fSforcC ^i Costs More to Build?Is Worth M?r@-y@t Sells for Less ' ? . ? If any other manufacturer Just think! 13,000,000 model T endeavored to produce a car Ford cars have been produced similar to the Ford according since 1908?almost as many >to the high standards of the automobiles 2 s were built by all Ford Motor Company, it would < other manufacturers cor Mned. be impossible to offer it tt any- In 1925, almc3t 2,000,0. J Ford thing like the present low Ford cars and trucks were built and prices. / sold?and plans for 1926 call for ** * - , , ? the production of even more If the Ford Motor Company than 2,000,000. would substitute ordn ry de sign for the basic Ford ' tures, It was the superiority of Ford Ford cars could be vr uced design in 1908 that established and sold for less than the esent Ford leadership. It is this same Ford prices. Yet by so Joing, Ford design, improved but Ford simplicity, durability and basically unchanged, that is reliability would fall It-low the continuing to make the Ford standard insisted upon by tht ^ ? v i Nature's system builder extracted from r oots, bark and herbs gathered from the virgin IV;: 4, in the heart of the mountains, and manufactured in THE LAND OF THE SKY, the greater <^ide drii'i' producing section in America. . * * x liundrcds have been benefited byjthis wander nil medicine. More than two-thousand 1.:Jties h?. c been sold in this section. A g^atS^or'h^ of liu ?vj ..OCil S -1of i.lding in t ne eating thereof;?-Wiiy rHt'er ..?i'. indigestion and stomach trouble? Others v been relieved?WILD CHERRY TONIC \i t. Give this simple old home,remedy a trial? iC }id our .others used and lived to a ripe old .i?;( ' i sale everywhere, see your Dealer today, buy i.ovtle, take according to directions and be con ^v'ed. '"o ' x r - ? r 1i dicinf . ..iVir* Y, Sylva, N. C., vriil bring one bottle of t.;ie icalth giving TONIC to your home. ( ear Medicine Co. SVLVA i, Two fertilizers may be made from the same materials, but owing to more scientific con); better manufacturing, one of th: ?: much greater value as a crop prodt "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZE: contain all the essential crop-produdng elements so scientifically compounded, proportioned and blended as to furnish properly balanced and continuously available plant food throughout the entire growing season. ? Insure the best crops by using "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THE FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES . i ( i. , / RED ROOSTER BOWKER'S BRADLEY'S PATAPSCO ASHEPOO ZELUS POCOMOKE ? ~ ' i . ?? ? ' ) ? r i Manufactured only by The American Agricultural .. 'Chemical Company :'l (V Spartanburg Sales Department \ SPARTANBURG, S. C. A ' ? ? Our Agricultural Sctvfcf. Our?**1 will help solve your farming problems. Send tor Dr. H. J. Wheeler'? ?rcj> Bulletins. Address: 92 State Street, Boston, Mam. for Economical Transportation ? . 1"W' V / \ % Neu> Low Prices Carefully check the quality and equip- finish,one-piece VVwindr.hie!d,Alemife Touring - 4510 m&nt offered in the Improved Chevrolet lubrication and other essentials to mod* Roadster 510 Coach! Check it against any five-passen- ern motoring? Coupe . ! 645 clo":d car >? the world! Know what Come in_note these many quali ^ Coach - - 645 lts new w Pnce rea ^' means! tures?get a demonstrai ion?experience Sedan . . 735 ,i7u i e. the car's amazing performance?and Landau . - 765 Where else can you get for $645 a five- then you will realize how much more V4 Ton Truck 395 passenger closed car with balloon tires, fr gives for $645 than any ether five-pas (chanii only) Bpeedometer, fine Fisher body, Duco ?enger closed car on the market today. 1 Too Track ? 550 (Chaitls Only) /. o. b. Flint, Michigan Ask for a Demonstration! Motor C v '\ ? r,: ' r'iii til ? wiliiiwiftnl^rir tvr . ????* ? ?:* .M&,-? ;? f:J53SSB Q U A t I T Y A,T I O W C O SI