C. Thompson, of the fiUrean of Dairying at Washington. ) There, will' also be talks 4>y members ? v ?f t'K- y.tiiy extent". oftiec at tbo State College followed by- an edu cational' poultry program.' Dr. B. F. Kaupp and A. G. Oliver of the ) poultry dejfratment will help to put 1 oil a ' poultry show and' arrange the speaking program. \ \ The meetid^HT- wilt all be held in a large condfcte-buildjng recently con- . I^ructed aear -the ball parfcih Ash& vilje. & v ,-..i . HIGH: SCHOOL NOTES - The students of Central High ? met,* -Friday, October 24, and a^ a literary society, organized five clubs :> '? a'dramatifr*flhb, a glee club, a publio speaking club, and a science club. - As these clubs will give each student a definite1 field in which to improve ? his talents, it is believed' that the purpose of literary woijk will be ? better served. ' 1 At the faculty meeting on last Fri day, it was decidecl to record the de portment of each student on his re port card, regularly, ; Tuesday morning Prof. Lovelace announced that on election day . the school will conduct a project in citi zenship, in which will be hehl- an election, covering county, state and national offices. The classes in civics will be responsible for the execution of the plans;, but all . ;the ^eachers and students will be eligible to vote. The boys ' , basket ' ball team de feated S. C. I. on the latter 's court, Trtsday evening, by a score of 24 to 17. The game was attended by<an enthusiastic crowd of fans from both sides. *? ERASTUS Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. M. Moss were the guests of Mrs. Lilly Stewart, Snnday Miss Minnie Stewart ,of Bessie, was here, Sunday. ? Mrs. John Stewart and little daughter, Bubv, spent the week-end - with her daughter Miss Ruth Stew pitj Wha w unending school at Glcn ville: , ? Mr. Charlie Potts, of Bessie, was < a- visitor here, Sunday. Misses Lenoa and Sophia Stewart went to GleriVille one day last week, shopping. ;; ). v /"?'? . * Born ,to Mr. nad Mrs. L. G. Stewart, 'Oct. 12., a daughter, Bessie Ob: -J y : V. V / 1 M ^fr." and Mrs.' Lambert Mo6dy Were ? .lis Saturday night g^rdbts of lire. W7y>,iy?a parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J.' B. Bumgamef. * Mr. Elbert Bryson called at' Mr. A. Stewart's, Monday. - Miss Ruby1 Moss is spe'dirig some daj'stwith .Mrs, Gordie Voody. . < Mr. Jofyn Wilson, p? 6ylva, waa % here, Sunday. ' , * f *?*. ** M. CTiarlie' Sfewart, called **rt' Mr/' J. M , Mpf| \r Sunday. ' ? Misses Sophia s and Nettie Stewart were the Sundbjr guests' of Miss Ro**hel Moss,. **_ " I ] Mr.A^ N* S&wart went to Sylva, 1 MontfaV,son business. ' " MrvGuss Moss and Mr., Jake Stew rt calleS at Mr. W.'R. Stewart's, u: vv

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