Oriental Sees Little Difference in Humanity Humanity is much the same the world over, is the conclusion of Ach nie(l Abdullah, Oriental, novelist and playwright, now in this country after vears of travel and adventure in the iea,iii:.c capitals of the world.' ?1 would see in the Daily News, how, because East is Ease, a Manchu mandarin beat his English wife?but nov,.r a word, although West is West, !lt a!,out the same titpe a high English (itlu'ial in Hongkong beat his Chinese in is: '?e says in Hearst's Interna ti(in:jl ?>I \yWord?but not a word that, al though West is West, the Russians at BlngoViostchensk \ massacred seven , thoa>ait ? f fr. Some treetops, be they where they will. Moody and tossed, or carved and still Green frescoes whose rare patterns be On field of lapis lazuli. If to this realty a nest Shall be thrown In, I count me blest; Birdlike, not more of earth I own? Off when the wander-call Is blown! Some treetops ... I have not forgot A forest glade, deep as a grot. Or as a well, whence high and far Looked down the startled daytime starl Treetops and sky; I have one claim Evading memory?without name. It Is a surge of apple-bloom Closing around an azure room. ^ Somewhere In Childhpod Land at morn, J3o sweet It makes me half forlorn; -And always In my dreams 1% vies With realty In Paradise. * ' ?Edith M. Thomas, in the New York Times. r ? I Timely Warning Given Motorists in France Automatic warning signals to pre vent collisions between motor cars at dangerous cross-roads have been test ed recently near Bordeaux, France. These sigaals are operated electrical ly. Across each roadway near the in tersection Is placed a metal plate even with the road leva). Whenever a mo torcar approaching the crossing passes over the plate, it makes an electric contact that releases a danger signal at the crossing and on the intersecting road. At t^ight the signals are illumi nated for several seconds after con tact is made with the road plate. Thus a driver is warned instantly that another car Is approaching the intersection. The signal is at a suffi cient distance from the crossing to give him time to apply his brakes. Installa tion of the system is said not lo be costl* How it Happened "Say, looky here!" demanded Con stable Sam T. Slackputter, the guar dian of the peace and dignity of Pe tunia, addressing a motorist who had managed to run his Hootln' Nanny against ya mule in the dusk and get the contraption pretty well kicked to pieces, "how In Sam Hill' did you come to run into that there mule, any how?" ' ) "I didn't come to run Into him; I . was just trying to pass through the town," responded tlie offender, "and the mule had no headlight,"?Kans;\s City Star. Brazil'? Fine Port The port of Santos in Brazil Is the world's V?st important coffee port It is given over principally to shipping, but lacks the squalor of many older ports. It has a beautiful beach, where the sand is packed so hard that auto mobiles may drive to the water's edge. The city has a remarkable theater with a telescopic roof. By m&ins of an electric mechanism, this roof may be removed In ten minutes and the building converted into an open-air au ditorium. The orchestra chairs are re movable, so that shortly after the cur tain falls a ballroom Is available for dancing. Canadian Soapstone Canada is expected in time not only to fill its own demand for soapstone, but to export considerable amount of It Samples of the stone are reported to be of a greenish color, easily worked and of excellent quality. The development of the industry will be watched with interest-by the pulp and paper companies, who use this stone for lining kraft mill furnaces an Because an eight weeks' old fawn had stolen the affections of the chil dren of Thomas W. Reilly, superin tendent of the Newark water shed near Charlottesburg, N. J.. Rags, a wire-haired terrier, driven to despera tion by Jealousy, killed the fawn. The^ deg followed the fawn into the woods near the Relly home and attacked it. The children summoned their father and called the dog off, but the fawn djd not survive the wounds. u>,' Cast-Iron Houses Iron Is 1 'under examination as a material for the construction bft houses. An English firm has submit ted proposals to the ministry of health for building semi-detached houses of cast-iron plates at a cost of ?550 a pair. Iron is considered more suitable than steel for'this purpose because It resists atmospheric corrosion rather better. Education Film in China Of five motion-picture production companies in north China four make news weeklies, animated cartoons and educational films, and the fifth now Is giving up dramatic pictures in favor of educational and scenic subjects. Trouble for Motorists , Warnings have been issued ih West phalia (Germany) that the police are authorized to shoot at motorcars trav eling at excessive speed which do not stop when called upon. ?' ' / JESTS CONSTRUCTIVE WORK A new representative went to an aid-timer In the bouse and asked for a few pointers on being a legislator. "I want to do something construc tive," began the new statesman, "something worth while." V , "I know, I know. Here's the idea, keep down expenses for the rest of the country but get plenty of appro priations for your own district." Slight Misunderstanding The train drew up at a station, and a man carrying a heavy box climbed wearily aboard and deposited the oox on the rack overhead. A nervous old man eyed the huge package with evident distrust. "Do yon think that box is safe there?" he demanded. "Oh, yea," replied the man, cheer fully, "It's locked !* i V Thoughtful Youngster tobust Little Girl of Five (Just be fore starting for her first day la school)?Mumsey, dear, please cut nay finger nails. "Is It so very Important now, dear?" *Tes, mumsey. You see, I shall probably have to punch'some of the other little girls, and I don't want to scratch them." < Honest Confession The House Agent?Tou say you have no children, gramophone or wire less, and you don't bp?p a dog. You seem Just the quiet trwant the owner Insists on. The House Hunter?' don't want to hide anything about my behavior, so you might tell the owner that my fountain pen squeaks a bit CHANCEFUL GIRL "Alice is so delightfully changeful." "Yes; I call hsr the chameleon glli." -And why?" "She changes her. complexion aa often as she does her mood." Noah'* Luck Whatever troubles Noah bad. And they weien't few, that's clnr, He didn't And on Ararat The sign: "Nc Parking Her*." \ . She la "The customer Is always right," said the boss to the new clerk. "Dow can that be?" "Jt's the best way to avoid an arma ment. Isn't yoar wife always right?" No Danger, Old Boy / "The,. worst thing about being a bachelor Is that one's name dies with one." "What Is your Aame?" "Smith." A YOUNG BASEBALL FAN "Two heads are better than oae, my son." j . "lie for a double-header, dad."9 Hain't Heard of It Is there anything under heaven A candidate wor.'t do / To get his name lb the public prt&t& Please tell us, fcfnd sir, true. Infe i ence "Yes, he's absolutely, ruined: btit still, poverty Is no disgrace, is it?" "Oh, no. He doesn't owe yoa ai-J. thing either, then?" Got Into H of Water "I got into terrible hot water last night," remarked Harry. "Did you? Whatever did ^ou doT' exclaimed his friend.^ "Oh, I just had a bath!" was the reply. ?'*>? ' Used to It < Young Chap?Are you going to be cremated? Old Gent?No, sir. They're going to bury me. 'I'hatV? what I've been used to ever since I was a mere child. . . , b v, ? r ? MOTHER! , 0 Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" ' Hurry Mother! Even a bilious, con stipate!, feverish child loves the pleas ant taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has direc tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "Califoria" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. One Consolation A Jud Tunkins gays you've got to give the saxophone credit for one thing, it hasn't any chance of hearing the feller that used, to \vhjstle "Listen to the Mocking Bird" with variations.? Washington Star. , ( ? \ DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You See the Safety "Bayer Cross.'* Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.?Adv. Hindrance to Mariners The ? Sargasso sea was discovered by Columbus on his first voyage. He became involved in it for about a fortnight, The sea is so named he cause of the large amount of sea weed particularly in the form of Sar gassum bac-clferum which it contains. Green's August Flower The remedy with a record of fifty eight years of surpassing excellence. All who suffer with nervous dyspep sia, sour stomach, constipation, indi gestion, torpid liver, dizziness, head aches, coming-up of food, wind on stomach, palpitation and other indica tions of digestive disorder, will find GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER an ef fective and efficient remedy. For fifty-eight years this medicine has been successfully used in millions of households all over the cfVUized world. Because of its merit and pop ularity GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER is found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 and 90 cent bottles.?Adv. Valuable Material Fluorspar is a very important prod uct, since it is nsed In the /manufac ture of glass and of enameled ware, in the electrolytic refining of antimony and lead, in the production of alum-, inum, in the manufacture of hydro fluoric acid and in the iron and steel industries. A Lady of Distinction Is t^cognized by the delicate, fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cutlcnra Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by a dusting with Cutlcnra Talcum powder usually means a clear; sweet, healthy skin.?Advertisement. ?V. ' 7 Fisherman*b Pet Seal Mr. It. Sharpe, a Lowestoft (Eng land), beach fisherman, has made friends . with a seal, which swims after his boat whenever he launches it. Blows Its Own Horn. For 78 years Harford's Balsam of Myrrh has been the friend of rich and poor. Lived that long on its own merits. 3 sizes.?Adv. Hardly Probable ' Old I professor (returning to his chair aft^r brief absence tinds cat rest n;j there)?Great heavens! Is it pos sible that I've been sifting on that cat all afternoonV A simple, old-fashloried medicine, as Rood today as In 1(137. is compounded'In Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. They resulate the stomach, liver and boWels. Adv. Fable Once upon a time there was a man who told a girl she was the first wom an in his life.' She was.?Life. so good that each one calls for more H cap sugar (granulated) , 3 M cups self- rising flour 1 cup molasses H teaspoon soda Ml Mm ? KnrTsniHrr 1 rsaarwiAn m W?M> ^ i I cup shortening 1 teaspoon ginger yf Heat mo'uso to boiling point. Add aocU when removed from fire. > Pour hot molasses over shortening. Mix ginger with flour and combine mixtures. This will make a stiff dough which is easily handled if thoroughly chilled before rolling very thin. Cut and bake on greased pans in moderate oven. NOTE: In making rolled cookies of any kind, it may be necessary to add more flour to make dough stiff enough to handle. A book of delightful recipes is offer- - ed below; send for your fret copy WHO doesn't love old fashioned ginger snaps-? those nut-brown cookies with that tang of spice v and fresh molasses? Li^ht enough to be health ful, spicy enough to be appetizing, tasteful enough to make you want to eat a whole jarful?how the folks will enjoy them if they're made from good self-rising flour. It's real fun to make ginger snaps, hurry-up cakes, doughnuts, waffles and dozens of other delicious things if you use self-rising flour. Like plain flour, it comes in a number of different grades and sells at various prices - the grade determining the price you pay. To save you time in cooking and to insure you light, tasteful bakings, pure phosphate baking powder has been added. Buy self-rising flour that carries the blue symbol of the Son Wheat Millers' Association. This Blue Shield on a bag of self-rising flour means you are buying pure, health fid, wholesome flour that has the hearty approval of food officials, dieticians and baking experts. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the baking results, your money will be cheerfully refunded. f SOFT WHEAT MILLERS' ASSN., Lae., NASHVILLE, TBNN. It* Healthful Dependable Economical Hour MONET-BACK GUARANTEE Every bag of lelf-rntna flour bearing this Blue Shield of purity is fully guaranteed by the Soft Wheat Millers' Association, Ire. The contents are absolutely pure and wholesome mnd conply with all Pure Food Laws. If you are not satisfied with your baking results, the Association will cheerfully refund your money. Gel this FreeBook of Recipes Home Economics Dept. Soft Wheat Millers' Assn., Inc., Nashville, Tenn. Send your FREE book "Fifty Ways to Use Don't fall to send Self-Rising Flour" to: for this valuable and handsomely jv , illustrated book. Address OlU* ?W?A (Write or print nam* and address plainly) Weather reports from the weather tureau at Washington are received by essels of more than twenty nations ;eattere