?? ; * * 11 , ' Jafkcon County Journal ? DAM TOKPtDNVMifc* / PkMkW HmUt W ?*? liasao* oomnrt tanuui, . . j ? * . ^ "> - Farmer or no farmer, we had a great time at the j';irniers' chatauqua. It looks as if it really Aint gonna rain no mo. _ ? W ? ,,S Another disadvantage of this drought is that there i n't enough water in the streams to catch a trout. ? -J . f /_)'? I This growing habit of tardiness should be investigated by a senatorial committee. A i^gro in Georgia arrived at Millidgevillc too late for his own electrocution. N "Jealous youth runs amuck and Kills ^Sweetheart, Al leged Rival, Detective, and Injure" Another." He must liave been peeved about something. .S ^ V It's better to be crippled in the foot than in the h?ad. ?? J \ THE NATIONAL PARK INVESTMENT ? v ' ?. If the area' on the Smokies and Balsams, in which it is t i contemplated to establish a national park, should be used f..r lumbering operations, instead, the revenue to the . Western North Carolina region would soon be exhausted. The mountains would soon be a desert place, unlovely to lh-hold, and bringing in not a cent to the commonwealth i v its ]>eople. The lumbermen would, if left to their own devisees, soon gut it and leave it. They would naturally < perate it with a view of making the greatest, quick re turns in cash to themselves. On the other hand, if it shall become a National Park, ii would immediately bring in handsome returns to the I people of this region, by famishing labor, at fair wages, to, tau|o numbers of people. v Not only that, but it would W??ireVef-endi6? source jaf-fevente to all the people of all fiaat Tennessee aftd lWlstefh. North Cafolinn. The eash eoriiitfg n would ifccMnsfe every year,fand there would be no diminishing of th^'j-aw material. < . \ Iu other words, the q iestion ic, shall the lumber people use this urea, for a fev years, and leave it desolate, or shall it remain the thing of beauty which the Creator made it in the beginning? , If it iir sold as ltitabcr, it is S6on di^patcd, nnd gone from us and our children forever. t If it is sold as climate and beauty, the immediate re turns will bo as great, and they will increase year by year, as the popnlation of the eastern centers increases and there will be no diminishing of these commodities. This paper has never been in favor of putting too much stress upon the tourist business, for the reason that we have held to industrialism, and have feared that the great industries of which our mountain region is susceptible might be forgotten as we strove more and more for the ! tourist business. .* But, the tourist business is fast becoming, has already become one of the big businesses of the nation. If West em North Carolina is to go in for it, and we tea no way to save ourselves, then let's go in on a big scale. If we can get established a great National Park in the Smoky Mountain area, we will have done a service for which all future generations will bless ouy names, and will, at the same time, have done something that will make this mountain region swann with people for many months in the year. 0* , , ?' x| ( The Florida boom will be insignificant as compared to the Western North Carolina boom. Heal estate values will multiply thrtnsclves faster than we can countyjiu every j town and county. . / j Every town and city will take on new life and new growth. Hotels will spring up over night at all the towns and country places surrounding the park, and Western North Carolina will begin to come into her own, with the coming of the hundreds of thousand; that will swarm here every year, o ' It is too great an opportunity to let slip. Wake up, Western North Carolina, Wake up to the great thing that eanuiappen in our mountains. 1.2, STUDY CLUB TO MEET TOMORROW ? >. . 1 The Woman's Study Club will meet with Mi's. W. M. I Bobbins, tomorrow (Thursday) aftormxn. This meeting . was postponed from last Thursday, because of the Fanners' Chautauqua, which was being held at that time. for the ESSEX COACH Never Before a Value Like Thi c* ?? \ ) 1 r? '? r ?' ? ' The largest Miles of 6'Cylinder the easiest riding .ma at -* r.\. cars simply rcflcctt the general Essex ever built?the .? recognition of greatest car value. performance, appearance *>m * . e n ? c, workmanship. We believe it Built on t?.e famous Super-Six the most economical car in the principle, the parents which < woru (0 own and operate. account for Hudsotts famous re liability, brilliant -performance Now it holds the greatest price and lonf* life, are responsible for advantage with the finest quality ^ the same qualities in "Essex. It is Essex ever offered. **C Hudson-Essex Worlx'c Largest Selling 6-Cylinder ?J ^ f. ' 1 . ? / r- ' 6 , % ' ? v. u-: h;c. ' ;,'x ? ?? v -. - ?-* ? <<: M. Buchanan, Jr, Garage STAN DARD' GASOLINE BALSAM / c' A large number of relatives and i .iondti here attended the funeral and iterment, Friday, in the Crawford t'emetery of Mr. Claud Green who vas accidentally killed at Smoktanont Mr- Oroen was a former resident o? /?"? rs V r Balsam apd owned a home here. Ho and family moved temporarily to Smokemont several years ago. Eev. Kay Allen of Allen's Creek has been elected pastor of the Baptist church here. Hip. H. P.. Ensley has returned from a visit in Asheville and Black ?\ { ' A* ' Monnta'n. Mio. Maybcllc Perry went to Sj4vt. .Saturday, Messrs. Jim and Robert Queen of Gastonia were here Sunday. Mr. A. H. Mehaflfcy went to Sun burst last week. Mr. Swanger and family, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.<, J. Cogdill have returned to their l>ome in Hickory. Misses Man* Kate and Tommv Mc Queen and Misg I.ouise Arrin"! spent Wednesday ni?ht with th grandmother, Mrs. Queen, in Il.v.t! wood. Mr. and Mrj. Curt!s Loiran, Jr r.f ; Waynesvillo and Mr. ?nd Mrs. W. T. i I ee., camped at Cabin Flats Satur day night. Messrs. Bill Giessler, Lee Dock and Charles Perry are spend-1 ing several days camping on Black , Rock. They have a radio outfit with i them. j Parties are going out daily, camp ing on some of our beautiful moun tain peaks, lovely Woodfin Falls and even the nearby hill tops. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck, Messrs. Bryson Beck and Wess Queen went i - ?? . ' \ ' ? - i" ? ' ' f < :'0' I ' V . Y ?t~> 1 . I - ? ' . to Gastonia for a few days last week. Misses Mary Kate and Tommy May Queen have returned to their ?oine in Dillsboto after a visit to their cousin, MWs Louise Arrington. ? Miss Grace Mehafley, Miss J.'dna McElroy of fTazelwood, Mrs. Eugene Enslev and Hubert Enslcy motored to Ashcviile Sunday. , , VCTlCE OF APPLICATION' 70R PARDON" ' Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have applied to the Gover nor of North Carolina for a pardon from the sentence imposed on us by His Honor T. B. Fiuley, Judge Pre siding at the February Term, 1925 of the Superior Court of Jackson county under which we were sentenced' to a Term of twelve months on the public roads of Buncombe Count}'. And. the public will further take notice that any person desiring Jb oppose said pardon, they should at once forward their opposition to the said Governor of North Carolina. Thu the 27th day of July, 1925, ? Howard Stephens, . Howell Stephens. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE jn COUNTY BM SY^VA, N. C. A.T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS June 30th <925 RESOURCES ' It Jans and discounts #272532.58 'eaud loans Jverd^afts secured ' unsecured 824.64 I \ (J. S. ltonds and Llb-irty Bonds v Vorth Carolina State Bonds 26915.12 VII other Stocks, Bonds and,' Mortgages Hanking Houfes-6819.58?Furniture and Fixtures?3394.50 10214.01 VII other real estate 4800.00 Cash in vault anil net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies ( 90325.37 "ash items held over 24 hours C'?I.19 hecks for clearing . . j 2 1 *'4 Total ' y ? ' 4/8ZJ2.12 LIABILITIES 1 apltal stodi t aid in 36600.01* 11 n> m* funds 10000.00 ;vid?I profits, less current expenses . ml taxes paid 11800.72 <0 e* a>ul bills rediscounted , \(me Sills pa v able , None Deposits subject to check. Individual 1770>*i.Jo )epo$it? Due State of X.C, or any Offi cial thereof 20084.S1, Jjemaud certificate* of Deposit ',/> 148507.89 me to Banks and Bankers adiier s Checks outstanding 1232.64 ertifod Checks ;*,v j'.. ccrutd interest due depositors 2910.00 Total 408232.12 ?tate of North Carolina, County of Jackson ss: 1, M. I>. cowan Cashier of the abov?e iin-d lla'ik, do solemnly swear that th?- above 1 ??/ c uc.it in true 10 iuc OcSc ui ui>* kuuMleu^ti ?id belief. ? M. D. Cowan Cashier. ; ubscribed and sworn to before ue. t8i? 16th l*y of July, 1925 li. W. Hoffman, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: I.H.Powell Thomas A. Cox J, W. Keener ( (j Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITIO* OF THE TUCKME BANK. Sylva, N. C AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS June 3O, 1925 , ,' RESOURCES Loans and discounts #200500.70 Demand Loans ? trerdrafts seeured-l57.87-unsecured 472.75 ' 630.62 Tnited Slates Bonecks 1 ^ Timer -"-atesofPeposit. Due on or rr?... n (fays Kmy Savin"*.'Ayvtsits / in 0 Acrr'-fl lu-e'est due d#po?itn-s T ?' ' * 1-6.3 St?'? of -h Caro"na. (Vo-tr n 1 I. R:lly I'nvis. f'rrtffr ?'f the above named bank, dn ?o'emniy swear tha above ^cateifent i* true to my knon-'e^are pn'l belief Billy Davis. Cashier fuV-ribcd and swor.i td before mie, this Ufh dajr of /ul' WS ? 1 \ . Correct: n J. R. Kryson f- D. O.Bryi-on Hilly Davis Di rectors MARRIAGE LICENSES James Messer to Nora Scates, both of Haywood. Wiliiam M. Coehraii to Minnie Heron. , y >; v FOR SALE?Until August l Sugar $6.28 per hundred lbs. Red Star Flour $1.48 quarter iack. Corn Meal 88c. 24 lb. bag. 8 lb. bucket compound $1.47. \ Everything else in our stock at reduced priCes i W. P. POTTS* FARM LOANS "The Mortage That Never Comes Due" Applications Solicited for Loans on Katn, Land in Jackson Countv bj- the ATLANTIC JOINT STOCK LAND BANK ? : - v ' Capital $550,000.00 \'' " Organized and Oparating Under Supervision United States Govern?? Loans made on the 33-YEAR Govcrmnent Amortization. Plan, w . Rate C per cent (Semi-annual Payments). No Bonus or Commission chap Repayments may be made at any time after live .years, or More the piration of five years by special arrangement. No stock subscription, red tape. Loans made direct to borrower. Loans closed ami money through our representative in your own county. PROMPT APPRAISALS . ' NO DELAY . QUICK VCTli, , '?? >\ i . ' For application Blanks and Further Particulars Write ** ' * t. - ^ Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank * j ? , * ? 818 Commercial National Bank Bldg. Raleigh, N* f "n Or Apply Direct to Corsey C. Buckanan; Sylva, N. C. Jos. J. Hooker, Sylva, N'. C. Sutton and Stillwell, Sylva, N*. C. , W R. SherriU Sylva, N. C. HIGH HAiMPTON , - t ? r? "? >, i CASHIERS, N. C. Now open. Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Horn * t \ i ? ' \ back Riding. Children's Park with play ?tciid equipment. - Week day dinner J: $1.25 Special Sunday dinner $1.50 CORTRIGHT FIREPROOF ' I Storm-proof, too, because they interlock and overlap in inch ? that the finest driving snow or rain cannot sift under them. Best roof for cou ntry buildings, because they're safe from all the elements. They'll last as long as the building. - ... A-t ? . . j" ... . i / ...