****** ft. ft ft PERSONALS \ * * * ? * * /"** Mi*s Maignriete Smathers of Ashe ville, is the guest of relatives here. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reed,of Wake Forest, are visiting relatives at Bet::. Mr. and Mrs. A. M>\ Simons and daughter, Miss Helen, have been spending a few days with relatives in Asheyille. * * ? . Mr. J. T. Williams and Miss \{..vfHO Williams have returned to their homo in'Fairview, after ^end in': a few days with their daughter ^ inul sister. Mr;v J. F. li\e*.e, at. h<fr home on Sylvan Heights. * ? Miss lime Hyatt, cf Bvy^on O'ty allil Atlanta, has been spending m-vckiI days with relatives in Sylva. v O t A!;. J'irkle, of Dandr.'dge, Tciiii., spent a few (lavs, last week, villi t'rijfsids i:i Sylva. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Yemen Stroupe and thnurhter, little Miss Ethel, of Ashe \il!p, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mis. H. P. Potts. Mi and Mrs. Wayne McCraeken si it'll t Christmas with relatives in Civil i'. , ; ( \ I , * * * Mr. Frank Curtis sj>ent Christ m-' : week with his family in Frank * 9 * * " H / , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. lieed, of Ashe \iUr'jC:?t Christmas in Dillsboro. ? ? ? N Mr. Garland Jones, who is^ attend ing Trinity College, is spending the holidays here, with Mr. ( and Mis. John 1!. Jones. > ' * >> *> * Miss Uiiby Dillard, of Atlanta hhs been the guest, for the past few days ot* lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dillard. ? * * Mrs. Claud Warren and children, of Canton have been spending some time here with relatives. ? ? ? Mrs. Frank II. Weller and child r.-ii and Miss IjUC) Wells, ol Marshall have been spending the <bolidays here with theirrents, Mr. and Mr. C. M. Well?. Mr. Y\. .7. Green, of Brown's, Ala., has been the guest of friends here, during.the holidays. ? ? ? Mr. .lames Coune.ill, of Brevard, hay b.ci visiting friend4 liere dur ing the pa; t week. ? ? a Mrs. A.W. Oaks, r! Wintc*- TT iven, Fla., who lias been spending several weeks here, with her father, Mr. J. li.vnsl('v,ioturned Monday to her honu^acc nnpanied by her sister, Mis. Cynthia En.~.!ey. * , a, * . i i i Miss Blanche C?H*ns is sending 'the week with relatives and friends iu Aoheviile and Canton. f> ? ? Mis?; Lnvienia Pleklcs'mer, of Asheville, spent C!?ristr?'"s dtv bcr' ' villi her mother, Mrs. Ellen Pickle rimer. * * * Mr. Halr-\ Buchanan, who is a student at Tennessee Military Insti tutopfcjjjpending the he'idavs here, with his p.'.re:jts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Buchanan. ... Mist Virgin'a Picklesimcr, whp is attending school in Asheville is spending the holidays here "with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Picklcslmer. ? > ??? Mr.,(). 1). Biddyj who is a student " the State University, has been the V-1 of friends here during the holi Hbbert Long, of Sunburst, was inicst of his mother, Mrs. Sadie tW M1" last week. ? ? ? ',r- Kqlph Jarrett, of Charlotte, ken the guest during the past *w>k ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. *? ?htrivti, at Dillsboro. I ??? ^'r- and Mrs. Raymond (?tcnn and J"(i little son have returned from |% lfc!"lcrsonville, where they have been "Pending a ft w >\uy*f the quests of relative; - C : *** *^r- Hast on Suttoii has returned J? Akron, ()., after spending some tunc heiv. ... . f' ? Mr. an,i ^ Bales and little Is0", and Miss Inez Sull'van left yes rt'ntay jor Hayesvillc for a visit to | r- M. Sullivan. ,0. ... Every member of Sylva Methodist hiireh is urged to be present next ' "inlay morning at the 11 o'ofoek service, ns firsj Sundnv in th" IJH w. Vtsu'- ^*et 118 take advantage of I ,ust opportunity of attending thaich, \Vt may not iinVe the second. Subject lor our consideration F day morning will be, "Lost Oppor tunity." Tlfe pastor, W. M. Rohbins * ? ? ? % m " Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Han son, December 18, a son. ? ? ? Borh, to Mr. and Mrs. J; R. Cock Tan, December 20Ka son. Miss Dorothy MeKee, who is i teacher in the city schools of Brervard is spending the holidays here with her mother, Mrs. Carrie McKee. Miss Margaret Moore is here frt?\ii Lafayette, 6a., where she is teaching, for the holidays. .' . ? ? ? Mrs. E. C. Sharp, of Birmingham, Ala., M ?saes Elizabeth Robb'tr., whif r?- " is teaching in Greensboro sml Miss Louise lltbbins, u student in Greens boro College for WtMien, ar* sj?0 )'.' ing the Holidays here with their paYents, Rev. apd Mrs. AV. M. Hob? bins. ' . ( ? ? ? ? ' ?v' ? Mr. W. H. Rhodes, Jr.,of Raleigh, has been the guest, for the holidays, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes. ? , ^ ? ? ? Misses Nellie Cowan and Llewellyn Rhodes, -who are students at Greens boro College for Women, are spend ing the holidays here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cowan and Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Rh< dee. - ? ? ? Miss Mary Candler is here from Salem College, Winston-Salem, for tho liolulavs with bcr parents, Dr. and Mra. C. Z. Candler. ? ? ? Mi-s Marv Enloe, who is a student <.n Salem College, Messrs, S. , W. Enloe, Jr., of Georgia Tech and Reginald Enloe of the State Universi ty, are spendinsr the holidays with home folks in Dillsboro. b ? ?? ? f ' ? Miss Edith Sherrill, who is attend ing school at the State! Normal, Greensboro, has been spending the holiday season, here, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sherrill. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. V. llall and little 3pn Roy, of Bryson City, spent Christmas here, guests of" Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Allison, at their home )n College Hill. N 1 ,:'S ? Mr. C. H. Daniels has returned from Boston; Mass., where he went to see his father, wjio recently sus^ tained a broken leg, by a fall. ? ? *.> ? \ Miss Emelyn Daniels, who is teach ing at Cashiers,- has been sjiending the Christmas holidays here. Miss Mary Allison and Misses Xita and Decia Gan'ett, students at ' \ Merdith College, Raleigh, are here for the holidays with their pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Allison and, Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Garrett. . ? ? ? Mr. Robert Bell, who is a senior in an Atlanta Dental College is a guest of his mother, Mrs. P. W. Kincaid, at her home in Dillsboro. ? ??? ' Mr. Wolff Alien and his bridq, who was Miss Maude Harris, of Waynes ville, are,guests ef Mr. Allen's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Allen, and other relative: here Mr. and Mrs\ Alien wire married in Waynesville last wee!: and will leave about the tenth for Sutherlin, Oregon, where Mr. Allen has made his home for the past few years. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown and little son, Lamont, spent Christmas with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Elrod, in Columbia, S. C. ? ? ? Miss Mayme Long, who is teaching at Lumber Bridge, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Sadie J. Long. ? ?? v( Miss Otelia Cathey, wlio teaches in the schools of Kenly, is the guest of her mother, JUrs. Mattie Cathey, for the Holidays. ??V \ -' \ \ ' S Miss-Irene Oliver, a student in the State Normal, Greensboro, is spend ing the 'Christmas holidays here with her. parent", Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oliver. ~ ; ' ? . ? ' V " ? Mrs. Harry Hastings has returned from Atlanta, where she has been in an hospital for several months. Mrs Hastings is improving, her friends will be glad to learn. > >??? // y Mr. Dan Tompkins has returned from Augursta, Ga., where he spent a week with relatives and friends. ? ? ? Miss Ethel Crsp and little Miss Bethell Crisp, spent > Christmas with their uncle, Mr. Cleaveland Crisp, at Candler. Mr. Love Shaver, of Albemarle, has been' the guest of friends here, during the holidays. ? f . / ? /, Miss Inez Cathey, of Asheville, ' > ** t 1 . V ? ? ' -? * *' ?' v:v.v: ? : y / > "? . . ^ . .. , -Vj.' ? - ----- ! /en spending a few days here h6r mother, Mrs. Mattie Cathev. ???? ,.i Mr. C nmd Nichols of the State " University is spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. S, Nichols. ?> Mefesrs. Frederick Moore, of Lafay ette, 6a., Mr. Enloe Moore, who has been spending the past few months in I j the West and Mr. Dan Moore of the '' State University are the guests of relatives here. Mr! Leon Picklesimer and Mr. Tom Or'hhlc are spending the holidays, !v.ir? * he State College, Raleigh, at rnes here and Vit Beta. r- ? " * " ;S ALLISON ENTERTAINS s Mnry Allison entertained a lier friends, Friday aftemocn iunchccn c piimcntary to / lyon Moody, a popular biide ?\ Uj!e .ica.ion. ! .'?< .' i truest was given a leaflet and ? ?-?.?.!od to write a paragraph on wiv to manage a husbnnd", a good . iv.p, and o good wish." The com 'ons of the young ladies %vere .!u into a hook and given to Mrs. . jiiv>udy to read, to the amusement of the quests. Among those enjoying Miss Al lison's hospitality, besides the guest of honor, ^ere Misses Kate McKee, Ai .i i Fisher, Mary Candler, Wilma Allison, Louise Robbins, Isabel Allison and Ruth Oliver. MR. AND MRS. BUCH ANAN ENTERTAIN C Mr. and Mrs. Hairy E. Buchannn were the charming host and hostess rf a number of their friends, New "iear's evening, at their heme on Maiu street, from nine until 12:30. A salad course,, cake and coffee wclrc served during the evening. Following a number of gauies, as ?struck the fancy of the guests, Mr. i Buchanan furnished, a great (treat in | a big fire works disploy, from mid ? night to 12:30. NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. In the Superior Court, Mrs. Bertie Hyatt . vs Early Hyatt Notice of Summons by Publication i The above named defendant, Early , Hy;'.tt, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in he Superior Court of Jack son County to sever the bonds of matrimony now existing between the ' plaintiff and the said defendant; and ' the said defendant will further teke notice that he i3 required to app^ir at the Term of the Superior Court La be held for said County on the second Monday before the First .Monday in March, 1925, at the Court House for said County of Jackson at Sylvu. N* C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint h; ,h has been duly filer Lherin. ; lie 20th day of November, k f r ' JOHN D. NORTON, . Clerk Superior Court. ( C. C. BUCHANAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. -o ;?< '"3 OF PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS v|i1TH CAIi -1 ?NA, ?ACKSO COUNT/. IN TTIE SUPERIOR CQUF.T j 1 )La JEM IS* IN vs ' ,'r LEWIS JLJHSON The defendant aboye named, Lewis Jeixison, will take notice that an acti ii entitled as above has been ftom iiioKc. d in the Superior Court of Jack on c. nnty, North Carolina, ;o have the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff dissolved, and that an absolute divorcc be granted. That the defendant, Lewis Jemison will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the term of the Superior Court of the said County of Jackson, to be held on the second Monday before the first Monday in Mal-ch, 1925 it being the 16th day of February, 1925, at th-r -Court House in the town of Svlva, in 'said county and state and answer or de mur to the complaint n sad action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. , Done this"the 4th day qf December 1924. 1 \. JOHN D. NORTON, Clerk of the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, " v CKSON COUNTY. ! * NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE: By virtue of the power and author ity conferred upon the undersigned, E. & biillwell, Trustee, by a eertaih dc' f ti. t, executed oi, 3rd. day of March, 1924, by John A mown* and wife, Martha Ammons, to E. P. Stilhrtsll, Tr.for H.V. Potts /and husband, W. P. Potts, said deed of trust being recorded in Book No. 92 at page 77 et seq., office of Register of Deeds for Jackson County, N. C., reference to which is hereby had and the said notes and deed of trust se curing the payment thereof having been duly assigned to Elbert Coward, and default having been made in the payment of the notes and indebted ness secured by asid deed of trust, and the same being now past due and request having been made by the owner and hojder of said notes that the undersigned do execute the power of sale contained in said deed of trust:? . r ? ( Now, I, E.\P. Stillwcll, Trustee, will on Mondau. Jan. 5. 1925 at 11:00 O'clock A. M., >n front of the Court House door, in the Town of Sylva, J&cksonCouhty,N.C.,offer for sale and sell at public auction,i >?? cash to the l.ighest bidder, the following describ ed tract of land in Webster Town Jackson Cour.ty, N C., con:a:n ed in said deed of trust: y Adjoining the lands of Abe Moore. Tvlor Buchanan and others:' Begin [ at j! small forked bl-n-k oji\ i it upper bank of rfie road leading from Tylor Buchanan's to Abe Moore's and runs N. 81 1-2 E. 33 poles to a large forked chestnut (dead): thence S. 2.75 W. 30 poles to a stake with ashe and Wackgum painters: thence N. 88 W. 69 poles to a stake in Tylor Buchanan's line on a ridge at a road; thence N. 26.75 E. 8 poies to a black -oak; thence N. 34.5 E. with top of the ridge Id polw to a small spanish oak; thence N. 59 E. 11 poles to a stake in the forks of the road; thence S.78 E. with the road 15 poles to the beginning, coil taming ten (10) acres, more or less. This 3rd, day of December, 1924. E. P. STILL WELL, Trustee. ??-?-o NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OTELIA ODEAR r , vs (?* / LESTER ODEAR SERVICE BY PUB LI RATION-NOTICE ^i0k c7,?-4 ????&** /.???? y: v- ^ - .**-??? ,v> J'-, afl P*P?k ;<\V? ? v-yWl.4 -j vri ??' v&t ?-?' ? ?* >< ? * j&?y , jj^^m J/et a correct ftFfftu/s otme-J&epen | M[ft'lj//^'~ iVe fiave tfam,* nfk repair Mings rig/it ? . -.: .. ? ^ ...;? ;. ( . . ???"? ?? ? . ?'. ?' If your clock or watch does not keep Correct / ' ?. ?. 4. ?. ?? ? ' \ time, bring it in and let us see if we can fix it for ;? ? ; i y?u- , Vv':- > . i. < ?. ? {?" '--S. If it caijnot be repaired, we will tell you so frankly and stop you from wasting money on it i " " ? " \ , and show you a new^lo^k or watch on which you can RELY. ' ' ? ? ? ; (y. I. ' ' We have that WRIST WATCH vou mav want. ' . ?.-'??!' . r < Our prices are always reasonable. ?? .1 C ? ' ' ? i " ' w ? ' . 4 ' *" <* * \. > *. . ? ?' - ' r ) u ' '; ?????> ? ' Han kins Jewelry Co. * > " *-?. r /' '? ' \ - ? **? ?, f"" ? '** - ?. \ /. ? '* Where Silver and Gold are Fairly Sold. SYLVA, N. C. 1 / The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the I Superior Court of Jackson County to obtain an absolute divorce: and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of tho Superior Court of said county to be held on the 3rd Monday in February, 192$, at the Court-house of said county in Sylva, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said acticn,. or the plaintiff will apply to the court for tfyc relief demanded in said complain! This 16 day of December, 1924. ? JOHN D. NORTON, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED IN TRUST NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. / | By virtue of the power of sale contained in two certain deeds-in trust, one executed on the/l3th vday of Aug. 1921,and theother executed on the 30th day of March, 1922, by R. D. Rogers and wife, E. L. Rogers, to W. R. Sherrill, Trustee, for P. R. Hyatt and T. L. Fox, which deeds of trust or of record Book 81 at page 299 and in Book 88 at page 149, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, and default having been made in the pnymcit ojf the indebted ness thereby secured.. .'?via. Now, Therefore, I, ,JV. R. Sherrill, Trustee, will on the 30th day of ! Januaiy, 1925, at the Court House1 door in the town of Sylva, at 2 P. M., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for ensh, to snt'sfv ?ai-l i*y debtedness, interest and cost o? sale the following described tract cr par cels of landjying and being inSavan nah Township, Jackson Co.; N. C., to-wit: Beginning on a birch on the North bank of Savannah Creek and runs North 20 poles to a stake; thence VV. 42 poles to a stake; thence South 120 poles to a stake; thence East 72 poles to a chestnut in the south boundary line of Higdon's lands; thence N. 1 degree W., 126 poles to a stake, formerly a white-oak ii^ the North line of the Higdon lands; thence S. 50 degrees W., 32 poles to the Beginning. . , , - ' SFOONQ TRACT: Beginning on a rock (formed y a birch) on the North bank of Savan nah Creek, and runs North 54 poles to a stake in Wilson's line; thenee East with Wilson's line 94 poles to a chincapin in Pi. L. Higdon's old line; thence S 33 degrees W., with Higdon's line 30 poles to a Spanish oak, Higdon's corner; thence West 50 poles to a white-oak, Higdon's corner; thence S. 50 degrees W., 32 poles to the Beginning. This tie 27th day of December,' 1924. ' - - f W. R. SHERRILL. BIRD'S BOARD - liutTri l M ii mmii^? ^? V* Walls, Quickly! 4 (*, t Many thrifty house owners have finished the walls of their cottages and bungalows quickly, economically and durably with Bird's Neponset Board. It may also be used to ? S 1. Divide large rooms'. 2. Refinish old-walls. J "k'.l 3. Cover broken ceilings. 4. Cover walls of basements and garages. A v # 5. Make backgrounds for store v ' show windows. < Bird's Neponset Board has a cream-white finish that does not need painting, although you may paint it any color you wish. V Neponset Board is made by Bird & Son, inc. (Est. 1795), manufacturers of Neponset Twin Shingles, Bird's Shingle - Design Roll Roofing, Paroid Roofing and Neponset Black ' Building Paper. There's a Bird product for every sort of building. ? ? ? . Vr e are headquarters for Bird's trail board, roofings and building papers, Sylva Goal & Lumber Co. Have you lost your appcfMtf I Do yon get so tired with ft* day's duties that you're unable to enjoy an evening with friends or at the movies once in a while? Are ym losing your rosy cheats and ?ami I ? springy atep? Dr. MiW m i ( \ A . was made to restore health to people in your coaillii. It has of permanent benefit to thousands who were tfflkM jMBt aa yoo ? Why don't you try a bottle? Get in B|e tor

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