j . ; Jaek ..?n County Journal * .IAN TOUPKIN8, Editor. PnblUhod wr*Mly bytfce ? JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL OOMPAHY Rntet?l ml second class matter at the Pottoffiee at rl?4, N C , 9 ? y* ?n hit'1 AUmm ?** FRIDAY JANUARY 2, }925. Sylvs ; ' - \ T Needs " V ? i v "/> I , i ?; * ? , * v' ?, A > >. New N UctcL "'"J ') : J ( OW 924 wasn't halt lx:J, :.l t^at, ; ^ ' * L_. Tr iiitV: by another n:\ci? will be moi\> nr sp rona. The fishing sea-on ia only u few weeks ahead. Hot-do*. ? ? ? - ' ' '] }ic eohl ..l Christina i in 13 yvar.i; but a d.ndy one . ?-f. -.?> '' . ? .*' *? / . *r ? ? - ? t. * Y.Vj is conducting this much prer. aguited tra?le ri iviu! " What'.j iu .a name?" Trinity's trustees evident! i.n! mil-Ion.-. . . . ? v v > . ~"i~" / . . hf T''e most fragile of.ell commodities arc New leer' ^-solutions. ? f \ * A i'rom that 'uniptv million majority, 1924 prodtu tl p. ity <; >^ *1 J .'Slllt.'i. Ti: * lyr-t way to make it a happy New Year is t> ma. New icar. 'Hint ]vx".' e nsmlttfo will have to raiKC its sights i >4\;tsr n..t. to ii.is.-: North Ci -olina. The vaney cf humility has grown into a mountain ?. . #"*; ? OlS - -? m _____ 0:i.' t'lir ^ can he said in fdvor Oi 1025, in the begin ling, it isn't election year. y The Indiana goven'or, ihumiti F. Branch, is woricir o .save ihe tives of Ho^sierdnn. ... -??? ?1 "Auto Thieves M.unt", screams an Ashcvillc hea^5 ijic. Sure they d?. That'.* what they steal 'em for. From the way it was stacking up we wouldn't hav ninded if 1924 had lasted another twelve month. ^ - U - ,.v ? 1 ? "11 The surprising thing about it all is r Xt.rth Cai; linia: having foi iv 'million to give awav as Climtmaf p.'ciseut*. V; Don't get pnited up because you haven't broken t]ios? \>w Year's resolutions." They r.re only two day sold ' ? r s < tN '' A eash bonus would liave come in mighty nice at thi. t:me; but tfiat paid up insurance policy t'e$s good to tii? toueh. eh boys! . > A'inther r.^ason North Carolina has for being proud ol herself is the apparent fact that Judge Lynch has been iuivcd, to per;n!ne:itly abdicate. ? " ? ? n 'x ( Ewry time we hear a weather ivjx>rt from Vv'a>Tie idle, Asheville.'llendersonville ar.d east, we arc glad out L { ?.i ca t we.-> tot" the Balsams. I\ v t'uvthh J time this Arintcr the counties east of th i'iaL"..iiis are buj ed imder.snow while favored Jackson i i ijoylng balmy weather.- . ? ?> * ' . * t' ... \ , v v*';* Bomttimes we thought he treated us mor? like o stc !' tlier than an uncle; but it is go. d ta liave an chl Unci it-ho will coiac aci'uss with n paid up int.ur.yi.ee policy. T!ie opening oi' the e nci.'to highway from Canton tc 1'lyde wan a gr.'at Chi'lstmas pres<.-nt iivm the state h g; vay coiumissi^n t-? the people cf Wes'cra North Caro 'nr. " - ? . v. ; ? : ? ?? , o \ Wheiv we really beeome civili/ed reputable newsp^p; i >in >. 1# pu.gn.?sticafiuis tl' a^trdogists, am the.- rank supo-rstiti'-ns, ti:ri have been bv u lit forwai . >m ti t: dai1.; r;,. ?? / ' V ?f ? ' W '" I ) - _ . _ ? i Headtiner; have a social license t V play havtc Will V King's rngHsh: but when the Ashevillo Times goe ?> i|v?" ?'??! t > r tor .to a single ue^ro -thief as a ' mrty' v.? miiot r?%;ll tor a* iee- U- prote.;(;.. ? ?. ' \ , -? 7 Sug^c ted yell I r Diu.e Inivtrsity: i Cijgjivtt/', Cigaivtte, " U ' v ^. Suioke, Sif.yke, Smoke, / i'?wer lVw.r, >?' ^ : .. V ^lir -e p'i'va* f v a cpuirier, 'I .? Chew 'i.4.i up. Chew 'em itj?. 1 Xiul.e. Du'.e", Ju'.e. \v ;;;Tii wiiiu: cai.cndaks . > \ \ . ' , ? * "lie usual rdehrfor as i,rc;>3red! and mailed out by bir Ik- h.uses li;jV:i. painting of move or less, artistic vain j: ^'.iutlv plil: or some folderol, or a nature scene the advartsin-r t'.ie heavies of some other section of tl ec;. un try. They have little o mo merit, and do not advert is .t ie lio'ut* region. ' - This matter was given s? rlcus consideration at a mee' in*., , x \W.?crn North Car >!ina Incorporated, Inst snr and it was sug^steJ that Western North Carolin < ???ne. i'r:iV- l> > 1 fiue^ted to use scenes from our or wontbrudly,beautifu" mountain*. Tfcns we wonM ad*c? f*se XVe.Uin North Oarolina without expanding an ad t ionnl stun!S ' ' ' '? i,i year, in its 1325 calendar, the Jae'" I s-.s d'Wif t*e c ?untv a l^-ai service by br ?de*n--t?ne , oxctnl/'ei m jt oL' Joclson county. The dr.iwlng i 1' woy' XIt. Thomas A. Cox, and gives nearly ali < ??i* the vjyil information concerning the county, such ; tli* 'ii c. riven of the county, and the other numcrou v* 1.i* tonuses, the several mountain ranges, prineipi v ii**. liirHvay, ? crt'l l-otife?f cbrrtlcs, i it"; N# "??id of in for nation, that is hot'- iutcrcst n* an? ?'?iKpfifnal to all persons Interested in Jackson. Our own os well pf. strangers. HAILTOWUKE. ,.v:.y In tLc University of North Carolina the state lias the oldest and one of the. best stateriuuvcrs.ties_.ot theia ali, and in recent year; North Cc.rplinii baj beeu.kbly suj^ pprting her state ohivejrsity. ;?%*?*? r ? 'fie princely gift of 3IIr. Duke has made UUs possible, cepting Mr. Duke's generous offer transposes a college into a university, rnd gives the South a prreitjBehool ot higher education that -will r.mk with the grent. univereii ties of the East. ~ ' f' . C'v ? ? ??? ; Th epr'ncsly gifrof Mr. Fhike has made this possible, ruid it is fitting that the institution should bear his name. It is most approbate that the big university of the South should b? located' in North Carolina, the leader o? Southern thought cud- Southern act!( n. .jackson cnr\T;rY niniTWAY mMMissiQ^rcn* fO\"t!nwdfr',ni 1 ??t week) olcve Wilson labi r ...?1..? .uuvjneo Wi.^oii nib IT nson PrcssloV labor ?? ? - * . belt 8 CO .rr.on lAbor *.&* ?- :-v?? J " /in Biuii^.u.h r i#b r*....... 16.C0 'ir'ic Kuk^it l::b r ?-~?5? 4>*A 1 -in M. Kcje? lab?r ....?? v-~,--...y. 55,CO =!>ert f*' letou lab'.i'1 ; ........ 9.50 . C. Brys?m Slid Cx supplies fc- 8.T5 it; sbouo township. ?- - :y .'illie Crisp laiwr .....i..::.:.,*..?-? ??- - 9-0fl i?e ClW l' b"i l ~ .i.'jfa ?y-yy-/""r 'rT V T. Oriw Iftlnt .'1 -y- .9.0 Thoo. Snvder labor........ - 10.00 i S OA j|A .? i/liis lul)0r j~. foim Biddix labor V...,::T 20.C0 i?, I+ Biddix labor A...L.^ ......r......... 12.U) vie .Tones lab |?,...i..., -?* v. H. Ftwlcr labor ....,.iX i-4 48 0 L S'.ilc'i lumber' L-~ ^ ?36. pavis labor -? -?..?r 2.00 'i V. JaiTotty supplies ? 4JJ6 IAMBIIRG TOWNSHIP ' V ' I. W. Breed love labor ...!. .......... ?.71.-30 A. Beek lab'r -6.60 /"lar'ev Pivsslev labir (Cullowlice ).. 12.10 F. Franks labor ZLJJ. P,55 W. Brcedlove teams- v J ? 54.90 t. W. Broedbve e-.ty-.Iies ...; ? 1-12 ? * * t mm . '.vbh C ?al and l.'iinbar Cu. ,. 70 MVER TOWNSHIP . / . r f. , \ L. Shook labor .......^....v 116.10 ill Haskett lab r ... .'........:l..........s .... 4040 "ath Middleton labor ; 48JO t 'ansoin Middleton lab .r 45.C0 sc Middleton labor 48.80! iin'^'iOok Jabor 50.40. ess Slu.ok labor ....-V ...I. 48.40 . M. Sliook labor ? 6,(f0 . M. R ^'? rs labor ? 3,60 nljA Middleton hbor 5.00 IOIJ.VTAIN TOWN'SinP . T. Stewart labor a- 58.80 ). L. Cogens labor ^....:.....i.....?.,.......'.......; 44.00 vibert Stewart .labor.: t ..? .? 1.50 J. Adauis labor 0.00 ilenn Stewart labor -V?'?T ....j.... 1.50 arfield Covins labor ,80 rohn Franks labor ,s..... 5.60 Jarl Cbildeis Ibaoi a. ;...9,40 , ; J 54.00 b AI?('all labor i. . ? * 8.10 . C. McC.iH lab r L J 13.00 "aul Dillard lab r ^ 4 2.00 K. Talbort lr.b r ..vj..* .1.L .1 * .*_%' 13.00 >'br!s Corbin lab r 3,00 ?ub Lombard lal;cr ,V..4 0 00 II. Bnvrn labor ...., ; 7^0 \.h;irlie Zach.iry labor i 2.00 f. F, f. Car lis \ ? FLUMBF-R ? ? ?> * ? f" - C. ? ' . .syly\,'n. C- V Bad Coughs Ended Quickly by Double Action Remedy Remarkable results in quickly clearing up the severest coughs have been obtained with a prescrip tion by a well-known specialist that does two things at once. It not only soothes and heals the soreness and irritation, but it very quickly loos ens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the real cause ? of the coughing. It is often aston ishing how speedily the cough stops. The prescription Is known as Ur. King's New Discovery for Coughs. It 18 particularly valuable for night Coughing. To promptly .end this annoying ?ana weakening scouj'rc, simply before retiring take o" o tea^onful of Dr. King's Now Discovery and hoi 1 it in *our throat 15 or 20 peconds before swallowing. Peo ple \vho have been unable to rest on ac count of continual coughing have often gotten tli'-U- f"ll 8 or 'J hours' sleep by this simplo meuit-'I. Dr. Kind's lj cscelteat, too, for chil dren's spasmodic croup, bronchitis, laryn gitis, bronchial nstinna and hoarseness. On sa'.o at all good druggists. Ask fop NCPT!I c.'.'t'/i I n A,.' jacks: *T couth v.. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT R. FRADY . . .. '(. vs LILLIE FRADY s f- ERVICE BY PUJ3 L: CATION-NOTICE The dcTendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as | above has been commenced \ in the Superior CourS of Jrekr.cn County ty obtain an absolute divcrcer.fnd t'ie' said defendant will farther take notlc that, lio is. fo "'.":ivd to rpp:rr at t' e tcrai cf tvo Superior Cc-urt of said c untv t > !>?? 5:c d mi t e o'.'d ? M. n.vL.ty in 1 einv.ary, 1025, ::t the C. in-Jio:;:v < i^said county iij Syl??, S. C. and . n;w< r i r demur t:v .{'e ;*oi.i]),ai!it in said a?::i:n, or the plaint: V will apply to the court lev I the relief demanded In jaid complaint This 10 day of December, 1924. JOHN I). NORTON, Clerk S*i]>cricr, C. uit. NORTH CAROLINA, ' JACKSON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ( ^ / - NOTICE OF A. J. Dills PUBLICATION vs. OF SUMMONS. ! Mi's. W. (!. Perry and her husband, W. G. Pi'iry, Judith B. Hall and her husband, John Hal!, Honnmie Bauiu, Josephine Slaud'cralan, end her lius i * * band, Fivnk 6!aud?r:nan, Harry Seurje, Jr., Jo.'.oi.-'fiiie Wright, .and hor(husbau^ \V;l;*ht, Irene S'earle, W'liliam Bniua S.. re, Eln'cr Baiim, Kent rice: C;it11ei\r.e Buu.n, | Doi'i)fhy Bnim, A. E. Baum, and My*. | FraiVk \V. a:: - ' v / . - \ ,V v IV AlA'Cft'l ' 10:)?>V Elliot McCri'l labor -7-00 !iarlie McCall labor 3.00 liielev Wliwn labor - 20.00 vnch Dillard ':ib r~ ;.~V~ ?? - 8X00 dull Mc(!s I| labor - 00.00 '.' A. Dillard biid^e'lfloci'n;,' -t. *> Wilson River lab jv... ' ?...... j....... 4Q.>'0 Wood River labT - ? ?- ??? town and Wood in lull Canada ltd. ?'? /aVAXNAH TO\V^SH[P '(New lid.) labor 11H.5C "ill Luke:' li'bir J ? tl? ithur Slwpcrd lAbor.._.?..v........l.. o.....v.J, 48.40 >bc Jennings lab r /. 13.00 . Owen lab r i 1 ? a..4 4? 24.00] up Dietz lab r ...1. 1 v ? 21.00 i "ark l>:etv M> r :..^L.. L I.. - 27;'-0| " ti WiM'ams labor ..............:...\...17.60 ? )b Waters N??r ........ : .,<..41.40 I ?. R. Bishop labor .,1.17.401 11. .lolinson lnbrr , j. j 15.601 I ? | :ite Erojvu'.nq;. labor ,.i 18.00 ?ob Franks bbVr ? ; 16.40 rod Franks labor 1 ....... 16.00" I). Woods labor ? ....... 17.50 J. B. Johnson' later :. J 16.40 .rilriu Brown labor ;...' 29.0C . B. Woodward labor .1 ...v.,.. 15.40 L A. Brown labor 17.40 Prown !ab'r -J 1 .. 17.40 Hyatt labar .... 14.80 Vtj Bishop labor ? ? 11.80 A. Pre.;s)ey lab r ........... ........ 17.-'0 .",'1 Wf dvvard lab"rN'..... ; 4.00 vtln;,) A'cMalian labor ......... 12.00 I ( >s Brown labor . .-.../I4.00 I L'rn .Williams labor :...( 10 00 \ '. Fjvnks bibor : 29.6(1 Louis Flanks labor -? / 14 JO f* . C. Jones lab r J_ ; 72.40 'rank Hyatt, labor 1 ... .i...... 5.40 '. Brown labor ^ i L. 2.00 'rmk Bisho]> labor ? . 2.0(1 R. M. F.I kins lal>or 2.0( Sterlinvf Dolt/. lr.bcr : - 19,00 Lather Franks labor - 2.00 l-d. Wood labor ?_ ...._ SYLVA, .TOWN'SHi:> f; ' % .|\Vi|l Jordan labor 4- jJ A. Harris labor -...j.-? : - ??? 9.60t Frady Bros, blacksmitliing ........... ....... j,.. Will Ammons labor .-...I - 12.80 :QUALLA TOWNSI*# ' John Shepard labor & Howell labpr . Ernest . Joiic.T labor ? ?;,40.80j'Keiiy -Hysa^ la%r i'.._ ...1... JZ_ y* Bob.Wilkes labor ?'??lJW Garland Oxner lab^r ...r. T. ? ^ 0-'~ DHlard Bryson lbaor . i.j. j Thad Patton labor l. j.jtj Lonnie Ammcr.s labor ltW j John Bradb^rn labor !"!' AlmervMas3cy lab; r ^...^?**400 j Taylor Bridges labor Dpp.\ tT Bfiniih) lab.a -?)?'???? 3.40 Terry Johnson, labor ?.... ^ *? . ., lirt Bryson labor L.; V2'd, Wilburn ^liilderj labor I '****' "'-j Tf *? fray Picken.-? I.bor t?S ?. 32) 'Simpson Queen labor 4!,, John Miller labor ....J............. :. ? 1.00 Dsn Oxucr labor T ?V, Lc3 Worley labor ....... ~.~1 ... 2/0 Isnrel Hcrnbiicklo labor Jim Z.iehnriv lalnr ; i v-r* 2-00 v . 'Continued nOTt- wook) v 1 ' ? Buick Authorized . Service comes with your Buick?and goes with i( no matter how many state boundaries^ Buick Authorized Service is as handy as an extra tire, as near as a telephone* : ? ). . . V ' ;? ? l ? . " , . - ! 1 ? r- ? , . ? ? *" t \ ? * , T,. 0. HALL, ': Kvlva, X. ( W.O.MARTIN,'; , ; ; ?? ? Canton,N.( Sales Agents ' ' . -V V-. fi t A Weakly for Everybody ? . . L ?> \ . v. ? s , ; ;; " (. , ANNOUNCES ? . " ? . THE APPOIN'i MENT OF ???>.. w. e. que: . . ? >.<-* ? ? "Phone Number 10.9 A i Soi.ithern Depot ? - As Dealer ? ; In This Locality " -'// / ? ? * ' ? v . ' t ? . * ; ' ?? :? Yon can now buy LIBERTY-the '5c Nati onal Weekly Magazine.of Fiction, Photos, Fashions and Fun-through the dealer . a bore mentioned. LIBEHlY contains the finest rhort.stories.. and serials by the world's;greatest authors. News Pictures of people and events ft-om all over the world, haihkms and Patterns. . Special Article.;. Movie News. Buy* it r?tf ulary. Out every Wednesday. Price 5c. . Phone your order and a copy will be. reserv > ed fo^ you every week. v . ? i ?v ?> I Lt&ERTY >?' A Weekly for Everybody A OUT EVERY WEDNESDAY. Price 5c. I handle books and magazines of all kinds. ? * ? . . " / ' ? ? * *' ?' * ? *'? "" ' Sec me for good reading.' W. E. QUEEN ?V. ?' ? i ? m. * '">*i .? ?? ? i ? ? ?< m\ ?> i ^