ff Vv--- |p ???*?-'?>-**??? ? ?^vv:- f*%'?.-/V'v.-. ..^AR IN ADVANCE IN 'I H?.v3^'|NTY " ' " ??-a A1>BIL W 1926 ^ ' - *2'00 THE YEAR M ADVANCE O(,-f SIDE THE COUNTY .J! 91 w TEMPLE INTRODUCES MEASURE <y],VA IS NEAREST 1 ,0W a TO PARK Ti;t. Huninissicn lms' made its 1-,i>!i:r:j;'iMlit!?T that a national , ,1; |K. '.established in the Great ' lV.--.-Va laroina and East .,v |t:i: lias intently made by su,,k? ? i,;"n ikiisain Mountain:* jifli M }' ' }V;ur?-.viii:i? Tetnplrt, republican, . ha? introduced tiii'i tj rtiiinr !<"' the establishing oi' I-, I';!' :.1!:: Il;-u*e. ' ' C.\ |i.-' 1 ? Reaver states that l:he bill will pass both li ;:.?<! ihe senate at*the j?re; 11:,. j';iik is being endorsed and ic, (nation urged by the press of' W'-r:i A;.vrna. Sviva will' lii- the nearest to\vn*i>: y,,r;|| I'aiviina to the park as the [?i: dara (> is ablishoj iy t*< bi 1 iiiliDilui'i'il hyjl)r. Temple. pnlnie,. out-door play-v #wi:!(l jor tfn' Kastern half of t! ?:.;ki S;'tis is taking on dqiiiiU." ' >' [ H'-vry Wi>t?!ti N\?rtli>Carliiu) conn >i rson has raised s. r il ,t.? quota of the park' mrr.-.M- i.:r.?i. 1 lender.-on e: ?.rt?!?? i'.'.i>i' i'sr pvt. Srifuvdav. ,T!;\T OF MEASl"KE " IT!.c liiii. how draw;. :.i AvJ.ui title to lands within i:v.? In u iuatter re Ten ed t J - a- ii.fi: vt-sied in the Unite*!, .v ii' Wi' .-iiaplc, there shall b | an ii' ? ? -1 :ii)lisli ??, tivdiea t a? ?:? as pubii<; parks for |i- I : ? ?!.oyment of i iu- j) I ft". n ihe Dine liidj; , p *taif <?: . i';? V: bein^r appi ?' ",v\y ."ri1,o v> r^eomnieiidi t\\e smctfcry of the interior/h. rc ]> nt ot A|in\ U, V.''2(ti/wliic!' *.! <!.>? any pa i > ]? ? < fc? ., m||, of tlio 1:C4 Slj'iW. II, ;; \VU .. ~:i. ? lio ko'. v S.iea;. i'li; >>:?;? uat i'arl. 1 the ir.ici c:' in '.he (Ire: ;oky Mountain:* in the states c :li aii;i 11,-.ve b/t. 'r0 liiate y ??; I Ou i res rcco.ii::: iby tin- Secretary of the intcri 1 his r-.'/'Uii of April 14, 192< Hdl aroa, or any |>ar| or part ttfli as may 1m- accepted by tin I'fl! El ites in acconhvncc with ili vis. mis hereof. shall be known r> Orcat Smoky .Mountains Natioi ? i:k; iiiinided, that the I"unite . s skill !iyt pui*chsat.\ by ap jriaiio ii (?! pnoiic. moneys an i'i'Lli 'lie- r. frcsaid anus, t? i.-di uuuls shall be secured b ?l .sl;:.is only by privn. ww.<i?iiUtioii. it-.. i,v secretary of the, i' is ! ruby authorized, in lii; f-'irji, ? , jKCfpt as hc'rcinatti ?l' i i, behalf of the Unite ^ liiic in the lands referred i.. '"mts action hereof and Pttfi-1^..;ii with the, .*1,200,01; rJ liii> In-, n subscribed by tie "? Vii-ii.ia, and the Sheiuu^ National Park Association o... Jii. anil with other eontribu ! tor tin purchased of lands i:> &'i>?wl?ah National Park are , ri;lt ilie sl,tiii(>,693 which lu . V|1--?'i;11 I,-.- u,(. ntjite pt'Teiu ' iivat Smoky Moui. ''uii-ei viitioii association an.' tHirc:i S nokv Mountains (lii *il'b. i North C'arolinjL and r,i'c I n ?1111 j *_?? n phut ions iw1 tl? * '?*oi.| i (i, j ( tie Client Smoky toil:-. Nu.ionai Park area. , ??. l!:i! n?ii!iir,i rati'- ? ["tii. aiitl development of tlie 'ai'l j!iir ..s hlm'l bo i :a\e!.--' >1' v . P'ili iii-lion of the secretary < Piir.or, l?v I He National l'ai P'i Mihject to the provisions o\ "t A:; 0U tit let l^t to < >tab i-h. a nat oiial p"' r? ?iul for other ]>ui ]>oscs", ; ii'ovid; (I, thai the 1'1-ov; "! 'lit- t approved .Tunc !!'? '?'"v ii ilut' [ViIvim! WatH-" J' -^t. i-'mill not app'v to the o . *i?l ;n),iiUd luilhrr, that av a to ho administered jlir<?Sicuil |,y il.e national par.: slu.ll !) ? i-jr ll:e Shenandoah '.'50,H!'!1 uok > Cve'l S.r.oky 111!;.' '? I '?! :1 f-r??T.at 1 'I' v-!. ?;[ n? ,;! ier of r'* ^"'li"ii of the ic-nmindei i : L*as s^ia" have been accepted T<1 secretary. _ } I C?mes Near Sylya "See. 4. The secretary of the in-r terior may for the purpose of carry ing out the provisions of this act e;u ploy the commission authorized by the act approved February 21, 1S25 if uo objections are raised the words 'bore written shall become law. The boundaries of the proposed Smoky Mountains National Park follow ihe sOuth bank of the Pigeon Riverifror.il Tennessee to the mouth of Cataloe chee Cre<>:. in Haywood county. It J run; up stivairf to the mouth of the littje v Cataloochee where the high way'crosses; thence in a* southerly, diuction along1 ibis highway and tin C.' a'o i lie.' ! iV 1 Caldwell fork to itt head on the .boundary line between | lfaywood and Swain1. The line the goes to Sor-o, Raid to the comer o Jackson, Snwin and Haywood coun ties; them:; to Balsam (?ap, wlier the Appalachian Scenic Highfay in tor., ec's ihe e 'inly line. It then rui > along the scenic Highway to the Asl; \ile and Murphy hrjnieh of t! Southern railway. The right of wa of the niiiro'ad is followed, on ti norht side., to a point near Sylya The line then goes southerly an ! tl:i: VI uekWeigey^ Hi* - VaTcyto tjie forks of the highway j then along the highway to Soco Creek then west along the boundar;.. bA-..cen .UvLso.i and Swain count ic win re it joins the Oconalufta River t p:'- .t - tinough ilirdtown to Coop ?V.U. ?!(?:.? its junction wit ihe Ti;ek,,.:eig?-e Fiver, then to t> boundary line of Swain and Blount. | Senator Ernst,of Kentucky has i. trodiuH'd a similar bill in the seont; I?A1,SAM I ? n Air. W 1'. Middleicn. P vuid^nt a Draughan's Business College, Win ston?fcJaleiif, and his wife sjK'iit Tue ! ? :'*?: his brother, Mr. Ed Alid-'leton. Miss Sallio Christy has returned iiom a \i it witn iv.a lives ui r.iucu\ \> Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brysou passed ti r.u^ii kuiouiu la.-t week enroute t< Andrews after .sjH'iuling .some tin. r.!::.. rv, \ a. -Viv i:. llnlloiHi ::nd Mr.Wal ter Bimli <if .Ma.ssaii.-iiisci is mo to re up from Daytna, Fla, Fridsiv. ;ii to :.lr. and Jktis. S.aii Math . daughter, Catherine Victoria. W'e are ?-|nd to say that the little di'i ghter of, Mr n.:d Mrs. Cliarh ?' '*'? v ?:*? has heoa very .ill is no ?cnvalescing. Her parents took her t flu* i?i Aii-s. Bryson's parent. -Mr. ami'}!rs. John Allman, at Add ere ,-|u' could be nearer her phy sician. , ...r. ami Mrs. C. II. Coward ha\ 'i ed to Moses Creek. cd to Canton, last week Mr. and Mrs. T. R. C. Duncan, lit !e daivyh'tv iree .:tl M. Sparks returned from a visit to rel Mtivci n fceta. -...is. .-5ai;i;.iyson and Master Gler. AJo.-id.vT a:ul spent the day Mr;. Ellen Barnes, Miss Allie Ba; nes, Mr. Frank Barnes and Mr. an. .Mrs. Elbert Recce motored to Ash' ville, Sunday Mr. John T Jones and sen Verne, went to Waync*ville Messrs. William Jiannali of Way rosville and Johnny Hams pf Iwinston v-isitunl Mr (J 11 Perry, Sunday j 'AUpUOJ^J 'BA Mrs. Maybello Perry went to ?<?' i^s.'s (ihurlcs Perry and Charley Jones m<toiede<l to Sy.va, Monuay ;iu tie Beck went to Waynes (v-lit: Monday. Mrs. 11 P. Enslcy and sons llchr. ' and t/l.-ie motored to Sylva Monday. Mrs. N. It Christy and Mrs. Brystm Bite.. r\uriK(i Moiuhiy fioii pinion w,-'t V' See tlicif' s.r.tc Mis. J. W. Cuthberson who is ver c . rs. Cuthbertson was taken to ?V - i<>n H:)j pita I in Asl^yille !&;? ? ' j|i?ni('i} by lief ^lystiafid am! la*" bnilrer. My. (iiudy (juecn. Mrs. Addle Mehaf^'j: came over : < i t' lnf.n ir (I y tol;sec hor fath ' r fr. K. M. Smathetg who has been very sick '?or some t mo, / f A?{ ' W.\.\'T?;i?:?itoimg ra^n and young women Bookkeepers, Stenographers. ????!!<I Sal? smen, Iqaru in'a few yeeks | in 1 lie OU.rt p.nsiries^ College in N rlli Carolina's Largest City, small fee, easy form. Board igid ge^tu to/ ai.d girls iii the <crmitory rea HOWARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE .. 1 Winstou-fialeuif 4 C, 1 ? X* r' ?r-?? --vy""' j I ENSLEY HEADS COM MERGE CHAMBER ?To]?!! B. Enslcv wus elccted asjres ident, Harry 15. Buchanan as vice president, E. E. Brown as secretary, 'Elaine Nicholson as treasurer, and P.- E. Moody, Cole Cunncn, A ,M. Simons, J. Claude Allison and Tlios. A. Cox as directors of the Sylva Chamber oi Ci.inicjYv, at the election These gentmlen will serve the Chamber ui.lil the end ol' the year on -he second Tuesday in April,11/27. In the evening, at. the dinner hour, the annual meeting wa.< held, and it pioved to he one 01 tin; most pica;*, nt. as )vell one ot the west prolit abe meetings that has been held since ihe chr a he; was isvnnehed ujx>n its sucfessaful career of service last July .Dan Tompkins ,the retiring head >f the Chamber presided and pre sented a short resume of tiic moxt .mporhint tilings tha have be^n ac complished during the nine month* ih.it, the body l.as been orgui'xed. Heading from synopsis of the year'a kV. ri< as prepared by liarry Buclian .111. chairman of the board of direc tors, h(. siated tl\iil a resolution had ? i'ii pa-.sid and a commit fee i:pj>oint ed whi<-h! eeiiiinittte hiidi met the county ^u'.lioririrs nnd.ri.e >ta;-' :.\\u\ c miiuissioiier, wjorking ou ? pfo u?r a loan from the county to iviui lilt* ? il . .'^V, * it ? ? i>l< tO|) of ?i'd . uivri edj ' i'i1? iva to Cashiers Valley, and from .\Viva to Balsam, at an early data^ :,U:> iiu.shing itie u.s,*. t.-ni in the coimty'and-aiVo^iU'g > < ?!. .x>ads ip every direction oUi ol Syiva io the county line. The speaker stated thai the chain-j -er had in cjopeiation with the coiui-' .y ngent, organised a fet-togt.'he r meeting of business men and larme. ' :ev be. ijg quests of the chamber ai a dinner, at which a number of v-v .?its t'roiu tlio ?lato deparlmetii were speakers, and since that nice: ? in,' 71 pure bred Jersey cows have been placed on, the ^ farms of the ? nniy by thetgj.iuity agent. ' rho; chamber had entjlriained tl: ? Atlanta Journal motorcade, as it pro ceeded to Ashevilie over t.h'' A up: acliian Secniy Highway, The Alum Street of Eastern America, and had .mis secured, a great amotunt el .Tillable piih'u Uy i'?'?' the town na:'. he county. The presiding ollieer r!7rrel t -lie Charlotte Cood SN iil Ton.-, ol .liirtv cars, lit at was spm-to. d b the chamber lrom which resulted a closer relationship between Sylva and Charlotte andvthe donation of abcr-u iful Court I and Keigh s lot by Mr.Eu cnanan and ci?!. iiairis 1o the Char lotte Chamber of Commerce for the ite of a club house; and the distri bution of ^literature and ad\ertisni; matter of Sylva and Jackson County it the Made In Carolines \<>'|Hjsir.oii. Another outstanding accomplish mcnt to which the speaker referred was the survey and mapping oof the city, .which was recommended to the board of aldermen by the cicic com i t < e of the chamber. ? am* which the president characterized as a > t ' valuable piece of instructive work, which wil; I q worth iho\y>aivl^ of dollars to future. iJ.vKn. nojBda-id (>"'1 RK'l Joqi'icip on f, and printed... 10,000 copies., of tha ?-?? a' k -on county, by T, A. Cox >h*wing the"entire county, ?,nd with .aiaublo information about our dvantaeges and opportunities. A full pa'.re in the Carolina Booster edition of the Charlotte Observer, of which 50,000 copies were distributed in Florida, was prepared and made a most attractive advertisfuietu of i^yl va V,nJ Jdckawn County. A woy fc tamp, - bo be located in Sylva, beginning \vitli tire siusunor of 1927, has been arrange^ for. The phHmbcr appointed a eqiiilt ten to work with county chairman E. jU, MeKe? )>< sccnrino- the plc1"^ for Great Smoky Mountains National Park Purchase Fund; and the coun ty's quota was oversubscribed^ The civic committee'rtviU the board r?[ tdvlermeu arranged for the pur ehaen of a lot for the building of a public comfort station, which is to be constructed in the near future. . Petitions for pavin? the streets of the aggregating about livo m',lea, Vkp circulated, and re ^rntod to the town/ authorities, ai d ? the program will soon be under way, ! as the contract has boen ^ awarded, and the sale of the bonds advertised. - ? . /? of the tilings that have bean accomp lished, in. nine short months since a cooperative eifort for the building of a city in Sylvawas started. Mr. EL L .McKeo introduce^ a resoluti >n me moralizing the county highv; commissioners to join with commissioners of Oconee county, S. C. in putting the old Sloan Turnpike in condition for travel this sumiher, and asking that the road be named the Wade Hampton Memorial High way. The resolution was -unanimous ly adopted.lt is a certainty that this ni?<av approach from the South to Jm'k-on county will be in tradable conVlitioii this summer, affording a wotideri'uli scenic highway, putting "rfii Jackson county points, and Noo. 10 Hi-Jnvay, at least 14 miles ncdr 6r to Walhalla1. and most <?i; tlm South Carl ilia and Gergia cities, than the presenet routes of travel. The auditing committee made an excellent/vejiort of the financial con dition or the chamber and the pre 1 dent stated'that the >oanl oL' direct ors had held a l^oeting in the aftemiion. and that all accounts ?>f ?ill/ chamber Iiad been paid, or iltf.1. there was money in the banks1 lo pay them all, leaving the new oncers a clean slate, and perhaps a few dollars surplus. ihe lx..>ks w.re ojK'netl and.tli High, not h'lil' of the'old members of ti.;* ? eh ^ was' present about ?VloO" Was- pledved for the carrying on ti e.! work next year. It is believed \lirr ? at least $1000.00 more will be |-nid in ; tfor member, hips, Mia'aling the body to emwloy u t'ull time manager audi ^go forward with greater Sylva. >f The nea* .officers were announce:!: <by the election judges, and delivered1 lentlaisiastic and optimistic talks. S TELE COMPANY , BUYS ACERACID "ho purchase of 800 acres of tirn ! h 'r iaud on \o. 10. near Addle ljy Steele and Co., ol' Ashevilje, from the Sylva Realty Coopany, has been an nounced by L. F. Steele. Thepureha. was made as an investment ur posse-: bly for developmeiu a* u hrt^h class summer cump, Mr. Steele said. The tract adjoins the p;-opnscd 3n;oky Muntains National Park awa and also the great development in t Bjee o property ha? a ha'f-mile fro t started by Mr. Hood of Florid*. 'u;? 'age on No. 10, and controls its t?'n .watershed.. A '.uiujuc 1-eature of the property, | said Mr. Steele is that there is ? id . ac.iv plot at 5,000 Ve: t elevation, | which is praetiually level. ! The Hood development in this sec tion is no,w attracting wide attention attracting widespread interest. The. a feature of it is a soei;L$ highway starting at, Balsam, V*ap and follow ing thff ^rcsl o# the Plott Balsam ^Luunfains to Black Rock. Tltis scenic highway, which is now under construction is 6,000 feet elevation. It will be eight miles long, FuU" miles of this have. {jl^ady bceji glid ed. .. .Mr. Steele, stated tha,t the $)0 am tract is so niaginftc-ently situated and adapted fuv a high class summer cpi|t that his company may decide to develop it in that way He said he believed that it will prove\a won derful investment in, *?kv- easJNjas li' ich as th? moutainous sections o^ Wcatenf North Carolin a are now drawing people and capital from all over the country. ' i ROWN atten d;? CHEVROLET MEET America A nowspafHvs f> y<? being used regularly; and tu addition to thi great tuunpaign, every Chevrolet d?al er is a consistent advertiser, putting: 'i!*v.VJ '.vi|3 .A'.io.v^ ojui uSir.di:n:a oui tcry of the motor car industry., OOW o.ioiv -"Avo-ifi village and hamlet i/M, {he t'liitcd Slates. David H. Brown, of the Cullowhee Alotcr Company ahs returned' from Chailotte, where he has been atte d ii>g the annual conVentioon of Chev rolet dealers from North, ?yid South Carolhio.' ii. it .Grant, vice-president and sales manager, was accompanied to the meeting by his staff, and was the principal speaker at the banquet and .convention. During 19,20 the Chevrolet Motor Cfl. Is to conduct the greatest ne ws paper advertising campaign that has been Jlaimed i* 9UALLA Qualia instead of Shoal Crock will be .tile heading ol' our items in the Journal in. the future, as we do cot live oil tlie waters oof Shoal Creek and (^ualhi High School is near tar centcr we think Qualia'more appra paafc. Wo had about decided last vtct.k .t;::it :'!u; ,iour.iui liad u bad ease of "ii.u" nn!il it came in at "the elov Giit'll hoar to give an account of it self. Gh.d it was nothing quite so .-o;i s. (Our QualUt corra.poiKX'ii |?uc-;sed right ti.e first tinif. "iiir' is j.'?i exactly what the Journal did 1ku? et: e but?lid.) ?D;*. and ills. Hemingway of Chica go v.si.ed Air. and Mrs. J, AI. ilugh c~, i riday. uev. .-.nd'irs. J. ]?.. Chinch :: I'amily w ho had been visitibij relat ives i;i Wit. tM; iJalem spent IVid'iv nkhl i*t *?lr. II. G. Fc.guscn's enroute lo their h?vac in Andrews. Ikv slid Airs. K .W .X;:idham o! . h.tlier visit.d at -Mr. J. II. II tight, \\ ? ii?(' \ ?IV\ r . . ... f % Allss Cumi "LJow ell is visiting n; ai.'ves in Ashevillc. ?.ir. C. T. Coper and family S: lva were gu-; Is at Air. Yoik ti >. ell's Sukidty . .iv. C Li. il : -of . ST to: 'a 1 ?.'<* 1 - re a: ? Mr?, ?i :? m. -v: hi'*!* u*. v ? v. ? 1' : ??. 1*a 1. iil Fai: Mi' .;?!.? . ?!. il. Iln ma.ii > .. I i; I) ?: i?.* . i. i ? . . :i, 4 i Mr .ami A! s. il. <i Fe. v-u.ion we;. g;:esi? at. Mr. ?). h. 'iy.'.t . Ssii'i. \v"; C. .1? ..! Air. i! nil .?if. and :ui'r:. i r?.:d ;iil,i\: I >? ? ed 01/Air. n.td .Ml??. i). llagh; i 11 , Air i.nd A!..;. Jr.o. XLmleith a11 Air. and Airs. Baxter .Monleilh 1, Fv-riiey were wvtk end guests of Airs A. .i Koyic. , u. A; ?. Mrs. .'no. >,'.>rr.;ii, Air. ami Alfk. J. M. i'^f. L. K. Ope 'ivi Air (Mil H??yW wev din ivi- trusts at A! . 11 F lldlK .? :ida .Mi .;; dentil* Ca.hey yl-iL-. d Mi id, 1 ihitt:.' f>: : (lay . Miss l.oreiia l>iv.<!!<y GifctrucJc am. Ku Ferg istin -and /inirie 'L(y.y.l< Terrell were dinner g'.e.fis (o? Mi Alaitha UVi'i'r.^i Sunday. ? Mis ..' ..1. Jones of Xnftcu'a Creel. Jit the week end with her^sLlc. Ai .v. 1). 11. r Mrs..\the" h'eagim of Olivet .spi'ni Sinitiuy wih Airs. W F. House. All*. Frank Uattle has retum?d to Ai hovilh; sclux;l e fter y, visit with h^.ne fo'ks Ac< i;:vr advises HOY BEANS NOW County Agent C. W. Tilsou udvis cs t!i!" planting c.f soy hfciHS: this year, said Air. Tiison: " The pas;. two y ears have been s. unfavorable i?a grafts and Ndcvei thai {;;<* i:erer.;*e of these crops is vtvy small in .Jackson 'county. As a rchult <;i this our land will suiter had ly for want of a cover crop to tan. under and "our stock will suffer for food nextwinter unless our farmer^ sow something: to turn under iiiid so for foed- that will conic this yen Mv>o\ bean viiics are far better foi tbo laud to turn under than either and grass or cither by itsch. Sov UPtnr-fray is worth exactly twice a; much to fccti cows or j^o'vintf <>ji It K. c.s clover hay ard ft?ur times as ii.v.ch j as g ass <H?r 'A'imoiry, hay * ??h shouldn't a\iyone kw bonus IV rFor every ciop o? beans you e... ?< J .your land twir* a o<v.p undu' in jU^t three ycavs. By this praetive'.' 1 you evei"say sojb-ans didn't bui'k I up your land you are j'uit unstaicen ">Soy !:s:ni fco..d ?:<? ch&p thi,\ \oar aid.wo hc>'k.\v ihey wiH con tinue to ho. But don't make tie mis ?ke :'C ? :,vir.'; .fut:*sted, cheap sell , ioi; seed. Your State Depart) .tent o agriculture has made tens of beiii?. in eve. y section of our foyaean re {^ion and feund thai one third oi' the i Bonus on the market ar; old beans r d m ijcd b:vtu? and unfit of seed. TVcy air making seed tests and iec o..'nio..d iig (my those germinati\ii> 94 per cent or over. New you iva. order on lots' of advertising you may 5:C(" in farm pip ,-rs or buy spy hrai: seed cheaper than the seed we have 'tester^ -mt kucw are gcod, but you , yt-lll.j??t seed of a ve?y che p mighty, j "or this rcasQ'j. your .&&& derwrt meat, and.| fanners i POULTRY CLUB PLANS SHOW ? ? \ J V __ -During the early part of December j the Jackson County Poultry Associ ? at ion will hold its second "county ? wide show in Sylva and plans are being r.iade for it by the oilicers of tho Association. 'llie following announcement has t:cim promulgated by the Association: ijmrics for exliibit arc not limit \ d to members but are open to every ' )'?? dv. Notice is given this early in order that everyone may have ampta time to hatch chicks from their own eggs, or bujj eggs or chicks, with the ii<>w in mind. It is the belief of tha association members that this year's sliow will prove to be a very attrao li\e ali'air and an expert, profession al judge will be in charge. '" i lie awards will be as follows: :.-l old j>en Blue Ribbon; Serond 0 d pen, lied Iiibbon; First Ywtng l'.'ii, ij'? uo Ribbon; Secon^ Young ived Ribbon; First Co eke re , 1 ue Ribbon; Second Cockerel Red ribbon; First Pullet, Blue Ribbon; ooeond Pullet, Red Ribbon. ? i-i addition to the above then! , i; be awarded a cash premium a., o;uit to bo determined later) . i the best Young Pen, regardless of 1, and a special cash premium ? ? ; . \v\ v pstaK.es, oookem, uu^ i|i?r . . jf lakes pullet. "You. g Pen will mean birds liatcii .1 in Old Pens will mean thou* u.ciied in 1925 or any previous year ..a terms Ccokerel and Pullet will . can birds hatched in 1926. Old sin - gles may be entered but may not com pove. The term Pen will mean one male and four females. While any bie.u or variety of fowls in any class may be exhibited, as standard tjei:s <r f.i:ig;le birds, prizes ribbons, afid sweepstakes will be confined to. i.u breeds and varieties listed be ,ow., Ao exhibitor may enter or show in couipetition any other way thau in pens or one male and four females or single birds - ?"It is probable that the associ ation may determine later to award an honorary third prize, and it m^y be added that in addition to ribbon^, iirst and second prize exhibits and: sweepstakes will be given the official certificate of the association as t'? the place won, and results of th? . how will be published. "All birds exhibited must be in the show room by 6 o'clock the day before, and no entries will be ac cepted en the morning of the shot. A capable man will be in charge cl" icetiiiig- and watering. ''Details of the egg show will b^ aniiijunccd later. '' In tee American class: Barrc I Plymouth Rocks White Plymou \ ,u.okiivliodu Island Itcds, Whit^ Wyiiinlottes., "In tse Enlgisb Glass: Buff Orpi y tons.. "Tn the Medieterranean Clasf-. il'l:'g!e Coiub White Leghorns, Single C.UJib Brown Leghorns; Anco!i._s Black Minorcas.' II. C. Allison, President B. H. Cathey, Secretary. 11J OWHEE HAS OPEN AIR THEATRE C.dlowhec, April, 13,?Cullpjrbee a e Normal School is hoping to be; '' ?'(>. to give its pagent of Western i Cnrol'na which is to constitute a i.. ' portion of the commencement pre.. ..i.i in its new out-door theatre . u-.:'? ? irSvcn' us a natural amjhi theatn* i I"G beautiful ravine be tween the ore Dormitory and the i.;!?rg. Workers have ') busy v V tean: > ptr.ws ha> row^ruk<$? r.r. ' i'r e' recently trying to g. t the op.ii a. staj^e in shape*. Crass has been ;:v ?nd it is hoprd I that the weather will assist in putting a carpet ?. ' ;;reen cn the i ground before the i .1 of M?:y, the j t!;e date of the coniinc! i ? " fTow : over the school official nut": ;:Lv ents are detennined not to Lo < done if possible to prevent it; fi; Order to be ready for any even-4 ra'ity, preparations are being made-, cither to give the pagent at anothe ?: point on the campus or in the audi- , torium, in case the new theatre Ka vuiaJ - . # L^-Vi'r fJkiA'.i ? |" iHaMflfafc

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