[MS WOMAN believed from SIIFFEBIN6 grease as* -"I wish every we wonderful roetfldae tmdonNOUHk^ ? tome. I had cramp and feint spells and very bad pana. One lover to my _ 'ehouseend she" told melought to take LydiaE-Plnk ham's Vegetable Compound. Sol went to the store on my way home and got a bottle, and took the . firatdoaa hftfrwip. have been taking jtwritaca' f:JL Can hardly believe how different iff0 1 b adjurt wanted to lie in bed Retime, and wbenl started to brush VV ? tired. Kd ?t*y up untO eleven, and feel yJm all the time. My housework ia gsnsrar*-* to.?s they wouldn't eooew lilU Ht.w 6 without the Vegetable tixnnou&i ?? -lira Samuel Murphy, 21fl CaSflt, Dover, Delaware. Spohn s ? DISTEMPER ? ft* COMPOL ND Z' ??"? % fhanc^,hf um |aj^ up wt t n IliKrUp#T| .imillii P? * f unidtla. Hmtm. fnirta ?? MM HI* OP w"? toMlTSMlji Tt. '?? ""...SSnPSrtr'n^^ I th? WfU on?. * mmuhu rmm ? mn. Give "SPOHN'8" for D?c imp, r. 60 wnU and 91J* ?t dra? ale gQHV MEDICAL CO. GOSH1CN. IND. Odd Golf Hazard Near l'eeksklll, X. Y., the Sleepy Hollow country made famous by Wash Ugtmi Irving, there Is a golf club tbat bs a live hazard In the shape of a jerce bobcat which Is about eight ttert as la rice as an ordinary cat. It ii a mun-flghtlng animal and It fre (paits the polf prounds frequently HWgli to !??' considered a hazard. "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS? 10c A BOX ,lve] \k~ f ore Ho Don't Stay Dizzy, Bilious, Headachy, Sick or Conatipated. Feel fine ! Let "Cascarets" clean your bowels and J= "3. stimulate your -i liver. No griping overacting. Mll n s of men, *2 Cf women, and chil "== (1 2?. dren take this s =" harmless laxa tive-cathartic. It to?n't sicken you like pills, oils, calo wland salts. Tastes nice ? acta won fcrful. Sold at drug stores. Croup! belief Tkginsi* ThneJMinutes - Mother! Dont be frantic with fear when your child wakes up at night choking with croup. Just givo a ploasant tasting spoonful or two of Cheney's, as millions of mothers have dons. v See how thankful yott J11 It when that labored breathing ""M ?nd in a few mlndtes the little "?la sleeping peacefully agmln. who once use this quick, ?P?ndable remedy always keep an ?ttpenaive bottle on hand. k kr CouQhs.Croup.Colds A CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT Qufci and Dependable hamster's life Saved ^jefson Ointment Co., Inc. I had a ?? - *ere sore on my leg for years. I '3rroi?. t . ?? / .. -? ? -? (J fh? * - ? "VV# iv v, UI C HID, a VWWIWM ? Ml i "?ny nights from pain. Doctors hu, ps ?not ,lv? for more than two Wm. J^'v Peterson's Ointment was ^mended to me and by its use the tor, Wi,ifntirely h?ftied. Thankfully ? ,ifcm Ha4B?. w*?t Park. Ohio. J^tergki care p ??x S !f.n. 8ayfl: "I am proud of the ?? th?? have hundreds of otk V ,,!11 of wonderful cures of i*wi#Vfn- Skln Diseases Jl Ointment Is 35 cents a ^a?B? n "d"8 fl??d by Peterson ^*nt Co., Buffalo. ii^i^ ? ? - 6t Of * "tffppc in J HAW BALSAM T??wiDuOTMt u. n "i flu ni.Wkar rJ?*CORNS % .. * -? ? - i : SHt'p** WkU*H*amto ! I! Tok? Hit CtlforRid, J Chicago.? Officer John Wright * ? ? (colored jr. of the Eagle wood po? v ' . ^ ?toUoo paused beside a large ? ; whit? hearse standing at 8ixtyr , ; Qfth ana State street*. On the. * ? jyt aat a young negro wlthbls , X :: ?h? wow* IS, waist of ? ink, * j; beilebeslde him. There bad , been no deeths on Wright'* beet, * and be looked In vela for a crepe-decked door. Moreover, J. W. Blackwell, en undertaker at 0812 80uth State street, bad re ported a hearee missing. "What are yon doing herer asked Wright. * > ? A Walt In* for business to pick up,M replied Hughle HUbring, in differently. Wright peered Into tha ye- 0 hide. There was nothing liv v side but a bouquet and a box X of chAcolates. "Well, I'd prowled to take Sadie riding," HObrlng finally confessed, "and I* Just couldn't get nobody to. loan me their flivver, so 1 borrowed this. It rides easier, any wa >. r ' UVES AS GYPSY JO SAVE INFANT ? ? ? ? ? i > t \ _ / - Young Mother Refuses to Ditdogc jfcr Post Worcester. Mass.? Frail and wan after weeks of suffering and anxiety, Delia Leseanpt, twenty-two, from her bed at the City hospital told how she lived the life of a gypsy In the woods near West Boyleston rather than sur- J render her fifteen-month s-old daughter to a charitable organisation. After two nights In the woods, dur ing which she wrapped her baby in her coat and ehlvered In the thin summer clothes, she found sanctuary with a friendly Italian family In West Boyleston. Here her second child was born, which died a day after, accord ing to ber story. Her concern since her arrival at the Cityrhospltal is for her Infant daugh ter, which Is being cared, for in the children's department of the hospital. "I. will not let them take .her from me,* she repeated again and again. 14 As soon as I get well I am going to get work and earn money to support her," she said. She refused to tell how she had been able to obtain food. She was equally unresponsive to questions of where she had come from or who her parents were, beyond the fast that her mother had died Inst i January. She said that her only llv- i Ing relative was a married sister in New York. The woman first made her appear ance in the city four months ago with her child. ?> Half-Starved Herder Dog Saves Lost Lone Sheep Stevenson. W&sh. ? Half starved, lost In the desolate country near the summit of the Cascade mountains, yet faithful to Ms charge, la the story of a shepherd dog that guarded a looto sheep In ,the forested hills. He finally drove the helpless animal to the camp of a forest fire guard, Tom Merchant, near Bend. Ore., who is now seeking the dog's owner. Frightened at first by the presence of a man. th4 dog has become friendly with Merchant since bringing the sheep to the camp. ^ 1 Once the sheep (was turned over to a man the dog apparently considered his responsibility was ended. For days and nights the animal seems con tent to sleep and recuperate from the long vigil when he kept off the cougars and bears./ Mdst of the sheep came out of the summer feeding grounds ten days ago, but one must have be come lost and was located by this herder dog. ; , . ? " , Driven Car 106 Hours , Finds Prize Is Myth York, Pa. ? Herbert Dlehl. nineteen yeurs old, completed on nutomoblle en durance record, expecting to win $.'{.500 that lie had been told was of fered by the Wheeling (VV. Va.) Auto mobile club to anyone beating the 105 hours and 13 minutes mark estab lished by "Dare Devil** Lockwood 'of Baltimore. Diehl drove 106 hours and 13 min utes, after signing a contract with a man calling himself J. A. Peters. Then he sent to Wheeling for bis prize, only to be told ? no such offer had been mad*. v (V) Dlehl. during his drive ate only two hag* sandwiches and a portion of toast and drank only two cops of Coffee. He smokedsl9 packages of cigarettes. 11 Mothersnn-Law \ Organize First Club - Orange, N. J.? The M others- In-Law clnb, with eleven members, was organ ized here. Mrs. Joseph Pernltze was elected president "There wtli be noVoom In the clnb for /hackneyed jokes ' about toothers- - In-law," Mrs. Pernltze said. "We have organized as women with mutual In terests. to hold afternoon tea parties twice a month apd bridge parties once a week. We will not talk about our sons and daughters-in-law." Mrs. Pernltze said she believed this the first clnb whose membership was confined to mothers-in-law. * xv- -? ? ? : A ' , ? ' \L> . * ?? f?\7*. ' ? ^ Christmas Gift* >: h ' 7 ' Rich Chenille Bag A gift that If sure to be cherished Is shown In the rich shopping bag pic tured. It Is crocheted of brown che nille with gay flowers introduced on one side. The band and handles at the top are of brown suede leather, andThe bag is lined with brown silk. Silk cords slip- through slashes in the suede band, to close the bag, and the handle ends are concealed under little triangles of leather. Painted Tally Cards Among the delightful gifts that even an amateur artist can make ace tally and score cards. Every hostess who receives them will be twice pleased, for no gifts are so cherished as those mode by the donor. A graceful deco rative design Is shown In the illustra tion, simply as a suggestion ? for there Is no end to the ways In which the characters on playing cards are Intro* duced In decorations. Dainty Gift Lingerie This dainty lingerie set Is going to make some lucky lady happy at Christ mas time? if a hint to the wise la enough. A step-In and chemise are made of fine, light-colored voile and decorated with disks of voile, the size of a silver dollar, in three pretty colors. They are set on with hem stitching in colored threads. - \ ' : ll\ 1 . ' / Christmas Lampshades WA IV -V,'*v Happy Is the home-maker who re ceives pretty lamp or candJe shades fct Christmas time?nothing ' helps more to deck out the house and make it cheerful. Here is. a new Rhade made of tbin silk, or fine crepe paper, in two colors, rose and light blue. A wire frame is first covered with the rose color, pa t.jn< plain,. and over tbls the light biue Is philted. Gold lace, silk or paper roses and four tassel* finish off this novelty in shades. .. : ; J rHM v i- V ? Hit LAST WISH One evening Just before dinner the wife came In to find her husband and a stranger? afterward ascertained to be a lawyer ? engaged in some mys terious business over the library table, upon which were spread sev eral sheets of paper. "What are you doing with all that paper, Henry?" demanded the wife. "I am making a wish," responded the husband meekly. "A wlshr "Yes, my dear. In your presence I Hall not presume to call it a will." Just Wanted to Aak "Is ? Is the d-dentlst ' in?" Inquired the man who had left home with the Intention of having the beastly thing out and done with. "Yes, sir," the maid reolled. "He can see you at once if you wish." "Oh, no, no! I? I didn't want to see him? rm glad he's In. - I was afraid he was out in this wretched weather, you know, lllght catch cold. Good-day."? Stray Stories. Plenty of Nerve "You've got plenty of nerve The Idea of stealing my chickens and then trying to sell them to me!" "Well, sah, I thought you'd pay a betted price for thickens you'd raised yo'self. You'd know what you're buyln'." The Firet Stop Doctor? Your nerves are weak. You must take a month off. Jones? Then please get my nerves strong enough to aak the boss for it. GOING TO THE DOGS "When a man's exercise makes him pant It's pretty bad, isn't It?" "Yes, I should say he was going to the dogs." 1 " Reward for Honeaty "Honesty la the best policy," The cynic agent said, "But don't expect a 'straight life' To reward you till you're dead." The Height of Reaped Tom (to friend in telephone booth) Why do you take your hat off? Al? Sh-psh, I'm speaking to my boss. Good T raining "Is fish brain food?" "As to that I can't say. But It la educational. You soon learn to go at It gingerly." , What Did He Mean? "Is this airplane absolutely safe?" asked the prospective buyer. "Safest on earth," granted the mak er, cryptically. WORKED A SOFT BUNCH "How'd he mau age to get such a ?ofl *nap?" "Worked a bunch of people with ?oft heads." Would Write a Pun I'd aur*ly writ? ? clever pun If only I .1 <; Could think of on*. Fancy Work v ^ Surgeon ? I'll sew op that scalp wound for you for $10. The Patient ? Gee, doc! I just want m plain sewing, not hemstitching and embroidery? ' , . ? Hit Wife Knew Guest (who has been Invited to din ner) ? Are you sure it's ail rlghtl Do? your wife know I'm cemiqg? - Host-r-Of course she knows. We argue?7ibout it for an hour this morn ing at breakfast ? . No Need for Copies Friend ? Dont you keep A copy of your manuscripts? Budding Young Author?No, 1 find that U isnt naceasaxy. I get all the originals back. , I | yen never FST | dreamed such **-"?1.1 good dessert "?*" 1 ronld be made with so little effort , Bhc vi B?h? in |i im i it ? fa tint, org shallow cak? pas in ? om. Stntukhha TT THEN the dock points to the hour of meal i \ A / and you're wondering what to serve for dtssrrf, why don't yon try corny pudding made with that's not only deHtjous but hrabhfhl as we& Bat cottage pudding is only one of the many good thky you can cook with ael&riamg floor. Every tneaL in a ?con ofways you 11 find Mining flour a handy all-pur pose flour that aavaa time and produces light, perfectly SdMSngflour is merely plain soft wheat floor to which has been added the proper amount of pure phosphate bah? ing powder to make the dough rise just right every time. You can buy it in a variety of grades just as you do plain Mk - h a a ? a* a ? ? J. ? ^ higher be Shield bag, you, am aammd of a SOFT WHEAT MILLERS' ASSN., fee* NASHVILLE, TENN. hi HeaKhAd Dependable EcfflHwiyjl Hour P" ?4 lESmami mde?flr If yoo an net ? via your b?fan* ******* the \ will deofiAf refcnd your il Gel this fiwBookof Recipes Yoa witt prize this attractive collecthm of tested recipe*. Home Bconomirs Dept. Soft Wheat Millers' Asuu, Inc., Nashville, Term. Send your FREE book "Fifty Ways to Us* Sttf-Rising Flour" to: N. O 1114 SID* (Write m pmt ? t mi tMmpltmhf IS7t*S Machine Hwuka Corn A new implement, the invention of a South African, will, it is claimed, gather ears of corn from a cornfield at the rate of 100 acres a day. It straddles the rows and strips the stalks of the ears, and these are gath ered into a box. The invention is demonstrated under the supervision of the department of agriculture of South Africa. , His Thwarted Ambition "Well, I'll tell you," confidentially admitted Burt Blurt of Petunia. "Wh^n I am in Kansas City I always want to set, down on the edge of the sidewalk with my feet in the gutter and rest myself, but I*m afraid of getting dirt on my Sunday pants." ? Kansas City Star. v . ? Perfect Football Coach He selects the players while letting the campus celebrities Imagine they have a hand in It. He plans the strat- \ egy, at the same time making the in fluential alumni believe they are doing it. He arranges such a schedule that if his team vins it will appear to have accomplished the impossible, while If it loses the critics will say none could have won. He is the perfect coach. Too bad no college has discovered him. ? Life. / The Way Today "Nobody wants me." "You can't win a girl in that way these days, young fellow. Make 'em think they've got to take you away from somebody else." ? Louis ville Courier-Journal. PAY LESS - and ?et higher purity - and get better baking and get bigger value dud s\.ive money ! Bake it BEST w ith DAVIS BAKING POWDER E . I I V N ! 'i!E N T OF r IC I At L V AP PWO\/ C D H V . ^ > ' Ti AIJ ? fill -t ->