f ^ ^ ?SOMLS % * * Mr?. H. n. Fowler were 'iekens, S. C., the first of ? m 0 |K. Murray has returned to friends in Henderson 1* * 9 P.uv Italian returned, tl-r? wee!*, i'rofii a &tay of ; in Aslieville. m v ? \li-. I'.-K. Homrh, of ll".1! Ilnine. ?tf: K ::s!oti, S|ict?: | Ln.l v.iili relatives ? ? ? if!t the first of t!i. i'liinierville, where he \vi fclior! time with his parent lh<. \V. A. 1 Touch. { m * m IT l.ocjiiior resident cn^mer fcnM nit* lion of the Stat [ from Tiickaseiuee to Olon Tiifxhiv. with !us IV mil I'ltlui Heaeh, Fl:?., wher ?tier will he Resident Kn L "tlir ronstruction of con h'K ? ? ? L[ ni .")d i: Initiation ior membership n > S.i!<.s!!i:uislii|? C 'lab to [IW he a charter men) a bl'j'V winner July the |j vim id'-oiuiely nothing a/i? hint t'vt is o-';' youj" st>ai" nio IXi-Il i'tiv . n' arrived last Fn Im '>; !<>. v. horo she li.it, jt.yl.-.il in <1- C. XV. to spoil' ation with her parents, Mr L >|. p. (' .".viin. ? ? ? I.VtLi IVii'iii.itoi! has returner w 'TO S'llf tl"S bocj L ''l** ' ^ ll'li. V ? m i/i > Purler of Fivnklin, spi n [.11 itfii hero, the 'irsl ot tin J I 1 4. ). t ? . |;i:.il Mrs. A. Snyder, Mi^< ii. Shrrrtli and Air. II. U liavo gone lor an extender It '.In- Xoithvni /\iei(ie Slates |C.\|ni Jo III' ;iv.:iy ; boilt fivi ? ? ? KHiitu'' the wiMin r of tlio fiver JWa.: in 1 : Jouriud's (?ireula Ian;, ji; 1 win li e j.'O.uU ll t*f>?tlii> is membership week m y-itir nomination or that ?? tri?iils :io ei'l'ort.. .110 regret.1 ii>k? no K^ers. \\ rile, phon< II 'V i-auipaigu d parti!1.cut o? fourna!. A repA's^ntative will immediately." , ? , ? * * I \ . \n- - ?? 'Wp, for several davs. ? ? ? ?rs' Frank . I ones and children. 0 have, boon S)wmling' several litre, with her parents, Mr. 1 Mrs. Sjijii|(s(,u Harris, will leave D(ky, tor their home in Tugalo, Ga. * * * '?u fan 0;rn the equivalent of T|l" " \v.< k during the next six tl Nbv ioiiii,,^ Journal's Salos "ip < lu'i campaign and winning ? Overland Sedan. ? * ? ^ Ultle Mis.; Frances Moss, -of (ilcn f- is the -nest of Misses Frances 1 'a,,c (n\ :i:d, at the Coward lOqse. ? V 1 * * * ^?;an'1 *XI rs. . I an 1 os McKeo, ol l ;irii .;.;| tho first ol l;he week, .? '"' t to h!s mother, Mrs. Mattie ? 'ltf -t v. and oth^r rcla ?."> , ? ) ' ' ' ' J v ,* - \( * * ? ' ^?^airv Hastings and young ^ j.*' Kefiy, went to Charlotte tiir \?' w'wk- Mr* Hastin'-^' WL i:rv5i'' /r' an<1 0 , piniisd them home ?t?!f l i:' :"-1, with Mvs- Erwin's wa( Mrs. T. H. Hast ^ > ? ? ? ' Ih .vollyn Rhodes came this ' ru j 'jreeusboro, where, she has been attart i; ?? Greensboro t ol , leg? for Women, t" spend tiie vaea i tion with her parents* Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes, h 7 ??? 0 s*' ' Miss Althua Backtnstoe, of Alien town, Pa., will arrivo this week, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. En lot Moon*, it their home on Courtland Heights. Mr 4. Moore and Mis.s Back ' enstoe were schoolmates at Salem College. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lovelace and little sons, A. C. Jr., and Mark, haw returned from a vis*.; to relatives in ifutherf > 1 county. * * ? Mr. Koy Co .van has l??*oi? spehiiii;^. .? days, in Cashiers, fi.shhf?. this "Wely V._? ?? ? ? .\ir. (1. \V. Gnndstaff. and little d:m-_r!it* is, Katherine, Frances and da?j.?rie, are spending several ,day.s, ' his week with relatives in AsheviUr. ??? v Mr. Ralph Buchanan, who lia-. been attending\ Tennessee Militant institute,.at Sweetawater, Tenn., l> spending the vacatioh' with his pa1-" ;*nts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Buchanan o ? ? ? ? t y { -Miss Virginia Picklesimer, w!'.<< bovn ai'rHii?i!g ih?* Heine Indusrr.'ri School. :ii .Ash'\i'.e, came home Wednesday, to spend the summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ellcs Picklesimer. s' ? ? ? Mr. L. H. Fogleman has returned to his (home at Greensboro, after r. ?*isit to friends, here. "> ? * * ( Mr. and Mrs.. Harry E. Buchanan. M iss May me Long and Mr. L H. Fog leman motored to Cashiers,v Fair iield and Toxaway, last Sunday. ? ? ? Mrs. M. T. Speen, of Los Angeles. Ca'i!'. i- iM gu?'si of her nephew and neice, Pr>and Mrs. D. D. Hooper, a; their home N*rc. ? mm Misses Dorothy aufl Margruv Moore have arrived from Lafayc-t;'i Jr ., where M^s Margaret has b~t ? nv.ching during the past term u:. i Miss Dorothy has been'Visiting for h few weeks. I ??? 'u i. Mrs. J. \V. Uetfmon and child :iiid M i>. 1 j. C. Mocre ami child v, tnve returned from a visit t. .'datives' in Greenville, S. C. CORX FOR SALE?On June 5ti ..? <>UP bushels of com and sever. I it*k> o! .up. will !?(? sold lit auction the highest bidder at Culbwluv, N. I it <.-i this corn L at the Towe. Toimo crib. and the balande at Uk .tois ('rib near .To!in( Rogers'. O. !?. jt'OV.'ARD, o;> . of the Estate < i);n i-n court hou.se. A. B. Dills S-vlva* V-"' J . - : ' -Mr. and -Mrs. .Fran!; Clous", M; ^:-rr?n and .1 c' % : 1 ?> .. i in.ni Gastonia, where ti< ' ..ivo ' .on visiting relatives for some "inle. /- V ? ? ? . / .. Q. ? O. Mr.' a in! >Jrs. Sam Allison and Miss A ilma Allison spent Wednesday in Asheville. ? ? ? Xbver before have you had tlie op Kutnnity to make* money so easily s you have by joining the Journal ? Salesmanship Club circulation cam paign. The seventh prize offers you an >ppo;tunity, t;? earn the equivalent f $200.00 for your efforts during the ic.\t six ?veeks. ,\ ? f ? POTTS - ZIRKLE The fo'lowing clipping, from the Vshevillc Citizen, will be of interest o many readers of the Journal, Mrs. Campbell Zirkle, of Dan lrid'.;o, Tenn. The weddirtg was solemnized Sun lay morning qt Knoxville, Rev. Fred irown, officiating. The bride wns Iressed in powder bluegeorgettje wit'i wac'i accessories. The bride is the youngest daug'i er of Mr. and Mi's. R. P. Pottsj of ivlya. She is a brunette, and popu^ ar among a large number of fricjui.t ere.) She received her (education at 'e Asheville High School and at /o .ver College. * The'groom is a young1 business nhn, of Dandridge, Tenn. Following ihe ceremony, the couple left en a motor trip to Washington and At lantic City, after which they will make their home in Dandridge. CAN GET AUTOMOBILE PLATES FOR YEAR AT LOCAL GARAGE Automobile owners of Jackson and the other Western counties will be abie to get thier new license plates in Syiva, at Higdon's Garage, . o ? ~ ? - ./S j < . ?V' ' \ ... . ? ! ?r A. J. Dills, iepresent ;ilivc a :o Carolina Motor Club. Delays wi!. be avoided in this way as all necessary papers can be mad? <>ut,-the licciise paid, and teh plate:-. delivered, all in one transaction, by Mr. Dills, the local representative of teh Carolina Motor Club. The new automobile licenses are. due on next Tuesday, June 1 T, NOTICE Sylva, X. C., Jackson County. To Whom It May Concern: C . This is to give notice that the un dersized has this day bought ont, .'ill goods, \vnves, merchandise, and fixture \ b^lcu?inj* to said Mrs. Mary Kjil?.. . l.nVivn as Mary's Hat Shop,, and th.'t all creditors of said Mrs. Mary K!!kroru are to hereby take notice of such sale. INKZ SULLIVAN;, . JANE COWARD. flhe '% r *? v. s 9 gy? f""\i 'M if ?3 [JB ?cv \ .v ifl^ ? ' *t.. i. raSJ Known Historical Fact TXTD \011 know that A_. j* v ^e Wash 1 ngton, Thv . 1 Father of our Ccirit. , vu>c before got on a he Ferry to cross the Delaware ? for the Photo graphinr: ;>? that now fa mous i'ici Did you know that hj.i V.oc' two sucks of 'Bull" v> vham *^y;hiie he was wni s lor the Ferry ? (things just ns late jn his War,e i: icy were in our last on?':. vow T havenw r ? / ' T ' f I hearth t*f ;X.;/Duir Dif.nam episov.J 1 cu:re. neither have 1 ever '?eard it c;k*iicd. So if it's never either been affirm ed or denieu, there is no.rea son to d nbelieve that it's not true.! 'Bull' Durham originated in Virginia, and Washington lived in Vir ginia, and he was a great man ,.r.:tronize home in dustr:. -Vk} asWashing j;<>iA V&t raiin of his d^vj 'K J>.'rham the best toi\ae> f lis day, there is no j)L-alible reason to doubt that these two most excel-' len 11 nsi tut ion s didn 't read ily recognize the good in each oth^r and get together. Su7?-F!VE YEARS AGO! In 1860 a blend of to bacco was bom~*BuIl* Durham. On quality alone it has won recog nition wherever tobac co is known. It still offers the public this? more flavor, more en joyment and a lot more ? money left at the end i ct a week's smoking;. TIVO EAOS for 15 cents 1 DO cigarettes for 15 cents , Guaranteed by ' INCOKPOn?T4|P __ III Fifth Avenue, New York City / ' / WOMEN'S ' / ?' / ? i> ? - -, J > ' ? s ?- ? * , ? > . . * ? ? V" ? - . ? * ' j ' - *' ? ?' t ? , " I." \ ? ??? ' ? * * . '? ? ? ( ? ? y ? . i , New Felt Hats ? \ '? * ' ' J \ . } - i Y . t ' , K ? ' ? ?>, **? % . r' ?*" ? . ' ,f .. ? ,| 1 (. SMART NEW MID-SOMMEiv HATS OF WHITE FELT AND OTHER NEVv COLORS. ,$3.95 ; and $4.95 Fashions righ new felts for street, sport and general wear, These new 11 ats are quite tli$ last word of fasli i6n. Come early while selections are best. 1 NEW SUMMER BBESSES . ^ A shipment jn^t received oi printed crepes. A real value at L $10.00 ? v". . , . . i ?? ft ? ? # JSew Linen Dressed : t. ; i ' >. )w % ?? ? i"* "*r ? ? $8'98 to $5.98 ? ; ? ? ? ; i' . ? ( r, DlIPARXiliilKT STORE V- -; ? ? ?? y ; , . ? i ... ? ? ?, ,???*? v: Notice To Our Customers ? . . ? ?? ? The following rates for current effective May 1, 1925: - . V" /' ' :,V^ >t-; . For residence lighting 10 cents per kilowatt hour, minimum rate $1.50 per month. Pot commercial lighting, 10 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 100 kilowatt hours consumed, 8 cents per kilowatt hour for the second 100 kilowatt hours consumed/5 cents per kilowatt hour for all current consumed in excess of 200 kilowatt hours. ? i ? . ? i , Minimum rate $3.00 per month. All small motors, iieaters and other electrical appliances using less than 1 horse power, lighting rates. For rates on large power, heating and cooking, apply at office. There will be no discount allowed on the new rates. ' )? ?. , ?> - . ? \ ?) Dillsboro & Sylva Electric Ltelit Go. ?; j I