* . * -i r: .1 ? rti I2-00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE OUT SIDE THE COUNTY tor RALEIGH LETTER > ? .1 By Xf. L. Shipnian Ij^hIoi^Ii. April 20.?Proponents of Kilcit house site for the bridge r'jhc lower Chowan River won |It over ilioso 'favoring Colorain. Lvp iniN's in it li or up the river L bHtl^t'. which will cost $(j00,00( 0f .ti^i! imj>ortanco to Kastt n Livlin:* I'"" will bring the I'm L-theasnrn counties in clo.sc coi: Lion with the rest of the Stat< Li t>oin|'l"(<' the Atlantic Coasta li-.-hway tlirough the entire Stat" l]t, State Highway Commission de ifd last week lliat the Eden house |tt> would he best. IThe State's deficit as of March 3 Ins $S,:V_'7.!)S0.25, according to ; Wfiiicat which the Governor had tin |j|K>r officers to prepare for hie; If State had a surplus of .51,924. Ji.;G of collections over exptnd L duririjr the month, but it /as Llainctl that the peak or the u [,-nc tax collections accounted !'?> The total State debt, ineludm |?r>d> nml short-temi notes, is giv ? i| IXSiiK.OllO. <*, [t'haiW W. Stewart and his soi [hut. went to* their deaths in tli Lvtric chair on Friday, after an ap hi tor executive clemency l:a [ilcil. The men confessed to co:>. ittin^ the murders of Depot lieiltl* Leon (leorue and Deputy I" Marshal Sam lally in o.imsnk' nmt\ ln>t \car. The case was bar Jnglit through the Supreme Com |ii| tbe'tiovernor sought for s v;: save the1 hoy, at least, from deat li? !oi!n?l t!::'t<*I - conseenti i s dut mild not allow him to exerci (Mwmvv. 'I'lic Salary ami Wage Comnussio;: liich is to cut salaries ot' State e:? Iovihs and eliminate1 univecessar p|j>erA. Ka> hen;. rnlled by the (Jo\ nor tt? meet in his ofiice oil Tliur. iy, A|nil it. and in preparation to e liui'iiuu heads r of department d. institution.- have been instruct to have ready a list of their en> ty?*rs, together with their dutic. (I the si la ty each one receives. Much comment has been arouse* out the Capital by publication ? article telling about the 400-dolla itlitub, with electrical devices at Ic'ied. which it is said will be in ailed in the Executive Mansion a le State's expense. It is remark* iat, though $50,000 was allowed b; if Legislature for repairing tli Arable pile of rocks that does se; tf as the Governor's residenc ill it is ilot considered advisabl provide equipment that most mi )naires probably do not have. T!1 roj?a^al does not dovetail in the M? fan program of economy. Tli *lin<; prevails here that $50,00( 'ttlrfjbe used to ratter, account i f construction of a new residenc r the Governor than m rejmirin e present one. If the Governo\ ?u:d decide to halt tnis work c /, "old building hi'- n<'- oil v^'M nenliy approved. It would be ;n the long run. ? 'e i;< w office bii'iditvj for tli svenue Department will ebe coir (turpi"' the summer. Contract: |;i!.^i?;? $; 179.2??!'(. have been le id to i? win jro r>!iend at once. The ure has a 'owed fo ,= ?"'??>. but tli'- wi'l not compli1 *, building. The frame for a five utildiiu; w:,l be riirished dar. * jli summer r.?t the basemen ?t %'(i second floors Completed >i uire'v. Tlio re-:t wUI remain to ' Ini'stied at a later late. The Attorneny General has given 1 intonti.il ruliiv.' that directors ot I * fic to be conn. 1c rod as otiiccr ni a> mi(.|| aro j0 imrnjilcd mule i lf' s,i;' i'.'cnt j-egHlit'ons iii-tdc foi ^ 'to ofiicers(pi banks bv tin ^ent 1,('jislaturc. Heretofore, t1;e jwwors have not been considered 'Pls; A, final opinion on tfsc sub ^t win he made by Mr. Bnimmitt ' p ne?r future, so that bank ifeetors may know to' what extent ?I?\ma,v l'a'ionize the banks oi }*h t,l?v are "officers." 4 n"' Hiuli Schools of the State ^ received dp ring the week $10') loni the special appropriatioi theiu by the Legislature. ju S ,noup.v is distributed on applica n ?nd under certain regulations by Ti e^tr,,,Pnt of Education. )e Silver Jubilee of the Baraca ii'rtT)"'1 Bible class in 1 umlina will bo hen! inKaleigh 'Hie ll-i I , . hp \ Was announced dunng ; *?*? Marshall A. Hudson, of V>- organizer o fthe Hll kT nation-wide in scope, ts nf ')r<se"'- Other religious lead note are eXp0ete(j# K ,'e ^Bowing- liave been appointed as members of the Equalling Fund C ommission authorized by tlie recent Jeneral Assembly; Dr. E. C. Brooks, 3aleigh; Chns. A. Webb, AsheviUe; W.jC. Feimster, Newton; E. D. Broadhm-st, Grecnsbdnfc and Mis. W. T. Jones, Salembnrg. It will be tin; duty of this commission to distri bute "to the be:--t advantage" ap ?iroxiinately $350,000 amongst the ?ounties entitled to receive share in t under the new basis of appro riion-1 ment. , ') ' S ! ' Governor McLean has appointed Capt. Nathan 0'Berry, Goldsboro; Dr. H. V. Norton, Winston-Salem; Dr. J. E. Hart, Wadesboro; Dr. li. 0. 'teaman, Tarboro and Dr. John D. Robinson, x Wallace, trustees of the State Hospital for the Negro Insane ?t Cioldesboro. Tnistees of the State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis; ^John t. Jones, San ford; Jonas Oct tinge r, .Vilson; Dr. J. C. Braswell, Whitak ?rs; W. E. Harrison, Buckingham and v.. . 1 B. Oroom Jr., Wilmington. The wheat acreage in. North Coro na has decreased during llie past ear, and this year the Department >f Agriculture looks for a .crop of lot more than 5,137,000 bushels. Ten ears ago North Carolina was grow ng (en million) bushels annually.f Plans for tlie endowment fund lrivc of the American Legion in \aleisrh are going nheadv steadily, the ? v ope beini; to raise the, local quota i a day. (rovernor McLean liiis named t!i<* ollowing lour members of tin* Soldi rsf, Home board;: Miss Martha Hav ? ood, Armstead .IonAs and Williauu . Andrews, Raleigh: and Mrs. R. II. .ittle, NWideshoro. These w;li .select 'ie other three. The (Simiid Council Royal Arcanum; ? to meet lieiv in animal concla ve ,011 Wednesday and Thursllay 01} this week. . , 1RUMMITT REPORTS ' ON CULLOWHEE ? - < . > ( The alTaitx of '^ulWhe ? Norma ?tve hecu thorou^hiv aired darinsr the past week hy. .\ttoriiey CJen ?ral Brummitt, who invest iga (e?i '?c in>t'Uit:on -it the direcioil of tlio' f J^nemor.' M'.\ fcLcan found om, that thiuirs wei' iot as harmonious ;jt Ciillowhce r.s they should be. and directed Mr. >rummitt to find out Wnat was roubling the waters. Mr. Brummitt re]>ortcd that Wal re K. Moore,chairman of the hoard, nd \\ . \\ . W :?* t. aieiniXT of the toard, are ati"outs>" and adds iliat vhatevcr one doe-> lh.> other wijl ojh >cse and so on. Tin? affairs of the institution are said' to h" snfferiir.; The trouble between tlie two ^uen. according :o I he attorney gin^ral. eo.vls ehiefi-* tr be over c(>rinitri*on raets and building arrangements nd th ? j!tluriir.^ -ie in' declared void, the .supplementary contract fi r heatiny r'-nt. Mr.rPni'r""i.r.r alsr states that Mr. Moore has been act liji as attorney- for the institution. Mr. Moore, 011 being interviewed by the Journal, states that ihe has icon a member of the boa id of fl'u.c ees for inar.y years, and has attend ed practically all its meetings. He states that he hasnever put in a ?laim, or been paid for attending any of the meetings except upon one oc tasion, when his cxi>cnsc-> were paid. As to his acting as attorney ofr the .chool, ??c states that a suit wa brought against the institution, in iv?#iincf coi?'?iuy. fc Hester and MeElwee, who failed U..U constructing the Moore build ing, Jackson County Bank, and tin Cullowhee School. According to Mr. Moore, ihe trustees wmesfed h;m *r tile an answer in behalf of th6 school, which iie (iid, and that he represent ed the institution both in the state sourts, the federal courts, and before the refrce. He made the emphatic statement that he has received no paVj 'nor expects to receive none, ex cept a sum which was paid him, not beiiur enout',Ii to cover the expeiw to which he wa? necessarily put. Mr. Mtw.'s has been a friend of Cullowli-v school from the beginning. He secured the first y appropriate 11 for it from the oolite, and has .at tended many sessions of the general assemblv in hchal!* of the Cullowhee Institution, and has never received a penny for his work or expenses, except upon one occasion, years ago. when he was requested to go to Raleigh, and the school paid his ex penses on that trip. P uITY SCHOOLS HOLD COM MENCEMENT EXERCISES ) , ? (The commencement exorcises o!" the consolidated schools began on ^i,s* l 5 Sunday morning, the services he^ng lio|<i in the aiid^tr'riui.i oi tin* Cen tral HiV? School building. Dr. (). A. Chandlery'associate pnst?*r of the Central Methodist church o:? v ' v - ? r> Ashevitle, was introduced, in a lew well, chosen words by Mr. A. Ijovelace, superintendent ol the schools. I)r. Chandler is a pleasing and interesting speaker, presenting an impressive sermon from the pas .".age of' scripture, "Header onto, Caesar the tilings, that are CaestrV and unto Cod the 'things that me God's". Two anthems were sung by a choir composed!' of high school girls, augmented by voices from 1 lit choirs of fhe local churches, a solo, sung by Miss Dorothy Moore, being also a feature" ol the music program. Rev. VV. M. Kobbins, "pastor of the Methodist church, pronounced the in vocation, at the beginning of ttic Service, and Kev. .F. C|. llouglT, Prin cipal ol( Sylva Collegiate Institute.! dismissed* the congregation 1 .with prayer. On Tuesday night' the iirsl ami Caesar the things that are (Veser's { , second grade';* assisted by some ol the olttcr boys and girls gave their com mencement exercises in the auditor ium of tin graded school building The child'jin ^a^fiiittVrf ltej|IMt'l\:e> weli'in a charming .program of drills music and playlets, reflecting -credit on the ttfoclrers wlioh ad in clung-, the training of the children and tIf arrangement of the program. 1 Hiring the evening Superintendent Lovelace announced that the sclun: had met all requirements neeeSsiUV and had been placed up.xi the l.jst o: accredited elementary (schools by tin state authorities. ' >''.?! This morning at -10:30 o'clock \vi! ?-ciir the ^'i.iss Day exercises, th first feature of which ?^s a son<4 b\ 1 < '.1 ' ' v Lie Senio-r Class, Ralph Sutton W'l give the President's Address,' Mis Hicks Wilson, Hie Class History Miss Annie Parris the Poem, Mis. Leah Nichols is Class Musician. Savr Moore, the Class (irmuhler, Miss Sin Allison the Prophel. The Class (lit! will be bestowed by Miss Hannai Warren and .Jacob Parris, the Wil will be devised by .John llcitso' and jMiss Klizablill Moody will Valedictorian. Toni;;h! will occur the graduatin j exorcises when the diplomas wi! be presented by Mr. Lovelace and th Literary Address delivered by Hi A. Ci Kyid, of' Wake Forest. The liraduatos arc: Misses Sue Al lison, Lucy Belle Fisher, I.a/.clh Henson, Annie do llooj?er, A/.air Harris, Lyd'.i M'uidy, Eliy.abet! Moody, Leah Nichols, Annie. Parri Willa Parris, Sara Sue Slier rill, Han nali Warren, Harriett Wilson and Hicks Wilson and Grady Crawford John H/nson, Lcq Henson., Sayri Moore, .Jacob Parris, Richard Pott and Ralph Sutton. Tomorrow night the 'commence me'nt play "Betty, the Girl of M Heart" will conculde the exercises. -o RALLY DAY AT BARKERS CREEK IN THE NEW CHURCH MAY 3rd. PROGRAMME 10:00 A. M., Song Dovotional by Prof. J. C. Hough. 10:45 Opening Address, Prof. R. L. Madison. 11:30 Special Music, East Sylva. 11:45 Talk by Rev. W. F. West. 12:25 Special Music, Miss Wohlrid'. c and Mr. Mullinax. 12:30 Dinner on grounds. 1:30 Music by G. C. Crawford's Class. , 1:40, Talk by Rev. T. F. licit/. 2:00, Music by Cherokee Indians. 2:15, Address, Miss Ella .T. Pierce. 2:45, Music and Talk by Others. There will be a church conference 011 Saturday before at 3:30 ?? and prpachiiig by W. M. Pruitt of Way nesville, N. C. This will be the first regular meet ing day since the erection of the new church. Everybody is cordially in vited to attend. , GEORGE SXYDER, Pastor. CONTRACT TO BE LET FOR DILLSBORO-FRANKLIN ROAD Information) from Rajeigh i sto the effect that the contract for hard surfacing Roujc 285 from Dillsboro to Franklin, will bo let, by the High way Commission, on May 5, the job ,1? he divided into 2 projects,for sepa rate birdingf, one project being the link between Dillsboro and the Macon county Hue and the second tronj the Macoh county line to Frank tin. Asphalt or concrete will be used lor the hardsurface. These two pro jects are aniong the twenty projects fo lie let on May 5, approximating a cost of three and half million dollars and being the second lotting under |h? twenty million dollars authorized by the legislature oi l925. . PRAISES MADISON Laurinburg, April 22.?Throughout tedious days and toilsome nisjhts oi ervyse to his state the representative from Jackson county has been on the job he was elected to fill, though he 'ias reached the age when work like tliis is rather tiresome. Yet he ful !1led th** vd"t?ef! that w">v> 'V'rM on him at the time of his election, no exeiviseu' a uiscnimnat'uii itua lias bjLvrniearWd. Tha county oi lackson'was surely blessed by choos ng such li representative as Prof. Madison; A smd in hi]1! i^at has nc measurement ror compromise when l-iirht is pitted against wrong, a fight, t?r that iic.er iires while vii:!:t and righ1^pu^nn.?i s being lint i<? th: t?si. NV count.v had a nion itticieiit ii-jircsiMiifiti .e than Jaeksnn count" He aws proud of his county and his county is not proud of Madison they' uiust be bard to please. Mr. Madison was on the job which 1 think, the roll call will show. His watch word was my county first and then the state, and no other word or deed entered his life or work that was not of the highest-type of good io his ]K?ople. No man was more re ?pected mid honored By ithat dis tinguished body than the Honorable K.^l^Jdadison. His demeanor a> ivpifwnt.itlvc "nas 'noticed by all. lie surely won the rosped ?I all the it cm! rers lie associated with. .Jackson county may have- ma lip good citizens i u< i. many who can do as well, but none better. W hen the .next election (??:i>i"< Vrtu v.ill <lo well to return I'rot. Robert l.<'?? Madison. I ha upon i<l to be iu the body an I wati'h;!' Mr. Madison's course ?V ;',:,!iiuh iiif- owFk* ' ? *. I tii<Hi.;litI your readers might be .intertihtcti ill this expression which it -is a pie:>snr(>( lor nio to make. Sincerely, A. I). (TRRIlv SHOAL CEEEK Row K. Lowe of? Bryson Oil;, preached ;>t tlic Baptist chureli Sun day mo filing. > Rev. A. If.' Bryans held services n( the Methodist church Sunrhiv afternoon. ? / On Friday 17th at.the home ot Mr. J. O. Ilowell a birthday recop tion given in honor oL Mr. lv. Howell was enjoyed by Mr. and .Mi's. Howell their children, grand children and i number of friends. # t ? / , , \\ Miss Ruby Hipps of Candler i> visitinir relatives, j Misses Frances and Marv Battle, have returned from a visit anions relatives in .Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Hughes return ed to Asheville Sunday after spend iny: a few days with home folks. Mrs. W. F. Battle spent Saturday night with Mis. .T. ft Hughes. Mr. fiolnian Kinsland is spending awhile in Asheville. Mi-s. A. .T. Freeman is visiting rel.: tives at Almpnd. Mrs. I), ff. Keener and Mr. Franr Keener of Asheville were week end quests at Mi's. J. K. Ten-ell's. Mr. and Mrs. York Howell an:] Mrs. \\\ A. Hyatt were guests, of Ms and Mrs. Oscar Gibson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Crisp sj>e';t Saturday night at Mr. \V. \V Anthony's. Mrs. J. K. Battle was a guest 'of Mi's. M. Siiuler Friday. Mr. H. (5. Fergusoirand Rev. A. 11. Bryans motored to Asheville Friday, visiting- relatives on Sandy Mush < :i route home. Miss Annie Lizzie Terrell is spend ing a few days with relatives i:i Asheville. M( ssrs. D. C. Hughes and .Ta< x Battle were Saturday nijrht gues s at Mr. K. Howell's. Q Messrs. Wayne Battle and Bui"-i Terrell returned to Cullowliee Mou day after a visit with home folks. Mr. and Mi's. 7 Jess Nelson of Olivet called at Mr. B. Nelson's Sun day. 'V _ Mr. Dixon'Hyatt and family were guests of Mr. John Bradburn Sun day. * . >>? Mri Grady MaYtin and Miss Jessie Mai-tin of Cherokee visited at Mr. W. C. Martin's Sunday. , . Misses Hester and Delia Owen returned lionie Thursday after being a way teaching school for several months. . Mrs. Laura Snider went to Olivet Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Wiley Bridges. Rev. VV. W. Anthony spent Sun ... ' \ day on Lufty. Mr. J. O. Howell and family were week end guests at Mi's. A. C. Hoyle's. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoyle called .on Mrs. S. R. Hoyle Sunday Mr Bill Allen hafc moved to the A. T. Freeman farm. ' Messrs. Terry Johnson and Oscar Gibson have purchased new cars. A saw mill in operation at the J. lv. Terrell farm. FIRST LEAGUE / GAME MONDAY \ ) ) Thousands ol people from all parts of Western North Carolina will meet in Asheville oil Mlonday, April 27th, when the Asheville Tourists, Land of the Sky contender for /the South Atlantic League pennant, will meet Columbia, South Carolina. Tli game promises to be one qi the best ex hibitions of the national pastime ever played on the diamond in this section,and both teams are being primed to win. ^ he May u1 ol Sv;vn a .J editor of the Journal have been invited to s?i-fon and, bo h tenuis hiv t-liij;; be guests of the management. One of the largest crowds that has over, assembled?in Aslieville ifc-ex pected to' witness the contest. p CLUB MEETS WITH . MRS. NICHOLS The Woman-i? Study club held an interesting meeting, Thmvdav, at tin * ? ? " f ' lioi::e of rhf president, Mrs. A. !?. Nichols. Mrs. .1. W. Hii:-:ton, of Ashe vilje. District President of Federated ] Clubs, and Mrs. Lloyd Jarrett, of Hilt more, were guests of the club. Mrs. Huston addressed the club, giving f art out line of tye work'of Fcdt'i/atc. ??1 libit. During the social home whicl followed the-business session, ( Mrs.] N ichols served a a lad course. ATTENTION BAPTISTS The members of the Tuekaseegco Association are requested to remem ber that April the 30th is the date on which the books of the Souther:] Baptist Convention, closed Th' Baptists, of the state of N. C. want to relieve the acute situation with al the Boards, we are sure and one ot the best ways to Jielp do this is to help raise $100,000 in the closinu da>fs of the month of April. Incase let all church) treasurei'; send, whatever money they may have on hand for the Unified Program, ii' the amount be only $1.00, to Walters Durham, Raleigh, N. C. Please send this money so that it will reach Raleigh not later than mid night of the 30th of April. W. ROtSS YOKLEY, Associational Director. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH : W. Ross Yokley, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Mr. J. T. Gribble, Supt... P reaching at 11:00 A.. M. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 P. M. Preaching 7:4o P. M. Tl ^ " , A cordial welcome extended to all the people to worship with us. Make the church in the heart of the town. t''e chu',eh of the heart. TO TRAIN SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS Sunday evening at 7:30 we beirin a training school for Sunday School teachers and workers with Mr. Paul Evans and Miss Virginia Jenkins in structors. We especially invite ail Snnday School workers from Sylva, Webster, East La Porte, Speedwell and all other near by communities to attend. '?-{? ?. A. W. LYNCH, Pastor Cullowhee Methodist Church. f- ? , .y < ' ? r . ' / \ ?f c. ; . r ... > >. A -? i '? . NEW FISHING REGULATIONS New fishing regulations have been niopted applying to this county, Hay wood, Swain and Graham. Tliey follow: Rule No. 105. It shall be unlaw i .ul, in the State of North Carolina, for any person, firm or corporation . 3 buy, sell, offer for sale, or to ship ;;t any time during the closed season any game fish. For the purpose o? this role the following are classed as \ y ? i v I game fish: Large and small mouth bass, and fresh water trout com monly known as brook or speckle, rainbow mountain or California. Rule No. 107. It shall be unlaw ful for any person, firm or coropra tion to take or catch fresh water! i S trout commonly known as brook, speckle, rainbow, mountain or Cal ifornia from any of the waters of Haywood, Swain, or Watauga Coun ties, at any time, by dynamiting, > .' ? ? , trapping, seining netting or by any other means or method whatsoever except under the following provis ions; That such fish may be taken with hook and line, rod and reel, be tween the 15th day of April and the 1st day of September of each year: Provided, that not more than 25 trout shall be taken by any person > during any one day, nor more than 200 in any open season. v"' Rule No. 108. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take or catch by seining, dynamit ing, netting or by any other means or method whatsoever, large or small mouth bass, rock, sun perch, bream or other game fish from any of the waters of Hayw.ood, Jackson, Swain, or Watauga Counties, at any time, except under the following provis ions: That such fish may be taken with rod and reel hook and line from July 1st to October 1st of-each year. Provided, that not more than 10 large or small mouth bass or rock shall be taken by any person during any one day, nor more than 50 in any one season. < Rule Xo. 109. It shall be unlaw ful, in the counties of Haywood, Jackson,, Swain andWatauga,for any person, firm or corporation to take, buy, sell, offer for sale have in his or their jiossession or unnecessarily destroy fish taken from the watei4 of said counties of less size than the length specified for the several kinds df fish hereinafter mentioned, to-wif: V ' Brook or Speckle trout 6 inches. Rainbow or California trout S ia. Large or small mouth bass 8 iu. Rock 8 inches. Sun Perch or Bream 5 inches. (J. K. DIXON, Chairman. SAXTFORD MARTIN, Secretary Pro-Tem. TOWN POLITICS WARMS UP ; i .Jackson county and Sylva rarely have a rest from politics. The city election is close a thand, coming on the First Tuesday in May, and the political pot which has, been simmer ing for some time in beginning to boil There appear to be three distinct ( schools of thought in regard to it. One being those T^ho insist upon put ting a regular democratic ticket in the field. These are of course led by Democrats. Another wants to put a *' Citizen's ticket out to oppose the regular democratic ticket the lead ing spirit of this faction, or school of thought are the republican lead ers HSV.II another bloe- ot c;:??-h.-, if liolli d- iiocrat;! jmd republicans, is trying to reach p. compromise, that wiil satisfy everybody, by put ting but one ticket before the people for ratification. i A mev.'ng of democrats was held, in the town hall, Mondav mglit, and a com si '*'?:' njv ? ? to ascertain the sentiment of the democratic vot ers,an i in oil anotl ? r in* ting to be held at the court house, next Mon day night, at which it is hoped all democrats will be present and make their wishes known. A meeting of citizens was held Tuesday night, pnd a rommiitee ap pointed to select a ticket to be rati fied at a meeting last night. In the mean time the third bloc is busy trying to effect a compromise.

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