?' .7W" f f- ~ : -i;? ? ? '? jgfcX:^^ '~ ' ? " *~J?' TTTB "LAMP QFPEL ?ttars,>. I i W . I ? ' - ' ?? ? ? 1 yfid " i* ' ' u ?r>. ' ???'-*?>'N jflL w ? ? -w. > V;- 'M 1i ? ? - r ?' j- ? ? , W ? . - W -'I o k -/ % ' K " j . jft v . r, ? ? ' - ii ?? =? .. i- l' ?- ? t 5(> TI1E YEAR IN ADVANCE 3^T THE CUlNTY SYLVA, KC. NOVEMBER 25 1925' . $2.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE OUT SIDE THE ( COUNTY |: JOARD OF AGRICULTURE OUTLINES PLAN FOR """"COUNTY DEVELOPMEN' ;Y ?? s, . ?' i |;:c!:: Chamber Ot CoHlMK'lYP andj ('o.iiiiiisstoncri met in lis iiiii'.v Faun Ay cut's o'i.ec; on i'V j |;i\'. Novt labor 20th at !(?:(?<' A. iW II,.- iov'in^ ?.iii? Brown;, Secretary, M; |,.i II. .lories. Tho onlive Board o iiftVJiiirc will moot only twioc j sr. i?ai i'1' o.\< .'Uiiye camiiiittc to iHrc: hi mo Farm Ajjent' ; to take up mattery of imjior i0 .hn-ksoii County agriculture , tv;.|op:.:nii every iliiv? months. Th ? ijird e!aic;l t!.. '^'inir as the. I'i'iai :. I'rank-. ?.va..iii>>A. Allium 1 i/,M >V< A. livnson. * ;; .i .i'cu'i-Hi'o had . riiil.iHia.-v.-.- and mii'i'c.ilii.. ? i;:i' i;j ? I'or o%vr throe hot' R,:i ;i>-i' wotkfd oarticstiy wit: r. i A . :.t lit milking cut a p!a I rf work i'or airrieultur:? i'l lacUSOIl I'oltUtV lo F r.tnriiu \oar. in forming those , tnl iickriiiiiiii'.n' iiio things tl.i ml !it!s should bo adopted a;u: iii ji.'ii fur ri?is? yoiuiiij; yoar au> ;c:'. nit' numbers of tho Boan no! (.ii!y on their e;>!isoientio?r ,!i ?i.in h!ii >ai th so of taeir iioiyl; a1.; ;::h! i!:ot ootr'tybest /farmer: i! business men. o >'!?<-? jKar.t of Agricultural E.\ !-oi:^W'tyk is as follows; q) "Dairying: - , 'a. I>i iii^' in four cars of 'good irv cows, /v _ \ Cm lb. ^nil out lour ear>s of scrub Jid.T c:?ws through iosts and ap a.ai.-c: |( * in ton food .puroberdi liry halls. j';. sto^k beets and lojiT.mo |r c : v.t ,|V( d. |( Mcvel.p promote tho mosi :?*.h*:j! Marketing of dairy product' If. Have ten community demon in dairying. .Poultry: i&ttoidish fifty purobrod farm , .*? . 'IW&. Bring in ton thoa-and ba'r. s and follow a sc'rnJiic prosjrai !'( (1 :n,cr, housing, cuilinw and ,\:ai Have ton community dcnion ?stious in pro.a:?:..ig poultry. ITfjus: a. Establish 011c to three pure ,ii iK .t.d'sows with proper housing ,1 pasture 011 thirty l'arms, and onioii' tju* marketing by car lots as oil as a/surplus is produced. b. Have ten community demon rations in raising hogs. a. Promote the introduction of irtbivd rams and the marketing ot [>? i 01 a corporalive plan. licet Cat lie: Kneouiitge the production ol ily good beef cattle and in cases ily w in v. the range and' pasture mfiicir.u io uiua.> thun econoin il ;?; community demon rations i,; truck growing, ?^oil litiiiiiing. Knmirage the use of lime and guiiics and promote the cooperative Liymtr of ;:i Kasi 2T>0 tons oi' Hirst*. l>o encourage deep fall plowing and ??i:!o(c t!::- use ol' winter cover crops h Have ten community demo''" rations with lime and legumes. Horticulture: Promote the establishing of at 'ast ten home orchards and uicour {(?' proper methods of pruning, spray fertilizing and cultivating ouri I'cstnt orchards' through coinmunity f'at'iistrations. Hoys and Girl's Club Work: a- Kstahlish nine boy's and girl's Wnmiuiity agricultural clubs with iinior demonstration in poultry, pigs, :)1|,y calves and truck crops. 10. Organize and make a farmer's 'mr I roni Jackson County through ennosseo where dairying, poultry, ""I truck raising are carried on ex en.sivcly and successfully. ' 'lie following resolutions were 'lopted at the meeting: ^??solutions: It is resolved that the s,,u County Agricultural Com Mttoc ??'? on record as recommending " t'illrwing and pledging their sup ^ in its execution. ? That we endorse the Agricul "J?1 ^tension methods as the most ?^factory way o? using the county , ? f ? v ? ? farm agent. , \ II. That we strongly ret: ? d to (lie people of Jackson Cotw. J?5- \< program of work for 1926^;is ^ out at this meeting and solicit tt\ ? p. rai .on oi nil to "the end otfHm? - ' \ v. - <" f ' i ing the earning capacity of the farm. * \ We lurthdb recommend that the taViuers of Jackson County exert jvery effort to attain tjie i'oikr.v '.V Joalrf): ;f: 1. To use for breeding purposes mly high producing registered ? ml good ganles oi' seeds for cV?]>-. 2. To establish o never}- farmSSui. ihle to dairy farmings an average o! ive to leti higji producing cows i" he iCxt throe years, % ( To .establish an average of on; tiundml standa.d-l>red hens .to the am in the next thr?je year;;. 4. To keep from one to three irpod m>vvs on every "(!;urr farm to ujrofcy meat for h6jv.V?'..sc and the market. ,xN In sections snae;! td , growing .ogetables. establish (.!".? industry to such an extent til$* and solid :iJpts of \(M,: can be shi)>/ pod. " , (i. To Ik. c oil every farm a home M'cliard <-!' that grow well in his couit'y. \ 1 ... 7. Il/ive evrry.M'lock of sheepm at! -d\ by if'go/.d {Hm-otjetUram. 8. In a* i??*a>*11 afi- we realise ;?*; ; F. I J. Urawp, *Chnit mail c v'" u.'-'sl^yt j* . I J., -I* nnve*:('! -ai rrj..: | n H. Jraefc, Senary :lohn A. Ail L nan, -qwrciice.. Idvodahl, A | ) , ... . | ?PTT ^",TIT, ,7Tt,T-%r< r,??V>T~\t ,'If^LiJ ii.v.'.. ,.r.. r * ( l>er ;' r V'? V-it -"Sis* T\ *obb. the In *1:U!. i?V::?*?*.:a pec.c ? v"? j:' i.:o; >.?'*;? in- b. e' ?v-' ( ^ . ! ??> ' ..-r:u - ? -au: Airs. ' j \V* '1 ' I*- " ?ur??!; ; i.r.sarK^ excrel.sp* (.1. local .v:<':onl Monday morn in;?. A r.-eat bless silence foil upon tlio iv.wded auditorium of some five :u:idro?{s |?u|*i!s. a.-; t!:<* famous basic vtl! player and idol of many an ambitious youth, rose to sp.nk.' >y Cobb was introduced by Super ii.'endcnt B. \V. Sipe, alter a sow; jxripture roadii:*;- a :d ;> f'w, r. > >>? '' i ' \ ? | .?yrk.i on i-JiVe : ;*:? the world tertp}* * iiid t':e 01U-,landing character that have gone out o!' this 'sectloi nd ?JiaiiH'd success. Tv began by spying that he h.ri sever gene in for pub' e sp > 'l;i?ig and .t was a trying proposition indeed to ;et up bef ore-, so many : eager face* nidjyake a talk, but if he were o< he ball fc.Id lie i.'jjit do something ..iiierUnning! in iiis liiie. . ) He admonished boys and girls to ei pn education." "One of the re ? rets of.myjile i.s that I did 1101 ?o:ninuc u:y .sludic; after iiu'h school and g6t a colh-ge education," he said Vli' 1 had my life to live over, ] woujd forego ba.ieball ley an educa tion."' , . He told ttf-.ptiing young athlete:, that bealtli was1-a great advantage, in any realm of life and urged the::; to tra'n the'brain as well as the body He told the bo'vs hot to use tobacco in any form until! alter they became 21, and in all likelihood they won! not use it then. Smoking he said had great effect on one's growth and de v'elopmeiU and admonished boy; to iviVain from the habit. \ "I did not smoke,-until after I wrs pS.st twenty-one/ and 1 like to in 'pm b >ys to let it alone until they are {>ast that age". Ty Cobb stated that lie believed .'he progress of North CjvoUna and the pace being set by this state wa .due to good roads -and good .school: ''Good roads and good .schools ; hand in hand tfritli progress,"he saitl ''and naturally they attract big bus hier iiVto vour state.' ' MARRIAGE LICENSES Alonzo Estes to Mollie BuchaiW T. D. Careen to Bertha Crawford.- , Lumbort Melton to Lora Ivilbj'. COMMUNITY LIFE CLUB DISCUSSES PAYGROUNDS CuJlowliee,rogram on, the ..?rent's and the teacher's'responsi o.iity for the play life of the child, fiie music for the progrmn was fur :i ;! (':! ?jy the children of the Traili ng !>. or?! in a number of piano so hI'is, ?. ;i were greatly enjoyed by oil. (?'. W. Alexander discussed ? i. . . cf playground equipment . ?> ?[, outlining a.juactieal list of , ; .iuis which.could be had in any school. Ho advocated three es^ "ithil factors that should govern in electing the equipment: first, it iumld be home made type and if ?-v.il.!c hi constructed by the child u l!ic-:t. ives;-second, it should be ,i t'c from ai'i'idents as nearly as pos ? ll?i( : and third, it should serve the i.irgvsi possible number,, Miss. Chris line Holier gave a valuable discus ij ^ion of the value of playground ?i, , ?'icut, in which she outlined the l'i' ,11 atM child need lor play, ..ml she emphasized the value of . i.i j>\, [>/-: ? .sioi! lor m:c.i both 1 l'oi i -iriiuVpftint of the child and the *??!? "iu . i'logiariras 'jvndcryd was as follows: v ", \ J ? ^ Puhio Solo, Leslie Rtooks; Piano solo, David'. Brown; Kind of Play-j ground-Equipment deeded, by Mn P. *V. Ale.vande%c Pii^io Solo, Grace ^;(iii|iitcll; Piano Solo, Hannah Co\;| :'iie Value of Playground Kquipment, j tijic Holler; Pijii.o Solo,! ?j ?, ? :,vViko;,J ; P .usiin-s< i-iVvt:!:?;? Mrs. 7 i 'ool Hast l.a Porte spoke j\ ?: ti..1 Suujjt;. O/an.ail. '?ii.il . ]?r >,iect }ir;d called f.;r ? 1 ? ?t I.e. Club aij t?; it\ t adorse !v>? >e ;.;>ii^e to herjenWks the '?\i '> ' . ti .iiumiiaouslv to'.go on re ' .. .* ' *" . j ? > li % |V1*1K1VT tills |>rOL,lVSSiVO i\?> and'a committee composed it .aider, .Miss Cleo Kain . . j . i : n:i diss Daisy Davies, was p;, ti u> draw it]> resolutions tft . ;i The Club also, voted to In dollars from tl;e treasury ii': i.. ien lier' dues to; be used >i i; j- br>)k:{ fo'A.t ie Trciiiv j:V .??! or.' iihiary. AVer tV' nic"'^ iii;* \\a.- over tlie members/were iu ii?\. ;:s..oniric ..i til. tlo..:e hi - ?ior.>s department", wh?r?f tl'e",< ? : .ed with fruit salad,, cake, :.d ci.fe needed funds to further the .c 1 i\ i! i... of li:e Club. rirj'A items Ti:,>'V who wi>re not present at ?'iiuc.t' Sunday jit the eleven o'clock hour i i ?' ?'! a nullity good sermon. Ro> .\hsliinax, one of the teach ; i'.-'? l'.. ? I.'.preached, and lie said ii-'.'i;' "i things. Al; ? 'ro. Deitx jtrcaeiied a won der f>:f ..inn Sfihday evening. Those wli i'-ji ? <> hear vrh:if our preachers Um' i'enst. How we wish to drive the nail deeper. '?hi:} v- / : '-rs^leV. T. F. Peitz and f. Snyder have just returned 'row !.:'?? Si;.re Baptist Convention - ;? ' li (;t : t liie First Eivpt' U church 'ir Charlotte.' They report a mighty good convention and a nice time. O J ENTHUSIASM FOR NATIONAL PARK Asheville Times, Nov. 24.? En thusiasm for the establishing of a national jwuk in the Smoky Moun tains was manifested at a dinner meeting last night of neai'lv 250 Asheville citizens at the George "\ an derbilt hotel when William C. Gregg, member of the Southern Appalachian National Park Commission gave an inspiring talk urging every indivi dual and interest in this scction to get behind the park movement. The s- lieitation appeal for funds ' with \ of pinion as expressed by speakers and 1 in private conversation was that all ; Western North Carolina should got ; j 'liiiid the park movement which j means so much not only tp tin's | | ie'tic:v but to the entiie state. The re was also' a good rcprescn [.?('ion attending from outside ]>oiiils and the wish was expressed that ? wry county and city meet its quotas !.i tiie intensive drive for funds en thusiasticly and without delay. The meeting was under the aus picW of the citv and eoiintv ?cam-1 ?'" ) / % 11 * I i. i'ii organization of wkidi J. G., Stikoleatljer ?is orjftnization chair-J niai!; I). S. Ellas, eity-couiity chair nan; and Mrs."<>. C. Hamilton chair-1 naii of the- women's division* Ionics' G. Adams, local banker, was j lie presiding oliieer and in intiod ie :ig Air. Gregg,.. sho$iy after the in-j '.boa lion by Kev. Dr. lAshley Cliappoii iaid the highest compliment to the utility of the chief guest and his uisellish devotion (o the public iu ercit. hV dekircd that Mr ? it is giving both his time ami money to the park movement withe.;. iop*' of M-waid other than in good, service done, and .this in sjiite of j in.- fact that lie is one of AmericaV .ending business men with .main private interests to look after. Mr. Groug has long been interested vin ptiblir welfare and particularly i:i national park's, and the city, Mr. J. j Adams pointed out, was glad indeed] to welcome him here. Mr. Gregg in his address dwelt at length upon what the establishmen'. ,?f tlie Great Smoky Mountain park will mean to North Carolina and Tvt * ? ? Vlessee. Almost immediately after tne 'law is passed setting up the park and is signed hv the president, the Nation d Pork Service, said the speaker wil' send a corps of engineers eed hunt .cape men to the scene with t lie pur pose of developing the park at once for the benefit of the visitors, lie | told of the great highway system which will he built by the Ify S. gov ernment through the park area and which will include three trunk roadv. j 50 feet wide, and running east and; west between North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. One of these he! said v. ill be on top of the eastern world, at an elevation of approxi-1 luately 0,000 feet and will be the ) greatest scenic highway east of the Mississippi river. The 'park should attract at least a I | 1,000,000 people every year after it | is ready with an increasing number as the years pass, according to the park commissioner. From the main highways the government will build bridic paths so that visitors might go to otherwise inacessible points i while camp sites and hotel sites will | also be laid out. Mr. Gregg predicted that shortly after the creation of the park,Western North Carolina will need five times its present number of hotels to accommodate the visitors The speaker also emphasized the difference between national forests ejid national parks. The forest service he pointed out, administers to forest ?rea. supervising the cutting of tim ber for commercial purposes and re foresting the areas cut over for gen orations. The national park service, he said, is for the conservation .of scenery and wild life in its natural j state, furnishing thereby a great play I ground for future generations. 1 The Great Smoky Mountains, Mr. ; '"irnW declared, offers an ideal loca tion for such a sanctuary and in ad ). :.i 11 nTuirdk the greatest water reservoir east of the Mississippi. In ] connection with wild life, the speak : :? '. ?' i . v ! pointed out, the need for a zoologi ; cal tud botanical garden Mn the j Southern Appalachians and emphasiz ! cal and botanical garden in the i for these objectives. J SHOAL CREEK Prof. Luscius Cope spent the week end with relatives un Murphy./ Messis. 0. A. Bird...< T, W:5 M'i Laugh 1 in, Mr. and Mi's. H. G. Fer guson and MrsfJ. K. Terrell attended District Stewards' meeting at Whit tier, Ti&sdtiy., \ Miss ilu/.el Bajbtle Ins retained from an i>x1 ended visit with relatives in Washington. ? Prof, and Mrs. W. C. ReetVand sen Olin, were quests at Mr. S. >M. Crisp's, Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Owen called at Mr. IT. G. Fergu.-oil's Tuesday afternoon, j Miss Clem Hail made a trip to Ba rkers Creek Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett1 o1' Marietta, (Ju., visited at Mr. W. C. Martin's l? i week. * ' ' Mrs. P? C. She)ton was a guest of Mrs. J. L. Hyatt Sunday., Mrs. L. W. Cooper called at Mr. J. K. Terrell's Monday. .diss .Aii ti-.t Deakiiis made a bus iness t.ip vo Syl'.a S i day. Mrs. A. ,T. Freeman is spending awhile witl Ii. r daughter, Mite) Stev< Bradburn. Mr. ITai i.; n^Queen and daughter, Miss Sadie of Sylva called at Mr. Nute Siiydc-'s Saturday. Mr. and A :-s. J. M. Hughes attend ed Children <: P'iy exercises on Co ally's Cn Sunday. Mr. and Vr-. ( oh.i .n Kinsland, Mr. and -V r' Dock Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. s! Mason of I)iI!sbo.\> were guest . ' Mr. J. E. Battlo'i Sunday. Mr. 1 -l), ' family. ,r ? i 5- ,? j x? : Jr. on; i' . . . ? ? >.icii jjfe of-' :; *.;?! r.:si( Anthony visited-at Alls. A. C. Hoylo's Su iday. ' ; .y.; ? Afiss Ma'? Emma Ferguson was a n<\>;v, ot (..::ndia llovle Sun-' day'.. \ Mr. S-'v' IveeWr spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J. K: Terrell 'a. SYLVA EI SU SCHOOL IN CLUDED LIST OF 25 ' i' ! : 6. y> , * Raleigh, November 20, 1925. .\[r. A.JF. Lovclace, Sylva, N. ,<3. r Dear Air. Lovelacq: The Commission on Length of El ementary Education of which Dr. H. Judd- of Chicago University is chairman and Dr. E. C. Crooks of North Carolina State College is a mem her, asked mc to submit a list of twenty-live schools to furnish cer tain data1 that he wanted. I furnish d Dr. Judd with this'list in which j Sylva High School is included. I very much hope, therefore, that, you, will find it convenient to cause this iiata desired by Dr. Judd to be care-i t'ulyy prepared and forwarded to i ? in at lin early date as T am anxious that the State of North Carolina present- t?> this. Commission typical data. With siiiceT ^ 'i"H>d wishes, I am ?; . Yours very truly, A. l. ALLEiV u ? State Supt. Public Instruction. Mr. Lovelace states that the above information is being supplied. HONOR ROLL FOR EAST LA PORTE SCHOOL vmm (iKAi)E: Ruth Stalcup, David Wike, James Wiikey, Marie Johnson^ Dorothy Price, Chhi'lc> Sti inei', Cornelia Asiie Lenoard ?oM-nb, itosj Edwards Edi son Fore, Paris Joacs, Clcne Kep 1 hari, Jennie "V. ; ong. Roy Miklcs. SECOND G^ADE: ' lift Wiggi.ls^ ".iaruaret Edwards Carl Pore, :-cIlio Mae Holdennan,. THIRD GliA- E: Frances Clcmment, Ciiarlie Buchanan Millard Duni., Ru!>vbobbins, Mabel Wachajb, V.: -n. /I' . n v, Howard i Wilkcy, Fvai k Clement, Paul Barnes, Themla JoK FOURTH <>. ; i ,.E: Ellea No Wike, Crissie Waehob, j Marie Rob- as,. Johnnie Jones, Ben Lee Long, E jsrt Wiikey, Dewey Kep hart, Delcr - i>v.e' i.an, Marvin Ed wards, At' k-an ijlmson, Dorothy \VillifiT?; | FIFTH GRADE: j Woo(,i\..du.tton, James Bry ! son, Dais.. Moses, Pearl Collins, i.Zeima Duai. Thphna Mae Stalcup, Franklin E wards, Irvin Adams. SIXTH GKA'DE: Aeleen Williams, Carl Jones, Ella Nora Hooper, Eula Bames, Walter . DuvalL *. ; ? " - / t ? THIRD ANiiUAL POULTBY SHOW OF dACKSON 00., , TO BE HELD DEO. 5TH. The Tuckaseigee Poultry Associa tion which has done much for the de velopment of better poultry in Jack i:on County will hold its 3rd annual Poultry' Show for the county, at Sylva, 6n Saturday December 5th. The coming show is predicted to be ?( by far the best one held so far. Competition for these excellent cash prizes is open to everybody in the county. Coops will be furnished here * at, ijie show for showing your birds ?and"also; trays for the egg exhibits. If you have standard bred poultry jring them and your best dozen of t cg?-s to the show, or if you don't havo standard bred birds come and see the other fellow's. Either way you will V well paid for your interest in the , show. The business men and firms of Sylva arc as, usual cooperating witn tiie i>oultry men of the county and expressing their interest in better '? poultry by offering the following .splendid cash premiums for the poul try and eggs shown: Sylva Supply Company offers for the best pen White Leghorns- (1 male 4 females) $4. Best single female (hen or pull fit) $L J, S. lligdon's Garage offers for the best pen Anconas (1 male 4 lV.iiales) $4. Best single female (hen or pullet) $1. Mcdford Furniture Company of fers for the best peh Brown Leg horns (1 male 4 females) $4. Best Single female (hen or pullet) $1. -J. B. Ensley Feed Company offers :'or the best pen Barred Rocks (1 ,-iale 4 females) $4. Best single female \hcn or pullet) $1. ?Jackson County Bank offers for the uest pen Rhodes Island Reds (1 male 4 feruaies) $4. Best single female 'vhen or pullet) $1. The Paris offers for the best pen White Wyandottes (1 male 4 fe males) $4. Beat single female (hen or pallet) $1. Buchanan Pharmacy offers for the ot'st pon Buff Orpingtons (1 male 4 I'ema'ks) $4. Best single,female (hen jr pullet) $1. ? Charles L. Allison offers for the best pen White Rocks (1 male 4 females) $4. Best single fearSTt-^hen or pullet) $1. Jackson County Journal offers'for the best pen Black Minorcas (1 male 4 females) $4'. Best single female (hen or pullet) $1. Tiicknseigee -Bank offers for the Sweepstakes pen of above breeds $4. Sweepstakes female of above breeds $1. Jackson Hardware Company of uirs for the best single male bird (cock or cockerel of each of the fol lowing breeds, $1, White Leghron, Anccna, Brown Leghorn, Barred 'lock, and Rhode Island Red. Itknvmilile Supply Company offers for the best single male bird (cock or Cockerel) ol' each of the following breed- $1, White Wyandotte, BulV Orpington, White Rock, Black Min orcas, and Sweepstakes, male of any of the above breeds. EGGS; II. E. Buchanan offers for the best dozen eggs $5.00. C. W. Tilson offers for the second best dozen oggs $3.00. > Jno. R. Jones offers for the third besUdcSzca eggs $2.00. All eggs exhibited will be sold at the; end of the show and the money u M"?i in to the poultry association t;> help finance the show. Program of the day of show, All enirifcs must be inplace by ten o'clock Saturday morning December '5t j No entrace fee charged and blue and red ribbon will be awarded 1st ailn 2nd prize winners besides cash ciTerred. Tudging will start promptly at 10 A. 51. and-completed by 1 P. At An Educational Poultry Picture ' will be shown at the Lyric Theater at 3 P. M. All prizes wilt be awarded at the picture show, and Jackson County 'A uliry Association reorganized. , We are couuting on every pure I ")it-1 poultry keeper in Jackson Coin1:? i ty cooperating in making this show ? and program a succcss and thereby ! doing their part to promote better j poultry. j For further information' fcc t.r j write either of the follow:;;?* T,1o If. Jones, C. W. Tilson or H. \Y. i.ni" man. | Tuckaseigee Poultry Association,