'Brought Up on * Farm As a young man Dr. Pierce prac ticed medicine In a rurai district and was known far and' wide for his great success In alleviating disease. He early moved to Buffalo and put up in ready-to use form, his Golden Medical Discovery, the ' well-known ton ic for the blood, which is an ex tnn-t of nutive roots. This "Discov ery" of IT- Pierce's clears away pii'nj.les and annoying eruptions, (emis to keep the complexion fresh lint! c'oar. It corrects the disordered conditions in a sick stomach, aids di gestion. acts as a tonic and enriches ,l,e Mood. Vim is sure to follow Its use. All dealers. Tablets or liquid. ROILS There's quick, positive, relief in GARBOIL GENEROUS 50( BOX At ?3 Divf&sts?-Money-back Guantnts# Georgia Farm Values Are Increasing Rapidly I?. 0ff,.r for sale choice farms in Georgia, ?Stable <"r t"bacco. codton, corn and other "'?hern crops. Lands were acquired by -iosur<\ and are offered at low prices a on easv terms. Send for list. THE Georgia u?an * trust co.. Macon, Ga. u\(llN(S CANARIES. $6; Talking Parrot* liiV.ee. II.': Habv Monkey. $26. PUPPIES: t. ' Trrr;?r Irish Terrier, Bull Terrier, Rat Verier I' lHie. Spaniel?female. ?6: male. ?10. iirl.lsle. ['' ??II'', St. Bernard, Newfoundland, E.J, j,.a If. 110; male, $16. Boston Ter Pekinge^. Pomeranian. German Police -fVir.nU. I--1: male, $36. Chow Chows. Rus - H -unds. Satisfaction guaranteed. -in\ wh.er** I- deposit, bal. C.O.D. Cat. 10c. iidlies. N. St.. Desk 4, Phlla., Pa. (OPI'ORTINITY?llet dainty Pure Olove Silk I'ti'ierwear for yourself free and make kn?no\ selllnK it to others. THE DORA j.VNE iV.. 23 E. 26th St.. NEW YORK. i.lkK $20 DAILY?Why work for othersT jlake your own product; we show you how. aou can't lose. 25c brings full Instructions. f(m! today. STUART. Bo* 138, East Liberty. PITTSBURGH. PENNSYLVANIA. 'luridu Property Owners, we have customers or your Florida property. Send legal descrlp price anil other information. The Gables 1027 Collins Ave.. Miami Beach. Fla. for lion flaryland and Pennsylvania Forms for less han the buildtnics cost. Garden spot of he world. M. F. Johnson. Landenburg, Pa. WORMY DOGS k)ojs Should lte Wormed Every Thirty Days price FIT CiO 60 Cents Fur Sick, Wormy Dogs 'or w. rr.:*. running fits and disorders In all lir.d Ji'W. ' For sale by druggists, dealers ir.J spurting-. goods dealers. If no agent here, send money order for 60 cents. Post ice r 1' by K. 11. G. Chemical Co., Falrburn, 'n Over kf'tip testimonials. Exclusive own irs of KIT i;o. i Reg. U. S. Patent Office. BI V pl.OKlDA LAND?BIG PROFIT Kn-acre liacts live hundred dollars; easy payments. Get map. GOLDEN CYCLE REALTY C(f. 710 N. E. Second Ave.. Miami. Clean Accident Slate )Of tlie severity cities of more than j population, New Bedford, lass.. al"ne came through the first Ive iiK'iiths of this year without an (uMhoMIp fatality. The city has been nndiictintr a special police campaign 1 education. "DIAMOND DYES'* COLOR THINGS NEW Just Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye Each 15-cent pack age contains direc tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye. rich, perma nent colors in lin gerie, 'silks, rib bons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweat ers, draperies, coverings, hangings? everything! Buy Diamond Dye?-co other kind? and tell your druggist whether the ma terial you wish to color is wool or Bilk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. When a man has an opportunity to become a hero be is usually busyt at something else1. % For Tan and Sunburn. Use O. J.'s Beauty Lotion, The Quickest Way to Beauty. Removes Pltaples, Freckles, Blackheads and Beautifies the Skin. 75c at all drug stores on a money-back guarantee. Adv. A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.?Sir Joshua Reynolds. Dont Forget Cutlcura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisite face, skin, baby and dust ing powder and perfume, rendering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It because one of the Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum), 25c each everywhere.?Advertisement V v No man ever becomes too shiftless to give advice. Robust Mother of Five Healthy, Happy Chil dren Keeps Fit with Beecham's Pills "When I feel a dizzy headache coining on, 1 take one or two Beecham's Pills. "I am 33 ? a healthy, robust mother with five happy children, thanks to Beecham's. I do all my own housework, besides sewing, washing, ironing and caring for the children." Mrs. ALBERT ORMEROD Fall River, Mass. For FREE SAMPLE?write B. F. Allen Co., 417 Canal Street, New York Buy from your druggist in SS and boiet For constipation, biliousness, sick head aches, and other digestive ailments take Beecham's Pills Posterity allows to every man his true value and his proper honors.? Tacitus. ; I , ( - ' n ,, \ ' . '' BAYER SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSISTI Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART c/, .Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" box?s of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100?Druggists. Aspirin U the trade mark of Barer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldoater of Sallcrllcadd Kitchener Memorial A Kitchener memorial tower is be ing erected in the Orkney islands, on the spot closest to where the Hamp shire, With the famous British soidiel and his staff aboard, was sunk. MOTHER:- Fletcher's ? Astoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infants in and Children all ages of ^nstioation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying gating the Stomach Wishness arising therefrom, and, y natural sleep. ^ Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food, g . &Mmiations' alw5?y? look 'or 1* - signature of CAaWY armless - No Opiates. - hysicians everywhere rtcornrocnd H (Prepared by the National Geographic ??" eletjr. Washington, D. C.) Southwest africa, the latest political division of the world to acquire a constitution, was for merly German Southwest Africa, the product of the first of Ger many's efforts to obtain a co lonial "place In the sun." It *as on this huge territorial "bone" that the empire, unused to overseas pos sessions, cut the teeth of Its colonial policy, later used effectively in other parts of the world. Since the World war the region has been under man date from the League of Nations to the Union of South Africa. The consti tution recently granted to the man dated territory was conferred by the parliament of the union and Is only the forerunner, according to South African political leaders, of a still broader charter. Germany became Interested In col onies In the eighties of the Nineteenth century after most of the desirable areas In Africa had been staked out by other European powers. Along the Atlantic coast, Southwest Africa (then generally known as Damara land) was practically the only unap propriated region between the Cape of Good Hope and Gibraltar; and Great Britain looked upon this region even as more or less hazily within her sphere of Influence. Undoubtedly It had remained unappropriated largely because of Its utterly desolate appear ance from the sea. Seeing only Its sea aBpect one traveler described It as without question, "the least attractive part of Africa, except only the Sa hara." Southwest Africa has an area of 322 400 square miles, and so Is two-thirds as large as the four states of the union together. Beginning In the south at the Orange river. It extends northward past the Tropic of Capricorn and on to the southern border of the Portu guese colony of Angola, marked by the Kunene river. The total frontage on the Atlantic Is approximately 800 miles, a distance equal to that from the island of Jamaica to central Flori da, and In corresponding latitudes. In the north the territory is 620 miles wide, extending inland to within little more than 100 miles of the middle line of the continent. The territory be comes narrower to the south, and at the southern boundary Is only 220 miles wide. The most striking and pe culier feature of Southwest Africa as It appears on a map Is the long nar row "finger" of territory that extends eastward from the northeast corner. This corridor, only about 30 miles wide, extends for nearly 300 miles to the Zambezi river, which It reaches only a few miles above ^Victoria falls. Coastal Desert Is Desolate. \ Southwest Africa's worst foot, which she puts forward to the Atlantic?the coastal desert?Is known as the Na nilb. Few coast regions of the earth are .more desolate. Shallow water, low desert Islands, absence of har bors, and a dry, sandy shore, devoid of vegetation, combined to make the region so inhospitable to seamen that they always gave It a wide berth. The sand, mostly blown Into dunes, ex tends inland from ten to forty miles, and the barren, desert character of this strip is marked from the southern boundary for about 600 miles north. The few stream beds that have been worn Into the Namib during the ages have water In them only now and then over a long series of years, end when moisture does flow down frees the highlands It seldom reaches tie sea. The northern 200 miles of the coast region is only a little less desolate than the Namib. It Is more mountain ous, less dominated by loose sand, and in a more tropical latitude. The stream beds are better defined and usually support a growth of bushes and trees. Perhaps once in ten years the Na j mib receives a drenching rain and demonstrates the magic that nature I hides In her drops of water. Verdure (.-springs up all over the parched sands, animals flock In almost overnight, and for a while the former desert teems with game. Soon, however, the sun parches the soil again, the animals dis appear, and once more the desert Is supreme. < From ten to forty miles Inland the desert gives place to a transition belt. Sparse grass and bushes appear on rising ground and afford some pas turage. Immediately beyond is the escarpment of the inland plateau, its edge marked in many places by fan tastically piled bowlders. It is in the upland back of the sandy coastal strip that the worthwhile part of Southwest Africa exists. This re gion Is least promising in the south where the rainfall is scant. But even there, the broad valley of the Fish river and the valleys of Its tributaries furnish regions In which thriving com munities have sprung up, while much of the dryer land supports flocks of sheep and goats. >: ? ? , , The plateau region becomes more and more promising as one Journeys northward. In the center of the coun try 14 Inches of rain falls annually. A little farther north 16 and then 18 inches is received; while over most of the northern quarter of the inland region 20 or more inches fall each year. \1'' Has Few Ruitnlng Streams. One striking thing about Southwest Africa is the lack of running streams O ' : A to' even In the regions of heaviest rain fall.. The only year-round rivers are the Orange, which marfcs the southern boundary, and the Kunene and Oka vango, which form part of the north ern boundary. Most of "the rainfall is absorbed and trickles down Into un derground strata. In the dry stream beds and the "pans" or dry lakes, shallow wells usually find an abun dance of water for men and stock. Many wells have been bored to con siderable depths and tap abundant sup plies for individual and community use. From the slopes of the numerous mountains thgt rise from the plateau, too, springs flow. Just as a rather extreme lack of rainfall seems to have decreed that the southern pleateau country must be devoted to sheep and goat raising, so the relatively light rainfall keeps the southern three-quarters of the country from agriculture except In a few small areas where Irrigation la practicable. The region of medium rainfall, however, is well adapted to stock raising and it is in this field that the greatest development has been made. Excellent grass grows over the plateau region, In the moun tain valleys, and even in the extreme east along tha edge of the Kalahari desert which stretches off into Bechuanaland. % Before the coming of the Germans the natives, especially the Hereros, had large herds of cattle. These were nearly wiped out by an epidemic of rinderpest In 1897. An excellent vet erinary service, organized by the Ger man colonial government, took the sit uation in hand and made the country once more safe for cattle. Since then the cattle population has increased greatly, Improved by the importation of blooded stock. Horse-breeding is also carried on successfully and camels have been Introduced and are doing well. , One Good Farm Section. The one section of Southwest Africa well adapted to the European type of agriculture, and quite the Ideal region from the point of view of the small farmer, is a small district around Grootfontein in the north-central por tion of the territory. There, In a re gion about 100 by 75 miles, the rainfall is from 24 to 28 Inches annually, the soil is good, and the climate, thanks to the altitude, is ideal. This region Is at the present end of the railway which penetrates toward the northeast. Un like most other sections of the terri tory this little area is reasonably well wooded. Potatoes, tobacco, wheat and the other European cereals thrive, as well as kaffir corn and maize. The climatic and soil conditions even per mit the growing of such different fruits as grapes, apples and peaches on the one hand, and citrus fruits on the other. The extreme northern portion of Southwest Africa has never been de veloped by the European population. This area next to the Portuguese frontier Is more heavily populated by natives than any other. It has not been penetrated by railways and only a few white settlers Hve there. Plains alternate with wooded re gions. Good timber trees and palms are scattered about. Undoubtedly this section Is capable of producing cotton, tobacco, flgs and dates, as well as the present staples, maize and kaffir corn. It was known long ago that a large variety of minerals were present In the rocks of Southwest Africa. The copper mines inxthe northeast have been the most valuable of the ore de velopments. Copper has been found in less promising quantities elsewhere, and also tin. Extensive deposits of marble are known In several parts of the territory. Strangely enough, the worthless appearing coastal desert has gelded the greatest returns. Diamonds were found near Its seashore In 1008 and from then until the World war $50,000,000 worth were taken out. In 1922 alone $3,500,000 worth were ex ported. I ! About the Towns. At present the white population of Southwest Africa is almost as much South African and Boer as It Is Ger man. thousnnds of Germans having left the colony sifter the armistice. The estimated population Is something un der 20,000 whites and Perhaps 200,000 natives. Walvls bay, the only good natural harbor, has never been developed. Swakopmund and Luderltz bay pr An gra Pequena are the chief coast towns. The latter can be made Into a port little If any Inferior to Walvls. Swa kopmund was entirely a makeshift of the Germans, with only an open', road stead. But it Is so solidly constructed that its abandonment would be un thinkable. It has a resident popula tion of about 1,400 whites and 2,500 natives and Is becoming popular as a seaside resort. Life In the coast cities Is more comfortable than might be sup posed. The shore Is washed by a cold current which brings cool nights and tempers the days. The principal diffi culty is a lack of fresh water. Windhoek, the capital, is the most delightful residence place In Southwest Africa. It has. a population of about 4,500 whites and "13,000 natrves. It Is more than a mile above sea level, yet It Is set in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains. Trees and flowers thrive and there are parks and orna mental grounds in the city, while In the neighboring country are vineyards and orchards ,'/) Mbt your own paint? at a third of the cost! ' i ? ? \ Just add a gallon of linseed oil to a gallon of Stag Semi-Paste Paint and you have, all > ready for use, two gallons of the finest, most durable and brilliant paint made. No guess work?no trouble and you save one-third the cost! Five minutes mixing will save $15.00 on $45.00 paint bill I Anybody can mix Stag Paint correctly. Because fresh mixed it flows freely and covers more surface. There's a "Stag" dealer near you?see him v?or write us for literature and name of dealer. ' , wMfo ^Hirshbergjfaint Cft,BMgr Better Belgian Roads ?' Considerable strides in automotive transportation are being made in Bel gium. Neglected roads outside of the larger cities are being repaired and put in condition to receive heavy traffic. ... f DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You. 8ee the Safety "Bayer Cross." Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.?Adv. The man who tells you that all men are equal really believes that he is a little more so. KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy WITH CUTICURA Boschee's Syrvp for Coughs and Long Troubles SncceMfal for 69 yean. 80c and 90c bottles? ALL DRUGGISTS Writer*a Memorial Over the grave of Marie Corel li in Stratford-on-Avon has been erected a memorial in Carrara marble repre senting an angel. In the left hand if a Madonna lily, Miss Corelli's favorit* flower. =n m I fc;lj ! 0 I Looks 20 years younger\ say his friends ? McDonald had heartburn and dizzy spells; now thanks Tanlac for perfect health. I "My health was slipping, writes * Charles McDonald. "Fin ally I became so run down and weak I couldn't hold my body straight. My back ached like it was breaking in two." ? His appetite disappeared and after eating, heartburn and short ness of breath brought extra hard ships. Finally he tried Tanlac. It added JO pounds to his weight and left him feeling so well and strong that he now "faces life with a smile." ?Authentic statement. Address on , request . 1 I' ' Tanlac revitalizes the liver, tones up die whole digestive sys tem, and benefits the vital organs of the body. It is Nature's Greatest Tonic and builder. It puts new life in your veins. Tanlac is absolutely Free from harmful drugs. The famous Tanlac formula contains only roots, barks and curative herbs brought over the seven seas for you* health. Don't gamble with your health a minute longer. Get bottle of Tanlac from your druggist today. After the very first dose, you will feel'better. You will soon enjoy refresh ingsleep, be able to eat heartily, and feel the full pleasure of health regained. ' Note: For Constipation, take Tanlac Vege table Pills, Nature's own harmless laxative. TANLAC FOR YOUR HEALTH Why have RHEUMATISM? OH, what a wonderful feeling to be free from that miserable rheuma tism. To know again the Joy of limber Joints and active muscles?freedom from that agonizing pain! How often hare you longed for some relief as you suffered torture from swollen, inflamed muscles and Joints?how often have you Bald you would give anything In the World for a few hours comfort! But you didn't know that all yrf* had to do to get real relief from this nerre wracking misery was Just to build rk$? red blood,-dldyouTJKotf didn't know that ""rheumatism had to be stopped from the Inside by destroying the Impurities that cause It?by build ing millions of red cells In your poor, weak blood, did you? Until you fill your system full of healthy, rich, red blood you will never end your rheumatism. 8. 8. 8. will surely help you. That's because 8.8.8. V - V*? - '. . '* c . * I . ' ? , - . * - , helps Nature build the red-Wood-cellg that fight off the impurities that cans* rheumatism. Conquer rheumatism! S, 8. S. has shown, the war. For generations S. 8. 8. has brought blessed relief and comfort to thousands of rheumatlo sufferers. When the rich, red blood that 8. 8. 8. helps Nature build goes cours ing -through your system, It purifies the-blood In your body. Rheumatism vanishes?skin blemishes disappear ?you begin to get hun gry again' and enjoy your food?strength and I power fill your body? \ you are vigorous ? red blooded and ready for action. Know thin Joy of living again! Take S. S. S. and bantth rheumatism!) Get 8. 3. S. from any druggist Th* larger bottle Is more economical. ?c' V ' i.