* *. * s* * * * * f[ItSO MLS ? * * * * sjc * y|V '.' m Tr.ti, oi' East La Poxio,. |; i,,.fju'iuiiiig some time lieru, 1/1 :};;r:i: lii which they |i ::vli.iso(l, from Mr. Eugene IV*1'" "? ? i ( ? ? ? Karlv and Mr. Ernest U,v.n-C ?Ui. * Lv;k. li . ilie lir.sl of the week; for P., i i'rr.eh, Fin., whore they tju-inl several weeks. * * * \|i-> Kniie MeKee left yesterday [,.... ,v;.!io. where she goes to take ' J,,.;-!,:,.- c.MlVse. ?' t I. r ? ? )[., T. I'a it oh, of Henderson i.i'ii'. muv.t oi' her daugh ? Jii -. 0. S; Dili;?id. |M ?lt'r tlit* Sylva pc'ople motoring \?:t.vii!e last Saturday, to sec ..W!,. . '?! 1 IV. v.crc Misses Jam .ViV ,\l(;iuni:li. Moore, Dorothy .c. Wells, Lillic Everet Mi. i* C. Hall, and . .lones and Kate i t-Kv ' ''? Nichols and ? Mr t . i ? A. l!yaU, of Hryson City, ,-i> l: . ihe liivt of the wee ? i.i' jit'v lucr. Mr. S. ('. Allison. SALK OK EXCHANGE?12 i !;t a?i/wjui.u rii'.iie, I pair good work ! 1 -IDW 1I?. mule, 1 1924 Ford i. rii': i ii v. 1 4-ri)0ni house, 1 IS-room |,.i:v. I "fine 11rood sovfr, 1 line boar. |\\'. i'. .'a)ITS. Sylva, X. C. ? ? ? i ')? !.:?ST?Ji:iir of snertaelcs, some r?ii< it: Svlva. Ivetnrn to Koy J. f ]..: r.y. \ ?/ ?? I '/ l"i 'i' SAl.K:? ,'d farm of forty : . Twi'iitv acres under cultivation. ( >,'1; narden. New live room Iiou^u > M'jhway l\vo and one half mile.-J Ij?m Terais if desired. li interested. wY:u\ Julius MeMahail. l>illslh?r <. N. l\ ? ? ? Miss Mania rot' Moore spent 'a; fcv. davs he re. las: wi. i, with her sister Mrs. >. t'} .\!!i??P-i:. .?; r.-iiic t?> Yveb stol' i Vlitii M Mi ck-.'iiV W lit'1*0 silt ]i;\- ill; I! tc.'li . Mjv. Tin liv. Hyatt 'spout last Sun tla\ with rid.-Is at Heta. ? ? ? " > ( '? 1.1 r. I, IV sWcithr of -?: \ Mr. Y.'i. ior E. Moore ha? r^turivd iroi.ffi; i ua \vi!"re he att?.: tied tn iiifftimi of the firand Lodge < T Mas ^ " i, on-. ? ? * Mr. and 'Sirs. Frank Scott, wlio have made Sylva tlioir home for several years, left last Sunday for Graml Kapids, Midi., where they ex ptct to reside in the future. Il Mr. imd Mrs'. Eugene Bcarden. of .\-l ivilh'.iiave boon spending a few f'.iys In to. with Mrs. Beardon's, l;ith('r and ^i.-.tcv-, Mr. Walter E. 3;(K>ro !!>nl M!.': os Hnnnah and and pin jtliy Mo m m m Mr. .1. I). Co van and Mr-i.d. (\ liirtidi -pout Saturday in Asliovillo. ft ? m T!io fiivis' A1 ii'.at v cf the Baptist jf-L fjli will meet at the,church Sni 1 ^t\v; iicnioWi, at three'o'clock, Mr.4, ''?ilt on having charge of iht ?:?;? Webster, before going to I .otfpiiig. \ \ ? t 9 [ Mr. C. B, Med ford was here from ^ *? nttiji.'c 1 Ills week, on business. ??? IWn.^, Mr. and Mrs. dohn K. ?lout's, 11 bojV Thursday. ? ? ? Mr... I',. Ford King and Mrs. R. C. Allison spent the day Thursday_^ AsheviU*. _ STOLEN: Person that was seen taking battery and rails off of Ford in old gar ago at creek had better re tina same and avoid trouble. ? ? ? MLS. ETHEL L. COWAN WE~S MR. HOUGH ; Asiievillc Citizen, Jan. 24. Of cordial interest to a wide cir cle of friends and relatives was the marriage yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock of IVJrs. Ethel L. Co#wan of this city, and Mr. ltaymand Frank lin IIcug!i, of kinstcn^ N. C. The marriage Was quietly solcmnir.ed at thfe hoinp of Dr. and Mrs. Robert'J. Bateman, with Dr. Bateman, who is the bride's pastor, Officiating. The bride wore a. tan ensemble buit with hat and accessories to ?natch. Immediately following the cercmcny^Mr. and Mrs. Hough left in their ear for a few weeks' honey moon in Florida. Upon their return they, will reside in Kinstcn, where , ? J ? 7 Mr. Hough is superindent of the Baptist Orphanage' located there, where he is widely-known and justly popular. Mrs.,Hough is the widow of the ?late Coleman C.. Cowan, of Sylva, one of the most prominent attorneys in We. tern North Carolina. She has wviiaed in Ail.evillc for the past(tnn ?id a h il!'venrsmid l'f><- d . ,\ i V ? c^oir al iii<- i ust i>apt ?t Ciiurcli. ' ' vt; . '? . ? MRS. RYAN AND MISS CANDLER ENTERTAIN . \ ' , v-' i One of the prettiest affair*: of the lew. year was the bridge and Mali long prirtjv given bv Mrs. Joseph R. Rvan and Miys Mai'garet Candler on * / ' . last Saturday afternoon ot the:r home on Main Street. There were six tables, these tyeiiijr arranged in tiic music and living rooms. The his^h score *in bridge wa made by Mrs. Corsey Buchanan. While ih>' high sc'ore in Mar-Joni; was made by Mrs. David Ilnll. The prir.e for each being a beautiful linen i nvel. Mr.;. F.ae'liannn, Mrs.' Coleman Hall, Mrs. Ohajfles Robinson, of East La'Port?, Mrs. Harry Buchanan, Mis. Byron Marsh, Airs. Mareellus Buchanan, Jr.,\ Mrs. Walter Allen',.Ir.,M,"s- Ford King Mrs. William McNeil, Mrs. Odcii, DiHard, Mrs. Jess Dillard, Mrs. Dojph Murry, Mrs. Arthur Weaver. Miss Ruth Allison, Miss Lucy-Wells. SYLVA METHODIST CHURCH -i } Preuching every Sunday morning .it 11 o'clock, pxeept the fourth Sur day. Preaching every Sunday evening t 7except the second Sunday. Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 0:45. Epworth League every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Subject Sunday morning at 11' o'clock will be. "Christ the.Way." You are cordially invited to wor ship with us.. Yes, "Come thou with us and we do the good*'" INJURES FOOT Mr. 0. J. Moon, Superintendent of tlie Western E!ec';ric Company's Pole Treating Plant here, sustained a very painful injury to his foot, on the yards of the plant Wednesday. .FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ** . 1 ) ' W. Ross Yoklcy, pastor. Let us;keep in mind and heart the Revival meeting that is to begain at {lie Baptist church on Sunday morn ng March the 15th. We will have the regular services Sunday, including preaching both morning and evening, Sunday School and B. Y. P. U. Each Wednesday 1 prayer meeting, and eoch Friday ' evening choir practice. Monday evening is the time for the regular Deacon's Meeting. Let all the brethren be there please. A welcome to all the people to at tend these services. ENTRY NO. 6137 v ? North Carolina, " ? ' v ?Jackson County. 1, A. S. Bryson, do hereby enter and claim 5 acres of land, more or less, in Hamburg Township, Jacks* ri County,N. C., on ?lie head-waters of Herrician Creek, described as fol lows : T' . '' <* Beginning on o locust,an old cor jo jou.uk> 'oSpijj onjg oij; jo do) uoaa (rertnettt land, running North dircc- i tion with Oennctt'S line and other) old lines, various courses to the Be- j ginning. Entered this the 28th day of Jan uary, 1925. A. S. BRYSON, Claimant. | Approved; , ? ^ RAYMOND R. NICHOLSON, Ex Officio Entry-Taker. o NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED IN TRUST NORTH CAROLINA, *? ? r*r~ r* - r . , l uin i ..mi uy virtue 'ol the power of sale made to the undersigned as trustee by N. B. McDonald and wife, ' Georg McDonald on the 10th day. of March, 1924, and default having been ...ade in the .payment., of the amount securcd thereby, I will on the 28th : day of February, 1925 at 2 o'clock j T\ M., at the Court House dcor in the T:\vn of Sylva, expose for sale j'.::.! sell to 'the highest bidder for ?.cash the folkwingi described real' estate, situate, lyingvandj being in' Ijylvfi Township, in vhe^County and r State aforesaid,-and more particular ly described as fellows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the East side of Cook's Street as laid out, sur veyed, and plotted i n the map of Buelianan Heights, and said stake al : o being the upper corner of Lot No.1 49 in Buchanan Heights, and runs thence S. 84 E. 161 feet to a stake in th'e dividing line between J. 0. .Stanley and J. A- Ceisler, said stake being 24(5 feet from the public road 't t!;e S. E. corner of J. 0. Stanley's :e tr: t : thence N. 12 degrees and '! Min., ' witlj said J. O. Ston . A..? ;? . itiul now owned by Joiiu (Jreen, and said stake also be ing the X. E. corner of J. 0. Stan ley's home place; thence N. 56 W. 168 feet to a stake in the East side !' Cool; Street and also the S. .V '. c.'mer . Henry Wikle's home i.)t: thence S. i2 deg. and 30 min. W. with 'East ride bf Cook Street 102 feet to the beginning being that part f l)fc T. Stanley home place pur *?(1 .Yr. v A, ? ). , Woniniack o?i ? l.i'eh Will Si nli'V now lives. And ?t \ a ; I - . : V o lit n7A;n of this deed in Trust Nt v. ai\ '.he land purchased by .1 '\ S.-!ji'ev\from A. D. Woniniack ' >h lies j.iif^'e the first liiie descrih . ,i /??it'll for in this Deed i.i "rust. '' tT)v> AStl'i day ov>. jpnuan 1925. ; - ? ' C. C. 1>..11'c nir a W . / . k . i i .. I 1 IJ k- ull i> pil. ?*?1' tare here just reminds me of the Cattle Business, of which I am still in, in a small way. , " Stock on the Exchange in Wall Street was never higher, Stock on a Ranch was never lower. If a cattleman sold a Steer and they would let him weigh all the mortgages that was on the Steer with him, he would 'weigh 50 pounds heavier. One Tenderloin Steak at a Hotel brings mere than -a Steer.' A cy* r brings more i V" > -% - ? * ' A :D . 1 cn^'/ Iorn brings CZ'O :i\ul piic jir of Horn riihmed glasses $25.' ^ CV.'.F r.cils for ?10 and its . J.rt)r?20. .* < i :>'c hi le cf a Cow brings $1 : ^ , .:e pair of shoes $18. Two sacks of 'By 11.' Durham '?3 worth more than the Bull. The oriiy way to be in the Tit-rle i Tidiness in v.r.h'a picture A one. .., \ J ? . ? n s S. i*:n pomgtowrlfr ronie more pieces '.at will appear in this paper. Keep look ing for them. MOT.E OF EVERYTHING for a lot less money. That's the net of this 'Bull' Durham prop osition. More flavor, more enjoyment and a lot more. money left in the bankroll at ' the end. of a week's smoking TWO BAGS for 15 cents 100 cigarettes for 15 cents Guaranteed by jNCOftfORATCP ^ ? :V;C. 1 R. McCraeken i EYE, EAR, NOSE, SPECIALIST, OP WAY NES VILLE, WILL BE IN SYLVA, AT HOOP ER'S DRUG STORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 FOR CONSULATION. , ' ? ? ? ? V , A pocket knife is just as good as its blade, A .00 handle means no more than a 50c. handle from the utility standpoint. Chrome Vanadium Steel is used in every "Win chester pocket-knife". . This steel has greater strengtluand toughness, aild holds a cutting long er than any other steel used in making cutlery. y:' ' - ? i .. '3*' : ; 7' ' . ' '? . / * ? *" 1 - . . / ) "... ?'*' * I ' ' * ? ' ' '* Jackson Hdw. Co. ? . i \ ' the WINCHESTER store These Features Make Winter Driving a Pleasure for Buick Owners - I Safety T|Im To Iasara Continouua Oil Plow Automatic Carburetor Heat Control L. 0. HALL, i , ?/ , Sylva, N. C. W. G. MARTIN, ' Canton, N. C. , i' Sales Agents AMERICA'S SWEETHEART! in , ? r, ?" ;? ? 1 ? / One of her best pictures. ; Mary Pickford .. t IN "Little Lord Fauntleroy" 4 ? ?. ,, ??? ' \ ? ' ?' i : I'J ' ,i Lyric Theater \ Feb. 4 & 5,1925 V /. . > ' * 1 ! ' ' o - \ . .>