DAY, DECK ?* i iii>ki>ii?iir>ii^^'?^?y?'r'w?^W||'y^w|V>r',f* *""'. '''* "'"' "v'f? ~ . | .... ? r'.r ? y '- -' -? ??"*? -'-^ rfj ' r" ic yvi? ? * S^Tir^' ' - " ? | , -?* -v' ? : ?? ? ' v ;?' ? 5 v t"' ,- .A '* - 'v ??:.#, ' -V.?:.- ;:-f* ?*i. >-?\ ? i ? < i 'illMi- ?- -*?=* . nr. ? -. J > | l4>*iv*> iid; '?? (*Vlr ***?>???< . , / ihat filled riw- Baptist ti.ureh, an I the atrocts i rout of to pay their lflit trib- j to him. , J TV service in the ehnrrh was con ducted by the pnstor, Rev. W. Rosa' VpkJcy, lifter which the body was ukm in charge by the Masonie fra- 1 teniitv. and he wa* laid to i^st, in ? )Kc'?n? r eeiuituiy, with the ?v passive Masonic serv'ce All or Mr. Kusley'3 bwsheva und sisters. A. B. Enaley, of Charlotte, I Chester an J Blaioio Eneely, of Cleve land Mrs. tf. M. Hocytor, of Akron, jiiil Mr.;. A. W. Oaks, of Winter Ha* ven, arrived tor the funeral of their brother. , ' . , ? n ? ^ / quarterly meeting here, ? ON NEXT SUNDAY*. . The quarterly conference of Sylva ehar^' trill be held next Sunday. At riereji o'clock the prcBiding elder fill preach, and at 2:00 in the after^ aoou the quarteity conference will w*t, * ( ?? ? 1 ?' BALSAM Mi*. Anna P. Doek and Mrs. Au di Gicsslcr left last week to spend j On vlutoc in Biloxi, Hiss. Mr.* H. P. Ensley visited in Black | Mountain, last week. Mr. Geo. T. Knight, accompanied W Mr. Paul Hooper, of Hoses Creek, ipont the week-end in Balsam. Mr. Ode Ensley, of YVaynesville, ik a Balsam visitor, Sunday. Mr. Tom Edwards of Wayneaville, |Vtt m Balsam, Sunday* Mr. Hnreoe Mehaffey and family] |witod relatives in Canton last week m Mrs. F). W.~ Enslcy recently receiv- 1 ,'?1 ft r.icssifc;? tolling of tiM death, in PtJrof, at her homo in Jac^or.ville, | Jjn., of ITn. Dr. M* B. Herlong. Mrs. tag had a summer homo here ?h? aad her family have many iOij in balsam who arc aornv to to otv her demise. 'vvofal irienda here attended the] lewl M Mr. Altia Enslcy ia fJunday. ? ' ? mflN SRABTtflr li*? Myrtle TJcndefvii add ftobt: * happily mailed li idit, Kme.abi* 21 . ' - , Ur. liCf> B:ihlgafatll tf fly IV* Wa*-] fclfohds? HtlsiH&ifc . ? Mr A. N". ^ 6111 made A tilp.b ' Mlafc Wltfn* of OUhvillc Wa? ^Mornlr.-. ' I Miss Gr-.steM lins rctfttiteil to her ^ line a!'?cr cveral 'J* at Onllowhee. < *isa<>.s V'lori-rtoc and Alma HiAisf ipant Inst trMk-cnd at Highlands are i>lad to have Hid* Lenora ^arl at home again after spend 's several daya at East Sylva. *'? and Mr?. Robert Reese, of "^'tnds, sp^nt several days with Hecse'a i >a rents, Mr Ruth Stewart, of (jHenville, 1 tat week-end with hqf parents, ? tad Mnj. J no. Stewart r Hayes Childers lias njoved^hia here from Pisgal) F6iw|' "> - I n Bessie and Hiss Alma 8m* 1 w,,'it to Olenville, Monday. iOES IN OOWTT t$OW INCREASE TKlfi TBAB eounty P*?P^ arc beeom 'wt tixight bo ealled marrying \"j, w:w an increase of near pfireent in jthe number of mar >* ? 8 year a9 compared with , * the year ending December 1 ^ register of deeds issued to 154 couples as compared / f?r the previous twelve m tVV'' *? fe.rf '< w, STATE'S CONGRESS DELEGA- . HON WANTS PARK IN N. 0. - Washington, D. C., Doc. tt~Sen | atoiB and representatives in Oon ' gresi from North Carolina are a great interest in the proposal to es tablish in that state a new National ? park. Bitt they believe that eveiyer | gankation in the atfita should get to work, and that every individual of forward-looking mind shoul^ do ell ! that done at oncv, and quick ly, to see to it that the~mw national park ia established in North Caro lina and no tsome other state. "No The\ recent vist to Washington of the committee created by the legis lature has had a good effeet in Wash ington and ia apparently bearing fruit, to judge from the remarks be ing made. But Virginia, Tennessee, and other states are actively organ izing their campaigns to obtain the pari: for their states, and senators and representatives of North Caro lina believe that the whole population pf the state should get, behind the efforts of the committee appointed by the legislature, and that North Caro linians, uTctp-ctivc of section or community, should lend their heart iest support to the committee, cmI , that they should otherwise interest themselves, in aeeardanee with what ever opportunity they have prospect suggested ' by Senates* Simmons that he will aid' in organising a large group of ? ors and representatives to visit t! state to view hu tpr-postd dtes ei ihe'parfe. ?' * Proliminai'v drafting of report i of the committee; headed By Congrci; ;.i man H. W. Temple, of Pennsylvania, ? to recommend to the secretary d | the interior a suitable site has begun and it is oertain at this wfrlting that the claims of North Carolina are to 'be very carefully considered and re ported on. FAIRFIELD NEWS ITEMS Mr. S. C. Hooper from the for West is visiting his mother, Un, A. M. Hoojw, for the first time in seven Sure, He *m ftoeompenied by Mil. iley Hooper, of Canton, Mrs, Warm Fkhcr o! Twaway it visiting her parents, Mr. end Mi*. \h C, Mdtttaith, . Ut ^unio IfontetiK wee heft, 6un ? ) y HiM tm-'s \TM spent the IWfck on4 at FbiffldA Inn. Mtaeefc Louise 'and trona Fowler visits! th dt a tint) life Wade iWk ina, Burttiay* I Mm. Htihry WilfoA id Visiting her hktM^ Mrj. miu Wite. tf/i Walter Fngate and Mr. Ben. Frattk Fugate were home from Cold Mountain, Sunday. Mr. Ed. Nieholeon, of Akron, 0., is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. ? .Nieh- , olaon. . Mrs. Mary Monteitli has bee 4 on the siek list but is improving slowly. Mrs. Wade Hawkins and her little twins Woode Aline and Mary Alma, were thajjpicots of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Monteitli, Friday. i Messr:. Ed and Vern Nieholaos and Neal Burgusa were here Sm adv. | Mrs. T. 8. Monteitli and Miss. D<* nola Hawkins were recent guests of Miss Louise Fowler. A party, composed of Misses EJui ilyn Daniels Anita Monteith, E'Ti^ Cloer and Lessie |teid, and Mesa *. Claude McCall, Paul and tyneh Oil 1 lard, mid Charlie Reid, went to Mr. [ Wade Reid '8 Saturday night forri coon hunt Report a fine tiawlmt not I much game. ? ? -Sr.- > r I Mra. D. L. Groen, who has been sick f-r some time,' is recovering slow iv ? f ? * : ? ? ? The Thouksgiving t at the Cashiers school showed much in provement in the children oyef last year. We a^re proud of school and our teachers are taking a ^jrent dpal of interest in the cluldreu. They are Mr. Waiter Ash *** i" ? v ..." pi.,, t, HB KING IS |ni^t: the ball I i (Ey John Ttem \ UijB Dai|y Times.) _ : : \ t ? ? % wt : ? I ? ' The modest state- "val ley of humiliation betwclerl of con ceit,-? has come into its ow Southern States is today ball and if her gblden carrageafcqiaM turn pump- 1 Hr^t will be no less than a royd pumpkin at that r>> I C ' < \ : ' ' , North Caroiiiia is uncovered as at on(*e tiie *) ' s 3p ?'(? ' . most thrifty, the most law-abiding* and the most civic-spirited of all the principalities ftouU:/ Virginia. These are not idle boasts nor ieiui cou ? ' ' i ' 1* i jit ^ ' a ^ ' f ' ceits? they are cool conclusions from iuyOiitiO vertable statistics. -4 i t - ?? * , \ - ,A, ' .1 ? ? ? v ' * - " *. * ?* *. : \ * \'j T/ " . First, North Carolina is tiit thriftiest state, tiie * ? / . ? ,, 4 ? ?? . annual report of the United Skates Comptroller Cf the Currency shows that savings deposits hi North Carolina bankS amount to $105,019,000. 3f* i "* " ? * * * , jNashvilie, Tenn., 24.3 in Louisvile, Ky., (jl.7 in f \ ( \ * K -V Jacksonville, 28.1 in: Charleston, 25.3 in Mobile, 29.9 in Nejv Orleans, 21.1 in Savannah, witfrno North Carolina city high enough for even honor able (or dishonorable 1 ) mention. When a North Carolina murderer is engaged in his profession or pursuing his felonious little plans, he moves to Memjhis or Nashville* Even murderers from Mor ida wh<> may happen to be taking a vacation in the Land of the Sky are delicate enough to return to Jacksonville when business calls them. A ? v ? - ? ? - , Third, North Carolina is the most public spirit ed s&teln a recent issue Colliers magazineprints a table which shows that in the national election of 1920, 44.6 per cent of the qualified voters hi iforth Carolina exercised the franchise. This com pares with 21.2 per cent in Alabama, 21.3 pver ceni in Arkansas, 28.7 in Florida, 10.6 in Georgia, i4.0 in Louisiana, 9.4 in Mississippi, 8.5 in South .Car olina^ 35.4 in Tennessee, 18.4 in Texas, aiid 19.3 percent in Vtfginia.Nobody is asleep ijrfrortK Car olina and the Democrats : whose party faith is merely an inheritance. The Democrats by default have dodged the alert and civic-spirited commun : itesT of this state to do their wool-gathering^ in some Georia swamp or Alabama bog. We swell with honest pride. We pat ourselves ; on the strenuous ^ck and pfap our'nbbl with joy. Come to North Carolina, ye stalwa^^^! lesser ^ jstate^ 1 to save, ^ij&Ae and be tau?t& to murder no more, come here and vot e--come ^fe^cl marvil! r; | Pride goetfc before ..destru <_< l ion, .. indeeil, ana'a ^ ? ^^yTo^k jtefore a fall. (#. ,t he 5 comes from aft excel Tenii nl rar II > V.iiA there up CAROLINA D BLIGHTS MASSA r CHUSHTTS LIEUT. GOVERNOR ; * fh ' - ' Honor.## Frank G. Allen, Lieu eaantGovcnor elect, of Massachu setts tins tile gutst of Mr. and B. L. HcEee, in SylVa last week. Mr. Allen ipt president of tbe Massachu setts state senate darinT the last state administration afcd is v~ry popular in his Jiome state, having led his party ticket in the recent, election. .. .While Mr. Allen is thoroughly fa siliZiX with North Carolina statis tics and progress, he was surprised at the evidence of progress and prosperity on pery hand. He praised North Carolina very highly and was partdcHlai.'.y plowed with* Wfctam North Cafoiin^. Z: hr.d cnly arrant - vd fo? a start ^ jqt to the state bub was reluctant tx. leave and declared that he will return at the first oppor t!?- iwV.': *;?&. ??r j- - V ! r - politically prominent is tfe'heid of many large V ?? fn Mass -ehu' ' > i ? ;? re. ? o ?, ?** V" ' * /-SO>T DIES AT i ' J A /NESVILLE HOME "j , , . . > ' Garland 9; Ferguson, 81, fcf iVay ncsvi!')3, Co-federate VetoeiVn and former judge of the Superior Couv of North Carolina, 'died at his homec in Wayncsville, at 11' o'elpck, Tues day night, fallowing a lingering ill ness. Judge Ferguson had been in r critical condition for the past two \leeks and no hope for his hccovery was held out. for several days past. Five of the seven children were present. when the end oame. They are. Nrfthsi* .V. FiJi /u on of Atlanta. Mr?. K m * r r. oba ' veynesville, James ?*V r;usor Wavncsville, Jofeph B. ? .T. ?ao:i, Marietta, Ga., and Gar land S. Ferguson Jit, Greensboro. The ether t?vo children will not be able to be present, one because of the distance and the other because of illness., John N. Ferguson, commander in the tP. 43. Navy,' is now in Pacify ? water.* C. Blanehard is ill at'itrlioke 8r*fcrtford. Funeral services were held Thurs day af^orn oh at J o'clock in tjic MethorJ l- ehuivh la Vfhy.c i illoj Rev. J. T. Mauguia, p:istOr ,oi ^ciat ing. Interment v;as in Green 1,1 il1 cemetery. , OAROL'JTA L2ADfD COTJTE Tlic financial and progressive class in which the state of Norih Carolina now1* tinds her. elf ? ife shown in the I table given herewith. North Carolina ranks fi?th among the state of the Union in internal revenue paid into the Federal treas ury. The table shows the rank of the six states that lend in federal re venae payment, and the amount paid by ttaoh state tW the year ending Juno 30, 1024: 1 NffW^York ....$600,415,425 2 Pennsylvania....^ ? 269,688,618 3 Michigan u..._>,..221,380,005 4 Illinois ....,....-....>...,..-...214,840,722 5 North Carolina ___i..lfi7)073,394 6 Ohio ,?.31b63,524,833 SHORT COURSES IN FAEMING- . BEGIN AT ST?.?3 IN JAI'ttTARV Raleigh, N. C., Doc! 13? Practical short courses in various -agricultural aubjectawiJlbe given by the school 'of ^ncalture jit State Collgge dic ing the' week beginning ! ? anil ending January 17 according, to an announcement by Z. P. Metcalf, director of teaching in the qphooi ot agriculture. -* - - . One of the mc~t papular of these courses is the practical instruction of poultrymen given by Dr. B. F. Kaupp and his ass* elates in the ponl try ^department. "Dr. Kaupp states that there was a one hundred percent increase in the attendmcc at the course last winterjover the previous year and indications - arc tnr t the attendance will again doable it5e!f this winder. ;-? ^ ? < < \ The entire; stii/Tci the poultry de parfewteiii," will tuke part in teaching the course. In aJcfition, one or two ?* poets npi , fai repcQtaitkn; fipni; and marTiotin*. These cohamuuit^"" -slutn, it was 'suggested, should - ba y ixitii for a permanent fqo^xirative 'marketing association when the ne? esy&ry, vol tunc hefe be in wctfrod. , ?. 7 - ? y ( TO SANTA CLAUS ?9 / - iilr.- itiis, N. C., Doc. 2, 19L1 ? Dear S.mta Clause: Please bring me a toy. wasgen and sume Candy suroc orang es nv.d gum: Santa if yon don't put on a heavy over, coat and sume warm shoves and + a warm cap you will freeze. ?>,] ; \ I am four year;; old Santa. 1 . Yours an ever, ' * ? f1 Charlie Qandler Stewart. ' ? n HONOR ROLL FOE BARKERS-1 9 ?{ First GrndofW.ijnhal! Suttorii Sooond Gyada,: Alien Sutton, Alle? r.idiev, Howard Natiott. Third Grade: Bii.IoltK^. - ? * nrth ^rnde VotcVK frrookp. ? ? r ? ? . ? ? - ? ? t _ ? ?% ( Y '0' '" f ' mage Jonc^,Waiu#r Nation, UniUir - * Brooks, Odqli Brool^, Seventh tirade:- Janet Matton. jCONROY-JONES The fqlf w'ng ve\ti;art from tin) Vsheville Citizen oi' Sn/ lay,,.'J)c0.7^ , will no douM. prove- interest-fig. to i?n>' of thf re? d( 17 of tht? .Tt.uttiHl/ 1. Vllss Conmy. being; a native ofirtliuh .y county nad & ??afid. D .Davicarof Qullowhee and ;thfc '*? ate Jtidjc- Oavifefc-: ' * "A beautiful and impressive wed ding ceremony was tfitft wh'ieh too< - )l?ce at Alt -Souls ' Epi'seopal Church ? in Biltnfo-rt^ * Wedjjisd'-x eyeoing, '4t 8 o'cloefc,. wheA ijiss /Kathiedtf Con^ Toy became the Jbridcr. of Mr; Wool-- .A{ sey Finnello Jones. r* Miss Helen Coitroj^ ''? rl?-y ?ta?gbt' "In' : ih'j. ? choo'fi of PMi'ngfcam and $heje . met Ifr. Jcnes: ... * The groato*^- ^r.>;iad Mrs. C. tf lopes o? Tu. ^toosa, Al^.; t. He is a graduate of the University # X ?Alabama, and <4' the Bjsten^ckflM'of ^ Technology Hje w a prominent ousi-, ' hess man of Birr Ingham in?I is a/? soeiated with tho Binuingham "Realty , Company. .. v ; +-\ ? ol'oR'itig the corenjcny, the bride and groom left fo ra ueddiug trip in s Cincinnati, Washington, New: York, - and other eastern points. W" "