; i ? < t \ f 4 j. ai Alt I .^ADVANCE OUT SIDE THE COUNTY I V ?'-? ?? ? ?i jucei raving. Foster Construction Co I , PonrA* w/;tt \r * a"' Will Start Work In Ao.il ? W ,U ^0te On ?-? P I Two Questions Saturday. Third The contract for paving the streets 0f Sylva, together with th? neces jjrj- grading and water and sewer extension, was awarded, Tuesday, to The Foster Construction Company, ot' Xwh Wilkesboro tor amounts aggre gating ?>134,701, for 1:24 concretc niL\ture. The next lowest bidder was K. T. Bejote, at $139, 128.50; with K. I'. \Voo.i liird tat $141,349. The paving to be done totals i little more than tour miles in length, /totii'liti'i' with water and sewer ex (iatsions on some streets.. 2Tlieiv was a lage number of bidders present at the letting which was con ducted by the t]pwn y> ciuls and Oilbert C. White Company, engin eers. . < ( The work will probably begin in ,>i days and thh contractor has un til October 1 to complete it. , proceedings. The Board ot' Aldermen of tin (own ot Sylva. North Carolina, met in Special session March 23, 1920, present: Mayor Dan Tompkins, and .Aldermen Hilly Davis, John A. Par ns W. K. Urindstaff, Hoy M. Cowan and B. II. Cathey. Absent: None. The following ordinance was in- j trmliieed and read to the Board: ( AN ORD1VANCE RELATING TO THF. 1**^ OF STK1M:T 1M l'i;??\ K.MKNT BONDS. Be it tinlaintar by the Board o: I Aldermen ot the town ot' Sylva: Swtum I. Bond* of the town to I \\w uvaxunuui principal amount <H I sViivU W* issued tor tin ! j?ur|K>sc ot paving certain sitreeti. JVtitions lor such paving have been <luly tiled anil toiitid to be sufficient, and the estimated cost ot' the woik petitioned ton is at Uust #15l),000.0<> At lea-it oiu/luurth ol such cost, exclusive of the cost of paving at street intersections, has hcciuor is to be;s|?ccially assessed. Section 2. A ta.\; .snfiieicnt to pav the principal and interest ot' the said bond^ shall be annually levied and collected. f Section A statement of the debt ot the town has been filed with the clerk and is ojx n for public inspec tion. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect u|k>u its passage and shall !">? he submitted to the voters. 'flic statement of indebtedness was filed with the clerk and on motion ?ut Billy Davis, seconded by John A. ranis, the foregoing ordinance was passed by the following roll-call vote voting Aye, Billy Davis John A Pai r's W K. Urindstaff, Roy M. Cowan ai"l B. If. Cathey. Voting no? None. Whereupon /the Mayor declared 'lie ordinance duly and unanimously ?dopted. and passed. Tlio following ordinance was in troduced an,- read to the Board. ORDINANCE. An ordinance relating to the issue 01 $30,000.1)0 water bonds. He it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of S^lva: ^wtion 1. That negotiable coupon '"lids of the town of Sylva be issued in the maximum principal amount of ?tfo.oiiii.oi) t0 b(' known as Water for the purjKise of construct Ilt- a water supply system in and for ?S!'id town Hio (istimated cost of said im provements is not less than $30,000.00 Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay 'Ik* principal and interest of the said -hall be unnu&lly levied and ^?"?tioii. !$. A statement of the debt Hit- town has been filed wi\h the ,;lwi ami is open to public insj)ection Stytio.i 4. That this ordinance shall take i ii( (4 thirty days after its first lublicaiion, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the ^oteiv is filed under the Municipal ^Act, in which event it. shall take ( iiVct when approved by the u,i?i> of the town at an election as I"'"vh|c(1 in said A?H. statement of indebtedness w.'id ''M with the clerk and on motion of L)a\is, seconded by/dolin A. Parris, the foregoing ordinance was passed by the following roll call vote: I voting Aye,Billy Davis, John A. Piir- j Pir, W. E Griudstaff Roy M. Cowan | ; nd B. H.Cathey. Voting No: Noik.J Whereupon the Mayor declared j ordinance duly and unanimously ;iu j ,pleu and passed. (The following o^dinayee was intro-j duced and read to the board: AX ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ISSUE OF SEWER BONDS: Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Sylva: Section 1. That negotiable coupon bonds of the town of Sylva be is sued in the maximum principal amount of $20,001).00 to be known as Sewer Bonds for the purpose of con structing a Sewer system in and for said town.. The estimated, cost of VL'6,000.00. Section 2. A 'tax sufficient to pay :he principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and folleeted. Section 3. A statement of the debt of the town has been fileod with the <*li rk and is open to public inspection Section 4. That this ordinance shall I take effect thirty days after its first: publication, unless in the mean timOj ?i petition tor its submission to the, . outs is filed under the Municipal [ finance Act, in which event it shall 1 lake effect when approved by voters of the town at an election as ; j^fovided nil said act. Tint statement of indebtedness was - tiled with the clerk and on motion of. Billy Da vis,seconded by John A. Par-j lis, the foregoing ordinance was pas.s-1 :-d by thy following roll call vote:] voting Aye Billy Davis, John A. Par-' ris, W. E. Grrfidstaff, Roy ' M. Cowan and B II. Cathey. Voting no: None. Whereupon the Mayor declared the' ordinance duly and unanimously t adopted and passed.) \ i. ?t The\ following1 resolution was in-' i troducikl and read to the board: ! RESOLUTION. . BE IT RESOLVED BY , THE' HOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF sVlVA: Section 1. That the probable period of usefulness of the improvement for which the $150,000.00 Street Bonds' this day auhorized arc to be issued is twenty years. > J Section 2 Tliat the probable period of usefulness for which the $30,000.00 Water Bonds this day authorized to be issued is forty years. Section 3. That the probable period of usefulness of the improve ments for which Jhe $20,000.00 Sew- c Bonds this day authorized are to b. issued is forty years. Section 4. That the Town Treas urer of the town of Sylva is hereby authorized and designated as the proper person to prepare and file the ?statement of indebtedness. Section 5 That the issues of bonds for street and water and sewer pur poses this day authorized by ordi nances of this board are hereby ^con solidated, this consolidation to be in effect when the said ordinances shall become effective, v and said Bonds shall bo known as Public Improve-, ment Bonds. Section G. That said bonds shall be in the denomination of $1000.00 each and shall be numbered con secutively from one hundred to two hundred, both inohjsive,< shad I b/" dated April 1st. 1926, shall bear in terest at a rate to be hereafter de termined, not exceeding 6 per centum per annum from their date, with in terest payable semi-annually and both principal and interest payable at the National Park Bank in New York City. - Soction 7. That) the said bonds shall be executed with the written signatures of the Mayor and Cleik with the corporate seal of itlie town impressed thereon, and the interest coupons shall be executed with the fac-simile signature of the said clerk. Section 8. That the proceeds of said street bond issue shall be used for the purpose of constructing streets, curbs, gutters and drains in said town. The material used to be of concrcto " ^ : Upr?Q ^motion of Billy Davis, sec-! filidc;'. oy John A. Parris the fore-j ?.rMiiix -i-.-lution was adopted by the iVIi'n1" ,; ijil-call vote: voting Aye, \\'y John A. Parris, YV. E. '.tr.i- Lioy M. Cowan and B. H. j\ \ uting no, None. Whereupon the Mayor declared the resolution unanimously adopted and passed by the affirmative vote of all ihe members of the Board of Alder ^-?15 men. DAN TOMPKINS, Mayor B. II. OATHEY, Clerk. CERTIFICATE ' 1 hereby certify: , Section 1. That the following are the duly qualified acting and regular ly clected officials of the town of Sylva, North Carolina, whose terra of office will expire on the first Monday in May, 1927: Mayor Dan Tompkins, Aldermen Billy Davis, John A. Par ris W. E. (irindstalf, 'Roy M. Cowan, and B. H. Cathey. Clerk and Treas urer B. II. Cathey. Section 2. That the attached finan V cial statement consisting of one sheet is a true duplicate copy of the Statement ol Indebtedness as indi cater, filed with the Town Clerk by the Town Treasurer March 23, i92G, after the introduction ol' and before lida) p,:?..jjo of the ordinances auth orizing 000.00 Street Bounds, $30 000.00 Water Bonds and $20,000.00 f^cwer Bonds in and i'or the said town. Section 3.That the foregoing sheets numbered (1), (2), (3), and (4) con stitute a true copy ot' the proceed ings of the Board of Aldermen of the town of Sylva, North Carolina, at l}ieir meeting on March 23 1926, per taining to the issuance of the above mentioned bonds, this March 23,1920 Section 4. That all the members pf the Board ol' Aldermen and other officials of the town were duly noti fied of said meeting. B. H. CATIIEY, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ISSUE .OK STREET IM PROVEMLENT BONDS. ? - \ i ^ Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of tlic Town of Sylva: - Section 1. Bonds of the town to the n;.;.\imum principal amount of $150,000.00' shall be -.issued for the pnrpo-c of paving certain streets. I'rii'i."??.??? 1>r ?. -uch paving have been U;!y ;.??<{ found to be sufficient,' ? -i y ' a.Kccl c?*t of the work ? ; ; ?? :s t $150,000.00 U . . ' jjuch cost, ex el,i <: l I ho cool of paving at street intern*, i ions, has been or is to be :.j>2cifi'iy a ii,-.ssed. ScCL.oa 2. A tax su..icicnt to pay the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and cjlLcttd. Section 3. A statement of the debt of the town has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspection Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted tottm^ojters. I The foregoing ordinance 4vas pass i ed on the 23 day of March, 1926 and was Jirst published on the 26th day of March 1926. Any action or pro ceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced j within thirty dasy after its first publi cation. B. H.CATHEY T*>wn CLERK AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ISSUE OF $20,000.00 SEWER BONDS,' Be it cfa^ained by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Sylva; Section 1. That negotiable coupon bonds ol the town of Svlvp. be issued in ill': maximum principal amount of $20,000.1)0 to be known as Sewer Bonds, for the purpose of construct ing a sewer system in and for said town. The estimated cost ofsaid im provements is not less than $20,000.00 Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and intcitest. ofl 'the said bonds shall be' annuallly levied and collected. ' Section 3. A statement o$ theaebt of the to^vn has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspection Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication, unless in the mean time a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under jthe Munic ipal Finance Act, in which event it shall take effect when approved by voters of the town at an election, as provided in said act. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 23rd of March 1926 and was first published on the 26 day of March 1926. Any action or proceed ing questioning, the validity of said odinance must oe commenced within thirtv davs after its first publication B. H. CATIIEY, Town CL CU*k. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO x THE ISSUE OF $30,000.00 WATER BONDS. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen ofQjie Town of Sylva. j Section 1. That negotiable coupon bonds oi! the toown oil Sytva be issued in the maximum principal amount of $30,000.00 to be known us water bonds, for the purpose of construcaing a water supply system in and for said town. The estimated cost of said improvements is not less than $30,000.00. * Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay j the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. A statement of the d?'bt of^the town has been filed wifh the clerk and' is open to public inspection Sect ion'4. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication,unless in the meantime a jietition for its submission to the voters is filed under the Municipal Finance Act, in which event.it shall take effect when approv d by the voters of t lie town at an election, as provided in said act. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed, on the 23rd day of March 1920 and was first published on the 26th day of March 1926. Any action or proceeding questionng the validity of said ordinance mast be commenced within thirty) daysi after its 'firs* publication. 1 B. H. CATHEY Town Clerk. SHOAL CREEK ) ? i \ ( Mr. and Mrs. R. F| Hall and Mr. D. K. Battle visited Mr. J. J. Gibbs at Cherokee, Sunday. Miss Rroxie Buchanan, of Webster, visited her sister, Miss Bertha Bu chanan, Saturday. Mr. Joe M. Bird of Bryson City was at the home of his father, Mr. C. A. Bird, Sunday. Mrs. J .E. Bat tle Miss Hazel Battle, Mr. Luther Hoyle and Mr .Wayne Battle called ; on Mrs. Deck Sutton at Bryson Ci; V Hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H G. Ferguson and Mrs. J. L. Ferguson were guests at Mr. York Howell's, Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. M Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Norton at East Laporte, Thusday. Mr. S. M. Crisp Mr. Luther Hoyle, Mr. and Ms. J. 0. Howell and Miss ({race Hoyle made a trip to Sylva, Wednesday. Mrs. W. F. Battle spent Monday with Mrs. J. E. Battle. Mr. and Mrs. P H .Fergusonc call ed at Mr. P. C. Shelton's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Gilbert Moody was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Hyatt,?Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes called at Mr. Goldman Kinsland's Sunday. Miss Gertrude Ferguson and Mr. Guy Moody were guests ? of Miss Annie Lizzie Terrell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Crisp wee guests at Mr. K. Howell's, Sunday .A! rs. J. H. Hughes and Mi's. J. E. Battle spent Sunday night at Mrs. J. M. Hughes'. Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Snyder," of Willots spent the week-end^ at Mr. R. F. Hall's. Mrs. D. M. Sh ular and Mrs. J. E. Terrell called on Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Monday. Mrs. Troy Turpin spent the week The voters of Jackson county will pass their judgment upon the wis dom of adopting ilie commission fom of county government, and upon the entire county assuming the paying of the Cullowhee, Sylva and Dills boro township road bonds, at tho speeial election to be held on Satur day ofnext week, April 3. The road bonds under consider ation were issued in 1913, being $50 000.00 for Sylva township, $30,000.00 for Cullowhee and $30,000.00 for Dillsborp. The, funds were used for constructing public roads in thft three townships, and it is now proposed that the entire county assume the ob ligation for the unpaid pail of the three bond i ;!<ues. An aft was parsed by the last general ass?ii;!>iy, r.abtv.'Uing the pro :,posal to the cleelcNiji? of the county, at the same ti..ic t.e (juestiou of the commission Jcr n of, government, is* voted on. ? I . WIKE WiriTl.-;r ox COUNTY ! ciov ern i i:: r h change Dear Edit',' : ? he com mission i'lHY ??'?* s pro-i posed fo: /oter will feel . . - ilarlcs allowed f ' .iiacrs, will be ; to this new ' . Now let's sec *; 1 Heg ister of ' O-k to the boan. : doners,! and two ijlly in formed,!.. S ' nouut " ' in \ eluded n. -Since S full time .1 for .1' tlieir, terms tevery day'in lh .a ...ye an<^ wheii i!?? . would need a eii w does not limit f . .11 lews both, state . ilaries are involv... i< be used for clerk ?;; } lu. 'Hi oa:its end at Mr. rC. Miss Ru ii < ??*. \. visited Miss' Florence IS*::.' ..'V.'ilmot Sun-' day after!!:;;"-. Miss M;ii.? iu,? . Ferguson was a Sunday nig!;: ?. lie.of Miss Claudia Hoyle. Miss Mo/\ i'. nnd Miss Phyllis Moody visit*.*', re'atives at Olivet Sunda v. Misse.> i:n ? tljirriett ilali, j and Mi. Pa!il 11 cd'ail on Miss I rem* ilaii'., yMtfuhiV. ? MiVs Kuuiee Ti???{?".ii and Mr. Jen Tiirpin called ?>t ?. *.V. II ? xncr'a, S.'t v Mr. il.i,!e au-J. Mr. Snyder jrade a laMm1* irp lo ?v!va Monday. Mrs. J. L. Wiggins visited Miss Lethe House Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson speut Sunday at Mr. W. F. House's. Several of our folks attended ser vices at Hyatt's Chapel, Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Ed. Oxner has m<ft-ed to his new residence. Sorry to state that quite a number of our folks arc on the sick list present. \ FARMED A RE B TY ING TWO <jAliS LIME The- 1'aniK.s of o h* cr.ninmnity of the county l:;:v dorc*! two car loads of li... 1 used on cofn land and --o; h . .. nd tfii-i spring, One of tlu sc c1r is will boshipped here loose in <;u* and the other will he shijvs :1 will: the lime in two hundred hsi.'ap hags These f:um< v - ? i past ex perience "? ' ? " ? '? !;> that this fi". ??? ?'I in crease .tV: " . I : . oatsi or soy b..Uo }>?::'< J -too they wiil be ;.Mc ?. j, b fd-stand 'of clover i.:: ? './a ilirncd land next year ) We arc ' i -f. ? c rv, laiidnow with the ? 1' K. "? f>r $6.50 an acre ! ? .? t .Ik with your cotu : ! Ving your land. Lii.. ^.n.iiLcr forty ways. < - v that altogether. Even, the governor of our state receives a stipulated salary in addition to certain sums allowed for clerk hire and traveling expenses. Even our congressmen have a fixed saary plus a few thousand dollars clerk hire. So it is with post masters etc. There is great inequality, in the services required of the three men who will form the commission as well as the indemnity bonds required to be made by each and whjch are to be paid for out of county funds. ^ Section three, I believe it is^-ataies that no business shall be transacted unless all three of the members are present, thus making the law very dangerous as I see it. Wliat would happen if one of the member* should take sick and not be able to attend the meetings for a few month? or a year! Would there be any law to force him to meet with the other times leave the states inw hich they were elected to serve just to pre vent a quorum. I should like very much to vote for this new law for various reasons but I can not do so until some of the above mentioned features are made members of the board ^liuld he de cide to stay away for certain reasons or could lie be impeached or foreed to resign so that his place coould be filled thereby allowing the county's business to be transacted as is in tended by the law? Under certain circlmstances one member might decide not to mfcet with the others in order to stop or ; prevent something from being done he did not want. Legislators some clear to my mind No doubt we need a change of county government badly enough to try almost anything offered us, but this is a good ycarin which to have matters adjusted and set. light. Not leaving it up to the ]?olititians to settle &H have been doing for several years in the past. We go to the polls) and volte "The Ticket" like blind moles never asking what willj>e done by the one for (whom we vote. The party that deserves the franchise of the people should adopt, certain issues acceptable to the mass es of our people and have them en acted into law at the next meeting of the General Assembly of North Carolina. W. D. WIKE. < . NEXT THURSDAY IS POULTRY SHIPPING On next Thuraday^April ],the farm ers of JaekuoQ county wiil have an other effort unity to st>ll their cuil hens for cash and the top of the mar- *? ket. Last week the market was 25 cents per pound and lots of the hen?* sold by our fanners brought well over one dollar in cash. During the jjtist month more than sixteen hun dred dollars worth of poultry lias been solil at the car door in Sylva by our fanners. County Agent C. W. Tilson says if xou have 25 good laying hens and 25 loafers or culls that you have i:o henfc at all. But when you sell the 25. loafers for 25 cents per pound you have 25 dollars or thereabout and 25 good laying hens left <ti> make a profit. Anybody can tell the eull hens that arc not d^ing now, so,' bring yours to the car nexj Thurs day Hjecause the price on hens wi'l drc.) after Easter. DAVIS IS SOLICITOR Solicitor Grover C. Davis is a can didate to swjeeed himself as pros ecuting attorney for this, district^ and lias given h? following formal announcement: To The Democratic- Voters Of The 20th Judicial Distriv;:., I am a candidal !'? r re-election for the office of Solicitor of the 20t_Ji Judicial District, subjer: tr> tl>r* wish es of the Democratic vot^i r Iassure you that I will appr.,! your sufJport and influence in the coming primary. GROVER C. DAVIS.

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