Had Lost All Hope of Ever Being Well o Read story of the fight lor health and final victory aa told by Mr*. Jamas A. Hall, Box 31, Nor. rU City, Illinois. i) ? . "About twelve years ago my health failed I could not eat any rtljiing without suffering. I had heartburn, sour stomach, palpita tion of the heart, smothering spells, pains in my back and sidles and a cough almost like consumption. Nothing helped me. I grew worse and was able to sit up only part of the time. I had lost all hope i of ever being any better when someone gave me a Pe-ru-na book. The book described my case so truly that I began to rj take Pe-ru-na. After two and a half bottles I: could eat with out suffering and improved from then on. I took eight bottles and felt like a new person. That was fourteen years ago. So many dis eases are due to catarrh that I think Pe-ru-na the greatest family medicine in the world." For more than half a century Pe-ru-na has been doing just such work as this. Send 4 cents postago to ths PE-RU-NA COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio, for a booklet on catarrh. Pe-ru-na is for sale EVERYWHERE Tablet* or Liquid Grow Hair on Your BALD HEAD * BARE-TO-HAIR A Blessing to Mankind Paul Bonor, Pit cairn Ave., Jean nette. Pa.,had AK opecia, which left him without hair on any part of his head. Used four bottles of Bare-to Hair. Now hat a full growth of hair as shown on tha p-hoto. - Bare-to Hair will grow hair ?n bald heads, Stop Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itch ing, and many forms of Eczema. Cerreepoodeace given panonal itltollaa W. H. FORST, Mfg. 8COTTDALE. PA ! FOR OVER 200 TEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. li ^ HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal. Love is the tyrant of the heart. A Household Remedy for Cuts, Burns, Wounds, Any Sore. Han ?ord's Balsam of Myrrh prevent infection u?d heals. Three sizes; all stores.--Adv. Reflect before criticizing. MOTHER! Child's Harmless Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" Even if cross, feverish, bilious, con stipated or full of cold, children love the pleasant taste of "California Fig Syrup." A teaspoonful never falls to gently clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. CKIN IRRITATIONS For their immediate relief and . healing doctors prescribe Resinol ?Hie ? LEGION j 1. The Introduction (vv. 22-23). He did not accuse them of super stition, but as in the Revised Version, he Introduces his discourse in a cour teous and conciliatory manner, stating that he perceived ehat they were very religious. This he explains by saying that as he was viewing their city he beheld an altar with an inscription to the unknown god. This was his pointj of contact. He proceeded at once to connect it with the idea of the living God, implying that this al tar had been erected to Him. 2. The Body of His Discourse (vv. 24-31). v (1) A Declaration Concerning God (v. 24-25). ' ' a. He created the material universe (v. 24). This was a direct blow at the philosophy of both the Epicureans and the Stoics. b. His Spirituality and Immensity (vv. 24-25). He is not worshiped with men's hands as though He needs anything, neither is He confined by any sort of a religious temple. Being essen tially spiritual. He demands heart ser vice, and being transcendent, above all, He is not confined to earthly tem ples. c. His Active Providence (v. 25). He gives existence, bestows needed gifts, and as sovereign, directs all things. (2) A Declaration Concerning Man (vv. 26-31). , a. This was a blow at the foolish Athenian pride which supposed that they were superior to all other people. This proposition he proved from their own literature (v. 28). b. Nations have their pitce by the soverlgn purpose of God (v. 26). c. Men Should Seek God (v. 27). His goodness and grace in supply ing all our needs, and ordering that even the affairs of the nations should move men to see and seek God_. d. The Pressing Obligation to Re pent (w. 30-31). This was his supreme message. LV. Results of Paul's Preaching (vv. 32-34). 1. Some Mocked (v. 32). This is even the case today. Men and women will mock the preacher who preaches a judgment to come. 2. Some Procrastinated (V. 32). Many do not mock, but they hesitate to accept and act upon the urgency of the message. 3. Some Believed (v. 34). Wherever the gospel Is preached there ure some who believe and are saved. As Men Succeed Men succeed In proportion to the flx ety of their views and the Invincibility of their purpose. If you can find out a man's quitting point, the place where he gives up, turns back, you can meas ure him pretty easy.?Marden. Children's Prayers Jesus loves to hear the earnest prayer of a little boy or girl morn than He does a long hypocritical prayer of a big preacher.?Gospel Minister. WRNjLEYs EVERY 7 Probably one reason for the popularity of , WRIGLEY'S U that iTT so long and returns If? great dividends for so an outlay. * It keep, S dean, breath sweet ann^ keen, digestion good. ^ Fresh and full.flavord always in its wax-wrap^ ^~ package. ^Champion will render better service for a much longer time. That is why it is outselling throughout the world ' V . ' - ChampionX/orFordi60c.B!u< Box for all other cars, 75c. More than 95,000 dealers sell Cham pionj. You will know (he gen uine by the double-ribbed core. Champion Spark Plug Co, Toledo, Ohio Windsor, Oat., London, Ptrii m+m mJ i GOULDS w?L" I PUMPS AND WATER SYSTEMS Write for booklet D _ giving details of oc GOtiLBf w complete Me of tkfi aiitowatcr H trie and enjflnedri*? ? pumps and waters?* terns for every n?i The Goulds Manufacturing Co. Seneca Falls, N. Y. '^pil $ r US" SPRINGS i Rubber I United States Rubber Comp*^ WANTED?CO I.OK Kl? ^ r Sporting and horses. ,rtin* ?> Ives. Horse racing rf"'1 ?' \vgSSJL State price in first *"fftw YORK 11 V4 East 87th Street. FARMERS, ATTENTION: truck land, beautiful home. f)T-? lfi.000. Other bargain? . ?r" VIP-^ WARD. 326 Arcade. NQ"'IIL'' Have a lovely Complexion' You can make and keep xA% | ion u lovely as ayoungff^ little attention to your blooo^ a rood complexion i?n t? health deep. * . Phyaiclans agree that ?uJP ^ ^ the most effective blood P Coffi^ I to science- Hancock Solg*^ ? Is an old. reliable, scientific^ ^ purge, the blood internally ? a few drop ^ water, it gets at the roo Aaalotion.it soothes and 6 60c and $1.20 the bottle ^ ^ gist's. lfhecantsupP|rytPd?< name and the price m*** will aend you a bottle direc Hancock Liquid Sulphi* Baltimore. Marytajj| Hancock j Sulphur CoinP"^ W. N. U., CHARLOTTE