? . - VKAtt IK *? N. C?DEt\5,1924. ^^pFa- i'.vn^v '.- ',v-; ' S " xW ' *ia i*v; " ' T - ; ? si iT"5".?) > ? . ; . t " :vS ? ? ? :?y.T ? ' ^ iv- ?s?*1? ?^4 TJ tflg $2.00 TIIE YRAR IN Ab VANCE OiCT SIDE THE COUN'IA * *-? Cm WALTER YOOTQ *? f r' DIES IN ATLANTA ' -4' J } * 'f f ? priratl- i" Western North Carolina I fl Mrs. Walter Young, Wro graved I ,tf icnm of her dcatfc -at 4 oWki ^iDfiliiy. in Atlanta, foli';vrin^ mj I . s ? . sin w:!.- tlu> wife of Dr. Manor y,um oi Atlanta, nad wcW-lcnc>V!? iui Svtw, kl'-ooi-o, and Jackson county I 41 ? isU* Ail -? b. \Y ? Enldj, J tl' p.r>o-r ?, and Li-.ing spent inachj ,jnn re. Bo tore her niaiviuge slul rtS ll.is Annie Huuc Staadni&n, oi jiwipHihl. Ark. Dr. and Mrs. YQ.ir.j I ?ivnt l it' Minimtr of this je?r in I Jjillstw o. Mr... l.?l!i Hooker *and wiU-rj it!?uv Onl it !vJ Mo: j.i'U:' > pi'-dl?ltf the, ?-nd with home t'olks. M t<. ? M. Hug' -'nil f.. \ '?alar.d Mi vp bef>. eii:p'.?yed j? i ? n r \ Vi ' ! '. *l%lAnr.t t Mvr, Hi". 1 'it;!oN!v.s"!;v.*eli and family oi 6rlva have recently moved to their joiiih; the 0. A. tin farm. Mr. H. Ncbo.' hps .? to 5hotl Creek. JBww Urac? lloylc and ISwie RtlwiiV "vi,;!:c(l school Monday, lit. ?!hI M i \V. H. Horlo nm ?i . A r. lfovti filled at M<\ .1. H. Wios' S:it,,i;,y (WOmilg. Mty, .lu me- Sit ton gavq a Quilting ^ mm! a sumptuous dinner ttt her Thanksgiving. l rty oi you?j f. lias c; .)<\ved< : ^?b|p Wetltn-rday evening. ::t th? we of Mr. Will Howell, and one al * *l Mr. 11. Battles Thursday , ;? k* u-i?* we ;;ro pure (Trcm l;c statc in ti,0 Journal) that Svlvr k '1-. a row hotel, we art equally ? Sl? >al Creek needi a nev |Ns, TV central j>oint of, a first fotnnniiiity where we already two viiiuviivs, n high ;vhool an t Pketol also needa a first s'nr? . Wjji so'iie (h-st class mor ^M fctlu- the liiiit? |l:c2 TAKES VAOA TION IN MOUNTAINS I ?Uovjlle, Dec. 4. ? (i rantland tlicc wTr re?fi?j.r. at ,)1C. Biltmore Fores* ?^ry Cii-h here, from lii^ higt I ?o'?t-hall writing of tl>e-|wsl 1 ?7^ ha3 rctumed to New York.Hf Tj1 ?,f,!>n,.j>:.n;e(i h\ Twitb n edit ir of Vanity lair, A r 1V(,y?Un. iv niier nnnaging ed:to* J"10 Atuer'.?? ,n Magaxinc^ Mo. Ma.? ls0n I'r. ton, nationally known il t>~at r. v.'!n? is riow working on ' ^ illustrations for the Rntnr Pl^iisn^ Posjt, mid Mrs. Hie?* , liilc Uoi'v he showed his apti^h' fs "??mber of sports. * ? ^'f and Hunt Proving to be as uiuch Ids waf, (ooiv.t. ... ?. x:f% i . _ ' * *?* * elected CHAIRMAN ' j* ?y;- i fw tW new board of ? "eounty ?* ^ met, Mondav morning; 4 Watson, of Cidlowhee, a "f; oi tU beard, ws; thairmaa for tlif t|?xt two J ' ' X-; ? i.- -? ?' ?thor members of the nev. John Allman, of Seott'a Bea N. Queen, of Sylva. AltftN. tNfiL^lSfTiT.F.g . JEN ATKTO S3IASE . ?%}'{, i . J. Alvin Ensley was ? killed and J&illiard G idn ey *keriously injured , When Mr. Enslgy'a car tum:d over ip the rpacl near jMt^on, Wednesday night, tliijney V&rUshed i > thu French Broad A(fct.e'ville,x and the offyqpig ISiv.lcy take.:; Mr. E. L. MeKee, who arrived xipon Mr. ^nsloy ii a son of /tfohn B. Enalov, of Syiva, a rittnber ot' the city c:ttueil, and a ydlprah /c?f the. \Vori?l War^J J . " * ? *Sur\?ivinjr him, wrefjiif: widmr :vjd 'tyo small children, his father^ three hUtcts, 11; M. Liopyw, ot' ?kron 1 Himv Miiju. t..?Miva Ens'.cy, c.'? and Mis. AtrW.Oaks, of Winter' (itbrciH Fla., and thrta hrotlirr^ Ax4?. Ensley of Charlotte, and Ches ter and Blaine fcirlry, of Cleveland, Ohio. I :** -i v ? - SEES GREAT POWER DEVELOPMENT V c ? ? > 'g' , . 0*" ? Westeri) Ncrl'.i Carol inn, Inc., see great water power development iu Western North , Carolina in the near future, as attested in the following; letter: < ^ ? , We lire firmly convinced that the development cf our potential water powers will mean a revolution in the financial condition of. the 25 moun tain counties. Before 1944) water nwer development will cmso.^hc ex penditure of between ?$100,000,000 \ud $500,000,000 in Western North Carolina. Whether the smaller cy the jngor figure becomes availab'e ipnd^ largely on how we take ad van - .age of great resource. The turn ing loose of these hundreds o? mil lions of dollars will * directly benefit svery person in this section. Acecrding to all the figures ava:l ble there is 1,000,000 hone power in >*nm*wrontain ttrcams. Some of this power will never be developed because many of mr beautiful falls will be preserved Veen use of their value, as tourist at .raVtious. (ither powers will lx> very dew. of development due t .> distance away l rein commercial centers. Cer tainly, however, we are sale , in as ; umin^ that at least 500,(M) horde p>wer will be at work within a short period of time. The cost otf -developing water pow >!? j-aug?.} between $100 and $^00 per lorje power, with an average of $150 The development of 500,000 will then cost around $75,000,000. Please note ?bat this amount of money will be pent no matter by whom the powers re built. The 'money ia not now available in We. tern Norh Carolina. j ^ r.itf .* c :ne from other sources. Vote, too, til. it tllU $75,000,000 will . ,e . spent l.-rgoly in Western North Carolina, no niatrof what use the >owcr is t > be put to. It takes bis, noney" to spend big money ; there "ore it is al> ohitely n? esrarv that 'rig companies cr con>orationR under take this wor!;. Wc welcome Big People to. Western North Carolina. Aeording to the North Carolina ' Jcologi^al Purvey, {he industries in his state now demand 500,000 horse ? wcr and trr a number of yw? ^iis demabd .ha; increased 10 per lent yearly, on an averaj. . The de aiand is actually increasing and wtih the great industrial expanisicn there , is reason to believe that a 10 f>er cent yearly growth in use of power nav be; expected ior many years tc jome. This normal incm e then would create a demand for 800,000 'tov;'o P ov.-ir ift;W-? 1,3^0,0 J) inW ad 2,088,0- ?> % ;?24. As ?' 'icr.se power is pv.ct.cally the fina limit t >. the paft-lble power iiVNortli Carolina, it is safe to predict tlftt all )f Western North Carolina's 500, 000 hor e power will be developed b\ !f)40T"Th?rt mc.1. lis that' $75,000,00;. viil have been turned lore here with :u tlie ncit fifteen years, by develop nirnt cfjv:>wcrs alone^ We believe tilis is a very con ervative figure which might well be doub^d- ^ A Mgh oflc'.al cf rhq Sontheir Power Company has stated tli^J re iiabte stitistics'bv hi^coi : pany/diow that for every dollar spent by then 'u developing hydro-eleetric powef, the user cf the^wer, the r jnanu fscturer, spend;.**} in. buying land, ?r^ctinc fact:r;ev installing mnclmi building boufies, ptp. This being mo, there wW b? UQ "n pudlst:^ that ; an additional $450,000,000 will be Ispent to make use of on* 500,000 horse power. How ever, it is vejy prbbable that only a portion of the four huadifd andxAttjg miilio* will lie spent in 'W^lfetep \"orth Carolina as thjbre is not'eljougli j /avU^riv here now to tibgoii),! tlmi ! inadh. CcrLr.lnly, though, wo a,etiuing industry in Weetern North I Cai^liuj. Every wheel, calling for j; uso of a horse power, which we owcr pile. S verti powers ranging fr .nif 100 t*> 1,00' pre' boiiig planned. Five plants vary ing in. si^e I'roia H!)0 to 20,000 horse power are ut present haing hnilt. Tw< plants of 2,000'' f.nd (i0,0uU, rrpcct Ively, havo been announced for in?\r.e diate cuistraction. To date w.itei wheels amounting t-> 180,000 horse power have bcon imtallod and? arc new in cperiticn. COUNTY BOARD TAKES PBE * ! OAlWMOifA3tY--MiaS;rJREf: III order to make sale th? operation cf scliooHmcks, the county board ci education Lis ^ nr.de the fcllowin. rules for thr'.r operation, and re quests that miy citizen report any in tringment of them to the count) superintendent.^ ( ; 1. A truck carrying st'lico! child :vn iuur.t not jkiss a jailriad crossing until it has been property flagged. A iMiirjad in proj>eriy flagged when the trui*k eoiues to a complete stop at least ten feet from the track, the ?captain gets out and stands on the crossing until the truck has passed over it. 2. A truck while children are on it must not Th> run over fifteen miles per houi'-not more than five miles pei hour over v.oirden. bridges. ) 3. No driver has the authority tc (change the adjustment cf a carr bureU r, governer, 01 any other pari I uf a track, iiule:is in ease of emer gency, and then he n.ust rep rt th<: change made to the head principal immediately u)K>n airiva! at the school. _ *'? 4. \J)rive;o must obaci. o all com l.irn'y accepted "rules of the roads". 5. Trucks must not be run extra except b/ direction oi tl.e Principal. (j. No one, except, the driver and the ".^ltiUkpn regularly assigned to a truck, shall be permitted to ride cn the truck Without permission of the Principal., ' \ 7. The driver muijt net leave the truck while the meter is running. 8. Unlc?a in case cf emergency, cr by direction cf the Principal, no Crack shall be stepped on ihe road. 9. The driver must keep a clean personal gj'-pearepcc '.vncii driving a irii"k;in wiil.ch children are trans ported. ?> . -( V ?u. No dj'iycr shall, use tobacc while operating; a schco; truck, in a'ansporting ! children or teachers. 11. The Principal will appoint a 3aptain lor each truck. The Captain's . luty will be to assist the driver in keeping order, see that aii pupils an m the track, flSg railrcad crossings .nd perform Other duties directed by the P}ii.ei]?a'. N 12. Thcie shall be no hanging dn ,he step-., cr any other p^rt of the trucks while it is in motion. Them ihall be no jumping on or off a truck while it ii hi motion. ' 13. Uulejs instructed by the Prin .'?iii. t' c dr'ver p^i*"nit " pupil to leave the track at any \ tm .th.r than his regular, stop. 14. C;ild?en who persistently re fuse to conform to these'rnles or any other rale ffcrOTeribed by the Principal or the County % Board of Education ||iay have p?&J<^tfrtding it Jrtijr. ; of tjje tracfts. operated by the County Board pf Education. , .;?? ? x ; , 15. In addition to the alk;vc< rules, II19. Principal of every school is authorized to make any ?peeir.l,rnle v',:.ch his particular probk.a may re quire. - " ? ? ?/ >? v; W \ ? . ? 5T0RTH CAROLINA/ CERTIFI ED SEED POTATOES YIELD . GREATER THAN MAINS STOCK v v.: Raleigh, Deo. . 1.? Experimental . tests mr.de by the Division of IJcrti iulture on mountain gr:wn certified ;eed potatoes prove conclusively that ;he yield from certilicd stock growr. a the high altitude of the mountain: .?angei of western North CSitlina i. greater then the yield of similar va ritios grawn from Maine cartified ieed. In 1923 mountain certified seeti yield 10' per cent greater thuic Maine. In 1924 the wield was 9 1-2 /renter. Why is the mountaincertified seen otcck more productive ? Because thit jeihg a new- industry for the rcoun ;ain grower, the growing plants ar?. ,V,ci: more.. rstt/ji . .. and -lock more proJTuetm.^ Ben.i?he ihL supervision ; c:mcequentiy the ro^il *?g ii more thorough. Again, the ?ecd stock i3 general I v grovni ii. .irgin mountain lands. As a result ot .His many diseases carried over in a iiii! cciutantly planted to p::tatce. 1 iv eliminated. As r&iivf&it Is tin jnly water supply, there is no danger 4 d.soases being carried by water #0 ?s often done in the arid . region.' where the water supply comes fron. negation -ditches.- -'ihe cool suminoi days and nights in- moant-ain arert are ideal for potato growifig and tin iimger season insures a well matured, tight skinned, hard product. i *A limited supply oi high das* -louqlain certiued seed, can be ob taiii-nJ f*oin the i avrnw* ' Fedenrtioir jf Asheville, N! C*.,'MiV Ja:nes G. itfcClure, President, This Federation > ia> a limited ^upply which it car. .ell at a price. .\^> advise grew jta interested in obtaining 'high'elab scrtified sef'd to get in Uuch will, chis organization. POULTRY SURV37 IN CERTAIN COUNT.ES YIELDING VAL UABLE INrOKMATIOlv Raleigh, Dcci 1. ? Mr. V. V?r. Lewis Spuciaii-t in Poultry and Livestock; cooperating with a number of count} agents end Mr. D. L. Jones, Market ng Specialist of the Bureau of Agri cultural Eecuciuics at Washington, is making a study of conditions re lnting to the marketing of' poultry and poultry products in Macon Cleveland, Anson, Robeson and Beau x'ort counties. The result; of these .tudics will scon be 'complete fci Macon nnd Cleveland and will be published through this sheet. The poultry industry is growifig ill over the State and the IJivisioi. jf Markets will ^ive considerable at tentioii to tl^c marketing of poultn and j.iultry product) 1 ? during the coming year. ' o HEALTH s^als on sale ( This year's Christmas Seals ha v\ , ju_t boqn received by Mrs._ J. R. Buchanan, chairman forsSylva. - The 1924 seal is, the most artu>ti; jver produced in all the 17 year during which the annual Seal Sak has become a recognized and populai institution. It is done in beautifu shades of red, blue, a.rd gold. It i. printed cn better paper than ever be f:re. The adhesive material on tlx * back is more efficient and the Seal; '.re guaranteed to stick where put The color prccoss is a perfect litho graphing job. The Seals are so rrtlstic as to be the equal of any commercial Sca^ over put on the market and adver tising experts doelcre tiiot ? tliey houhl sell readily merely for their decorative value. , Assisting Mrs. Buchanan . in the 'ale, are Mrs. D. M. Hall, Mrs. E. *Vrd Kin? and Mr?. D. E. Murnv, "?f the A-nercm T esrlon Aux'liarv. ?nd Mr3. ?T. W. Keener., Mr3. J. P. Freeze and Mrs. J. C. Allison, of the Woman^ Club. Alreadv $65 00 werth cf Re*ts,have \ K*~n so*d. f>nd ?t is evp-f^M thnt tve frM rt^ota f;r S.ylva will bo reached / * . / The money from the seals Is used in the fight against tuberculosis: and in the care of tubercular patienes. 75 (-per cent of whieh is used in ; county Htm th> r"- '' ? _ ? - ? ? ? ' ? v - = . ? - ? ?OTvtOLIi:^ Kill ED BY TRUCK Roy Collins was killed, Friday afternoon, nevr his home, between Waynesville ar.d Clyde, when one of the highway trucks struck hir.). Mr. .'Collins had justyriven his car up in fivht of the house, and stepped arcund the ear into the road when a construction truck, loaded with hot asphalt, struck hita, killing him in stantly. . ! Young Collins was weti-taown ir 3ylVtv and Jackson county, being the youngest son of Ifr. Joseph Collins, j former citizcn of this ceunty, a rrmdson of Mrs. M. M. McKee of Webster, and a nephew of E. L. Mc Kce, of Sylva, and' having a number >f other relatives and i riSnds in Jack son county. y . " ? . . " V-^ ? BALSAM ? -v #'*'. ? < A most en joyable after.iccn / wn? ( pent in the graded school building .Veduesday nftemoon of last wcrir The literary society rendered a very nteresting Th:in':sgiving program, consisting of recit.it ions, song3, read ings, etc. After this Mrs. R. J. Bry on, presidpnt Of the Parent-Toftehcr Anscdnt'.oii called the meeting to rder. Miimets ot the previous mect ng were ready , by Mrs. W- \). Rcb nscn, secretay. Miss Nettie E. Broa den, supervisor of sclioojs, was in troduced. Her talk vw? fchort but l ull cf interest. She urged the parents -o e:- operate with *!??: ii.vehers, t< visit the schools and see what their /i-.ildren rtt- doing, better ae ' luainted with the teachcis and en c wiraged the children to do their '>ost and tr is bring jov to the hearts if. the'r invents and tcVrcivs. .Vest, Mrs. W. Ross Yoking, of .Sylva w$a introduced. Jier suhjee^ "flodftavo is Jtemmion Over CternV*, was well. to the parents to prottda proper nourishment for their children, re tard the rules ot hygiene, have i'ue ??'?ild/sn worked. not vi^h them into '?mtagions d! 'leaser, but keep them r.m- having an.' d'fjt* e as long as possible, n : o^cli diverse, measles, whoopinp mv;h,' etc., nhvays left its upon t'ip cmw, wcaKcnmg its y' trti. She j! Is.) i-,ii?r:rc tcd that n oonntv nurse Ls needed, to which wo said "Amen!" Next meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will ho held the 19th inst. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland ^ulrr, Saturday n'urht, Nov. 22nd, a , fine girl, Sadie Loulotte. Mrs. A. F Deck h having some iental wor': done in Svlva. Tho following ate a pood Thanks f.vin~ Tm-Icev dinner with their ynr Hit-.. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKay : Mr. ind Mrs. Setzer rnd son Paul, cf ! Fr'nklin, Mi's. Selmn Pennington of Ashcville, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fiar.brl im' ohiMren of Harolwrcd. * .'vii'-.j Gertie Hovlc returned ^rida" ra il a pleasant visit to relatives at Moses Creek. Mr. James C. Rickards and family ?f Cantca enjoyed Thartiwgiving w tii 'iis.paiviits, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rickards. V Mr. ard Mrs. Odell Ouitf.i r.nd children spent several day.?, inc.ddiiig Thanksgiving, witli her parents, Mr. ^nd Mri William Quiett near Whit tier. Little Mi'ses Helen and Agnes Queen had bee i visiting their gjr.ud pa rents several v/coI^T , '?/'"*'} . Mr. T. R. C. Duncan and Miss Pntria Dnpcan w: t to Sylva last *eok. Miss Elaa- Mchaffe ; pent Thanks - 1 'riving in Wavnesvii! ? *he guest of her sister, XI?*. John lle;>;L ?The write^had t'?e pln.:i*?u?." H ?.!?? ? throns-'i .ui?! IMi rv ? writ vv. It is about eomplete and Icagan, the manager and family ^ave moved in. ThLs hatchery will bo 'mown as the Morrison hatchery, mined in h-nor of Governor Camer on Morrison. It will be supplied with "00 rainbow trout eggs and 250.000 brook tront eggs. Shipments of eggs -.7il! begin this jreek. Mr. E. B. Howell, Miss Mary Geor-re and Master Joe Howell spent last week, including Thanksgiving, n^'th p'rrr-V, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Hcwell in Spartanburg. Mr:, j 'Williams .and daughters, Misses Mabel, Doi-cthy And Ruth of Wavnesville dkieiVwith with Mrs. William*' daughter and *-n-:ri '.v r.r.r W. T.* I ce, Jr., in their ,j new home Ths^ksgiying Day. . ^ Mr. and Mra. Coy Hedriek ?i>ent the weak end }n Balsam. Pv - i v i ' . GEORGE HENSLEY DIES MACK REYNOLDS SOUGHT ,? (, " i . I . v Geor^je Henslcy, a young nan of Dillsboro, died, Sunday morning, at Lis homo from the effect.-; of a blow cn the he?.d, received shout two .weeks carlie^ and said to have been struck by Mack Reynolds. It was not a first thought that ilonsiey was seriously injured,, but when bis condition became dangi-rous , Reynolds disappeared, and luxs not yet been apprehended. I The trouble between the two young men, who are said to have been the !)ost of ? friends, and to have oaten ?upper togctlicr the ?night of tragedy, is said to have ar)s? n over a girl, to whom both were pay a;.; at-: .ention. ? ? glenville gleanings Mrs. W. D Wike of Cullowhee has been visiting Mr. G. T. Hampton for several days. ) ) Ilev. W. C. -Med ford and family have moved in our parse nage. The teac'icii of the Glonville ciiool entertained the visiting teach ers with a 'Tacky -Party" at, tbe ?. .chool house Frldw evening. Prizes were given f;r the taekest dressed Miss Nettie Brogdsn winning the incicst lady and Mr. William Bond for the tackcst man. Mrs. 0. car I aiming and hot- son, Frank are very sick with pneumonia. * We Ar? glad to know that Mr. T. F; I.I;s3 is r.blc to be up again, after i severe case of pneumonia. Ralph Brvson and .Toff Russell are both c.:nliiied I'-j the bed with piieu rnouin. ? . < Guy Fwlccr spent the week end with his parcat^, Mr. and Mrs. W? r. Thanksgiving day was observed by the school. Rev. Mr. West of Cullo tvl-.cc delivered a scrtncn appropriate .. ' t-v tho oceasiiii. In tfto afternoon a program wuk given by the children. Mr. and Mrs. J B. Galloway and baby, Katherine have returned faom AtUe ille. Mr. W. M. Fowler who has been ve: / ill t'er a few daw is able to be ? i / x cut again. ? Mr. Fidelia Moore took dinner at f Mr. G. T. Hampton's Thante^viog Day. Miss Helen Alley visited her parents at Speedwell las; week end. Mr. Junie Montcith and Misa Net tle Franklin attended the box sup por at Big Ridge ? Saturday , night and report a good time. Mr. lewis Montcith, the popular son of Mr. Andy Montcith led to the altar, Gladys, the charming daugh ter of Mr. A .1). Brys-n, cn Nov. 22, 1924. Their many friends wish them a happy prosperous lite. The wedding bells are still ringing. i WEST GLENVILLE Oar pvnd work is progressing iiicrv ly at this place. There is quite * lance number of men nt work now. Several families are moving here from different place-. ?\ Mr. anr Mr;. Frank Peek moved here Monday from Macon county. ' I!r. Il^y Stewart and family mov ed 1w:?f from Oakland, Saturday. _T.fr.-' Hose Bimigarner passed fl: rough he^c on route to Syiva Tuo dav morning. f Mr. Thad Guy spent the wc.'k end at Wayne ville. Mr. W. F. Holden made a flying tr'n t.o Svlva Sunday. Miss Charlotte Stewart visited her mother, Saturday night. | A .crjwd of youn^ folks from Glenvillc went to the lligh Falls .huday afternoon, the crowd eon :ed, of Misses Ada, Lue'le ' and / 'a M-nteith, Ethel and Naomo Wi'rcn, Me vrn. Ralph Bryscn, Alton K i'd t**h| J incoln Moss. | Mr. FrjSnk R!nJc visited hcr--> fclks at Cant ?n S't -^hv and Mr- Jay. Mr. Jesse Woods npent ;he wgek 'end with relatives a JC Messrs. Jasper and IrgrrTf McCall ? Mid families have movsd here from/ ElHjayJ^ ? V ^ . Mr. and Mrs. Zeb V. Moss spent Saturday nigfit'wi.h Mr. and Mrs. T. L.-ifose. ,v Mr. Arthur TDson has recently moved to his mf horac on "Ivy ttM."' -|V Me in. Shcrley Shook and Tom Donaldson were here Sunday. Messrs. Iloy and Ravmond St* ' \ * "*? 1 . .? , ?'