T* *????*?<$?* PERSONALS j V # * * * ? . * Maynte Long left, last Friday, ,,r Spruce Pine, where she will teach this your. ' ??? ( v.Mr. I>au Tompkins attended the . C- Bress meeting, at Lake ?/Irtnit'S, hist w eek.. ? * ? /'O \ r> 1 Mi& Wima Allison has returned i ,-om Dandridge, Tenn., 0 where . she I lie guest, for several days of (ieoige Zirkle. K^' ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown and jMson left, yesterday for C?lum-, \i\L S. C., where they, wil spend r j i, v, 'days before going to their new in Akron, 0. s ? ? ? M ??. Shales C.ridstaff, and family li:;. ust.-nlay, for their new honuJ in i' raliklil). , ? ? ? \ .1 Mrs. Verne Swan, of Asheville, i 1 th,. r'.tcst of her sister, Miss Ii\c SuUrv>n. ? ? ? ? I |i#:i. W. T. Lee, of Raleigh ?an Wnfi.'^ille, and Mr. R. 0. Self, c' fcfltoil:.'were here, last week. ? ? ? Mr. ;iiid Mrs. J. R. Hooper, ? o I S/x't'ilw't 11, were here, last Thursday ? ? * s.\!i>. A. \V. Lynch, of Cullowhec >|V n!, ijio week end in Waynesvilli luidi ti.'i" parents, Mr. and Mrs. J I'. M; r'in. ? v ? ? ? !'(M? SALK-25 select thorough liivd While Leghorn hens. A. J. Dill: Mrs. 1\. 1- Mclvee has retumc !'. ,>!:i C'u'.ttanooira, where she attend cd a meeting of the Southeaster! Council of Fede rated Club Womei ??? \ * Miss Dorothy McKee and Mis Hcrlie Ihillard. sjKUit the week en/ here, quests of Mi's. Carrie McKec Mi-> A K<'e is principal of the gram mar ;ulj- ? and Miss Ballard is ; tcnciit'i in the e!tV schools of Br< Mr. -laiin'-! Coineill, of Boone, spent Sunday line, with triends. mm* Elizabeth Moody and La /Hi.' lleii>on, who are attending Cu! ttuwU-c Slate Normal, spentJt.he wee! fiul lit-vV. with their parents, Mr. am Mix (' W. Moody aud Mr. and Mrs M. i Unison. m m m Mrs. \Y. H. Coidey has retunied t nor home, from Whittier, where slu was called on aceount of the illness and death of her father, Mr. L. E Williams. ? ? ? ' Mrs. Addie P. Seymour and little \l^s Margaret Williams, of Wintei kaven, Fla., who have been spending the summer at Luke Junaluska am' Aslicville, were the week end guest? of Mrs. A. \Y. Oakes, at the homc?o1 itr father, Mr. J. B. Ensley. Mrs H-yinour i.s a very active social work fr in her home town, being an ottice: m the Eastern Star I^odge, the Civic ^(?aifue, the American Auxiliary and cveral other organizations. * * * Mrs. I). \V. Hector and little soi ire >|.cmliii^ two weeks in Aslicville cutst.- dl' Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rector ihey will st;>|> in Canton on tlieii ay !uui;e, to visit Mr ar.d Mrs. II M. Ihun^arner. ? ? ? A |?avty composed of Mr. and Mrs. ' H. Robinson, Mrs. Joseph Keycs. Mr. iind Mrs. Harry Hoe,k, Mr. and Mrs. Knloc Moore, Misses Margaret andler and Lucy Wells and Messrs. V('d Hock a::d Dan Mooro and Dr. hri.ii-jou. attended a dance given '.v 'lie Misses Hemphill, at Arden House, on last Saturday night. ? ?? ?dr. Luiiie Hooper, of Tuckaseigee, ,rrivcd last Saturday, from Akron. 'bio. where'lie has been for three fwrs, to enter Oullowhee State Nor mal. ? ? * ^'s. (', A. Bales and children tire 'T"'"dic^ some, time with Mrs. Bales' ^n'"ts, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Sullivan, " Haycsville. ? ? ? ' 1H?WER for sylva / BRIDE ELECT the mdst delightful and uinque Hits lor' Miss Margaret Moore ] Bride-to-be was the mis liiiKoiis shower given on Saturday H*rik)ijj| |,y Miss Ruth Allison and !-s- C iMtiitlons an?l guided to a wild r""l i r wjierc they were served ^iirli by Mrs. Knlop Moore and Miss ''"'"(?line Daniels, also in Ovpsy at [f;. 7 ) _ Mr:. l?-.v:?, M. Hall, Miss Moore, ^Rtuli Allison and Mrs. Coleman m'?'ivcil the guests in the spa living room, which was thrown ensuite wifck mtiSib arit^ dining rooms. Eyfery Where Wfere quantities of wild fehis and flowers, making a veritable paradise. . ?' v \ ' ? (. "> ' r \ During the afternoon Mi.;s Dorothy McKee delighted the guests with the singing of "A Gypsy Love Song", Miss Margaret Candlor by .playing "Roman::e" and Miss Dorothy Moore with "The Gypsy Trail/'. Then a Gypsy girl-Miss Emmelinev Daniels, entered with a huge split, basket, filled with bundles, on each arm and read a poem "The Gypsy Bethro),hal".This was composed es pecially for the occasion by Miss Ruth Allison. She then gave the bas ket^ to Miss Moore, who* opened the various packages for inspection. The "shower" became, real, when a:nid teai-s and smiles the lovely bride elect Opened each beautiful gift. ' The shower was indeed miscella neous for each gift was different from the othcis. Misses Hannah and Dorothy Moore, Mrs. David Browi^aiul Miss Dorothy McKfce assisted the hostesses in serv ing a delicious salad and ice j^cui oe. The following guests were present ; Miss Margaret Moore, Mrs. Arthur v\Veaver, .Airs. Byron Maiysh, of Dills boro, Mrs. David Brown, Cnllowhcc; Miss Betty Ballard, of Brcv;:i\l; Mi's. Sdwaid Sharp, of Birisiin ,I;2m; Mr; . I C. C, puchanqn, Mrs. .1. K, Buclian in, Mrs. David Hali, Mrs. H.. E. ' iuchannn, Mrsj I). D. Hooper, Mrs. i J. W. Keener, Mrs. EnJoe ' Moore:! Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. E. Ford King 1 Miss Lucy Wells. IVfrs. Walter Allen, Jr., Mi-s. 0. C. Wilkes, Miss Emelinc Daniels, Mi.:. Jess Dillard, Mrs. A. Murray, Miss Jane Coward,' Miss,{ Frances1 Coward, Miss Inez Sullivan;] Miss Dorothy McKee, Miss Hannah Moore, Misf? Dorothy Moore, Mrs. C. Z. Candler, Mrs. E. L. McKee, /Miss Margaret Candler, -Mrs. Carrie Mc Kee, Mrs. Claude Allison, Mrs. J. J. "looker. < WOMEN'S CLUB PICNIC "> Tlii' Women's Club hud its annual >icnic last Thursday. This time the jlub went farther Rfield than ever bo Vre, all because of the good mod hat loads to Cashiers Valley. The ulies met at Mrs. C. '/. Candler's at ?iglit thirty Thursday morning and .cut from there to Cani|? Merrie A'ood at Lake Fairfield a distance >f about forty miles. ?, ") r( i The ladies had the beautiful camp ill to themselves as the girls ha?l\all lenarted top their homes, After a perfectly?to return to n ittle gir 1 expression-" a perfectly scrumptious" dinner, which was very mrticularly enjoyed by pvefy ope, ^ specially tbe/'chalieurs" the numi ?ers of the .party enjoyed the wrnder i II boating and swiming in Lake Fairfield. , ) On the way home the happy party stopped at High Hampton and en joyed the hospitality of Mrs. E. L. MeKee at tea. Late in the afetrnoon jvc left High Hampton and, reached ?iylva at the end. of an ajmost too >erfoct day. Following is a list of those who en oved the oatin<<: Rev. Mr. Kobbins, Mr. Henry Mc iep, Chales Candler, Jr., Mrs. Kosa Vicliols, Mrs. E. L. McKce, Mrs, Ramsey Buchanan, Mrs, Ma reel 1 us (uchanau, Mrs. Jess Dillard, Mrs, C. Candler, Mrs. Billy Davis, Mrs. iobbins, Mis. Donaldson Cowan, Sr., Mrs. Mary Miorris, Mrs? Edward iharp of Birmingham, and Mrs. Enloe Moore, WINS SILVER CUP & Mr. W. H. Oliver, local represen tative of the Volunteer State Life Insurance Company, who returned,a ew days ago from attending a meet ing of the salesmen of that company, n Chattanooga, was awarded a silver :Oving cup for having written,, the argest number of policies BRYSON REUNION TO BE HELD The annual reunion of the Bryson family will be held at Beta, on Satur day, October 3, when an interesting program will be presented and din ner served picnic style. f <: BUTA TO OBSERVE >? STATE MISSION DAY The Sunday Sclipol at Beta will observe State Mission day next Sunday, with a program whicli is be ing put on in many of the Baptist ehu/rches on that day. The program is a demonstration of the budget plan, to be used in the churches, embracing expenses for local and mission work. The special speaker for thes day, at Beta, are Mr. John B. Ensley and Mr. Geo. W. Sutton. , ? . - LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET WEDNESDAY The local unit American Legion Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. J. W. Keener, next Wednesday afternoon, at three o'clock. / -o J NORTH CAROLINA,' JACKSON COUNTY. ? ? 1 ; TRUSTEES SALE - By virtue of the pow^r of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust made by Horace Breece to the' undersign^ efl trustee, dated 22 March, 1924. duly registered in the Office, of tho iiegister of Deeds for Jackosn Coun ty, X. C.^.in Book No*i)2 of Leeds of Tru^t^ on page 107 ( rt seq.,' to which reference, is hereby made, and default having been made in thevpay mcyit of the indebtedness thereby ;rcured, and'after demand having been made, aim the power of sale "therein contained havinir bccon/c op erative, said undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 2(5 day of Oct., I92n. 'it 12 o'clock noon, sell tft t.lie-n uri liouse door in tire town oftJ Sylva, Jackson County, N. C., for c-s:; at public auction, to the highest hidd. r, the following lands aipl pivmises: Beginning;^ Cane Creek where >\le( 'ruejkcii's and Phillip*' lyie crosses /?aid cv.'ek and runs up and with said J:*reek us follow*! N, ? Ki't pols; N, 13 1-2 W. 5 Hcs; and N. H E. 26 !>oles |o fci point opposite a small oak hush on \Y. bank of creek; tlienee N, '?9 1-2 E. 43 poles and 19 links to a small black wilouf; thi'iire N'. H2 K, 2M 1-2 poles to a stake in ('. \Y. l)mi mig'Co's line; t,hf}nce with that! line S. 28 E. .'11 l>-2 poles to a scur vvoud; thence S. 43 \\*. JO poles tova slake; thence S. (>;"> \Y. 70 jiolesto n -take, Phillips' corner; thence 67 13 \Y. 20 poles (o I lid Beginning,, ?on lainin^"21 l-4>acres, as surveyed by. O. B. Coward on 21 March, 1924, and being the same lands this day veyed by deed from J.'C, Mft'rackcii to Horace Breece. This 22 day of September, 1925, E. P. STILL>VELL, Trustee, ' o? ENTRY NO, 6147 ,NORTTI CAROLINA, . 0 JACKSON: COUNTY. I, Cole Bryson, do enter and claim 20 acres, inore or less,, of land in Hamburg Township, Jackson County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of \V. F. llolden, A. S. Bryson, ami Morrison, and bounded as follows, viz: . ? s Beginning on a white oak in the Londm Gap and runs with the W. F, llolden line to the Morrison ine; tlienee with the Morrisoir line to tho A. S. Bryson line; thence with the A. S. Bryson line to the beginning. Ent"re, j v . ' ) ' . v.. ' V - # Are offering a number of specials^ on which the buyers of fall and winte/ apparel can save real i - ^ money. We are listing a few of the extraordinary ? ?' 1 1 f bargains which we are now offering. One lot Ladies' Winter Hats .Z_r .1 i, 98c. One lot Ladies' Winter Hats 1.98 $5.00 and 6.00 skirts .?.?... .^4 ... 4. 3.50 One lot $12.50 to 25.00 Coat Suits u. 5.98 \,K .? ^ ? ? One lot Crepe De Chide an! other materials in blouses ? ? 98c. On elot Children's Hose 10c. These are but a few of the many items in which you can get a real bargain in good materials. DILLSBOKO i-. . \ Drug Store f-' ' r *j 1 . : ^ 4 ? - " ? . / v Of the kind that you appreciate, and that is the best advertising that can be done, is offered by us. v *? :? * ?(. - ? ? >* ? ' V" . ? -? * ? J . ( Our line of Druggists sundries, School Supiplies, Confections, and Hollingsworth's Unusual Can dies is as good as is to be found in any drug store in any city. ?;> ?' y. ?' . ' } Buchanan a < J. D. COWAN, Prop. ?t. i <\f ' C ?)? . 't