'9 ? ... , . , - ? ,vv t .v4 ? -r> ... V" / . ? ... f ? , / "d s" - . ,t> ? rs ( t > . ???T . ? * - ) . ? #1.30 TUE 1EAR IN ADVANCE IN THE COJJNTY~ $2.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE OUT SIDE THE GODMTT CommissionersMake Appropriation For ^ ' a y Farm Agent. ' \ WORK TO BEGIN. IN FEW WEEKS, 'r I Tin- commissioners of Jackson unity linvo made an appropriation ?? ' X ' * not t<> e,x?*?*ed fl">00 to secure a farm I. ( jmint forJhe county. \ ni?et'.?g of ft nuns was held in Sat:mlny morning, at which i; niv- M. foray. ??i' ihc, state depart :?^rtcwltnrp. was present a* nt ir ibe commissioner*, anil it' was unanimous -ionsi* or' tire meeting tluit tlu> .-utility should have a farm > ! | Ainitlin.' meeting was held on Mon s ;>n>l V.u? |?ef?|?lc present express , ? J et| themselves fr von* bit* to the farm n?eut wink. Tin- (" .iuiissiaij-?rs have an under suuuling with Mr. (?ray, of the state ill |>art'nwn* that he will secure th< JH.,t man available ofr the job, and tliai the appropriation will not b< luiuli i.iitil iin outstanding man ha* 0 o - ; i hi'in Mr'iiiit. It wj's also agrctcd that \ alter the i.i-w agent, hoover ho may In-. !iu>n (m the job for ^llHcien: i lime l? tvl: whether he .is doing! iy* * ? - * " * v?(/.s/ji('fory o\\rk,if he should prov? iiii-atisiai'tory, the commissioner, ran withdraw the appropriation, o the state department will shift hilt another location. Tlic farmers and Mr. Gray al M'onifi! to bo of tlio opinion that tli , .i liiiirkcliivjr >.end of the farm same i: tin1 important phase of the worl to ho stressed at this time, and it i expected that thtf: new agent will b a mar. who h;?s had much experienc alonv that line. It will probably be sevtrid week" before the new agent is on the jo' /* ? it m the county, as lite state depart tnetit Mounts to :?o careful in select si;" tiit right man for ili?* position. Tlic resolution of the board c ?>mi!i!?,6uers follows; Ordered by the board that the; 8J1?ropr. ite an am juut not to ewct' Tm'ai i the puifKfe'i of employ!:: a esHin,v farm agent, to be paid in J'_ monthly installments and thu appropriation to start when a com Jftwit man lias been secured for the position. OLD BOARD ELECTED \J in dillsboro The HjtirP old city adminstration i reelected >u Dillshoro ^ munu-i|?al election held on Tuesday. There were two independent tick <"ts one composed of the present eit> officials, the other of the opposition. | TV vote follows: y<n- Mayor, M. D. Cannon 64; For ?^Mermen', Dave Bailey 58, J- C. bunion jj'j, S. \V. Enloe 70, P. <>2, J. J. Mason 59; For Mayor, It. K. .larrett 23; For Alder Dave Bailey, 17, E. B. Monteith -*? I'anirlo W. A. Sutton 29, ?v- H. Weaver 29. \ marriage LICENSES ''iiiies Conseen to Caroline Toinceta 1U(liaiis. HAMBURG WANTS NEW SCHOOL * ( - ? t ' , ? - A number oi citizens of Hamburg ? i township presented a petition to the county hoa;'i of education, *ni Man day, recpiestiuj? that the county mafet application ioi a loan of $-lO,OOO.W; ' votn the ?**.>.??', under thv provision: of tl?f? arft f 1925, providing for ?o.ic ?? .l.- Ic counties for i.cw i?rlt.i?>i buildings, for the purpose of ereetiut a high school building at Glenville, to caie for the children of Hamburg. Mountain, and Cashiers Valley town ships. The board of education approved the loan, and the citizens presented the plan to the county board of com missioiiers, who have to apply for the loan, from the state, and yiedge tftf credit ot the county. The commission ei^ saw fit to defer action on tin matter until a call meeting of tin board of education and the board o' commissioners, which is to be durin: this month, at which the budget wil be made out . for the next year. The commissioners stated that then action was because they wished tt be sure of the financial condition o'< the county and the moiiie^that wil be available, so that the)* can aet in telligcntly upon the matter) T ' ^ DIVISIONAL MEETING W. M. U. TO BE HELD HERI The; announcement of the Ashe ville Division of the Woman's Mis" siona^y Union will convene heie, 01 Tuesday and VVednesday Mav 19 an<} 20. The Division js comprises of tin issociations in the crunties of Ashe. Avery, Buncombe, 1 Cherokee, CI:'' tlavwood, Jackson, Mac.n, Mitchell, Madison, Transylvania, Graham and I'anccy. Mrs. C. A. Kluttz, of Ashe ville, is the Divisional Superintends ent. One of the features of the pro gram will be an address, on Tucsda) evening, by Dr. J. B. Hipps, who is here on furlough from his mission field in China, Miss Marv Warren, Corresi>ohdmg Secretary ot the State W. M. U., will also be present. The ladies of the local, Baptist church arc arranging left* the enter tainment of a large number of del legatcsl'rom the inissionery socitioi composing the division and an in* .vitation is extended to the public t< be present at the meetings. FROM FAIRFIELD. Dear Editor:-Far back in the ancient days, when Job, the righteous man", for reasons that our feeble intellect* cannot know should not question, was to be tormented, and Satan appeared, strangely out of place, as it seems t( us, "Among the sons of uod", mo tion was Satan's problem. "Going tr and fro in the earth, and walking nj and down in it." The highway fron. this section to Sylva and also to Bro yard will soon be open so that we can crank our flivvers and make the dis tance either way in a little over an hour. When the Greeks won the great victory at Marathon, the mes senger that brought the news to Ath ens, falling dead as lie delivered- hit message, ran the distance, more than 29 miles, on foot. Today he could have turned on the gas, or put his mouth to the telephone, saying "The fight is just over; we beat them to a frazzle. Details later." Mr. E. L. McKee is making consid erable improvements and additions tr High Hampton Inn and is lookim forward to a great season. Fairfield Inn is being rofurnished anr thoroughly renovated and when fin ished, will probably be the bes' equipped country ohtel in the tsa<? Both will be run under the sai.v management as last year. Some of <W county, officials wen* found in a "pisend condition" la Sunday on the public highway. "Gr ing to and fro in the earth", an yet when Cashiers does not roll r a large majority in the elect5, * they call it "Republican money' The very idea' A Subscriber. " ' V : V| \ - \ A ' \ 1 ./ ' c* ?? * Pinhurst, May.?Mrs. E. L. lis Kee, of Sylva, was elected president of the State federation of wometa clubs, here today, succeeding Mrs. Palmer Jerman, of Raleigh. Mrs. McKee is prominent through-! out the state, in the work of the clnh women, and has held other offices in the state federation- She has won numerous friends in various pa&rtfc of the state, and her election to the * * * * '_?! f presidency of the federation comes as no surprise to them. The hext annual meeting will be held in\A8heville, jt was decided to ^y. q Other officers elected Were Mrs. E. \ *? ? ^ 11. Williams, of Fayetteville, viae president, and Mrs. Rufus Silcr, of Vaynesville, corresponding secretary. Miss Annie Perkins, of Farniville, ecording secretary, Mrs. B. P. Coop r, of Henderson, general federation V<i lirector, and Mrs. Palmer Jennan, rustee. V ") ? ' ' Tjf The new district preaii^at, for ( his district is Mrs. Charles & Qnm , of Waynesville. an THE WINNING OF LATANB' > Commencement play to be^*1* l J 0'-', ; , ! v w mantes from the missionary'societies a Tuesday night, May 12th, 8:0i) P. L, in the .auditorium of the graded \ ?liool building. ' ? Cast of characters: Philip Cash ton, President of Casli :on Phosphate Co., and , father of atane, Hillard Lovingood. Mrs. Philip Cashton, Step-mother to Latane and aids villain, Winoni Hooper. Ruth Spanlding, Private secretary 'to Mr. Cashton and divorced wife of villain, Nola Higdon. Julius Sears, villain, man of mil lions and suitor for Latane's hand, Henry Hon<ycutt. Cyrus Gilbert, Chairman board of directors, Upland Phosphate Cc., Garrison Flo we. Trusty Hopkins, Faithful Negro, Wayne Higdon. [ Frank Efferton, faithful employeo of Mr. Cashton and loves his daugh ter, Glenn Travis. Latane Cashton, Faithful daughter of Mr. Cashton and loves Fnak, EJllen Philips. Harry Forrest, Messenger boy, Harold Grindstaff. Accompanist, Maiy Sue Gribble. Act I Laboratory, Cashton Phos phate Company: Morning. Act II Parloe in Cashton home Evening of same day. Act III Same as Act I: Next morn ing. Aet IV Poverty stricken home of Phillip Cashton, two months later. "Its time to tell you all good bye." 4** DILLARD TO 00 TO MADISON Mr. Odell S. Dillard, who has been county superintendent of public in struction in Jackson county for the past few years, has been eleeted to the same position in Madison eounty, according to ^formation received from Marshall, Monday. Mr. Dillard will begin work in Madison in July, wheii he is relived iere by Mr. John N. Wilson, Jaek wh's new superintendent. 3RINDSTAFF DE CLARED ELECTED After a canvass of the vote, last night, the hoard of canvassers de clared Tompkins, Davis, Parris, and Cathey elected, and a tie ,between! Grindstaff, Brown and Powell. Fol-' lowing the statute in such cases, lots vere cast and Grindstaff was declared elected alderman. ? i SHOAL CREEK MRS. S. R. HOYLE DIES ! Mrs. Susanna Hoyle, affectionately called Grandma Hoyle, departed this life Sunday morning, May 3. She was 79 years of age. She was the moth er of eleven children, seven of whom survive her, Mrs. S. M Crisp, Mi's. Phil Crisp, Mrs. W. W. Anthony, Mr. W. H. Hoyle and Mr. J. E. Hoyle, reside near Shoal Creeks Mrs. Al meta Chambers of Bushnell and Mrs. Bertha Parrish of Canton. Her hus band died about 23 years ago. She professed faith in Christ at the ago of seventeen, joined the Baptist ehtmeh and lived a consistent Christ ian life until sho was called to hei reward. Her greatest pleasure was to attend church services and revival meetings where she worshiped in .spirit and in truth. As a mother she was affec-tionate, unselfish and sac rificing, as a neighbor kind and oblige ing, as a christian, always ready to defend the right. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon by Rev. W. Ross Yokley of Sylva. Her body rests in the cemetery at Shoal Creek beneath a mound of wfert, her spirit 'has returned to Go^nrho gave.it, her epitaph, "Truly a, mother in Isroal." Mrs. tt. F. Hall, Mr. H. ^.?Ferguson aild $Lrs. Jj Fefguaott ^attended the funeral of Mfs. S. B M. Fanner at Olivet, Saturday aftei 110011. f Mr. G. T. Cooper and family ""an Miss Myrtle Green; of Sylva, Mr. an<; Airs. A. D. Parker of Olivet ? an<? Miss Ruby Hipps of Candler were visitors at Shoal Creek Sunday. Mrs.' P. C. Shelton has returnee from a / visit among relatives at Glenville. Miss Martha Heritage is visiting relatives at Hazelwood. Mr. L. I. Blaekwell and family spent Sunday in Sylva. Mrs. J. E. Rogers of Whitticr is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. P. C. Shelton. Misses Hester' and Delia Owen have returned from a trip to Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Buchanan, Mi&s "Bertha Buchanan and Mr. Roy Buchanan of Webster spent Sunday among relatives. Mrs. Rufus Johnson and children of Deep Creek spent the week eu*i with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shular. * ?' -.-Mrs. Jane Franks of Sylva spent last week with her sister, Mrs. S. J. Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beck of Lufty .visited at Mr. J. E. Hoyle 'e Sunday. Mr. W. F. Battle made a trip tc Ashevillc Thursday. " Mr. T. W. McLaughlin motored to Sylva Monday. Mr. G. A. Kinsland who is em ployed at Asheville spent the week end with homefolks. ) Messrs. D. C. Hughes, Carl Hoyle, G. A. Kinsland and Sevier Keener called at Mr. J. K. Terrell's, Satur day evening. Music was enjoyed by those present. EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES ??- v Archdeacon J. H. Griffith, of Asl e ville, will preach at St. David'? ehurch, Cullowhee, on Sunday morn ing,' MaylOth, at eleven o'clock; and fct 8t. John's church, Sylvaat 7:TJ0 P. M. Rev. Mr. Griffith has charge of the Canton, Sylva and Cullowhee parishes until a permanent , Rector can be obtained. ** ^ J A eordial welcome is extended to all these services. MISSIONARY TO ikEET The Methodist Woman'slMissioh a ry Society will' riieet on next Tuesday j aftemoop. at three-thirty o'clock. I at the home of Mrs. J. C. Collins.' Mrs. J. H. Wilson Jwrill Hfivp charge of the program for th eafternoon. ? <; r i. Concrete Con ' L-: % traded To V .? ' t , \ f I ^ ' y Franklin " ?' . x' ( r" ' , \ (. STATE COMMISSION LETS j FRANKLIN-DILLSBORO ROAD The SLite highway ooramission has , '' \ let the contract for the two projects -V, ; between Dillsboio and Frftnklin to be paved with concrete, at an aggre gate cost of $58,426. i % The Macon county side of the mountain,project 967, S.07 miles was awarded to Wilson Construction Com pany at a cost of $238,773. P. H. Wright and Sons received the contract in Jaekson county, 11.6 miles at'r. tost of $2-1,648. T^ie ron i to be consiructd is a link of tin- siiort line highway from Ashville to Atlanta, and when com pleted will ve a concret road from Sylva to i Georgia lino. -o EMOCRA \S AND. V, CI ZENS SPLIT TICKET Dan Tom- kins, democratic, candi date was eirsted mayor, and Billy Davis and j> n H. Cathey, democratic candidates v ore elected aldermen in the city ekction, Tuesday, while John A. Parris and Roy M. Cowan, two democrats, running on the in dependent ticket were a lso,fleeted. In the first count, Tuesday nighty the_ -" Democratic Ticket: for mayor, Dan Tompkins, 177; for aldermen, John V. A -he If f). K. E. Brown 172, Ben II. (VtJ.-v 171. Billv Davis 185, W. E. Grinditaf lf& Citizens < :,.c.-.oi; for mayor, Hugh E. Montcitfu 165; for aldermen, Roy Cowan 170. I. i'. freeze 150, John A. Parris 174, T. H. Powell 172, Paul Wtirren 107. ' When die Vanvessing board met, Wednesday, one democratic ticket, tlurt was left out of the previous count, was added, to the rote of all the democratic* candidates, upon ad vice of attorneys, both democrats and republicans, that it was a legnl ballot. A number of ?oatMts have been made, chalenging the legality of ballots cast, and the canvassiag board adjourued, without completing the canvass of the vote, and no ofEeiul declaration of the result of the elec tion has been made. The board was in session Last night at the time this paper went to press. The official count as it now stands | is: Democrat, for mayor, Dan Tom pkins 178; for aldermen, John V. Ashe 161, E. E. Brown 173, Ben H. Cathey 17.">. Billy Davis 186, W. E. GrindstafT 173. The vote of the candidates of the oitusns' ticket is the same as the original count, Tuesday evening. FROM GLENVILLE Dear Editor:?I want to say a few words in our county, paper, as. a mother, I want to ask God's people to pray more faithfally and work harder than ever before to hold up the Bannr for our Almighty God, and also ask cooperation and help of our good- ?cber citizens and officers to help d n tho moonshiners, boot leggers ai'.i whiskey drinkers in our county. E: socially do I ask for Ham burg town; .ip. We all realiza that we have n v;: been as faithful to our God in thi:. work as wc should have been. It ,-ms aS tho we have been asleep for wo years, almost. We can realize that the whiskey workers arc gaining ?wy months getting worse and bolder, until whan we go to church and Sunday School wc have to keep out a careful watah to keep from being run over by a car driven by some hootlegg*r or whiskey drinker. We reel our weakness as mrthai*. but are thankful to say we feel the strong hand of ouj Almighty God about us. We beg and plead for the! mercy and help of our good citizens and officers of Jackson countv. A MOTHER >, BALSAM '1 Just thought we would let hfcar what the people on Balsam ara doing. Winter has made its appear- ? ance again. Came with a ( blowing ? snow and heavy snow on the noon' tains. Mr. J. B. Collins and family have moved to Balsam, from Trenton, He v is employed at the Morrison Fiah ;> Hatchery. We are glad to have them. Mr. Osear Geislser has . returned home from newyark, N. J., where h?: spent the winter. Miss Eloise Cogdill spent a weak in Asheville with her aunt, Mis. Bob* Cope. I Mr. J. B. Queen made a business trip to Sylva Saturday. Mrs. Gfeissler and daughter, Mm. Anna F. Dock arrived in Balaam, Saturday, after spending the wisfeer in Biloxi, Miss. . f . # ; Wc all extend our greetings and wishes for success to Miss Hannah Warren and Mr. Jake Parria both graduates of Sylva High school, the first Balsam students to finish. Mr. C. A. Balough from hwjeftroed _to Balaam and started ''tiplis work here. We are glad to have him. We feel he wiil be a great help in the building of Balsam. Mr. E. B, Howell purchased a new Ford touring car. Mr. D. E. Bryson was home for a tew days and returned to his work in Asheville. Mr. Norman Christy nad Mr. Ho bert Ensley "motored to Waynesville Saturday. We are glad to know Mrs. Osear Beck is greatly improving after an operation for appendicitis at the vVaynesville hospital We are glad to see her home again. LittlcMisses Helen andAgnesQueen .re spending a few weeks with their 4Tand father, Mr. W. M. Quiett, of Whittier. ; '? Mr.Elsie Ensley,who is working at East La Porte, was at home for the week end. We are all glad to see the Methodist church completed and to know church interest is still improv ing. i Mrs. Coy Hedrick, of Hickory has been visiting relatives in Balsam. Miss Hester Queen of Hazelwood has arrived in Balsam and opened up the mica hause. Mr. Wf M. Hutehenson, manager of the Balsam Springs Hotel is here from Atlanta, Ga., and is greatly im proving the hotel. MASONS HOLD DIS TRICT MEETING The annual district meeting of the masons of the 42nd^district was held with Dillsboro Lodge, Wednesday afterno. n and evening. In the afternoon, in the abseiicc of the district deputy grand master, Dr. C. Z. Candler, the meeting wu presided over by Mr. M. V. .turret'; of Dillsboro. A number of talk? < various phases of masonic wort writ made. At 6:30 a most delightful b^nq.ict was served bv the Indies of Di?' b>r? Napier, Eastern Star, and ladies of the town, in the lower floor -of the Masonic building. Mr. Dan Tompkins served as tcastmaster, and short speeches were made by Pr. J. R. McCracken, Prof Robert L. Mad ison, C. C. Buchanan, H. H. Weleh, and others. All the speakers expc?? ed the gratidude of the visitors for the delightful hospitality of the people of Dillsboro, and to the Indies for the unusually snmptuous banquet. At; the evening hour the third de gree was conferred, with the District deputy grand master, Dr. C. 2L Candler presiding.

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