"-.ji' -... ..? ?. ? ?.. 4 .^. , (. no^!rnr,!rHE"LAKijcPDr; r ". " LrU ...in', n ?>,. i i rftiii'ii 1/ s? >! ' ^ ?> ?< "J- >$ i r 7 ? . ' ; ' i.! v :?> '* ? ? > $1.50 THE Y1.AU IN ADVANCE ) N TiiiJ COUNTY SYLVA, X. C., HECE^iBER, 16 1925 ... ' .$2.00 THE YEAR1 IN ADVANCE OUT SIDE TOT mrTWTV^ three men escape ,? FROM BREVARD JAIL ' v> J Brevard, I)cc. 7.?Sawing out ol their coll ami vuing a cord to lo^ci (/ ? f I ilu'in.Vlves from the second story, ' ' 11'' taive white men escaped from 'the fransylvania county jail at Brevard .a;,I nijfiit about 7 o'clock * 1/ . l Tlu'jaeu arc Homer Siler of Lakt Tb.vawsy, John Henry Rogers oi li.-imerson county and Lloyd Mat ihif'A-s Dl Buncombe county. The tw< hi iter i-i'iv federal prisoners, am. ,m!o. v. ;i ?i slate prisoner with a torn di j:\i- years U> serve in the Xoril t/jmilma penitentiary. He vtna convict od la>t woe!; i" tl,e Transvlvani; superior <-.>ur: ?hi a charge of rap ?? miautiod. :i- l-"''4*' Toxaway about ; venT .i. <= " 11 .V01U1? woman oi ??-?h' was be taken K ti; ?' i'i.;iii:it vliargc. lie was also wanto? four months in jail. C3 , V 1 lift' shorin s oltice,.according t I'. paty t. \V. Fisher, has beenruiiab : "to iind oufc.hov the men j-ot the s?\ > aJ^ which tiu'V cut through one b;: .i their cell, but it is pre timed tIk. it Was smuggled to then: in food so.:. {A- friends. The sheriff has sent oih notices ail over this section of t:. state asking auf^ioniies ..j be on i.. i lookout lor the men. i PARES DRAW CROWDS Aslicville, J)e.. 13.?Mdiv <# vi^ilnl the 1!> .ureal national paist: oi'Hhe I'nited Slates duriiigti.' th< Iuist summer than in any jtu . iou "Yyt-as, Stephen T. AlatiWr, ?iiicetor in V . . '? , . o.' . - ^ tkvXatiyiial Parks Si'rvu-e, nas st;;. < tl in lii.s annual report to the Secre tary of the interior. During: the 1&--j reason\Ik? report shows that. 1,760, f>12 persons enjoyed the pleasures o* lilt* parks. iiud that 1autonio idles were driven through tuenr. In commenting on the growmj.. ixnuihiriiy of these parks, all but om oi which are located in the far West .? \ *Su'retarv of the Interior Work u. % i ? ' l is repji-; to Congress calls attention to the need of parks in the Easteiv I uiu.l States and tells of the pro '-iv? hiade towards the acquisition ?>?al Park in Western North Caroliiu. *-? iiii 1 I'iiiiv in Western Nortr Carolim*. mill Ka-ti rn Tennessee, and the S.icn . ,1 , a-iiloali National Park in Virginia.?' ** V.'itli one exception", lie writes, of the National parks and nionu Clients are west of the Mississippi River and their great distance from :!'.ate lotol association. ' ? ^ ?I env a;,grtat admirer of your roulitry jrcmnd Ashi-ville,". said Dr. .'urvc: justs before; his dope: tore flor * / v O ' he Xovin, ''and I a'-i period to seo ?pop all sides many evidences of -nogrcas and prosperity. The numer .ms new bungalows and" in many* in itances, prtftentif us and ambitious mitdings I'o: !ioi.;es are springing up rapidly ah?:;.; the iuahi highways. That is oil" feature of the hardsur lacing oi roadways. The people like o be near the good roads, hence they u-e ltfov.ing to the roads. You will 1:.";! many of these people to be farm ers from nearby places who have sold .heir lauds'at a price they had ncVer dreamed of being .possible. Tliey are taking this money and building iioiue 011 the roadside, where they \?i?; ?je more convenient to everything, ihh; is what I gathered, from talking : v.itli a lew selected at random) jlst i iO gc; a cross section view of tn? I cao ? itiicni t,i hitman l,?e;ngs uud . cfiVcu' eivpumstautcs. f'In i!rc subrdivisions r hud' i-oi me !)U\o.v; at.' lr'u lUaio.; .run here, i iound, huge nuiaii.: j:?mi:ig Vor^,'feun^vi' i A>lfh"i, i^druna, ufnrf\Fioi-idn. 1 ; j j,o tO in this v.'iiui.r. Kelt nr.. r. | ?v^uhi ii?.; i'??l natural nndcr p. . :i , i&nditams _y aec'..-*i< i)imy tfl^gre:n 'cniler.i 01 Ipopuluiioii. lis nothing^ unusual ior a ($)(),000 ic: ji ivujjio to descend 11 j><>ii its in a acily of the ruibpads, to.Jiandle. Dozens of trains can "leave three minutes behind each olhW'J'or i\ i'\v York, Phiiadelpha and >..thcr points.' The regular service is almo. t as go "i ? \ I'OR PARK N NEARDJp 2ND . 1 Ashcville, Dec. 15.?With the <9f^' '< !\ :'-i Ashcville and Buncombe j 1 - ? . i f y !^ring what is expected will' 'v successful conclusion, the j Grkut Smoky Mountains National ?... paign committee will this (v.v\ . t.. u its attention to the work! I ? ? . ' pi' can. assing the counties of West 'A\i ?o. th Carolina, where $150,000 is ?v.?in'j sought. Virtually every night this week meetings will be held in | .i icounty seats of this section | ? to iiiuuguljate tiie local campaign. The te?m workers in Ashcville and/ r iJuncoiitki: county, who are attempt-. ing io raise $100,000 by popular sub scription, have received more than j *> '* :il' subscriptions, and it is ex-' pi/c.ea that the balance will be in iuh.d ;k icre. the end of the week, 'Jc.ii. a;!, io, the committee on special ,gir. , which ha% pledged to raise Olou/JOy in larger sums, is,working to t'us eud. A,number of substantial gii'i.s nave been pledged, it is under cut], !:ui announcement of these has been withheld for the time being. ih'j workers in Ashcville and the conw. \v;l.l make their final reports, at a luncheon meeting at the George \ ai L i!)i!i hotel Friday at 1 o'clock, and at ihis time thj>' special gifts co!ti,.iiit!(\' is pledged to make, its lin :! resdlt. It is anticipated that] i.i? n'.oviing will coiylude the cam . <--h1v. Therefore, the com ?]' sirous that all who wish to i.iidx contributions do so this, ? ' ? 1 To 'facilitate volunteer snbscrip i . . i *..! ajiaigu cominitleL' has an; p >f ? th it'subscriptions will be re- i Iceived at tiu> campaign hoyhjui.rtcrs; . A .ht .ille Ohauibi r ui' (am-. ? -.t.Ming on Mar! tt slstV. 'ji, )'I worker wiil re<...e vo'u."-; (.: utiou-s, al.s:i. it a'skid ??? making subser p..o:is ol I JU ? - , lllffctt iht i;*" ?. iUUXilS !!? . o.i .l should Wdi:.\\'n"tfi K. j | .{ Aiil-r -, treasurer o; . " Great j o. > ..luuatairis, Inc., tat holding'; . ipi- c ' the htnte pa. k . omit, is- j s:',,i. which is engineerin ;- i e ciiin *;ii i a lUiids in North ,v. 'linn. !?' i" ipaign met lin"";- or t'r ?* ;? a mass me.t?i j ti> W 'h ay-evening at Weavervilk*,: be addressed by Si ate I"; j'..,.Lauitive Harry Nettles. On 1 . by ui-ht a'meeting has been , i^i.. -..i.ii-tt at Rutherfordton. I 'i. !>. I' * son, of Brvson City, has i i).\ ' d to addresi. this nieelii^. I . V?ci) v ?( . yj ? Wa caster visited; his S . BALSAH, # y '' n Mr. aii?] W.V I '., i ' i-:i!ibor lOth, a girl, Ji:uj..::e iiVi.Ni.' - >' , ? vU ? i N. v' Ai vs. flufe OJonos receivid r.n not; .cement of3a grand daugh,c!*, Mi: r-.m r-ft Helen, in the home of Mr. ciui Mrs. lfobert Lo\yery, of York, ; S. (\ 'i;.e event' took plactvNov. 17th. ; Mr.-:., (/.very was, before her mar riage, Miss Harriett Plott. Mrs. Loiia Green1 spent last week end, with,relatives in Brvson City. Master Lloyd Brysdii, was an Asho ville visitoi- last wfcejc Mr. P.v V. Wacasto daiiir'i'er, Mrs. Alice College in Way liCfsv ii-fc. this week. ?n Mr. T'rtyl MehaiTey and family spent Sunday in Canton. Mr. Hubert Ensley celebrated his birth day the 9th. Many friends en joyed his hospitality. A program cf sei'^f. music \yas' rendered and an elegant supper was served. 31..-;vJi. .1. Bryson and Mrs. W. T. Lee, -Jr., were joint hosteses to the P:r t. Voucher meeting at'the school ho;: :e 1'riday afternoon:, They served dci':';.as.*andwiclfes and hot chocolate Mr. Cooper, principal of th(?">school made a most interesting, talk on the subj.-et, Child Psychology. There were se.erll res]>onses made by oil;"-! prese'it. These meetings are grmVliik* in interest and it is hoped that (very parent will be present at t!: ? t;V i Meeting in ; -i: f .v'd mpn are iiere building "c^ihpsr eic. and getting ready to re move tiie curves in the highway be tween Pa'sam and'Sylva. " Jf.v W. F. Porter motored to Way nesvi'.lf Monday.' ' . "? ;vie Ensley and little Doris v,w "?'ie.rs here Sunday, from E^bo d' . ? ' ?' H'.v. .Kay Allen preachcd an in tci-.'stiiur smnon to the . men Satur day night .and One to the lad.es Sun day moving. /' , ? 4 Mr. ileor<:e T. Ivnight, Mrj. Knight ? >*"? vinnic Knight mr'orcd to Saunook Sunday morning. ? 1 ?? / . "v V f'" , / . V ! "BROADCASTING SOUND j ' DOCTRINE.'> i . WinsloiirSalem Journal.?It was no | ntcan honor which came to Governor McLean when the North Carolina I Chief Executive was invited to ad-' dress the Association of-Life Insur ance Presidents in its nineteenth an nual convention in New York this ' * * " " "* *. *'? 1 pweek. 1 t '/ The Governor's address, on this * " I ' V T occasion was not new to North Caro lina p; < )'e? While couched in dit'-i feren. ;uago, it was tlie same: doctri... >.ie has been preaching to, 1 ie people of this Commonwealth ever since he set out 011 his campaign for the Democratic nomination for, Governor, it was an appeal for more business-iikc methods in the admin istration of governmental affaire. VV > imagine it was Governor Mc-1 .. " ...? Lean's outstanding lesulcrsiiip among i the Exccutivies of the United States. ? ? m the efficient adminstj,aiion of, State government that attracted thcj attention of those who made up the program for thi^ convention. It would have been hard iov the North Cam-, lina Executive to have chosen a bet-1 fjt-r platform or more propitious oe ension than this to broadcast his doctrine ef business methods in gov. ciiim.iu. The- life insurance presi de t;; are in position to wield a pow erful inflncncc 011 the public opinion oi'.America. 1/ Tii.- State has had no better pub licity than the Governor was. able to give it through his splendid address , 111 New York, ile had the opportunity and grasped it to tell the world how North Carolina ik"' making unparal IcK'd procre -is ami at the same time' ,S ' >rv . is conducting her affairs on a strictly so '.nd business basis. In other words. . :iovi ri!tir v.ns .vbli to prove thai No;ii Carolina i: not taking djfjr.! le: r In 1 a: dark. Sire knows where .'?i. ll'.'Jli! (1 ;:lli! W, iO get tl:C.'; . Si.e is ab.o'iu paj ior :tll the. pro ?ii v.s.i siio is ijlasaiaiuf t;li! .j\ . ility to do this i Mu/BietbodH] hi . * u(iu\inist)x"iIS11 01' State gove. llKpit. . ? . i . .il-??4'? ?i:u 1 lli'ii I >vo\iI(V:ii! to ie:e >d .i niL r ui in i! cti... jh'sji/ iiii.. tlyc \v..'i;iiit ci. your experience' and iniluOnce ctf the .side u| eii'icierit-y ih '(he manage tnent'oi public; avail's, you will be doing a service that wiJi entitle ' you io the lasting grakuule of the American people. x \ This embraces cooppratiort in its mo^l euective form, in its broadest sense-pi'triotism of that practical kind which every good citizen owes to, his government." / i ?t CLINIC I'OR CRIPPLES The State Rehabilitation Depart | nient, which has been established to j assist disabled civilians in securing I needed treatment and training to the : end that their 'earning capacity may 1 be increased, has recently begun the I organization of orthopedic clinics at central points all ovei* the State, making available expert orthopedic service for every cripple in need of such attention. t I One of these clinics is being locat j ed at Waynosviiie to sert'e a groupj : of counties including Jackson, Hay wood, Swain, and Macon. This clinic will be held at the Methodist church on Saturday December 19th, and monthly thereafter. It is being spon sored by Waynesville Rotary Club and will be in charge of an expert orthopedic surgeon. This clinic will j be equipjied so as to provide through examinations and also treatment such lis can be administered outside the, hospital. The examinations will be absolutely free for everybody and ? for those who need treatment and aiv : not able to pay, provisions have, been made to" take care of their needs, j without cost, at the clinic 'and in hospitals. All cases that can be treat ed without hospitalization will have ,' the advantage of tins clinic every thirty days. V ? Y c>._ It should be noted that all crip pled, regardless of age, or race, arc eligible to this clinic. Besides ; the orthopedic services, the Rchabili-" tatiou Department oilers special {'raining, -without cost, to cripples ? over sixtoon years of age whose disr !>i!i a iiints to a vocational hand' i caP- J . CAE or JERSEYS BOUGHT BY JACKSON COUNTY FARMERS ? *?. ? /" On Friday of last wfeek a car load of. Jei?ey cows and heifers arrived in Sylva find wore unloaded to the farmers ot* Jackson County. All oi thcoc animals will freshen within the next two months an'd wil add much to the cream and butter supply of th0 j9ur.lv. Tin? reader will obscrv. from' the following list of purchasers that t);c?c cattle were bought and placed on the farms of some yof tin most progressive men and farmers ol the Various sections of the county. Rjflph Hunter. Caney Fork; J. M. Nicholson, John's Creek; Lea Moody Tuckaseigee; Roy Clayton, Beta; A J. Dills Sylva; J. F. Freeze, Svlva; G. C. Cooper, Sylva; J. C. Collin: Sylva; C.- L. Allison, SylO;- Will Lewis, Webster; J. E. Kogers, Whit^ tier;R. C. Howell, Qualla; J. H. liea^'cn, Qualla;' 801113 of these men bought one ccw or heifer, some two and some. tlireeX The buyers all re ceivcd choice \c;ittle of good size and the breeding that wiil show results. These cows and lieifers were brought f ..-in East TcnnOsec through tl;o services pi' F. It. Farnham, Ex tension Dairy Specialist, C. W. Til son, Coum.v A'4out, 11 d the cooper: > tion of thr b?n!:s of Sylva with tliq farmers an:Mli'-sc ii^eu. The farmers pir.ced errors with their bankers and County A'?(lit Tilson. The banks handled ti: Luii: :ces and Mr.Farnham selected t '? ca '.le. Mr. Farnham has had ten of uoccssful exper ience pi iins A'.nd ? id has placed over six hi.;.die 1 ct?vr, in several of the North Carolina >tnlies in liii. way. Authoii' d :Vaill 111:1:1". hi. 1 tliis was ti ??>;. i;. 0 1 h ear o;''er^e;-. c. ttlc-'shf ? -?'.)? ? T?i:;eeseet hi liie Y ' j ? '?-?? . rir*t here plentcM ?", j'; V . ' jcrs not only ha\ 0 Li'iU'v i 0 but breeding 7 ( ? stoi'lcv' v ? '.)? ire. tlinn o; r '!? v- ? 0 >:? : i;me fS "ring. On ^ ? l'. V..' r,t Wt('."Ij Sir. Claud . iiiifhc -wit.I iai .it'll to Miss Francis Buttle.. rev. i'.. l>eidI:atn,-o!;;jii;at iT.ii .bride .end graom .left at oiicc ,1V" .\Ayt\ it*i? returning Satur ?irj\; aiior.ioou to ill'. Jf H. Hughes where a reception was given in their Rome; Besides the bride and groom vcif Mr. and Mi's. -T. E. Battle, Mr. 1). K. Battle, Mr. and Mrs. Golmjui lvinsland, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hoy le, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Howell, Mr. Jack Battle, Miss, Mary Battle aiu! Mr. and Mrs. .T, M. Hughes. On December 12th, jtjr. Dallas Howell was married to Miss Janet Nation, of Bakers Creek. Messrs. R. F. Hall, James .Ilall, Miss Clem llall and Mr. J. G. Baby visited relatives' in Canton Saturday. Prof. W. E. Bird and famllv of Cullowliee sjwnt tlic week end at Mr. C. A. Blid's:' * Mr. Oscar Ma- t':: and family of Bryson called on Mrs. J. C- Johnson Sunday aftcittoeh. !?'. :'' Tr. A sot v o c )? do pub 1 1 ,/ ?' !'C/ the sale of a- large pan cr 400 a res fronting for half a mile on the Ippa'ae'iisn Scenic highway and lo )ted throe and a half mi'fes west of k'aynefevdlo. One-half of this, boun v ary lias b'-c?i purchased, jt is stated ' ? >v ?. syndicate composed largely of lynesv-'t" men. An additional -jurtli was sold to Clarence A. Camp , oil, J)<:!!tVood, while Mr. Stone '.Wains the other fourth./ The piico its not given. ) " t The llendersonville syndicate buy 1 ? ' VI iiig i lie 5,000 acre tract is composed ui.' the following men: P. L. Wright/ of Druid Hill, E. W. 'iuwbank, attorney and bank pre6i :...itj j^. Patterson, Dr. W. R. Kirk, C. D. Weeks, C. P. Rogers, president of 1 lie Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce; F. H. Wright, Wesley Clark and W. F. Peniiy, of Wilming ton ; and P. K. Berranger, of New xork. ' 1 ... - t\ HIGHLANDS TO VOTE ON BONDS Franklin Press, Doc. 11.?Macon county's little town of Highlands is evidently determined to be ready for the tourists next season. A great building program has been under way tor some time and now u special election has been called for January oth to allow the citizens of that pro gressive town to vote on the proposi tion of issuing $70,000 in bonds to build an clcetric and power plant and to1 install a sewage system. .Thoso well acquainted with the situation claim that the election will be favor able to bOutis by an overwholniii.g majority. It is planned to build the dam 'at Kalakaleeske falls on the Cullasaja river about two miles below town. The plant at full capacity will pro duce approximately 000 horse power. Only one unit producing 300 h.p. trill be installed until more power is needed. It ">viil be remembered that only recently- Iliglilands voted bonds to install a water System. This system is now in operation with 90 pounds j.re ure in the btisiness section of town. . ill the new movement for lights ind a sewage system Highlands is riving up to its reputation as a pro ^rcjssivc community. When all the::o tjiivenk-uccs and improvements are accomplished facts there is no doubt .viiatsocver but that Highlands will ome into it own as one of the most famous summer resorts in the South land. . . SYLVA METHODIST CHURCH Preaching ,Sv.nday morning at 11 | o'clock and Sunday evening at 7 , 'clocks , Suii'day Sclioo! 0 :-15 A. II. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. \ . , i ,. . Subject ^Sunday in- . ning frill be "The greatest tiling ... the world . Services Sunday eVvu'ng v.iil be, ?' evangelistic.'' If you do not attend ,c!:. a y !.'n*e "Ise \ou wiir find a c rd >1 sie.:me, at the Methodi&t churta. Come and see. ,