The New Package ?and 4 Cants Car ?. c ?the same dependable remedy that over a period of more than fifty years has been found so reliable in the treatment of catarrh and diseases of catarrhal nature.. The outside of the package only has been altered To facil itate packing and reduce break age in shipping, the paper wrap per which has identified the, re-ru-na bottle for many years has been displaced by a substan tial pasteboard carton. v Pe-ru-na cannot be made any better. Three generations of users testify that Pe-ru-na is the best remedy in the world for catarrh and diseases of catarrhal origin. The remedy our fathers and grandfathers used with so much satisfaction is still the standby for the ills of everyday in thousands of American homes. PE-RU-NA ' Catarrh TaMata or LtqaM Wiil Rebuild Temple jj ? .,r.( i. nt Greek temple of De tor Sfiiiiius in Sicily, which col L, ii; an earthquake, Is to be re |jj"r j,v 1110 Italian government lure Relief '"JSIglS 6 Bell ans Hot water ipfc- 1 Sure Relief Bell-ans FOR INDIGESTION 25c and 75vhfere FACIAL ERUPTIONS I unsightly and annoving - ? proved by ooc application of Resinol LANE SAW MILLS and HOE SAWS ore thm utandard IsjrwrJ brrery wiy. Easy to operate. *11 tlzes. Write fof Fret Booklet. S74w,r^*WdiC#..Ii**4,f?. *1 Ji Saw Mills. Wind &?:n| I /(f MUh. Radiolu. Etc. CARBUNCLES Carboil draws out the core and gives quick relief. rtRBOIL GENEHOUS SO* BOX At 111 Druggist* ? Honty-buk Guaranty# Fireworks Sold on CommlH?lon?Big profit. Reliable agents wanted everywhere. Address Fink Fireworks Co.. Box 114, Dayton, Ohio. Ajcentk?Win Ford C*r Selling S. R. ?. Laundry Tablets. Spare time, meanwhile dou ble cn sale?. Washes without rubbing. Has no equal. Price 26c. 10 weeks' washing. Satis faction Ruar. Stamps accepted. Partlc. follow. J. R Lambert. Gen'l Agent. Salisbury. N. C. Drnpov. Files. Pellagra, Rheumatism and all ?ton.a< h troubles treated. Quick results. Dr. v'ohn T. I'atlerson, Box 37. Sta. D. Atlanta. Ga. FOR SALE?1,003 AND 1.145-ACRE Georgia latir^s in tribacco belt on six years' time. A'!di*>ss Itux 37. Station D. Atlanta. Ga. CADp FVPC Dr.&/ttr'i JUIvI!/ Jv X LS Eye Lotion JfUfres and cores sore and Inflamed eyee In M to tf toon. Helps the weak eyed, cures without pain. AsfcTonrdruKKlstordealer for SALTER'S. On'X com Relurm Dispensary. P. O. Box 161. Atlanta, Ga. Georgia Farm Values Are Increasing Rapidly of'-r for sale choice farms in Georgia, ?mtable (or tobacco, cotton, corn and other ?Mtthern crops. Lands were acquired by "^closure, and are offered at low prices JS.4 '*5 *??y terms. Send for list. THE "EOI'.GIA IX)AN & TRUST CO.. Macon, Ga. U/ \ N T F VI Young Men t? Learn H/411 | LU the BARBER TRADE ??t college in the South. Jobs awaiting our r. . ^ graduates. cMrlolle Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. KILLED IN SO MINUTES BY SITICIDE FON BO era. From SITICIDE CO., Commoroe, Ga. and at Drug Stores ATTENTION! 100 ACRES '?i table land. Beautiful home. Ten a'rvv.V- Other bargarns: Write M WARD, S26 Arcade. Norfolk. Va. WANTED men to sell medicine you own your car we will Bye you a good job. Write X'E MEDICINE COMPANY _ Charlotte, N. C. ?Why work for otheraT J?# can't it v'*" Protluct; we show you how. 5??'l tuiav 1^. 2Sc brlnK? lnatructlona 1TTsVirIn-W - Bo* 138. Bast Liberty. iT-il"1 nr"< PENNSYLVANIA. PARKER'S n hair balsam I-eraove* Oiodnff-Stopc Hair Fiffiof Restores Color and Beauty toGray and Faded Hair Flying Into Matrimony A young Swedish couple were re cently married while flying through the air on board an airplane. When the machine, carrying a full comple ment of passengers, had risen to a height of 1,500 feet an altar was erect ed in the cabin, before which a Swed ish clergyman performed the marriag~e ceremony, wjth a lawyer and his wife as witnesses. X Wdding break fast was then served, and the health of the couifle drunk in champagne by all the passengers. The clergyman and the lawyer left the -machine at Hamburg, but the couple continued their honey moon trip to Amsterdam. Wax for Record* Carnauba wax,' used In the manufac ture of phonograph records, comes from Bahia, and several other states in Brazil. Be Careful of Infection from Cuts, Burns, Wounds and Sores. Ap ply Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh; it prevents infection and heals. 3 sizes, all stores.?Advi, Be kind. That is the chief injunc tion on this earth. ALL RM DOM, HOW HEALTHY "Honestly, in all my 15 years of ex perience as a nurse I have never known of a medicine that compares with Tanlac," Is the plowing tribute of Nurse M. E. Chappclle. "Time and again I have recommended Tanlac and always with surprising results. Some time ago my Mother complained of being generally run down and on the verge or a nervous breakdown. She had no appetite, her stomach was disordered, digestion weakened and her bowels were most irregular. "Tanlac came to her aid at once, brought on a vigorous appetite so that she began to eat with the greatest relish, and made the digestive organs function properly once more. In a snort time she Was well, happy and strong, and although over 80 years of age she b now vigorous enough to look after her household duties and co out quite a little, too. This Is why I praise Tanlac and consider It the best tonic and health builder ever dis covered." What Tanlac has done for others It can also do for you. Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substi tute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Fills for consti pation. Made ana recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac. TANLAC FOR YOUR HEALTH .) jHfERSMlTlfs Chill Tonic * Malaria Chills and \ Fever Dengue For over 50 years it has been the household remedy for all forms of It is a Reliable, General Invig orating >Tonic. Grow Hair on Your BALD HEAD BARE-TO-HAIR A Blessing to Mankind Paul Bonor, Pit cairn Ave., Jearv nette, Pa.,had Al opecia, which left him without hair on any part of his head. Used four bottles of Bare-to Hair. Now has a full growth of hair as shown on the photo, fare-to Hair will grow hair on bald heads, Stop Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itch ing, and many forms of Eczema. Corr?ponfWnce given w. H. FORST, Mfg. SCOTTDALE. PA. wTnTu, charlotteTnoT39 -1925. ? . .... ? Modern Railway Bridge in Cocta 1'ca. ' ( (Prepared by the National Geographic So ciety, Washington, D. C.) THE completion of a 124-mlle stretch of railway between the northern Argentina border and the Bolivian city of Atocha, linking the railway systems of the two countries ?or the first time, again di rects attention to the mythical "Pan American Railway" which, when com pleted, will employ this section of track. The Pan-American railroad, a dream of more then fifty years, has been progressing slowly but surely In the last two decades. Nearly two-thirds of the 10,200 miles separating Wash ington and Buenos Aires have already been paved with steel. It is now pos sible to take a train in Washington and make rail connections with Gua temala City, a distance of more than 3.800 miles. Scattered through Cen tral America and South America are many other sections of completed rail way which could be incorporated in the Pan-American and which total up an additional 700 miles. At Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital, In Peru, it Is possible again to board a train that connects,' by means of a boat trip across Lake Titicaca, with Buenos Aires, 1,900 miles away. South America offers perhaps the greatest barriers to the completion of the project. The huge mountain ranges along the western part of the continent rise like a wall from the Pacific. Farther east Is more rolling country, but there are few Inhabitants, and tropical conditions make railroad construction and maintenance even more difficult and costly than in the mountains. Excellent steamship service Is a powerful competitor. Many of the principal Inland cities have already spent considerable sums In construct ing railroads connecting them with the sea. That the project Is an Important one Is testified by numerous attempts made at different times to make it an International project, financed by the countries through whl4. Panama like wise has done little to connect the ex tremes of the country by rail. The really difficult construction problems, however, He between Pana ma and the unconnected sectors along the backbone of South America. First, in Colombia there are the Jungles and dense woods of the lower reaches of the River Suclo. Then a long ihard climb over the Pass of Carmajata to the Cauca valley. Near Medfellln are several short pieces of track that might be Incorporated In the itin erary of the present-day follower of the trail. Recent dispatches from Co lombia state that a survey of the route as far as Popayap. approximately half the distance In this country, has been authorized. <. i Difficult Engineering. Across; the border In Ecuador a 160 mlle piece has been completed be tween Quito and Alausl. while surveys have been proposed for the country In the vicinity of Loja, near the Pe ruvian border. This construction IB Ecuador, and over the Sabanilla pass Into Peru, will Involve some of the most difficult bits of engineering In the entire project, for the continental divide Is crossed and recrossed sev eral times. Many summit spurs are surmounted at heights of 13,000 to 14,000 feet. At Cerro del Pasco, a mining centeV and one of the highest human habitations In the world (14,300 feet), the line begins again today and continues unbroken for 145 miles to Huancayo. Then comes the last and largest unfinished gap, 521 miles, ap proximately, between this mining city and Custco. the beginning of the line to Buenos Aires, with fairly frequent service. The most newly completed sector Is entirely within the Republic of Bolivia, extending from the Argentine border city. La Quiaca, northwest through tortuous mountains to Atocha, well up on the lofty plateau of Bo livia. At its southern terminal it con nects with the extensive railway sys tem of Bolivia, rftid through them with the lines of Uruguay and Brazil. At Atocha It Is possible to make rail con nections with Pacific coast ports and central Bolivia and to continue north as far as Cuzco, Peru. The latter trip Includes a 125-mile Journey the length of Lake Tltlcara. Despite Its comparative shortness this new line Is one of the most Im portant Internationally south of tho Rio Grande. It not only makes pos sible an uninterrupted rail Journey of nearly 2,000 miles from Buenos Aire?, .but through Its connections farther north with lines leading to the Pa cific at Antofagasta and also at Arica, presents a second trans-Andean rail road, no little accomplishment when it Is considered that rallr6ads must scale the Andes at altitudes dqual to those of the peaks of Switzerland's loftiest mountains. A lakttaadal REWARD Thousands of people in America have been libei ally rewarded for insisting on having USKIDE Soles on their shoes. USKIDE wears and wears and' wears. It is made only by the United States Rubber Company, the world's largest manufacturer of rubber products. The money it saves on shoe bills is remark able. Have your old shoes re-bottomed with USKIDE. Buy new shoes with genuine USKIDE Soles, USKIDE is comfortable, healthful, waterproof, good-looking. Protects against slip ping. Look for the name USKIDE on the sole.?Adv. Logical Maid He?You're the sweetest girl I ever saw. I, V She?Sweetness can't be seen. Watch Cuticura Improve Your 8kin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It is wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, itching and red, rough hands.?Advertisement Dreams are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fan tasy.?Shakespeare. Popularity can be troublesome. WRIGLEYS AFTER EVERY , it, MEAL affords benefit as wefl as pleasure. Healthful exercise for the teeth and i spur to digestion. A long* lasting refreshment, soothing to nerves and stomach. The Great American Sweetmeat, untouched by hands, full of, flavor. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT f n Sedan $77}, f. #. k Lansing, Mieb. More Power! L * , i ? More Pull! More Pep! !' Lowcost Transportation Star<%Cars Pticxi: /. ?. i. Mich. to i*' ~ '? -? COMMERCIAL CHASSIS . , . $425 i - ROADSTER $525 *'K TOURING $525 > COUPSTER ....... 1595 > COUPE . . . $675 COACH . . $695 / SEDAN $775 DURANT MOTORS, ' 250 West 57th Street, New York General Sales Dept.?1819 Broadway, New York Dealers and Service Stations throughout the United States ... ? , Canada and Mexico : : ' \\ \ tv* ' ) \ v* - ? ???; t i ' ? ? PLamt*: Elizabeth, N. J. Lcnting, Mkb. Oakland, Cal. Toronto, Ont No Weakness There "Is your baby strong?" y. "Well, he seems able to' lift his voice many times a day.* Playing the Game "What do you do when a fellow starts to pet?" "I"get real pettish." ?'? ?? ' '. ? ? ? ' Permanent ' < 'I >'?. . * . roads are a ; good investment ) j. " ' ?not an exbense How Much Are Poor Roads Costing You? 5,000,000 of America's 18,000,000 motor vehi cles are recognized as an economic necessity on the farm. Is your car giving the full efficiency ol which it is capable?and at the lowest cost per mile possible? Not if you are jolting over bumps and ruts. Not if you get stuck in the mud. ? i t In addition to the time you thus lose along the way, you also pay from one to four cents a mile more in gasoline, tire and repair bills than you would pay on permanently paved highways. Think, too, how many so-called improved roads have gone to pieces within the past few years, thereby piling up huge maintenance and rebuilding costs. Contrast all this with the record of Concrete Roads?the roads that have repair built out and ? maintenance built in. Firm, rigid and unyielding, free of bumps, ruts, holes, mud and dust, they are, in every way, the most economical roads.* Tell your highway officials you want more Concrete Roads. Such an investment will/ pay you big dividends year after fear. ' fivg you all the bctwbout Coocrete Rofi?. including the a^T^MwanlagWrfYimTMinifi^"- A?k lax our iree booklet, R\J. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION .1? * 111 West Washington Street ?vir";?? .i.*r -- ?HKA(?3 A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete ; Office* ia 30 Cities , V. > ,